Sometimes we run from toxic controlled cult like family. We are not being manipulated we are setting ourselves free from the chain of the cult and judgment.
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
Messed up when people try to make you feel stupid or crazy when you know that you’re right, can you imagine how they would feel when it happens to them
Such is the nature of a trap. If you want to trap a mouse you put the trap near the wall. Because you know mice are creatures of habit which run near the wall. You are no different. Start changing your patterns.
At the age of 62, I have the regret of not being exposed to this knowledge. Many of the scenarios mentioned bring back memories of those that took advantage of me. But…now, DONT EVEN TRY. This stoic wisdom has recalibrated my self esteem!
That was also my way.. Thank you for your comment. 🙏Two years ago I managed to awake from those ugly manipulations, though it was a shocking "jaw dropping" for me to learn how I'd been used.. It was a good lesson! I wish as many people as possible to watch this video. 💪🦁👍☀️
I deleted all interpersonal, social, connections the 8th of August 2000 at 18:34. My lesson was learned young. The indoctrination that one must be social and integrate into a social heard for success and felicitation, is ficticious. After painful experiences with those that dared address me as a friend, and a similar experience with a beautiful lass that dared address me as her amorous companion, I found no further pleasure nor benefits in being a member of a social herd, nor amicable or amorous relationships. The deletion of my entire social existence resulted in no negative effects upon me and enormous amounts of positives upon my existence. One can never know how much freedom, independence, self-reliance, disposable income, and peace, there is to gain by simply living life with no tethers from other humans to hold us back. It is unlikely I will ever seek amicable nor amorous connections ever again. It is impossible for a human to manipulate me with the heavy distrust I have for them, after learning from unfortunate experiences I had with them. It will not be allowed for any of them to ever gain any familiarity with me again.
Being pressured to do something just because everyone else in the group did it is something that resonated with me. I made enemies because I refused to comply. I make decisions based on how I feel about a situation. Not because of how someone else may feel.
Mind over body... I have been working on being aware meditating using mudras and matras... stepping back and looking at the situation before reacting removing people that are toxic from my life doing things that I like to do. It hard to make someone that you really love a lot like your own children. Then you can't see your grandchildren because your children are toxic narcissist. It SUCKS...
After deciding to play the players and scam the scammers, I realized this is not who I want to be and went back to living my life according to my values rather than someone else's lack of values
Ditto. I had a laugh playing the players - even told the player I had been playing him since the moment I realised he was playing me. Got no reaction from him. Still in my life draining me - the thing is - he trusts me even more, knowing that I now call him out. Isn't everyone manipulating others? If a man wants a woman to go out with him, he will be extra nice to her first, flatter her, be helpful - he does all these things so that she is more likely to say yes.
@donnyetta That would depend on his intentions. Manipulation is more than behavior. Manipulation is abuse. The behavior becomes a tool with which to selfishly extract a pattern of reactions or benefits with no respect or regard for the health, happiness, or wellbeing of the other. Not only is it a one-way street, it's falsely presented as open to two way traffic... until it's not. This is different from an honest, consensual, interdependent, mutually beneficial relationship between peers.
@donnyetta your example is wrong. He does genuinely like the individual and trys persuade her to see the good values & traits that he has to offer. Both parties will gain. He's not selfishly trying to be the only winner and manipulate you. U less it's just straight rape. "You walk into a coffee shop, there's 10 guys there and they all like you. Who will you notice first?" The one that's forth coming and shows you his traits. Basically it's a job interview, and he wants to work for you, with you, by your side. Take note of that next time.
@@liveextreme0317 OK I see. In the two years of knowing him this guy flirts but has never even grabbed me for a kiss. A year ago he told me that as i have no kids i should leave my house to his little boy in my Will. I nearly did until I woke up. This year he is fixated with my sister selling our late mother's house then dividing the money. He told me that I don't need it - a woman with chronic illness that keeps me in bed 3 days out of 7! Two months later he tells me he is £45,000 in debt. I replied nothing as I am well aware he is trying to plant seeds in my brain. What does he do for me? Not turn up day after day when he has promised to work for me for an hour. I pay him £20 an hour but he can't be bothered to turn up and thinks i will always be there to help him no matter how much he lets me down. i am cat sitting for him while he is on holiday. The cat has ruined my new leather sofa's. I cannot even get an apology out of this guy. 15 days has turned into 5 weeks and the extra work has made me crashed out in bed 5 days out of 7 and vomitting with exhaustion. This has happened A LOT since he has been in my life - he takes no notice of my serious illness, and keeps putting on me. I forgive him yes, but really, I get next to nothing out of this relationship. Just a coffee once or twice a week. I really need to avoid him after he picks up the cat. He scrounges and exhausts everyone so that he can enjoy a much more relaxing lifestyle than we can possibly hope for 😣
This is a very good discussion and very revealing of the dangerous tactics of socially predatory people. I was targeted by some very bad people after becoming widowed. I was so trusting and without knowing what these people were doing, I allowed myself to be overwhelmed with their abuse. It was very bad. I escaped with my life. Be alert because bad people are going to try and hurt you if you’re a nice person. Protect yourself. 💕
Amazing short story my friend. I'd encounter evil people in my life but not as the psychopath I'd. He acted with the precision of a surgeon, it was in front of my eyes and I was suffering and saw many people suffered and even others show me and told me about what he was doing, but I couldn't recognize it until myself couldn't stand anymore again myself and also read a lot about psychology and psychiatric.... Now I can see clearly how the whole world is suffering under this psychopaths.....
"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." - Marcus Aurelius
Thank u for recommending books..oh every word u say I've exper6and am going thru. I need help but without financial help n stability I'm going to die here.
I'm now 66 but i felt i'm 40yrs younger since i've start reading this helpful to those who are in need of this philosophy...thanks for ur teachings as well..more power ...
Experience Meaningless: Experience and prejudice. To accept sight and illusion in the same relativity and not be a slave. Slavery: To be free from the growth of intellect. Experience free from understanding and memory as triviality. Memory: reduced down to recollection without review, in a universe of consistent physics; a triviality of organic invincibility. Experience rendered down to self-sensual recall without existential considerations; meaningless. Prejudice: to accept the delusion that no human can consider and choose. For experience to outweigh sense and sensible prudence and suggest in definite physicality that humanity is as inorganic as the constructs we purpose. Triviality to the concept of Slave, is Mass to Gravity, either one hypothetical without the physics of Trivialization or Mass. One requiring the circumstance of genesis, the other requiring absence of necessity; Nativitus Ancillae. Relativity: the universe revolves around you, but only if you watch with others; relativity born of tripartite geometry; self (observing), other (conferring), objective (occurring): co-intimate experience and co-context. Relativity: all things can happen to you, most didn't, you only know what you think, you only think what you can hypothesize, all understanding revolves around perception and interaction. Understanding and position; relative. Hypothesis: a proposition of a form unsensed in the physical, in the definition "scientific" it is the Fructus Ventris Physica Quantitatis; the guessable, potent in measurability, invisibilia ad carnalis, observationis codificationem. Hypothesis: a concept just beyond sensible observation but within sensory or facultative relativity to intimate comprehension; the space an observer feels safe to coniectura didicit doctrina. A cerebrum exercitium. Meaningless: the words of any personal exposition without the person. Interpretation of intended and intimate communication removed from its physical occurrence. To hypothesize in the spirit of Freud, all are I. Meaningless: a description of a building behind it's façade to a man on the street. Definition without sensible example; invisibility bestowed by the suggestibility of the potent potentiality of descriptionem alienum. Reference without experience, definition without context, experience without definition, definition without reference; to theorize on fancy, the possibilities of cause bereft of "scientific" prejudice towards provable. A description of the unseen to the comfortable in sense, and sensibility; hypothesis delivered socially by the perfecte mediocris to their perfecte mediocris aetatis. Interest and applause humilis, the sermo aequalis. Contemporary communication, external warehouse for internal deliberation. Deliberatio externa by contrast is built on extra-contemporary, the functional in sense and nerve unwilling to mal-hypothesize popularis prudentia. By definition a contemporary is both naturally occurring and actively intersecting, or it is a generational (illusory), built of temporal coincidence. Meaningless in contemporations intimate, capable of saying they share an age. Exogeny In an era of fear, humanity is tested. The exodus of existential loneliness is a heavy burden. Self-indulgent contemporary values, the pitiful death of the faithful gregarious martyr. Silenced in the passion of virtue, in the fury of desire as necessity, the ideal dies for the joy of man as the ideal devotee of nothing. Endogenous evidence of exogenous truth, derived from noble prejudiced purposes, refutes the pathologies of nature as the folly of prosaic and sensible sustainability. Euphoria at any cost, at any cost. The Addict Kind Lonliness is a myth spread by the ill, unwelled by popular delusion (self accepted). The sickly, pulsing out their (self) comforting radiance, the marking of a predators territory. A light to shine on all slow enough to not revile it for it's false and reason less eviction of self from capability. The prey; uninitiated youth, vulnerable innocence. Argue not with the aged (or experienced) self-convinced. The miracle of emotional conformation of physical fact convincing to the unknowing, under steady application, overly sweetened (for the self) ideals of pleasure and comfort, the prey forget they knew a peace that didn't requiring feeding or explanation. The virtue of falsely buoyed stability grinding the ignorant, young, and uncatered, all taken in by the sin of kindness as apex. To gift the sickness that tells a human "human emotion in the negative is unnecessary and beyond comprehension or tolerance". To know that there are those in the world of humanity, who in their generationally refined adherence to parasite coddling, will continue to teach the youth "drugs are a healthy and functional right of aware and intelligent people" is a mark of shame in this age of our collective development. The truth of human being betrayed by the proposed necessity of stimulation beyond the natural state, it's supposed normality vouchsafed; sobriety (health) ignored as a greater insanity than parasitism. Salve the wounded pride of the vulgar addict, crucify the outspoken advocate of reassessment. This is not a statement of conflict, rather a portrait of the true and natural order in it's biased equality (comfort belonging to those who crave it most).
Yes trying to isolate me from my friends. He wud gaslight me and i wud end up spending alot of time by myself waiting for him to come so we cud out on a date, he wud never show up. So i learned that i will spend time w/ my friends if he wudnt show up at the time we decided he wudnt show up after that time i wud leave my place and go spend time w/ my friends. Well he wud get mad not because he wud show up and i was gone. He wud get mad cuz i wasnt waiting for him knowing he wasnt going to show up anyways, that i wasnt home all by myself . He didn't want me to have any friends so he cud treat me anyway he wanted. It was a 3 1/2 yr relationship i finally have 2yrs away from him and im so happy i got him out of my life. Believe it or not he was a conselor he knew every angle. His favorite thing to tell me was Deb its n ur mind that never happened i started 2nd guessing myself i truly lost who i was but now i no exactly who i am and what i stand for ty
I am going thru the same thing as you are. Happy for you that you got through this. I am on my way to reaching there too. Please remember me in your prayers. I really need this.😔🙏
Jealousy causes hatred and manipulation as well as respect, remember your gut instinct! This may be the only trust left.Great advice Stoicism keep up the good work!✌️ be with you...
I was married with a person who I suspect has Narcisist Personality Disorder and this person used each one if this technique on me until I broke free. Now I am finding my path to stoicism and your videos have been so helpful. Looking forward for more videos and will soon buy your Ebook.
Knowing myself i can only imagine how difficult it is for people to put so much energy on not liking someone. If they only had self love maybe they wouldn't be so insecure. I pray and forgive and keep moving
My mother been doing this since I was a little girl ,being chosen by God with the light 🌄 all she was trying to do is destroy me but it is okay because nothing she had done destroyed me, it is her loss now for giving her🙏🏽 and moving forward it's in God's hands revenge is his, no contact it's sad that people in your own family's have that much hate and jealousy toward you , only God👑 is in control🎯 spiritually awakened👁 to share my knowledge and to teach❤ living my best life💃 all glory to God⚔🦁
I also dealt with the same thing from my mother and other family members. We should connect. I'd love to benefit from your perspective and even friendship.
I also dealt w/ abuse from my mother. U no u can't change the past, but u can not let ur past define u. If u do u become stuck. I can remember back when I was 3 I'm 65 now. She did a lot of damage w/ my self esteem. But I had to decide if I change it then I'm not letting her abuse keep me stuck. Conscious Education came n2 my life. Didn't programs to build urself Ur Not Broken. Chris Duncan wrote that book and also is founder of Magnetic Minds. It a great soul family and it helps u develop urself to get unstuck, development of ur intuition different programs to unstuck ur traumas. The soul tribe is so supportive and genuine. Chk it out when u have a moment
Your story sounds like mine. I dealt with her jealousy all the time her telling me I will be a rich person one day from inheritance but in the end took it all away. A user . Now I have her ashes in my home and don’t even want them here. Sad but I moved on I’m better than that hopefully God gave her a big big lesson in the end
I have an ex-wife and a friend from my childhood whom I've had to cut out of my life. You're describing both of them completely. Thank you for helping me feel way better about decisions I've recently made.
Wow parallel life's,,,,,our story is earaly alike.......... In your story I was a friend from the childhood,,,, I am so thankful that "he" cut me out his life😂.....he was so toxic,, he was rotting me from the inside....I am thankful " I " decided to outsmart him 😮 he loosened his grip on my soul 😢😢 and I escaped 🎉🖤🤘...... I am happy for your attempt of making yourself number one..... May the force be with you my friend
It is heartbreaking .. But Mostly we gotta understand it in order to be free...while Maintaining an emotional distance and surounding yourself in volet light for self preserve and knowing your self worth hard but apparently it gets easier the more we do the work Peace..
The section on gaslighting really resonated with me. The metaphor of moving furniture around in your house and denying it is such a perfect way to describe how disorienting and damaging gaslighting can be. The advice to keep a journal of events and trust your instincts is empowering-it’s a reminder that our reality and perceptions are valid, even when someone tries to distort them. Thank you for breaking it down so clearly!
I am familiar with emotional manipulation, distortion of facts to suit a narcissist who took advantage of my kindness and integrity. I always get invaluable insights from your videos. Thanks
Thank you for this reminders .There are a lot of people who are manipulating especially in the family and friends. They suck you and make you feel guilty.
This was so helpful today in navigating the confusing and painful emotions of a breakup with a narcissistic partner. I came across this "randomly", but it really opened my eyes and eased my anxiety to understand what I had been living in.
U mentioned instincts mine were actually shouting at me not to do something very important to my life but bc I was being manipulated by several people I didn't listen to my instincts and I will always regret that and have learned a very important lesson don't ignore your instincts!
Stumbling across this today was perfect timing. Always knew it on a subconscious level that this particular person was manipulating me. The combination of this video and something they posted to instagram today made me consciously clear that this person is often engaged in different versions of gaslighting me.
You guys may want to put a warning on this video.. i have epilepsy and the way the video glitches like that it triggers it ... i didnt go all the way into a seizure but if i kept looking at the screen i definitely would have and id just hate someone that has less control over their symptoms to have one while watching cause they fucking suck and i know yall dont want that either.. love this channel and all the priceless info you put out into the world. Very grateful... thanks 😊🙏
your teachings help me with mind therapy, my beloved was killed and I am so lost, but these teachings help me to cope. I have faced everything in life and no one has taught me the value you share. I am learning like a baby or a student, these are answers I have always asked myself. something no one has even asked. Thank you for sharing.
It's 4 years I start the journey of self knowing. Today I found your channel and I saw 3 videos. You are doing a great work. Helping peaple to be aware of the mind and twists of it. Mind over body indeed ❤
I just realized that 80% of the ladies I came in contact with all my life have did this to me now I can recognize it when it happens tread lightly doing conversations tread lightly around people. Especially a ABS. GREAT LEARNING TOOL
Almost everything you mention in the video remind me of somebody i know in real life.I always heard surrounding yourself with good ppl,in my life as i get older i'm 42 ive come to realize it's getting harder and harder to meet even descent ppl.I've also realize Majority of things we experience in life got to do with ppl,i stop dealing with a lot of ppl if i don't have too solve a lot of problems, its lonely but i'm used to it by now.cnt stand being around a lot of ppl.
I experienced them all. And it turned me into a badly damaged sigma, wich also made me dangerous, especially to myself. No more! Knowledge is power.❤ Thank you for the insight.❤🙏🏼🙌🏼
I am grateful I am hearing this...I have had a hard time with allowing myself to not maintain or deliberately better my way of life by the way I think and setting boundaries,,,even I have to adhere to...thank you for allowing my 44 yr old ears to hear,,,
Thanks to your video, I never realized I been manipulate. I put all together all you said and with my experience, I thought he was sincere. Good that I left right after I feel hot and cold message from Him. He just used me for his own benefits so I could stayed and use me. Thanks a lot I relief now not wasting my time and energy with this person. ❤
Admittedly I don't maintain clear boundaries, or communicate effectively as I struggle in those departments. At one point I was way better at communication and keeping up with my life lines, my support system . . . But along the way I felt that my words weren't being felt or heard so I focused more on the actual work and got better, faster, and more focused on them than all my peers! What made me stand out and shine above all made me a target and a tool for a manager to basically use me up until I had nothing left! They tell me to shut up as I am working and sure talking from my station. Mind you I already do the job of 2 or 3 people and I often skip 15 minute breaks if It means finishing on time and she tells me to work faster! 😢 I am killing myself and with all that I do she makes me feel like she doesn't respect me at all! I never worked so hard in my life for someone that didn't deserve it. She entirely had me fooled! I thought she was someone that was going to stickup for me and grow me but it was instead just a way to go home for her not as tired and me to go home crying because my hands and joints hurt
You would not believe how much this video and your other videos have helped me and it open my eyes and helping me towards the better life seriously I love that voice it’s so calming please do more videos on narcissist and how to avoid them and call them out specially narcissist mothers thank you so much
Mind over matter.., your content is so appreciated. A senior person at my work place tried to isolate and destroy my self esteem by weaponised constant criticism. It worked for a little then when I studied this type material I logged all their behaviour, reported to HR and got them fired 🤷🏻♀️ but I had to completely stay calm and still be able to perform my job in a highly pressurised environment… but that’s also thanks to the training I received from my narc family.
I am convinced and confident that every day you speak to me as you already know every thing I am going through and give me right direction to think and act in an improved way .I learnt in childhood a very useful statement..a stitch in time saves nine. I do use it and come out of many a fall in various situations..I am so happy you are sent by Almighty in my life and thank Him profusely daily listening and trying to improve for more peace of mind and practical living.Humblyi bow to you my dear friend Master
During my PhD in bio-science, all of these manipulations have been used on me. When I felt it, i quit my studies. Looking at this video it reminds me of them and how evil academia can be. It’s a shame to say that, but it’s the truth. Im not a doctor now, but i cannot be what they want me to be. Please make more videos like these to help people find themselves.
I’ve been manipulating by someone for last 10 months. Thanks to my dear ones they opened my eyes 🙏🏻. Thank you so much for your valuable words. This means lot to me to grow up further in my life ❤🙏🏻
I left like you are talking about that person who is being toxic with me and my friends at work place. Each and every point resonates . Thanks for being an eye opener.
When I agree to something I originally did not want/agree to it is because maybe I did not have a choice anymore. I usually know when I am being manipulated.
Yes this is very helpful and i can say while we cannot change the past- and despite my best efforts I did not have this helpful information. I have it now. I will listen again and again. Thank you.
Those people really mess with me and it really bothers me sometimes. And however this video helps and reassures me that they are just being manipulators
After being manipulated and abused from birth by my own mother, I was in dangerous and narcissistic relationships. Until four years ago, I knew nothing about narcissism. I just thought there was something wrong with me. At 60, I finally got freedom from her manipulative tactics when she passed. Now, I'm attempting to extract myself from a ten year manipulative relationship with a. "boyfriend" who, I now see, has been manipulating me since we met. I wish I'd heard of stoicism and narcissism while I was trying to "fix" myself. Now I know. My eyes have been opened and this will never happen again!
Thank God that I went to prison in the mid 80's,escaping my Narcissistic Family,where I became a Christian. I was always a Lone Wolf, Different. I never realized that I was constantly being manipulated, My newfound spiritually gave me a Sixth Sense to recognize Evil Manipulative people. Since,I have been able to protect myself, with God's help! The Freedom,and Autonomy that I have is a gift.most people live in the mist of a Herd mentality,helped along by the media. They don't understand those that direct their own lives outside the box!
Am honestly more than grateful for this golden turning point of my life actually i am a victim of almost all of them and today i have gained Redemption from this Captivity .Gratitude in abundance .Asanti Sana
As I'm listening to this video it is very inspiring very educational cuz I broke up with a scammer about 6 months ago and everything you talked about in this video is the same thing that they used on me and so I finally got tired of it when I said no I found out they had a so-called friend Rich uncle and they would ask them to buy them like a PlayStation 5 David asked me to pay for them from a flight from Ghana to the states I said no and lucky enough I had social catfish on my side and I would always call and ask them about certain situations and finally I just got tired of their toxic attitude and just walked away now I'm enjoying my life as a free person
Your channel is changing my life more than I Belize. I'm in recovery in all I do is listen to Still wisdom. I do not go to class. I do not listen to Anymore. War stories or people's problems. Listening to your channel has changed my life
Each time I come across these videos I learn more n I get more knowledgea n words if wisdom. I have been helped n ts still helping me growing in knowledge n knowing. My limits.My eyes are open n b4 any action in all I think first b4 my actions. Am leaving this comment here so that whoever comes n ready or like should remind me that stoic flow is the only channel with words of wisdom n knowledge. Good decisions are being made....honestly am no longer being also not afraid of being alone as long as I find happiness in it. BODY OVER MIND ❤
Mind over Body! Just to appreciate the work you create, you’re talking to me in many ways as a Christian it is always like reading a book of Proverbs in the bible when listening to your content❤.
So hard to deal with gaslighting manipulator. I always lost for words. Or ended up silent. He makes the tables turned. And I became the aggressive one.
What I learned is that you do not need to defend your reality to a manipulator. That is where they now have ungrounded you. Just call it out. Stop trying to gaslight me, stop trying to manipulate me, I’m not fighting you on this. I know my reality, experience, etc no matter what you are trying to convince me of.
Hello.Iʼm from Uzbekistan.You know what,your contents are incredible.Thanks you for videos.This video are very benificial both my english and knowlange❤.
This video is truly a valuable lesson! I've often felt confused after unclear conversations, and now I understand that it could be a sign of subtle manipulation. Thank you for sharing these important lessons to help me protect myself!
I have someone in my life who uses manipulation in me every day. At first i didn't recognize what was happening until i became exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically. His tactics change, but now i clearly see what his purpose is behind the manipulation. I used to get upset, but now i calmy refuse to participate in his mind game, and he doesnt turn into Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Hyde. It is sometimes humorous to me because it used to be so easy for him to manipulate me, but not anymore. He cant run me into the ground or make me cry, and he wonders....."why "....😂
@@venusleoz826 I didn't say I'm still with him. He is still in my life but we aren't "together". He knows how I feel about him and we chose to remain as friends, but he no longer had the ability to manipulate or use me.
Thank you for sharing this great life lesson. This information needs to be taught in high school. Not everyone is your friend, not everyone has your best interests even when they appear to be caring.
Thanks for educating us about manipulation, showing courteous towards individual sometimes is taken advantage of. Your further discussion with this shed light on how to deal with manipulators accordingly without losing respect.
I have been manipolate so many times and in too many ways that my sweet naive soul had to learn to be strong and wise.. ❤ thanks for the informations very help full 🙏🌹
If you understand and apply this knowledge to manipulators .they will run a way from you. I am a living example.and once they notice that you are aware of their manipulations they will be afraid of you. They will also start avoiding you.self awareness is very important.
Alot of relationships that take on these dynamics is because both parties suffer identity trauma... They just choose to cope with it in different ways so one shut down the feelings and their connection to others making it a zero sum game .. and the other choose to stay full connected with other and became people pleasing and hyper aware of others needs and feelings in order to get their needs met ... they both are using manipulation to get connection and to meet their needs... neither really have a whole and healthy sense of self that can emotionally regulate or self sooth... both are using the validation of something outside themselves to tell them who they are and how to feel about self.. The tactics they use.. manipulation, contol, abuse, lying, gaslighting.. these are simply the tools they use to in there mind survive or exist... and most are completely unaware or unconscious of the fact that what they do is wrong or hurting others ... they may come to realize this much later in life after so many things have suffered and been lost due to it .. But for the most part people always attribute a failed relationship to the other person or outside events and people... so they can stay blind to it their whole life... So one wants all the power and the other feels like it has to give its power to survive and like magnets they attract each other... Both are victims of trauma and likely unconscious of their behavior or its effects . . Making it a game of good guys bad guys is exactly how u give your power away .. things are never that black and white and people can only do to us what we continue to allow them too... its always serving a need for both involved.. they have to become aware of this and figure out whats beening serviced and then servive it for self.. fill your own cup and stop always pouring it into the others...
These points are extremely helpful in understanding how others treat us. Remembering that we are in control of our thoughts and emotions and that our ability to respond instead of react are powerful tools. We are the masters of our emotions.
"The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage."
And a Kurd adds to this “… and the secret of freedom is responsibility”. 👋
Exactly what's up thank you for sharing your thoughts love peace 🕊️✌️ God loves us all always right now amen 🌎💯🪜🤍🧩⚖️👍🌼❤️🙏🥴🌈🙌🌹🌹🌹
Thank you🙏
Mind of the body
I am going through that right now.
Live your Life for you not for them. You will be just fine.
Exactly. Noone will die for you.
Exactly... It's all about you not them
Sometimes we run from toxic controlled cult like family. We are not being manipulated we are setting ourselves free from the chain of the cult and judgment.
The fact that nobody talks about the forbidden book Mareska Manipulation on Vexoner speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance ..
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
Stoicism never fails to positively strengthen my mindset
At 72, I enjoy all people and embrace the positives. Everyone brings joy to my life....some by coming, others by going; )
Yes I agree.
So let us rejoice😂❤❤❤👍
Love that lol
Very true
You don't know physics.
At 67 years old, this is an excellent reminder of how to lead a true life of your own making.
I am 71 wish I had this content when I was 18 when I needed it most
I am 20
Yes so do I. Needed it then more than ever but learned all by myself makes me feel strong aswell now. Sad we missed all this knowledge. ❤❤❤😢😮😮😉😉😊
You are not 71 by the way you trying to manipulate
Messed up when people try to make you feel stupid or crazy when you know that you’re right, can you imagine how they would feel when it happens to them
I'm going through that now, it's exhausting,
I know I have been honest and faithful since I was a little girl
They won't feel anything about it or else they will try to justify with lies. They never regret on their actions..
good 🎉
@@Raha_tabassumi can understand that
It takes a lot of courage, strength and practice to not fall into the traps. After a while, it starts to get easy❤
Well said ❤…Good job.
Such is the nature of a trap. If you want to trap a mouse you put the trap near the wall. Because you know mice are creatures of habit which run near the wall.
You are no different. Start changing your patterns.
Mind over body
At the age of 62, I have the regret of not being exposed to this knowledge. Many of the scenarios mentioned bring back memories of those that took advantage of me. But…now, DONT EVEN TRY. This stoic wisdom has recalibrated my self esteem!
That was also my way.. Thank you for your comment. 🙏Two years ago I managed to awake from those ugly manipulations, though it was a shocking "jaw dropping" for me to learn how I'd been used.. It was a good lesson! I wish as many people as possible to watch this video. 💪🦁👍☀️
To quote an old joke, " in life sometimes you're the statute, othertimes, you're the pigeon". Don't dwell on things, adapt and overcome.
I'm 45 and I wish I had resources like this when I was younger to help me through some of the most difficult times in my life, like cancer x2.
God bless you sweetsoul ❤
I deleted all interpersonal, social, connections the 8th of August 2000 at 18:34. My lesson was learned young. The indoctrination that one must be social and integrate into a social heard for success and felicitation, is ficticious. After painful experiences with those that dared address me as a friend, and a similar experience with a beautiful lass that dared address me as her amorous companion, I found no further pleasure nor benefits in being a member of a social herd, nor amicable or amorous relationships. The deletion of my entire social existence resulted in no negative effects upon me and enormous amounts of positives upon my existence. One can never know how much freedom, independence, self-reliance, disposable income, and peace, there is to gain by simply living life with no tethers from other humans to hold us back. It is unlikely I will ever seek amicable nor amorous connections ever again. It is impossible for a human to manipulate me with the heavy distrust I have for them, after learning from unfortunate experiences I had with them. It will not be allowed for any of them to ever gain any familiarity with me again.
Being pressured to do something just because everyone else in the group did it is something that resonated with me. I made enemies because I refused to comply. I make decisions based on how I feel about a situation. Not because of how someone else may feel.
I love listening to this channel!
I’m just 😊😊
I'm also misunderstood by others and made enemies like you😔😔
Mind over body... I have been working on being aware meditating using mudras and matras... stepping back and looking at the situation before reacting removing people that are toxic from my life doing things that I like to do. It hard to make someone that you really love a lot like your own children. Then you can't see your grandchildren because your children are toxic narcissist. It SUCKS...
Swap how you feel to what you want and what you need. Sometimes you can do things in a group.
After deciding to play the players and scam the scammers, I realized this is not who I want to be and went back to living my life according to my values rather than someone else's lack of values
Ditto. I had a laugh playing the players - even told the player I had been playing him since the moment I realised he was playing me. Got no reaction from him. Still in my life draining me - the thing is - he trusts me even more, knowing that I now call him out. Isn't everyone manipulating others? If a man wants a woman to go out with him, he will be extra nice to her first, flatter her, be helpful - he does all these things so that she is more likely to say yes.
@donnyetta That would depend on his intentions. Manipulation is more than behavior. Manipulation is abuse. The behavior becomes a tool with which to selfishly extract a pattern of reactions or benefits with no respect or regard for the health, happiness, or wellbeing of the other. Not only is it a one-way street, it's falsely presented as open to two way traffic... until it's not. This is different from an honest, consensual, interdependent, mutually beneficial relationship between peers.
@@SaintTrinianz I understand. Thank you.
@donnyetta your example is wrong. He does genuinely like the individual and trys persuade her to see the good values & traits that he has to offer. Both parties will gain. He's not selfishly trying to be the only winner and manipulate you. U less it's just straight rape. "You walk into a coffee shop, there's 10 guys there and they all like you. Who will you notice first?" The one that's forth coming and shows you his traits. Basically it's a job interview, and he wants to work for you, with you, by your side. Take note of that next time.
@@liveextreme0317 OK I see. In the two years of knowing him this guy flirts but has never even grabbed me for a kiss. A year ago he told me that as i have no kids i should leave my house to his little boy in my Will. I nearly did until I woke up. This year he is fixated with my sister selling our late mother's house then dividing the money. He told me that I don't need it - a woman with chronic illness that keeps me in bed 3 days out of 7! Two months later he tells me he is £45,000 in debt. I replied nothing as I am well aware he is trying to plant seeds in my brain. What does he do for me? Not turn up day after day when he has promised to work for me for an hour. I pay him £20 an hour but he can't be bothered to turn up and thinks i will always be there to help him no matter how much he lets me down. i am cat sitting for him while he is on holiday. The cat has ruined my new leather sofa's. I cannot even get an apology out of this guy. 15 days has turned into 5 weeks and the extra work has made me crashed out in bed 5 days out of 7 and vomitting with exhaustion. This has happened A LOT since he has been in my life - he takes no notice of my serious illness, and keeps putting on me. I forgive him yes, but really, I get next to nothing out of this relationship. Just a coffee once or twice a week. I really need to avoid him after he picks up the cat. He scrounges and exhausts everyone so that he can enjoy a much more relaxing lifestyle than we can possibly hope for 😣
This is something a lot of people should take heed to. Learning this will help people avoids depression and anxiety.
This is a very good discussion and very revealing of the dangerous tactics of socially predatory people.
I was targeted by some very bad people after becoming widowed.
I was so trusting and without knowing what these people were doing, I allowed myself to be overwhelmed with their abuse.
It was very bad.
I escaped with my life.
Be alert because bad people are going to try and hurt you if you’re a nice person.
Protect yourself. 💕
those bad people were they narcissists by any chance? Manipulators, gas lighters and controllers usually are , and they heavily use guilt to control.
Amazing short story my friend. I'd encounter evil people in my life but not as the psychopath I'd. He acted with the precision of a surgeon, it was in front of my eyes and I was suffering and saw many people suffered and even others show me and told me about what he was doing, but I couldn't recognize it until myself couldn't stand anymore again myself and also read a lot about psychology and psychiatric.... Now I can see clearly how the whole world is suffering under this psychopaths.....
Bad people are everywhere with their nice facade.
Sam Vaknin's videos are very helpful.
Trust no one
"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." - Marcus Aurelius
Let's keep growing the Stoic community!@@joshuakwameowusuansah7570
Thank you!@@drlutskovsky
I estimate the axe in my head is not the cause of the pain and bleeding, I will revoke my pain… m
Emm that didn’t work..
Trust yourself and listen to your soul. There are no lies
Thank u for recommending books..oh every word u say I've exper6and am going thru. I need help but without financial help n stability I'm going to die here.
Mind over body
Yes intuition too
I'm now 66 but i felt i'm 40yrs younger since i've start reading this helpful to those who are in need of this philosophy...thanks for ur teachings as well..more power ...
This confirmed that I am being manipulated. I felt it but couldn’t put it all into words. Thank you, now I will move accordingly.
Meaningless: Experience and prejudice. To accept sight and illusion in the same relativity and not be a slave.
Slavery: To be free from the growth of intellect. Experience free from understanding and memory as triviality.
Memory: reduced down to recollection without review, in a universe of consistent physics; a triviality of organic invincibility. Experience rendered down to self-sensual recall without existential considerations; meaningless.
Prejudice: to accept the delusion that no human can consider and choose. For experience to outweigh sense and sensible prudence and suggest in definite physicality that humanity is as inorganic as the constructs we purpose.
Triviality to the concept of Slave, is Mass to Gravity, either one hypothetical without the physics of Trivialization or Mass. One requiring the circumstance of genesis, the other requiring absence of necessity; Nativitus Ancillae.
Relativity: the universe revolves around you, but only if you watch with others; relativity born of tripartite geometry; self (observing), other (conferring), objective (occurring): co-intimate experience and co-context.
Relativity: all things can happen to you, most didn't, you only know what you think, you only think what you can hypothesize, all understanding revolves around perception and interaction. Understanding and position; relative.
Hypothesis: a proposition of a form unsensed in the physical, in the definition "scientific" it is the Fructus Ventris Physica Quantitatis; the guessable, potent in measurability, invisibilia ad carnalis, observationis codificationem.
Hypothesis: a concept just beyond sensible observation but within sensory or facultative relativity to intimate comprehension; the space an observer feels safe to coniectura didicit doctrina. A cerebrum exercitium.
Meaningless: the words of any personal exposition without the person. Interpretation of intended and intimate communication removed from its physical occurrence. To hypothesize in the spirit of Freud, all are I.
Meaningless: a description of a building behind it's façade to a man on the street. Definition without sensible example; invisibility bestowed by the suggestibility of the potent potentiality of descriptionem alienum.
Reference without experience, definition without context, experience without definition, definition without reference; to theorize on fancy, the possibilities of cause bereft of "scientific" prejudice towards provable.
A description of the unseen to the comfortable in sense, and sensibility; hypothesis delivered socially by the
perfecte mediocris to their perfecte mediocris aetatis. Interest and applause humilis, the sermo aequalis.
Contemporary communication, external warehouse for internal deliberation. Deliberatio externa by contrast is built on extra-contemporary, the functional in sense and nerve unwilling to mal-hypothesize popularis prudentia.
By definition a contemporary is both naturally occurring and actively intersecting, or it is a generational (illusory), built of temporal coincidence. Meaningless in contemporations intimate, capable of saying they share an age.
In an era of fear, humanity is tested. The exodus of existential loneliness is a heavy burden. Self-indulgent contemporary values, the pitiful death of the faithful gregarious martyr. Silenced in the passion of virtue, in the fury of desire as necessity, the ideal dies for the joy of man as the ideal devotee of nothing. Endogenous evidence of exogenous truth, derived from noble prejudiced purposes, refutes the pathologies of nature as the folly of prosaic and sensible sustainability. Euphoria at any cost, at any cost.
The Addict Kind
Lonliness is a myth spread by the ill, unwelled by popular delusion (self accepted).
The sickly, pulsing out their (self) comforting radiance, the marking of a predators territory. A light to shine on all slow enough to not revile it for it's false and reason less eviction of self from capability.
The prey; uninitiated youth, vulnerable innocence. Argue not with the aged (or experienced) self-convinced. The miracle of emotional conformation of physical fact convincing to the unknowing, under steady application, overly sweetened (for the self) ideals of pleasure and comfort, the prey forget they knew a peace that didn't requiring feeding or explanation.
The virtue of falsely buoyed stability grinding the ignorant, young, and uncatered, all taken in by the sin of kindness as apex. To gift the sickness that tells a human "human emotion in the negative is unnecessary and beyond comprehension or tolerance".
To know that there are those in the world of humanity, who in their generationally refined adherence to parasite coddling, will continue to teach the youth "drugs are a healthy and functional right of aware and intelligent people" is a mark of shame in this age of our collective development.
The truth of human being betrayed by the proposed necessity of stimulation beyond the natural state, it's supposed normality vouchsafed; sobriety (health) ignored as a greater insanity than parasitism.
Salve the wounded pride of the vulgar addict, crucify the outspoken advocate of reassessment. This is not a statement of conflict, rather a portrait of the true and natural order in it's biased equality (comfort belonging to those who crave it most).
Yes trying to isolate me from my friends. He wud gaslight me and i wud end up spending alot of time by myself waiting for him to come so we cud out on a date, he wud never show up. So i learned that i will spend time w/ my friends if he wudnt show up at the time we decided he wudnt show up after that time i wud leave my place and go spend time w/ my friends. Well he wud get mad not because he wud show up and i was gone. He wud get mad cuz i wasnt waiting for him knowing he wasnt going to show up anyways, that i wasnt home all by myself . He didn't want me to have any friends so he cud treat me anyway he wanted. It was a 3 1/2 yr relationship i finally have 2yrs away from him and im so happy i got him out of my life. Believe it or not he was a conselor he knew every angle. His favorite thing to tell me was Deb its n ur mind that never happened i started 2nd guessing myself i truly lost who i was but now i no exactly who i am and what i stand for ty
I am going thru the same thing as you are. Happy for you that you got through this. I am on my way to reaching there too. Please remember me in your prayers. I really need this.😔🙏
@marykharkongor1858 hope you've gotten out and are free!
Jealousy causes hatred and manipulation as well as respect, remember your gut instinct! This may be the only trust left.Great advice Stoicism keep up the good work!✌️ be with you...
I was married with a person who I suspect has Narcisist Personality Disorder and this person used each one if this technique on me until I broke free. Now I am finding my path to stoicism and your videos have been so helpful. Looking forward for more videos and will soon buy your Ebook.
Knowing myself i can only imagine how difficult it is for people to put so much energy on not liking someone. If they only had self love maybe they wouldn't be so insecure. I pray and forgive and keep moving
Be true to yourself - others often manipulate to feel a sense of control, control they have not developed within themselves
My mother been doing this since I was a little girl ,being chosen by God with the light 🌄 all she was trying to do is destroy me but it is okay because nothing she had done destroyed me, it is her loss now for giving her🙏🏽 and moving forward it's in God's hands revenge is his, no contact it's sad that people in your own family's have that much hate and jealousy toward you , only God👑 is in control🎯 spiritually awakened👁 to share my knowledge and to teach❤ living my best life💃 all glory to God⚔🦁
I also dealt with the same thing from my mother and other family members. We should connect. I'd love to benefit from your perspective and even friendship.
I also dealt w/ abuse from my mother. U no u can't change the past, but u can not let ur past define u. If u do u become stuck. I can remember back when I was 3 I'm 65 now. She did a lot of damage w/ my self esteem. But I had to decide if I change it then I'm not letting her abuse keep me stuck. Conscious Education came n2 my life. Didn't programs to build urself Ur Not Broken. Chris Duncan wrote that book and also is founder of Magnetic Minds. It a great soul family and it helps u develop urself to get unstuck, development of ur intuition different programs to unstuck ur traumas. The soul tribe is so supportive and genuine. Chk it out when u have a moment
Your story sounds like mine. I dealt with her jealousy all the time her telling me I will be a rich person one day from inheritance but in the end took it all away. A user . Now I have her ashes in my home and don’t even want them here. Sad but I moved on I’m better than that hopefully God gave her a big big lesson in the end
If God is not you then it is somebody else around you anyway. Don’t look further.
A sad story that I'm trying to reverse using no and low contact
I think this an AI voice but I do love the messages and listen intently. 🪷
I have an ex-wife and a friend from my childhood whom I've had to cut out of my life.
You're describing both of them completely. Thank you for helping me feel way better about decisions I've recently made.
Wow parallel life's,,,,,our story is earaly alike.......... In your story I was a friend from the childhood,,,, I am so thankful that "he" cut me out his life😂.....he was so toxic,, he was rotting me from the inside....I am thankful " I " decided to outsmart him 😮 he loosened his grip on my soul 😢😢 and I escaped 🎉🖤🤘...... I am happy for your attempt of making yourself number one..... May the force be with you my friend
It is heartbreaking .. But Mostly we gotta understand it in order to be free...while Maintaining an emotional distance and surounding yourself in volet light for self preserve and knowing your self worth hard but apparently it gets easier the more we do the work Peace..
The section on gaslighting really resonated with me. The metaphor of moving furniture around in your house and denying it is such a perfect way to describe how disorienting and damaging gaslighting can be. The advice to keep a journal of events and trust your instincts is empowering-it’s a reminder that our reality and perceptions are valid, even when someone tries to distort them. Thank you for breaking it down so clearly!
Married for 20 yrs and I woke up one day and realized. Crazy
Me too!
What actually happened?
I am familiar with emotional manipulation, distortion of facts to suit a narcissist who took advantage of my kindness and integrity. I always get invaluable insights from your videos. Thanks
Mind over body
I luv your wisdom . You are point on the importance of protective our well being. Ty for all this knowledge. 19:22 19:22 19:22 19:22
Here here
Love this, as a people pleaser...being in relationship with a covert narcissistic man for 13 years, I have learned being aware of my patterns❤
You can’t leave?
I am out for over 6 years now, I am free, I fall for another one after but got out after 4 months and now in happy healthy relationship
Thank you for this reminders .There are a lot of people who are manipulating especially in the family and friends. They suck you and make you feel guilty.
I've been a victim several times... Thank u for opening my eyes. God bless u..
This was so helpful today in navigating the confusing and painful emotions of a breakup with a narcissistic partner. I came across this "randomly", but it really opened my eyes and eased my anxiety to understand what I had been living in.
U mentioned instincts mine were actually shouting at me not to do something very important to my life but bc I was being manipulated by several people I didn't listen to my instincts and I will always regret that and have learned a very important lesson don't ignore your instincts!
Stumbling across this today was perfect timing.
Always knew it on a subconscious level that this particular person was manipulating me. The combination of this video and something they posted to instagram today made me consciously clear that this person is often engaged in different versions of gaslighting me.
You guys may want to put a warning on this video.. i have epilepsy and the way the video glitches like that it triggers it ... i didnt go all the way into a seizure but if i kept looking at the screen i definitely would have and id just hate someone that has less control over their symptoms to have one while watching cause they fucking suck and i know yall dont want that either.. love this channel and all the priceless info you put out into the world. Very grateful... thanks 😊🙏
your teachings help me with mind therapy, my beloved was killed and I am so lost, but these teachings help me to cope. I have faced everything in life and no one has taught me the value you share. I am learning like a baby or a student, these are answers I have always asked myself. something no one has even asked. Thank you for sharing.
It's 4 years I start the journey of self knowing. Today I found your channel and I saw 3 videos. You are doing a great work. Helping peaple to be aware of the mind and twists of it. Mind over body indeed ❤
I just realized that 80% of the ladies I came in contact with all my life have did this to me now I can recognize it when it happens tread lightly doing conversations tread lightly around people. Especially a
Almost everything you mention in the video remind me of somebody i know in real life.I always heard surrounding yourself with good ppl,in my life as i get older i'm 42 ive come to realize it's getting harder and harder to meet even descent ppl.I've also realize Majority of things we experience in life got to do with ppl,i stop dealing with a lot of ppl if i don't have too solve a lot of problems, its lonely but i'm used to it by now.cnt stand being around a lot of ppl.
Better to be alone than having to figure out other people's issues. I'm alone but not lonely.
@ramonalee2368 still the same,im still getting rid of people.
Me too
I experienced them all.
And it turned me into a badly damaged sigma, wich also made me dangerous, especially to myself.
No more!
Knowledge is power.❤
Thank you for the insight.❤🙏🏼🙌🏼
i am watching this at the age of 16.......and hoping this will help me through out my life......❤ thankyou for providing me guidance .....😊😊
Could listen to these for decades, it grows me in many ways I'm just becoming better and better at everything 💯👌
I am grateful I am hearing this...I have had a hard time with allowing myself to not maintain or deliberately better my way of life by the way I think and setting boundaries,,,even I have to adhere to...thank you for allowing my 44 yr old ears to hear,,,
This channel educates me! Thank you!
Thanks to your video, I never realized I been manipulate. I put all together all you said and with my experience, I thought he was sincere. Good that I left right after I feel hot and cold message from Him. He just used me for his own benefits so I could stayed and use me. Thanks a lot I relief now not wasting my time and energy with this person. ❤
Admittedly I don't maintain clear boundaries, or communicate effectively as I struggle in those departments. At one point I was way better at communication and keeping up with my life lines, my support system . . . But along the way I felt that my words weren't being felt or heard so I focused more on the actual work and got better, faster, and more focused on them than all my peers!
What made me stand out and shine above all made me a target and a tool for a manager to basically use me up until I had nothing left! They tell me to shut up as I am working and sure talking from my station.
Mind you I already do the job of 2 or 3 people and I often skip 15 minute breaks if It means finishing on time and she tells me to work faster! 😢 I am killing myself and with all that I do she makes me feel like she doesn't respect me at all!
I never worked so hard in my life for someone that didn't deserve it. She entirely had me fooled! I thought she was someone that was going to stickup for me and grow me but it was instead just a way to go home for her not as tired and me to go home crying because my hands and joints hurt
You would not believe how much this video and your other videos have helped me and it open my eyes and helping me towards the better life seriously I love that voice it’s so calming please do more videos on narcissist and how to avoid them and call them out specially narcissist mothers thank you so much
Mind over matter.., your content is so appreciated. A senior person at my work place tried to isolate and destroy my self esteem by weaponised constant criticism. It worked for a little then when I studied this type material I logged all their behaviour, reported to HR and got them fired 🤷🏻♀️ but I had to completely stay calm and still be able to perform my job in a highly pressurised environment… but that’s also thanks to the training I received from my narc family.
I like this self awareness/respect lessons. I can't tire of listening one after the other.
I am convinced and confident that every day you speak to me as you already know every thing I am going through and give me right direction to think and act in an improved way .I learnt in childhood a very useful statement..a stitch in time saves nine. I do use it and come out of many a fall in various situations..I am so happy you are sent by Almighty in my life and thank Him profusely daily listening and trying to improve for more peace of mind and practical living.Humblyi bow to you my dear friend Master
During my PhD in bio-science, all of these manipulations have been used on me. When I felt it, i quit my studies. Looking at this video it reminds me of them and how evil academia can be. It’s a shame to say that, but it’s the truth. Im not a doctor now, but i cannot be what they want me to be. Please make more videos like these to help people find themselves.
Wow, I'm doing my PHD and boy am I realising some interesting things about the world of academia, and its crazy how high the dropout rate is.
I’ve been manipulating by someone for last 10 months. Thanks to my dear ones they opened my eyes 🙏🏻. Thank you so much for your valuable words. This means lot to me to grow up further in my life ❤🙏🏻
Thanks for preventing me from being manipulated by haters
I left like you are talking about that person who is being toxic with me and my friends at work place. Each and every point resonates . Thanks for being an eye opener.
I am 25 and I just got this . Thank you ❤
When I agree to something I originally did not want/agree to it is because maybe I did not have a choice anymore. I usually know when I am being manipulated.
Thanks for the hard work and Emotional Support ❤
Yes this is very helpful and i can say while we cannot change the past- and despite my best efforts I did not have this helpful information. I have it now. I will listen again and again. Thank you.
Those people really mess with me and it really bothers me sometimes. And however this video helps and reassures me that they are just being manipulators
The results of adopting this style of thinking may not be evident for many years. But it is well worth it.
After being manipulated and abused from birth by my own mother, I was in dangerous and narcissistic relationships. Until four years ago, I knew nothing about narcissism. I just thought there was something wrong with me. At 60, I finally got freedom from her manipulative tactics when she passed. Now, I'm attempting to extract myself from a ten year manipulative relationship with a. "boyfriend" who, I now see, has been manipulating me since we met. I wish I'd heard of stoicism and narcissism while I was trying to "fix" myself. Now I know. My eyes have been opened and this will never happen again!
Thank God that I went to prison in the mid 80's,escaping my Narcissistic Family,where I became a Christian. I was always a Lone Wolf, Different. I never realized that I was constantly being manipulated, My newfound spiritually gave me a Sixth Sense to recognize Evil Manipulative people. Since,I have been able to protect myself, with God's help! The Freedom,and Autonomy that I have is a gift.most people live in the mist of a Herd mentality,helped along by the media. They don't understand those that direct their own lives outside the box!
Strenght wished to you. You are so wright. 😊
This channel is helping me greatly. Thank you so much
You (narrator) have contributed a lot of education in changing my behaviour on how I deal with different people in different scenarios
Mind over body, grateful for the opportunity to hear you. It is a nice day.
I am 65. I am learning very late also, but knowledge is powerful and freeing
When the student is ready the master will appear. ❤
Am honestly more than grateful for this golden turning point of my life actually i am a victim of almost all of them and today i have gained Redemption from this Captivity .Gratitude in abundance .Asanti Sana
I find ur Chanel is helpful to my growth to teach my 10 yr. Old daughter
As I'm listening to this video it is very inspiring very educational cuz I broke up with a scammer about 6 months ago and everything you talked about in this video is the same thing that they used on me and so I finally got tired of it when I said no I found out they had a so-called friend Rich uncle and they would ask them to buy them like a PlayStation 5 David asked me to pay for them from a flight from Ghana to the states I said no and lucky enough I had social catfish on my side and I would always call and ask them about certain situations and finally I just got tired of their toxic attitude and just walked away now I'm enjoying my life as a free person
Your wisdoms just come to my life when I needed it the most. Thank you from my heart. ❤🙏🕊️
I’ve been manipulated and I’ve manipulated. I won’t allow or do this again. ❤
Exactly! Freedom is the only worthy goal in life.
Your channel is changing my life more than I Belize. I'm in recovery in all I do is listen to Still wisdom. I do not go to class. I do not listen to Anymore. War stories or people's problems. Listening to your channel has changed my life
Each time I come across these videos I learn more n I get more knowledgea n words if wisdom. I have been helped n ts still helping me growing in knowledge n knowing. My limits.My eyes are open n b4 any action in all I think first b4 my actions. Am leaving this comment here so that whoever comes n ready or like should remind me that stoic flow is the only channel with words of wisdom n knowledge. Good decisions are being made....honestly am no longer being also not afraid of being alone as long as I find happiness in it.
Mind over Body! Just to appreciate the work you create, you’re talking to me in many ways as a Christian it is always like reading a book of Proverbs in the bible when listening to your content❤.
So hard to deal with gaslighting manipulator.
I always lost for words.
Or ended up silent.
He makes the tables turned.
And I became the aggressive one.
What I learned is that you do not need to defend your reality to a manipulator. That is where they now have ungrounded you. Just call it out. Stop trying to gaslight me, stop trying to manipulate me, I’m not fighting you on this. I know my reality, experience, etc no matter what you are trying to convince me of.
That's called reactive abuse. See them as a demon. Protect yourself through Prayer. Do not engage. Dr Ramani on here is a great resource. Be well.
I wish I had heard this 45 years ago
Hello.Iʼm from Uzbekistan.You know what,your contents are incredible.Thanks you for videos.This video are very benificial both my english and knowlange❤.
This video is truly a valuable lesson! I've often felt confused after unclear conversations, and now I understand that it could be a sign of subtle manipulation. Thank you for sharing these important lessons to help me protect myself!
I have someone in my life who uses manipulation in me every day. At first i didn't recognize what was happening until i became exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically. His tactics change, but now i clearly see what his purpose is behind the manipulation. I used to get upset, but now i calmy refuse to participate in his mind game, and he doesnt turn into Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Hyde. It is sometimes humorous to me because it used to be so easy for him to manipulate me, but not anymore. He cant run me into the ground or make me cry, and he wonders....."why "....😂
When he tries to manipulate you, look at him in the eyes and say “okay” let him know , you know
Mind over body
Why are you still with him?
@@venusleoz826 I didn't say I'm still with him. He is still in my life but we aren't "together". He knows how I feel about him and we chose to remain as friends, but he no longer had the ability to manipulate or use me.
@@AmrielAngel222 Good for you 💕🧚♀️💕
Thank you for sharing this great life lesson. This information needs to be taught in high school. Not everyone is your friend, not everyone has your best interests even when they appear to be caring.видео.html
I am on number 5 but, of course will listen to the whole thing and I am subscribed. Great job. Thank you.
Thanks for educating us about manipulation, showing courteous towards individual sometimes is taken advantage of. Your further discussion with this shed light on how to deal with manipulators accordingly without losing respect.
Live our life and be ourselves ❤ be strong my friend
Mind over the body of existence
Mind over body. This is so enlightening. Thank you so much
focusing on the road ahead knowing my boundaries
I have been manipolate so many times and in too many ways that my sweet naive soul had to learn to be strong and wise.. ❤ thanks for the informations very help full 🙏🌹
I finally have a year clean and it's the best I felt ever in my life.This channel has helped me immensely.Thank you so much
Thanks for the awakening
If you understand and apply this knowledge to manipulators .they will run a way from you.
I am a living example.and once they notice that you are aware of their manipulations they will be afraid of you.
They will also start avoiding you.self awareness is very important.
😂 I'm sorry. It's probably best to avoid her.
Exactly my situation but with my mom. My dog confirms this when she’s around and starts slow growling at her
Manipulators are usually cowards, they're true children of their father, the great manipulator.@@EberePaschaline-pe6og
Alot of relationships that take on these dynamics is because both parties suffer identity trauma...
They just choose to cope with it in different ways so one shut down the feelings and their connection to others making it a zero sum game .. and the other choose to stay full connected with other and became people pleasing and hyper aware of others needs and feelings in order to get their needs met ... they both are using manipulation to get connection and to meet their needs... neither really have a whole and healthy sense of self that can emotionally regulate or self sooth... both are using the validation of something outside themselves to tell them who they are and how to feel about self..
The tactics they use.. manipulation, contol, abuse, lying, gaslighting.. these are simply the tools they use to in there mind survive or exist... and most are completely unaware or unconscious of the fact that what they do is wrong or hurting others ... they may come to realize this much later in life after so many things have suffered and been lost due to it ..
But for the most part people always attribute a failed relationship to the other person or outside events and people... so they can stay blind to it their whole life...
So one wants all the power and the other feels like it has to give its power to survive and like magnets they attract each other...
Both are victims of trauma and likely unconscious of their behavior or its effects . .
Making it a game of good guys bad guys is exactly how u give your power away .. things are never that black and white and people can only do to us what we continue to allow them too... its always serving a need for both involved.. they have to become aware of this and figure out whats beening serviced and then servive it for self.. fill your own cup and stop always pouring it into the others...
Thankyou for your comment ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💟
What a beautiful way of putting it out!
These points are extremely helpful in understanding how others treat us. Remembering that we are in control of our thoughts and emotions and that our ability to respond instead of react are powerful tools. We are the masters of our emotions.
I don’t accept responsibility for your actions:) nicely put:) thanks:)