Are prejudice and racism different?

  • Опубликовано: 2 дек 2012
  • HLNâ s Dr. Drew told his viewers Tuesday night that he wanted to move the conversation about Trayvon Martin's death forward -- getting into why so many people have such divergent opinions."It seems whenever the conversation turns to race, people can become divided," he said.Our country has come a long way from its dark history of racism and prejudice, but what has really changed? For more informaton please visit

Комментарии • 36

  • @ActivistParrot
    @ActivistParrot 5 лет назад +53

    Prejudice is different than racism. Prejudice isn't always about race. But racism is always because of prejudice. People can be prejudice without taking action. The definition of prejudice says a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. That means you can feel prejudice against someone over practically anything. The big examples are over race, sexual orientation, religion etc. Prejudice doesn't have to be a hateful opinion. It could be an opinion based on fear. We fear what we don't understand. The guy that crosses the street because he sees a black guy walking towards him is a prejudice based on fear. The idea that all white people have sex with their siblings is a prejudice idea. You could be prejudice over economic status or unattractive people. If you said a person looks like they stink you might have made a prejudice comment. You're assuming they stink because they aren't attractive. Just because people don't have any hate towards someone or a group of people doesn't mean they aren't prejudiced. It's just more of an issue if it is hateful. It's more of a problem if we act on them negatively. Prejudice is still wrong though because it's judging people.

    • @Will-nb8qk
      @Will-nb8qk 4 года назад +6

      I like what you say! I also think many people confuse bigotry with racism. Until all people understand these differences, issues related to race cannot be addressed! The worst kind of “Racism”, is the patronizing one! People who think they need to be the saviour of another. Not the people who give you a helping hand up but the ones who think they hold the key in a paternalistic manner. Our governments aren’t about a helping hand but paternalistic care!

    • @bystandersarah
      @bystandersarah 2 месяца назад

      This convo is about semantics but as it works (usually) in the USA, prejudice and racism are operationally equivalent. If you argue with that I will assume you are in a semantic death spiral or just ignorant.🥰have a nice day

  • @lenalove8138
    @lenalove8138 5 лет назад +5

    When it comes to race ....I think prejudice and racism are brother and sister..... with hatred as the parent

  • @francismausley7239
    @francismausley7239 6 лет назад +1

    Being aware... "Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning. A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom. A star has the same radiance if it shines from the east or the west." ~ Abdu’l-Baha, Baha'i Faith

  • @yoseflopez5141
    @yoseflopez5141 5 лет назад +6

    I think that racism is a specific kind of prejudice so I'd say both yes and no to the question.

    • @tiffanybartlett7600
      @tiffanybartlett7600 3 года назад

      And it’s clear that you are prejudice towards anyone that has a different viewpoint than you

    • @yoseflopez5141
      @yoseflopez5141 3 года назад

      @The Truth I'm honestly trying to figure out the point of you commenting when nobody cares what you have to say.....

    • @yoseflopez5141
      @yoseflopez5141 3 года назад

      @@tiffanybartlett7600 Are you responding to me or @The Truth?

    • @tiffanybartlett7600
      @tiffanybartlett7600 3 года назад +1

      The one that called you a clown just because you have a different view than him.

    • @yoseflopez5141
      @yoseflopez5141 3 года назад

      @The Truth I don't worship anything and your attempt at trolling is pathetic.....

  • @smyrnasstory
    @smyrnasstory 3 года назад +2

    Remember that sweeping generalizations about groups of people do not apply to all individuals of that group.Acknowledge that the information you have about others may be limited.Try to get the facts from a reliable source.

  • @fosterjackiefoster3259
    @fosterjackiefoster3259 Год назад +1

    All I know is we are all human what ever the color or race, I just pray that all eyes and hearts will see that and God created all and we are not to hate one is better than the other ☝️🙏❣️

  • @PrejudiceBuster
    @PrejudiceBuster 7 месяцев назад

    Let’s get together for a prejudice free world ❤

  • @daniel9000
    @daniel9000 3 года назад +1

    The hypothesis on race iniquity among people is a competitive bias among their culture, belief and pride that stems from a measure of success to inflate one as superior to another that already exist within each of the races and among themselves. It’s a discriminatory measure that is not completely about the color but about the desire to work inequalities having people placed above and below one another concerning different matters. color racist, financial racist, education racist, sports racist, sex racist, military racist, political racist. Racism will divide a group of people and unite them and redivide them all over again. Race is a competition, another competitive form of war. A racist is someone that chooses a race to participate in, type of racism is the race being participated in and then you have racist running in the races participating in racism for themselves to win. Pepsi is in a race war with Coca-Cola to establish superiority and control over of the majority of the people that will participate in the boycott of the competition. Race means war and shows no courtesy.

  • @lanhikari87
    @lanhikari87 7 лет назад +8

    My man Terry. It shouldn't be and isnt racist to say that races are different. But what does it matter?

    • @Star0Prime0Defender
      @Star0Prime0Defender 5 лет назад

      Found one.

    • @YannaForest
      @YannaForest 5 лет назад +6

      What does it matter? Are you serious, watch the video again. Whites and black people, and people of color aren’t treated the same at all

  • @johnrainsman6650
    @johnrainsman6650 Год назад +1

    Is it "prejudice" that I think neurotypicals are normal and autistics are not? That I think allistics function normally and acceptably and autistics function problematically? I mean, I can't help thinking that people with autism are just so weird, socially inappropriate, and a perfect match for wrongness. My coworker is on the spectrum, and he isn't very normal. He says dumb stuff, gets lectured or corrected when he does, and he doesn't fit in when the rest of us have fun with each other. I don't think he belongs in our group. So yeah, I basically think an autistic person in a group of allistics is the wrong puzzle piece in the whole. What if built my Eiffel Tower puzzle and filled in the hole in the sky with a fish piece? It would stand out and be wrong. That's how I see autistics: unmatching and unsuitable.
    Is that so wrong? I consider it realistic.

  • @PatTap-og7he
    @PatTap-og7he 3 месяца назад

    When someone has the power to direct a group of people and choose to lead them to self destruction and other horrors that is when it becomes racist. Hitler,slave owners, etc. prejudice is to make judgement before actually gaining knowledge of. Assuming.

  • @triggeredsjw7915
    @triggeredsjw7915 8 лет назад +3

    nailed it

  • @brandonpearson4142
    @brandonpearson4142 4 года назад +2

    He says i have 19 and 20 year olds they are almost adults when i was 19 i had a gun in my hand defending freedom lmao some people

  • @brianlawrence5173
    @brianlawrence5173 Год назад +1

    Racism is a form of prejudice. Prejudice is just a broad term for the differential, bias, or ill treatment of people different from one's own background. Now it could be argued that prejudice is exhibited by everyone but certain types from the status quo. Though broadly speaking, by its very definition, racism would be considered prejudice.

    • @musicizair1188
      @musicizair1188 Год назад

      No, Racism would not be considered Prejudice! They are distinctly different from each other. {Racism} - A belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. {Prejudice} - Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Racism may have a component of prejudice but it is intellectually dishonest to correlate the 2 together as though both suppose the same meaning, they do not. Racism is prejudice plus power and control. Never in American history have black people ever had the ability to oppress whites based any factors let alone those of superiority or another races inferiority to their own based on preconceived hatreds though yes they have had preconceived hatreds of others individually and that would be described as prejudice but certainly not racism.

    • @brianlawrence5173
      @brianlawrence5173 Год назад

      ​@@musicizair1188 Racism: "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community or institution against a person or group of people based on their membership to a racial or ethnic group TYPICALLY key words and from one dictionary source, one that is a minority or marginalized"; Prejudice: "An irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics." Henceforth, race and prejudice are innocuous. For example, ethnic violence has existed long before racism existed, but ethnic violence often was based on territory and irredentism. I believe racism more often than not is going to be directed to a person of colour or indigenous person than a Caucasian person, but the language matters. The concept of privilege and social location isn't being taught well and being treated with hostility by anyone suggesting race eduction as important. Intergenerational trauma is only recently being recognized for the adverse affects it has on people generationally. So the language and education around language, privilege, prejudice, trauma all have to correlate, otherwise people will argue, about oppression and the status quo will continue to tell white they are being robbed of their experiences of trauma by people wishing to educate about racism, sexism, etc. Racism, prejudice, classism, and ethnocentrism need solidified consensus. The language and defining factors need to be clear. The system needs to be torn down and its starts with education.

  • @fosterjackiefoster3259
    @fosterjackiefoster3259 10 месяцев назад

    All I know is that it is all sinful and sad because God our creator ! We are all human. Satan is full of hate he is the evil one! God is love !!☝️❣️