Your word can Change the world | Nithyananda Satsang | 28 Apr 2013

  • Опубликовано: 29 апр 2013
  • In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda sheds new light on the mystical aphorism Aham Brahmasmi, loosely translated as "Each one of us is God". Each of us carries a design for the cosmos inside our inner space. Whatever we repeat within that space becomes a command to the universe, which delivers what it hears. When we fill our space with fear of some negative event, we are likely to create that event through our very repetition. We can change our experiences by altering the stories we tell about ourselves. Rather than dwelling on suffering or failure we can repeat -- for as long as necessary until we truly believe it -- happy outcomes of joy and success. This is our God-within, our internal Brahman.
    I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us around the world.
    In Sanskrit we have two beautiful words, "drishti-srishti", "srishti-drishti" - either you cognize as 'seeing what exists' or 'creating what you want to perceive, what you want to see'.
    Please understand, the subject I am talking is a very subtle, very important truth. I may need your listening completely. I wanted you to be complete, settle down. The space you are carrying, the space we carry inside directly affects the reality which we experience, and the people around us experience.
    Internalize these two words, because I am going to use these two words, again and again: "drishti-srishti", "srishti-drishti".
    "Srishti-drishti" means, you believe what IS is seen by you. You see what IS.
    "Drishti-srishti" means, please understand, drishti-srishti, srishti-drishti. Drishti srishti - "Drishti" means "seeing". "Srishti" means "creation".
    Sometime you believe what IS. The creation IS and you are seeing it; which most of us cognize most of the time. Most of us always feel, 'It is there. I am seeing. So I am caught! I don't know what to do!' Feeling powerless! You put all the blame on what IS. 'It is there! What can I do?'
    Please understand, when you cognize, 'It is there! I am seeing!', already, you are lost! You lost the game! You are starting the losing war, losing battle! It is like you trying to conquer your wife by argument! No! It can never happen! It can never happen! You may be a great lawyer. I have seen great lawyers. You can be great lawyer in the court convincing any judge with any argument, but you can't win the argument in the house!
    The moment you cognize what 'IS' is perceived by me, the possibility for transformation is closed. The possibility for enlightenment is closed. But good news is, it is not true!
    Please understand, the moment you cognize what 'IS' is seen by you, bad news is the possibility for enlightenment is closed, possibility for transformation is closed. Good news is, it is not true! You are not seeing what IS. You are only seeing what you want. It is always drishti-srishti. You create what you want. It is not you see what IS. You create what you want. But, so unfortunate, human-beings are in a space of such an unfortunate level, very strongly you believe what IS only is perceived by you. Especially when you cross 35, 40, when the possibility for new way of thinking becomes difficult, and already with the old way of thinking you built your personality, now if you change those basic truths, you have to change your whole existence. You have to change your whole life, which is too much!
    Please understand, your every suffering and every ignorance is because of your decision which you made due to some other vested interests. Why you do not want the transformation? Because, transformation means now literally the earth on which you are standing for the last 40-50 years will shake. Many things with which you consoled yourself as you are a success - that's one of the biggest delusion we create around us. We cannot bear the truth that we are not success. So we have to constantly make us believe we are success. To make us believe we are success internally, we go on planning, looking, altering and continuously convince us to believe the ideas with which we built the life is right. 'See, so many people of my age and my colleagues are all don't have all this, this, this, this things. I have all this, this, this. So I am successful.' But one corner of your mind laughs at you. 'No, no!' But the other side, 'No, no, no, I am a success!' It is a don't know which side to support.
    The person who finally lands into the utter confusion, 'Which side can I support? One part of me claims and consoles me I am success. One part of me claims and condemns me as a failure. Which part can I support?' If you are in utter confusion, be very clear, the seeking has started in you! If you have not yet faced the confusion, the possibility for transformation has not yet opened.

Комментарии • 8

  • @almaperez001
    @almaperez001 8 лет назад +6

    Powerful teachings!

  • @lavkittu14
    @lavkittu14 8 лет назад +8

    we forgot to learn or teach Just to sit with ourself, ....What ever you carry inside you, you are ordering the cosmos to bring ..more of that to declaration or completion is enough to free you...

  • @chitrabanunithya8645
    @chitrabanunithya8645 8 лет назад

    Thank You Swamiji

  • @pushkargogia
    @pushkargogia 8 лет назад +2

    Thank You SwamiJi, You can shift your inner Space Right Now. Only one thought of fear can make you unsettled, Only one thought of lust can excite you, Only one thought of you enemy can aggravate anger in you, if this is the case THEN One thought of completion can FREE You, and you are out of low mood, wrong inner space, deep negative cognition all Gone.

  • @radpanikar
    @radpanikar 8 лет назад +2

    Hugely important - You are not seeing what IS. You are only seeing what you want. We are only going by selective memory..just picking and choosing what we want. That is not Reality!

  • @Alfredkumar77
    @Alfredkumar77 11 лет назад +1

    Thank You My Dear Sir

  • @gayathrianand2504
    @gayathrianand2504 8 лет назад +1

    Paramahamsa Nithyananda sheds new light on the mystical aphorism Aham Brahmasmi, loosely translated as "Each one of us is God". Each of us carries a design for the cosmos inside our inner space. Whatever we repeat within that space becomes a command to the universe, which delivers what it hears. When we fill our space with fear of some negative event, we are likely to create that event through our very repetition. We can change our experiences by altering the stories we tell about ourselves. Rather than dwelling on suffering or failure we can repeat -- for as long as necessary until we truly believe it -- happy outcomes of joy and success. This is our God-within, our internal Brahman.

  • @gayathrianand7973
    @gayathrianand7973 8 лет назад

    Please understand, the moment you cognize what 'IS' is seen by you, bad news is the possibility for enlightenment is closed, possibility for transformation is closed. Good news is, it is not true! You are not seeing what IS. You are only seeing what you want. It is always drishti-srishti. You create what you want. It is not you see what IS. You create what you want. But, so unfortunate, human-beings are in a space of such an unfortunate level, very strongly you believe what IS only is perceived by you. Especially when you cross 35, 40, when the possibility for new way of thinking becomes difficult, and already with the old way of thinking you built your personality, now if you change those basic truths, you have to change your whole existence. You have to change your whole life, which is too much!