Mufti local government! You're shooting yourself in d leg.... You claimed after government, the king authority is of paramount important... Now, you don't want Oba Ghandi not to ve authority on his town.... You ve only one problem and that is the issue of mufti of Yoruba land you're not able to claim.... You don't deserve to be mufti of yoruba land, cos you don't ve d qualities it takes to be mufti
Chai dis mumu talk tooooomuch na y oluwo choose dis talkative plenty talk no sense😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Mufti local government! You're shooting yourself in d leg.... You claimed after government, the king authority is of paramount important... Now, you don't want Oba Ghandi not to ve authority on his town.... You ve only one problem and that is the issue of mufti of Yoruba land you're not able to claim.... You don't deserve to be mufti of yoruba land, cos you don't ve d qualities it takes to be mufti