Things Your Editor May Ask You to Change: 8 Tips Based on My Experiences with Editors

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 91

  • @ghostlyyin
    @ghostlyyin 3 года назад +84

    When the world needed him the most, the king returned 👑

  • @Mokieness
    @Mokieness 3 года назад +52

    Thank you Mark for inspiring me to get back into art after years of being told art was "pointless" and "not worth pursuing to have a fulfilling life". At 40+ years old I am finally following my dreams and your videos and books are a massive inspiration. Not just myself but my teenage son too. Thank you

    • @unemilifleur
      @unemilifleur 3 года назад +1

      Nice! Good luck with your dreams buddy!

    • @ghostlyyin
      @ghostlyyin 3 года назад

      No one is too old to learn how to draw. The only time it’s too late to learn how to draw is when we die. Congrats man 🥳✨

    • @dorian4426
      @dorian4426 3 года назад

      There's an 84 year old guy that's still drawing comic books so don't worry. It's not too late to draw.

  • @SimonBergeron1977
    @SimonBergeron1977 3 года назад +7

    Even if one is self-publishing, like I am, these are wonderfully helpful tips!
    Cover: I went through 14 designs before I was satisfied;
    Ending: re-wrote the ending 4 times before actually coming up with the better choice;
    Adding new scenes: Chapter 4 of my series was re-written (adding and deleting included) 47 times;
    Cutting scenes: The entire finale of the series (which is only outlined at this stage) now has at least three entire plotlines that were cut out;
    Editing: a few pages switched all up until the last minutes, some dialogs were cut, etc.;
    Copy Editors: still something I struggle with a tad but Chapter 5 already sees much better writing and continuity, factuals and grammar;
    Being my own editor, I find I'm pretty easy to speak to about changes ^_^
    My career's only five years old at this point so there's still much to learn, much experience to gather.

  • @ryanlong9800
    @ryanlong9800 3 года назад +11

    Watching mark’s videos are always so nostalgic because I remember just starting out learning to draw and watching his videos every week. I still love watching his videos even today.

  • @FrozEnbyWolf150
    @FrozEnbyWolf150 3 года назад +22

    I'm a freelance content editor, and I've been over all of the above with my clients, except for #2 as that's generally the last consideration when it comes to written fiction as opposed to graphic novels. I'm also an author myself, and people need to understand what is involved when working with an editor. You should not take any criticisms of your ideas personally, as they are meant to improve your work, not attack you personally. You should be willing to change, replace, and sometimes completely rewrite portions of your work, and never become so wedded to a concept you thought was cool in the moment. An editor is there to help you write the best story you can, not to supersede your ideas with their own.

    • @Alex-yr8iy
      @Alex-yr8iy 3 года назад

      Hi 👋 I'm glad you're an editor I'm 17 and my goal is to make a manga however to pay for editors is a problem
      I do have a question for an editor and this is why I'm glad I met one online
      When it comes to stories and you want a change of something example a you want a character change hairstyle
      And the person refuse would it really be taken down? Or cancelled in term of publishment if that makes sense

    • @FrozEnbyWolf150
      @FrozEnbyWolf150 3 года назад

      @@Alex-yr8iy The example you gave of changing a superficial detail, if it's during the actual editing process, isn't the kind of thing that would cause much contention. I don't see how a character's hairstyle affects the story itself. You're the author, and you have creative control over things like character design. Now, if you're talking about a manga or graphic novel that has already been accepted and gone to print, and you decide at the last minute to change something about the artwork, then you might run into problems. It depends on the medium (i.e. print or digital) and how much the publisher has already invested into it at that stage.
      A far more likely scenario is that you might be asked to change certain character design aspects during the editing phase, if those aspects have a significant impact on the major story elements like characterization, setting, or plot. For example, changing a character's dress style so that it's more period-appropriate to the historical era of the story. This is something on which an editor can certainly work with you, before it gets to the final draft.
      If you're worried about the cost of hiring an editor, you can try to find proofreaders or beta readers instead. Family and friends might not be the best option, as they tend to be biased. Try to get someone who isn't afraid to offer constructive criticism.

    • @Alex-yr8iy
      @Alex-yr8iy 3 года назад

      @@FrozEnbyWolf150 thank you very much
      For you time 😊

  • @mandowarrior123
    @mandowarrior123 3 года назад +25

    I think i like the idea of editors like 'come up with a better idea here that meets these aims' rather than 'you must do this to meet this demographic need'
    Limitations can be cool, i've read some good books that were very clearly 'write x because it is popular right now' and they've managed to bring something to it, usually high concept, like 'game of thrones teen romance'
    However when i see an original idea crushed by test audiences & marketing decisions- or worse, politics, it wounds me. Turning a creative work into a vehicle. CCP censorship, tokenism, piggybacking, chauvinism when that was a thing, whatever it is, it tends to shatter the soul of the work, whether i agree with the motivation or not.

  • @carmineknight9123
    @carmineknight9123 3 года назад +14

    As an indie comic creator, I really wish I had competent editors' eyes on my writing and art, because I want to be telling the best story I can.

  • @marcotrolo3134
    @marcotrolo3134 3 года назад +9

    My grandparents live in Taiwan, you captured the essence of the suburban streets very well :P maybe some small details you might find interesting/add: parked vehicles of anykind are often tied down with their wheels covered up, most suburban apartment doors have an outer metal door with two or more locks, and a regular wooden inner door, building walls are often moldy

  • @TomFoxComics
    @TomFoxComics 3 года назад +32

    "Don't take critiques personally" is the first thing they teach you in art school. If they don't succeed in teaching that, you'll learn the hard way. Remember, these professors are often professionals who have a lot more experience than you do. Be humble, take it in stride, and use it to improve. The road to mastery is paved with hard work and critique.

  • @kennyclobers7310
    @kennyclobers7310 3 года назад +5

    Ive finally found him again yes! used to watch aroumd 2011 but have since forgotten the name of his channel glad to be back

  • @theancientjello9227
    @theancientjello9227 3 года назад +2

    Just finished reading the Brody's Ghost series, and really just wanted to tell ya that it's amazing. You were my inspiration for how to draw manga, and now I've been working on my own for over 4 years. Just wanted to say thanks, and you're awesome

  • @EFlame01
    @EFlame01 3 года назад +10

    When they tell you to write new scenes and endings, do they give you suggestions or help with any of them or do they expect you to just keep coming up with ideas?

  • @rhiannonlammert4547
    @rhiannonlammert4547 3 года назад +2

    Hey Mark, thank you so much for inspiring me to draw in 4th grade. I watched your how-to videos on how to draw anime and now I’m a graduated senior going to art college this fall. Appreciate it, truly.

  • @felixn.burgos2340
    @felixn.burgos2340 3 года назад +1

    I just randomly thought of u cuz u were such a big part of my childhood. I remember when I was gifted your how to draw manga books 1 and 2 for my 12th birthday around 7-8 years ago. Glad to see you're still making art :')

  • @usernameInvalid442
    @usernameInvalid442 3 года назад +1

    Honestly sucks this guy doesn't get that much attention anymore, but those of us that still view his content appreciate it greatly.

  • @zachbradley9082
    @zachbradley9082 3 года назад +2

    Been watching your videos off and on for the last 12 years. Love the channel, keep up the great work

  • @ellebastonart
    @ellebastonart 3 года назад +2

    I'm the kind of person who thrives off of constructive criticism and is always looking for new thinks to learn and ways to improve what I'm working on, so the thought of having to edit my story doesn't affect me too much! As long as it's a good editor who is able to remain impartial, understanding that it's all about making your story the best it can be rather than distorting it based on their own preferences

  • @YoungbloodPoetry
    @YoungbloodPoetry 2 года назад

    I'm a poet, but your artist advice has greatly aided me for over 10 years and has made me a better writer. Thank you so much

  • @stacyguidero1337
    @stacyguidero1337 3 года назад

    IM BACK MARK CURLEY. I haven’t seen your channel since middle school. I’m high school graduate and still drawing like crazy. Thank you for the videos man i took an art class and used your videos in some of my projects.WHOOOOOO

  • @ClaireYunFarronXIII
    @ClaireYunFarronXIII 3 года назад +3

    Thank you, Mark. This is very informative. 🙂
    This topic kind of does give me a bit of fear, especially with the "story editor." The editor focusing on grammar, continuity errors, and such do not worry me at all. I love that. It is the ones editing the story that worry me a bit. I think it is because I feel so close to my work, but I am so willing to get feedback. A second pair of eyes. We writers do tend to get so involved and attached in our stories we do get defensive when an "outsider" comes in and says it is not right. I am certainly that type, but I want feedback - positive and negative. I am conflicted. I guess my head says that I need feedback, but my heart says I am a genius.
    I fear that if a story is changed so much it will no longer feel like my story, because the finished product that everyone will read will feel like it is only like that because of the editors, not me. It is not true, but that is just how I would feel. Hopefully I can stop with this mindset. I just hear horror stories of writers having their entire stories down to the fundamentals changed to make the story more profitable and familiar. As someone who writes stories that aren't very "familiar" to the majority, that kind of scares me. Writer George R. R. Martin has talked about how Hollywood really restricted him in many ways, including his more "unfamiliar" writing. Some of his characters and stories were less like stereotypical ones that Hollywood liked, so he would be told to change them. Makes me feel like editors and publishers are monsters. My head says that they have good intentions, my heart says they are monsters out to get me and my work. I think my head is correct again. 😂
    I have not worked with an editor before, but I would love to. A professional pair of eyes is great. Maybe all I said will not happen to me. I do not even publish my work outside my little community, but still. I just love writing for fun. An editor would be nice, though.
    Have a great weekend, Mark. 🙂

    • @mandowarrior123
      @mandowarrior123 3 года назад +3

      I'm a copy editor, or was for a while. I've always wanted to try the editor role. I'd have to read back on my notes from college i think.
      Some publications prefer predictive success- ie they know exactly how many x fad knockoffs they can shift- but that doesn't help you as a writer much.
      My interest is in hammering the core concepts of character development and narrative structure down. Most writers are partially blind to it when writing, me included- also can be pretty hard to fix!
      I have done it for film work & scripts though. My wife always gets annoyed when I can predict the ending of everything, which is the downside of knowing the rules.
      My wife was reading her favourite series and I was guessing it (with no clues from her until it happened) and she complained saying she didn't realise it was so predictable- I said absolutely not! Its just exactly what i'd do- the writer is a very good match- and very careful to follow the rules set in the world.
      There is a manga artist- particularly his series hunter x hunter who has flawless structure. I could write a thesis on that alone. A real masterpiece of interconnecting threads and pacing. I don't think his writing or art is particularly anything to write home about either so it really stands out (and sailor moon really improved very quickly- i would predict from his wife discussing it with him)
      Anyway, I can be a free pair of eyes if you need one, and might bring a few concepts that you might not know. In film narrative is almost mathematical, broken down into algebraic tokens. Eg. Protagonist, in need of macguffin due to the ticking clock uses chekhov's gun to destroy the plot device and restore equilibrium- reductionism really lets you evaluate structure.

    • @FrozEnbyWolf150
      @FrozEnbyWolf150 3 года назад +2

      I'm a content editor, and wanted to say that you shouldn't be afraid or intimidated. A good editor should be working with you to help you develop your own ideas and extrapolate them to see where they can go, which is what I try to do with the authors I work with. An editor can't force you, but merely encourage you in the right direction. You'll find that sometimes the best new ideas come from a willingness to completely revamp old ideas that may have sounded cool at the time. I know that was the case with my own works.

  • @marineromoney5294
    @marineromoney5294 3 года назад +1

    This is unrelated but king I would watch you’re videos when I was 11 and I’m 20 now and you slay legend thank you for teaching me for so long😭😭

  • @pupsishere4551
    @pupsishere4551 3 года назад +2

    Hey man , after almost watching ur all videos I recently just started my comic :)) thank you mark for the inspiration

  • @emeraldqueen1994
    @emeraldqueen1994 3 года назад +6

    If I’m going to publish my FAN FICTION books and the editor(s) wanted to change something, I would just want to know their reasoning so I could better understand why they wanted to change it and make a more informed choice on which things I would stand my ground on...

  • @mobi8046
    @mobi8046 3 года назад +1

    very nice video. i think many aspiring comic artists would want to hear about your experience in the industry so that they know how it feels like in the industry

  • @_den_5348
    @_den_5348 3 года назад

    Mark, love your videos as always🖤🖤✨🖤🖤✨🖤✨🖤✨✨✨
    All you videos are super helpful and super inspiring. Thank you for everything✨✨✨🖤🖤🖤🖤
    Looking forward to what you do next✨🖤✨🖤🖤✨✨

  • @minixlemonade2335
    @minixlemonade2335 3 года назад +2

    I'm all for editors changing stuff to make it better, but all too often creativity is stifled for cheap marketing (Bioshock Infinite cover art is a good example), appealing to some demographic, appealing to pop politics and higher ups, and even censorship. Things like marketing are important and its important that you sell your work, but all too often these corporations are just making changes that will make them more money. The music industry is infamous for this.
    Indie comic development is looking better and better these days.

  • @jocelyncordeiro4870
    @jocelyncordeiro4870 3 года назад +1

    I have a question but it's unrelated to the video. You probably have answered this in a previous video but I can't find it. When it comes to finalizing line work and inking, do you finalize a page once you're satisfied or you finish the whole book in draft form and ink it all afterwards? Is there a benefit to doing it one way versus the other?

  • @ocarinagamer4207
    @ocarinagamer4207 3 года назад +2

    Love your videos!

  • @danterobles4819
    @danterobles4819 3 года назад +3

    Hello markcrilley, I want to be a artist and writer but I am still currently attending high school. Here is what my creative schedule look like: Visual arts for 2 weeks straight and do writing for a other 2 weeks straight & repeat. I feel like I am getting sloppy in both and is it possible to be a expert in both or one over the other? How can I balance being an artist and writer?

    • @FrozEnbyWolf150
      @FrozEnbyWolf150 3 года назад

      I would say, don't beat yourself up over being unable to adhere to a strict schedule. Life happens, and things often get in the way of creative pursuits. Just write down your ideas and keep them in mind, even if you can't put them to paper at a given moment. Sometimes you need to give ideas time to develop, instead of rushing to hammer them out as quickly as possible.

    • @minixlemonade2335
      @minixlemonade2335 3 года назад +1

      Just start now and keep practicing! Believe me, I was by no means that good at either in early high school. It doesn't matter if what you make is good or bad-- just make something, listen to critiques, and try and make your next work even better with those critiques in mind. Everyone is always learning, don't be afraid of failure as failure is one of the greatest teachers. :)

  • @62LeftyBlues
    @62LeftyBlues 3 года назад

    Looking forward to your book on drawing hands

  • @MadGamer-iy7ky
    @MadGamer-iy7ky 3 года назад +1

    hey Mark I was wondering if you could do a video where you compare traditional comics to the new age webcomics and which you think is better

  • @hydroweapon
    @hydroweapon 3 года назад

    Forgot this channel existed, I never get notifications anymore

  • @behappybechibi5307
    @behappybechibi5307 3 года назад

    awesome vid mark! you've been my inspiration since the beginning!

  • @MrPokemon248
    @MrPokemon248 3 года назад

    My last summer with cass was great. Cant wait to read your next work.

  • @angelbaby1811
    @angelbaby1811 3 года назад

    I have hope when I see you drawing the traditional way. Too many other tutorials or advice videos are overusing digital formats. Your videos are awesome and actually helpful.

  • @user-dx6kf3ef2e
    @user-dx6kf3ef2e 3 года назад +1

    I like this book I learn to draw people on it and I like saying it With Russia wishing good luck and advancing 🎐

  • @blackjack-ks8zn
    @blackjack-ks8zn 3 года назад +1

    Can you make a video about what a graphic novel author schedule is like? Yours would do, thanks in advance

  • @TheTC
    @TheTC 3 года назад +5

    Top 8 reasons I wanna self-publish LOL

  • @ramizshould
    @ramizshould 3 года назад +1

    Awesome sir.

  • @JerryDechant
    @JerryDechant 3 года назад +2

    I guess you prefer working with real pencil and paper. I like the digital media because it is easier to correct mistakes and make edits than with real pencil, paper, paints, etc. :)

    • @popenieafantome9527
      @popenieafantome9527 3 года назад +2

      Some also work in both. Line work traditional with shading/coloring digital. While you can indeed get same effects in digital as in traditional art, it might be easier for some to just stick with they know. Digital art is another “tool.”

  • @Grenademan1
    @Grenademan1 3 года назад +2

    When I see number 7 with the whole sensitivity thing, I'd be more on the defensive side. To me, this is why none of my stories will be catered toward children or toward one certain group. If it gets a mature rating, so be it.

    • @AutumnForest33
      @AutumnForest33 3 года назад +1

      I think he's talking more about by accident vs where you would be wanting the characters/narrator to be rascist, ableist, sexist, ect.

    • @tygra2886
      @tygra2886 3 года назад +1

      @@AutumnForest33 honestly, when i Heard someone crying about -isms
      It's like reverse psychology for me- the more some groups cry about -isms in "comic books" or animations, the more it Makes me want to draw something really offensive.

  • @ThatPash
    @ThatPash 3 года назад +1

    This video is awesome! :D

  • @slimcognito383
    @slimcognito383 3 года назад +2

    Killing two birds with one stone I see. Working on your next book and making a video

  • @msrvdrawingacademy
    @msrvdrawingacademy 3 года назад


  • @lawrencescales9864
    @lawrencescales9864 2 года назад

    I would really enjoy another video like this discussing edits to artwork. Does that happen?

  • @stever6606
    @stever6606 3 года назад

    I can't tell you how many of your awesome videos I've watched, and I appreciate each one of them. Since the topic of this one is editors, I'll bring up a little grammatical mistake you make when you close out each one of your clips.
    "Real" is an adjective. An adjective modifies nouns, or words that act as nouns.
    "Really" is an adverb, which is used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
    Therefore, if you want to be grammatically correct, you should end your videos with, "...I'll be back with another one, really soon."
    #loveyoumarkcrilley ❤

  • @uncleatelier8495
    @uncleatelier8495 3 года назад +1

    That's a good drawing. ^^

  • @FrenchToast1
    @FrenchToast1 3 года назад

    Not sure if you’ll se this but I have to ask: what kind paper do you use?

  • @mj-lp5eb
    @mj-lp5eb 3 года назад

    So I wrote this book but the editor made me change the Title, the Cover, write new Scenes, Change the Ending and Delete the Entire rest of the Book, so long MARY PLOTTER and the Toilet of Destiny you were a great idea.

  • @samankucher5117
    @samankucher5117 3 года назад

    Very interesting

  • @iliagarsevanidze6895
    @iliagarsevanidze6895 3 года назад

    Hello markcrilley am a big fan! And i just wanted to ask if you are Gonna do the animal drawing videos? I really enjoy them and just wanted to ask if you are gonna do them again.

  • @chewpy9905
    @chewpy9905 3 года назад

    Hey Mark, i have a question. Can you publish your manga/comic through traditionally hand drawn, The reason here is that I don't have a digital tablet nor afford one. i have made a few chapters by hand drawing. And I am hoping I can be able to publish my work through traditional hand drawn way

    • @reesespeeses_
      @reesespeeses_ 2 года назад

      yeah i think you can do that. all you need is to photo copy the pages onto your computer

  • @kingofshadows1433
    @kingofshadows1433 3 года назад

    Yay a video!

  • @dywanart3948
    @dywanart3948 3 года назад

    Mantap, semoga tempat ku bisa se ramee ini. Sukses

  • @partiallyhuman
    @partiallyhuman 3 года назад +1

    What kind of things have you said no to changes

  • @Iam_king7kartikay
    @Iam_king7kartikay 3 года назад

    can we copy superpowers like super saiyan ? Please make a video on it . Because i want to make a comic book.

  • @wybrednysmakosz3544
    @wybrednysmakosz3544 3 года назад

    Could you please show how to draw Bomb Captain, Kurvinox and other characters from the Bomb Captain universe?

  • @tanujbirdi7812
    @tanujbirdi7812 3 года назад

    Mark why don't you draw the charecters from evangelion.

  • @sophiagreen3016
    @sophiagreen3016 3 года назад

    How does one get a book deal?

  • @midnightabr
    @midnightabr 3 года назад

    How do you deal with art block or writers block if your on a deadline to create a comic

  • @devonteedwards2093
    @devonteedwards2093 3 года назад

    Wow, never about that thnx for the tip

  • @ashtapathiwellwishes8663
    @ashtapathiwellwishes8663 3 года назад +2

    can u draw a picture of shree krishna

  • @mattsmith5253
    @mattsmith5253 3 года назад

    One Day More Brody's Ghost? 😳

  • @MimicOfSol
    @MimicOfSol 3 года назад

    Forgive me, it has nothing to do with the topic of the video, but I cannot sleep thinking about the question...
    If there was a Prisma Gouache would it be Trusted or Beloved...? :|

  • @LunicSD
    @LunicSD 3 года назад

    Question: if someone is writing a fantasy-ish Guidebook, can an idea be seen as too crazy/complex for audiences or editors?

    • @RochelleHasTooManyHobbies
      @RochelleHasTooManyHobbies 3 года назад

      Have you ever read the "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series? When it comes to fantasy or sci-fi fantasy, you can be as crazy and complex as you're willing to WORK for. You've got to be willing to put in the nuance. To still make it digestible to the average reader. If you're willing to do that, the right publisher will work with you. They'll probably have many scenes that they'll want you to compromise on. Like Mark said, pick your battles, but don't take the changes as an attack. It's a collaboration. You could publish independently, but at the end of the day, a good editor will help you make the best version of your book that there could be if you let them challenge you.

    • @LunicSD
      @LunicSD 3 года назад

      Thank you for the clarification.
      I welcome changes as I know I don't think like everyone else. I'll probably need to work on the delivery of the idea more, but I love problem solving anyway. If I had to give a more narrow description, the book acts like an Encyclopedia giving information and setting the stage rather than having a plot revolving around a character or group.
      I don't really know what to call this so formatting is an issue.
      I'm sure the writers group will help me out once I finish the rough draft.
      Thanks again.

  • @natashalaarksmi6483
    @natashalaarksmi6483 3 года назад

    can you draw mona lisa

  • @GaneshRajesh
    @GaneshRajesh 3 года назад +1


  • @janaberger3572
    @janaberger3572 3 года назад +1


  • @M3I_DAY
    @M3I_DAY 3 года назад

    Yo i actually came here from a book from Impact

  • @JMDesigneoDesenhista
    @JMDesigneoDesenhista 3 года назад

    Boa tarde marcando presença tudo de bom meus parabéns vídeo 👏👏💯👍

  • @partiallyhuman
    @partiallyhuman 3 года назад +1

    Asking to change the ending seems like a big issue but ig the editor is where he/she is for a reason

  • @uchihamadara2939
    @uchihamadara2939 3 года назад

    how to draw godzilla

  • @ferks4637
    @ferks4637 3 года назад

    U can draw more anime..

  • @_den_5348
    @_den_5348 3 года назад

    Mark, love your videos as always🖤🖤✨🖤🖤✨🖤✨🖤✨✨✨
    All you videos are super helpful and super inspiring. Thank you for everything✨✨✨🖤🖤🖤🖤
    Looking forward to what you do next✨🖤✨🖤🖤✨✨