Niall Horan Describes Full Circle Moment On 'The Voice' And Making 'The Show' | Elvis Duran Show


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  • @madelineromero8435
    @madelineromero8435 Год назад +14

    Nialls album is perfection. You can tell he worked rlly hard to give us this album

  • @reganperella7134
    @reganperella7134 Год назад +5

    Elvis Duran shooooooow it’s such an fantastic honor to see you interview my number one favorite member of one direction niall horaaaan

  • @alexhoran-
    @alexhoran- Год назад +5

    Niall buttoned up his shirt 😭😭

  • @reganperella7134
    @reganperella7134 Год назад +2

    Elvis and the morning shoooooooow

  • @reganperella7134
    @reganperella7134 Год назад +2

    awesome welcome to the world of the fan

  • @reganperella7134
    @reganperella7134 Год назад +1

    Congrats on 249K subscribers Elvis

  • @reganperella7134
    @reganperella7134 Год назад +2

    Yeeeeeees niall horaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

  • @mariloutanilon8346
    @mariloutanilon8346 Год назад

    Hello i am an avid fan of ONE DIRECTION... i really watched them how they audition in X FACTOR in 2010.. i saw in each one audition i was devastated when they were not pick as individual instead they put into put group and they pased the audition being a every performance that they i watchef of it.and ended into 3rd place...but because of SIMON COWEL which he goes with h8s heart and love the group he let the one direction to continue thier dreams...he let them sign in a contract on his label.and help them.much he could do and now they got famous even thpugh had a lot of hard works but still SIMON COWEL believe himself so they het what they are now... fame and fortune luxurious live as they have..hooefully they got the chance to have a teunion to let fans in the whole be happy and enjoy to see them.. y they do so if they were busy they wete give time for that reunion because what they have now is what fans give them they should be thankful for that.. if their solo going welll that's the fans who really lnows them when they in the group one direction..hope they were not forget that fans made them.famous no one in this world with out the fans even they in solo career after they auditio X FACTOR maybe and probably they will not as famous as it was... and if not of SIMON COWEL who help.them maybe they will not as famous as it

    • @colleen3546
      @colleen3546 14 дней назад

      Proofread before you post. That was horrible.

  • @shaziyakhan6105
    @shaziyakhan6105 Год назад +1

    Bhai the other day and night in my opinion, the same time as the same way 21Jamikll

  • @shaziyakhan6105
    @shaziyakhan6105 Год назад +1


  • @shaziyakhan6105
    @shaziyakhan6105 Год назад +1

    Aapa shaziya Ashraf sumaiya call you back in the UK 983