This is a great solution. One thing to keep in mind. We followed the directions on this video. It temporarily resolved the issue, but then the empty bean warning came up again. We followed the other video on how to take apart the machine to clean the grinder. We discovered that when opening the flap with the paperclip we accidentally wedged it partially open causing grounds to back up again. Just be a little more lighthanded than we were and you should be good to go. Both this video and the one to take apart the machine are excellent!
What video are you referring? Can you send a link? I'm not sure what my issue is. When I trick the machine into this mode and do the grinding it grinds the beans... But then when I everything it grinds but then says oh nope no beans
I was getting the “wrench” error on the machine; grinder wouldn’t budge. Had run out of ideas and then came across this video. For the win! I expect these guys know more about these machines than anyone except the manufacturers.
Hi Mike, Awesome when you win! I'd say in many cases we know more than the manufacturers! For more check out our Gaggia Anima support site. A ton more DIY videos and info there:
Exactly the problem we were having. Your video was invaluable in getting our coffee maker back online. Many thanks for taking the time to show us how to fix the problem!
Perfect video. Showing the grinder outside of the machine was a huge help. It was like having two dads sitting there holding your hand showing you how to fix a toy that you thought was broken 😂
This was a helpful video! Unfortunately, we're still having issues with ours. Our in-laws gave us their Gaggia Anima Prestige after they couldn't get the grinder to work. I've gone through these steps to try and solve the issue, but the grinder still isn't working. 1) I can hear a motor spinning during the grinder test (around 3:30 in the video) 2) No beans are ground when I activate the grinder 3) If I do a pre-ground option, is DOES brew the espresso! That's encouraging to see What are some good next steps for me? Is there a way to actually disassemble the unit to get to the grinder itself? (1:00). This unit stopped functioning about a month after warranty, which frustrated my in-laws quite a bit. I'm hoping to find a way to get it operating properly again. This tip was BRILLIANT. "It might be helpful to note that the grinder will operate with the coffee bin door up if a weak magnet (like a refrigerator magnet) is held against the outside of the coffee bin at rim level between the pre-ground door and the indentation in the rim about 1-2 inches to the rear of the pre-ground door."
@@Wholelattelovepage Thanks a lot! 🥰 by that video I learned that there is no program option for Magenta. I tried the simple version, and volaaaa! ☺now having my morning coffee🙏😎
Did the trick for me! I had to use the paper clip and you can't really see what you're doing or if it's doing anything at all. I wasn't confident and then... Hallelujah!
Thanks for the great video. I got some grounds out with the paper clip, then tried brewing again and it still didn’t work. Then did the same process, except I added compressor and blew high pressure air into the grinder, and it blew what I missed from the grinder and shoot (which was a lot). I used a magnet on the bean hopper lid so that would operate with the door open. I’ve had my machine about three years and we’ve always used medium dark roast, which does have some oil on the bean. Thanks agin sharing your efforts, I originally thought I would have to buy a new machine.
Saved me 200 bucks! That's how much local repair quoted me. I like oily beans so after running a half pound through I used some cleaning beans to clean it out. Well, I didn't follow directions and thought more was better. I even allowed some powder to go in there. Luckily I was able to poke through with brew group removed. Cycled grinder to coarse and eventually it was back working. Maybe better than before. I think I will use vacuum from time to time to suck any extra grounded coffee out.
I have the same grinder assembly on my Phillips 4300. Mine isnt clogged, I just felt like disassembling it because I like taking things apart. How in the world did he remove the top portion of the grinder assembly?! I've got the entire thing taken apart except the top portion of the ceramic clamshell. I'm guessing I have to depress the grind size gear adjuster, then rotate the large gear clockwise but it's not budging. Any ideas? Update: Ok, I figured it out! You have to depress the spring loaded grind size adjuster with your finger while at the same time turning the upper large gear counterclockwise. The trick is that you have to cover both hands with a towel in order to get enough grip to turn the components.
Awesome video--thank you for sharing! I went through the troubleshooting steps, and my grinder doesn't operate at all when I push the steam button. I'm wondering if I should replace just the motor on the grinder or the entire grinder unit. Is there another test I can do to check which is needed?
Hi d, Here's a more recent video covering grinder replacement if needed:видео.html Typically you'd replace the grinder and motor as a unit. Before that you might want to make sure the magnet in the hopper lid is intact. If the machine does not sense the lid being closed the grinder will not operate. Here's a video with more info on that:видео.html
Solved my problem. Thanks! Now my Gaggia Anima is pouring coffee only in the right hole, on the left only a few drops. Is there anything that I could do to fix it easily? Thanks again
Hi Carlos. You are welcome! Sounds like an obstruction in the coffee spout outlets. Here's a video showing how to resolve the issue:видео.html Hope that helps!
I tried this guide and was able to fix my Gaggia Anima, but the very next day, I got the same error and after trying to declog it again, it won't work. When in program mode, it sounds like the machine doesn't even try to grind anything and it throws an error again. Is there anything else I can do to fix it?
Thanks! This was a lifesaver. The only thing I would add is that I found, after following this procedure, using the vacuum cleaner at the bottom of the chute - with top of the chute covered and the grinder going - really cleared out any remaining issues (i.e. use this procedure to break up the clogged coffee, and then the vacuum cleaner at the bottom of the chute to pull air through the grinder to clear everything out).
Lol, I independently came up with the same solution and posted it above :) I fool the hopper door sensor with a small magnet and leave it open to allow more air through the grinder.
Great, thanks, can u tell me please how can I increase the grinder cofee quantity, it comes less then half in the group and cofee is watery, the cofee pucks are also watery ( I open the grinder and clean it).Is there a way to increase the quantity from service menu? thanks
I tried this today as a maintenance precaution. It works great. Very surprised at how much coffee came out the chute when I put the paper clip in. It might be helpful to note that the grinder will operate with the coffee bin door up if a weak magnet (like a refrigerator magnet) is held against the outside of the coffee bin at rim level between the pre-ground door and the indentation in the rim about 1-2 inches to the rear of the pre-ground door.
where do you put the the espersso machine cleaner in a Gaggai Anima? We are having leaking issues - coffee running down the 'spout' and dripping for ages after machine has been used? Does the cleaning agent go into the 'ground coffee' slot for cleaning?
Hi JG, Thanks for the question. Yes, the cleaning tablets go in the ground coffee bypass doser. Then select to brew from ground coffee to run the cleaning cycle. Spouts dripping for ages may be an indication of build up in the spout chamber. Here's a video showing how to correct that:видео.html
Method in this video is for a clogged grinder. You can use Grindz pellets ion the machine but do not recommend doing so if the grinder is already clogged.
THANK YOU have done this several time the machine is ok for a few cups of coffee and then the wrench and number 1 come back????PLEASE help us!!! Where is the video to take themachine apart? Can't i just turn the nut on top of the grinder to loosen the clog?
Hi Fred, Sounds like it's time to replace the grinder/motor assembly. You're most likely hitting a dead spot on the motor. When you clean it's turning to spot which is good, runs for a few cycles then stops at a dead point again. Turning the nut could get you to a good spot on the motor if it stops. Probably not so much fixing a clog doing than just finding a spot in the motor where it will start if that makes sense. Should mention to avoid using beans with lots of visible surface oils. Here's a video showing how to replace the the Motor/Grinder assembly:видео.html And a link to the part:
I fixed the issue following this video, however, I used needle-nose pliers to manually twist the grinder an eighth of the way each cleaning cycle because there was a bean that would not allow the grinder to operate. I used the needle-nose pliers to twist the gray part of the grinder in the bean basket area.
Is there a similar procedure that I can use on my Brera? I continually have issues with the empty/clogged chute alarm. I've completely cleaned the grinder and it was good for 24 shots before I started to get alarms again. I am NOT using old or oily over roasted coffee. In fact what I saw you put in the grinder would be an issue with my machine. I'm getting 8/64 shots generating this alarm and you've already sent me on new grinder assembly that worked great for a while. How do I run the Brera grinder like you did in this example?
All the instructions worked on my Anima, thank you, super helpful, I have cleanded the grinder. However, still getting this error, and my beans are a little oily - is it a reason?? It is so frustrating - you buying “medium” roast beans and they are not dry enough for Anima Machine...
Hi Mrs T, You are welcome for the instructions. Sorry you are having difficulty with the beans. Most truly medium roasted beans should be fine - even darker roast so long as there are no visible surface oils on the beans. So if you have visible oils then yes that's a problem. If in US and still having trouble please contact us here for more assistance:
Thanks for the video. Do you have any video to show how to take the grinder out for cleaning. My Incanto HD8917 looks very similar to the one you are showing here.
Hi QL, You are welcome for the video. I do not have a video showing how to take the grinder out for cleaning. If your grinder is running and just needs a cleaning you might consider using Urnex SuperGrindz. Just run it through your machine like beans and it cleans the grinder. No need to take anything apart. Check it out here:
I have the Gaggia Babila and tried parts of this method, with paper clip and small pliers, while wearing a headlamp. Husband said it was like I was performing surgery. Our new vacuum didn’t form a complete seal though. It repaired the problem for a cup or two but then kept getting E01 error intermittently. I was working up to cleaning up our super old and gross vacuum to use it to suck out old beans. Then I discovered that if I fill the beam hopper to capacity so that the plastic shield is pushing down a bit on the beans, it solves the problem! I think having the hopper full provides enough pressure to move things forward in the grinder. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, so I thought I’d add it.
Hi, I have this problem with the Gaggia Babila, could you please inform me how to clear the grinder and or make a video for this machnine, dismouting the machine is not a problem if needed,
@@Wholelattelovepage thank you, but my question is about the Gaggia Babila not the Anima; I having trouble how to open the Babila the service manual isn't complety clear to me.
@@PaulPrinssen Hey Paul my bad. Saw the question on the Anima video and missed the Babila part. But, never fear! Here's the video you are looking for:видео.html
@@Wholelattelovepage any suggestions? I dismounted the complete set and un clogged the grinder set. Moutend all together again and still get E01 error now and then. Once I manually force it turn like 20degrees restart the machine it will work for several time. And then again the E01 error. So I changed beans and unclogged the machine. I Am a little bit lost in what could case the error. Thanks for all the help already
Hi Mark, Thanks for the comment! If you have an Anima, you may want to bookmark our Anima Support wiki: More videos, tips, manuals and diagrams available there.
Thanks for this video, I was thinking of stripping the machine when I came across this. Followed your directions and the machine is back to normal. If I had stripped it it would probably still be in pieces.
I have the Anima Prestige, followed this directions but when I press my top right button (it’s cappuccino vs steam), the grinder doesn’t operate and the screen changes to red. Any thoughts?
Unfortunately this method did not work for me, but a slightly modified routine did work, so thanks so much for this video. Instead of using a bent wire, I set the grinder to most course setting (to allow the most amount of air through), and fooled the bean hopper door sensor with a small magnet so I could leave it open. Then I vacuumed from the BOTTOM of the pre-ground bypass chute while covering the top of the chute with plastic wrap (with the bean hopper door open to allow lots of air into the grinder), and at the same time ran the grinder several cycles. This seems to dislodge and vacuum the grounds that cake up and clog the grinder.
I really appreciate the video and follow all the steps and my Gaggia Prestige worked again! But, after made some coffees the problem is back, showing error 1, sometimes in the morning I’m able to make 1 coffee and when trying another the error comes again, it seems like a capacitor is empty after the first coffee and it needs to recharge for some minutes to work again, even cleaning everything nothing makes it work
Hi Wagner, Thanks for the comment and I'm sorry to hear you are having issues. If in the US please contact our Tech Support for further assistance:
I find this machine to be junk because of all the grinder issues. We can keep fixing it constantly but that's not really an answer. I tried to return it after 40 days well with warranty limit and Whole Latte Love refused to do it. It's not the company it used to be.
Thank you for this tutorial! I kept getting the no bean (red) alert in the middle of my brewing cycle when there were plenty of beans in hopper. It was so frustrating bc then I would only get 1/4 of a shot of espresso. I knew my beans weren’t the issue (I use Lavazza super crema). However I found out, when I followed these cleaning instructions, there were a ton of grounds that came loose! I think having the grinder set on the finest setting was the issue. It took several brew cycles on a coarser setting, but the issue is resolved now! Such a relief! I have a question though- the manual states not to put too many beans in the hopper. How much/many beans should I keep in hopper? I previously had it totally full & wonder if that also contributed to my issue? Thanks!
Hi K, You are welcome. Glad you were able to resolve the issue! Fairly certain the amount of beans in hopper had nothing to do with the issue. Super Crema is fine to use in the machine. If using a very fine grind extra humid conditions may contribute to grind retention in the delivery chute.
Hi m, Unfortunately not familiar with the EU version - honestly surprised it's substantially different than North American version. Contact local dealer or Gaggia directly for assistance?
I have the same machine but I only get coffee out of one of the down sprouts or discharge holes (whatever you call them). Do you have a video for that? I descale my machine apron every 6 months when the message comes on, I also degrease regularly.
I'm using google translator, the problem must be in this. In the video is asked to change the configuration of the grinder to thick. Would you like to know the reason?
Good Morning. Thanks for the video. I would like to ask a question, I have a coffee maker that makes a whistle sound when the water passes through the group, sometimes. I have the impression that it is in the place of the connection of the water outlet of the coffee maker with the entrance of water in the group. I already lubricated the orings of the place. Do you have any idea?
Plenty of coffee coming out the chute, but the machine keeps thinking it isn't (no beans). I was reading about this and it sounded like the motor power consumption was used to detect proper operstion. Probably gonna have to take it apart again to clean but curious if this might be a known problem and possibly the motor is going bad or even the actual ceramic. The machine is prob 6.5 years old.
Hi B, Depending on use level 6.5 years is a good run. Here's a link to the troubleshooting section of our support wiki for the Anima: Sounds like you've already gone through the steps there - but just in case. There is the potential of other issues but hard to sat from where I'm sitting. If in US you could contact our tech support for additional assistance:
After I insert the cardboard and press the steam button to try to grind the beans, nothing happens. Verified the door is registering as closed as the panel is not red. What am I doing wrong?
After 3 times hitting the grinder button and using the paper clip, the grinder stopped responding to the button. Just nothing. Did I kill the grinder motor? Bean door closed, cardboard in both spots.
Hi FS, Usually means there's a partial blockage in the delivery spouts. Here's a video showing how to take care of that:видео.html
Hi TU, Thanks for the question. To program drinks volumes, press and hold the button you want to program. Once the grinder starts grinding or you see "Memo" in the display you can let go of the button. Once the desired volume has been dispensed, press the button and that volume is stored.
I messed up bigtime. poured water by accident into the bean tray and now the grinder doesnt grind any more. I will try this procedure. thank you so much for showing us how to do this.
@@Wholelattelovepage Hi! unfortunately it didnt work with the letting dry for 5 days and emptying it out. I put beans in and it doesnt process through. :( I didnt yet find the courage to try the procedure in the video. Will have to do that next. I also use a vaccum to try and suck stuff out, no success with that.
@@mduncanvm So I talked to our lead Gaggia Technician. He advised the clean out is a good idea but only if the grinder is actually running. If the grinder is not running he thinks it's likely the grinder is shot and will need to be replaced. Here's a more recent video showing step by step how to do that featuring Ted our Lead Gaggia Technician:видео.html
Hey there. Is a clogged grinder why my Gaggia Anima Prestige sometimes shows the "Bean Hopper Empty" message, even though there's a reasonable amount of beans in the hopper? I use "sweet espresso" beans by Ethical Bean Co. and my grind setting is set to "maximum fine".
I have same issues randomly with plenty of Lavazza super crema/Dek decaf beans in hopper. I just use the end of the brush to move the beans around where they enter grinder and most times that takes care of issue. Will Lavazza beans do that? I thought they were fine for super automatics?
My Gaggia Anima Deluxe powers completely off at the point where it should start grinding. In the diagnostic mode, the grinder test displays 88 22 on the third line, with zeroes on the two lines above. What does that code mean? Anything I can try on my own? I can use the bypass mode without a problem.
Hi j, I reached out to our tech support dept. and passed along the details you provided. Unfortunately they advised there were things you could test but all eventually lead to a repair. If you purchased the machine from us contact here for next steps:
@@Wholelattelovepage Unfortunately he didn't and I have excatly the same problem here, the grinder don't move after the first paper clip cleaning, so it is impossible to unclog. Any ideas? Thank you so much!
Hi SR, Any chance the beans you're using have lots of visible surface oils? Those type of beans can cause grinder clogs. Could also adjust the coarser to reduce likelihood of clogs.
@@Wholelattelovepage I sent my machine for repairs, even if I put coarsest it doesn't help or unclog. But yes I am using darker beans, how can I know if they are oily or not when I purchase them?
Hi WLL, I followed the instructions on this video and got the grinder spinning again. However as soon as I put in even just one bean into the grinder, it seizes up again, and have to clean the bean(s) out. Any suggestions?
When in program mode for grinder clean, doors fooled be living closed, screen white, I press top left button, after a few sec, the screen goes red. I cannot engage the grinder to move. Help
I had the same issue, grinder wouldn't move in programmer mode. What I did was use needle-nose pliers to manually twist the grinder from the area where you put the beans. I'd move it an eighth of the way and clean and vacuum then do it again another eighth. Eventually the bean that was causing the clog came undone and now it works again.
do you know how to fix this issue? Our espresso machine, same brand and same machine, it shuts off right after trying to pull a shot... i have no idea how to fix..
Hi Gabby, If you are in the US please contact our tech support dept for assistance here and they'd be happy to help:
Hello, Once a month, I put a spoonful of rice to clean the grinder. By doing the procedure demonstrated in the video, would it be necessary to do this or not? It looks like the video procedure does a good cleaning. Appreciate.
Hi FFCC, I don't recommend putting rice through the grinder of a super-automatic machine! The only thing that should go through these grinders is whole bean coffee. If you want to clean, procedure in video is the way to go.
Hi LL, Sounds like you are getting an error message. What does the red image look like on the screen? If you are in the US you can contact our tech support here for one on one assistance via phone, chat or email: You can also check our Gaggia Anima support wiki for help here:
I followed instructions and cleaned out a section with the paper-clip. When I tried to rotate the grinder to paper-clip clean the other sections, the grinder was jammed and didn't move. I need to unjam it by cleaning it. But I can't clean it unless I unjam in first. So you see the problem? The only solution was to unscrew the screws and take out the grinder group for cleaning but it's like glued on or something and not designed to be taken apart easily by just unscrewing. When I'm ready to buy a Jura, I'll break apart this Gaggia to see if I can clean it and have it still work after dissection. It sucks - had it for only 2 years before it goes kaput. What a piece of junk - switching to Jura.
I hate this machine. Very temperamental and nothing intuitive about the menu. It needs SO much more Maintanence than any of my other 5 super-automatics over the years. I use very dry beans and it constantly clogs. My grinder adjustment tool broke right away. I'm not sure I can even adjust the grinder anymore. It won't move even with pliers. I tried to return it right away and Whole Latte Love refused the return. I think I had the machine two weeks at that point. This video might get it working again but having to do this stuff after each 3 weeks of a few daily espressos is ridiculous. Seriously I hate this machine. It was way too expensive for me to have to leave for work without a coffee on a regular basis.
Lots of comments about how this video saved them expensive repairs. That should not be necessary with a machine at this level. I don't think people get that.
My Gaggia cadorna prestige constantly clogs. What a pain in the ass. I bought this to save time in the morning. Now I have to be become MacGyver at 6am.
I tried this at least 8 times. No solution to my problem. It grinds and no brewing, no coffee. I wasted so many beans... frustrated. No help from Whole Latte Love. Not happy, I hate this machine.😁
This is a great solution. One thing to keep in mind. We followed the directions on this video. It temporarily resolved the issue, but then the empty bean warning came up again. We followed the other video on how to take apart the machine to clean the grinder. We discovered that when opening the flap with the paperclip we accidentally wedged it partially open causing grounds to back up again. Just be a little more lighthanded than we were and you should be good to go. Both this video and the one to take apart the machine are excellent!
Hi EM, Thanks for sharing your experience and tips!
What video are you referring? Can you send a link? I'm not sure what my issue is. When I trick the machine into this mode and do the grinding it grinds the beans... But then when I everything it grinds but then says oh nope no beans
I was getting the “wrench” error on the machine; grinder wouldn’t budge. Had run out of ideas and then came across this video. For the win! I expect these guys know more about these machines than anyone except the manufacturers.
Hi Mike, Awesome when you win! I'd say in many cases we know more than the manufacturers! For more check out our Gaggia Anima support site. A ton more DIY videos and info there:
Exactly the problem we were having. Your video was invaluable in getting our coffee maker back online. Many thanks for taking the time to show us how to fix the problem!
Hey Joel, you're welcome!
Never was so much owed by so many to so few. grazie mila
Hi Ben, You're welcome!
Amazing! Saved my coffee machine after my husband poured water into the wrong compartment!! Thank you!!
Perfect video. Showing the grinder outside of the machine was a huge help. It was like having two dads sitting there holding your hand showing you how to fix a toy that you thought was broken 😂
Glad it helped!
Thank you so much! I somehow managed to get coffee beans where they shouldn't be and jammed my machine. Very grateful for this video!
You're very welcome!
This was a helpful video! Unfortunately, we're still having issues with ours. Our in-laws gave us their Gaggia Anima Prestige after they couldn't get the grinder to work. I've gone through these steps to try and solve the issue, but the grinder still isn't working.
1) I can hear a motor spinning during the grinder test (around 3:30 in the video)
2) No beans are ground when I activate the grinder
3) If I do a pre-ground option, is DOES brew the espresso! That's encouraging to see
What are some good next steps for me? Is there a way to actually disassemble the unit to get to the grinder itself? (1:00). This unit stopped functioning about a month after warranty, which frustrated my in-laws quite a bit. I'm hoping to find a way to get it operating properly again.
This tip was BRILLIANT.
"It might be helpful to note that the grinder will operate with the coffee bin door up if a weak magnet (like a refrigerator magnet) is held against the outside of the coffee bin at rim level between the pre-ground door and the indentation in the rim about 1-2 inches to the rear of the pre-ground door."
thats a great explanantion Thnaks a lot! how can I do with Magenta Plus version, the program part?
Hi DD, Here's the same video for the Magenta:видео.html
@@Wholelattelovepage Thanks a lot! 🥰 by that video I learned that there is no program option for Magenta. I tried the simple version, and volaaaa! ☺now having my morning coffee🙏😎
This was exactly what I needed and explained perfectly. Well done and thanks
Hi Mike, You are welcome and thanks for taking a moment to leave your comment!
Did the trick for me! I had to use the paper clip and you can't really see what you're doing or if it's doing anything at all. I wasn't confident and then... Hallelujah!
Thank you, you saved me an expensive repair. Your solution sorted out my blockage.
Glad it helped - thanks for the comment!
Thanks for the great video. I got some grounds out with the paper clip, then tried brewing again and it still didn’t work. Then did the same process, except I added compressor and blew high pressure air into the grinder, and it blew what I missed from the grinder and shoot (which was a lot). I used a magnet on the bean hopper lid so that would operate with the door open. I’ve had my machine about three years and we’ve always used medium dark roast, which does have some oil on the bean. Thanks agin sharing your efforts, I originally thought I would have to buy a new machine.
Hey richard, you're welcome and thanks for sharing your experience!
Did the trick 👌! Thank you. (And your production values are very good too, which I appreciate 🙏. )
Saved me 200 bucks! That's how much local repair quoted me. I like oily beans so after running a half pound through I used some cleaning beans to clean it out. Well, I didn't follow directions and thought more was better. I even allowed some powder to go in there. Luckily I was able to poke through with brew group removed. Cycled grinder to coarse and eventually it was back working. Maybe better than before. I think I will use vacuum from time to time to suck any extra grounded coffee out.
Hi CC, Happy to help save you the money!
I have the same grinder assembly on my Phillips 4300. Mine isnt clogged, I just felt like disassembling it because I like taking things apart. How in the world did he remove the top portion of the grinder assembly?! I've got the entire thing taken apart except the top portion of the ceramic clamshell. I'm guessing I have to depress the grind size gear adjuster, then rotate the large gear clockwise but it's not budging. Any ideas?
Update: Ok, I figured it out! You have to depress the spring loaded grind size adjuster with your finger while at the same time turning the upper large gear counterclockwise. The trick is that you have to cover both hands with a towel in order to get enough grip to turn the components.
Thanks for sharing!
Awesome video--thank you for sharing! I went through the troubleshooting steps, and my grinder doesn't operate at all when I push the steam button. I'm wondering if I should replace just the motor on the grinder or the entire grinder unit. Is there another test I can do to check which is needed?
Hi d, Here's a more recent video covering grinder replacement if needed:видео.html Typically you'd replace the grinder and motor as a unit. Before that you might want to make sure the magnet in the hopper lid is intact. If the machine does not sense the lid being closed the grinder will not operate. Here's a video with more info on that:видео.html
Solved my problem. Thanks!
Now my Gaggia Anima is pouring coffee only in the right hole, on the left only a few drops. Is there anything that I could do to fix it easily? Thanks again
Hi Carlos. You are welcome! Sounds like an obstruction in the coffee spout outlets. Here's a video showing how to resolve the issue:видео.html
Hope that helps!
Very helpful video. I have a Gaggia Academia. The grinder suddenly gummed up. Do you have a guide on how to clear the grinder on that machine?
Hi DC, Thanks for the comment. Of course we do! Right here:видео.html
Amazing, you are a treasure of info and ingenuity! Many thanks, very informative.
I tried this guide and was able to fix my Gaggia Anima, but the very next day, I got the same error and after trying to declog it again, it won't work. When in program mode, it sounds like the machine doesn't even try to grind anything and it throws an error again. Is there anything else I can do to fix it?
This was a lifesaver.
The only thing I would add is that I found, after following this procedure, using the vacuum cleaner at the bottom of the chute - with top of the chute covered and the grinder going - really cleared out any remaining issues (i.e. use this procedure to break up the clogged coffee, and then the vacuum cleaner at the bottom of the chute to pull air through the grinder to clear everything out).
Hi TO, You are welcome and thank you for adding tips for others in the community - most appreciated!
Lol, I independently came up with the same solution and posted it above :) I fool the hopper door sensor with a small magnet and leave it open to allow more air through the grinder.
Great, thanks, can u tell me please how can I increase the grinder cofee quantity, it comes less then half in the group and cofee is watery, the cofee pucks are also watery ( I open the grinder and clean it).Is there a way to increase the quantity from service menu? thanks
I tried this today as a maintenance precaution. It works great. Very surprised at how much coffee came out the chute when I put the paper clip in.
It might be helpful to note that the grinder will operate with the coffee bin door up if a weak magnet (like a refrigerator magnet) is held against the outside of the coffee bin at rim level between the pre-ground door and the indentation in the rim about 1-2 inches to the rear of the pre-ground door.
Hi Howard, Thanks for sharing your experience and the magnet tip!
where do you put the the espersso machine cleaner in a Gaggai Anima? We are having leaking issues - coffee running down the 'spout' and dripping for ages after machine has been used? Does the cleaning agent go into the 'ground coffee' slot for cleaning?
Hi JG, Thanks for the question. Yes, the cleaning tablets go in the ground coffee bypass doser. Then select to brew from ground coffee to run the cleaning cycle. Spouts dripping for ages may be an indication of build up in the spout chamber. Here's a video showing how to correct that:видео.html
Is this method used to clean the burr grinder with grindz cleaner pellets?
Method in this video is for a clogged grinder. You can use Grindz pellets ion the machine but do not recommend doing so if the grinder is already clogged.
Todd provided clear and easy to follow instructions, I was able to solve our machines grinder problem.
Hi Paul, Thanks for the comment!
THANK YOU have done this several time the machine is ok for a few cups of coffee and then the wrench and number 1 come back????PLEASE help us!!! Where is the video to take themachine apart? Can't i just turn the nut on top of the grinder to loosen the clog?
Hi Fred, Sounds like it's time to replace the grinder/motor assembly. You're most likely hitting a dead spot on the motor. When you clean it's turning to spot which is good, runs for a few cycles then stops at a dead point again. Turning the nut could get you to a good spot on the motor if it stops. Probably not so much fixing a clog doing than just finding a spot in the motor where it will start if that makes sense. Should mention to avoid using beans with lots of visible surface oils.
Here's a video showing how to replace the the Motor/Grinder assembly:видео.html
And a link to the part:
I fixed the issue following this video, however, I used needle-nose pliers to manually twist the grinder an eighth of the way each cleaning cycle because there was a bean that would not allow the grinder to operate. I used the needle-nose pliers to twist the gray part of the grinder in the bean basket area.
Great tip!
Is there a similar video for the Philips 3200 machine?
Hey jazzsax, Sorry no content on this subject for that machine.
Is there a similar procedure that I can use on my Brera? I continually have issues with the empty/clogged chute alarm. I've completely cleaned the grinder and it was good for 24 shots before I started to get alarms again. I am NOT using old or oily over roasted coffee. In fact what I saw you put in the grinder would be an issue with my machine. I'm getting 8/64 shots generating this alarm and you've already sent me on new grinder assembly that worked great for a while. How do I run the Brera grinder like you did in this example?
All the instructions worked on my Anima, thank you, super helpful, I have cleanded the grinder. However, still getting this error, and my beans are a little oily - is it a reason??
It is so frustrating - you buying “medium” roast beans and they are not dry enough for Anima Machine...
Hi Mrs T, You are welcome for the instructions. Sorry you are having difficulty with the beans. Most truly medium roasted beans should be fine - even darker roast so long as there are no visible surface oils on the beans. So if you have visible oils then yes that's a problem. If in US and still having trouble please contact us here for more assistance:
Thanks for the video. Do you have any video to show how to take the grinder out for cleaning. My Incanto HD8917 looks very similar to the one you are showing here.
Hi QL, You are welcome for the video. I do not have a video showing how to take the grinder out for cleaning. If your grinder is running and just needs a cleaning you might consider using Urnex SuperGrindz. Just run it through your machine like beans and it cleans the grinder. No need to take anything apart. Check it out here:
Million thanks:). I actually tried the way you did in the video and I think it has worked. Thanks again for the video and your quick reply.
Thank you! you just saved my $100 at least :)
Glad I could help!
thank you coffee dads!
You bet!
I have the Gaggia Babila and tried parts of this method, with paper clip and small pliers, while wearing a headlamp. Husband said it was like I was performing surgery. Our new vacuum didn’t form a complete seal though. It repaired the problem for a cup or two but then kept getting E01 error intermittently. I was working up to cleaning up our super old and gross vacuum to use it to suck out old beans. Then I discovered that if I fill the beam hopper to capacity so that the plastic shield is pushing down a bit on the beans, it solves the problem! I think having the hopper full provides enough pressure to move things forward in the grinder. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, so I thought I’d add it.
Hey bacon, Glad you found a solution and thanks for sharing.
Hi, I have this problem with the Gaggia Babila, could you please inform me how to clear the grinder and or make a video for this machnine, dismouting the machine is not a problem if needed,
Hi Paul, Here's a video showing how to clean, replace and calibrate the Anima grinder:видео.html
@@Wholelattelovepage thank you, but my question is about the Gaggia Babila not the Anima; I having trouble how to open the Babila the service manual isn't complety clear to me.
@@PaulPrinssen Hey Paul my bad. Saw the question on the Anima video and missed the Babila part. But, never fear! Here's the video you are looking for:видео.html
@@Wholelattelovepage wow thank you. What a service 👍
@@Wholelattelovepage any suggestions? I dismounted the complete set and un clogged the grinder set. Moutend all together again and still get E01 error now and then. Once I manually force it turn like 20degrees restart the machine it will work for several time. And then again the E01 error. So I changed beans and unclogged the machine. I Am a little bit lost in what could case the error. Thanks for all the help already
Great presentation. Saved it to my favorites, just in case. LOL
Hi Mark, Thanks for the comment! If you have an Anima, you may want to bookmark our Anima Support wiki:
More videos, tips, manuals and diagrams available there.
Thanks for this video, I was thinking of stripping the machine when I came across this. Followed your directions and the machine is back to normal. If I had stripped it it would probably still be in pieces.
Hi Alan, You are welcome. Glad you found the video!
I have the Anima Prestige, followed this directions but when I press my top right button (it’s cappuccino vs steam), the grinder doesn’t operate and the screen changes to red. Any thoughts?
Hi JVA, Red screen is an error message. Here's a video covering error messages on the Anima:видео.html
Unfortunately this method did not work for me, but a slightly modified routine did work, so thanks so much for this video. Instead of using a bent wire, I set the grinder to most course setting (to allow the most amount of air through), and fooled the bean hopper door sensor with a small magnet so I could leave it open. Then I vacuumed from the BOTTOM of the pre-ground bypass chute while covering the top of the chute with plastic wrap (with the bean hopper door open to allow lots of air into the grinder), and at the same time ran the grinder several cycles. This seems to dislodge and vacuum the grounds that cake up and clog the grinder.
Hi Hamid, Thanbks for sharing your improvised method! Hopefully it helps someone else.
I really appreciate the video and follow all the steps and my Gaggia Prestige worked again! But, after made some coffees the problem is back, showing error 1, sometimes in the morning I’m able to make 1 coffee and when trying another the error comes again, it seems like a capacitor is empty after the first coffee and it needs to recharge for some minutes to work again, even cleaning everything nothing makes it work
Hi Wagner, Thanks for the comment and I'm sorry to hear you are having issues. If in the US please contact our Tech Support for further assistance:
I find this machine to be junk because of all the grinder issues. We can keep fixing it constantly but that's not really an answer. I tried to return it after 40 days well with warranty limit and Whole Latte Love refused to do it. It's not the company it used to be.
Thank you for this tutorial! I kept getting the no bean (red) alert in the middle of my brewing cycle when there were plenty of beans in hopper. It was so frustrating bc then I would only get 1/4 of a shot of espresso. I knew my beans weren’t the issue (I use Lavazza super crema). However I found out, when I followed these cleaning instructions, there were a ton of grounds that came loose! I think having the grinder set on the finest setting was the issue. It took several brew cycles on a coarser setting, but the issue is resolved now! Such a relief!
I have a question though- the manual states not to put too many beans in the hopper. How much/many beans should I keep in hopper? I previously had it totally full & wonder if that also contributed to my issue? Thanks!
Hi K, You are welcome. Glad you were able to resolve the issue! Fairly certain the amount of beans in hopper had nothing to do with the issue. Super Crema is fine to use in the machine. If using a very fine grind extra humid conditions may contribute to grind retention in the delivery chute.
Thanks so much. This got us going again. Was very happy to not have to actually disassemble anything
So helpful. Thank you!!!!
Glad it was helpful!
we havn an anima but it is different than this one (european). we cannot get to the grinder to clean it? any tips?
Hi m, Unfortunately not familiar with the EU version - honestly surprised it's substantially different than North American version. Contact local dealer or Gaggia directly for assistance?
I have the same machine but I only get coffee out of one of the down sprouts or discharge holes (whatever you call them). Do you have a video for that? I descale my machine apron every 6 months when the message comes on, I also degrease regularly.
Hey Bob, Of course we have a video for that!видео.html
@@Wholelattelovepage Thank I see my spout is loaded with white scales...
Could you clarify one last doubt! What is the purpose of changing the grinder to thick?
Hi FFCC, In general, one would use a finer grind for a shorter drink like espresso and a coarser grind for a taller drink like a lungo.
Sorry, I think I expressed myself badly, in the video talks to change the grinder to thick, why?
I don't believe we mention "thick" grind in the video so I'm having trouble understanding your question.
I'm using google translator, the problem must be in this.
In the video is asked to change the configuration of the grinder to thick.
Would you like to know the reason?
Good Morning.
Thanks for the video.
I would like to ask a question, I have a coffee maker that makes a whistle sound when the water passes through the group, sometimes. I have the impression that it is in the place of the connection of the water outlet of the coffee maker with the entrance of water in the group. I already lubricated the orings of the place.
Do you have any idea?
HI FFCC, Have not heard a machine making a whistling sound but suppose that's possible.
But, if possible, could it damage the machine?
Could you explain me how to disassemble the front of the machine?
Hi. My machine indicates BEAN-C= N. What does it mean? Can’t make coffee because it says that the bean hopper is open. How do I fix this?
Plenty of coffee coming out the chute, but the machine keeps thinking it isn't (no beans). I was reading about this and it sounded like the motor power consumption was used to detect proper operstion. Probably gonna have to take it apart again to clean but curious if this might be a known problem and possibly the motor is going bad or even the actual ceramic. The machine is prob 6.5 years old.
Hi B, Depending on use level 6.5 years is a good run. Here's a link to the troubleshooting section of our support wiki for the Anima:
Sounds like you've already gone through the steps there - but just in case. There is the potential of other issues but hard to sat from where I'm sitting. If in US you could contact our tech support for additional assistance:
This entirely worked, thank you!
Glad it helped!
After I insert the cardboard and press the steam button to try to grind the beans, nothing happens. Verified the door is registering as closed as the panel is not red. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Linda, It's most likely one of the 2 cardboard pieces is not tripping the internal sensors. Try repositioning those to trip the internal sensors.
After 3 times hitting the grinder button and using the paper clip, the grinder stopped responding to the button. Just nothing. Did I kill the grinder motor? Bean door closed, cardboard in both spots.
hi my machine after making coffee keep dripping for a minute plus anything I can do ??
Hi FS, Usually means there's a partial blockage in the delivery spouts. Here's a video showing how to take care of that:видео.html
How to go to program mode with Magenta prestige?
Hi TU, Thanks for the question. To program drinks volumes, press and hold the button you want to program. Once the grinder starts grinding or you see "Memo" in the display you can let go of the button. Once the desired volume has been dispensed, press the button and that volume is stored.
I messed up bigtime. poured water by accident into the bean tray and now the grinder doesnt grind any more. I will try this procedure. thank you so much for showing us how to do this.
Hi m, Hope that works for you. Often after the machine dries out everything will work again after clearing the grinder.
@@Wholelattelovepage Hi! unfortunately it didnt work with the letting dry for 5 days and emptying it out. I put beans in and it doesnt process through. :( I didnt yet find the courage to try the procedure in the video. Will have to do that next. I also use a vaccum to try and suck stuff out, no success with that.
@@mduncanvm So I talked to our lead Gaggia Technician. He advised the clean out is a good idea but only if the grinder is actually running. If the grinder is not running he thinks it's likely the grinder is shot and will need to be replaced. Here's a more recent video showing step by step how to do that featuring Ted our Lead Gaggia Technician:видео.html
@@Wholelattelovepage The grinder is running, its just no pulling in beans?
thanks for helping me with this btw, Its greatly appreciated.
Hey there. Is a clogged grinder why my Gaggia Anima Prestige sometimes shows the "Bean Hopper Empty" message, even though there's a reasonable amount of beans in the hopper? I use "sweet espresso" beans by Ethical Bean Co. and my grind setting is set to "maximum fine".
Hi JM, It's likely. Do the beans have visible surface oils? If so, that style bean may be problematic for super-auto machines.
I have same issues randomly with plenty of Lavazza super crema/Dek decaf beans in hopper. I just use the end of the brush to move the beans around where they enter grinder and most times that takes care of issue. Will Lavazza beans do that? I thought they were fine for super automatics?
I also had luck when mine got jammed on the finest setting just turning it back one grind setting and running the machine
Hi J, Thanks for the comment - that does work sometimes.
You're welcome!
My Gaggia Anima Deluxe powers completely off at the point where it should start grinding. In the diagnostic mode, the grinder test displays 88 22 on the third line, with zeroes on the two lines above. What does that code mean? Anything I can try on my own? I can use the bypass mode without a problem.
Hi j, I reached out to our tech support dept. and passed along the details you provided. Unfortunately they advised there were things you could test but all eventually lead to a repair. If you purchased the machine from us contact here for next steps:
Thank you for this!
My pleasure!
What if the display screen turns red again with lid closed and grinder never turns?
I’ve tried this method and it still doesn’t work what should I do now?
Thanks a lot
for this, I thought I’d have to take the whole thing apart (which is not trivial)
Hi HM, You are welcome!
The grinder is still stuck after paper clip cleaning so I can't clean the other sections.
Glad you found a solution!
@@Wholelattelovepage Unfortunately he didn't and I have excatly the same problem here, the grinder don't move after the first paper clip cleaning, so it is impossible to unclog. Any ideas? Thank you so much!
Is it possible to remove the whole grinder to clean it up thoroughly, worked the first time, and now even after the cleans i keep getting no beans,
Hi SR, Any chance the beans you're using have lots of visible surface oils? Those type of beans can cause grinder clogs. Could also adjust the coarser to reduce likelihood of clogs.
@@Wholelattelovepage I sent my machine for repairs, even if I put coarsest it doesn't help or unclog. But yes I am using darker beans, how can I know if they are oily or not when I purchase them?
Hi WLL, I followed the instructions on this video and got the grinder spinning again. However as soon as I put in even just one bean into the grinder, it seizes up again, and have to clean the bean(s) out. Any suggestions?
When in program mode for grinder clean, doors fooled be living closed, screen white, I press top left button, after a few sec, the screen goes red. I cannot engage the grinder to move. Help
Grinder 0
108. 2
108 28
I had the same issue, grinder wouldn't move in programmer mode. What I did was use needle-nose pliers to manually twist the grinder from the area where you put the beans. I'd move it an eighth of the way and clean and vacuum then do it again another eighth. Eventually the bean that was causing the clog came undone and now it works again.
do you know how to fix this issue? Our espresso machine, same brand and same machine, it shuts off right after trying to pull a shot... i have no idea how to fix..
Hi Gabby, If you are in the
US please contact our tech support dept for assistance here and they'd be happy to help:
Once a month, I put a spoonful of rice to clean the grinder.
By doing the procedure demonstrated in the video, would it be necessary to do this or not?
It looks like the video procedure does a good cleaning.
Hi FFCC, I don't recommend putting rice through the grinder of a super-automatic machine! The only thing that should go through these grinders is whole bean coffee. If you want to clean, procedure in video is the way to go.
What's the problem with my Gaggia Anima XL machine which display red signals on screen??? Can anyone help me to find out the solution?
Hi LL, Sounds like you are getting an error message. What does the red image look like on the screen? If you are in the US you can contact our tech support here for one on one assistance via phone, chat or email: You can also check our Gaggia Anima support wiki for help here:
I followed the instruction, just the grinder is still not moving at all. I am running out of help.
gaggia anima xl - how to clean clogged spout
I followed instructions and cleaned out a section with the paper-clip. When I tried to rotate the grinder to paper-clip clean the other sections, the grinder was jammed and didn't move. I need to unjam it by cleaning it. But I can't clean it unless I unjam in first. So you see the problem? The only solution was to unscrew the screws and take out the grinder group for cleaning but it's like glued on or something and not designed to be taken apart easily by just unscrewing. When I'm ready to buy a Jura, I'll break apart this Gaggia to see if I can clean it and have it still work after dissection. It sucks - had it for only 2 years before it goes kaput. What a piece of junk - switching to Jura.
Hi E, Sorry to hear you are having issue. If in the US please contact our tech support: They should be able to help troubleshoot and resolve.
I need coffee maker support not espresdo
I hate this machine. Very temperamental and nothing intuitive about the menu. It needs SO much more Maintanence than any of my other 5 super-automatics over the years. I use very dry beans and it constantly clogs. My grinder adjustment tool broke right away. I'm not sure I can even adjust the grinder anymore. It won't move even with pliers. I tried to return it right away and Whole Latte Love refused the return. I think I had the machine two weeks at that point. This video might get it working again but having to do this stuff after each 3 weeks of a few daily espressos is ridiculous. Seriously I hate this machine. It was way too expensive for me to have to leave for work without a coffee on a regular basis.
Lots of comments about how this video saved them expensive repairs. That should not be necessary with a machine at this level. I don't think people get that.
My Gaggia cadorna prestige constantly clogs. What a pain in the ass. I bought this to save time in the morning. Now I have to be become MacGyver at 6am.
Hi TC, Are you using oily beans? If so they can cause clogs in grinders of any super-automatic machine.
@@Wholelattelovepage nope. Maromas brand mainly the Orphea from your store. The machine is from you too.
I tried this at least 8 times. No solution to my problem. It grinds and no brewing, no coffee. I wasted so many beans... frustrated. No help from Whole Latte Love. Not happy, I hate this machine.😁