DJ Paul & Juicy J - Smoked Out Vol. 2 Da Exorcist

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @ProfessorYaoiI
    @ProfessorYaoiI 3 года назад +1496

    proud to be the 666th comment

    • @lex83-88
      @lex83-88 3 года назад +22


    • @reillypitzer4251
      @reillypitzer4251 3 года назад +33

      Now you just need 666 likes on this comment

    • @alanlabriola3810
      @alanlabriola3810 3 года назад +12


    • @moisesalonzo2893
      @moisesalonzo2893 3 года назад +6

      Choices by trock and juicy j i was going to type the same thing on that song a minute ago and I heard trock talking about dtl on that song I added crow for some reason and didn't even know someone had the same word under your comment I already had presumed to use before seeing your comment in this song after the one I was jamming to that shit is a trip.

    • @nickfinamori9992
      @nickfinamori9992 3 года назад +4

      look that that finger tooooo

  • @mysticstylez1449
    @mysticstylez1449 6 лет назад +164

    Yall niggas from Memphis got the hardest music, nothing in history will ever touch this. When I first discovered artist like Project pat, Tommy Wright lll, and everybody from Triple 6 I was in middle school and this is pretty much all I've been listening to since then. Shouts out from North Carolina. Rip to the great Lord Infamous and the Koopsta Knicca, there will never be anyone as unique or talented in the rap game as them 2 niggas.

    • @ksager123
      @ksager123 6 лет назад +1

      Łucif3rs 6astard i remake these beats on my channel

    • @Sxmesia
      @Sxmesia Год назад

      reaL shyt

    • @Snipe504
      @Snipe504 9 месяцев назад +1

      U must have never heard of B.G. from the hot boyz, that new orleans shit ⚜️💯

    • @luisitostreaming
      @luisitostreaming 4 дня назад

      As a person from another country and speaking mainly spanish, I gotta say this is HARD ASF. I'm discovering Project Pat and Tommy Wright.

  • @dj_grumble
    @dj_grumble Год назад +189

    this is basically the blueprint for all the current trap & phonk music. these guys were decades ahead of their time

    • @ohianaw
      @ohianaw Год назад +50

      Except this is better then trap and phonk

    • @christianwoods1779
      @christianwoods1779 Год назад +2

      Phonk is trash

    • @MuzikJunky
      @MuzikJunky Год назад +2

      Kurtis Mantronik did it in New York before DJ Paul and all of Memphis, though. Peace.

    • @Salaam71
      @Salaam71 Год назад +1

      ​@@MuzikJunkyMeh. I was/am a big Mantronix fan but that's a stretch. He no doubt influenced a lot of producers like Mannie Fresh.

    • @barahng
      @barahng 11 месяцев назад +2

      Not just the production but that stacatto triplet flow was straight up jacked by groups like Migos. I know 3 6 wasn't the first that did it, but they definitely popularized it especially in the south.

  • @blumpkins8000
    @blumpkins8000 4 года назад +347

    Gangsta Blac, Lord Infamous, Project Pat, Kingpin Skinny Pimp, Juicy J and DJ Paul. Can we just take a moment to respect the lineup of the track. Wow.

  • @MrRickypt
    @MrRickypt 6 лет назад +1247

    This song is like the blueprint of everything that made 3 6 Mafia in the 90s.

    • @ksager123
      @ksager123 6 лет назад +7

      SpikeyPT I remake these beats on my channel

    • @Jimsock3y3
      @Jimsock3y3 4 года назад +60

      Facts if you listen closely you can hear a lot of bars they sampled for most their songs

    • @VitWikki
      @VitWikki 4 года назад +1


    • @stepon222
      @stepon222 4 года назад +6

      @@Jimsock3y3 duh SMH

    • @Jimsock3y3
      @Jimsock3y3 4 года назад +9

      @@stepon222 shut yo gayass up

  • @mrgroosumthasandman8046
    @mrgroosumthasandman8046 7 лет назад +417

    I'm glad Paul put out the classics man for real! Does anybody remember when he first started being on RUclips, he was going through cassette tape after cassette tape full of a lot of underground shit that only Memphis probably heard?!?!? Shit, the WHOLE time I was like PLEASE release some of that forgotten freshness!

    • @liljuz1981
      @liljuz1981 5 лет назад +9

      That's dope af hope to hear some of those rare jawns got a playlist with some underground Memphis shit from back in the day

    • @kimosouthside1929
      @kimosouthside1929 5 лет назад +5


    • @brasstacksboxing409
      @brasstacksboxing409 4 года назад +15

      Been bumping this shit since 5th grade. Them tapes were circulating through school like dope..

    • @gracepriols8649
      @gracepriols8649 3 года назад +4

      @Tonya Murphy what the hell are you talking about

    • @vswed-SESH
      @vswed-SESH 3 года назад +3

      @Tonya Murphy You on your own, Tonya. 🤷🏿‍♂️

  • @thenoobiebmx
    @thenoobiebmx 7 лет назад +699

    Play this at my funeral

  • @yellowguy4004
    @yellowguy4004 2 года назад +38

    Lord infamous flow was damn sure ahead of its time ⏲

  • @bgarcia6810
    @bgarcia6810 5 лет назад +323

    Smoked out in 2020💨💨

    • @mathisvr5987
      @mathisvr5987 4 года назад


    • @TheMissinLink
      @TheMissinLink 4 года назад +1

      Juhani Poikonen Or do both like many! Both are good in their own ways; even better together.

    • @mariogambino681
      @mariogambino681 4 года назад

      No fuckin doubt 2020

    • @adrianp7574
      @adrianp7574 4 года назад

      B garcia smoked out💪🏼

    • @Grim_Concept
      @Grim_Concept 4 года назад

      Xmas 2020

  • @audio_buck
    @audio_buck 4 года назад +113

    You can hear the sound of history being made in this cut.

  • @xandosworld
    @xandosworld 5 лет назад +159

    I’m glad my niggaz finally starting to get the real respect they deserved after all these years . I mean the academy award was cool but now a whole sub culture wave of props is being awarded.

  • @horsepowerfactorytx
    @horsepowerfactorytx 4 года назад +441

    Verse 1 gangsta blac
    Verse 2 lord infamous/scarecrow
    Verse 3 project pat
    Verse 4 kingpin skinny pimp
    Verse 5 juicy j
    Verse 6 dj paul
    For those who are confused

    • @ohtwo23
      @ohtwo23 2 года назад +4

      Did they write their own parts?

    • @horsepowerfactorytx
      @horsepowerfactorytx 2 года назад +2

      @@ohtwo23 no clue. I hope so.

    • @970junktown970
      @970junktown970 2 года назад +17

      @@ohtwo23 safe to assume everyone besides paul wrote their own verse but even he probably did

    • @WhiteOwl850
      @WhiteOwl850 2 года назад

      And dont forget butthead "uhh you dumbasss" 💀🤣🤣

    • @Cats4Trump
      @Cats4Trump Год назад +33

      ​@ohtwo23 they were too underground to have ghost writers

  • @lord777terror
    @lord777terror 11 лет назад +578

    these guys are bass line gods i swear

  • @krispy3790
    @krispy3790 3 года назад +96

    every iconic phonk sample in 1 song

  • @lj7183
    @lj7183 3 года назад +115

    This song will put you on the level you need when you need it. DJ Paul knows how to deliver. I feel his passion for this shiii!

  • @larrydavis5476
    @larrydavis5476 5 лет назад +557

    Juicy j has been goat the whole time and nobody's paying attention

  • @LuckyDT
    @LuckyDT 4 года назад +60

    People still somehow sleep on how amazingly innovative Three-Six really was. Ahead of their time doesn’t even describe it. I loved it all but always would really bump the hell out of every single Lord Infamous verse RIP.

  • @thekidrailfanner5234
    @thekidrailfanner5234 6 лет назад +831

    Scarecrows like watch that gun fool lol

  • @alexandrews6391
    @alexandrews6391 5 лет назад +185

    Man i miss the intensity, rage, and violence of some of the older rap like this. Most these modern cats super soft.

    • @alexandrews6391
      @alexandrews6391 4 года назад +1

      SEITHÈN 4100 is that a song, album or group?

    • @lomane2586
      @lomane2586 4 года назад +1

      Alex Andrews it’s a group

    • @mariogambino681
      @mariogambino681 4 года назад +7

      It was real true grit

    • @taykeith1499
      @taykeith1499 4 года назад +11

      this isn't that violent compared to Chief Keef

    • @killamane7704
      @killamane7704 4 года назад +1

      Doomshop bro

  • @YUH559.
    @YUH559. 5 лет назад +84

    Project pats verse is so legendary 🔥

    • @birdup3524
      @birdup3524 5 лет назад +2

      What verse?

    • @xL3THALityx
      @xL3THALityx 4 года назад +2

      @@birdup3524 third verse, right after lord & hook.

    • @grade8fabrication
      @grade8fabrication 3 года назад

      All this time I never realized that was Pat 🔥🔥

    • @RAZERDsXe
      @RAZERDsXe 3 года назад

      TEAR IT OFF!

    • @jzj2212
      @jzj2212 10 месяцев назад

      Murders robbers

  • @SonOfaBerg
    @SonOfaBerg 13 лет назад +53


  • @johnmartin9380
    @johnmartin9380 5 лет назад +30

    I've been bumping their shit since 93. Will never get tired of there music... I have always loved Memphis rap... (ATL FOR LIFE) love my city.

    • @alexandrews6391
      @alexandrews6391 5 лет назад +2

      Yezir 3 6 is always good to listen too doesnt get old.

    • @malakisands8180
      @malakisands8180 4 года назад +3

      Growing up in Florida and riding up to ATL for shows was just so banging. In 95 3-6 were so hot off of Mystic Styles.

  • @oClucker
    @oClucker 6 лет назад +243

    This song honestly goes too hard, can't be safe for human exposure.

    • @jaekdelorme5033
      @jaekdelorme5033 3 года назад

      @Tonya Murphy ayo wtf?

    • @stop3947
      @stop3947 3 года назад

      @Tonya Murphy dont ask here for help tf

    • @SonsOfMars.
      @SonsOfMars. 3 года назад +11

      Only thing about this song that bugs me is the misplacement of the gun shot sound, it should've been right after he said walk up to yo house knock on yo door and blow yo ass off *insert gunshot sound* producer had to be on that bin laden weed

  • @Big_Ben1988
    @Big_Ben1988 4 года назад +989

    Without Triple 6 there would be no trap music or crunk. Young Jeezy, T.I., Future, Gucci Mane, Lil Jon, Ludacris wouldn't even have careers. Modern Southern Hip Hop artists owe their lively hoods to these dudes!

    • @user-nk2it4il9n
      @user-nk2it4il9n 4 года назад +64

      look deeper

    • @vicgotjuice6739
      @vicgotjuice6739 4 года назад +109

      Not just 3-6 don’t forget the whole screwed up clique, UGK, GetoBoys. Etc but 3-6 influence can be heard strongly in hip hop today R.I.P Lord Infamous

    • @malakisands8180
      @malakisands8180 4 года назад +30

      As I was coming up back in the day. Ghetto boys in the Alpine. Ugk with some Hennessy. In a 81’ fleet wood 2 18” subs in the trunk making the ground crumble going to chill at the park n bbq

    • @guacboyStunnerbaby
      @guacboyStunnerbaby 4 года назад +17

      Haha stfu 😂 they came out mid 90s there's more generations before that idiot

    • @nomadicadventures1221
      @nomadicadventures1221 4 года назад +5

      Ok boomer

  • @88mistvh77
    @88mistvh77 Год назад +11

    These guys just changed the game without any effort.
    Its 2023, im 26 and since 2004 this has been in my rotation. 😤🔥

    • @clementemedina1226
      @clementemedina1226 Год назад +3

      @88mistvh77 crazy how I was born in 04 an everything I like is 90s an early 2000s music the most

    • @MayorGoldieWilson825
      @MayorGoldieWilson825 Год назад +4

      I was born in '79 so I was like a young teenager when this stuff was hitting the streets and they were definitely way ahead of their time. It was the darkest of gangsta rap and it blew us away. Especially DJ Paul's miniature hand. For the longest time I just thought he was really into Halloween and preferred wearing a costume all year round. You know like the mentally ill patient that also has genetic deformities like a crumpled hand with tiny midget fingers with yellow overgrown and ingrown finger nails. And I was rocking with it. I was like okay I like Halloween too I'm not going to lie, but I do kinda like Yom Kippur because obviously I'm Jewish. Anyway so you know what I'm talking about. Like a Democratic society instead of a monetary system and if we could bring that back in I think that we could have opportunities that would help both genders this time. And if there's one thing to be said that is to be grateful for having all your limbs intact whole and complete with operational hands and fingers that function in order to serve it's purpose because you could have been born DJ Paul and inherited obvious genetic mutations and deficiencies in DNA structural integrity of the central interior vortex which hexadiagonally supports both upper and lower echelon type bilateral commissions of any of said neutrons and really any component to a motherboard connection filtrated through fiber optic cross connectors from mainframe networks using firewall servers and anti-virus substandard neuroblastoma of the carotid arteries. It's actually quite simple really.

    • @nitl3gxnd268
      @nitl3gxnd268 Год назад +1

      You was listening to this when you were 7? Maybe times were different because im 16 but that seems crazy. But I mean I guess kids these days are hitting their nic sticks and smoking weed and taking percs so its not super insane.

    • @clementemedina1226
      @clementemedina1226 Год назад +1

      @@nitl3gxnd268 yup grow up around it, an yes lol smoke my first bud at 10. But aint got to more crazy stuff cuz honestly the music showed where thatll all end up in, dead of in jail

  • @playafly316
    @playafly316 Год назад +29

    So nobody's gonna talk about how Paul ended the song with a Beavis and Butthead line, and then it fades away.... An excellent ending to a straight classic track.

  • @MoKroosh
    @MoKroosh Месяц назад +3

    Everyone in these comments knew exactly what to search for 💯🔥

  • @tristantristancraped
    @tristantristancraped Год назад +7

    Arguably one of the most iconic tapes outta the early Memphis era.

  • @t.n.3819
    @t.n.3819 3 года назад +50

    The Beavis and Butthead sample at the end caught me off guard LMAO

    • @tofallto
      @tofallto 9 месяцев назад

      Grand puba got them in that 2000 song too and I came upon these both recently so it's tripping me out 😂

  • @webmdump1271
    @webmdump1271 5 лет назад +64

    This hit different on a tuesday morning

    • @radoddd7539
      @radoddd7539 4 года назад +1

      Try it at Monday morning 🤣

    • @yorkmob9993
      @yorkmob9993 4 года назад +2

      Tuesday Feb 4, 2020

    • @delfeth
      @delfeth 4 года назад +1

      high af

    • @3DSiscool
      @3DSiscool 4 года назад +2

      Tuesday March 3rd 2020

    • @Bobby97_
      @Bobby97_ 4 года назад +1

      March 3 4:57

  • @onetakesmoove3132
    @onetakesmoove3132 6 лет назад +44

    This will NEVER get old

  • @grade8fabrication
    @grade8fabrication 3 года назад +18

    Juice's hardest verse ever.....when he starts his verse I step on the pedal harder lol

    • @Officer_Bumpdown_Brown
      @Officer_Bumpdown_Brown 2 года назад +1

      I think the first body parts was his best but this one is definitely one of the best imo

  • @leticiacotton8581
    @leticiacotton8581 7 лет назад +262

    imma always be three 6 fan

    • @dirt1736
      @dirt1736 5 лет назад +3

      Yea we all 3 6 and the entire hcp posse and all of memphis rappers.....they influenced so much in todays rap

    • @williemclean7999
      @williemclean7999 5 лет назад +2

      Me to

    • @karenchomo1964
      @karenchomo1964 4 года назад

      You mean triple 6 right?

    • @andresanders1544
      @andresanders1544 4 года назад

      I'm a old school fan on three six mafia music. rest in peace to lord infamous n koopsta nigga forever. the members of triple six mafia are blessed for a lifetime.

    • @47AdriRamiAKAETHG
      @47AdriRamiAKAETHG 4 года назад

      andre sanders thought it was Koopsta Knicca but okay

  • @JasonLawrenceJones
    @JasonLawrenceJones 6 лет назад +67

    Gangsta Blac sounded great on these old tracks..

    • @ELijAHN0EL
      @ELijAHN0EL 5 лет назад +4

      He was Really one of my favorites back in the day

    • @r.a.772
      @r.a.772 4 года назад +1

      Hermann Goering crack? C’mon mane, chill. Wtf you talking about?

    • @ericl3931
      @ericl3931 4 года назад +1

      Skinny Pimp too

    • @Pimp2g6
      @Pimp2g6 4 года назад +1

      @@ericl3931 facts

  • @Jay-Mack
    @Jay-Mack Месяц назад +4

    can hear about 20 songs that sampled this song 🔥

  • @lastatt2025
    @lastatt2025 4 года назад +6

    I been down since the 90s...still bumpin old and new...Rip...scarecrow...Dj Screw...

  • @freddyallan9437
    @freddyallan9437 11 месяцев назад +2

    the fact this was done early to mid 90's while every other city was hating on Memphis... completely diff samples, horror movies, now its the blueprint. Also, DJ Paul owns all his masters. Most don't know, but these guys and the ones which inspired them is beyond remarkable! And the amount of sampled junts from that era is worth its weight in gold. Respect forever

    • @ohianaw
      @ohianaw 11 месяцев назад +2

      the reason why is because Memphis was so isolated from the other major cities. The East and West coast were obviously the more dominant sound and got more coverage while Memphis strictly on that underground shyt. It sucks because Memphis had little coverage and we only knew it had a scene because of the internet and cassettes recorded years ago. They laid the foundation for hip hop you hear today

  • @derrickcozart7118
    @derrickcozart7118 4 года назад +19

    First heard this song 1993 before anybody heard of bone thugs I thought this was the hardest shit I ever heard at that time east and west coast ruled the rap game but triple 6 mafia changed the rap game forever 3 stacks told em in 1995 the south got something to say 25 years later Who Run It!!

  • @TrueMartin
    @TrueMartin 5 лет назад +48

    So many of the samples from the other songs from this one

    • @craig9910
      @craig9910 4 года назад +6

      Man you're not kidding, the underground vol 1 album, like every song has a sample from this one song.

  • @ryannbakerbeats
    @ryannbakerbeats 2 года назад +28

    You can tell dj Paul honed his style way before they blew up. This shit was so ahead of its time. Pat bodied that verse to.

    • @ohianaw
      @ohianaw Год назад

      cause he been doing this since 89

  • @AnthonyMartinez-gb3rb
    @AnthonyMartinez-gb3rb 5 лет назад +185

    God damn.. just one song and i recognized hella tracks that sampled this
    Raider Klan - Pistol Grip
    $uicideboy$ - Muddy Blunts & Rotten And Paralyzed In A Tropical Paradise
    are just off the top. Man Triple six is the blueprint for most of the underground

    • @funkmasterdanny8648
      @funkmasterdanny8648 5 лет назад +3

      Anthony Martinez denzel curry and jk tha reaper also payed homage to this song wit their own version of it

    • @bigbino06
      @bigbino06 4 года назад +5

      Idk if you know slim guerilla, but he samples a lot of 3 6

    • @Jimsock3y3
      @Jimsock3y3 4 года назад +13

      @@bigbino06 slim guerilla underated bro, he one of the few who does memphis style rap perfectly

    • @ss6truks
      @ss6truks 4 года назад +1

      Pistol Grip also sampled License to Kill by Pastor Troy

    • @TheMissinLink
      @TheMissinLink 4 года назад +3

      Anthony Martinez 3 6 also sampled like 4 or 5 portions of this on mass songs to. Walk up to your house alone has 2 or 3 ive noticed.

  • @jschmid
    @jschmid 4 года назад +37

    I think the butthead part at the end is totally underrated. Smoked out loced out ridin' with the pistol grip.

  • @Slinky_Takin
    @Slinky_Takin 4 года назад +57

    I bet all of Memphis had this shit on repeat when it dropped

    • @Dawo23
      @Dawo23 2 года назад

      You from.memphis g?

  • @Grimm--
    @Grimm-- 5 лет назад +19

    Miss dis days, RIP Lord n Koopsta

  • @dre144
    @dre144 5 месяцев назад +4

    I'm glad Memphis created this masterpiece

  • @aghastt
    @aghastt 5 лет назад +117

    1:12 I swear that is the inspiration of the migos right there exact same flow

  • @ScvbaJay
    @ScvbaJay Год назад +9

    definitely got to listen to more of your art! amazing, i love everything Memphis has to offer. the culture there is one of my favorites

  • @BigSi-xw6wv
    @BigSi-xw6wv 4 года назад +4

    Damn that's a dope pic of Dj Paul and Lord Infamous! Gotta be 93' damn the early 90's was so wicked!

  • @johnnysilverhand472
    @johnnysilverhand472 Год назад +3

    It’s like all of 3 6 most popular songs sample this song and it’s crazy because you’ve never heard of a group so fire they could sample themselves and make something that even crazier

    @DIRTBOYS 3 года назад +8

    this track be the blueprint

  • @CaveTater
    @CaveTater 4 года назад +24

    Paul's verse gives me chills dawg

  • @hasiymshomo1170
    @hasiymshomo1170 3 года назад +9

    "figure out what form will the devil confront you in transform into a friend and don't tell your life is at the end" Mista Dj Paul

    • @ericl3931
      @ericl3931 3 года назад

      Glad u broke that down . Fire

  • @jaimesmith2266
    @jaimesmith2266 Год назад +6

    Man lord infamous went berserk may he continue to rest in peace.

  • @mlg_pumpkins
    @mlg_pumpkins 14 дней назад +1

    So many samples come from this one song, it’s insane

  • @sotoeddie18
    @sotoeddie18 4 года назад +3

    The production and Lord Infamous were so ahead of their time... I’m talking at least two decades ahead.

  • @yosav1804
    @yosav1804 Год назад +8

    all modern music in one track

  • @Bubba818
    @Bubba818 Год назад +4

    So many samples from one song, just shows how the triple 6's talent its just so good

  • @aquarius_soul5704
    @aquarius_soul5704 3 года назад +12

    Lord gives me _chills_ 🥶❄️🥶

  • @pimpsno6164
    @pimpsno6164 4 года назад +7

    Everybody forgetting bout Skinny Pimp verse was 🔥🔥🔥

  • @jetsoverboston
    @jetsoverboston 10 лет назад +128

    RIP scarecrow

  • @j13741374
    @j13741374 7 лет назад +40

    Between 3 6, hot boys and no limit is when I started to ride with the south.

  • @BigSi-xw6wv
    @BigSi-xw6wv 4 года назад +1

    I don't understand how haterz swear Dj Paul can't see Dj Screw. Paul is one of the best if not the best i heard period! And i'm from up in the Northeast.

    • @TheMissinLink
      @TheMissinLink 4 года назад +1

      BigSi 2017 Both are legends but i personally prefer the Memphis sound over C&S. personally 91-95 three 6 cannot be touched. Got to listen to a lot of them classics out of m town run down the street every week grab a tape whether it be tommy wright, my boy blackout, 3 6, or whoever! Unreal how talented them boys were.

  • @beachhead8904
    @beachhead8904 3 года назад +12

    Dj Paul’s verse was too real

  • @capcomman1
    @capcomman1 6 месяцев назад +6

    Hopefully culture vultures dont fund this song. Raised up on Memphis rappers as a Mississippi kid in the 90's. The Dj Paul's early beats are absolutely fucking timeless period!!! Hell all of the Memphis legends music is timeless.

  • @dominikgrunt7813
    @dominikgrunt7813 6 лет назад +16

    Still bumpin in my chevy

  • @phoanation
    @phoanation 4 года назад +3

    2020 still born 87 3-6 has always been original still to this day dropping classics

    • @TheMissinLink
      @TheMissinLink 4 года назад

      Lambo Levi Member going to the Pop down the road and picking up new tapes from everyone in M town. Tommy Wright, Blackout, 3 6, everyone!! Banged then bangs now. Memphis foreva

  • @pearl_r
    @pearl_r 4 года назад +20

    So Underground 😩🔥🔥

  • @codym7299
    @codym7299 4 года назад +3

    Smoked outtt loccedd outtt !!!! 30 years later still bumpin

  • @caylee3277
    @caylee3277 5 лет назад +18

    The Lord Infamous in the photo with Paul

  • @maxfuentes5435
    @maxfuentes5435 6 месяцев назад +3

    DJ Paul the Apostle and Juicy Joses Barnabas evangelizing the Gentiles in 45 AD

  • @ohianaw
    @ohianaw Год назад +3

    One of their best songs ever

  • @treyvon4444
    @treyvon4444 2 года назад +4

    this the music I need for tonight. triple 6 mafia. R.I.P LORD 😇✝️

  • @YUH559.
    @YUH559. 3 года назад +4

    Top 10 most influential songs of all time

  • @Numer0un0Asesin0
    @Numer0un0Asesin0 8 лет назад +38

    Hardest shit ever

  • @bumboy5348
    @bumboy5348 4 года назад +12

    They sampled this one song so many times

  • @TheLifeline19
    @TheLifeline19 2 месяца назад +3

    Smoked out in 2024

  • @INoticed_XIV
    @INoticed_XIV 4 года назад +4

    Memphis rappers have always been 🔥

  • @steffe689
    @steffe689 4 года назад +1

    This music could be from the future... Dystopian feel over it.

  • @jortiz200919
    @jortiz200919 5 лет назад +34

    This is before Juicy J went through an exorcism 🔥💀😈

  • @VortexwageN2723
    @VortexwageN2723 3 месяца назад +1

    real gangsta muzik 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @dannieisKING
    @dannieisKING Год назад +6

    Gangsta 6lac ate his verse RAW

  • @JuanLopez-kv5br
    @JuanLopez-kv5br 3 года назад +849

    hopefully tik tok doesn’t find this song

    • @mr.clapper9304
      @mr.clapper9304 Год назад +1

      Fuck tic tock.

    • @DarylMcDaniel
      @DarylMcDaniel Год назад +2

      Man I’m tired of these kids trying take real gangsta shit and making it viral for these punks

    • @BigCO713
      @BigCO713 Год назад +123

      I can confirm 1 year later it still hasn’t reached TikTok. I feel like there’s too much underworld shit here that TikTok would ban your account.

      @NONE_SO_VILE Год назад +1

      Darn right! TIK TOK is a place for losers

    • @scrape559
      @scrape559 Год назад +121

      Am I the only one who doesn't feel some kind of hipster superiority for listening to songs that the kids don't know about?

  • @ShiddyShad808
    @ShiddyShad808 4 года назад +5

    Project Pat got such a dope voice.

  • @biggestflexerr
    @biggestflexerr 4 года назад +9

    1:12 is basically the inspiration behind Denzel Currys flow

  • @jaredmn8580
    @jaredmn8580 4 года назад +4

    So many lines sampled from this one song

  • @guilhermealvaro8081
    @guilhermealvaro8081 2 года назад +21

    Já falei e continuo dizendo.

    • @insect2
      @insect2 2 года назад +1


    • @trasher
      @trasher 2 года назад +4

      impressionante como da pra citar dezenas de rappers que ""usam"" os flows, samples e acapellas deles
      Inspiraram muitos

    • @luciano12sa
      @luciano12sa Год назад

      @@trasher E todo esse lance de Phonk do tiktok veio praticamente só dessa musica kkkk

    • @f0xysosa7
      @f0xysosa7 Год назад

      Pprt mn flow desses cara são de outro mundo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @f0xysosa7
      @f0xysosa7 Год назад +1

      ​@@luciano12sa sim exatamente mn

  • @kokomanuel1144
    @kokomanuel1144 4 года назад +4

    Been bumpin this since '93'. North Memphis Frayser Hollywood HO!

    • @NappyAuto
      @NappyAuto  4 года назад

      Hmu on Instagram @nappy_auto

    • @leeleebee1598
      @leeleebee1598 4 года назад +1

      @@NappyAuto don't 4get me either x LLB x👍😘 real rap only xx

    • @leeleebee1598
      @leeleebee1598 4 года назад +1

      @@NappyAuto thank u Nappy. U didn't have 2 do that.
      So appreciated/Str8 respect 2 ya page.
      Call u in few days if that's OK.
      Lee x💯🌸❤
      #36 mafia, # playa fly n more. Greatz.

    • @NappyAuto
      @NappyAuto  4 года назад

      @@leeleebee1598 fasho 💯

    • @leeleebee1598
      @leeleebee1598 4 года назад

      @@NappyAuto thank u.💯

  • @Everyreason_2smile
    @Everyreason_2smile 5 лет назад +17

    Still listening in 2019. Sucks this version ain’t on iTunes tho

    • @armandowar88
      @armandowar88 4 года назад +2

      You can still download it for free

    • @Everyreason_2smile
      @Everyreason_2smile 4 года назад +1

      armandowar88 how?

    • @armandowar88
      @armandowar88 4 года назад +3

      Jamar B copy the top link and search on Google RUclips to MP3 download
      Pick any website paste the link on the download and it will upload to your computer right away and then you can save it to your iTunes

    • @47AdriRamiAKAETHG
      @47AdriRamiAKAETHG 3 года назад +1

      @Tonya Murphy yo are you ok? I’m not from Memphis but I really hope you’re ok, tho I do think it’s weird that you typed this on a Triple 6 track

  • @fredmanie2926
    @fredmanie2926 3 года назад +12

    Man I swear I musta been from Memphis in a past life, cus this shit hit hella differently

    • @trippinfo
      @trippinfo 3 года назад

      chek my playlist out for all that good memphis rap shyt 💯

    • @hia2bx
      @hia2bx 3 года назад

      me 2 mayne

  • @DezzWilson
    @DezzWilson Год назад +2

    Gangsta Black blessed tha 1st verse frfr 🎉🎉

  • @MoneyBeGreenMf
    @MoneyBeGreenMf 5 лет назад +14

    Paul with the forty five

  • @vital124
    @vital124 3 года назад +4

    We riding with triple 6 2022🔥RIP SCARECROW😈

  • @carriebsp9662
    @carriebsp9662 2 года назад +3

    Wife's account. I'm druncked out and locced out RIP lord infamous you made triple six Mafia three six Mafia you made this group no matter what anyone says you are the true mastermind behind this group

  • @TrumpMAGA-cg8hh
    @TrumpMAGA-cg8hh 7 лет назад +40

    Project pat went in

  • @johnwayne7840
    @johnwayne7840 4 года назад +5

    Old school slappin

  • @gabenewell7123
    @gabenewell7123 2 года назад +1

    Infamous was so far ahead of his time. RIP

  • @RollGorillaThumbs
    @RollGorillaThumbs 8 лет назад +20

    Get Buck Get Buck Get Buck

  • @christianhernandez7071
    @christianhernandez7071 2 года назад +1

    Just watched triple 6 at rolling loud in Miami… little sad they didn’t play this but 💪

  • @RedRabbit1996
    @RedRabbit1996 4 года назад +3

    This sh*t is so *heavy* my ghetto blaster cracked the ground ⸸

  • @theartist8291
    @theartist8291 3 года назад +1

    Wish all these songs were on streaming