👋Welcome '24 grads! I'm happy that you are here. If you have any questions, come to the Discord: discord.gg/xPXSpWJ5ac Make your resume more competitive with a Mini MBA: www.TheMiniMBA.com I am no longer tutoring BSG Online, but I recommend Dave Mar via www.bsg-game.com
I just wanted to come back after a long semester and say this: my group and I watched your video at the beginning and have been absolutely crushing the competition since the start. This was infinitely more helpful than the Player’s Guide and got us off on a really good foot. By the time the other groups figured out how to play, we were already miles ahead. Thanks for making my final MBA class a breeze!
Thank you so much for this video! I was very confused and overwhelmed at the start of the BSG game for my class and watched your videos. Literally saved me. Followed your advice, made all of the decisions for my team each round and we ended up winning with a score of over 100! Thank you so much!!
Your overview was super helpful. Took my company from 5th place out of 7 to first place winning by +6 in only 5 years. Ditched the cost leadership strat early and went with 50 models offered at high price (top left corner of Comparative Competitive Efforts) and then focused the rest of production into private label. Worked great and couldn't have done it without your in-depth overview of BSG and tips! Thanks a lot!
I am so happy I saw this comment. My team and I just started playing and are thinking of going this route. It feels good to know it is achievable. Would you be willing to share any insights?!
omg yes, watch him! I literally had this video on replay since I've started the bsg.. It works for ALL years like he said. I was 1st place for my class thought out the whole game. THANK YOU DEREK.!!!!
I used this to help me walk through year 12 (after I completely bombed year 11) and it still was extremely helpful in getting myself on track. I went from second to last ranking to fourth in my class. Thank you so much!
I just have to tell you that my team has been watching your videos & we just finished our first round in first place by 13 points! You’re a life saver.
Hello! First of all, I want to thank you for your work and the time you took to make this video and explain the BSG thoroughly. I attend a business school in Latin America and we just finished the BSG course last night. My team and I watched your video and we dominated the competition since the very beginning. In the end, we had the best overall score, best stock price and even the CSR award for three years in a row. You explained this game better than the 3 times I read the manual. Thank you very much for what you do. 🎉
This was more of a walk-through for me to understand how this game connects things together. In my course's case, we were to create strategies each week and explain our methods more than hitting grade-able metrics. Thanks for the time.
Dereck, thank you for breaking this game down and making it understandable. You were a lifesaver for my group as we were doing this business strategy game for our class. You're the GOAT!!
Thank you so much for making this easier to understand. We completely butchered our first decision period, and probably our second too. But we restart after this next round and start playing for real. I cant wait to see how much this helps us!
Hey Derek, I subscribed to support your channel. Thank you for making this video, just started BSG this week and I'm overwhelmed going through their player guide. Which Alienware do you have? I've got the X15 R2 laptop, first alienware for me, I think I'll be alienware for life now. Only problem I have is the laptop gets hot when plugged in and gaming at the same time. Cheers!
I loved this guide. This guide is way better than the in-game help document(way too long). I placed myself in the top 100s multiple times during the competition. Currently have a 115 GTD score with 5 bonus points in year 18. This will give me a 10/10 for the BSG game :). Only praying my comprehensive exam goes well in the game, because the questions are way too long.
this is an amazingly helpful guide, i really wanna thank you. Got really good performance on my financials, and will keep up watching and learning the other videos.
Derek, you killed it for us!🥳🥳🥳 I watched your videos and we took 1st. We're gonna try to bring home that title over the next few weeks. I think you might have a niche here buddy!💯 I can't image a ton of people are watching these videos but you're definitely providing the best content on this topic, believe me I looked far and wide! Anyways keep grinding on this thing you're doing! Cheers
There are tons of resources available in the Discord, this video, and my website www.bsg-game.com Year 12 video coming Sept 26th! Subscribe to my channel and set up notifications so you don't miss it! It will help you with years after year 12 as well.
This is excellent information! I have read half way through the players guide but I am still very confused with all the information. Yes, we can copy for year 11 but we still need to learn what you are sharing to make the next set of decision all the way through year 20. Thank you so much!
You are so welcome! It's very easy to tell who simply copied my Y11 decisions and who actually took the time to learn the concepts of making strong decisions each year. 😁
Welcome, Spring '23 grads! I am excited that you are here. 😁 Derek's ETS Major Field Test (MFT) Study Site: www.MajorFieldTestPrep.com 25% off your first course with promo code: RUclips25 I am no longer assisting with BSG Online, so I can broaden my help to more students. You may use this trusted website as a resource www.bsg-game.com
Hi, in the end of that video, when you give out dividends, you said those need to be increased by a little every year. It tells us that the Year 10 Dividends have been 1$. However, you but in 0.10. Why that? Thanks
You could start at $1.00, but I had solid results by starting it at $0.10 and raising it by $0.10-$0.25 per year. I prefer buying back shares versus having a little higher dividend.
I'm sure you've answered this before, but any tips on the last year or so of the game? I have a note from one of your videos to do the improved working conditions in the very last year. Any other tips? Thanks for your videos! They are literally the only reason our team has done so well!
Some things to consider would be improved working conditions, TQM and Best Practices to zero if you haven’t already (be sure to get your S/Q rating back to where you want it), you can drop retailer support to zero if it greatly helps EPS. Try to get an A+ credit rating and focus on EPS and ROE over image rating to improve stock price. Glad your team did well!!!
Hi Derek! Congrats on your video, it helped me a ton and i didn't have to continue reading the guide. I have two questions: 1) We are in Year 13 and we are 1st. We aim for high S/Q rating high model, right up corner. Is it ok to make 100% superior materials and what about price?We are at 70$ on the wholesale and we are afraid that if we raise it maybe we will lose a lot of market share.Most of the competition is on the right bottom. 2)Our game lasts until year 16. The remaining of the 10 year loans will be subtracted in the last year? Thank you in advance!! Keep up helping MBA students!
100% sup mats probably isn’t the wisest idea. There will be a good mix of materials to use. Do you think higher quality shoes should be priced higher than low quality shoes? I do. You may lose a few customers but the price increase will cover those losses. Loans will stay past your final year. They don’t have to be all paid off.
@@DerekBarnick Sounds logical. I have one more question, we are gonna bid a lot in celebrities cause we only have 1 and it surely effects our total image. If we end up buying 3 more in year 13, and the total average is near 250 in every area, does it effect the number of sales in year 13? I mean in decision year 13, shall we try have more surplus in shoes than 30pcs, hoping that we are gonna get 3 more celeb. and the sales will skyrocket? Does it make sense? Also the amount paid to celebrities each year is it incorporated in the projected numbers? I think no because the game doesn't know if you are gonna end up buying them or not, right? BIG THANKS for the quick response and for helping! You are the best!!
It helps increase demand if used in conjunction with advertising. 300 is the max per area, there is a diminishing return after 200 in each area. They won't go into effect until the next year, so be prepared to build more equipment, but you don't need more leftover shoes. They will collect dust so to speak and depreciate. Sales could skyrocket, but there are many other variables that need to be considered as well. Celebs are not incorporated into projections until they are won in the next year.
This video helped a ton would love a video series for the first 3 years that would be super dope to do a video like that to learn about what to do when you are competing and past year 11 Great Video Thank you
I am in Year 14 and am just watching your video. I admit I am not doing well, but I see improvement following the suggestions. Is there live tutoring available for the game? Thank you.
Thank you very much for this video. I have been at a high risk of default for 2 years running now. What should I do? How do I double my ROE & EPS? It's been challenging surpassing the targets. My stock price is at $50, what do I do? Kind regards.
Unfortunately there are too many variables to simply say “change this” and everything will be fixed. That being said, you can pay off debt to improve risk of default ratio. If you are in need of vital assistance, I recommended visiting www.bsg-game.com
So I followed your video and we left with an EPS of 4.29, roe of 26%, credit rating of A and an image of 81. The results end with an EPS of 2.29, roe of 14.4, credit rating of B and a image of 72. Why would we drop so much what could cause that? Also we now can construct space in LA and when I produce there it drops the projected demand as well by a decent amount
Hi! If we invest in a plant in LA in year 12 of a short game until year 16, will we see results? Or is it better to invest in machines to expand production?
Hi, I'm writing from Argentina. In my last semester of university, they assigned us this simulator, and we're trying to understand it. The video helped a lot for a general overview, but if you could give us any extra key strategies for the first moves of year 11 (we start next week) or recommend any must-watch videos, we would really appreciate it! Best regards, and thanks for these videos
@@DerekBarnick Thank you for responding. Today we will start planning the first round of decisions, and I have a question. In the video, you recommend building a plant in Latin America in year 11 to start using it in year 12. We will be playing until year 16, do you think the investment is still worth it? Looking forward to your response, regards
Watched your video and it is so helpful! We just finished week 11, we didn't do too well, because we were not differentiated that much, is there a way we can get some tips from you to help us?
How do you get total branded production for year 13 to go up? I have over 17000 pairs to be manufactured, yet total production needed is only at like 5000, doesn't make sense.
Having a debt isn’t a bad thing in BSG and can usually be good to help expand your company. I suggest refinancing loans to lower interest rates throughout the game and paying some off a few years before your game ends to reach an A+ credit rating.
Hey, thanks for this video. I am curious though, how does the loan & interest repayments work out? I feel it wasn't thoroughly explained in the video and I am curious as to how to manage all that debt in the later rounds. Does anyone know? Thanks!
Similar to loans in real life other than interest is paid the year after the loan is taken and continually until the loan is paid off. I can tell you that in corporate finance, there is a good mixture of debt and equity that provides a firm leverage to grow. Many students are scared of debt, but in business, debt can be a good thing.
Hi Derek, Thanks for your valuable Video. Although I am doing good on the game and I am in the first position and getting Bull's awards every year, but having an issue on the Lost (due to stockouts) in all regions. I even try to keep at least more than +50 on surplus on each region.
Hi Derek, thanks for all your effort and tips. your videos are great. I got one question if you want: in the last year of the game is correct that is pointless to bid to sign the last celebrity ? I believe in this case celebrities work in arrears , so to see any benefit when signing celebrities , if I am at the end of year 15 taking decisions for year 16 I will see the benefits of that not when year 16 will start but instead when year 17 will start because my game ends in year 16 and last chance for decisions are in year 15. is this reasoning correct?
Hi Derek, thank you so much for your sharing. I have a question, i do high sq/ high model strategy but my competitors is copying me. They've changed their strategy from low sq. What strategy should I do to outplay them copy cat?
in year 11, we opened facilities in EA and LA and are now in year 12. how would you recommend we go about the distribution to warehouse numbers? Does it even matter now since we have all facilities open? thanks!!
@@DerekBarnick we have facilities in all regions now. does that make a difference? should we only ship from NA to NA and EA to EA and so forth? i think that would give us extreme surpluses for each region no? thanks!!
Primarily differentiation, but it's possible to be a hybrid with differentiating and having some of the lowest costs in your industry if you play the game right.
Hi, I missed the deadline for decisions round year 11 and right now I’m on year 13. My EPS and ROE are struggling a lot. Is there any tips for me to increase them? My EPS is around 0.60 and Investor expectations is 3.50
I have a really big question I am stuck on not being able to get my surplus down in my wholesale marketing, the least I can get it is 2,500 but it needs to be around 24? Please help!
You should be close to +50 leftover inventory projected in each area. Did you have a bunch of leftover shoes from last year that you now have to sell this year? If so, I would get that fixed quickly or you will be in major trouble in a couple years. Not trying to scare you, but I see it all the time where my clients that are "near bankrupt" always have WAY too many shoes in leftover inventory.
Do you know whether or not a negative "Remaining Pairs to be shipped" will come out of the projected inventory surplus within the Distribution tab? It makes sense that it would to me.
You're correct. A negative remaining pairs to be shipped would mean that the game will automatically delegate taking pairs away from projected inventory surplus. You should always have a zero for remaining pairs to be shipped.
Hi Derek, you have great videos man! Purchased your book (Sept 2022), it is being delivered as we speak. Is there any key differences from the book vs the discord?
The book provides a bunch of detailed insights on how I suggest making decisions each year. I am discontinuing the Discord eventually. My website www.bsg-game.com has all my information now. Glad you liked the videos!
Hey Derek, I am in year 12, I was wondering, for competitve assumptions do you want to have them the same as the averages from the year before? Or is it better to go a little above since other teams will most likely go up on stuff.
If you think the industry averages will go up from last year, you should increase the competitive assumptions which in turn will allow you to make better decisions
@@DerekBarnick I figured it out! It completely alluded me that it doesn't start until the year after you sign the contract. So, that one was definitely on me. I guess "now" actually means "in one year" :p
You're welcome! It's hard to quantify, but I have seen other YTers do it and it helped me understand how important a quick click of the sub button helps small channels grow.
Bro... Absolutely vital video! Question though..have you ever tried a taking a high-end low-model count approach? I'm just starting out but I'm thinking if we start out shooting for the top left market space (at least early on). I feel like if we need to pivot in our strategy later on it would be easier to do? Just thinking most of the class will end up in a price war condition at least early on....Anyway, great video!! 🙌🙌🙌
That could work, but I never recommended it since it’s a very different style of company management to do well. You could reach out to www.bsg-game.com to see if they have experience with this style of strategy. Good luck 🚀
My group strategy is to have low models at 50 and high cost shoes to stay in teh top left corner of the competitive chart, with this strategy it looks as if our total branded production needed is staying very low even at Year 14 at 6,400. Is this normal for our strategy or should we try to make it higher? Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Low model strategy will typically have lower demand that usual, but not always. You can increase demand by using advertising, celebs, getting more retailer outlets, paying above average retailer support, and many other things to improve your demand. Market share is good, but profit is much better.
You are a lifesaver. I followed the instruction, made some decisions, and I am on rank 2. I have a question though now how do we proceed with year 12. Like on what should we focus.
I tutor all business subjects via my website: www.mybusinesstutor.co (I do not tutor BSG Online) If you are looking for tutoring regarding BSG, visit www.bsg-game.com
👋Welcome '24 grads! I'm happy that you are here.
If you have any questions, come to the Discord: discord.gg/xPXSpWJ5ac
Make your resume more competitive with a Mini MBA: www.TheMiniMBA.com
I am no longer tutoring BSG Online, but I recommend Dave Mar via www.bsg-game.com
I just wanted to come back after a long semester and say this: my group and I watched your video at the beginning and have been absolutely crushing the competition since the start. This was infinitely more helpful than the Player’s Guide and got us off on a really good foot. By the time the other groups figured out how to play, we were already miles ahead. Thanks for making my final MBA class a breeze!
Congratulations on the victory and I appreciate the kind words! I’m glad you learned a lot.
Thank you so much for this video! I was very confused and overwhelmed at the start of the BSG game for my class and watched your videos. Literally saved me. Followed your advice, made all of the decisions for my team each round and we ended up winning with a score of over 100! Thank you so much!!
This made my morning! You are so welcome and congratulations on doing so well! 😁
Your overview was super helpful. Took my company from 5th place out of 7 to first place winning by +6 in only 5 years. Ditched the cost leadership strat early and went with 50 models offered at high price (top left corner of Comparative Competitive Efforts) and then focused the rest of production into private label. Worked great and couldn't have done it without your in-depth overview of BSG and tips! Thanks a lot!
Very impressive! Not many companies can take my tips and do a low model strategy AND win! 🏆
I am so happy I saw this comment. My team and I just started playing and are thinking of going this route. It feels good to know it is achievable. Would you be willing to share any insights?!
omg yes, watch him! I literally had this video on replay since I've started the bsg.. It works for ALL years like he said. I was 1st place for my class thought out the whole game. THANK YOU DEREK.!!!!
Glad to hear that you learned a lot from my videos 😁
I used this to help me walk through year 12 (after I completely bombed year 11) and it still was extremely helpful in getting myself on track. I went from second to last ranking to fourth in my class. Thank you so much!
This is amazing!! I’m very happy that you were able to get back on track with my guide 😁
I just have to tell you that my team has been watching your videos & we just finished our first round in first place by 13 points! You’re a life saver.
Congratulations 🎉 keep up the great work
Hello! First of all, I want to thank you for your work and the time you took to make this video and explain the BSG thoroughly. I attend a business school in Latin America and we just finished the BSG course last night. My team and I watched your video and we dominated the competition since the very beginning. In the end, we had the best overall score, best stock price and even the CSR award for three years in a row. You explained this game better than the 3 times I read the manual. Thank you very much for what you do. 🎉
You are very welcome and congratulations on the fantastic scores :)
This was more of a walk-through for me to understand how this game connects things together. In my course's case, we were to create strategies each week and explain our methods more than hitting grade-able metrics. Thanks for the time.
Glad it helped!
Dereck, thank you for breaking this game down and making it understandable. You were a lifesaver for my group as we were doing this business strategy game for our class. You're the GOAT!!
You're very welcome!
The 🐐
Thank you so much for making this easier to understand. We completely butchered our first decision period, and probably our second too. But we restart after this next round and start playing for real. I cant wait to see how much this helps us!
You’re welcome! 😄
Hey Derek, I subscribed to support your channel. Thank you for making this video, just started BSG this week and I'm overwhelmed going through their player guide. Which Alienware do you have? I've got the X15 R2 laptop, first alienware for me, I think I'll be alienware for life now. Only problem I have is the laptop gets hot when plugged in and gaming at the same time. Cheers!
You’re welcome! It is a very overwhelming game. I’m not sure what Alienware I have. I agree that they get hot and you have to get an external fan.
I loved this guide. This guide is way better than the in-game help document(way too long). I placed myself in the top 100s multiple times during the competition. Currently have a 115 GTD score with 5 bonus points in year 18. This will give me a 10/10 for the BSG game :).
Only praying my comprehensive exam goes well in the game, because the questions are way too long.
That’s awesome! Congratulations on the well played game 📈 and thank you for the amazing feedback
Love you king! helped my team take #1 so many times
You’re welcome 😄
this is an amazingly helpful guide, i really wanna thank you. Got really good performance on my financials, and will keep up watching and learning the other videos.
You’re welcome! Glad you learned a lot!!
Derek, you killed it for us!🥳🥳🥳 I watched your videos and we took 1st. We're gonna try to bring home that title over the next few weeks. I think you might have a niche here buddy!💯 I can't image a ton of people are watching these videos but you're definitely providing the best content on this topic, believe me I looked far and wide! Anyways keep grinding on this thing you're doing! Cheers
Congratulations on the win 🥇
I’m glad you enjoyed the videos!
My college days have been saved 💕💕💕
Happy to hear 😄
Thank you for this super brief information and tips. Im about to start my 1st year and this video help me so much.
God bless you
Glad it was useful! 🙏🏻
Year 11 video helped me a lot. Make a year 12
Join the Discord for Y12 help: discord.gg/gJ3NYVMbmV
@@DerekBarnick I joined but I can't find the video for the year 12 decisions
There are tons of resources available in the Discord, this video, and my website www.bsg-game.com
Year 12 video coming Sept 26th! Subscribe to my channel and set up notifications so you don't miss it! It will help you with years after year 12 as well.
@@DerekBarnick Hey, how can I get the BSG premium on discord?
@@francastoica825 I am not longer running Premium on Discord, I only offer tutoring via my website now (which is much better anyway): www.bsg-game.com
This is excellent information! I have read half way through the players guide but I am still very confused with all the information. Yes, we can copy for year 11 but we still need to learn what you are sharing to make the next set of decision all the way through year 20. Thank you so much!
You are so welcome! It's very easy to tell who simply copied my Y11 decisions and who actually took the time to learn the concepts of making strong decisions each year. 😁
Welcome, Spring '23 grads! I am excited that you are here. 😁
Derek's ETS Major Field Test (MFT) Study Site: www.MajorFieldTestPrep.com 25% off your first course with promo code: RUclips25
I am no longer assisting with BSG Online, so I can broaden my help to more students. You may use this trusted website as a resource www.bsg-game.com
Hi, in the end of that video, when you give out dividends, you said those need to be increased by a little every year. It tells us that the Year 10 Dividends have been 1$. However, you but in 0.10. Why that? Thanks
You could start at $1.00, but I had solid results by starting it at $0.10 and raising it by $0.10-$0.25 per year. I prefer buying back shares versus having a little higher dividend.
Hi Derek, would you still help out with BSG then if i schedule a session on your new website?
My new website is for other business classes only and I no longer help/tutor for BSG. Dave is awesome though and you are in great hands!
Used your tips and got the leap frog bonus! Thanks a lot hopefully my group keeps improving!!
Nice work!
Thank you for your technical. It’s awesome.
You’re welcome, glad you liked it!
I'm sure you've answered this before, but any tips on the last year or so of the game? I have a note from one of your videos to do the improved working conditions in the very last year. Any other tips? Thanks for your videos! They are literally the only reason our team has done so well!
Some things to consider would be improved working conditions, TQM and Best Practices to zero if you haven’t already (be sure to get your S/Q rating back to where you want it), you can drop retailer support to zero if it greatly helps EPS. Try to get an A+ credit rating and focus on EPS and ROE over image rating to improve stock price. Glad your team did well!!!
Great video, thank you!
You’re welcome 😄
Hi Derek! Congrats on your video, it helped me a ton and i didn't have to continue reading the guide. I have two questions: 1) We are in Year 13 and we are 1st. We aim for high S/Q rating high model, right up corner. Is it ok to make 100% superior materials and what about price?We are at 70$ on the wholesale and we are afraid that if we raise it maybe we will lose a lot of market share.Most of the competition is on the right bottom. 2)Our game lasts until year 16. The remaining of the 10 year loans will be subtracted in the last year? Thank you in advance!! Keep up helping MBA students!
100% sup mats probably isn’t the wisest idea. There will be a good mix of materials to use. Do you think higher quality shoes should be priced higher than low quality shoes? I do. You may lose a few customers but the price increase will cover those losses.
Loans will stay past your final year. They don’t have to be all paid off.
@@DerekBarnick Sounds logical. I have one more question, we are gonna bid a lot in celebrities cause we only have 1 and it surely effects our total image. If we end up buying 3 more in year 13, and the total average is near 250 in every area, does it effect the number of sales in year 13? I mean in decision year 13, shall we try have more surplus in shoes than 30pcs, hoping that we are gonna get 3 more celeb. and the sales will skyrocket? Does it make sense? Also the amount paid to celebrities each year is it incorporated in the projected numbers? I think no because the game doesn't know if you are gonna end up buying them or not, right? BIG THANKS for the quick response and for helping! You are the best!!
It helps increase demand if used in conjunction with advertising. 300 is the max per area, there is a diminishing return after 200 in each area. They won't go into effect until the next year, so be prepared to build more equipment, but you don't need more leftover shoes. They will collect dust so to speak and depreciate. Sales could skyrocket, but there are many other variables that need to be considered as well. Celebs are not incorporated into projections until they are won in the next year.
This video helped a ton would love a video series for the first 3 years that would be super dope to do a video like that to learn about what to do when you are competing and past year 11 Great Video Thank you
I’m done making BSG vids but this video provides ample amounts of info that can be used for your entire game 😄
Thank you your video is awesome
Glad you liked it!
I am in Year 14 and am just watching your video. I admit I am not doing well, but I see improvement following the suggestions. Is there live tutoring available for the game? Thank you.
I’m glad you are seeing improvements! You can get tutoring here www.bsg-game.com
Thank you very much for this video.
I have been at a high risk of default for 2 years running now. What should I do?
How do I double my ROE & EPS? It's been challenging surpassing the targets.
My stock price is at $50, what do I do?
Kind regards.
Unfortunately there are too many variables to simply say “change this” and everything will be fixed. That being said, you can pay off debt to improve risk of default ratio. If you are in need of vital assistance, I recommended visiting www.bsg-game.com
Thanks... Now I know where that group was getting the information 😂😂😂😂😂
🤷🏼♂️ are you playing in the invitational?
So I followed your video and we left with an EPS of 4.29, roe of 26%, credit rating of A and an image of 81. The results end with an EPS of 2.29, roe of 14.4, credit rating of B and a image of 72. Why would we drop so much what could cause that?
Also we now can construct space in LA and when I produce there it drops the projected demand as well by a decent amount
I believe this was answered on the discord channel 👍🏼
Hi! If we invest in a plant in LA in year 12 of a short game until year 16, will we see results? Or is it better to invest in machines to expand production?
If you do it fast enough, then yes.
Hi, I'm writing from Argentina. In my last semester of university, they assigned us this simulator, and we're trying to understand it. The video helped a lot for a general overview, but if you could give us any extra key strategies for the first moves of year 11 (we start next week) or recommend any must-watch videos, we would really appreciate it! Best regards, and thanks for these videos
Glad you enjoyed the video! Read the players guide, watch more videos, and play around with the numbers many times.
@@DerekBarnick Thank you for responding. Today we will start planning the first round of decisions, and I have a question. In the video, you recommend building a plant in Latin America in year 11 to start using it in year 12. We will be playing until year 16, do you think the investment is still worth it? Looking forward to your response, regards
Absolutely. I would move all my production to LA and AP, but you have to do it quick enough to reap the rewards if you have a short game.
Subbed. Amazing channel!
Much appreciated!
Can this help on CESIM? Or is there any other video you guys recomend?
No, I don’t know what CESIM is
were doing terrible in ours. 1 thing happened were not really sure of and it tanked us. any way to turn it around from there?
Watched your video and it is so helpful! We just finished week 11, we didn't do too well, because we were not differentiated that much, is there a way we can get some tips from you to help us?
You can visit www.bsg-game.com/select-time
Year 11 video was very helpful but I didn’t get it right for the year 12, can u make in dept video?
I’m no longer making BSG videos. I hope you can learn enough from this one to continue success in your game!
How do you get total branded production for year 13 to go up? I have over 17000 pairs to be manufactured, yet total production needed is only at like 5000, doesn't make sense.
Your demand is low
Hi, in an older video you chose to pay back both loans in year 11 but in this video you just did one. Is that better for the long haul?
Having a debt isn’t a bad thing in BSG and can usually be good to help expand your company. I suggest refinancing loans to lower interest rates throughout the game and paying some off a few years before your game ends to reach an A+ credit rating.
Hey, thanks for this video. I am curious though, how does the loan & interest repayments work out? I feel it wasn't thoroughly explained in the video and I am curious as to how to manage all that debt in the later rounds. Does anyone know? Thanks!
Also, Why do we do the early loan repayment? Thanks for the help!
Similar to loans in real life other than interest is paid the year after the loan is taken and continually until the loan is paid off. I can tell you that in corporate finance, there is a good mixture of debt and equity that provides a firm leverage to grow. Many students are scared of debt, but in business, debt can be a good thing.
I am losing profit (and EPS is decreasing) as I produce more shoes in a region. Why might that be?
You’re probably making more shoes than you’re selling. Which is adding cost without equal profits to follow.
is it a bad idea to repurchase stock with a portion of the loan i need to take?
Not a bad idea
Derek can you help me with year 12? I would love to get in contact with you!!
Go to www.bsg-game.com
Hi Derek, Thanks for your valuable Video. Although I am doing good on the game and I am in the first position and getting Bull's awards every year, but having an issue on the Lost (due to stockouts) in all regions. I even try to keep at least more than +50 on surplus on each region.
Your competitive assumptions are off. You can keep more surplus as well.
Hi Derek, thanks for all your effort and tips. your videos are great. I got one question if you want: in the last year of the game is correct that is pointless to bid to sign the last celebrity ? I believe in this case celebrities work in arrears , so to see any benefit when signing celebrities , if I am at the end of year 15 taking decisions for year 16 I will see the benefits of that not when year 16 will start but instead when year 17 will start because my game ends in year 16 and last chance for decisions are in year 15. is this reasoning correct?
100% useless to bid on the final year
Hi Derek, thank you so much for your sharing. I have a question, i do high sq/ high model strategy but my competitors is copying me. They've changed their strategy from low sq. What strategy should I do to outplay them copy cat?
If you are winning, no need to change, just fight them. If you start to suffer, go low SQ high model and rack in the profits.
in year 11, we opened facilities in EA and LA and are now in year 12. how would you recommend we go about the distribution to warehouse numbers? Does it even matter now since we have all facilities open? thanks!!
Avoid tariffs by shipping shoes from EA to EA and LA to LA.
@@DerekBarnick we have facilities in all regions now. does that make a difference? should we only ship from NA to NA and EA to EA and so forth? i think that would give us extreme surpluses for each region no? thanks!!
That's good! You will ship from NA to NA first then surplus to another area that you need the extra shoes.
I am having trouble with my wholesale operating profit margin in Latin America and am trying everything to fix it. Could you help me in any way?
Is it bad to have an ending cash in the negatives, if all my scoring measures are well over investor expectations after year 11?
Yes, you need to take out a loan of you will automatically receive an overdraft loan
@@DerekBarnick Thanks for answering! Is it bad to take out a $50-100 million dollar loan?
Not at all, that's a baby loan in the grand scheme
@@DerekBarnick Thank you!
I can't edit anything in the "Private-label operations" page, how can I fix this?
You need to ensure you have enough leftover production capabilities before attempting to produce shoes for sale in PL.
What strategy were you using? Differentiator or cost leader
Primarily differentiation, but it's possible to be a hybrid with differentiating and having some of the lowest costs in your industry if you play the game right.
what happens if my private label operation section it's locked and i can't make any changes to it?
You don’t have any capacity leftover to produce private label.
Hi, I missed the deadline for decisions round year 11 and right now I’m on year 13. My EPS and ROE are struggling a lot. Is there any tips for me to increase them? My EPS is around 0.60 and Investor expectations is 3.50
That’s too broad to answer over text. I suggest tutoring or speaking with your professor.
I have a really big question I am stuck on not being able to get my surplus down in my wholesale marketing, the least I can get it is 2,500 but it needs to be around 24? Please help!
You should be close to +50 leftover inventory projected in each area. Did you have a bunch of leftover shoes from last year that you now have to sell this year? If so, I would get that fixed quickly or you will be in major trouble in a couple years. Not trying to scare you, but I see it all the time where my clients that are "near bankrupt" always have WAY too many shoes in leftover inventory.
Can this guide technically help me through the game till year 20?
You can apply the learnings across all years but it’s specific to y11 of course. Things will change.
How do you open the Europe-Africa and Latin America plants? Its still grayed out for us
You first have to build facility space then the year after you can equip it with equipment.
@@DerekBarnick Thank you!!
any chance you have a coupon code that's valid?
For what exactly?
Followed this for the first two weeks. Currently destroying my classmates. My eps is a 12 while second place is a 2
Do you know whether or not a negative "Remaining Pairs to be shipped" will come out of the projected inventory surplus within the Distribution tab? It makes sense that it would to me.
You're correct. A negative remaining pairs to be shipped would mean that the game will automatically delegate taking pairs away from projected inventory surplus. You should always have a zero for remaining pairs to be shipped.
@@DerekBarnick Thanks man. Just wanted to be sure.
Happy to help 😁
Hi Derek, you have great videos man! Purchased your book (Sept 2022), it is being delivered as we speak. Is there any key differences from the book vs the discord?
The book provides a bunch of detailed insights on how I suggest making decisions each year. I am discontinuing the Discord eventually. My website www.bsg-game.com has all my information now. Glad you liked the videos!
Hey Derek, I am in year 12, I was wondering, for competitve assumptions do you want to have them the same as the averages from the year before? Or is it better to go a little above since other teams will most likely go up on stuff.
If you think the industry averages will go up from last year, you should increase the competitive assumptions which in turn will allow you to make better decisions
Let me know what frustrates you most in BSG 👇
Here's the Discord link for Free Advice: discord.gg/gJ3NYVMbmV
Everything 😅 my group and I are doing horrible
What does it mean if you paid got a celeb to sign with you but you still scored a 0 in celebrity appeal in all areas??
Either a glitch, your prof removed it, or you didn't actually end up signing the celeb and someone else got it (most likely)
@@DerekBarnick I figured it out! It completely alluded me that it doesn't start until the year after you sign the contract. So, that one was definitely on me. I guess "now" actually means "in one year" :p
I'm glad you figured it out :)
Really appreciate the guide! Curious to see if that watch time/ subscriber metric has shifted in the past 8 months with that ask 🤔
You're welcome! It's hard to quantify, but I have seen other YTers do it and it helped me understand how important a quick click of the sub button helps small channels grow.
Bro... Absolutely vital video! Question though..have you ever tried a taking a high-end low-model count approach? I'm just starting out but I'm thinking if we start out shooting for the top left market space (at least early on). I feel like if we need to pivot in our strategy later on it would be easier to do? Just thinking most of the class will end up in a price war condition at least early on....Anyway, great video!! 🙌🙌🙌
That could work, but I never recommended it since it’s a very different style of company management to do well. You could reach out to www.bsg-game.com to see if they have experience with this style of strategy.
Good luck 🚀
so, its all about making assumption?
The better your assumptions, the better the decisions
Are all Year 11 similar or they are different
It all depends on what your competition does. For example, I have seen some industries raise average wholesale prices in Y11 $4 and others only $1.
My group strategy is to have low models at 50 and high cost shoes to stay in teh top left corner of the competitive chart, with this strategy it looks as if our total branded production needed is staying very low even at Year 14 at 6,400. Is this normal for our strategy or should we try to make it higher? Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Low model strategy will typically have lower demand that usual, but not always. You can increase demand by using advertising, celebs, getting more retailer outlets, paying above average retailer support, and many other things to improve your demand. Market share is good, but profit is much better.
My projected inventory surplus is all negative numbers in year 15! How do i turn this around?!
Probably because NA equipment is gone and you aren’t making as many shoes as you used to make. Rebuild equipment.
@@DerekBarnick I really took the time on the video this time around and now have a better understanding of the game! Thanks a lot man!
You are very welcome, and I am glad you learned a lot!
You are a lifesaver. I followed the instruction, made some decisions, and I am on rank 2. I have a question though now how do we proceed with year 12. Like on what should we focus.
I'm glad that my video was helpful for you to get a head start on you game.
Personal website: DerekBarnick.com
Hi, you discord is not working anymore !
Hi, sorry for the late reply but it's working. :)
Your discord link doesn't work.
It's working now :)
Do you tutor?
I tutor all business subjects via my website: www.mybusinesstutor.co (I do not tutor BSG Online)
If you are looking for tutoring regarding BSG, visit www.bsg-game.com
who here esade
I’m trying to join your discord but the link when i click accept invite says the link is invalid? Would love to join the discord
Hi Derek,
Trying to message you on discord but is sais only your friends can message you. Would have a few questions.
Thanks !
Interesting. I’ll look into it! I also received your email.