Revelation 6 // Martyrs Under The Altar

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025

Комментарии • 25

  • @bobthurber7884
    @bobthurber7884 5 лет назад

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you God bless you

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 5 лет назад


  • @donnamcmaster9033
    @donnamcmaster9033 5 лет назад

    Great lesson - thank you!

  • @donnamcmaster9033
    @donnamcmaster9033 5 лет назад

    Great video, and I can't wait for the next sermon. Thanks Pastor Whinery!

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby 5 лет назад +2


  • @robertsimonds8748
    @robertsimonds8748 5 лет назад +1

    I ran across your website just about 2 weeks ago and I have been under your teaching in Revelation. brother Steve I really feel God has led me to your website so I can learn. I was already studying Revelation but your veidos have been what I need to learn more and it has been such a blessing. just wanted to let you know and I thank God and you. God bless you

  • @lesleyrockafellow7473
    @lesleyrockafellow7473 5 лет назад

    I love your attitude about "end of the world stuff". It is amazing when you can begin to put it together with all the modern thinking of today's world. Amazing times!!! If you ask and look you will find. It is all there! 💕

  • @dishobbies3885
    @dishobbies3885 5 лет назад

    There is a bug crawling on the screen down onto the wood railing starting at the 22:00 mark and it crawls along the rail behind the pastor passed him and continues along the rail. I don't know what kind of crawling bug it was but they should spray for bugs. I was listening to the study but bugs creep me out.

  • @bobthurber7884
    @bobthurber7884 5 лет назад

    Answered so many questions I forgot I even had

  • @bobthurber7884
    @bobthurber7884 5 лет назад

    Okay, just wow!

  • @martymcmannis9121
    @martymcmannis9121 5 лет назад +1

    When the locusts comes they are not to hurt the ones with the seal of God in there head.. this means that both will be here.

  • @dianneparker6637
    @dianneparker6637 3 года назад

    Steve you say at the 4:45 mark that you don’t teach the pre-tribulation rapture "I don’t believe we are here during the time of tribulation at all. I am convinced that before this time takes place that the church is going to be out of here. Well isn't the church being taken pre tribulation rapture? Anyone?

  • @williamverdell8856
    @williamverdell8856 5 лет назад +1

    Pastor Steve, one thing I would like to bring to your attention, in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 u say these verses support a pre tribulation rapture, but they don't. Think about these scriptures and say to yourself, where in these verses does it give light WHEN those events happen? U say they happen pre trib, u use these verses to support your view, yet nowhere in these verses does it give light to WHEN these things happen, pre, mid, pre wrath, post, or my view after post Trib. U can continue to say they support your view, but I would be very interested in hearing how u could still apply these verses to a pre trib view based on the scripture reading itself. Whoever reads this, this is not an attack on my brother, but as being a teacher of the word of God we all held to a higher standard, because we have been equipped by Jesus to teach the people, and rightly divide the word. So because my brother teaches the word then anyone can question him. Also another reason for a pre trib Rapture is that the seven year period is the time of God's wrath that the church can not be apart of, but that's not true, because u have Christian's here during that entire seven years and during the Antichrist reign he will be killing Christian's, so how can it be a time of God's wrath that the church can't be a part of, but Christian's are here dying for their faith in Jesus? Revelation 14:9-13. In these very verses I just gave is proof that the wrath of God happens after the seven years are over. I have been challenging people on this fact and showing them proof in at least three different places in scripture that God's wrath happens after the seven year period is over. Also Daniel 12:11-12 tells u if your here on earth during the Antichrist reign , and see him come to full power at the Midpoint of the seven year period, and live to see him go out of power at the end of the seven year period, and live another 75 days from the day his reign ends, which would be 1,335 days total since he came to fulll power at the Midpoint of the seven year period, that this was a BLESSING for all who do such. Now when have u heard it's a blessing to go through the Antichrist reign? That's right u haven't, because those scriptures go uninterpreted by Pastors to the body of Christ. One last thing, in Matthew 24 Jesus answers the question of when he will return the next time after he leaves the earth. As u read Matthew 24 remember, Jesus hadn't left the earth the FIRST time yet, so his next coming, after he ascended up into heaven is told to us in Matthew 24. So where in Matthew 24 do u see ANY indication of Jesus coming? That's right, AFTER verse 29 and by the time verse 29 happens u are at the END of the Antichrist reign, which ends after the last 3.5 year period is OVER. Matthew 24: 30-31 clearly is the Lord Jesus coming with the sounding of the trumpet, these events are happening AFTER , or at the END of the seven year period. I would like to suggest to whoever reads this to please consider watching my videos on Revelation, I'm watching my brother's videos, even though we have different views, he may prove me wrong, but I will never know unless I continue to watch his videos, so I'm committed. I suggest to u my brother to watch my videos on RUclips
    Pt1 the pre wrath rapture and the third coming of Jesus
    I'm not pre wrath like u may think, I explain my pre wrath view is AFTER the seven year period is over. There are only 5 videos under this title, an hour long or less I explain the layout of the chapters, from Revelation chapter 6 thru 22
    I put the events in order, and I don't skip a verse, and that is the key, not skipping verses, and this changes everything.

    • @robertsimonds8748
      @robertsimonds8748 5 лет назад +1

      Brother William thank God we can disagree on this issue and still be saved but I agree with brother Steve on pre tribulation. please ask The Holy Spirit to give you the correct interpretation on this and all readings in the Bible. I think you probably already do that being you also are a minister but from my experience The Holy Spirit doesn't always seam to do that. I encourage you to continue to keep listening to brother Steve on this issue God bless you

  • @shafawn9730
    @shafawn9730 5 лет назад

    Song of Solomon chapter 5 is a bride who took off her robe and her shoes. She wasn't ready when the groom came and she gave an excuse. But just like the 5 foolish virgins she realizes her mistake at the last minute and swings open the door but He's gone.
    Song of Solomon 5:7 The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me.
    After she's left behind by the groom, she's beaten and the bridal veil is taken.
    I am wondering if those martyrs under the altar aren't the lukewarm church Jesus spits out of His mouth. They weren't ready and only realized when it was too late that the Rapture was upon them and they were left behind.... later killed for their belief.
    Jesus said "Pray therefore that you are found worthy to escape" That means it's not a given that just because you have a nominal experience with God you'll go up in the Rapture.

  • @Ian-ve9xc
    @Ian-ve9xc 5 лет назад

    How do you apply the parables jesus gave us about end times?
    Wheat and tares, the servants say two harvests pulling tares and jesus says no, harvest together.
    How many times did the groom come for the 10 virgins? If twice then how come 5 never made it in??
    How many times did the net harvest the fish? Once then separate the good from the bad.
    None of the end times parable relates or can you fit in two raptures or harvests.

  • @SpeakToMeInDots
    @SpeakToMeInDots 5 лет назад +1

    Hi! I'm not trying to correct you or anything, I love your teaching. I would like you to take into consideration that the moon turning to blood and the sun in "sackcloth" is caused by ash from volcanoes erupting. You know, pillars of smoke and all :) Joel 2:20

  • @christianfreedman4641
    @christianfreedman4641 5 лет назад

    For your consideration Steve:
    The Shekinah is referred to as manifest in the Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem throughout Rabbinic literature. It is also reported as being present in the acts of public prayer.[need quotation to verify] In the Mishna the noun is used twice: once by Rabbi Hananiah ben Teradion (c. 135 CE): 'If two sit together and the words between them are of the Torah, then the Shekinah is in their midst'; and Rabbi Halafta ben Dosa: 'If ten men sit together and occupy themselves with the Law, the Shekinah rests among them.'[1]:148-149So too in the Talmud Sanhedrin 39a, we read: "Whenever ten are gathered for prayer, there the Shekinah rests"; it also connotes righteous judgment ("when three sit as judges, the Shekinah is with them." Talmud tractate Berachot 6a), and personal need ("The Shekinah dwells over the headside of the sick man's bed." Talmud tractate Shabbat 12b; "Wheresoever they were exiled, the Shekinah went with them." Talmud tractate Megillah 29a).
    The word shekina does not occur in the Bible, although the similar word shakan, and other terms from the root škn do occur.[need quotation to verify] There is also no occurrence of the word in pre-rabbinic literature such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is only afterwards in the targums and rabbinic literature that the Hebrew term shekinah, or Aramaic equivalent shekinta, is found, and then becomes extremely common.[need quotation to verify] McNamara considers that the absence might lead to the conclusion that the term only originated after the destruction of the temple in 70 CE, but notes 2 Maccabees 14:35 "a temple for your habitation", where the Greek text (naon tes skenoseos) suggests a possible parallel understanding, and where the Greek noun skenosis may stand for Aramaic shekinta.[1]:148
    The Liberal Jewish prayer-book for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Machzor Ruach Chadashah) contains a creative prayer based on Avinu Malkeinu, in which the feminine noun Shekinah is used in the interests of gender neutrality.[11]
    The Kabbalah refers to the Shekhinah as feminine, according to Gershom Scholem. "The introduction of this idea was one of the most important and lasting innovations of Kabbalism. other element of Kabbalism won such a degree of popular approval."[13] The "feminine Jewish divine presence, the Shekhinah, distinguishes Kabbalistic literature from earlier Jewish literature."[14]
    The Zohar, a foundation book of kabbalah, presents the female shekhinah.[need quotation to verify] She plays an essential role in the conception and birth of Moses. Later during the Exodus on the "third new moon" in the desert, "Shekhinah revealed Herself and rested upon him before the eyes of all."[16][17]
    Among Christians the Shekhinah in the New Testament may be equated to the presence or indwelling of the Spirit of the Lord (generally referred to as the Holy Spirit, or Spirit of Christ) in the believer, drawing parallels to the presence of God in Solomon's Temple. In contradistinction with the Old Testament where the Temple's Holy of Holies might signify the location of the continuing presence of God, Christians from the teachings of New Testament understand the presence of God as the Holy Spirit abiding in the believer.[citation needed]
    Where references are made to the Shekinah as manifestations of the glory of the Lord associated with his presence, Christians find numerous occurrences in the New Testament in both literal (as in Luke 2:9 which refers to the "glory of the Lord" shining on the shepherds at Jesus' birth),[18] as well as spiritual forms (as in John 17:22, where Jesus speaks to God of giving the "glory" that God gave to him to the people).[19], [20][need quotation to verify]
    In accord with Judaism, the Shekinah is linked to prophecy in Christianity: "For no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit."[21][need quotation to verify]
    Sakīnah means "tranquility", "peace". "calm", from the Arabic root sakana: "to be quiet", "to abate", "to dwell". In Islam, Sakīnah "designates a special peace, the "Peace of God". Although related to Hebrew Shekhinah, the spiritual state is not an "indwelling of the Divine Presence"[26][need quotation to verify] The ordinary Arabic use of the word's root is "the sense of abiding or dwelling in a place". A story in Tafsir and Isra'iliyyat literature relates how Ibrahim and Isma'il, when looking for the spot to build the Kaaba found Sakīnah. Newby writes that it was like a breeze "with a face that could talk", saying "build over me."[24][need quotation to verify] "Associated with piety and moments of divine inspiration, sakinah in Islamic mysticism signifies an interior spiritual illumination."[22][
    In the work by anthropologist Raphael Patai entitled The Hebrew Goddess, the author argues that the term Shekinah refers to a goddess by comparing and contrasting scriptural and medieval Jewish Kabbalistic source materials. Patai draws a historic distinction between the Shekinah and the Matronit.[need quotation to verify] In his book Patai also discusses the Hebrew goddesses Asherah and Anat-Yahu.[28]
    In the bestselling thriller The Torah Codes by Ezra Barany, the storyline refers to the Shekinah as a goddess and one of the characters is even named Patai. In the appendix are essays by Rabbi Shefa Gold, Zvi Bellin, and Tania Schweig about the Shekinah.[29]
    Comparative religion[edit]
    The Qur'an mentions the Sakina, or Tranquility, referring to God's blessing of solace and succour upon both the Children of Israel and Muhammad.[need quotation to verify]
    "Shekinah", often in plural, is also present in some gnostic writings written in Aramaic, such as the writings of the Manichaeans and the Mandaeans, as well as others. In these writings, shekinas are described as hidden aspects of God, somewhat resembling the Amahrāspandan of the Zoroastrians.[30]
    Gustav Davidson[edit]
    American poet Gustav Davidson listed Shekinah as an entry in his reference work A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, (1967), stating that she is the female incarnation of Metatron.[need quotation to verify]
    Branch Davidians[edit]
    Lois Roden, whom the original Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist Church acknowledged as their teacher/prophet from 1978 to 1986, laid heavy emphasis on women's spirituality and the feminine aspect of God. She published a magazine, Shekinah, often rendered SHEkinah, in which she explored the concept that the Shekinah is the Holy Spirit. Articles from Shekinah are reprinted online at the Branch Davidian website.[31]

  • @klaashoogstra8702
    @klaashoogstra8702 5 лет назад

    Pastor Steve, what's the matter with you,?? , joking in corporate prayer about your wife, to our Sovereign God?? What up?? A little sacrilegious perhaps? Your series on Revelations l find quite refreshing, intriguing . You seem to be well versed and well researched about this subject. Referencing the new and old testaments constantly, as you do is just a tremendous blessing to me. I thank God for you. The belief in the infallibility of the Bible and a Triune God that you CC pastors have is refreshing in today's environment . It is tough to find any preaching on Revelation these days, let alone Holy Spirit witnessing to my spirit, that your preaching falls in line with Holy Scripture , l thank God for that. God bless you Pastor Steve and your wife ,,, looking forward to your next sermon on Revelations ....Klaas Hoogstra

  • @foxiefair123
    @foxiefair123 5 лет назад

    “Apocalypse for Dummies” 😂