Joe and Cameron S4+ Alternate ending / Halt and catch fire /

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @StrawberryNinjaNibbles
    @StrawberryNinjaNibbles 6 лет назад +183

    I’m gonna pretend they ended up happily together

    • @jeffshaught
      @jeffshaught 5 лет назад


    • @thehummingbird8790
      @thehummingbird8790 5 лет назад +12

      It's better to accept things as they are. Real human relationships and interactions are messy. Sometimes, people stay together or they don't! Sometimes, they break apart, and the universe has a way of bringing them back to each other. Unfortunately, in this case, it didn't happen that way. Sometimes we have to accept the cards we're dealt. Just remember that if one door closes, another opens.

    • @nobytes2
      @nobytes2 5 лет назад +5

      Is impossible with Cam tbh she's too immature and childish.

    • @Radb707
      @Radb707 4 года назад +10

      @@thehummingbird8790 "unfortunately, in this case, it didn't happen that way" really? There's another few decades to their story that's not in the show. It's very much possible. Esp since their problem was always working together. Well he's not in the tech field anymore so boom problem gone.

    • @gizem9707
      @gizem9707 4 года назад +4

      @@thehummingbird8790 couldnt agree more. At first I was disappointed too that they didnt end up together but then I thought.. sometimes its better to let it go

  • @enzoremy2464
    @enzoremy2464 2 года назад +45

    There is no reason to believe Cam and Joe didn't end up together eventually. They loved each other deeply. There were no serious issues between them. They simply had more stuff to solve before they came together again. Her, making peace with her mother (the reason for which she was afraid of having kids) and him finally pursuing a career that gave him satisfaction. Their relationship and love for each other was so beautiful. I liked especially the episode where they reconnected over the phone and talked for like a full day non-stop. It was so sweet.

    • @luistenma85
      @luistenma85 2 года назад +4

      Of course, I agree. There's no reason to believe that couldn't happen again. She knows where he is after all. The story wasn't about their romance anyway, this was just another vehicle to prove the psychology of the characters. It's beautiful to perceive story finales as open-ended.

  • @enzoremy2464
    @enzoremy2464 2 года назад +20

    Incredibile just how much chemistry Lee and Mackenzie have on the screen. I rarely see such couples in the movies

  • @catty23ism
    @catty23ism 5 лет назад +30

    oooo my god, lee's voice, asmr for my ears

  • @cynthiaribay4082
    @cynthiaribay4082 4 года назад +40

    The finale and entire show was well written, casted, and acted. I felt like I was watching life unfold and I was invested in each character. I truly love this show. I do want more but the finale was well thought out. It made me realize how much life really comes around full circle sometimes.

  • @toddwilharm3437
    @toddwilharm3437 6 лет назад +63

    my all time favorite show . wish they would have done a 5th seasons

  • @subculturenz
    @subculturenz 5 лет назад +45

    Isn't it crazy that in the first few seasons i just couldn't stand Cameron, couldn't understand her and just hated her attitude and then come the final season it all started making sense, the burden she carried and her loyalty and belief in people and then all of a sudden all of her past actions made sense and she became my favourite character.

    • @II-xl7lj
      @II-xl7lj 5 лет назад +3

      Ah I with you not agree, indeed do this strange. Okay still in 2-3 seasons, but as she could irritate whom either in the first? There is a way that she turned out to be so very textured, so cute and piercing at the same time, a little detached from reality, so that her words and actions are not perceived as sharply as in subsequent seasons, here (in season 1) her childishness and where the audacity with madness look more funny and touching than annoying, especially coupled with a very interesting appearance, which so appropriately complements the character. At least this is my opinion, at the described stage of the series, she was very nice to me.

    • @mulder006
      @mulder006 4 года назад +1

      She was annoying in the first season and a half but she kept showing glimpses of her vulnerability and also became my favorite character.

  • @UncleBensChannel
    @UncleBensChannel 4 года назад +15

    This show was a bit of a mindfuck. I cried when Gordo died.

  • @SusannGER
    @SusannGER 5 лет назад +24

    This scene 8:00 was made sooooo beautifully ...I couldn't even be mad they didn't end up together.

  • @strangersontheinternet
    @strangersontheinternet 5 лет назад +52

    I feel like they did them really dirty. This show was life for me and they created soo complex characters, which was amazing, but as they started to air mid-season 4 it just got a mess. I understand Gordon's death, which was hard, but understandable as tv shows are supposed to be dramatic and bitter sweet but I just feel like they did Joe and Cam dirty. Joe got calmer and for some reason they kind of made him salty and passiv agressive again and it just hurts to have seen that. to this day I cannot explain myself why they made him leave without saying goodbye to her because they both seemed so mature about the breakup and it was clear that she had regrets about in the final episode when asked about him, the letter and where he lives. and he just went M.I.A even after "supposedly" having changed in the previous episodes as he longed for a family of his ohn and it was all so clear that he loved her so, it just makes zero sense. The way they wrote this characters at the end just didn't make sense. This still messes me up bc they did them both dirty.

    • @RuffyCh
      @RuffyCh  5 лет назад +16

      I know exactly what you mean, I feel the same way. All the characters' growth suddenly went down the drain - Cameron became selfish again (and apparently Joe held her back *rolls eyes*) and Joe went back to his manipulative self, being aggressive and trying to bribe her. They both deserved better and they DID them dirty. I still dislike the finale to this day.

    • @Radb707
      @Radb707 4 года назад +13

      I agree. I mean, if Gordon hadn't died they'd still be together. I don't get how they didn't understand what was going on, that Joe regressed because he was so desperate to keep the company alive bc it was something Gordon made. Cam has her issues, but even others can see (by her actions and her games) that she loves the people in her life, she loves creating things, she has mom issues that probably keep her from wanting kids of her own, but she has the heart for it. I think Joe didn't say goodbye because it wasn't a goodbye to him. I think the writers didn't have him say goodbye to preserve mystery or some shit, but maybe to also NOT put a definitive END to Cam and Joe. At the end, she's stil pining for him

    • @Reganon690
      @Reganon690 4 года назад +5

      Random J I think this show does indeed have a repeat of success and failure. And we have seen the last half of the final season be of failure. Hardcore. Especially for Gordon since he literally died and is gone. However for those that remain, their journeys will continue and may come back in full circle. Success then failure then success then failure and so on. Only we are seeing a change now. Joe for instance got out of it and is doing something he is content with and happy. Cameron and Donna recognize the future and problems to come. Both these say something positive that will keep the success that comes everlasting and strong. They are able to better avoid pain and failure much easier now. All of them really. Learning from past failures. The Clark daughters have learned much and will no doubt go on to do great things. The elder couple (drawing a blank on names rn) get out and can enjoy each other’s love and retirement together. The future does seem hopeful. The main characters picking professions that they are happy with and can succeed in. The only thing I’d see as challenging is if they are able to reconnect. All meet up again and possibly work together. Joe being the hardest since he’s satisfied as a teacher. He’ll probably have kids with a woman but will always have that everlasting love for Cameron in a relationship that could never last long. Kids and work kept them apart (not only reason but I think the biggest). They seem to meet up every couple years and love one another so hats off to them. Only thing that’s difficult to see is how they’d meet again? May Haley wanting Joe’s advice on something as she pursues computers in general. They were always close and she’s a potential prodigy herself. It’s hard to grasp and I was left dumbfounded when it ended. Hard to see the good. But reading and watching further reviews brought up points I didn’t think of. This is a good ending. Not quite a happy one. Yet it’s realistic and gives hope indeed for the future! Happy I binged this on Netflix and not episode by episode, the hurt many feel now would’ve been that much worse for me otherwise :(. I think it’s still satisfying. More closure would’ve made things better no doubt, make us feel warmer about it ending. But if we hear what the creators intentions are and use our own heads as to how things will play out then I think we could see this is a satisfying enough ending. :) it’s just difficult (practically impossible I’d say) to initially see as this series ended. Stay positive and informed you guys :)))

    • @ohevshalomel
      @ohevshalomel 4 года назад

      It was always sort of up in the air as to whether they’d last or not, though (the same with Donna and Gordon-we hoped they would, but it’s not always realistic). And by the time Episode 10 rolled around, it would’ve been too late in the game for Cameron to have decided to have kids with Joe (a huge sticking point) and for it to have been a believable development. And when a person changes for the better, as they both did, it’s still possible for them to revert to old ways under stress. I don’t think Joe was being anything but heartbroken when Cam left him and he decided not to write to her. It was just hard for her to accept for whatever reason, maybe because she still thought of Joe as a friend, even if he wasn’t ready quite yet to be Mr. Friendzone to her. It’s not the happiest ending, especially with Gordon gone forever, but it’s not totally unrealistic.

    • @abdullahhelbubun3261
      @abdullahhelbubun3261 3 года назад +1

      I really loved reading this comment and replies. can you guys please tell me what joe meant when he told, "The Thing that gets you to the thing. It was you"?

  • @79eyre
    @79eyre 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great couple

  • @Nessmith11
    @Nessmith11 3 года назад +2

    Great work! A fantastic montage to an amazing series that truly captures of the heart of this show, the relationships between its characters.

  • @calvinmercer8768
    @calvinmercer8768 5 лет назад +7

    Beautiful in the attempt as well as the execution. Bravo!

  • @sergiomarval3271
    @sergiomarval3271 4 года назад +6

    Thank you, thank you for this and the other videos you have uploaded. You have made a beautiful summary of season 4, very moving. With moments, pauses that touch deep down. Moments as in intimacy (Between minutos 8:27 and 8:56 for example) she cries as he kisses and caresses her eyebrows, very emotional silences. Thank you very much

    • @RuffyCh
      @RuffyCh  4 года назад +2

      Thank you for the sweet comment ❤️

  • @thehummingbird8790
    @thehummingbird8790 5 лет назад +11

    I might consider watching this show. Just an added tip, in the 1970s, a man named William Crowther created a text adventure game called Adventure. He mapped it according to the spatial geometry of a mountain cave. What resulted was a dungeon crawler game, which paved the way for the development of videogames and personal home computers. Second person thinking games were responsible for the creation of the modern computer technology.

    • @ulture
      @ulture 5 лет назад +2

      Adventure features in this show, I'll say no more

  • @extracheese3000
    @extracheese3000 2 года назад

    This has been so beautifully put together

  • @marcpietralczyk3488
    @marcpietralczyk3488 6 лет назад +8

    Great edit! I watched this show about 6 months ago, and seeing this just made me smile. Ahhhh such a great show.

  • @monicavandeventer5429
    @monicavandeventer5429 2 года назад +5

    Still don’t understand why they didn’t work out.

  • @delibat
    @delibat 6 месяцев назад

    This made my heart flutter but break at the same time

  • @anitkaczatlas7860
    @anitkaczatlas7860 3 года назад +3

    I Love very much Lee Pace 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @daviddownes248
    @daviddownes248 Месяц назад +2

    The alternate ending to Halt and Catch Fire is interesting , but I like the original ending so much better ! 🖖

  • @hadsothadsot
    @hadsothadsot 6 лет назад +4

    Oh my god!!! Thank you!! 😍😍

  • @luisagonzalez5437
    @luisagonzalez5437 3 года назад +1

    Thanks I love it

  • @patluvsvettes
    @patluvsvettes 6 лет назад +7

    Not bad! That would be great for the opening scene of Season 5 if we ever get one.

  • @jf_c137
    @jf_c137 6 лет назад +4

    Great job doing this! I LOVED IT!

  • @helen0725
    @helen0725 6 лет назад +16

    This absolutely AMAZING!! I had to pause the video when it said "one week later" so I could savour every wonderful moment with no distractions! What a perfect ending!! I'll always have this as the actual ending in my mind when I think of the last episode of Halt and Catch Fire. Joe and Cameron forever❤
    One question.....How did you do the alternate ending?

    • @RuffyCh
      @RuffyCh  6 лет назад +5

      Aww, thank you so much for the nice comment!

  • @zoilareyes7647
    @zoilareyes7647 3 года назад +1

    Mack, you always great 🥰

  • @zoilareyes7647
    @zoilareyes7647 4 года назад +3

    I want to watch this series here in El Salvador

  • @vchobchob9986
    @vchobchob9986 6 лет назад +1


  • @abdullahhelbubun3261
    @abdullahhelbubun3261 3 года назад +1

    what does he mean by 'it was you. it was always you'?

    • @JD-td6oh
      @JD-td6oh 3 года назад +8

      He loved her from the start. She was the key that opened his mind.

    • @amaranwar3051
      @amaranwar3051 2 года назад +2

      'the thing that gets you to the thing' it was always Cameron. The thing that took Joe to the thing. It was alywrs her.

  • @alexism.v.1016
    @alexism.v.1016 3 года назад +2

    It makes sense they didn't work out even tho I wanted it to. I think they had too much baggage and history together

  • @mariacristinabravo4681
    @mariacristinabravo4681 5 лет назад


    • @JoaoRodrigues-ic2dv
      @JoaoRodrigues-ic2dv 4 года назад +1

      I know I'm 7 months late but it's Visions of Gideon - Sufjan Stevens. Soundtrack to "Call me by your name" which I would recommend seeing :)

  • @lindaclark1406
    @lindaclark1406 4 года назад

    She always but him second.

  • @야냠냐미
    @야냠냐미 5 лет назад +1

    흑 맥언냐..넘멋잇음ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @lunajoy4624
    @lunajoy4624 4 года назад

    MUCH better ending ! ! !

  • @Ireland-_Erin_irish_St.Patrick
    @Ireland-_Erin_irish_St.Patrick 5 лет назад

    Всегда хочется верить в лучшее,но в жизни не часто бывает Happy and 😊

    • @II-xl7lj
      @II-xl7lj 5 лет назад

      Так там и не плохой конец, это просто открытый финал, который каждый может трактовать по своему. Хотя если говорить конкретно про них, процентов 90 что они обязательно еще встретятся и все начнётся по новому, тк 4 сезон закольцовывает историю по сути, а там уж хз