I live in US too, Pot luck is everyone bring a dish, not necessary home cook , you can order to go from restaurants. I do this all the time at work pot luck
wow....Anita, thanks for taking us a passage through life. A package of a journey through childhood, marriage, children, in laws, culture, finance and etc. So much to learn in life.
其實阿 Wing 所 share 的夫妻相處之道,is not merely applied to 外國人,而係放諸四海的人。She can get along well with her husband so far so good mainly because they both have the same goal of respecting each other in order to have a good family for the children which is every couple need to learn and achieve.
If he knew you were brought up with different cultures from overseas, why didn’t he excuse you or simply let you know what are their cultures to get you blend into them if he wants to treasure the relationship with you, it looks this kind of relationship is not sad to be finished
I think its your ex bf issue. We dont really care about what you bring for pot luck. And if you didnt bring it, he could have brought it. Its no big deal to me ( I also live in US -Calif ).
In the US having 50 states with different cultures, what she said is only can represent what is happening where she's living. How can she say she can feel relax to live in the state while there are alot of gun violence out there. I mean HK recently losing its freedom to China but in the US there black lives matter and anti asians problem being around.
拍拖加結婚已踏入第8年,中間仲long D過2年; 經歷過好多,感恩大家仲成日講I love you,feeling so happily married。而我哋都係由day1開始就非常坦誠互相溝通對對方嘅期望,非常信任大家。
異國婚姻同任何婚姻一樣,最重要係互相尊重、溝通、諒解同信任; 相近價值觀比相同/ 近文化來得重要。
Thanks for sharing.
1 重庆美女在美国
Hi Anita 好,這次話題香港人到異國婚姻,由Wing頴嫺的體驗生活方式講解,初到美國貴境文化上都要重新適應,給更多新移民朋友好的資訊,其實美國生活都是很簡單的,彼此之間的感情🈚️分國界,謝謝你們的分享👏👏一
林穎嫻小姐性格好開朗、好真! 祝李小姐 林小姐 加美生活愉快☺️😊
Thanks Anita for asking many good questions...straight to the point.
Thank you for the great talk !
@@anitalee6084 you are welcome. Thanks for sharing your experience in Canada too.
好中意阿wing, 又straight forward 又大方,好懷念當年响明周映那張相,件leather jacket好靚,我重記得。😃😃😃
Mrs.DuPont 非常談吐隨心自然,听着好舒服🥰
Thank you. Speaking from the bottom of my heart.
我都記得你當年係USC,知道你係港姐,沒有去打攪妳。在同一個時間,鄧萃雯在ELAC, 我都見過她,也沒有打攪她。不知妳們有沒有見過面?我是從ELAC轉去USC讀Electrical engineer. 現在還是一個electrical engineer.
@@paulhker so glad we can connect again. Come say hi next time you see me. Wish you all the best.
If I do see you again, I will interrupt you and say hi. 🙂
@@paulhker hope to see you soon.☺
Also special thanks to your friend Wing Dupont for being so straight forward and sharing too.
😍😍😍林颖嫺呀✨✨✨真係好鐘意佢,由佢選港姐已經好欣賞呀Wing , 超開心見到佢嘅分享,我同屋企人睇呢段片睇咗兩次😜😜,好希望嚟緊會多啲聽到更多同佢嘅分享啦!!多謝婉華💜💜🙏🏻stay safe
Anita, you are so good in asking the right questions. Your guest is so lovely and so wonderful. Great video. Thank you so very much.
阿wing 很愿意分享,而且也让我们学习到很多!!当然婉华也很会访问问问题👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻这集很丰富🥰🥰🥰🥰
Love the stories. Thanks so much for sharing!
阿Wing講文化差異講得好好,加拿大都好多potluck party,不過我嘅朋友圈就唔介意單身朋友買食物到會,不過真係要考慮其他人有冇敏感😅
我在加拿大 51 年,由讀書到而加退咗休,因為細個妮,所以好快溶合主流。不過去人地屋企食飯,就算唔整野食,禮 ? 上都應該問一聲洗唔洗帶野或自動買小小手信
I must give credit to Anita Lee for such a good MC to raise all the important issue to Wing, she’s a very good director in this programme
好開心睇到呢個分享,好真好直接,好有營養,估唔到以前嘅女神到而家都咁靚,thanks for sharing☺️☺️support!
I live in US too, Pot luck is everyone bring a dish, not necessary home cook , you can order to go from restaurants. I do this all the time at work pot luck
Very nice live! Love it so much. Very inspiring! Thanks for your sharing! ❤️❤️
Anita頭先未看完😉現在再入來聽🎧聽完睡覺💤了good night💤
Thx for sharing your beautiful pics ! I love love this interview!
Wing, thanks for sharing and your honesty.
你地兩位靚媽咪好 genuine,好欣賞你地 🌹🌹
上當年林詠嫻去咗USC,同時鄧萃雯去咗ELAC. 唔知佢哋有冇在LA見過?
Nice sharing session. Thank you ladies ❤
Our pleasure!🌹
Glad to hear Wing's marriage story
wow....Anita, thanks for taking us a passage through life. A package of a journey through childhood, marriage, children, in laws, culture, finance and etc. So much to learn in life.
Thank Anita and Wing. Interesting topic. Anita yr necklace is very stylish
其實阿 Wing 所 share 的夫妻相處之道,is not merely applied to 外國人,而係放諸四海的人。She can get along well with her husband so far so good mainly because they both have the same goal of respecting each other in order to have a good family for the children which is every couple need to learn and achieve.
我係加州住咗30年. 過去10幾年D屋好貴. 以前畢業幾年後可以買間屋仔. 而家两公婆打政府工都儲唔夠錢做首期.
Wing, cool you worked for Chiat. The building is designed by Frank Gehry architect. I also graduated at USC.
Btw, nice house!
USC Alumni. You know about Chiat/Day. Yeah!
第一次看到这个节目,Anita Lee 好飘亮👍 Wing 做的非常棒👍👍👍祝福她合家身体健康🙏平安幸福❤️👍🌹哈哈😆我先生也是美国人.
Liked your conversations!
Thanks for sharing. With lots of love. From USA.
喺LA, 根本唔駛自己焗蛋糕 or cookies, 有奇華,亦有臺灣老餅店- 郭元益,加上附近有好多餐廳、食肆。
喺college campus 可能要食麫飽,但USC 近Monterey Park, Alhambra & San Gabriel, 好多唐人餐館。
美國人自己唔識英式英文,會批評英式英文嘅發音、拼法,會話你發音有accent, 但如果佢哋發音唔係Hollywood accent, 而可能係其他口音, 佢哋唔會覺得自己有accent。
我係美國大學畢業後, 經濟唔好難揾工作, 結果去咗間中國人公司做咗3年. 之後我話過唔會再打中國人工, 結果之後打洋人工, 簡直係天堂, 又平等又可以老世炒大鑊而冇後果. 好多時欺壓中國人係中國人老闆.
Agree! 我都唔鐘意同中國人打工!
錄查館 Inspection center ,同中國人打工很辛苦。
See you all soon
See you 2! 😄
Won’t be able to do live with the two intelligent ladies. Will catch up with this conversation after work. Happy talking!!
請問婉華同Wing 喺TVB 果時有沒有合作過?
Hello ANITA and everyone
講到cookies呢,我讀小學嗰陣時老師要我地同學做bake sale,姐大家要拎baked cookies嚟學校賣比人。我本身喺三藩市長大,雖然似溫哥華(香港移民多)但我讀鬼仔學校🏫嘅,個老師又係鬼婆。我媽咪唔bake cookies,佢無時間,又要返工,所以媽咪就幫我喺supermarket買d premade cookies,跟住求求其其將d cookies擺落Tupperware度。老師一睇到我d cookies 唔係自己做佢就嬲左,後來就唔鍾意我。我媽覺得呢個老師痴L線 😄😆🤣 變左係我次次放學返屋企🏠都喺度不停complain呢個老師咩咩咁囉。
You totally understand my situation.
Everybody is so sensitive about their cookies here lol.
Hello 大家好
nice and straight forward, thanks for sharing.Proud of Kong Girls
True! They think are are loud! You are totally right! Cantonese is loud
Tom sounds like perfect for Vancouver.
Very interesting to know about Chinese how to live in USA ! It’s different between how Chinese live in Sweden and Chinese in USA
Good reminder
Likewise, my husband has never had Garlic not even a little bit and couldn't stand for the smell.
US is so big. Americans growing up in the west may not share the same thought process as Americans from the south.
上當年email 係大學入面用的,用DOS
Be respect and let the guest talk! Don’t cut and interrupt!
我是一個例子丶因分隔兩地⋯⋯為小孩回他家英國🇬🇧居住, 他在港工作丶他感情改變丶回家成曰家暴丶我哋無家可歸😭 兩人文化出現問題⋯⋯教育小孩子不同
@@anitalee6084 堅強面對丶感恩小孩子生性🙏🏻自己由全職家庭主婦丶而家外出工作丶努力養他們🙏🏻
@@alsaalsa4998 你的努力,小孩子會知道的,將來會孝順你,你的努力不會白費,你將會是一個幸福的女人
@@anitalee6084 謝謝你的祝福 🙏🏻
It is interesting to know all
Mostly, we have joint accounts for everything realestate, banking such as such.
多謝分享..wingOrMing Good Life Love
If he knew you were brought up with different cultures from overseas, why didn’t he excuse you or simply let you know what are their cultures to get you blend into them if he wants to treasure the relationship with you, it looks this kind of relationship is not sad to be finished
I think its your ex bf issue. We dont really care about what you bring for pot luck. And if you didnt bring it, he could have brought it. Its no big deal to me ( I also live in US -Calif ).
Agreed,You dont have to bring homemade items to a potluck. Usually I just bring a store bought dessert or a bottle of wine.
@@wizardscauldron yea for me usually wine + dessert.... :)
In the US having 50 states with different cultures, what she said is only can represent what is happening where she's living. How can she say she can feel relax to live in the state while there are alot of gun violence out there. I mean HK recently losing its freedom to China but in the US there black lives matter and anti asians problem being around.