  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • who the hell turned off the thermostat it's getting hot in here nevermind false alarm found the heatsource right here
    w/‪@VantacrowBringer‬ ‪@YuQ.Wilson‬ ‪@VezaliusBandage‬
    THUMBNAIL: / chepoggg777
    I am a Mafia boss that came from the past.
    Now I am apart of NIJISANJI EN's Luxiem!
    にじさんじENのルカ・カネシロです ! 過去からやってきたマフィアのボス
    #NIJISANJI_EN #にじさんじ #lucakaneshiro
    1. Do not be WEIRDCHAMPION that is super UNPOG.
    2. Be respectful to one another we only POG and not WEIRDGE.
    3. Please avoid ONE-MAN spamming okay!
    4. Do not BACKSEAT unless I say so, and YES! that includes spoilers.
    5. Please stay on topic during the stream, do not mention other streamers unless I am talking about them.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Luxiem Members
    Luca Kaneshiro (ルカ・カネシロ)
    Twitter: / luca_kaneshiro
    RUclips: / @lucakaneshiro
    Shu Yamino
    / shu_yamino
    / @shuyamino
    Ike Eveland
    / ike_eveland
    / @ikeeveland
    Vox Akuma
    / vox_akuma
    / @voxakuma
    Mysta Rias
    / mysta_rias
    / @mystarias
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ■ For more information, visit:
    ・ NIJISANJI Official RUclips (EN): / @nijisanji_en
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    ・ANYCOLOR Official Website: www.anycolor.c...
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    ・ NIJISANJI Official RUclips (JP): / @nijisanji
    ▽ Guidance for minors

Комментарии •

  • @Kellyt11
    @Kellyt11 Год назад +1943

    vanta was cooking everything and nothing at the same time 😭

    • @k4te117
      @k4te117 Год назад +25


    • @Gabriel13772
      @Gabriel13772 Год назад +8

      Fr 😭

    • @Lunarelise
      @Lunarelise Год назад +17

      He's a hibachi chef. He's cooking for entertainment purposes 😂

    • @ssh399
      @ssh399 Год назад +1

      I call it overcook

  • @koko_ta
    @koko_ta Год назад +1162

    Venta's process ↗
    Venta's conclusion↘

  • @complxmars
    @complxmars Год назад +467

    The way Wilson’s eyes widen whenever Vanta cooked lmfao

  • @yuii2193
    @yuii2193 Год назад +250

    vanta was cooking but the stove wasn’t on 😭

  • @keefkanaesque
    @keefkanaesque Год назад +373

    wilson's reactions to vanta's cooking is so funny 😭💀

  • @Alastor_Hearts0
    @Alastor_Hearts0 Год назад +94

    Vanta keep cooking, and kept burning the kitchen 💀

  • @Melfarrrr
    @Melfarrrr Год назад +546

    Luca being a gaslighter as always. Thank you so much Krisis and Boss man.

  • @jpachu16
    @jpachu16 Год назад +150

    This stream was so funny. I really want a vanta and doppio collab now cause they both cook so much and say such nonsense lmao

  • @tanaa5827
    @tanaa5827 Год назад +427

    stream was so fun, thank you for organising and to Krisis for participating so enthusiastically!! take care!
    1:17 - stream start
    2:12 - Wilson introduction
    4:06 - Zali introduction
    5:08 - Vanta introduction
    6:00 - how well (0-100%) do they know?
    7:37 - buzzer check
    💛 8:52 - *Liver #1*
    11:53 - Z: that was easy. W: ???
    💛 12:32 - *Liver #2*
    16:43 - second hint
    💛 18:30 - *Liver #3*
    23:52 - Reimu in chat!
    25:07 - V: all according to keikaku
    💛 25:20 - *Liver #4*
    26:15 - W: I threw the game for you guys
    27:34 - L: it could be me. Z: I can literally see you on the screen
    💛 32:24 - *Liver #5*
    34:06 - Ren requested this image
    💛 35:04 - *Liver #6*
    37:07 - chat: Luca, your forehead is bigger
    💛 37:27 - *Liver #7*
    39:03 - Reimu in chat while Vanta cooks
    42:52 - second hint
    44:18 - Zali keeps getting really close
    44:34 - Wilson offers Zali double points
    💛 45:15 - *Liver #8*
    45:25 - Z: this is me, wait, never mind it’s not me
    51:13 - second hint
    💛 53:14 - *Liver #9*
    54:23 - Wilson interrupts Vanta’s answer for Krisis’ sake + Reimu in chat
    55:41 - W: Vanta do you realise what you’re doing to Krisis right now
    59:31 - Wilson compliments Vanta’s creative answers
    💛 1:00:34 - *Liver #10*
    💛 1:02:55 - *Liver #11*
    1:04:42 - V: it’s Sonny with Reimu’s wig
    💛 1:08:46 - *Liver #12*
    1:10:48 - Krisis exposed for not doing their homework
    1:12:38 - Luca sings chug jug with Vanta’s model as prop
    1:16:44 - new hint
    1:25:43 - guests for the next show?
    1:26:59 - Krisis countdown
    1:27:31 - 3 2 1 POG
    1:27:51 - L: they can still hear us, W: Vanta you suck

  • @somethingthatexists4797
    @somethingthatexists4797 Год назад +43

    I love how this series is getting fans to re-notice and re-appreciate details

  • @chrollophile
    @chrollophile Год назад +38

    man I just respect Vanta's cooking idk why 😭

  • @shee.a
    @shee.a Год назад +140

    Thank you so much for the stream 💛 had a lot of fun watching! our Krisis boys are killin' it 💛💜💙

  • @Official.NoahistiredYT
    @Official.NoahistiredYT Год назад +72

    Vanta was very big brain and I appreciate his imagination 💖💖💖😭😭💜💜💜💜

  • @ao_ciel
    @ao_ciel Год назад +6

    48:50 kyo did grew up XD

  • @koko_ta
    @koko_ta Год назад +100

    Thank you for the stream!! I was so happy to see krisis!! 💛
    They made me laugh so much, especially Vanta
    Here's some moments where Vanta is being Vanta:
    7:51 bang
    20:41 A pinguin?..
    37:58 - 39:25 He's overcooking
    38:10 "when I see.." x1
    38:27 "when I think of.." x1
    47:44-49:07 Vanta's logic
    48:05 "when I think of.." x2
    48:10 "when I think of.." x3
    48:27 "when I think of.." x4
    48:30 "when I think of.." x5
    48:48 "older kyo senpai"???
    48:53 "yes" with confidence
    48:56 "yep" with assurance
    53:24 - 57:06 here we go again (I love this moment sm)
    53:30 "when I think of.." x6
    53:40 "I think of.."x1
    53:42 "I think of.." x2
    54:16 "I think of.." x3
    1:03:01 - 1:06:06 Ventacrow brainger ??
    1:03:17 "when I see.." x2
    1:03:18 "when I see.." x3
    1:03:58 "when I see.." x4
    1:04:00 "I think of.." x4
    1:04:42 ??????????
    1:05:44 "hmmm" x1
    1:05:55 "hmmm" x2
    1:06:20 - 1:06:45 I love him sm ahahah
    1:08:21 lmaoo
    1:08:58 "hmmm" x3
    1:08:59 - 1:12:00 he's so into it
    1:12:00 100% concentrated
    1:12:33 "hmmm" x4
    1:12:57 oh??
    1:13:36 oh????
    1:14:03 Again???
    1:14:29 what..
    1:14:45 Mysta bean ?
    1:15:25 confidence is key
    1:26:56 - 1:27:46 POGGGGGG
    1:27:15 .......
    1:27:50 lmao Venta (The timing when Luca laught when his mouth open in the outro)
    I think I forgot a few passages but that's okay! Ty Luca and krisis again!! 💛💛

  • @SkyeFawnLucaSecretary
    @SkyeFawnLucaSecretary Год назад +119

    This was a really fun stream! Welcome again to the Krisis boys we are happy to have you!

  • @kimimochi28
    @kimimochi28 Год назад +34

    Coming back to this now, I just realized that Vanta actually predicted the future by mentioning older Kyo 48:48

  • @jeni2529
    @jeni2529 Год назад +52

    Who let vanta cook Thanks for hosting another krisis collab, boss! Great way for us to get to know the new boys better

  • @nxmiii00
    @nxmiii00 Год назад +30

    Thank you Luca!
    It was a fun collab with Krisis!
    Take care, see you later!

  • @k4zzzuu
    @k4zzzuu Год назад +178

    i lost it when everyone was giggling at vanta for being a little clueless and then he was like " i don't understand what's so funny 😐 " 😭😭😭
    thank you for the stream luca !! 💛

  • @CassGalaxy14
    @CassGalaxy14 Год назад +18

    The Cooking, the Gaslighting, the Conclusions, everything was on point and so funny Thanks Boss for the stream and thanks KRISIS 💛💛

  • @whimsylvr
    @whimsylvr Год назад +4

    1:19 stream start for vod gang

  • @smily3333
    @smily3333 Год назад +17

    Vanta is cooking too hard lmaoo

  • @Cr0wnie_S4n
    @Cr0wnie_S4n Год назад +38

    OtsuPog and Krisis! Thank you for organizing part 2 guess the niji liver and thank you Krisis for participating! It was so funny to see Vanta overcooking but to you and Krisis, all of you did amazing today. I can't wait for more collabs, Rest well and we love you boys always YOU! 💜💙💛

  • @nagisa385
    @nagisa385 Год назад +22

    Thank you for the stream. It's so fun collab with Krisis. Their answers very creative. I can't stop to laugh.

  • @jellymicielajoy
    @jellymicielajoy Год назад +4

    Thank you for the stream boss, im laughing with vanta said sonny with reimu wig and mysta bean it was sooo funny im dying

  • @magienjoyer
    @magienjoyer Год назад +3

    Oh my god he predicted old kyo 48:00

  • @Lavender_-_
    @Lavender_-_ Год назад +2


  • @LotusLyoun
    @LotusLyoun Год назад +1

    Otsu Boss, Krisis

  • @dharshu-tq6ft
    @dharshu-tq6ft Год назад +12

    I felt my heart in my throat when Luca coughed while laughing

  • @Nettie_Nightingale
    @Nettie_Nightingale Год назад +21

    Such a fun stream with Krisis and guess that member! Between Mysta Bean, Zali and Mike being really similar features, Vanta over explaining and seemingly being confused throughout but it was really nice when Yu encouraged his teammate💜💛💙💛

  • @kawaiiecho
    @kawaiiecho Год назад +13

    Otsuuu! That was so fun, i stayed until the end and Vanta's overcooking is so funny, while Wilson being in disbelief, congrats for Zali for winning! Truly a Man of NijisanjiEN

  • @mspoor00
    @mspoor00 Год назад +3

    41:00 that is correct… wrong
    That’s so fun
    Thank you for the stream, man cooks hard

  • @SerayaXOfrever
    @SerayaXOfrever Год назад +2

    thankyou for todays stream BOSS POGG!! it was really fun seeing the krisis answers on another leven LMAObut in the head of that...KRISIS IT'S A POGGERS!!

  • @aquazone3744
    @aquazone3744 Год назад +2

    POG! TY FOR THE STREAM BOSS! ((also tell Vanta to share his food))

  • @FeatKai1117
    @FeatKai1117 Год назад +75

    Thank you for the stream, boss!💛 It was so funny to see Vanta overcooking EVERYTIME, especially when he said it was SONNY WITH REIMU'S WIG AHAHAHAHHAH (Though the little talk between him and Yu was so cute too, and Yu is completely right)
    Also Zali suffering to get it right in the beginning LMFAO
    Personal timestamps because why not:
    1:17 Stream started
    10:22 Wilson's willy area
    45:30 "It's me!... Nevermind, it's not me.."
    51:53 Zali finally getting it right
    55:53 Yu entering in despair "Vanta, do you realize what you're doing to Krisis rn..?" After Vanta said it was Shu
    1:03:22 When Vanta started cooking
    1:12:41 Luca singing HAHAHAHAH
    1:14:54 Vanta says it's a BEAN
    1:19:26 Zali says it's Mysta
    1:23:46 Luca talking about the last stream: "My ass wasn't burning AT ALL" )

  • @royal6918
    @royal6918 Год назад +4

    thank you for the stream and organizing the collab boss! It was nice to see you gaslighting them it was funny to see wilson side eye vanta and zali laughing

  • @akaridaze6
    @akaridaze6 Год назад +4

    Vantas in his own world man lmfao

  • @naa_uby
    @naa_uby Год назад +1

    thank you for the stream!! i’ve never seen somebody overcook this hard but the fact that Vanta guessed “bean” was so on point that i want to see him cook more

  • @phoenixfeathers4128
    @phoenixfeathers4128 Год назад +3

    Damn, I loved their answers for some of these!
    I surprised myself and got most of them right!

  • @nekokaneshiro
    @nekokaneshiro Год назад

    Mind game master Luca
    Happy one month anniversary Krisis

  • @zee3e
    @zee3e Год назад +1

    lmao omg there was a spider on my leg near the end,
    THANK YOU LUCA AND KRISIS!!! we had fun!!

    • @zee3e
      @zee3e Год назад

      i am so screwed when it decides to come out from the closet in an hour

  • @lucub4liferz
    @lucub4liferz Год назад +6

    Thank you for the stream boss!! and krisis welcome to nijisanji en and happy 1 month!! vanta...might have burnt the food but it's fine!! POG EVERYONE!!

  • @simp--
    @simp-- Год назад +11

    Thank you for the stream!
    It was so fun with vantas technique and zalis comeback!
    Have a good day as well, boss!

  • @SkyPearlzG
    @SkyPearlzG Год назад +35

    Thank you for the stream guys this was so fun!😎💙💜💛

  • @NJDJ1986
    @NJDJ1986 Год назад +7

    nearly 1 & half hours of GUESS THE NIJISANJI LIVER! great stream today Luca! have a good afternoon!

  • @Miryeoon
    @Miryeoon Год назад +2

    Thank you for the fun stream!! Had lots of fun guessing with Krisis! Vanta was definitely cooking till he overcooked Can't wait for the next guessing game! Have a good day and rest well!

  • @fii_fth15
    @fii_fth15 Год назад +1

    Super fun stream! I love that the most of the result images were wierd surprised expressions

  • @reirei1243
    @reirei1243 Год назад +3

    Boss's gaslighting skill Thanks for the stream! Krisis members are cute

  • @allynnnnn
    @allynnnnn Год назад +3

    thank you for todays stream!! i’m watching as a vod watcher today but krisis is such a wonderful group

  • @emily_cu2023
    @emily_cu2023 Год назад +3

    Boss i freaking love these gameshows!! Luca you should be a host irl deffo🤣i really needed a cheer up today and having you makes our days so much better❤

  • @qwq_tut
    @qwq_tut Год назад +1

    THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM BOSS!! vanta defintely was cooking something but idk what

  • @n_layya6594
    @n_layya6594 Год назад +1

    Lmao Willy the ‘Vanta u suck’ get me

  • @keepyoursmile2476
    @keepyoursmile2476 Год назад +3

    3 2 1 POOOOOGGGG

  • @maruko2408
    @maruko2408 Год назад +2

    Thank you for the stream today!I had so much fun in this stream.POG BOSS AND POG KRISISLooking forward to the next gussing show,see you next stream,wuca

  • @kesiiii
    @kesiiii Год назад +1

    Thank you for the stream boss!! It was so much fun watching Krisis cook

  • @Svpoul
    @Svpoul Год назад +1

    Thank you for you’re stream boss!!

  • @Fvr.Quit3t
    @Fvr.Quit3t Год назад +14

    Thank you for the stream boss! Had a lot of even though I joined late and thanks for KRISIS for joining!!! POG!!! 💙💜💛

  • @ashiemarieee
    @ashiemarieee Год назад +8

    Thank you for the fun stream! It really went from Krisis going against one another to Wilson and Zali begging Vanta not to bring shame to their group He did his best for sure lol! Also thank you for welcoming them so warmly at the end~ I’m sure they were so thankful to be on stream with you, they even left pogging hahaha
    Can’t wait to see your next guests!

  • @celinelin_
    @celinelin_ Год назад +1

    This series is such a blast to watch! Highlights for me is whatever vanta is cooking lol. Happy 1 month for krisis!

  • @shuaty
    @shuaty Год назад +3

    i have a shirt with I do not seek, i find on it and i was like o-o

  • @cute-toaster
    @cute-toaster Год назад +1

    Vanta overcooked lmao

  • @kakyoinscherry
    @kakyoinscherry Год назад +1

    thanks for the stream boss and krisis, it was super funny !

  • @polaris75george
    @polaris75george Год назад +3

    Krisis really love Ver huh they keep answering him in every question LMAOOOOO

  • @janicelpy8902
    @janicelpy8902 Год назад

    Thank you for the collab

  • @moonxavier
    @moonxavier Год назад +1

    Should have guess it's SOLID POGMU! Vanta ain't cooking he is ROASTING the meat!

  • @irisyu1710
    @irisyu1710 Год назад +3

    the way boss almost liked all the comments-

  • @natsuki-hg4gj
    @natsuki-hg4gj Год назад +1

    I love Luca always making so many fun and creative streams,it just brings people so much joy
    And I also love Krisis too the chemistry between them works very well. I absolutely love Vanta always gave the wrong answer but he always has his point it's so funny.
    Thanks for the stream Luca

  • @LeonysEvostrellaa
    @LeonysEvostrellaa Год назад +4

    Always nice to see boss troll/banter with Krisis, this stream was so funny! Thanks for organizing this collab boss, can’t wait for the next one! Rest well and cya next stream

  • @TofuPudding-p7d
    @TofuPudding-p7d Год назад +1

    Thanks for the fun stream! I should go back to check all the NijiEN livers reference sheets LOL

  • @miko-nt8rt
    @miko-nt8rt Год назад +13

    THANK U FOR THE STREAM !!!! HAD LOTS OF FUN !! i loved vanta's thinking LMAO 💛

  • @mvnt_
    @mvnt_ Год назад +2

    krisis was so funny! specially Vanta! thank you for the stream!!!

  • @wuwuworld2074
    @wuwuworld2074 Год назад +4

    Reminder for everyone, including Luca and Krisis, don't forget to drink your waters and eat your meals. Take lots of rest too. Thank you for the stream, Luca.

  • @pogpog_user
    @pogpog_user Год назад +1

    It was still interesting!

    @CUCUMBER_BROOO Год назад +8


  • @coghkdla
    @coghkdla Год назад +2

    Thank you for the collab stream bossss it was fun!! Vanta was cooking can’t wait for lazulight do it! Take care

  • @Gigi-zq7sd
    @Gigi-zq7sd Год назад +1

    1:16 stream start! ❤

  • @yuuchan08
    @yuuchan08 Год назад +1

    Finally, I've been able to watch the vod. This is so funny to watch. The krisis bois are too funny, lmaooo. Thank you for this stream boss. I'm looking forward to the next one!!

  • @aru6420
    @aru6420 Год назад

    Thank you for the stream bosss!!! (Why is this emote so huge lol

  • @july_louie
    @july_louie Год назад +1

    Otsu boss and krisis!! Thank you for the guess the nijisanji liver part 2 stream and for organizing it. It was really fun to watch y'all gaslight and cooking something can't wait for another collab between you, boss and krisis. Rest well and take care POG TO EVERYONE!!

  • @selinag7813
    @selinag7813 Год назад +2

    Thx for the stream! It was super fun to watch, especially the part with the man Mike Eveland and the fact that shu can be meloco and elira lol

  • @miit1211
    @miit1211 Год назад +1

    thank you for fun stream! krisis definitely knew their livers even if vanta sometimes overcooked but it was so funny to watch. take care and have a good day boss and krisis! MYSTA BEAN OTSUPOOOOG!

  • @airiinaeri1176
    @airiinaeri1176 Год назад +1

    That was so fun, thank u for the stream boss

  • @Hinoriii
    @Hinoriii Год назад +1

    OTSU BOSS AND KRISIS!!! This was so much to see the new wave in both of your shows Also, I laughed so much especially at what Vanta was cooking up and your gaslighting Thank you for hosting this collab and for Krisis for coming Hope you guys get a good rest

  • @matsuozaki
    @matsuozaki Год назад +3

    it was so entertaining to watch KRISIS having deep analyzations when guessing 😆 the first one caught me off guard ngl thank you for hosting the quiz show boss! i had such a very fun time!

  • @loadyn
    @loadyn Год назад +1

    Otsu boss and Krisis! It was so fun to guess with everyone! Thank you for organizing this boss!

  • @jojo_lai
    @jojo_lai Год назад +1

    Thank you Boss and KRISIS for the stream!!! It was fun to see your guys' interaction. I can't wait for the next episode of "Guess the Liver"

  • @esperduchess
    @esperduchess Год назад +3

    Vanta is so Doppio coded

  • @starline4109
    @starline4109 Год назад

    Thank you for stream boss

  • @WonderStarz
    @WonderStarz Год назад +1

    BOSS! Thanks for the funniest stream, omg as ever I laughed so much Krisis bois having a real crisis while guessing lmao, but they did great! Despite the overcook Mr Vanta did ... It was so funny though! Again thanks for streaming eat well !!

  • @kalmiam4774
    @kalmiam4774 Год назад

    Thank you for the stream boss and Krisis!!! That's really fun

  • @chuyuu524
    @chuyuu524 Год назад +3

    you can tell it's doppio cuz there are no socks 😂

  • @aliceharukaaa
    @aliceharukaaa Год назад +1

    They’re so cute Thank you for the collab Luca!!!

  • @yali-llian1642
    @yali-llian1642 Год назад +1

    Luca Mr.gaslight master kaneshiro
    Vanta was so cute why he looks so confuse all the timeI have so much fun with you guys Thank you for stream today

  • @niconiconii9050
    @niconiconii9050 Год назад +2


  • @happygirlisallaround
    @happygirlisallaround Год назад

    Otsu bosss Thank you for the streammmmmmm I really love this game show

  • @avemikero
    @avemikero Год назад

    Thank you for the stream boss! vod time!

  • @kasushy_
    @kasushy_ Год назад

    Catching the Vod, awesome and funny stream Boss

  • @angeljohn1273
    @angeljohn1273 Год назад +1

    This was such a fun stream!
    But the way Vanta thought that Reimu was Sonny. 😭

  • @MafuyuJL
    @MafuyuJL Год назад

    Thanks for the stream boss! Vanta's cooking had me laughing a lot and he was so serious throughout his explanation too The Krisis boys did such a good job guessing each liver and this time round, the guesses seem more challenging I couldn't get all of them right immediately compared to the round with Mysta and Ren. Rest well and see you next stream