Russian Theatre Siege_Nordoast_p-5

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 92

  • @vuralgvn1063
    @vuralgvn1063 5 лет назад +3

    Russian mentality:Survivor=0 wounded=0 operation completed

    • @RoachclipNLHOL
      @RoachclipNLHOL 5 лет назад

      Lessons learned, next time, have enough medics to give antidote.,. (if possible, try to get the number of hostages, so 200 hostages, is try to get 200 medics., fuc it, one on one. This took several days, so in this case you could gather 200 medics I guess, but in other cases, shorter time, it would be difficult. In that case try to extend time?

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    There is no alternative to independance of Chechnya, just like there were no alternatives to dissolution and vanishing of the SOVOK.
    Ironically, that means that practically all Russian casualties in the Chechen wars, all pain and sufferings of Russian parents have been completely pointless. Congratulations, my friend!

  • @bittemeinrammstein
    @bittemeinrammstein 16 лет назад +1

    damn right!

    @SIGURDOYVIND 13 лет назад

    Nord Ost was not the first time Alpha massacred and robbed innocent Russian civilians. On previous occasions they showed no mercy to pregnant Russian women and children at Budyonovsk hospital and in the village of Peromayskoye.
    Victor, Moscow

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    I do not see anything humiliating in withdrawing troops from Chechnya especially when it saves lives of women and children. To have them killed for some obscure political and commercial purposes is a much more serious humiliation and a disgrace.

  • @AdrIneX
    @AdrIneX 15 лет назад

    I didn't insult anyone here. So you are saying you would've done better? You would end this operation without a single casuality? Who are you even to judge their effort or their commitment?

  • @Andrey_Andreev0
    @Andrey_Andreev0 12 лет назад

    Согласен, применение газа единственное правильное решение в данной ситуации

  • @billdt85
    @billdt85 15 лет назад

    Wow! mission failed b/c 129 hostages are dead and failure to administer antidotes in time for many hostages. I would say these guys failed their mission.

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    Great comment! Could I possibly ask you if the police and special forces in Lithuania loot and plunder victims and unconscious survivors of terror attacks and catastrophes? That is what Russian police and FSB did at Nord-Ost. No wonder people were dying swallowing their tongues, those who were supposed to help them were just too busy looting the poor things.
    Victor, Moscow

  • @Tumbino
    @Tumbino 16 лет назад

    Russia strategy was so stupid and against their own human beeings.

  • @vborg101
    @vborg101 14 лет назад

    @chickinshock Uuuh dude I'm in Indian
    and as for spetznaz killing the hostages while they were gassing the theatre a woman hostage escaped so they thought their gas did not have enough time to act and if even one terrorrist was awake they would have blown the shit sky high. So they were left with no option. As for the Chechen thing I'm not sure about that so I won't say nything but just becus someone does an act of evil does not give u the right to do the same!

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    Using insulting language in stead of arguments. This is something very Russian indeed. Well, I have been living in this country for nearly half a century. So you do not surprise me very much.
    You can call me anything you like, but, unfortunately, this will not change the shocking number of casualties at Nord-Ost and Beslan resulting from ALFAs clumsy attempts to save people. And when I say save, I mean of course save them alive.

  • @TheHallucinati
    @TheHallucinati 12 лет назад +5

    The victory was still miraculous despite civil casualties. Had even one of the "suicide vests" exploded, - casualties among the hostages could have been greater and there would have been a huge number of permanent disabilities. It could have ended the same way as in Beslan massacre. Factoring in Nord Ost theater's inaccessibility due to its position and interior planning, dislike it all you want, but it's impossible to deny the Russian authorities handled it with high degree of professionalism.

  • @GnostosAgnostos
    @GnostosAgnostos 15 лет назад

    nai file:))) ellas pantou:))

  • @AdrIneX
    @AdrIneX 15 лет назад

    You talk about ALFA as if they take orders themselves. Whatever the government orders them to do they will do.
    Oh by the way, just name me ONE anti terrorist force that has encoutered this kind of situation. I wish you good luck with that.

  • @omgteam766
    @omgteam766 16 лет назад

    You are not wright actualy 90 people was killed but 750 was freed. Sorry for English

  • @5520211
    @5520211 15 лет назад

    Specnaz 4ever For Mother Russia!!!!!

  • @strijulia
    @strijulia 17 лет назад

    as much it is sad to say but so many people died bicase of this fucking "manwolfs " as they call themself. the storm of the bilding was perfectly done by SPETSNAZ.
    Thanky Alfa !

  • @kolka08
    @kolka08 14 лет назад +1

    Какого людей увозят в госпиталь на городских автобусах?Че скорых за 3 дня нагнать не могли?Почему люди умирали на своих местах от того, что проглотили язык или захлебнулись рвотной массой?Их раньше спасти не могли?

  • @dolphinsneu
    @dolphinsneu 15 лет назад

    At least 129.

  • @abbad0n
    @abbad0n 16 лет назад


  • @jurisvtbu
    @jurisvtbu 12 лет назад

    alfe uvazenie ot menja...

  • @vborg101
    @vborg101 14 лет назад

    @chickinshock so basically u support acts of terrorism?

  • @GnostosAgnostos
    @GnostosAgnostos 15 лет назад +1

    ..... .Omg:)) guys this is not hollygood.. this is real situation ... bravo to brave spetsnaz bravo again !!

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    The first judgement awarding damages for looting of victims at the Dubrovka Theatre Center was delivered by Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow on 19.03.2009. This is just a small episode of looting by Russian police out of many others by far more dramatic. The judgement is against the Russian state, but damages have been awarded in a very low amount.

  • @AdrIneX
    @AdrIneX 15 лет назад

    No one could possibly know that in Nord-Ost a siege would take place. Do you suggest that every building should be protected by soldiers?
    And what kind of statement is that. So it would be better to storm that building, giving the terrorist a PERFECT oppertunity to detonate the bombs and have everyone killed? I am glad you aren't a general or a commander.

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    ALFA shot all sleeping militants at point blank range. That was an exceptional effort! Now we will never know how many Russian state officials and policemen on various levels of the Russian bureaucracy had been bribed in order to insure that 40 armed to the teeth and organised people could seize a concert hall nearly in the centre of Moscow. Thank you very much, fellas!

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    Nord-Ost and Beslan should also have been settled by negotiations. And if humiliating concessions had to be made in Nord-Ost and Beslan, so be it. Liliputin had fucked up hundreds of times before and it was no shame for him to fuck up again. BUT THEY HAD TO SAVE ALL WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN BESLAN AND NORD-OST, at least women and children.

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    Yeah, Victor Chernomyrdin did it better in Budennovsk. After his intervention and agreement with Basayev no one got killed in Budennovsk. Before that, attempts had been made to use those clowns from Alfa etc, and they nearly fucked up everything. And they did fuck up everything in Beslan afterwords.
    Victor, Moscow

  • @AdrIneX
    @AdrIneX 16 лет назад

    May I ask something to everyone who thinks this could be done better. Do you really think you would do it better? There are people who work on rescue tactics their whole life. A rescue without casualities is nearly impossible in these conditions. I invite every Counter-Terrorist force who would do better.

    @SIGURDOYVIND 15 лет назад

    No, I am afraid you cannot call me that. I did not kill hostages at Nord-Ost, - FSB and police did; nor did I loot or plunder the still warm corpses of the victims after the assault, - FSB and police did.
    Victor, Moscow

  • @AdrIneX
    @AdrIneX 15 лет назад

    I am not going to listen to someone who doesn't have ANY evidence of what he's claiming. Or do you have it? Can you show me some videos, audio files, or whatsoever. No, you don't have it.

  • @josip25
    @josip25 15 лет назад +1

    long live team ALPHA!

  • @omgteam766
    @omgteam766 16 лет назад

    You are not wright actually 750 people was freed 90 was reported death

  • @ms198151
    @ms198151 12 лет назад

    Ты уже для своих "шайтаны", а насчёт детей. мы к вам не едем и детей в школах не захватываем!

  • @Pulsedream81
    @Pulsedream81 13 лет назад

    @Nohchinka95 , в этом ты не права!! откуда столько ненависти

  • @Dozimitor
    @Dozimitor 12 лет назад +1

    стыдно "России!"

    • @Vitamin_71
      @Vitamin_71 4 года назад

      Рот закрой, урод!

  • @Golopoper
    @Golopoper 12 лет назад +2

    это был самый высокий уровень сложности операции, в таких случаях, заолжники автоматически считаются мертвыми, если вы думаете, что приоритетным в таких операциях считается спасение заложников, то я вас огорчу, реальность куда более сурова, приоритет - не выпустить террористов живыми и не потерять ни 1 бойца, это общепринятая практика во всех спецслужбах, привить мысль о том, что если ты пошел с бомбой, ты гарантированно погибнешь не добившись цели...

  • @HebusxJebus
    @HebusxJebus 12 лет назад

    Dont vorry alexei mc donalski , we have ze toxic flyspray he he he he .

  • @drhambone1598
    @drhambone1598 6 лет назад

    Fentanyl was used in the gas

  • @Bsl47
    @Bsl47 12 лет назад

    Боже помилуй Россию. Сказано: Ибо возмездие за грех - смерть!

  • @MrMaxitaple
    @MrMaxitaple 7 лет назад


  • @210GrainsOfJustice
    @210GrainsOfJustice 11 лет назад

    Beautiful work.

  • @ufasipailovo
    @ufasipailovo 12 лет назад

    свободу народам нынешней росии!

  • @stevanveljovic
    @stevanveljovic 12 лет назад

    @SIGURDOYVIND Ma Nemaš ti pojma...

  • @Andrigarik
    @Andrigarik 13 лет назад +1

    It is my COUNTRY Which I LOVE and I HATE