Now I can find real you yesterday I joined a den party then I saw someone named "StrelkaYTsk" then everyone thought that the faker was you.. they were adventure rank and lvl 67 they didn't even make your correct oc, they just said that they're real you they Even Did he@t and did r4p3. So I reported them for online dat1ng:)
i love the cats in the end🥲
Yay finally I had requested u since last month nd u responded tysm
yw :)
@@SeverkaSkYt tysm
I want to find you one day... And cgs for the subs!
Ty (●’◡’●)ノ
Oooo nice vidd
Nice video ^^
New sub! :D
Tyy ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Aj mne možno kúpia Wild Club, veľmi sa teším na Wild Club
I found you in Wildcraft in den party
And we are also friends do you know my name is zahara
Yea :3
Ten Wild Club funguje tak že raz kúpiš a potom v truhliciah dostaneš Wild Club veci? Že to je tak?
Áno ale je to len na mesiac potom si ho music kúpiť znova
@SeverkaSkYt Ako to myslíš?
@@Viki_12396 ked prejde mesiac tak sa ti ten wildclub zrusi a musis si ho kupit znova
Posledná otázka dnes, nevieš čo je support code?
@@SeverkaSkYt Prečo je to tak? Je to hlúposť
Now I can find real you yesterday I joined a den party then I saw someone named "StrelkaYTsk" then everyone thought that the faker was you.. they were adventure rank and lvl 67 they didn't even make your correct oc, they just said that they're real you they Even Did he@t and did r4p3. So I reported them for online dat1ng:)