How to fit an Angle Grinder blade, label up or label down?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 421

  • @tania7930
    @tania7930 2 года назад +6

    You still have all your fingers after 40 years. One of the many dangerous tools in the handyman’s workshop
    Excellent how to video
    Thank you

  • @timthorne3412
    @timthorne3412 3 года назад +38

    Lovely presentation...just bought my first angle grinder and this has given me the confidence to set it up safely...well done mate

  • @ninawade3055
    @ninawade3055 8 месяцев назад +12

    Thank you for showing me which way to put the blade on , out of all the videos I watched you are the only one who has showed me about installing the blade and not talking about 1000 other things lol

  • @gordonpeirce5967
    @gordonpeirce5967 Год назад +7

    Hi, firstly thank you for the great safety aspects, as there are many people just starting to use Grinders.
    I have looked into the correct way to put on a Steel cutting disc and all manufacturer's have avoided the answer. As I know that a disk can chip if used incorrectly, I have to agree with you that the washer must go on top where the locknut fastens it, this removes the tension on the fibres under the locknut when tightening.
    Well done and thank you for talking about safety as this will help beginners a lot.

  • @theuglidog
    @theuglidog 3 года назад +8

    was confused a bit when i got a new blade but your slow, precise, explanatory, no mumbo jumbo ,answered my questions thank you so much all the best to you

  • @tjjordan9715
    @tjjordan9715 3 года назад +32

    I've somehow made it through 50 years without learning anything practical. No more. Thank you, sir, you're an excellent teacher. My father taught in a similar manner except with much more punches, name calling, and vicious kicks to the body of a downed son. Okay, there's no similarity whatsoever. I subscribed.

  • @ellipsiswellbeing1691
    @ellipsiswellbeing1691 Год назад +3

    Thank you - so many videos are rushing through this topic to cater to the 'goldfish' attention span of our times - but this one actually gave me the understanding I needed! Subscribed!

  • @steveoranges1960
    @steveoranges1960 3 года назад +24

    It's really irresponsible of manufacturers not to include crystal clear instructions on these things. They have lots of safety warnings but they neglect to mention how *exactly* the disks and wheels are supposed to attach on

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад +6

      That would be nice wouldn't it? But then no-one would watch my video! Thanks for watching.

    • @cromyjr1592
      @cromyjr1592 11 месяцев назад +4

      Or they put drawing-heavy manuals with as few words is possible, and where every drawing is using only one line thickness and words are chinglish or japglish (I'm looking at you, Makita)

    • @eyezex
      @eyezex 10 месяцев назад +1

      Totally, I guess I been doing it right just by luck or good ol common sense.. good to know

    • @nothankyou5524
      @nothankyou5524 3 месяца назад

      I've never seen any that weren't pretty specific. I own three. I've got all three sets of directions. Not at swap meets, ebay, flea markets, & garage sales, I imagine.

  • @thehicks-morganminifarm9859
    @thehicks-morganminifarm9859 7 месяцев назад +4

    Do it yourself chic here.....I ran into a issue with some rusted bolts on my faucet....researched a work around, went to the store and saw the sea of blades and wondered what was the difference.....thanks so much for clarifying how to install all of them...

  • @poohpot4462
    @poohpot4462 3 года назад +8

    Excellent video thank you so much for doing this. Really appreciate it! I think all user manuals should come with an accompanying video like this that the customer watch.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад +1

      Totally agree! I cant understand why so many products have very poor instructions, I guess its just laziness on the part of the sellers. Thank you for watching!

  • @peterpiper6837
    @peterpiper6837 Год назад +1

    Thank you Steve that was really well explained, I've seen a couple of your videos and you are now my 'go to' man- please keep the videos coming, you make them very watchable because you explain things so well.

  • @melmorris134
    @melmorris134 2 года назад +3

    You are my hero, I couldn’t figure out up or down for my recessed stone blade, as I’m new to angel grinders having only ever worked on far smaller rocks and glass sculptures until now.
    So grateful 🥰

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  2 года назад +2

      Hi Mel, thank you for the kind comments. Time for my old man grandad nag - please wear safety glasses or goggles and a good dust mask all the time when using an angle grinder. As you are new to these tools have you considered using a cordless angle grinder? They are lower powered and therefore safer to work with. And you can use these with a water feed without risking an electric shock. (though this will invalidate your warranty ) I love using my Parkside one for carving and finer stone cutting. Enjoy your carving!

    • @peterchessell28
      @peterchessell28 Год назад +2

      How many angels have you injured up until now.?

  • @bobbyb7127
    @bobbyb7127 4 года назад +4

    I just started using a grinder and have been taking educated guesses as to which way they went. Thanks, your video has helped me out a lot!!!

  • @trekzilladmc
    @trekzilladmc 4 года назад +4

    Terrific video! Probably one of the best ones I've seen on RUclips. Most other videos are just a few minutes long and don't thoroughly explain it in the detail you have. I've always thought the same about the center metal ring. My logic is that it acts as sort of a "washer" for the retaining nut to slide against. One tip I'd like to add is if you have a habit of misplacing the spindle wrench is to drill a hole in the end of the handle and nylon zip tie it to the cord with just enough tension that it'll still slide but not slip off the end of the plug.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад +1

      Thank you for the kind comments, it is really appreciated. The tip about fixing the spanner is a good one, if only I was that organised! Thanks again!

  • @cuebj
    @cuebj 2 года назад +1

    Excellent presentation. Just taken delivery of Makita GA9071x1 230mm. It will pay for itself in one job for daughter's new house. Was going to get a more basic 230mm grinder but decided the extra safety features warranted spending more and, as she said, still cheaper than paying a handyman. Label on Duro Diamond Blade says spin anticlockwise so - label down. Permanent marker arrow to remind me.
    Been using a lovely Bosch small grinder for years without knowing why I should install blade to spin clockwise or anticlockwise (label up or down).
    Only gripe is 110V is rarely available now. Replaced by cordless. Had to get 240V. I'm DiYer so don't have to abide by site rules but, as the saying goes, "Voltage kills, not current"

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  2 года назад +2

      Hi, never used Duro blades, all the diamond blades I have seen have the direction arrow printed on the label side and fit label up. That said with diamond blades especially I think you can over worry about direction of spin, I have often reversed the direction of diamond blades to sharpen them up with no problem. Take care,cheers.

  • @claytonpulley4947
    @claytonpulley4947 4 года назад +2

    I also just purchased my first angle grinder. Your video has taught me a lot of invaluable information, ready to get to work, all the best!

  • @lenfana
    @lenfana 3 года назад +7

    Thank you for an excellent video, which I found to be clear and concise. The presentation is first class, and so many of my questions were answered. One particular aspect that I appreciated very much was that you didn't just say "do this", or "do it this way" and leave it at that - you also explained the reasons why. So many instructional videos and instruction leaflets tend to omit giving the reasons why a particular course of action should be taken, and pleasingly, you certainly didn't do that - the difference between being an educator and an instructor.

  • @BrewCityRider
    @BrewCityRider 2 года назад +6

    Thank you sir... definitely a valuable video. I am also new to angle grinders and my main question was orientation of the flat cut-off discs. I actually decided to go with the type 27 cut off discs because they fit better inside the guard. And of course those are orientated the same as the grinding discs with the depression towards the machine.

  • @mickyp9517
    @mickyp9517 2 года назад +2

    Superb, clear presentation! And I bet you've prevented many accidents too! Thank you!

  • @bigmarkpepper
    @bigmarkpepper 3 года назад +2

    The best trainer I’ve come across in year’s! Thank you.

  • @camduran3352
    @camduran3352 2 года назад +2

    At 2:20: “You’d be surprised how little fun that is.” Quite true… such an oversight typically fails to produce much fun. Given the accent though… well… I nearly wheezed up a lung! (With a degree in Sarcastic Sciences, that really doesn’t happen often.)
    Seriously though, thanks for making this great video, Sir. It’s very easy to follow and answered all my questions!

  • @thesquarewindow2654
    @thesquarewindow2654 3 года назад +1

    What an informative video, especially as I cannot find the spanner to loosen disc. You are an amazing teacher! Thank you!

  • @wethermon
    @wethermon 3 года назад

    Thank you kind sir, I didn't use a angle grinder for 2 decades, and I really needed a reminder for the direction of the diamond discs. Best regards.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад

      Glad it helped and thanks for watching, happy new year to you!

    • @wethermon
      @wethermon 3 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 A happy new year full of great things for you also Sir.
      Have my utmost best regards.

  • @chriswooster
    @chriswooster 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for this video. I learned the answer to literally every question I had about changing the blades on my new grinder.

  • @jeisonsanchez4842
    @jeisonsanchez4842 Год назад +1

    Thanks for this video. I bought my first angle grinder in 2016 and used it a couple of years ago to cut into a plaster wall. Super messy but it was the only tool I had that could get the job done. I used it today with the twisted wire brush wheel for some rust removal. I had the same question about which side goes up. I tried both ways and it only fit properly with the nut side down. I was really concerned about safety as I had read that the wheel can shoot out pieces of wire and debris. I’m glad I went with a face shield instead of just safety glasses because when I was done, there was a bunch of rust particles on the shield.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  Год назад +1

      Brilliant point! wearing a face shield or goggles is essential and never a bad idea! thank you for making the point. Cheers PS: I would think that an anglegrinder is too fast for this task, a sander/polisher runs slower and might be safer with less debris flying about. take care.

  • @brucknerian9664
    @brucknerian9664 6 месяцев назад

    I have an angele grinder and today had to figure out for the first time how to replace the blade, first video was ridiculous; then I found your video and thanks for uploading it, very useful.

  • @garyledger2467
    @garyledger2467 3 месяца назад

    Thanks very much for this. Bosch instructions are terrible and many videos are unclear but this was excellent.

  • @sefordyce2563
    @sefordyce2563 3 года назад +1

    How WONDERFUL! I'm just learning to use this tool, and your information is ever so helpful. Thanks a million.

  • @danielmabuya7070
    @danielmabuya7070 Год назад

    Thank you for your excellent presentation. I am one of those experts that is so good in loosening the screws to dissemble any type of machine, but bad in assembling or connecting back the same machine.

  • @Beastt17
    @Beastt17 Год назад

    THAT is the video it seems everyone else has neglected to produce. Thank you!

  • @Okkis07
    @Okkis07 Год назад +1

    Clear and very informative, even for a Norwegian amateur! Thanks a lot, 😊

  • @hafizzahidrasool8190
    @hafizzahidrasool8190 2 месяца назад

    Thanks a lot.
    It resolved my problem because I was having trouble to fit those blades.
    Thanks again and keep it up 👍

  • @denisepellew3186
    @denisepellew3186 Год назад +1

    Wonderful and thanks! so happy to find this video just bought a 4 1/2 angle grinder and was getting difficulty to setup your video has help a great lot.

  • @writerNB
    @writerNB 2 месяца назад

    thanks big time for showing each STAGE of how to fit new blades... i felt in safe hands :)
    i've worked with many power tools, saws and all sorts (maintenance work), but when i heard grinders spin *twice as fast* as circular saws, i took a deep breath, especially since grinders lack a guide (i know these can be made, but i don't have the metal working skills, or time really, to do that). if anyone's fresh to grinders (like me), please watch the pro-guides on youtube including this one... at 5000 rpm plus, this thing could take off a finger before you blink, and send out shards that will seriously damage your eyes...
    you only get one pair... wear grip gloves and proper safety goggles ... i am gonna say this again: wear grip gloves and safety goggles , and clamp the material to be cut [you'll thank me one day]
    peace x

  • @barbaragrant4579
    @barbaragrant4579 Год назад

    Thank you for detailed information on different blades & how to put them on.

  • @pablogutierrez1009
    @pablogutierrez1009 3 года назад +2

    Thank for a very precise, concise and informative video. You shared a lot of knowledge.

  • @AndreFouche
    @AndreFouche 3 года назад +10

    Great, well explained video - cleared up a lot of my questions!!

  • @a1bubbasmama
    @a1bubbasmama 3 года назад

    Thank you thank you thank you! I bought my 1st angle grinder and wasn’t sure how to do the blades! Now I’m confident I can!

  • @sliobutros6664
    @sliobutros6664 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much, I asked this question just today (I mean how to pot the locking nut), now it is absolutely clear, I appreciate that for you great teacher 👍👍👍👍

  • @maxpsanchu7386
    @maxpsanchu7386 Год назад +64

    I had a lot of old pipes and rebar to cut up and from what I read this would be the tool for the job. Since I had never used one, I watched a couple of youtube videos and I'm so glad I did. Some really good safety tips, which I followed, and this tool did a splendid job. One good thing to know is the weight of the tool puts just about the right amount of pressure on the metal I was cutting, so I didn't have to use a lot of pressure, which is more likely to jam the tool. It made fast work of my job.

  • @edwardrogers-wright1604
    @edwardrogers-wright1604 2 года назад

    Good morning. With all these years of experience, how do you tackle kickbacks? Your explanation is excellent ...

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  2 года назад +1

      Hi, I always hold the tool in a very firm grip. well braced with legs apart for balance. I cut standing behind the tool out of the line of sparks or dust looking over the machine to see the blade. Also I always try to cut with the subject on the floor. That way if the machine kicks back it simply shoots back into thin air, not me! Hope that makes sense? Take care.

    • @edwardrogers-wright1604
      @edwardrogers-wright1604 2 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 Makes a lot of sense, especially that you have used them forty years and more. I bought one over a year ago but haven't used it due to absolute fear. I have watched so many videos on RUclips of accidents, hence my question about kickback. But now I have the confidence to begin using it, thanks so much to your explanations. Please continue to teach us ...

  • @MrKingsleyK
    @MrKingsleyK 3 года назад +1

    I just bought a new grinder and I am having trouble removing the locking nut. It turns out I have a wrong size for the unlocking key. Even though you advice of using getting the bolt loose seem practical, my bolt is solidly stuck in place. Your advice for not tightning the locking will be used next time. Thank you for your expertise.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад +1

      Hi, if you can fit just one of the lugs on the key wrench into a hole in the nut the other lug will seat onto the rim of the nut and can be used that way (does this make sense?) The main reason nuts get locked on is when the blade is not tightened enough in the first place, the machine when started spins the blade into the locked position too hard. best of luck with this.

  • @nothankyou5524
    @nothankyou5524 3 месяца назад

    Another great video by you, your experience, and your obvious concern about doing things well and doing things proprrly. I forward a lot of your stuff to those i "support" that need to learn about what's proper. Subscriber.

  • @candylips3684
    @candylips3684 4 года назад +3

    Thank you, i just brought me an angle grinder, an i learn a lot from your video

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад

      Glad I could help, take care and enjoy angle-grinding. Thanks for watching.

    • @hotstick12
      @hotstick12 3 года назад

      Very useful video to retain as a reference video. I'm used to chain saws, having been trained by the forestry commission but not angle grinders. Only thing I would add is treat them with the utmost respect and you'll retain all your fingers. Thank you very informative.

  • @jeremykemp3782
    @jeremykemp3782 Год назад +1

    Good explanation ., well done mate. Back in the day the arrows used to point in the direction with label facing down, that's how that got stuck into traders brains. But not the case anymore, just use your common sense on every blade you use depending on the contours of the blade.

  • @pabitramohangayan1482
    @pabitramohangayan1482 4 года назад +2

    I am in a great tuition. I have learnt much. Thanks sir for bit by bit description about use of different blades. Jay Shree Ram

  • @mozart3642
    @mozart3642 3 года назад +1

    Excellent as ever. Followed your instructions for a foot switch: worked a treat , many thanks. Have subscribed. Regards.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад +1

      Hi, you are going to think me a bit of a dipstick but I can't remember making a video about a foot switch. I do have a home made foot switch but don't remember the vid! Anyhow thank you for the sub and I do hope you are really enjoying my videos. Cheers!

  • @reaper060670
    @reaper060670 9 месяцев назад

    i JUST BOUGHT 2 MORE aNGLE GRINDERS AND i ALWAYS LEAVE THE BLAde with the label not showing. It works for me but I'm not sure if it's correct.
    I have 3 grinders now but I do regret not buying a 230mm one.. I do a bit of metalwork now more so than anything else so to have 3 is a godsend bcos now I can work faster and not have to keep changing blades to flaps, etc.
    Thanks for the content my man. Always very informative..

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  9 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comments, label up or label down is really not critical, even on diamond blades I often turn them the "wrong" way when they lose their cutting edge and they start to work again! Glad you are enjoying your anglegrinders, they are my favourite tool though I don't have so much use for them nowadays. Take care!

  • @laserbeam002
    @laserbeam002 2 года назад

    I really appreciate you posting this vid. I bought a cordless Ryobi 18V grinder today. I have never owned one before. When I got it home and opened the box I found it didn't come with a battery, charger OR spanner wrench. Ok, I should have known to ask about those things but I didn't. Anyway, I went back to the store and got the charger and battery, a 4 amp. As for the wrench I'll use my vice grips for a while and get the wrench off amazon. Thank you for the info. I wasn't sure which way to turn the blades.

  • @daviddurden5252
    @daviddurden5252 Год назад

    Well done , teaching these young guns how to do it properly .

  • @asilver2889
    @asilver2889 2 года назад +2

    Very good video. Learned a lot, and was reassured on aspects not previously fully confident on. Well explained and emphasis on cutting (rather than grinding) suited my use better.
    Just wished you'd had the plug on show, as I got really nervous half way through when you demoed the rotation, then moved on to swopping blades again without reminding us to confirm unplugged (or battery off). So easy to overlook.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  2 года назад +3

      Unplugging an anglegrinder is a must when changing blades, or taking the battery out on cordless. Thanks for the reminder! Cheers!

  • @carlos822m
    @carlos822m 3 года назад +3

    Great Video, I like your voice!
    I had a feeling that I have been using my diamond disk the wrong way. It’s because of the flat cutting wheels I use it with the label up (or down when you are putting them) because I grind with them a little and soft (no that much pressure). Thank you.

  • @lanta-darren
    @lanta-darren 3 года назад +3

    Thanks, this is a really useful video. Although I've used angle grinders before, I recently borrowed a friends and it didn't have the tool to unlock the locking nut. Looks like I'll be using mole grips!

  • @LEE-gb4uc
    @LEE-gb4uc 3 года назад +2

    Clear direct instruction, if only all youtube guide videos had the same common sense. Thank you very much.

  • @AZ_sunshine
    @AZ_sunshine 10 месяцев назад

    Great video. Thanks for sharing your expertise! Answered all of my questions. Really appreciate you style - no yack yack yack and music. Best video on RUclips answering the question about properly using guards and placing wheels. thanks so much. I subscribed and look forward to watching your other videos. God Bless!

  • @annshaw6426
    @annshaw6426 3 года назад +11

    Excellent talk through-best I’ve seen yet and thanks for taking the time to do this.😊

  • @J.T.19134
    @J.T.19134 3 года назад

    Great video. My Dewalt Grinder will not fit flat disc. It has a recessed bottom that's fine. My real question is I bought a different Grinder, for soothing out burrs and polishing up metals. Not 100% sure what it called but it kinda looks like a bunch of small pieces of sandpaper all lined up. It keeps spinning about .15-.20secs after the Grinder stops. Normal?

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад

      Hi, I'm not sure about this, it sounds like you are using a flap grinder, I have never had occasion to use one of these but I am pretty sure it should not continue spinning. It sounds like the boss nut is not gripping the flap wheel. If you press the locking button can you still turn the flap wheel ? Can you tell me the model of your grinder and I will have a look.

    • @J.T.19134
      @J.T.19134 3 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 it is a Flap Disc. I just looked that up. I bought a $39.99 Metabo HTP G 12SR4. For Sanding and smoothing out edges and whatever, I watched a video on it. I have a Dewalt dw400 type 2 611866 I use for all my cutting and whatever. I'm an MMA Fighter who has alot of free time, so I originally got into Electric, and Circuit boards, until one day I thought everything was connected properly, must of had wired crosses plugged in a cord to a homemade lathe, both end popped, and Blue my electric box right out of the wall. I was done with electric. So I turned to metal, Foraging and gun smithing. Still dangerous but other then the Bullet projectile. I pretty much have control over everything. Electric can be tricky. Thank you for the response and your time.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад

      @@J.T.19134 Hi again, I have just looked at the online instuctions for your grinder. It is a surface grinder rather than a standard anglegrinder which is normally for cutting. This means it is designed to take thicker grinding discs as opposed to thinner cutting discs. Looking at the drawing of the fitting washers it looks to me as though the backing wheel has a deeper raised section than a normal anglegrinder to accomodate the thicker wheels. I think you are buying thinner cutting discs and not proper grinding discs, these can also have recessed centres but should not be used for grinding. This would explain why the wheels are not tightening down. Take care ! All the best!

    • @J.T.19134
      @J.T.19134 3 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 thank you again very much for your time n info. I live right down the street from n old school hardware store. The guy who owns it knows just about everything. Unlike alot of big chain store employees who say they worked with metal but like myself, don't know the difference in Grinders, Disc, nor Metal. Lol. I will make sure I go get the next Disc from him, or take it up before I use it again. Already liked n subscribed to your channel. If there is anything else I can do for you helping me let me know. Be Safe.

  • @SunofYork
    @SunofYork 5 месяцев назад

    Excellent full and proper English terminology... lugs etc

  • @s.debeauvoir2205
    @s.debeauvoir2205 3 года назад

    I have a old angle grinder that has a smaller threaded part than the new angle grinders. Is there a "kit" for adapting this old grinder to take the wider grinder locking nut & blade? Thank you for your help.

  • @praznoaiovoprazno693
    @praznoaiovoprazno693 Год назад

    Recently watching your videos, realising the importance of adequate power for stone cutting, i have a question.
    How much power does one need in an angle grinder for cutting through stone?
    Is 950w enough?
    Recently wasted money on a mini grinder with inadequate power, don't want to do it with a big one too.
    Thank you in advance, your videos are great, helped a lot.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  Год назад

      Hi, it depends on the stone and the type of blade and how deep you need to cut. In theory even a cordless angle grinder will cut through stone or granite if you give it time rather than push the blade too hard. It sounds like you are trying to cut a lot of material fast, I would have thought a 950 watt tool plenty powerful enough for a 5 inch blade. If 5 inch is cutting deep enough for what you want. In fact blade size is more important than the wattage, a bigger blade turns with a lot more torque and power. When I am taking a lot of material off I will use a 9 inch Angle grinder but that does take a bit of experience to control and I have been doing this a long time. Take care and I hope this helps.

  • @typhoontim125
    @typhoontim125 4 года назад +1

    Much needed video to help clear the confusion on grinder blade fitting. As if to add to the confusion Steve I bought that Parkside 20v Cordless grinder this evening in my local lidl and the cutting disc that came installed was fitted label side label side towards the tool. I watched an unboxing video by someone else on youtube and it too had the cutting disc fitted label side (and silver ring) towards the tool. One unrelated query...did u find that the sound from the motor seems quite thin/light compared to other grinders? I have the Ferrex (Aldi) cordless one and it has a heavier, more re-assuring sound. Ditto for two other corded models I have.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад +1

      Hi Brian, mine does sound more lightweight than a corded tool, but I guess that because it is. I have not yet managed to buy the ferrex version but I think I am right in saying that is 40v? so a bit more powerful. This Parkside tool is definitely for lighter use only but I do like using it, I will be devastated if it proves to only have a short life! Thank you as always for the input, Cheers!

  • @gavindevine956
    @gavindevine956 2 года назад

    Thanks this really helped a first timer!

  • @briandawkins984
    @briandawkins984 5 месяцев назад

    Great video, things are explained in detail. Just what i needed. As opposed to other videos that are tic toc like and useless.

  • @wallace3953
    @wallace3953 7 месяцев назад

    You and this Video are GREAT......Thanks so much from US....Make more videos, please!!!

  • @elyanae9588
    @elyanae9588 4 года назад +2

    Also - a great, easy way to make an angle grinder spanner that fits all; take an old adjustable spanner, drill holes the same size as the holes in your grinder locking nut, through each jaw of the adjustable spanner. Find some nuts and bolts that fit your grinder nut, and bolt them into the holes you've drilled into your old adjustable spanner. This way you always have a grinder spanner that will adjust to any size grinder. :) I've had and used my home made one for the past 15 years.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад +2

      Great tip! Thanks for the input, it is much appreciated!

    • @elyanae9588
      @elyanae9588 4 года назад +1

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 no problem. It's a great tool to make to throw in the tool box. You'll never struggle to open a locking nut again! :)

  • @timwilcox960
    @timwilcox960 3 года назад +1

    Clear and comprehensive - good job.
    Having just bought a new Makita angle grinder, I've watched three videos prior to yours and none of them address which way the blade/disc should be fitted. One even said: 'be sure to put it on the right way' - without any explanation as to which way the 'right way' is! :-)
    Having fitted an Abracs diamond blade, I assumed (correctly) that it had to rotate in the direction of the arrow on the label. However, I noticed there was a lot of play in the blade left to right, which would make accurate cuts impossible. After watching your vid', I realised I'd put the locking nut on the wrong way around (but the right way had I fitted the 6mm matal grinding disc supplied with the machine). Having flipped it over, the blade is now tight without any play at all. So, thank you kind sir! :-)

  • @malcolmjames7388
    @malcolmjames7388 3 года назад

    Great video , Thanks.....I have been told that all these disks have a expired date on the centre of the disk, Where the washer is

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад

      Yes, correct, some discs do have an expiry date. I have no idea why this should be, I have used discs decades old with no problem. The only time I would be concerned is if the disc got damp maybe? The discs are resin bonded silica carbide, nothing to rot or degrade there unless those discs are made with inferior resin that degrades in sunlight? Perhaps a disc technologist can enlighten us? Thanks for watching and for the interesting input, cheers!

  • @robertking8087
    @robertking8087 2 года назад

    B. King
    Very informative video. Appreciate you taking the time to make it.

  • @Skyler-lc3in
    @Skyler-lc3in Год назад

    Very new to angle grinders. Used one, but never had one. This vid I found very educational and saved to my playlist also smashed that subscribe button

  • @williamknowles5370
    @williamknowles5370 Год назад

    Have Milwaukee 4 1/2 grinder, not matter how it is tighten, there is a blade wobble, alignments are correct ( after reviewing your video.) Txs for your excellent video by the way ! Any advice? wk

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  Год назад

      Is the back nut the correct one, is it the right way round? it will be slotted to lock into place on the spindle. you can tell if it is seated correctly as when it is in place it cannot turn on the spindle. Check for bumps on both backing plate and lock nut. If this is not the problem I can only imagine it is the bearing breaking down. with machine unplugged pull the blade backwards and forwards and side to side. If it "clonks" or the spindle moves the bearing is shot. another thing, is the blade held very tight between the nuts when tightened? if not you may be trying yo use a thin blade without turning the lock nut around. Lock nuts usually have a flange on one side to use with thicker blades. Hope this helps.

  • @princethewondercat
    @princethewondercat 4 года назад

    Good explanation, true they do not tell you what side of the cutting disk should be facing up , with the metal down or as you say facing up. Question cutting hardened steel like a lock or chain, would you use a 1/16" or a 1/8" cutting wheel , thanks.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад

      Hi, if using a cordless tool use the thinner blade as it has less drag, for a mains power tool use the thicker blade to take the extra power. thanks for watching.

    • @princethewondercat
      @princethewondercat 4 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 Thanks ,that is what I did,makes sense

  • @mudassarislam6189
    @mudassarislam6189 2 года назад

    Bought my first angle grinder,,, 👍👍 excellent explanation,,, thank you 🙏

  • @piratedprivacy9052
    @piratedprivacy9052 3 года назад +8

    Great video Sir, but I've been told by many manufacturers that for Abrasive Slicing Discs that only has a RingSide (support washer),
    it shall ALWAYS be PRIORITISED to Face Towards the Backing-Flange (that is recessed upwards as standard) and
    thus the Non-Recessed(FLAT) Locking-Flange that will be screwed/pressed against the Abrasive Side DOESN'T Require the RingSide (support washer).
    They further explained that ALL ATTACHMENT including Abasive Slicing Disc that will 'meet/face' that 'recessed Backing-Flange' MUST BE RIGID.
    That is why a RingSide (support washer) is designed on every Abrasive Slicing Disc. Its to be Used AGAINST that Backing-Flange.
    All other attachment such as Diamond Blade/Multi-Disc etc which is ALREADY RIGID Both Sides have no such issues and are to follow their Arrow of Rotation instead.
    Hope this information helps...🙏

  • @debratisler2502
    @debratisler2502 3 месяца назад

    Great video, what about wire wheels with hex nuts.

  • @jameskoiman
    @jameskoiman 3 года назад

    You are a very smart English gentleman and so am I thank you for this info i will subscribe to your channel brother ...oh by the way i was born in the USA English descent .Thank you again

  • @michaelwilson1109
    @michaelwilson1109 2 года назад

    Thank you so much! Love the sure and confident manner.

  • @hazlbri
    @hazlbri 3 года назад

    Hi. Many thanks for the great advice !!! I have 2 doubts I can't find an answer to. I've just bought a Makita M9507B 115 mm. Its spindle is 21.16 mm. Do all makes of 115 mm discs have this same spindle diameter or do I have to get only Makita discs? And here's another query: I have been given a smaller diameter Bosch disc, in fact, 110 mm, whose hole is greater than 21.16 mm. So, do spacer washers (shims ?) exist so that it would fit my Makita snuggly and prevent it from wobbling, perhaps dangerously ? Perhaps there are tapered locked nuts to take up the space? I'd be very grateful for your guidance.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад

      Your machine specs show a bore size of 22.2 mm (see Screwfix website). This is standard and is the same fit as 22.23 mm bore size which is a more accurate conversion from the imperial 7/8 inch bore size. You can use any blade with either 22.2 or 22.23 size quoted. I know you can get spacers but I do not know where from. Unless the blade you have is in some way special I would simply buy a new blade to fit. Best of luck!

  • @DrXarul
    @DrXarul Год назад

    Well done Sir, and many thanks for this instructional video

  • @gregmccormack5709
    @gregmccormack5709 Год назад

    Thank you I feel much better about my grinder purchase

  • @raystanczak4277
    @raystanczak4277 Год назад

    Thanks-good basic info for us new grinder users.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  Год назад

      Glad it was helpful!

    • @raystanczak4277
      @raystanczak4277 Год назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 It was helpful TODAYI slapped a cutting wheel on with the label out-it seems like it should go that way, for the manufacturers name to show, if nothing else-but then I checked the arrows. I had it backwards. 👍

  • @vishaldileep8944
    @vishaldileep8944 3 года назад

    Sir thank you for making this video your information was useful for me and hope for everyone also your experience helped us too learn so many new things

  • @yieldhog
    @yieldhog 2 года назад

    Thank you. Only place I’ve seen that explains which way to install a diamond blade. The arrows on the blade were incorrectly assumed to reflect one’s view from the top , not the bottom. One remaining question is why the blade came with a washer. Blade fits nicely on the spindle without it.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  2 года назад

      Hi, some blades are supplied with a reducing washer so that they fit a smaller spindle. I assume that is what you have got? Cheers.

    • @yieldhog
      @yieldhog 2 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 Indeed. Thank you.

  • @iffetorbay6356
    @iffetorbay6356 2 года назад

    Excellent video! I share all the appreciations expressed in comments below! Thank you so much!

  • @robp4711
    @robp4711 4 года назад

    Very good, sir. I know how to use one but had no idea how to change the disc

  • @kak_smog
    @kak_smog 3 года назад

    Thank you very much!!! It is a very useful information for me!

  • @darrellm
    @darrellm 3 года назад

    Thanks so much for the terrific video. Darrell - South Dakota, USA

    @TERRYBIGGENDEN 4 года назад +1

    This is excellent. Thanks. I especially like your demo of the different blades and their uses.. :-)

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад +1

      Thank you very much!

      @TERRYBIGGENDEN 4 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 Thats fne. It really was very helpful to me. I must see what else you are up to. :-) I;d never used a =n angle grinder before and was bait wary. :-(

  • @marvellstarks2434
    @marvellstarks2434 2 года назад

    I learned everything I needed and more on this video

  • @andre1987eph
    @andre1987eph Год назад

    a quick info on proper orientation of blade guard and which portion of wheel in relation to rotation to cut and grind safely would have been nice.

  • @spirit3soul
    @spirit3soul 3 года назад

    Clarification needed. At apx 14:21 you put on a depressed blade, yet you didn't have the nut (higher middle part) going down, but did on the next depressed blade. Sorry, if I missed an explanation of why.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад +2

      Whether you put the raised boss down or up depends on the thickness of the blade, on thinner blades the nut won't tighten up if the raised section is down. Hope this helps.

  • @ami5975
    @ami5975 3 года назад

    After seeing 3:40, I realized that the backing plate on my 2ndhand angle grinder has a recessed area which is smaller than the spindle flat sides. So the backing plate is not locking in place. It is just riding on the spindle. It is surely the wrong backing plate for my angle grinder. Thank you.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  3 года назад

      Hi, the backing plate should have a wide slot that sits on a matching raised part of the spindle to stop it spinning. I assume you have not got this, Best of luck!

  • @flavius3896
    @flavius3896 Месяц назад

    Excellent presentation!

  • @roberthancock840
    @roberthancock840 3 года назад

    At last a really great video relating to angle grinder discs, you answered so many conflicting issues relating to which way, best I've seen yet.
    Many thanks. 👍

  • @arivab
    @arivab 3 года назад

    Great Video. Informative and simple explanation.

  • @allanh4803
    @allanh4803 4 года назад +2

    Some handy hints here Steve, thanks.

  • @mayIseeplease
    @mayIseeplease 3 года назад

    Excellent teaching video my friend - thanks for the great advice.

  • @Mendedit
    @Mendedit 6 месяцев назад

    I think I remember when there wasn't any washer at all, and my first angle grinder (Wolf) had an on/off switch like a light switch. spindle lock, what's one of those?

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  6 месяцев назад

      Careful, you may be owning up to being as old as me! Cheers.

    • @Mendedit
      @Mendedit 6 месяцев назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 But I still look 30yrs old!

    • @Mendedit
      @Mendedit 6 месяцев назад

      Joking apart I think the steel 'washer' is there to protect the 7/8" hole from becoming elliptical or larger which would make using the disc dangerous to use.
      And it IS 7/8 of an inch diameter not 22 or 22.2 or 22.23mm. The USA wouldn't stand for it.

  • @debrachoubai6565
    @debrachoubai6565 4 года назад

    Some blades have an arrow on them, so they need to match the direction of the spin which is always in a counterclockwise direction looking at the angle grinder 'face up,' -right? An appreciative DIYW.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад

      Hi Debra, yes, with the anglegrinder lying with the blade and the lock nut facing up, the blade will run anticlockwise (counterclockwise) if a blade has an arrow printed on it you should always follow the arrow. Hope this is clear, thanks for watching.

  • @elyanae9588
    @elyanae9588 4 года назад

    The parkside range of tools are awesome, for their prices! I have a whole range of different parkside power tools all powered by the same 20v batteries I have.

    • @thestonecraftingworkshop7490
      @thestonecraftingworkshop7490  4 года назад +1

      I think they are probably the best budget tools around. Thanks for watching.

    • @elyanae9588
      @elyanae9588 4 года назад

      @@thestonecraftingworkshop7490 I agree. 💯.

  • @melvis2017
    @melvis2017 Год назад

    U are a great teacher thanks for sharing with us this video appreciations 🇩🇰👍