So many comments saying I'm stealing Ken's content by playing with good players LMAO MY BAD, let me just play with some 0 pr players instead. I've played with pros many times over the years, so truth is, anybody who ever plays with a pro again should be cancelled for stealing my content!
Hey jivan I really loved the older style of the final moving zone , the last update makes it feel like a normal zone wars .am looking forward to the changes so we can keep parcticing and have fun in ur map .
I was also on live and I still had a suspense when I watched the video! This means that you are doing an excellent job with the editing not only in the game! ❤🎉
Hey Jivan on your "How to Piece Control" Map, the first Drill of the advanced Sektion isn;t exactly the same there is a floor and a wall missing on the on going to the left. Just so that you know❤
Jivan i just wanted to thank you for the how to piece control map its helped me so much i used to be stuck in gold 1 and now im in plat 2 im still grinding that map and getting better by the day so i just wanted to say thank you to your and your team.
to be fair its probably a good call not to use rocket rams in those zones because 9/10 times your going to get beamed so he probably just playing smart 4:20
Firstly, let me thank you for the amazing piece control map, which is a fine addition to my training collection. Second of all snipers are truly balanced because they require. Skill and it is a risk to take one because you could take heals instead of the sniper
My honest opinion about your second game is that. You could’ve won that if you had saved you slurp. I get there is people but you could’ve edited your wall and dipped while taking a little bit of hp from storm. That way when you get hit bd by another player you would still have heals and win that fight. But you still did great! And i hope you keep doing great!!
bro is it me or is this duo chemistry better than half the other pros hes played with? and i feel like he played way more confident with resypical as igl
So many comments saying I'm stealing Ken's content by playing with good players LMAO MY BAD, let me just play with some 0 pr players instead. I've played with pros many times over the years, so truth is, anybody who ever plays with a pro again should be cancelled for stealing my content!
their all just haters LMAO, dont worry bro you do you we got your back keep on the grind man❤
Dont misten to those lol they r all just kenbeans fanboys😅
makes no sense
Plz lemme join I. The duos cashvcup plz
W Jivan for making a joke against the haters
Hey jivan
I really loved the older style of the final moving zone , the last update makes it feel like a normal zone wars .am looking forward to the changes so we can keep parcticing and have fun in ur map .
I was also on live and I still had a suspense when I watched the video! This means that you are doing an excellent job with the editing not only in the game! ❤🎉
Hey Jivan on your "How to Piece Control" Map, the first Drill of the advanced Sektion isn;t exactly the same there is a floor and a wall missing on the on going to the left. Just so that you know❤
after all the years of grinding and uploading amazing youtube videos you finally did it, congrats 💜
Amazing work so hyped to see the competitive progress
This gave me alot of tips and showing me what my mistakes were in the cashcup, My duo and I ended placing 78th
That’s really good still
Bro you're crazy
and also Congrats on 600 vids bro, your content is so good and addicting, keep up the good work, love you.
Seeing the growth jivan has had over the years has been insane !!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Jivan not even caring that he killed cold
“Dead”counter be going crazy
You made me get better at my piece controls and I love your map
Jivan i just wanted to thank you for the how to piece control map its helped me so much i used to be stuck in gold 1 and now im in plat 2 im still grinding that map and getting better by the day so i just wanted to say thank you to your and your team.
out of everyone that qualed i swear jivan deserves this the most
Congratulations Jivan 🎉
to be fair its probably a good call not to use rocket rams in those zones because 9/10 times your going to get beamed so he probably just playing smart 4:20
Firstly, let me thank you for the amazing piece control map, which is a fine addition to my training collection. Second of all snipers are truly balanced because they require. Skill and it is a risk to take one because you could take heals instead of the sniper
jivan carried the first game🤣🔥
Jcm Jivan and kenbeans are carrying comp rn
Thank you jivan for not being stinky like kenbeans
7:25 come up to me ken 😂
At 18:22 you killed Agent Cold
Hey man you have helped me so much.Looking forward for the next vid ❤
Jivan back wit ken for one mix up Monday would be fun to watch
Your actually good though. People don’t mind playing with you because you’re crazy. Ken just pats people! 😂😂
WE love when Jivan uploads
Good Job! nice job making it past opens!
Resiprical loves to carry jivan and ken
My honest opinion about your second game is that. You could’ve won that if you had saved you slurp. I get there is people but you could’ve edited your wall and dipped while taking a little bit of hp from storm. That way when you get hit bd by another player you would still have heals and win that fight. But you still did great! And i hope you keep doing great!!
18:22 you killed cold lol
Your literally the best Vivian :)
w video al always keep it up man love watching you didnt do well in the solo cup today so i was down but watching this made me so much bnetter
Jivan every second
you gained a sub because of your chill content
resypical did what no other pros could😤
Wow the chemistry is so good for first time
good stuff man, gl on finals!
I saw the title and was sooooo happy
Thx for these video’s Jivan❤, i have learned a lot from ur video’s, keep it going!❤
Who else wants to see jivan roast kenbeans 😏
w jivan!!! 0:17
bro is it me or is this duo chemistry better than half the other pros hes played with? and i feel like he played way more confident with resypical as igl
yo vivan ty SO MUCH for making your piece control map. It helped me so much. YOURE THE BEST
Oh my god Viban, your aim is disgustingly good
Resypical is the real goat
18:20 u killed cold lmao
18:24 Jivan killing cold
Been watching for a month now
You have such good videos keep it up bro you are just HIM
"Kids under me there so many kids under me" 😭
Big man jivan going for the island and getting it nice one
Congrats Jivan 🔥
Jivan thank you for the asome piece control map
Congrats on the duo earnings!
I watched you on twitch so I knew you qualified already bro your the goat hope you make money bro you got this
the fact that kenbeans qualed with the same guy at duo cc is crazy
What’s the song at 12:04 ? Great video btw
2:31 I feel that
U played amazing bro!!! Ps: 18:28 did u really kill the real cold???
Been here since shockwave hammer season glad to see u at this point🎉
Congrats mate!
Apparently playing with another pro is.. stealing content? What are these doods talking ab in this comment section LMAO
No way the real JCM
Hello JCM 😮
It’s me again 😂
Keep up the good work bro❤🐐
bro kivan is cooking damn
love you jivan and i love your new map!!
Jivan my friend was the one that you killed in the clip right before you went up to island😂
yessss you did it im so happy about it
jivans aim is just too godamn good
My duo was the solo red skin you guys killed in your first game win :) at 3:44
All I heard from the first game in end game was "dead" 😂😂
At 1:10 Jivan legit shot through the cone.
No they guys head peaked just over the cone so he could barely get the shot off
Nah he got good gaming chair
You did absolutely amazing 👏
Congrats bro been watching you improve and you are the goat🎉
Yo jivan what website do you edit your vidios with plz tell me bro😢
Jivian ur my favorite content creator and your really good
"Turutututututu" ded -jivan
Hey jivian! just a quick question what fps do you play on? Thanks!!!
I am looking the whole day to your videos thanks you for the content❤
hi i have a question, how do ur builds look so smooth when building, like its fading in or smth
Broooo, ur insane and congrats
Keep up the good work jivan
You the goat I really appreciate you
Hey! Ik learning the toerney side of fn, and ehat is the reason that game 9 wasnt stacked but the one afyer is ? 😊
Finally jivin lets go baby
Bro killed cold
Bros got amazing aim!! What’s your settings bro??
We NEED to see ur settings
bro casually kills cold
dont listen to no one man. keep with the ww content
Yes a jivan video
Y’all better get earning bro
Word or the day is dead 🤣 ❤
nah that’s crazy how he got you and ken to finals😂