Investors looking for value in precious metals markets should watch platinum - WPIC

  • Опубликовано: 2 янв 2025

Комментарии • 136

  • @Msjflo702
    @Msjflo702 4 года назад +22

    I’ve not held platinum until 3 weeks ago and now I have 2 oz, definitely a alternative to gold considering the relative value

    • @abstractfitness1282
      @abstractfitness1282 4 года назад


    • @Msjflo702
      @Msjflo702 4 года назад +2

      Butchy Harding the ratio graphs show there is a cycle and right now Platinum is a buy, it will flip and gold will be the buy but for now it all about Pt and Ag 😊 keep stacking!

    • @gentelmenschannel5028
      @gentelmenschannel5028 4 года назад

      Sorry no Gold and silver is Gold and silver. It’s royal metal money . Platinum cant replace it sorry.

  • @amakhamreh
    @amakhamreh 4 года назад +9

    Thanks for this video. Platinum is a buy. 👍🏼

  • @bouloshijazin5129
    @bouloshijazin5129 4 года назад +17

    One video telling us that gold will hit 10k and next one telling us Gold is too expensive at 2k ..could you make up your mind?!

    • @albertvaladez4602
      @albertvaladez4602 4 года назад +2

      people have different opinions, it is up to you to decide who is right and why

    • @veruspatri
      @veruspatri 4 года назад +3

      The bigger players lost a lot of money recently on their shorts. They're now trying to make it up, by keeping the price of silver/gold low, byway of making it look overvalued. Its not. Their buying it up from the fools they convinced it to be at its year high already.
      Keep your positions, especially if you hold mining stocks. They will start booming again once this pullback is over. Maybe another week or two. Then these jurks should be positioned well enough again for gold/silver to start 🚀

  • @chrisnihart
    @chrisnihart 4 года назад +11

    As an amateur, I see platinum at two hundred above a ten year low price. I look at gold breaking all time high.
    Buy low, right?

  • @viperviperpiro
    @viperviperpiro 4 года назад +11

    I never regret buying Pt bars since march till now.... it's way undervalue.

    • @viperviperpiro
      @viperviperpiro 4 года назад

      @Ken Semotiuk thanks and to you happy stacking and stay safe and healthy!

  • @3Kefka6Palazzo9
    @3Kefka6Palazzo9 4 года назад +17

    Silver is the only metal or semi-conductor that can power all new tech since 2015. I just bought 25 more 2020 Canadian Maples today on the artificial manipulation of silver and I bought right when it ticked 1 penny above the low of the day which was about to hit the wall of $26.00 an ounce.
    Platinum, Gold, Palladium, anything tied to the dollar, crypto, all of it combined won't be worth more than silver. That's why silver is the one metal which is suppressed. without it society goes back to the Industrial Age. Silver has properties no other metal or conductor has. The ability to transfer data with virtually no resistance. Everything else, semi-conductors, copper, aluminum will all cause any technology today that uses silver to set on fire if silver is replaced with them.
    First I will go into the Facts about silver. Then I will explain the periodic table surrounded the 3 known conductive metals Aluminum, Copper and Silver.
    50% of all silver ever mined is in the landfill forever gone. FACT
    The US Geological Survey has declared silver will be a rare earth metal by 2025. FACT
    The USGS stated silver production peaked in 2015 and has been on the decline ever since. FACT
    The price of silver has about a .30% connection in its direct rise and fall to the Industrial sectors. FACT
    Silver is the most used conductor for electricity in all modern electronics since 2015. FACT
    Silver is the only metal that exists which has nearly 0 resistance making it the fastest conductor of electricity of any metal/semi-conductor on earth. FACT
    99% of all gold mined in the history of the world is still in perfect condition. 50% of all the silver in the world is now gone forever. FACT
    If gold disappeared tomorrow nothing would change drastically. If silver disappeared tomorrow the top 5 corporations holding the stock market up while the other 495 collapse, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft would all either go bankrupt or have to go into a bidding war for the silver of ordinary physical holders. STATEMENT SUPPORTED BY FACTS
    All of these things, the fact that silver is in demand as a preservation of wealth, will be needed in 100% of technological and medical fields due to it's conductivity rating and antimicrobial and antibacterial properties plus 50% needed to keep anything running that was made after the year 2015 as they run on more powerful computers and the resistance of semi-conductors as the name implies right in it SEMI because it's not as good as a PURE conductor of which silver is the only know conductor at this time unless you want to compare it to graphite which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a gram. FACT
    The future is ours, all of us lower and middle class people. We have the opportunity to use Silver to take back the wealth of our nation and put the power back into the hands of the people. Buying silver isn't just economical, it's patriotic as it is running out and even banks like JP Morgan who bought 1.5 billion dollars worth of silver, is trying to horde it knowing it's value will be much higher. MY EDUCATED OPINION BASED ON FACTUAL STATEMENTS MADE ABOVE
    Banks never horde physical metals as they get 10 times the purchasing power hence 10 times the interest returned for every dollar loaned to them by the Federal Reserve Cartel. A bank would only take silver if it was run by the 2nd most powerful family the Morgans, if they knew the shortage was coming and that silver was going to become to the 2020s what oil was too the Industrial Age only in a much MUCH smaller quantity than oil was present for during the Industrial Age. MY EDUCATED OPINION BASED ON FACTUAL STATEMENTS MADE ABOVE
    This is war between the common man and the corrupt banking cartels. The more we hold silver, the harder it is for them to hide the fact that they don't have it. That's why there is a group called Silver Knights. Not gold knights, or bitcoin knights.
    If you care about your country and patriotic duty, we are fighting a way to reclaim our wealth stolen from us and bring down the international banking cartels. This is only possible if we all continue to buy silver until they can't deliver proving they have been lying, then the people wake up, everyone tries to buy silver and it goes through the roof.
    Best time to buy will be September/October, there are 1,100 contracts on the Comex exchange for 5000 oz deliveries. This will cause extreme volatility in September October giving us the chance to buy cheaply. December is the big month. Gold and silver have more contracts in December than in the history of the market.
    Everyone is waiting on the Fed's decisions in December. We will know if we won in December. If gold and silver maintain their prices, because we keep fighting back and refusing to sell, then December will be the month the fraud is exposed and silver and gold skyrocket. If everyone sells on greed, not only are they losing out on far more money when the dollar collapses, but they are relinquishing their duty as an American citizen to preserve the freedom all our families have over the generation.
    We don't have to fight the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam, Korea, no all we have to do is hold our silver denying the banks the physical metal to make them collapse. Be patriotic, continue to fight on the side of freedom and liberty and help us bring down the cartels and expose them to the public. Selling silver only helps them and hurts us.
    If you want more info just ask. Please spread this message to as many people who will listen. It's our only hope of taking back our country before we become the first generation in American history to do worse than our parents.
    Most of the silver on Earth is far too deep within the crust to access unlike gold. There will be no conductor capable of transmitting at the speeds our technology now requires if silver disappears. If gold disappeared tomorrow the world wouldn't feel much. If silver disappeared tomorrow, guess what? We go back to the 19th century. Try running 4g on copper or 5g, electric cars, solar panels, smart phones, computers, the resistance would cause them to all heat up and burn out because copper does not have the largest amount of uneven electrons on it's outer shell.
    Shell number one can only hold 2 electrons, shell two can hold 8, and for the first eighteen elements shell three can hold a maximum of eight electrons.
    Aluminum holds 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the 2nd and 3 in the 3rd. it's that uneven number that allows aluminum to conduct electricity but not at a very good rate.
    Copper is next in this special class of metals with 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the 2nd shell, 18 in the 3rd shell and 1 in the 4th shell making it a better conductor with less resistance. It was fine for electronics in the 1950s-1980s.
    Now Silver, the most powerful conductor has 5 shells. Shell 1, 2 electrons, Shell 2, 8, Shell 3, 18, Shell 4 has 18 and shell 5 has only 1 electron. Silver is the only conductor on earth capable of moving mankind technologically forward. Nothing past the year 2000 which requires conductivity can function without silver. The resistance from copper and aluminum means instant burn out of all circuitry. Our entire future depends on silver.
    Once the common person realizes silver is the future for everything, and everyone turns their silver certificates in for physical silver then the price will skyrocket because their isn't enough silver for all the certificates. This will be the greatest wealth transfer in history from the upper class to the common man who stored silver now and holds it for 5-10 years. It will go into the thousands of dollars per ounce, by then we will have a new stable world currency where those who held can sell and become millionaires over night.
    Don't sell until a new currency becomes the world reserve currency and the US dollar crashes. Hold and buy until we come out on the other side of this when a new economic system is created.

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад

      "Gold and silver have more contracts in December than in any history" u say something like that to explain why both will go down in price in December, but I don't understand what you mean. Would you please mind to explain this? Thanks

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад +4

      Your fingers must b on fire! ;-)

    • @3Kefka6Palazzo9
      @3Kefka6Palazzo9 4 года назад +6

      @@tblez3079 Because December is when the Fed decides if interest rates go to 20% and we correct the greatest bubble in history and suffer immensely for years as Americans, or it goes to 0% and we print money and inflate the Bubble.
      The former has only happened once in US history the latter every other time. There is a 98.5% chance the Fed goes with 0% or even negative interest rates vs 20% interest rates.
      That combined with the largest amount of Comex Gold and Silver contracts each silver contract is 5000oz of silver there is over 300,000 of them, there are over 400,000 contracts for gold.
      That means gold and silver are going through the roof in the 1st 2 quarters of 2021 if the fed chooses to print more money, or we go into the worst global depression in human history if the fed raises rates to 20%.
      If the Fed prints more money and goes with 0% or negative interest rates, it will mean all the whales pour into Gold and Silver which is why you need to buy it in September when there are over 200,000 contracts and prices will be up and down by multiple dollars a day.
      Of course if you do that, you risk the whales buying all the silver before you can get to it. What do you think is better, take the risk on buying silver slightly cheaper, and possibly having it unavailable to buy, or buying slightly higher now and knowing that it will go past $1000 an ounce once those Comex 5000z silver contracts are not all traded. It will only take 20 of them out of the 1,100 in September to be taken, and this will be on August 29th, to put 100,000 ounces of silver off the market and in the hands of those who took the delivery.
      Imagine out of 1,100, only 20 need to take delivery to cause the greatest amount of silver delivered at once ever when Comex doesn't actually have the silver.
      This inability to produce the silver deliveries will show the world Comex is rigged and will prove that silver is much scarcer than most believed.
      This will result in silver becoming the dominate commodity to our future as well as the fastest way to expose the banking cartels since silver is the smallest market, has the cheapest of the 4 noble metals, we the people actually have a chance even with our low purchasing power to expose them, then their dollars,stocks, bonds, retirement become worth exactly $0 and our common and middle class people who bought silver become millionaires.
      The greatest wealth transfer in history from the .01% to the people and with wealth comes power, power to take back our liberty and freedom from these snakes that run everything.

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад +1

      Thanks for taking the time to explain it. ;-)
      When you say "Comex gold n silver contracts" are you referring to buying silver and gold on paper? =the people that buy them and have some kind of receipt but don't hold it?
      Do you also mean that they all will drop it st the same time? This confuses me because it's all over the Internet that when buying metals thus way, there are not enough to cover the demand ( if everyone wanted it delivered). So, why do people keep on buying this way?

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад +1

      It makes sense
      .I was thinking I will wait till about November to buy some more. But for the sake of a couple of dollars cheaper (silver) maybe not worth risking to have to buy it more expensive later.
      If it goes down a lot, who knows.... the bullion shops /websites my also collapse if everyone is waiting.

  • @thenewamericanrealist
    @thenewamericanrealist 4 года назад +9

    The less people talk about platinum and downplaying it I am getting more. The problem is you can barely find any

    • @wesporter2176
      @wesporter2176 4 года назад +1

      I have some and the problem is it barely goes up...

    • @thenewamericanrealist
      @thenewamericanrealist 4 года назад +3

      OuchTime it was at $2200 in the last bull market. Long way to go and new highs. Good for you to have it! Smart

  • @jtonna1624
    @jtonna1624 4 года назад +8

    Platinum is the buy right now, not Gold or Silver. Nobody is talking about Platinum. I call that a buy signal.

    • @jtonna1624
      @jtonna1624 4 года назад

      @Ken Semotiuk ?

    • @jtonna1624
      @jtonna1624 4 года назад +2

      @Ken Semotiuk I did

    • @silverfox4296
      @silverfox4296 4 года назад

      Totally agree 150% because nobody is buying what’s more rare the gold @ half the price that’s the red flag 🚩

  • @TheComicsDen
    @TheComicsDen 4 года назад +11

    In what world is silver expensive at 26$ an oz lol ? Even with premiums at 30$ an oz still cheaper then every other medal . And has the best upside for future gains .

    • @3Kefka6Palazzo9
      @3Kefka6Palazzo9 4 года назад

      Collector96 I wrote a lengthy piece on Silver in this board. It was written 2 minutes ago from the time I sent you this. I agree with you 100%. I think you'll find in my writing many things you agree with and facts to fight back against the greedy, uneducated people who are looking to make short term profits off every metal, dollar, commodity, etc, knowing nothing of any of them.
      People like us choose 1 commodity, the one that shows proof it is in production decline and all other metals, cryptos and dollars can be found anywhere. Silver is all we have for the post cpu age. Without it we go back to oil and the Industrial Age and run out of oil then go back to the 18th century. Check out my post, I think we have the same mindset. I feel bad for anyone buying gold, gold and silver are going to split, Silver will not be attached to gold in 5 years. Silver will rise while gold will stay flat due to the medical antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of silver needed in a $500 billion dollar medical field and the .30% correlation of silver to the medical and industrial sectors. The industrial sectors requiring silver number in an economic system over $10 trillion dollars.
      I'll copy and paste the post below this actually, if you want to read it, copy it , repost it, feel free. We are fighting 3 wars but the investor thinks they are fighting 1. How to get more money.
      Silver is a small market, thus if we can continue to buy, we will prove it does not have the quantity it claims, causing the lie to be spread to everyone and then silver becomes the most valuable asset on Earth. This is a 2 front battle. We are fighting the banking cartels to expose them, and trying to collapse them and the USA dollar so that the wealth transfer goes back to the common man and the power along with it.

    • @3Kefka6Palazzo9
      @3Kefka6Palazzo9 4 года назад +1

      Silver is the only metal or semi-conductor that can power all new tech since 2015. I just bought 25 more 2020 Canadian Maples today on the artificial manipulation of silver and I bought right when it ticked 1 penny above the low of the day which was about to hit the wall of $26.00 an ounce.
      Platinum, Gold, Palladium, anything tied to the dollar, crypto, all of it combined won't be worth more than silver. That's why silver is the one metal which is suppressed. without it society goes back to the Industrial Age. Silver has properties no other metal or conductor has. The ability to transfer data with virtually no resistance. Everything else, semi-conductors, copper, aluminum will all cause any technology today that uses silver to set on fire if silver is replaced with them.
      First I will go into the Facts about silver. Then I will explain the periodic table surrounded the 3 known conductive metals Aluminum, Copper and Silver.
      50% of all silver ever mined is in the landfill forever gone. FACT
      The US Geological Survey has declared silver will be a rare earth metal by 2025. FACT
      The USGS stated silver production peaked in 2015 and has been on the decline ever since. FACT
      The price of silver has about a .30% connection in its direct rise and fall to the Industrial sectors. FACT
      Silver is the most used conductor for electricity in all modern electronics since 2015. FACT
      Silver is the only metal that exists which has nearly 0 resistance making it the fastest conductor of electricity of any metal/semi-conductor on earth. FACT
      99% of all gold mined in the history of the world is still in perfect condition. 50% of all the silver in the world is now gone forever. FACT
      If gold disappeared tomorrow nothing would change drastically. If silver disappeared tomorrow the top 5 corporations holding the stock market up while the other 495 collapse, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft would all either go bankrupt or have to go into a bidding war for the silver of ordinary physical holders. STATEMENT SUPPORTED BY FACTS
      All of these things, the fact that silver is in demand as a preservation of wealth, will be needed in 100% of technological and medical fields due to it's conductivity rating and antimicrobial and antibacterial properties plus 50% needed to keep anything running that was made after the year 2015 as they run on more powerful computers and the resistance of semi-conductors as the name implies right in it SEMI because it's not as good as a PURE conductor of which silver is the only know conductor at this time unless you want to compare it to graphite which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a gram. FACT
      The future is ours, all of us lower and middle class people. We have the opportunity to use Silver to take back the wealth of our nation and put the power back into the hands of the people. Buying silver isn't just economical, it's patriotic as it is running out and even banks like JP Morgan who bought 1.5 billion dollars worth of silver, is trying to horde it knowing it's value will be much higher. MY EDUCATED OPINION BASED ON FACTUAL STATEMENTS MADE ABOVE
      Banks never horde physical metals as they get 10 times the purchasing power hence 10 times the interest returned for every dollar loaned to them by the Federal Reserve Cartel. A bank would only take silver if it was run by the 2nd most powerful family the Morgans, if they knew the shortage was coming and that silver was going to become to the 2020s what oil was too the Industrial Age only in a much MUCH smaller quantity than oil was present for during the Industrial Age. MY EDUCATED OPINION BASED ON FACTUAL STATEMENTS MADE ABOVE
      This is war between the common man and the corrupt banking cartels. The more we hold silver, the harder it is for them to hide the fact that they don't have it. That's why there is a group called Silver Knights. Not gold knights, or bitcoin knights.
      If you care about your country and patriotic duty, we are fighting a way to reclaim our wealth stolen from us and bring down the international banking cartels. This is only possible if we all continue to buy silver until they can't deliver proving they have been lying, then the people wake up, everyone tries to buy silver and it goes through the roof.
      Best time to buy will be September/October, there are 1,100 contracts on the Comex exchange for 5000 oz deliveries. This will cause extreme volatility in September October giving us the chance to buy cheaply. December is the big month. Gold and silver have more contracts in December than in the history of the market.
      Everyone is waiting on the Fed's decisions in December. We will know if we won in December. If gold and silver maintain their prices, because we keep fighting back and refusing to sell, then December will be the month the fraud is exposed and silver and gold skyrocket. If everyone sells on greed, not only are they losing out on far more money when the dollar collapses, but they are relinquishing their duty as an American citizen to preserve the freedom all our families have over the generation.
      We don't have to fight the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam, Korea, no all we have to do is hold our silver denying the banks the physical metal to make them collapse. Be patriotic, continue to fight on the side of freedom and liberty and help us bring down the cartels and expose them to the public. Selling silver only helps them and hurts us.
      If you want more info just ask. Please spread this message to as many people who will listen. It's our only hope of taking back our country before we become the first generation in American history to do worse than our parents.
      Most of the silver on Earth is far too deep within the crust to access unlike gold. There will be no conductor capable of transmitting at the speeds our technology now requires if silver disappears. If gold disappeared tomorrow the world wouldn't feel much. If silver disappeared tomorrow, guess what? We go back to the 19th century. Try running 4g on copper or 5g, electric cars, solar panels, smart phones, computers, the resistance would cause them to all heat up and burn out because copper does not have the largest amount of uneven electrons on it's outer shell.
      Shell number one can only hold 2 electrons, shell two can hold 8, and for the first eighteen elements shell three can hold a maximum of eight electrons.
      Aluminum holds 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the 2nd and 3 in the 3rd. it's that uneven number that allows aluminum to conduct electricity but not at a very good rate.
      Copper is next in this special class of metals with 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the 2nd shell, 18 in the 3rd shell and 1 in the 4th shell making it a better conductor with less resistance. It was fine for electronics in the 1950s-1980s.
      Now Silver, the most powerful conductor has 5 shells. Shell 1, 2 electrons, Shell 2, 8, Shell 3, 18, Shell 4 has 18 and shell 5 has only 1 electron. Silver is the only conductor on earth capable of moving mankind technologically forward. Nothing past the year 2000 which requires conductivity can function without silver. The resistance from copper and aluminum means instant burn out of all circuitry. Our entire future depends on silver.
      Once the common person realizes silver is the future for everything, and everyone turns their silver certificates in for physical silver then the price will skyrocket because their isn't enough silver for all the certificates. This will be the greatest wealth transfer in history from the upper class to the common man who stored silver now and holds it for 5-10 years. It will go into the thousands of dollars per ounce, by then we will have a new stable world currency where those who held can sell and become millionaires over night.
      Don't sell until a new currency becomes the world reserve currency and the US dollar crashes. Hold and buy until we come out on the other side of this when a new economic system is created.

  • 4 года назад +12


  • @caleb2242
    @caleb2242 4 года назад +5

    People dismiss the fact that platinum has $100 USD face value but then they don’t disagree with Gold ($50) to Silver ($1) ratio of face value.
    The truth is hidden in plain site. Platinum is 2x gold
    Does that mean gold 2k and platinum $4k or gold $1,000 and platinum $2k.
    Does it mean gold $25k and platinum $50k.
    We’ll see.

  • @aucourant9998
    @aucourant9998 4 года назад +7

    I'm still buying gold. It's dipping now, so now is a good time to buy. Gold is the benchmark for real money. The more currency they print, the more gold I will buy.

  • @all-intim882
    @all-intim882 4 года назад +9

    silver expensive... Are you guys serious? i'm suspicious of anything said on Kitco nowadays.

    • @dogz70
      @dogz70 4 года назад

      I mean its 27.51 an ounce for silver, plus a 5 to 11 premium on top 100 bucks only gets you 2 to 3 ounces

    • @all-intim882
      @all-intim882 4 года назад +1

      @@dogz70 the price means nothing right now. i stack ounces.

    • @dogz70
      @dogz70 4 года назад +1

      @@all-intim882 very true i just wish i bought in march i have no ounces right now, 40 dollars an ounce and then 100+ by October or November id bet practically pay itself off. Fuck the Federal Reserve

  • @davebellamy4867
    @davebellamy4867 4 года назад +1

    Very interesting interview about platinum that has played Cinderella for 12 years. This discussion made me dig out my copy of The Hydrogen Economy by Jeremy Rifkin that has been lying around at home for 17 years.

    @ILLUMINATOR49 4 года назад +16

    GOLD AND SILVER SHORTS NEED YOU TO DIVERT YOUR PURCHASE TO ANYTHING EXCEPT GOLD/SILVER. Please listen to these banker friends and help the banks 🤪🤪buy platinum or copper or uranium or keep FIAT DOLLARS 🤔

    • @mikemarvel139
      @mikemarvel139 4 года назад +7

      exactly....... im buying more silver today

    • @sg-hunter
      @sg-hunter 4 года назад +2

      That's what I was thinking too lol

    @LUCID_KNOW 4 года назад +12

    Hes right about platinum but so wrong about gold, forget all of that 2000$ support bs, not buying gold and silver right now is one of the biggest mistakes people can make, the gains will be redicilious

    • @nikkion2140
      @nikkion2140 4 года назад +3

      Well said. While I cannot afford gold, I adore it.
      What got me is such an innocent yellow metal receives bashing from all angles. It seems like Gold cannot do anything right !!
      No matter what, Gold has unique characteristics and has special place in the heart of people with international appeals, regardless of status of the individuals (poor or rich, etc.).
      My 2 cents! Peace.

      @LUCID_KNOW 4 года назад

      @@nikkion2140 💯 on point

    • @peterpete3125
      @peterpete3125 4 года назад

      @@nikkion2140 two cents? More like 2 dollars lol.👍

  • @aadishjain2787
    @aadishjain2787 4 года назад +9

    5 days ago they told its good time to buy gold. And at present gold is trading at $1925🤣🤣.
    They just manipulate retail individuals.

    • @jack633
      @jack633 4 года назад

      its a great time to buy gold

    • @aadishjain2787
      @aadishjain2787 4 года назад

      @@jack633 No! Not at all.
      According to Elliott wave theory Gold is trading in its 5th wave and their are pretty chances of gold catching the downward trend

  • @johndunston2394
    @johndunston2394 4 года назад +5

    He's spot on regarding the supply chain. The gold/platinum ratio is 1:2.
    Several coin shops will by platinum eagles above spot. The physical metal industry knows something.

  • @lovelight5714
    @lovelight5714 4 года назад +6

    Just brought some platinum, all sold out.

  • @ThePlatinumBeast
    @ThePlatinumBeast 4 года назад +1

    Well it is the most undervalued at this time!

  • @CoinsAZ
    @CoinsAZ 4 года назад +3

    *Platinum to da Moon!*

  • @Al-yf7tm
    @Al-yf7tm 4 года назад +5

    As precious as gold? I thought PT was 10 or more times rarer and yet is half the cost of gold...?

    • @caleb2242
      @caleb2242 4 года назад +1

      Ken Semotiuk monetary metal makes no sense. Metal is metal.

    • @caleb2242
      @caleb2242 4 года назад

      Ken Semotiuk monetary metal: what royalty tells the peasants

  • @gp3012
    @gp3012 4 года назад +5

    USG (new digital currency) is backed by the American Gold Eagle. Globally, Gold will always be recognized as a Precious metal AND money. Platinum will only be a precious metal and that's it.

    • @all-intim882
      @all-intim882 4 года назад

      silver will be remonetized before platinum, it's been money as long as gold has.

    • @ejahshua9619
      @ejahshua9619 4 года назад

      Platinum has enormous value in the jewellery market which by default is the most monetary thing you can have.

    • @gp3012
      @gp3012 4 года назад

      Hue Man that’s because you’re talking about numismatic value, not spot. I can find baseball cards double the value of your platinum coins.

    • @gp3012
      @gp3012 4 года назад

      Ejah Shua minted bullion is the most monetary because it is more liquid than jewelry.

  • @whiteeagle5969
    @whiteeagle5969 4 года назад

    A case for platinum - Concerning platinum and its commercial and Industrial uses. "It's just not catalytic converters" A major thing they are leaving out is that Platinum is used all over the world in the making of nuclear power plants, Bricks, Steel, aluminum, titanium, copper, gold, glass and Specialty Metals - anything that measures high/very high temperatures. In 1991 when I was working for Leeds and Northrup / Honeywell. I sold thermocouples and Spools of platinum and rhodium which was used to measure these high temperatures. These Specialty Metals used in tandem with Platinum rhodium and other metals that can measure high temperatures, constantly sought after and bought on a daily basis. So this is one important thing regarding Platinum. Perhaps this is one major niche that you were unaware of and maybe they don't want anyone to be unaware of this information. And maybe they simply leave it out because they are not aware. This market which is huge and yet no one mentions it. Because it is used all the time in Blast furnaces.... Honeywell purchased Leeds and Northrup back in around 91 92 93 I'm not exactly sure . Also, The USA has held platinum as a currency in the form of a coin. This coin could be used as the primary Platinum standard universally which is a stretch of imagination could be the basis of their own cryptocurrencies pairing up with Bank of America who has filed many cryptocurrency patents using ethereum. By the way the Jackson Hole symposium occurs this week August 27 2020 - I'm sure the after effects of that meeting will be interesting.

    • @silverfox4296
      @silverfox4296 4 года назад

      Also my common sense opinion is when you see a investment nobody wants that you know is rare you buy the hell out of it. Stack some platinum what’s the problem at least it will hold its value better then in the bank, I have a good feeling like buying silver at 14 dollars was I wrong.

  • @alangrob
    @alangrob 4 года назад +2

    But they are ALL going to go down in the short term WHEN the market corrects. Why would you buy anything when you can just wait?

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад

      When do you think it will correct? Are you refering to after covid?

    • @alangrob
      @alangrob 4 года назад

      T Blez, we got Covid for awhile. It’s a virus, no vaccine. Think AIDS. No cure, but there is effective treatment. When does it correct? Not sure. I’m thinking before election. Market has not priced in a Biden presidency yet. October’s like to be ‘down’ months. ;-)

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад

      Hummmm.... I think everyone is waiting for November with the elections.
      What a bunch of criminals.... rushing the vaccine just to win the elections. :-( sad

    • @alangrob
      @alangrob 4 года назад +2

      @@tblez3079, there is no vaccine coming. Now or ever. We can’t vaccinate for a virus.

    • @tblez3079
      @tblez3079 4 года назад

      Omg! It's true!
      Now I c what u mean :-O
      Life for ever with a mask and no more kissing in the park

  • @issenvan1050
    @issenvan1050 4 года назад

    I have physical platinum. Should I also buy platinum miners, etfs, trusts; or, should I go for gold & silver miners instead?..

  • @kalam5562
    @kalam5562 4 года назад +2

    Kitco one day ur guests will say prices going to 🌙. The other guest will say prices are from 🌙 falling to 🌎. Lots of confussion.

  • @chrisnihart
    @chrisnihart 4 года назад +3

    Next try to explain what the hell happened to rhodium.

    • @SportsIncorporated
      @SportsIncorporated 4 года назад +2

      I think you need Rhodium to handle Nitrous oxide emissions. If platinum prices were low and platinum mining didn't occur either because it didn't pay to mine platinum, there was a strike, or whatever. Well we get Rhodium when we mine platinum. If you don't mine platinum, you don't mine rhodium.

    • @chrisnihart
      @chrisnihart 4 года назад +1

      @@SportsIncorporated , thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

  • @SportsIncorporated
    @SportsIncorporated 4 года назад

    I invested in platinum some time back. Uptake of platinum by European diesel car manufacturers was a disappointment. I seem to remember an emissions testing scandal.

  • @dutchy5752
    @dutchy5752 4 года назад +1

    Gold and Platinum are produced by neutron star collision. Can you imagine what properties these metals have? Many are still hidden imo. Like Pons and Fleischman used a platinum anode and a palladium cathode for their "cold fusion" experiment. It was said it was bad science. Yeah right, thats why they are still working on "cold fusion" 30 years later. Imagine what the price of platinum will do when they find a new use for it.

    • @dutchy5752
      @dutchy5752 4 года назад

      @@elizabethmoore6913 thanks for your reply. Just found your location. Will be paying you a visit tomorrow to discuss stuff, see you then

  • @issenvan1050
    @issenvan1050 4 года назад +1

    How about uranium?

  • @daedalusjones3804
    @daedalusjones3804 4 года назад

    Good interview!

  • @Silverhands
    @Silverhands 4 года назад +5

    Platinum is where it’s Atinium.

  • @buddythelittletinyrescuedo5114
    @buddythelittletinyrescuedo5114 4 года назад

    Galane Gold, Golden Minerals, Nevada Sunrise, Gold Terra, East Main Resources, Jaguar Minimg, Macdonald Mines. Silver One Resources, Silver Tiger, First Mining Gold

  • @elation0x
    @elation0x 4 года назад

    I say the S&P hits 4.5K. But the fright all the way up, will drag gold up with it. When the S&P pops, gold will be very high in price, and will remain.

  • @jorgetasse
    @jorgetasse 4 года назад

    Gold +$2500 easy next target for last quarter of 2020 year

  • @dutchy5752
    @dutchy5752 4 года назад

    good guest. Good information. Although not sure fuel cell cars will ever take off if we can believe Elon Musk.

  • @fabriciomariotto9962
    @fabriciomariotto9962 4 года назад

    Damn i heard about gold for a while, went there, bought gold, now its not worth anymore. Im gonna throw it away

  • @trailguy
    @trailguy 4 года назад

    I think it’s a good buy, but I still think gold and silver are better. We are going to electric cars, this will be a huge demand suck for platinum. I’m not too keen on it.

  • @silverwing5303
    @silverwing5303 4 года назад

    I don't know about platinum. Yeah, it's up more percent than gold since the lows, but that's because platinum fell a lot harder in March. Funny how they made something negative sound positive. Do a comparison YTD and then platinum won't look as good, will it? It's actually down. And the industrial demand for platinum is down and it will continue to fall. Maybe a new industry will arise requiring lots of platinum, but that's just playing the lottery.

    • @ejahshua9619
      @ejahshua9619 4 года назад +1

      Yes but look how stable price is even in this market with lowest auto industry demand ever. In any kind of rebound prices would shoot and track silver

  • @abstractfitness1282
    @abstractfitness1282 4 года назад +1

    Silver expensive no not at all

  • @manuelgomez1166
    @manuelgomez1166 4 года назад +4

    Hydrogen cars are okay BUT to make them is a Environment disaster, the same with fuell cell electric cars. Another point, to make hydrogen at fueling station requires large a.ount of electricity which means more power plants more pollution...what is your net gain/loss. The same with solar & wind power...

  • @marcelinoperez2926
    @marcelinoperez2926 4 года назад +1

    This interviewer fits into a comedy.
    But here he is an insult to the viewers

  • @zoltanmrena9138
    @zoltanmrena9138 4 года назад

    Everything u say about platinum long term fundamentals are 10 times more compliments silver instead!!! Silver is the real green metal not platinum. ..diesel will die. .

  • @suppressedcommentor394
    @suppressedcommentor394 4 года назад +2

    The 'Lord God of Israel' is a phrase repeated throughout the Old Testament or Torah.
    When the allegory is applied to the Old Testament then the full meaning is revealed. Substitute 'Leader' for Lord, 'State' for God and 'Chosen People' for Israel.Thus, the meaning becomes, the 'Leader State of the Chosen People'.
    One State to rule all the other States globally, through the fiat banknote scam which they own through their private Central Banks, which are not subject to oversight.
    If you choose to go the way of State Corona propaganda, then that is your choice and any harm or loss is your own fault.
    As Abba Eban said, a wise man consents when all alternatives have been removed , as they are by Corona. (A. Eban. member of the Knesset, Leader State of the Chosen People).
    Reference; Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil by Gerard Menuhin.

  • @adama7752
    @adama7752 4 года назад

    is is is is is is is is is is.... is