I'm obsessed with your channel! I have ADD and I don't drift back and forth or in and out while watching you. Not sure why but I love it! I've always been someone who loves to analyze people. Thank you 💜 for creating this channel! @The Behavioral Arts 🎭
Denzel Washington's stern look is that of a father watching his son throwing his life away. The fact that Will twisted Denzel's comment to validate himself must have been very disappointing to say the least.
I'm convinced Jada just didn't care! I couldn't watch my husband lose his mind on national television and just sit there worrying about my image or what people think. I would have walked him out or to the bathroom or somewhere private and talked to him. She is a narcissist, she humiliated him publicly so much that he felt the need to prove his manhood, she emasculated him. Everything she does is horrible, talking about an affair u had with your own son's friend with your husband on your stupid show is the worst way to handle that. Your marriage is private and nobody else's business, that is a conversation that should be private. She enjoys torturing him.
Denzel was right. The devil is coming for Will, but the call is coming from inside the house. That woman is toxic. I love my man, so I would have put myself in front of him, not pushing him from behind.
I'm no fan of Jada, but am disgusted how everything that Will Smith did (walk casually and slowly on a live broadcast with billions watching to assault Chris, then proceed to swear twice like a smug little entitled b!tch) - has been made to be Jada's fault. FFS he did this. She didn't tell him to do it. His a$$ is the one that showcased his narcissistic personality - boldly, publicly, proudly. And she didn't have an "affair" - they were separated and he was aware of the so-called relationship. They went on that show to talk about their open relationship to control the narrative. And he fucked around too. So what? He's no fucking victim. He can leave anytime. He CHOSES to stay. NAH.
My analysis of Denzel's reaction to Will mentioning his advice is that of disapointment, as in realising that Will didn't get the point of the advice being that Will's action was actually the devil taking control of him in his highest moment, instead Will pointed the advice outward and took it that outside forces (Chris's joke) were "coming for him". Jada broke that man, the joke had nothing to do with his actions.
I think D was thinking, your in trouble man. I know cameras on me so don't want to show any reaction. It's happened, don't say too much Will because you're going to lose everything.
The way Will walked to the stage, with that exaggerated swagger, and the way he slapped Chris, in kind of an actory stance designed to look good on camera, left me feeling like he was doing something so out of character and foreign to him, like he was performing a role and the role was "heroic guy who defends honor of wife" and this was more his interpretation of what that would look like rather than being how a real person would actually have acted. Even his shouting after he sat down seemed like his internal "director" was telling him "more emotion Will, say it louder, give me all you got on this one". It was just weird. I think he was having a mini nervous breakdown or something.
Whoa!!! That’s exactly what I said when talking about it with my sis. You worded it so much more intelligently then I did though 😇 It was so performative and felt ingenious
I feel like despite just being smacked, Chris was instantly able to process that Will was having some kind of breakdown and decided not to engage. People say it was humiliating for him, but God, could you imagine if they were brawling on stage at the Oscars??? No matter how justified Chris would have been, there would have been eternal footage of him brawling on stage at the Oscar's. The footage that exists now makes him sympathetic and makes Will look horrible. He had a split second to decide how to react, and although there will always be part of him that wishes he fought back, I think he did the right thing!
I agree, de-escalating the situation was the best way to have handled it. I believe Will weighed it out before he decided to it, though. I doubt he would have put a hand on an equally sized person, or a “bigger,” celebrity, than he views himself to be. The fact that Chris is Black may have even been a determining factor. He wouldn’t have dared do that to Jimmy Kimmel. Jmo
I think Denzel is a reasonable man. I think he spoke to Will to calm him so as to not escalate the situation further. If he told Will that the devil comes for you, I think it would be in reference to Will's personal demons, but Will got up there and used Denzel's words to try and make himself out to be the victim of Chris Rock. Denzel is tense, because as a reasonable man, he doesn't want people to think that he is supporting Will's unreasonable actions. He's probably thinking, "Will, keep my name out your fucking mouth."
If my husband had done something outrageous like that, especially in the guise of defending me, I would have been so humiliated. She doesn't even appear to be upset and that makes me think think there's more going on than we know.
It's not that complex, she's a toxic abusive narcissist, and she has left Will Smith a shell of himself, and reduced him to a man who would hit another person in a public setting just to gain her approval.
What is the "more going on than we know?" There's no need to over analyze this. She enjoyed what happened and found it funny that Chris was slapped. Horrible woman.
I think most women would be, unless they are toxic or fond of men that start fights. If I did something stupid like that on a night out with my wife, she would definitely want to go home.
Based off of multiple interviews I have seen with Denzel in more recent years, I believe you are right about grief. He has very openly expressed how he feels about his faith and his feelings about what he sees happening, especially in Hollywood, and I see him watching a man whom he has cared for as a person and friend hit such a low point appears to have hurt him. He almost looked to me like he was restraining his own emotions
I kinda felt this too. He didn't apologize to Chris at all. He apologized to everyone else. Then he brings up what Denzel says and it seems he thinks Chris is the one who is the Devil coming for him. I'm sure Denzel did not think or mean it like that at all. Maybe he did get what Denzel said and just didn't care to apologize to Chris. The joke was lame and unfunny but I still doubt Chris knew she had alopecia. She's had short or shaved hairstyles for years. She looks amazing. G.I.Jane is a bad a$$. It wasn't an assault worthy joke.
to me it's not the devil but that unchecked trauma within that is the devil, or heck one's self. Will's darker side came out that night at his highest moment.
I just love when things like this happen. In the video I said that I think Denzel’s words were not a warning as Will thought but a comment on what is happening in that moment and that he saw a side of Will he did not recognize. 2 days after my video, Denzel made a statement confirming exactly that: amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/04/03/entertainment/denzel-washington-will-smith-oscar-slap/index.html
She's a complete narcissist. She always has been. Always will be. All she wants from Will is to control him. And she's doing it perfectly. I'm incredibly proud of the calmness and control of Chris. I feel he deserves the standing ovation.
How do you people know this? You all don't even know this woman. Why is she a narcissist? Let me guess, she looks like one? Smh, this is the abuse will smith was talking about. The general public thinks just because they have seen interviews or someone's movies, even their social media, they know and have the right to tear down and make judgments on complete strangers with no evidence at all. Sad
@@MichelleAvrielleKalyce He’s just reiterating what Jada says to him. Just like a parrot. That’s what narcissists do to people. Nobody cares about what goes on behind peoples closed doors until they put it out there on purpose for the whole world to see. If Will doesn’t want all the drama he needs to stop being Jada’s mouth piece and he needs to start taking control and keeping his personal life personal and private
I got frustrated watching this video, because how can he not see that she's a narcissist? A narcissist can easily get their partner to react out of character. I would go deeper, but my comment would be too long.
Denzel presented an enigmatic front to Will Smith, not wanting to leak any facial expression that might condone or encourage him. By fixing his gaze, remaining still and with a blank expression, it made it easier to dissociate is face from any and all fleeting emotion that might surface and betray his true feelings. So, while he honored Will with his full attention, he refused to be publicly dragged into the shitshow on stage.
@@Canwhine Only a complete MORON would allow a comment such as Chris made become the impetus to create a war. That ANYONE would feel bad for Jada shows just how ridiculous people taking offensive has gotten. They put themselves in the public light then want to whine when they are not idolized by EVERYONE. Jada will carry scars?? Well only if she CHOOSES TO. Like the rest of us (little people) she can choose to take it as a compliment, which I believe it was. She was compared to another beautiful woman who also looked great with a shaved head. Wah wah wah.
@@Canwhine You called this a hateful comment but I beg to differ. It was a casual reference to the fact that she'd shaved her head. It may even have been meant to have been complimentary as Demi Moore kicks ass as G. I. Jane. Had Will Smith not reacted as he did the narrative now might even be 'yeah, why don't we have her star in G. I. Jane 2 where the protagonist doesn't get called a lesbian for having shaved her head'.
I love the analysis of Denzel's comment not being a warning, but rather a commentary of what he just saw. Will shares that statement with us as if he thinks his friend has given him great advice for staying aware and alert in the future, but sadly he doesn't seem to understand the message that the Devil has already made an appearance.
It's BOTH a warning and a commentary. Remember that Will is a close friend. But it's noteworthy that Denzel does not say "that's when challenges or trouble comes for you" . He says the "devil ". The former would indicate that the problem was all on the outside rather than on the inside. That latter indicates that the problem may be on the inside; but only if the person is open to hear that. A truly wise response.
Kristy, you're exactly right. Smith said in his lame apology via instagram (written by a publicist) that this assault is not indicative of the man he wants to be. Will, you're 53. You ARE the man you want to be.
That’s the people we admire, All those actors with sensible minds that are part of the film art industry. We, the public pay to see their work and follow their lives through magazines and entertainment news. We put that people in a pedestal sometimes thinking that they are role models we should aspire to be like. This behavior sets things on a different perspective. We should stop worshiping them because they are no better than us, they are fake, they are just puppets of the industry trying to act as a bunch of proud performers on a night where the Oscar organization sells the advertising industry in top dollars. STOP watching this ceremony.
"Why would Will Smith do something like this?" My take? I believe it ALL stems from his relationship with Jada. Abusive relationship? Absolutely. Toxic relationship? Absolutely. Things have been festering (boiling) under the surface in Will Smith for a long time and it was only a matter of time before that pent up anger burst forth in the form of violence. It is unfortunate that it was Chris Rock that was on the receiving end of that anger. The violence from Will Smith was not planned , it was spontaneous. Will did not have any clue where he was at (i.e. a very public Oscars) when he emotionally exploded. He was in the moment. Will's wife's very public infidelities' is humiliating for a husband. Add to that, the questions and jokes about their open marriage from everyone and the anger starts building inside Will Smith. This is my theory. Please note that I am not excusing Will Smith's behavior by any means. In order to truly heal from this, Will needs to separate/divorce Jada. That's my opinion.
The best thing that could come from this is a clean divorce from Jada. Maybe a good lawyer could argue the infidelity in a way that doesn’t sentence Will to indentured servitude to Jada for the rest of his life.
I hope he leaves her. She is horrible, selfish, and condescending and doesn’t even respect him as a fellow human being, much less a partner/spouse. In public she treats him like a naughty little boy (I’ve seen it in the red table talks).
What you said is true. Will is a willing participant. He did say, “Love makes you do crazy things.” He does love Jada. She took advantage of Will. Hey, he is the one in a relationship with her. It is up to him on what he wants to do.
I agree except I believe Will knew exactly where he was and what he was doing. AND I don’t think he’s done doing stupid stuff. I don’t think he feels any real remorse that’s just acting. He’ll be more remorseful as this effects his money tho lol.
The saddest thing is... if Will could have tucked in his rage after the slap and not done the swearing, the way Chris pulled it off, everyone could have been on the shelf on whether it was staged or not. The rage in Will and the swearing... there is just no recovery from that.
Exactly! I think that what we saw is just another side to who Will Smith is. If a poor unknown person behaves like this that person would be described negatively as being ignorant n violent etc. BUT if you’re Will Smith there’s excuses for his behavior. No excuse is acceptable for his violent behavior toward Chris Rock. These are regular people too and there should be consequences for everyone’s actions. Jada gets off free( she thinks). This is all her. Will should know better. I can’t wait for someone to slap him in the face at an important public event in front of his peers and where he cannot defend himself.
I hope there can be. Smith doesn't deserve to lose his career over a stupid, stupid mistake that he then continued to handle incorrectly. I've felt the devil Denzel was speaking of, luckily my moments didn't occur on national TV. I wish Smith would have behaved differently in so many ways...but he didn't. I think if he had been arrested for assault, this would have went over better publicly and he should have been. Rock's opinions on the matter don't dictate anything, although it was big of him to say he didn't want that. Personally, I think Jada is absolute trash and has been embarrassing both Will and Black women for years. I have always wondered who has more on Smith--Jada or the Church of Scientology. As many have said, that wasn't a man defending his wife. That was a frightened, desperate man and someday we'll know why.
I agree with you a million percent. She's laughing because she doesn't give a crap about will's feelings: she never does in any conversation. She minimizes every single thing he says always 100%. So even this extreme outburst she's not going to acknowledge it; she's just going to laugh and carry on
@@chantellebreen9816 Yes, she's narcissistic asf. I was married to a vulnerable narcissist, I know that arrogance, and lack of empathy like the back of my hand.
@@chantellebreen9816 yes Queen Jada. Haha. She has humiliated Will so many times. No wonder he’s a mess. So out of character for him. I’m still shocked.
@@chantellebreen9816 yes Queen Jada. Haha. She has humiliated Will so many times. No wonder he’s a mess. So out of character for him. I’m still shocked.
Out of everything I've seen, all the videos from all angles, the absolute strangest thing to me was her not looking at Will. When he started screaming, she never glanced his way. When he screamed the second time even louder and madder, still didn't reach over to comfort him, grab his hand, give him a comforting look, nothing. The whole audience was staring at him, his friends rushed to his side with words of wisdom and she just sat there, not even giving him a sideways glance. Very strange.
@@filmeepico08 I mean after the slap. If you watch the video that just got released from behind. After he slapped Chris and walked off stage he sat back down. From the back view we can only see the backs of them. We know at this point he started screaming. If you watch her she never turns her head away from the stage view. She never turns to look at Will. He's sitting a good ways apart from her and further back. I just would've expected her (or anyone) to turn toward the screaming and cussing. A spouse I would think would've reached over to him. Put her hand on his knee, whisper in his ear, hug him, tell him to stop, anything. He was so mad he could've jumped back up for round 2. It just seemed odd for me that she seemed unfazed by it all. That's just my opinion though. Others may see it completely different.
I can’t fight you on that one, I wholeheartedly agree with you, Jada seems more on focus and concern about her image than her husband, she never tried to reach out to him in that moment when he snapped and was angry, but she leaned back to give him a kiss after Will won the Oscar🤔🤨😏 That woman is the devil Denzel was talking about❗️
Jada clearly didn’t know what was happening and was likely trying to process everything. When you’re unsure of the situation you cling to the circumstances that you’re sure about. Jada was confident that she loves him, so therefore what was happening had to have a different explanation than what was really going on. Also, Jada is well versed in being in the public eye and on television. This, in my opinion, explains how she was not reactive towards Will. She’s trained when on camera to maintain composure. My main concern is that while Will thought he was defending her, he was actually making the situation more problematic for her. Now the issue isn’t about how she was harmed (potentially by the joke) it’s now about him and Chris and how Chris was harmed. I applaud his instinct to “protect” her but this was not the was to do it. This is why men in general need to find a different way to defend and support the women in their lives. Violence does NOT make us feel safe and secure.
I agree with everything except for jadas analysis. I believe she genuinely laughed as a retaliation laugh. As the puppet master she knew exactly what was taking place.
Jada is eating it up. She loves it. She doesn't think about her husband's pain, humiliation, or consequences, and she doesn't care. That's why she doesn't even look at him again. She doesn't think there will be any consequences. She thinks she and Will are untouchable. She's Lady Macbeth. She's awful.
I think she was giddy that Will’s big night was ruined. He’s been waiting decades for his Oscar moment, yet it all became about Jada, her hair or lack thereof & the slap.
Jada understood everything that was going on in that moment. from the laugh to the laughing after the incident. Her laughter was one of vindication, not confusion.
Laughter can often be a trauma response. I agree with Mr Bedros about how Jada comes across as self-absorbed here and more concerned with how this affects her than how this affects Will. I see her laughter as a way to protect herself.. a way for her to say "I don't really know what is going on" as opposed to her saying "I pushed my husband in to a corner where he could either punch Chris Rock or be blamed for not 'standing up for my honour.' I don't support anything he does unless and only for so long as it is for my benefit". I feel like, if she was laughing because she felt 'vindicated' she might be leaning back and a bit more relaxed instead sitting up and moving around(back and forth) the way she is while laughing.
I'm thinking about the video from the commercial break when they show Denzel, Tyler , Bradley and Aunjanue comforted or supporting Will during his meltdown after he assaulted Chris. I don't remember seeing Jada offering Will support or comfort or doing anything to calm him down. A manipulator knows how to limit the affection doled out to the person trying to please them.
Looking at Jada’s comments and conversations on other occasions, demonstrates that she’s a narcissist and that makes it much clearer. She’s the reason Will went from laughing at the joke to seeing his wife’s reaction and then changing his whole attitude. She’s the puppet master.
This makes me sad and I still can't believe it happened. I grew up watching WS, my son adores him it was sad to see his downfall and love CR - Jada never been a fan. I think CR was the class act here and a true gentleman and veteran.
I think if you watch the "interview" of Jada and Will around the red table talking about her "entanglement". you see an emotionless self justifying narcissist ( Jada ) and an emotionally damaged "actor". playing a part. If you watched Wills documentary promoting his new book we can see a man who is unhinged at times. I believe when Will heard Chris Rocks GI joke he heard it as it was meant, as silly Hollywood type joke and laughed. But then he saw Jada roll her eyes and he was triggered by her reaction and jumped to protect her. She is very much in control in this abusive relationship. Her actions have undermined his decades of achievement and touched on his unhealed past. The alopecia is a false red flag.....with her money she could buy an expensive wig that is so realistic people would not even notice. Her shaved head is to bring attention to herself. She wears it proudly like a crown of honour. This narcissist is totally ruling Hollywood at the moment.
I don’t think he got the joke initially and when it sank in he was upset. I know many who didn’t have a clue about the joke or who in the galaxy GI Jane was.
I do believe this could be the case that Jada is a covert/malignant narcissist claiming to be a victim of earlier narcissistic abuse, while still herself having “entanglements” and being very thin skinned with Chris’ joke. But what about Will? He’s acting narcissistic as well. Slapping people (he was done it before) and not apologizing to Chris at speech, instead trying to justify his action, saying he’s doing bad things in the name of love, he’s the victim the devil has come to and thinking about himself pledging to the academy to let him come back. Thoughts on that?
Wow Denzel seems so heartbroken that this happened. I think he’s sad that Will did that to himself and probably sad about all the things he likely knows about Will’s personal life that may have driven him to break like that. He’s really sad for his friend.
I like your observation that you made!! I feel the EXACT SAME SAME WAY. I HIGHLY doubt that he agrees with his friends actions but he's definitely sad because of what's lead to this. I also think Will too Denzels words wrong. I dunno tho.
If I was Denzel, I would cringe at hearing him REPEAT what you allegedly said to an audience who witnessed a bully and arrogant brat strike a comedian who was mc at a live award ceremony in front of thousands.OMG CRINGE..
@@AnaisKarim you don't seem to understand comedy, they aren't trying to trip them up. And no one go after Denzels wife because in this context that's what she is. Jada fancies herself an actress and lobes attention, she is fair game like any other actress there. That was a soft joke.
@@birdie5507 maybe you’re right. For me, I kind of took Will repeating what Denzel said as kind of an admission to caving to his darker self/impulses and thereby admitting that he was wrong. Will was really emotional. I bet he was just doing his best to get through that speech.
it would be interesting to see an analysis of Jada's Red Table Talk, especially the one with Will talking about her cheating. I'm not a body language expert but she seems a very toxic woman
@@devaughnsalter6264 don’t give to much credit to “body language Analysis” if it was 100% then why isn’t these guys playing poker? And apply their “ body Analysis” lol.
Yes, please do an analysis of her Red Table Talk. I think she didn't even look back at Will after he slapped Chris to check if he's ok or what because she just doesn't really care for him anymore. So I think her focus is more on herself... Maybe because she knows this incident will also backlash on her.
@@calijs9420 this dude literally says in this video that he uses his skills in his gig as an award-winning mentalist, which takes way more knowledge of body language than poker. you ever seen a mentalist work? it's mind-blowing. why would poker be a better use for their skills? because money?
I think he also show angered. Stone cold look. Probably thinking “he made a fool of himself and he won an Oscar”. Angry because he ruined the night not only for Himself but everybody who won. Did anybody know that the Oscar was produced by an African American for the first time? No. The shit Will complained about a few years ago. Or that an Afro Latina won her first Oscar? Of course not. This was all about Jada.
I wonder whether you and others have misinterpreted events? I took it (because Will basically says that D had 'just' warned him) that Denzel said the devil thing after the slap, in the period before Will got an award, and in my view he was trying to console him. But whether it was consolation or warning it came too late, and Will just repeated D's words as a kind-of excuse for his own innapropriate actions, which possibly angered Denzel very slightly, even if he was actually feeling sorry for his friend over the whole debacle.
I imagine Denzel Washington is thinking "You f...ked up really badly dude, now I will watch what you are saying now, be careful or I can stop supporting you on, and believe me it's not what you want dude..."
In his on-stage apology, Will did something that narcissists do..called triangulation. Where he tried to make it seem as if other persons took his side. Even though they hadn't even expressed an opinion. He did this by saying Aunjanue, Sidney and Saniyya needed protection. He even suggested that Richard Williams himself, would have done the same thing, because he did it for his daughters.
I love your explanation of yourself. As well as breaking down this stuff. Fascinating. Always been fascinated by people like yourself understanding people. Like Derren Brown in the UK. Good stuff.
Jada's post slap body language is very consistent with someone savoring or enjoying what they just witnessed. It isn't nervous laughter. It's relishment. Like the laughter and body language observed in pet owners and parents after the pet or child performs an encouraged action. The stiff tense language as Chris continues his opening is projecting anticipation of what will occur next,and her avoidance of looking at Will is observed in any groups where encouragement of a proscribed action has occurred among the group,or duo when anticipating consequences or facing authority afterward.
I believe Jada has always felt in the shadow of Will Smith since their relationship started and especially after marriage. She's got an inferiority complex, possibly jealousy of Will and is attempting to gain the limelight however detrimental that might be. That seems typical behavior of jealousy, which we've probably all seen in our own lives (think Scar in Lion King).
And then at the red table she goes like: I hope these two will heal and find a way to make peace or smth. I mean, not like “I’m really sorry for everything, it’s awful”. No, I hope they (they) will make peace, I have nothing to do with it
Will did this by himself. He just wanted to strike back for all the memes he’s been in. Sadly this made him an even bigger meme. Also putting his career on the line.
his career is over mate. It was only not over just before now because the industry cast him in a vitally important black role. If he'd have played any one of his other portrayals the last decade or longer, he wouldn't have even been invited to the event. He turned into a meme a long time ago, and once you lose peoples respect it doesn't magically come back. His career is as dead as disco.
This is not about the memes about him ...he was standing up for his wife ,I would have done the same thing for someone I love ,people should learn to think before speaking you can’t joke about everything imagine you are HIV positive and someone jokes about that??? This is way too personal .You all don’t think about Jada’s feelings 🤨
@@triumphant5345 zero sense?🤨wow sometimes speaking to someone is not always the solution,and don’t act innocent even you don’t always want to maintain peace in everything.
I feel like Denzel's biggest tell what what he said. "At your highest moment, be careful,, thats when the Devil comes for you." Most, including I think Will, assume this means people come to mock, tear down, but the devil, to someone like Denzel, is introspective. The devil comes from within. When you are at your highest, that is when the devil tempts you. The snake didn't give Eve the apple of knowledge, he merely pointed it out. The slap was the evil that got Will.
Thank you for affirming my thoughts on Denzel’s body language. If he had really agreed with how Will Smith interpreted his advise, he would have been nodding and smiling at him to show his agreement… but he didn’t.
Denzel is definitely a lovely kind guy. Everything went out of control afterwards and he reminded everyone that there’s something really wrong with Will. We all just get caught up in gossip and drama, he kept it real.
She was laughing because Chris Rock got smacked it's that simple you guys don't have a clue what you're talking about don't be speaking on things when you don't know what you're talking about do you hear me
Denzel looked more like a dissappointed parent to me more than him grieving. My dad looked at me the same way when he had to come get me from school when I got suspended for fighting one time. When we left he uttered the soul crushing I'm not mad I'm just disappointed in you.
Thank you for being respectful on this issue. There are a handful of your peers making fun of what is a very serious situation with very serious repercussions. You're a class act. 👍
As a black man, my reaction was "this is not reaffirmation I want to present to the world". They are human, but there are better ways to handle yourself. I wasn't there in that moment, but I hope I do better when I am.
Nope. Denzel was looking at him with pity thinking “ my son my son what have you done “ He seems emotional but not because of Will’s speech but because of the overwhelming emotion seeing one of his friend assaulting the other one in front of millions. It’s a tragedy for everyone.
I’m an ICU nurse so I count a lot of respirations at work (lol that sounds weird?), and right off the bat I noticed that Denzel and Ingenue are both breathing rapidly as well (I’d guess 20-30 resps/minute, which is abnormal and shows that they are likely in distress. I like that you point out the different mode of breathing too where the accessory muscles of the shoulder and neck are employed, that’s also something we look for and it is a very good indication of physical or emotional distress.
It’s great that you point out that emotional distress can and does cause a physical response. It can also cause psychological trauma. Both Chris and Will were wrong and both of their actions will cause physical and psychological trauma respectively.
@@mw6070 he smiled triumphantly. He felt that he had put Chris in his place. Some of the stress from the humiliation he had been thru was released. His later angry shouting was in no way comedic . He's not Jimmy Kimmel and he's not Matt Damon.
I also personally felt like Denzel Washington was embarrassed and he was doing the best job he could saying as little as he could and reacting as little as he could because he knew all eyes were on him. I really don’t think that he wanted any of this drama and he got stuck in between it without his control or consent
It was so disgusting and pathetic of Will Smith to invoke Denzel like that in his speech. His reaction to Will’s “devil” statement said it all, like “Man, why are you putting *my* name in your mouth right now?”
@@tajcee yh only for Denzel to reiterate what he said to will, today in an interview with Td jakes. So if he was embarrassed by will saying it, then he wouldn’t have repeated it yesterday in an interview
She didn't react cause she didn't care about her husband's emotions. She didn't even feel like she transgressed him when she cheated! Go watch the video of when she tried to justify her behavior and bring him along with her! It's all unjust
She doesn’t care about Wills feeling. I could understand her behavior if he had been mean to her during that period if he had abused her physically or mentally but she was just unhappy and want another man. He was hurt and he wouldn’t been that hurt if he had done things to her if he’s not a narcissist too and never take responsibility for his abuse. The thing was that she want to smear it into his face about August and that was hurtful.
I keep saying it, she is indeed a sneaky wicked covert narcissistic personality type, and it amazes me how some of these folks are taking up for her. She succeeded in making him look like a complete fool, when in his mind he was finally showing his manhood and taking up for his wife. What Will did was wrong, because he used emotion over wisdom, but Jada knew that it was the biggest night of his life, but she had to find a way to shift the focus on little ole her. She's extremely crafty and cunning. It seems as if those of us with enough sense, or experience dealing with her type, can actually see through the subtle motive of these types of individuals.
@@k.s.alexander9427 I like your words here! Very interesting and agreeable for sure. "It seems as if those of us with enough sense, or experience dealing with her type, can actually see through the subtle motive of these types of individuals." - yes, totally!! reminds me of the Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp -case. Where she, on recorded audio, says stuff like: Amber: "You have to fight for me! Like, if I punch you in the face with a closed fist, you should too!" Johnny: "So, what you're saying is that I have to fight you to make you love me?" Amber: "No, I just want you to fight for me... With me!" Everyone Else: "??!??!!" (Obviously, I'm not quoting the recordings word for word, but you get my point)
Denzel was pissed and disappointed. It wasn’t sadness alone, it was pity as well. Also when Will went up to accept his Oscar, people stood up and clapped in “pity” they felt sorry for him.
You know what I never thought about it that way pity because he's been dragged like a dog and he's such a good person or as good as hellywood will allow
@@PapaEli-pz8ff While I don't necessarily agree with the OP pity can be in multiple contexts. "(noun) 1. the feeling of sorrow or compassion caused by the suffering of others. 2. a cause for regret or disappointment. (verb) to feel sorrow for the misfortunes of." I personally believe that the reason for the standing ovation is that they are entertainers and the one thing all entertainers know: the show must go on. Exactly like Chris Rock. I'm not sure I'd go so far as a standing ovation but crowds are like sheep, where the flock goes so do the rest.
The lack of reaction to Will from Jada really caught me. If my spouse had just done something like that, I'd be locked on them, especially if it was totally out of character for them.
All I can say with Jada laughing her backside off while poor Will is flushing his career down the pan - is that I hope she's happy with herself. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but this video has really just shown how toxic she is
I'm not sure she is. Will Smith doesn't look like a man who has endured 25 years of a toxic person. Fact is that two decent people can create a toxic relationship. She doesn't need to be a demon to hurt him, just normal resentment does that.
I too thought it may be a stunt, at first. But once Will started yelling, swearing, I knew it was real. There is no way Will Smith would agree to such a set up. It's the Academy Awards. The most prestigious award movie actors can receive. Then his representation of the black community, in which the Academy had been criticized for lacking over the last few years. Will apparently lost his mind and threw it all away, he will never live this down.
I think Will reacted too quickly....a primal instinct took over he was protecting his wife. No matter what anyone thinks of his relationship with his wife I believe he felt he was protecting her . I know both men are good men but, maybe Chris will rethink his remarks and I'm sure Will feels badly as referred to by good friend Denzel. We all make mistakes we are all human and ther is always room for forgiveness and redemption.
Most people are forgiving especially if they have knowledge of how narcissistic and controlling Jada is. Will has a way to go before he sees how Jada has controlled him and led him to this moment. If he leaves her he will be redeemed in every ones eyes including himself.
@@lynnerohodes7884 Chris Rock's profession is comedy at the expense of whoever is present. It's impromptu. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
This is so refreshing. Analysing human beings based on their emotions and body language instead of antagonizing and protagonising and looking at everything in 1's and 0's
I as a standup comedian have seen this happen in real life. The whole audience is of the thought that, "If you can't take a joke then don't come to a comedy show." As a standup you know that the stage is your domain. Standups don't share the stage with anyone unless you are a duo. In most cases a standup will defend himself when an unknown audience member comes up on our stage. I've seen a standup take up the mic stand to block or swing the mic stand to defend himself from this unknown audience member. Chris should've taken one of his legs back & raised the left hand to block the slap. The reason why he stood there is because he had a level of trust & a familiar attitude towards Will Smith. Also notice when Will Smith yelled from his seat to "leave my wife's name out of your f@#$%^&*K mouth" Chris wanted to diffuse the situation to assure that he will comply to calm Will Smith down. Chris is on stage trying to regain composure & hold on until the commercial break. He was SHOCKED when he said, "WOW" His mind is trying to improv & trying not to have any silence lapse so he blurted out, "Greatest moment in..." This is what happens when we comedians improv & "play" with the audience. We take chances & risks in order to elicit laughter. Usually audiences "go with the flow". When audience members are made fun of by the standup & everyone keeps laughing at each other, the audience is there to have a "good time" Then when the only person who is offended 'charges" the comedian, then there is something wrong with that individual. Usually the fight is broken up & the cops are called & the cops usually ask the comedian if he wants to file any charges. At the end of the night the aggressor is subdued & taken out in handcuffs. That didn't happen since Will Smith is a celebrity. Just a few thoughts as a standup comedian.
What I cannot understand is why we see the Hollywood celebrities trying to comfort and console Will Smith, but NO ONE of the celebrities seemed to even check and see if Chris Rock needed medical help, emotional support or any other indication of kindness or sympathy towards the guy that was the victim of violence. Why didn't anyone care enough to approach Chris Rock?? My heart broke for him because in the years of seeing Chris, he always seemed like a very intelligent and kind person who would not intentionally hurt anyone. Just as I knew nothing about Jada's balding issues, I am sure he knew nothing about it. She is not the center of my universe and I don't follow her show or whatever. Will's speech was terrible, trying to blame anyone or anything thing but himself for his behavior. It was just sick and the audience and the Academy's failure to help Chris Rock just floored me.
I need to express that this video is as enlightening as the first one. Excellent neutral / professional analysis! I wish to make a global observation regarding the analyst's mode of exposure and not directed precisely to these two videos. It is extremely rare to encounter neutral / composed analysis regarding critical events in our society nowadays. I would say it is almost impossible to experience one as most of us in our society direct our opinions and live our lives driven by our own individual biases. This been said, congratulations on two illustrative unbiased dissertations! I mean it. Please, continue educating people based on your vast knowledge of your field and please, continue doing it in the same manner. It is this type of demeanor which truly defines which educators solidity and genuineness. PS; I do not go around gifting (everyone) with complements as this one. I rarely find the reasons to elevate anyone's desires to illuminate others due to their honest display. Do not ever modify this quality, please. Bravo for you!
It's been almost a week since this happened. Will has apologized & resigned from AMPAS. If someone still believes this was faked, they are incredibly misinformed or intellectually impaired in some other way.
Agreed. And for people to think that it was faked, meaning both parties agreed to it ahead of time, but that Chris would now just sit back and let Will take the fall, is crazy to me. If it was faked, both of them, especially Chris, would have come forward and said so by now.
Best April fools joke ever... Not really. As you say, it's obvious he has taken a multi million dollar hit to his income Smith's mask as confident , funny, cool guy is shattered. And neither Chris nor Smith have said it was a joke.
To me Denzel was looking at him like… I tried to warn you and YOU FAILED. You didn’t take heed. You listened but you didn’t hear me. Don’t thank me now. Jadas reaction leaning forward laughing like that was “ha haaaaaa that’s what you get”. She didn’t even look at or acknowledge Will as he sat down because she cared more about Chris being embarrassed/humiliated and her amusement by it. She’s never been “concerned” about Will lol
Win win for her could even say divorce then look video he has uncontroled outbursts but this is first time in public..the pull.the pity pot of its been years for me ...then she gets more thsn hall of his stuff$
KontryBoy706 I think you're right mostly. I saw something in Denzel's eyes, like some sadness. OR concern if Will took any of his words out context...who knows... I never really saw Jada after the slap until this video, But she did look like she laughted and then was just straight-edged/straight-laced like she she separated herself from Will after the incident. Like that's ON HIM, not me.
Jada is a bully and Will is spineless. She has beaten him into submission with her domineering personality and eccentricities. Anyone who has followed their relationship and its impact on Will over the last 25 years can attest to this.
@@MelMonroeShow Did he point out "her medical condition" or "her bald head"? Saying the former implies malicious intent while the latter is stating an observable fact. Since Chris is a comedian, makes sense that his jokes would be based on observable facts.
DAMN there is not one video of yours which does not impress me, you are made for this job ! Even me who knows nothing learns so much here I really hate subscribing channels but yours is a must. Keep up this great work pls!
When people state fact (professional or otherwise) and then use other bits of information to weaken that fact, are people who follow social norms regardless if those social norms are moral or not.
if He is thorough then why did he leave out the fact that Pfizer was the sponsor of the Academy's? They are about to release a hair drug treatment for alopecia.... Coincidence? BOTH Smith and Chris Rock are friends and both sell out for money and fame
Denzel told that to him as a genuine advice to a person. Will made it into a "me" thing where he is fighting the "devil" in a journey. Will talking about him being a work in progress and him slapping chris doesnt reflect the man he wants to become, talking like hes some college graduate, hes 50+ years old, did it before, still doing it now. I hope people see through his BS.
@@imaginehydreigons5377 …looks like he’s a slapper. I totally agree. Everything he did was self-serving. He needs psychological support beyond friends. Such a shame a guy who has so much talent money and freedom and even freedom to be more violent than the average American, that he has to be so upset over something he could have just laughed off. He’s acting like a teenager who can’t control himself even at a formal gathering.
I have a huge amount of respect for keeping things going after that horrific event. I hope things settle down for him as far as this. I'm sure he's tired of it.
Great explanation but it’s really important to not conflate a “slap” with a “punch.” • Denzel, the proof is in his eyes. Tears were pooled in his eyes and he was crying. • Aunjanue Ellis furrowed brows shows extreme anxiety and nervousness. The heavy, fast breathing looks like she’s hyperventilating. On the red carpet, her eyebrows furrow as she’s bracing herself to hear the interviewer’s comment...which tends to happen when someone is nervous in anticipation of the words that follows. Aunjanue Ellis, while not new to Hollywood, is new to receiving all of these accolades. I think she’s always a bit on edge when someone compliments her because she’s not use to it. It’s basically, a sign of low self esteem. • Chris Rock...I think the main takeaway from him leaning forward is, that his body is receptive to Will. Which is a key sign he was not prepared or expecting to be slapped. Typically, if someone is prepared to be hit, they go into a defensive body stance. He did not do that, which leads me to realize he wasn’t prepared for what happened.
My thoughts about Jada is that she’s a Narcissist, hence no empathy to the man she’s supposed to love, just concerned about her image and enjoying the bad guy was being punished for making her look bad. Will has been manipulated for so long from her that he had to defend her or else suffer the consequence (she cheating on him again or hurting him again). Will’s behavior was just not natural on him, to me that’s a big red flag of him being emotionally abused /manipulated.
In this world, we have a face for the world and a face in private. I hope Will Smith can overcome all of this, all problems is mounting on him. Good thing he wins an Oscar. Hope it wont come to mental breakdown. Their child should in console and supportfor their father.
Her lack of empathy is especially evident in their red table talk clips. She looks like she relishes where she has put will and he looks like he's holding back tears
Jadas laugh was exactly like that of a person who has let her dog loose on another person and the dog has done its job of mauling that person. It's a "How do you like that now ?" laugh.
When I saw her laugh as opposed to show concern, it was then I realized that she is a cold, cold woman. I know people have been saying it for years but wow... Ice queen.
@@karenkollects9277 He only said that to deceive himself, he knows what his Dad did was unacceptable. I doubt Jaden would act like Will did if it was him.
Jada has several narcissistic traits. Her body language is consistent with those traits. As the room is appalled she seems very satisfying and even comfortable in the chaos.
Jada’s response reminds me of a line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. “The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.” She appears to be the person who controls their marriage.
Nobody controls a marriage unless one person have authority due to financial control, social control, or psychological control. There is no reason for Will to give up power for any of the 3. There are 2 adults going along together in that marriage. It's like 2 hands and 2 arms. They agreed to it.
Holy ! Spidey is having the best time of his life! First your magic trick A.b.see being a huge success(I love that trick) and now your other channel blowing up! You deserve this man, a huge fan since day 1!
As for Chris leaning forward to Will as he approached...it wasn't about the lights...this is the posture of someone welcoming another to his space. Imagine the heartache Chris felt after the hit rather than sharing in a, what he certainly assumed was a spontaneous "bit" together, by someone he had respect for. And left up there to handle it alone. Hard stuff.
*By far a better explanation than the lights (when Chris reacts to Jada's reaction) and infinitely better the "he thought he was going to whisper something to him"*
Proud? What do you have to do with his reaction at all? And how can you validate being composed after uttering an abusive joke? He was at the wrong too here.
Just recently was shown a video from a few yrs ago with this EXACT senerio...right down to the words " keep my wife's name out of your mouth said .... EXACTLY THE SAME . Look it up... rehearsed and staged...
@@janetbusch6517 Can you remember who it was? When and where it happened? Do you have a link? Because without any specific info, how could someone search for it?
If anything can come from this situation, I hope the outpouring support for Chris Rock continues. Chris didn't deserve this, especially from that extremely mild joke. Chris could have said a way more offensive joke, and could have made another joke after the fact..all he showed, was pure class. Go purchase some Chris Rock stand up shows, buy tickets to one of his shows if you can. I hope Will can sit down with Chris one day and have a real apology moment with him and they can both resolve this and move forward.
She's be confirmed a narcissist and a bully. Also she lied about her alopecia. Look carefully at her hair. She's got it all, no patches. It's been shaved. She controls him. But I'm not condoning his behaviour.
I can't tell you enough how helpful this has been to me. When I am in psychotherapy, I often look away from my therapist. Later, I second guessed myself, even asking if my not making eye contact was evidence of a ruse. I've been assured that it is not. It is searching memory. So thank you Spidey. Thank you.
My first impression of Denzel's demeanor was a sense of profound sadness and an extreme intensity of emotion. It seemed he was summoning everything he had to maintain a 'poker face' in an attempt at privacy (which he didn't have) in a situation of high scrutiny. It also seemed to me he was putting himself in a kind of preservation mode by keeping very, very still -- trying not to show anything to the prying eyes and cameras on him. The gum chewing further backs up my impression of this: it was giving his face something to keep it busy, to divert attention so the vulnerability from his profound emotions weren't so noticeable. My heart broke for him. Especially since Will seems to have taken the wrong meaning from his words of wisdom: beware your inner demons. Thank you for all these amazing, informative clips! I just discovered them this week and have been binging them. And yes, *of course* I subscribed!
@Crystal Stanley - you have absolutely no idea what Denzel meant by ''demons" as you (nor I) was privy to the conversation. I thought Denzel meant at your highest moment that is when contrary spirits (demons) try to sabotage your efforts. That's my 'opinion' on that.
I hope Will isn’t left alone for any amount of time for the next couple of weeks while his world is crumbling around him. Dude needs some serious help. He’s got some ish going on in his head/heart that has nothing to do with CR.
@@hippydippychick752 Really? Do you know him in person? It's always funny seeing people judging over others. Don't be mad, just look on each side of the coin before making an opinion on someone or something. Have a nice day :)
@@hippydippychick752 I don't think Will Smith is a narcissist, then he wouldn't have apologized on his own or resigned from the Oscars membership. Of course, in the latter case it is also possible that he was asked to leave.
@@hippydippychick752 Will is not a narcissist. Alot of people are just totally shocked because Will Smith is known to be a nice guy, humbled at best always looked out for his family and friends. No matter what country he was in, he always gave praises to his fans for giving him so much love and support. Was that the real Will Smith or his clone?
It's very telling indeed... Will breaks down and nobody but her and her children know how he is when he is this agitated. It could be the best thing she did in that moment to NOT provoke him any further.
She doesn't care for him. Not a pat on the knee not a rub of his back nothing. Just cold. He stay getting embarrassed behind her. Just leave Will. Your kids are grown now. What's the point now. She doesn't love him. She's just not into him
Heya Spidey. Looking at Jada's reactions, it occurs to me that she's running a game here. She manipulated Will into a situation to see what happened, and she got a reaction greater than she thought. And from what we've seen just in the public eye, i would say she's a manipulator. This isn't uncommon for her. A wife who cares about her husband would put a hand on him, try to calm him. Maybe even before he went up there so he didn't jeopardize his career. And the laugh....and I think it was a laugh, might've been covering, but I get the feeling it was pretty genuine. Hard to tell from the back, but I think she was delighted at the response, then quickly went into the scripted mode you discussed to cover for that. The behviors change really quickly there. Makes me suspicious. And Will.....it really looks like he's in emoional turmoil. He looks like a man that needs an honest friend. He looks fragile to me. And I think Denzel sees that, too. It's horrible to see a man broken down that far. Just my random thoughts, upon some reflection.
@@qtpwqt I agree completely she is a manipulator. Not even one hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Zero acknowledgement of her husband. He also does not look to her. Nothing indicating a loving couple. But Will Smith is 100% responsible for his own actions. He chose to commit an assault to defend the honor of a person without honor. His choice entirely.
I can say that Will was aware about his winning as best actor, that's why Denzel said what he said to him. Regarding the sadness in the face of Will's friends, simply because they are observing the end of their friend's career.
I have read that Jada had had a fling with Chris too. That would give another explanation for the slap and JPS reaction. Great admirer of your work Spidey.
Please do Amber Heard deposition!
Filming tomorrow! And honestly, I caught some really great stuff! Might be my best one yet. I’m really proud of what I saw 🤗
I'm obsessed with your channel! I have ADD and I don't drift back and forth or in and out while watching you. Not sure why but I love it! I've always been someone who loves to analyze people. Thank you 💜 for creating this channel! @The Behavioral Arts 🎭
@@Dee-ur1hk that’s so awesome! Glad you’re enjoying it 😊
Thanks Kkay, I was thinking that aloud couple of days ago and yah, just got to watch that.
@@TheBehavioralArts I saw those vids about heard and Depp 1st and they were great. Thank you for these videos.
Denzel Washington's stern look is that of a father watching his son throwing his life away. The fact that Will twisted Denzel's comment to validate himself must have been very disappointing to say the least.
Agreed. It looked like utter disappointment and sadness.
He disappointed Denzel trying to twist his words to save face smh
This guy is the nicest man to talk about these subjects and people. I appreciate your kindness and dignity as you share your viewpoint :)
I'm convinced Jada just didn't care! I couldn't watch my husband lose his mind on national television and just sit there worrying about my image or what people think. I would have walked him out or to the bathroom or somewhere private and talked to him. She is a narcissist, she humiliated him publicly so much that he felt the need to prove his manhood, she emasculated him. Everything she does is horrible, talking about an affair u had with your own son's friend with your husband on your stupid show is the worst way to handle that. Your marriage is private and nobody else's business, that is a conversation that should be private. She enjoys torturing him.
Yessssssd I totally agree!!
Denzel was right. The devil is coming for Will, but the call is coming from inside the house. That woman is toxic. I love my man, so I would have put myself in front of him, not pushing him from behind.
I think she laughed because she knew she had gotten so under his skin. She liked that she had the power to influence him to act out in that way.
I'm no fan of Jada, but am disgusted how everything that Will Smith did (walk casually and slowly on a live broadcast with billions watching to assault Chris, then proceed to swear twice like a smug little entitled b!tch) - has been made to be Jada's fault. FFS he did this. She didn't tell him to do it. His a$$ is the one that showcased his narcissistic personality - boldly, publicly, proudly. And she didn't have an "affair" - they were separated and he was aware of the so-called relationship. They went on that show to talk about their open relationship to control the narrative. And he fucked around too. So what? He's no fucking victim. He can leave anytime. He CHOSES to stay. NAH.
She’s a bloody horrible woman!
My analysis of Denzel's reaction to Will mentioning his advice is that of disapointment, as in realising that Will didn't get the point of the advice being that Will's action was actually the devil taking control of him in his highest moment, instead Will pointed the advice outward and took it that outside forces (Chris's joke) were "coming for him".
Jada broke that man, the joke had nothing to do with his actions.
i think D. W. was disappointed too
I said the same thing
Exacly the same expression...
@Taz I completely agree, I think Will completely missed the point from his obviously concerned friend
I think D was thinking, your in trouble man. I know cameras on me so don't want to show any reaction. It's happened, don't say too much Will because you're going to lose everything.
I think Will interpreted Denzel's meaning incorrectly. I think Will used it to justify his actions when Denzel meant to avoid exactly that
Absolutely! Will turned it upside down. And Denzel understand that; perhaps that was one reason he looked so sad.
The way Will walked to the stage, with that exaggerated swagger, and the way he slapped Chris, in kind of an actory stance designed to look good on camera, left me feeling like he was doing something so out of character and foreign to him, like he was performing a role and the role was "heroic guy who defends honor of wife" and this was more his interpretation of what that would look like rather than being how a real person would actually have acted. Even his shouting after he sat down seemed like his internal "director" was telling him "more emotion Will, say it louder, give me all you got on this one". It was just weird. I think he was having a mini nervous breakdown or something.
I'm so glad you said this 😉
you nailed this, very well said. i completely agree
Whoa!!! That’s exactly what I said when talking about it with my sis. You worded it so much more intelligently then I did though 😇
It was so performative and felt ingenious
It was. It was totally staged bullshit Hollywoke style.
or maybe will is just arrogant and full of himself, as simple as that
I feel like despite just being smacked, Chris was instantly able to process that Will was having some kind of breakdown and decided not to engage. People say it was humiliating for him, but God, could you imagine if they were brawling on stage at the Oscars??? No matter how justified Chris would have been, there would have been eternal footage of him brawling on stage at the Oscar's. The footage that exists now makes him sympathetic and makes Will look horrible. He had a split second to decide how to react, and although there will always be part of him that wishes he fought back, I think he did the right thing!
I agree, de-escalating the situation was the best way to have handled it.
I believe Will weighed it out before he decided to it, though. I doubt he would have put a hand on an equally sized person, or a “bigger,” celebrity, than he views himself to be. The fact that Chris is Black may have even been a determining factor. He wouldn’t have dared do that to Jimmy Kimmel. Jmo
Watch his revenge now lol search it on RUclips
He reacted perfectly. No that's not humiliating, just the opposite I think. He showed great strength.
I think Denzel is a reasonable man. I think he spoke to Will to calm him so as to not escalate the situation further. If he told Will that the devil comes for you, I think it would be in reference to Will's personal demons, but Will got up there and used Denzel's words to try and make himself out to be the victim of Chris Rock. Denzel is tense, because as a reasonable man, he doesn't want people to think that he is supporting Will's unreasonable actions. He's probably thinking, "Will, keep my name out your fucking mouth."
Will was quick to throw him under the bus
I agree with this.
I agree with this.
The last part 😂
The last line 😂
If my husband had done something outrageous like that, especially in the guise of defending me, I would have been so humiliated. She doesn't even appear to be upset and that makes me think think there's more going on than we know.
It's not that complex, she's a toxic abusive narcissist, and she has left Will Smith a shell of himself, and reduced him to a man who would hit another person in a public setting just to gain her approval.
I have a feeling Jada likes humiliating Will. Just like when they had the talk of her entanglements on video.
What is the "more going on than we know?"
There's no need to over analyze this. She enjoyed what happened and found it funny that Chris was slapped. Horrible woman.
She’s excited for what it means for her red table talk 🙄
I think most women would be, unless they are toxic or fond of men that start fights. If I did something stupid like that on a night out with my wife, she would definitely want to go home.
Based off of multiple interviews I have seen with Denzel in more recent years, I believe you are right about grief. He has very openly expressed how he feels about his faith and his feelings about what he sees happening, especially in Hollywood, and I see him watching a man whom he has cared for as a person and friend hit such a low point appears to have hurt him. He almost looked to me like he was restraining his own emotions
He had a private conversation with Will and it probably should have stayed private.
@@michelej9496 I agree.
Denzel looks sad....he knows this is not good for his friend. Disappointed
I think this is the best observation yet.
Well based on all his preaching he should have gone over to Chris Rock and comfort him. Screw both of them. Will is living with the Devil
Denzel: “I said that to you in private man no need to let everyone know. Now you’re dragging me into this” 🤦🏾♂️
Very correct bro 😂
Denzel was speaking in code ruclips.net/video/JfBTj0KiW1k/видео.html
I took Denzel’s reaction as him thinking “Will, I see you didn’t get what I meant when I said that to you.”
Same here. "Thank you, D." Except the point Denzel was making went right over his head.
I kinda felt this too. He didn't apologize to Chris at all. He apologized to everyone else. Then he brings up what Denzel says and it seems he thinks Chris is the one who is the Devil coming for him. I'm sure Denzel did not think or mean it like that at all. Maybe he did get what Denzel said and just didn't care to apologize to Chris. The joke was lame and unfunny but I still doubt Chris knew she had alopecia. She's had short or shaved hairstyles for years. She looks amazing. G.I.Jane is a bad a$$. It wasn't an assault worthy joke.
Denzel warned Will. Will allowed the devil to use him at the moment. No, Will didn't understand what Denzel said and meant.
Exactly what I think too lol
to me it's not the devil but that unchecked trauma within that is the devil, or heck one's self. Will's darker side came out that night at his highest moment.
I just love when things like this happen. In the video I said that I think Denzel’s words were not a warning as Will thought but a comment on what is happening in that moment and that he saw a side of Will he did not recognize. 2 days after my video, Denzel made a statement confirming exactly that:
YES!!! I saw that. And it’s funny because I thought about you!!! Great job analyzing that in the video!! You’re awesome!!!!💫
So awesome! It’s like he’s saying exactly what you said !!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Completely agree. Warning for in the moment.👍👍
I'm curious as to where you're from. I keep noticing your 'A' sounds and how you pronounce your T's.
Appreciate your analysis. You're being far too kind of Jada. The word misandry comes to mind a conversation long overdue.
She's a complete narcissist. She always has been. Always will be. All she wants from Will is to control him. And she's doing it perfectly. I'm incredibly proud of the calmness and control of Chris. I feel he deserves the standing ovation.
How do you people know this? You all don't even know this woman. Why is she a narcissist? Let me guess, she looks like one? Smh, this is the abuse will smith was talking about. The general public thinks just because they have seen interviews or someone's movies, even their social media, they know and have the right to tear down and make judgments on complete strangers with no evidence at all. Sad
@@MichelleAvrielleKalyce He’s just reiterating what Jada says to him. Just like a parrot. That’s what narcissists do to people. Nobody cares about what goes on behind peoples closed doors until they put it out there on purpose for the whole world to see. If Will doesn’t want all the drama he needs to stop being Jada’s mouth piece and he needs to start taking control and keeping his personal life personal and private
I got frustrated watching this video, because how can he not see that she's a narcissist? A narcissist can easily get their partner to react out of character. I would go deeper, but my comment would be too long.
Denzel presented an enigmatic front to Will Smith, not wanting to leak any facial expression that might condone or encourage him. By fixing his gaze, remaining still and with a blank expression, it made it easier to dissociate is face from any and all fleeting emotion that might surface and betray his true feelings. So, while he honored Will with his full attention, he refused to be publicly dragged into the shitshow on stage.
Keeping your composure after being humiliated on live for the world to see…like that
Chris Rock’s mental strength is solid.
Typical Christian Thinking..smh
@@Canwhine Cruel comment? Comparing Jada to GI Jane, the hero? Wow!
@@Canwhine Only a complete MORON would allow a comment such as Chris made become the impetus to create a war. That ANYONE would feel bad for Jada shows just how ridiculous people taking offensive has gotten. They put themselves in the public light then want to whine when they are not idolized by EVERYONE.
Jada will carry scars?? Well only if she CHOOSES TO. Like the rest of us (little people) she can choose to take it as a compliment, which I believe it was.
She was compared to another beautiful woman who also looked great with a shaved head. Wah wah wah.
@@Canwhine You called this a hateful comment but I beg to differ. It was a casual reference to the fact that she'd shaved her head. It may even have been meant to have been complimentary as Demi Moore kicks ass as G. I. Jane. Had Will Smith not reacted as he did the narrative now might even be 'yeah, why don't we have her star in G. I. Jane 2 where the protagonist doesn't get called a lesbian for having shaved her head'.
Agreed. Equanimity at its finest.
I love the analysis of Denzel's comment not being a warning, but rather a commentary of what he just saw. Will shares that statement with us as if he thinks his friend has given him great advice for staying aware and alert in the future, but sadly he doesn't seem to understand the message that the Devil has already made an appearance.
It's BOTH a warning and a commentary. Remember that Will is a close friend. But it's noteworthy that Denzel does not say "that's when challenges or trouble comes for you" . He says the "devil ". The former would indicate that the problem was all on the outside rather than on the inside. That latter indicates that the problem may be on the inside; but only if the person is open to hear that. A truly wise response.
The show was sponsored by Pfizer this was all set up to push the new drug for hail loss
Kristy, you're exactly right. Smith said in his lame apology via instagram (written by a publicist) that this assault is not indicative of the man he wants to be. Will, you're 53. You ARE the man you want to be.
That is exactly what happened! The devil was already there. He was adjusting because he thought Will had something to say, until……🙄😔
Excellent Response 👍. ....and the thing is...... he's not finished.
Imagine being humiliated by someone on stage and then that person getting a standing ovation by the same crowd…
No need to imagine it, we saw it firsthand. But I get your point, it’s all so hard to believe.
Every clap of the standing ovation must have felt like further slaps to Chris Rock's face.
@@pattyo4703 agreed
That’s the people we admire, All those actors with sensible minds that are part of the film art industry. We, the public pay to see their work and follow their lives through magazines and entertainment news. We put that people in a pedestal sometimes thinking that they are role models we should aspire to be like. This behavior sets things on a different perspective. We should stop worshiping them because they are no better than us, they are fake, they are just puppets of the industry trying to act as a bunch of proud performers on a night where the Oscar organization sells the advertising industry in top dollars. STOP watching this ceremony.
I felt Wanda’s pain and almost cried as she told the story of her friend being assaulted.
"Why would Will Smith do something like this?" My take? I believe it ALL stems from his relationship with Jada. Abusive relationship? Absolutely. Toxic relationship? Absolutely. Things have been festering (boiling) under the surface in Will Smith for a long time and it was only a matter of time before that pent up anger burst forth in the form of violence. It is unfortunate that it was Chris Rock that was on the receiving end of that anger. The violence from Will Smith was not planned , it was spontaneous. Will did not have any clue where he was at (i.e. a very public Oscars) when he emotionally exploded. He was in the moment. Will's wife's very public infidelities' is humiliating for a husband. Add to that, the questions and jokes about their open marriage from everyone and the anger starts building inside Will Smith. This is my theory. Please note that I am not excusing Will Smith's behavior by any means. In order to truly heal from this, Will needs to separate/divorce Jada. That's my opinion.
The best thing that could come from this is a clean divorce from Jada. Maybe a good lawyer could argue the infidelity in a way that doesn’t sentence Will to indentured servitude to Jada for the rest of his life.
I hope he leaves her. She is horrible, selfish, and condescending and doesn’t even respect him as a fellow human being, much less a partner/spouse. In public she treats him like a naughty little boy (I’ve seen it in the red table talks).
What you said is true. Will is a willing participant. He did say, “Love makes you do crazy things.” He does love Jada. She took advantage of Will. Hey, he is the one in a relationship with her. It is up to him on what he wants to do.
I agree except I believe Will knew exactly where he was and what he was doing. AND I don’t think he’s done doing stupid stuff. I don’t think he feels any real remorse that’s just acting. He’ll be more remorseful as this effects his money tho lol.
@@gerriebell2128 she is a prime example of someone with NPD.
I have tremendous respect for Chris Rock. He is a champ! I'm glad to see his shows are selling out and that he's doing well.
I love Chris Rock! It's obvious he's a good man. His true class was proven by that narcissist loving crazy Will.
The only thing is is that he increased his ticket price after this incident which I thought that was kind of opportunistic on his part
@@user-dn1pj3db2k America is known for it capitalism. It's the right thing to do. Why allow other folks to capitalize and Chris don't benefit.
@@lynn7086 is definitely not the right thing to do, but price gouging and opportunistic profiteering is very American / capitalism
The saddest thing is... if Will could have tucked in his rage after the slap and not done the swearing, the way Chris pulled it off, everyone could have been on the shelf on whether it was staged or not. The rage in Will and the swearing... there is just no recovery from that.
Exactly! I think that what we saw is just another side to who Will Smith is. If a poor unknown person behaves like this that person would be described negatively as being ignorant n violent etc. BUT if you’re Will Smith there’s excuses for his behavior. No excuse is acceptable for his violent behavior toward Chris Rock. These are regular people too and there should be consequences for everyone’s actions. Jada gets off free( she thinks). This is all her. Will should know better. I can’t wait for someone to slap him in the face at an important public event in front of his peers and where he cannot defend himself.
Yeah, it could have been played off! But Will was having none of that. He wanted the world to know it wasn't a skit. He got what he wanted. Yikes.
I hope there can be. Smith doesn't deserve to lose his career over a stupid, stupid mistake that he then continued to handle incorrectly. I've felt the devil Denzel was speaking of, luckily my moments didn't occur on national TV.
I wish Smith would have behaved differently in so many ways...but he didn't. I think if he had been arrested for assault, this would have went over better publicly and he should have been. Rock's opinions on the matter don't dictate anything, although it was big of him to say he didn't want that.
Personally, I think Jada is absolute trash and has been embarrassing both Will and Black women for years. I have always wondered who has more on Smith--Jada or the Church of Scientology. As many have said, that wasn't a man defending his wife. That was a frightened, desperate man and someday we'll know why.
You're being very generous in your theories of why Jada was laughing. I would've thought it was for a slightly darker reason personally.
I agree with you a million percent. She's laughing because she doesn't give a crap about will's feelings: she never does in any conversation. She minimizes every single thing he says always 100%. So even this extreme outburst she's not going to acknowledge it; she's just going to laugh and carry on
I feel in the way she poses herself in general that she actually thinks she is like a goddess or something…like she’s the top of the food chain..
@@chantellebreen9816 Yes, she's narcissistic asf. I was married to a vulnerable narcissist, I know that arrogance, and lack of empathy like the back of my hand.
@@chantellebreen9816 yes Queen Jada. Haha. She has humiliated Will so many times. No wonder he’s a mess. So out of character for him. I’m still shocked.
@@chantellebreen9816 yes Queen Jada. Haha. She has humiliated Will so many times. No wonder he’s a mess. So out of character for him. I’m still shocked.
Out of everything I've seen, all the videos from all angles, the absolute strangest thing to me was her not looking at Will. When he started screaming, she never glanced his way. When he screamed the second time even louder and madder, still didn't reach over to comfort him, grab his hand, give him a comforting look, nothing. The whole audience was staring at him, his friends rushed to his side with words of wisdom and she just sat there, not even giving him a sideways glance. Very strange.
Maybe she was looking at Will with her eyes only. Idk if it was possible but I guess so.
@@filmeepico08 I mean after the slap. If you watch the video that just got released from behind. After he slapped Chris and walked off stage he sat back down. From the back view we can only see the backs of them. We know at this point he started screaming. If you watch her she never turns her head away from the stage view. She never turns to look at Will. He's sitting a good ways apart from her and further back. I just would've expected her (or anyone) to turn toward the screaming and cussing. A spouse I would think would've reached over to him. Put her hand on his knee, whisper in his ear, hug him, tell him to stop, anything. He was so mad he could've jumped back up for round 2. It just seemed odd for me that she seemed unfazed by it all. That's just my opinion though. Others may see it completely different.
No, sometimes, when the wife gives hem attention, the husband feels patronized and will make him more angry. So she sits still. Very still.
I can’t fight you on that one, I wholeheartedly agree with you, Jada seems more on focus and concern about her image than her husband, she never tried to reach out to him in that moment when he snapped and was angry, but she leaned back to give him a kiss after Will won the Oscar🤔🤨😏
That woman is the devil Denzel was talking about❗️
Jada clearly didn’t know what was happening and was likely trying to process everything. When you’re unsure of the situation you cling to the circumstances that you’re sure about. Jada was confident that she loves him, so therefore what was happening had to have a different explanation than what was really going on. Also, Jada is well versed in being in the public eye and on television. This, in my opinion, explains how she was not reactive towards Will. She’s trained when on camera to maintain composure.
My main concern is that while Will thought he was defending her, he was actually making the situation more problematic for her. Now the issue isn’t about how she was harmed (potentially by the joke) it’s now about him and Chris and how Chris was harmed. I applaud his instinct to “protect” her but this was not the was to do it. This is why men in general need to find a different way to defend and support the women in their lives. Violence does NOT make us feel safe and secure.
I agree with everything except for jadas analysis. I believe she genuinely laughed as a retaliation laugh. As the puppet master she knew exactly what was taking place.
@@sebastienmarvonhalen1166 you're blind if you don't see how Jada set Will up
She felt relieved of humiliation
Jada is eating it up. She loves it. She doesn't think about her husband's pain, humiliation, or consequences, and she doesn't care. That's why she doesn't even look at him again. She doesn't think there will be any consequences. She thinks she and Will are untouchable. She's Lady Macbeth. She's awful.
Jada knows that no way in hell would Will do a staged comedy routine with the hated Chris. She's laughing as she enjoys Chris humiliation.
I think she was giddy that Will’s big night was ruined. He’s been waiting decades for his Oscar moment, yet it all became about Jada, her hair or lack thereof & the slap.
Jada understood everything that was going on in that moment. from the laugh to the laughing after the incident. Her laughter was one of vindication, not confusion.
Thank you. How can you sit there aand watch your husband ruin his career like that?
you're acting like she did some evil villain laugh. we didnt see her face but it just seemed like a quick awkward laugh.
Laughter can often be a trauma response. I agree with Mr Bedros about how Jada comes across as self-absorbed here and more concerned with how this affects her than how this affects Will. I see her laughter as a way to protect herself.. a way for her to say "I don't really know what is going on" as opposed to her saying "I pushed my husband in to a corner where he could either punch Chris Rock or be blamed for not 'standing up for my honour.' I don't support anything he does unless and only for so long as it is for my benefit".
I feel like, if she was laughing because she felt 'vindicated' she might be leaning back and a bit more relaxed instead sitting up and moving around(back and forth) the way she is while laughing.
I'm thinking about the video from the commercial break when they show Denzel, Tyler , Bradley and Aunjanue comforted or supporting Will during his meltdown after he assaulted Chris. I don't remember seeing Jada offering Will support or comfort or doing anything to calm him down.
A manipulator knows how to limit the affection doled out to the person trying to please them.
Looking at Jada’s comments and conversations on other occasions, demonstrates that she’s a narcissist and that makes it much clearer. She’s the reason Will went from laughing at the joke to seeing his wife’s reaction and then changing his whole attitude. She’s the puppet master.
This makes me sad and I still can't believe it happened. I grew up watching WS, my son adores him it was sad to see his downfall and love CR - Jada never been a fan. I think CR was the class act here and a true gentleman and veteran.
I think if you watch the "interview" of Jada and Will around the red table talking about her "entanglement". you see an emotionless self justifying narcissist ( Jada ) and an emotionally damaged "actor". playing a part. If you watched Wills documentary promoting his new book we can see a man who is unhinged at times. I believe when Will heard Chris Rocks GI joke he heard it as it was meant, as silly Hollywood type joke and laughed. But then he saw Jada roll her eyes and he was triggered by her reaction and jumped to protect her. She is very much in control in this abusive relationship. Her actions have undermined his decades of achievement and touched on his unhealed past. The alopecia is a false red flag.....with her money she could buy an expensive wig that is so realistic people would not even notice. Her shaved head is to bring attention to herself. She wears it proudly like a crown of honour. This narcissist is totally ruling Hollywood at the moment.
I don’t think he got the joke initially and when it sank in he was upset. I know many who didn’t have a clue about the joke or who in the galaxy GI Jane was.
I agree! She proudly displays her shaved head.
I do believe this could be the case that Jada is a covert/malignant narcissist claiming to be a victim of earlier narcissistic abuse, while still herself having “entanglements” and being very thin skinned with Chris’ joke.
But what about Will? He’s acting narcissistic as well. Slapping people (he was done it before) and not apologizing to Chris at speech, instead trying to justify his action, saying he’s doing bad things in the name of love, he’s the victim the devil has come to and thinking about himself pledging to the academy to let him come back. Thoughts on that?
$$$$ Movie $$$ coming !!!
So true....she could wear a beautiful wig...as if she hadnt worn extensions in her life anyways..
She is using a "disease" for attention!!
Wow Denzel seems so heartbroken that this happened. I think he’s sad that Will did that to himself and probably sad about all the things he likely knows about Will’s personal life that may have driven him to break like that. He’s really sad for his friend.
Feels that way
I like your observation that you made!! I feel the EXACT SAME SAME WAY. I HIGHLY doubt that he agrees with his friends actions but he's definitely sad because of what's lead to this. I also think Will too Denzels words wrong. I dunno tho.
If I was Denzel, I would cringe at hearing him REPEAT what you allegedly said to an audience who witnessed a bully and arrogant brat strike a comedian who was mc at a live award ceremony in front of thousands.OMG CRINGE..
@@AnaisKarim you don't seem to understand comedy, they aren't trying to trip them up. And no one go after Denzels wife because in this context that's what she is. Jada fancies herself an actress and lobes attention, she is fair game like any other actress there. That was a soft joke.
@@birdie5507 maybe you’re right. For me, I kind of took Will repeating what Denzel said as kind of an admission to caving to his darker self/impulses and thereby admitting that he was wrong. Will was really emotional. I bet he was just doing his best to get through that speech.
it would be interesting to see an analysis of Jada's Red Table Talk, especially the one with Will talking about her cheating.
I'm not a body language expert but she seems a very toxic woman
Completely agree and he looks like an emasculated man.
Look up "The Body Language Guy" here on RUclips. He has a few zingers including the Red Table Talk.
@@devaughnsalter6264 don’t give to much credit to “body language Analysis” if it was 100% then why isn’t these guys playing poker? And apply their “ body Analysis” lol.
Yes, please do an analysis of her Red Table Talk. I think she didn't even look back at Will after he slapped Chris to check if he's ok or what because she just doesn't really care for him anymore. So I think her focus is more on herself... Maybe because she knows this incident will also backlash on her.
@@calijs9420 this dude literally says in this video that he uses his skills in his gig as an award-winning mentalist, which takes way more knowledge of body language than poker. you ever seen a mentalist work? it's mind-blowing. why would poker be a better use for their skills? because money?
Knowledge is knowing Will is in the wrong. Wisdom is knowing Jada is a monster
Ok creepy Donald
She does not give 2 Cents about anything...what a suprise
Yap got it right.. on two meant one 👍🤦🤦
Oh please. She's NOT.
Denzel is like: Oh so you remember what I told you, but you still chose to make a fool of yourself.
I think he also show angered. Stone cold look. Probably thinking “he made a fool of himself and he won an Oscar”. Angry because he ruined the night not only for Himself but everybody who won. Did anybody know that the Oscar was produced by an African American for the first time? No. The shit Will complained about a few years ago. Or that an Afro Latina won her first Oscar? Of course not. This was all about Jada.
I wonder whether you and others have misinterpreted events? I took it (because Will basically says that D had 'just' warned him) that Denzel said the devil thing after the slap, in the period before Will got an award, and in my view he was trying to console him. But whether it was consolation or warning it came too late, and Will just repeated D's words as a kind-of excuse for his own innapropriate actions, which possibly angered Denzel very slightly, even if he was actually feeling sorry for his friend over the whole debacle.
@@soots-stayingoutofthespotl5495 You're probably right. Few minutes ago could be before or after the event happened.
Denzel told him that after the incident; not before.
Now you guys have me thinking how Will Smith might have been like: And you're just telling me this now?
To me Denzel looks like he’s giving him a look of disapproval.
I got that too. Like this is fucked up, he's happy for what he's achieved but also knows he's messed it up
I imagine Denzel Washington is thinking "You f...ked up really badly dude, now I will watch what you are saying now, be careful or I can stop supporting you on, and believe me it's not what you want dude..."
Exactly, I see anger and disgust.
I see disappointment in Denzel’s face.
Seen his mole sabotage it all
In his on-stage apology, Will did something that narcissists do..called triangulation. Where he tried to make it seem as if other persons took his side. Even though they hadn't even expressed an opinion. He did this by saying Aunjanue, Sidney and Saniyya needed protection. He even suggested that Richard Williams himself, would have done the same thing, because he did it for his daughters.
I love your explanation of yourself. As well as breaking down this stuff. Fascinating. Always been fascinated by people like yourself understanding people. Like Derren Brown in the UK. Good stuff.
Agreed. He also manipulated Denzel's words to make it seem as if Denzel was siding with him.
This is a great breakdown.
@@ibestrokin Yep!!!
Not true many Black Men felt Chris should’ve been checked previously. Where and when is a slightly different story.
Jada's post slap body language is very consistent with someone savoring or enjoying what they just witnessed. It isn't nervous laughter. It's relishment. Like the laughter and body language observed in pet owners and parents after the pet or child performs an encouraged action. The stiff tense language as Chris continues his opening is projecting anticipation of what will occur next,and her avoidance of looking at Will is observed in any groups where encouragement of a proscribed action has occurred among the group,or duo when anticipating consequences or facing authority afterward.
SPOT ON, exactly. She relished it. She was laughing at Chris Rock and her husband too.
I believe Jada has always felt in the shadow of Will Smith since their relationship started and especially after marriage. She's got an inferiority complex, possibly jealousy of Will and is attempting to gain the limelight however detrimental that might be. That seems typical behavior of jealousy, which we've probably all seen in our own lives (think Scar in Lion King).
And then at the red table she goes like: I hope these two will heal and find a way to make peace or smth. I mean, not like “I’m really sorry for everything, it’s awful”. No, I hope they (they) will make peace, I have nothing to do with it
It definitely looked like she enjoyed the fact that she had that kind of power 1000%.
Will did this by himself. He just wanted to strike back for all the memes he’s been in. Sadly this made him an even bigger meme. Also putting his career on the line.
his career is over mate. It was only not over just before now because the industry cast him in a vitally important black role. If he'd have played any one of his other portrayals the last decade or longer, he wouldn't have even been invited to the event. He turned into a meme a long time ago, and once you lose peoples respect it doesn't magically come back. His career is as dead as disco.
This is not about the memes about him ...he was standing up for his wife ,I would have done the same thing for someone I love ,people should learn to think before speaking you can’t joke about everything imagine you are HIV positive and someone jokes about that??? This is way too personal .You all don’t think about Jada’s feelings 🤨
@@yanelisakokoba4541 so, the only way to stand up for your loved ones is violence? Y’all have zero sense and no self control.
@@triumphant5345 zero sense?🤨wow sometimes speaking to someone is not always the solution,and don’t act innocent even you don’t always want to maintain peace in everything.
@@triumphant5345 and also if Chris wanted no violence he wouldn’t have made this joke ,he provoked him and Jada .
I feel like Denzel's biggest tell what what he said. "At your highest moment, be careful,, thats when the Devil comes for you." Most, including I think Will, assume this means people come to mock, tear down, but the devil, to someone like Denzel, is introspective. The devil comes from within. When you are at your highest, that is when the devil tempts you. The snake didn't give Eve the apple of knowledge, he merely pointed it out. The slap was the evil that got Will.
Jada is literally the serpent that tempted eve, which is Will, to bite the apple.
Thank you for affirming my thoughts on Denzel’s body language. If he had really agreed with how Will Smith interpreted his advise, he would have been nodding and smiling at him to show his agreement… but he didn’t.
Yes, he seemed uneasy about what Will was saying, the way he was chewing on that gum. I also don't think he expected Will to repeat what he'd said.
Denzel is definitely a lovely kind guy. Everything went out of control afterwards and he reminded everyone that there’s something really wrong with Will. We all just get caught up in gossip and drama, he kept it real.
I think you’re right. A caring man who’s witnesses a friends self destructive meltdown. It is quite sad.
I agreed with this too. Especially when he couldn't do anything to help.
@@hectorcristerna3720 spill the beans
A caring man would've checked if the person assualted is also ok
@@hectorcristerna3720 OK so give a clue what happen. No one will believe u anyway so you can say "allegedly" before saying anything
Denzel had that "don't drag me into this " look on his face. That was my take on it.
Denzel and Tyler Perry dragged themselves into when they tried to calm him down!
I agree with professor grandpa.
Agree! The look also could’ve meant…’It’s too late dude….sadly, the devil has already gotcha’
He was looking like "dude, don't be telling everybody what I said! That was between me and you!"
Jada's laugh tells me she was laughing at the fact that he just got humiliated. She reeks of toxicity
I agree... It's a shame and I have a feeling this whole thing won't end well for him. She's such a nightmare.
And she just showed everyone who she is.
She was laughing because Chris Rock got smacked it's that simple you guys don't have a clue what you're talking about don't be speaking on things when you don't know what you're talking about do you hear me
DUDE!!!! Im so stoked that I found thuis channel. You're tremendous.
Denzel looked more like a dissappointed parent to me more than him grieving. My dad looked at me the same way when he had to come get me from school when I got suspended for fighting one time. When we left he uttered the soul crushing I'm not mad I'm just disappointed in you.
Disappointment in the moment is a feeling, and you are not responsible for how your father feels.
Denzel seemed saddened, that the aftermath was inevitable. The results are Will Smith destroyed his own personal and professional life.
Yup agree, more like disappointed.
I agree with you 100%
It's a look of sadness, grief and disappointment all combined. The eyes tell you everything.
Thank you for being respectful on this issue. There are a handful of your peers making fun of what is a very serious situation with very serious repercussions. You're a class act. 👍
Looks like Denzel was fighting back tears.
I bet he was heart broken for everybody
I like your openness to dissenting viewpoints and taking the time to explain why you maintain your POV. You’re a pro.
As a black man, my reaction was "this is not reaffirmation I want to present to the world". They are human, but there are better ways to handle yourself. I wasn't there in that moment, but I hope I do better when I am.
Of course you will, just your reflecting on it shows that.
Yes! Even Will Smith is not allowed to give Chris a smack. And I think Denzel is thinking the same and does not nod to agree in the speech of W. smith
Nope. Denzel was looking at him with pity thinking “ my son my son what have you done “ He seems emotional but not because of Will’s speech but because of the overwhelming emotion seeing one of his friend assaulting the other one in front of millions. It’s a tragedy for everyone.
I totally agree
Will Simth is the T.Rajendran of Hollywood.
Agree, he seems really desapointed
I’m an ICU nurse so I count a lot of respirations at work (lol that sounds weird?), and right off the bat I noticed that Denzel and Ingenue are both breathing rapidly as well (I’d guess 20-30 resps/minute, which is abnormal and shows that they are likely in distress.
I like that you point out the different mode of breathing too where the accessory muscles of the shoulder and neck are employed, that’s also something we look for and it is a very good indication of physical or emotional distress.
I’m a RT and I count 18
It’s great that you point out that emotional distress can and does cause a physical response. It can also cause psychological trauma. Both Chris and Will were wrong and both of their actions will cause physical and psychological trauma respectively.
Will also laughed as he walked away.
@@mw6070 he smiled triumphantly. He felt that he had put Chris in his place. Some of the stress from the humiliation he had been thru was released. His later angry shouting was in no way comedic .
He's not Jimmy Kimmel and he's not Matt Damon.
@@mw6070 I think it was a smirk, not a laugh. You'll have to look up the difference.
Denzel Washington be like : Keep your mouth out of my fucking name
Denzel was probably thinking, “Yeah, but I didn't tell you to go slap Chris Rock though!”
He talked to him after the slap
Or "yeah but i didnt tell u to say on stage what i told u in a private conversation mf"
I also personally felt like Denzel Washington was embarrassed and he was doing the best job he could saying as little as he could and reacting as little as he could because he knew all eyes were on him. I really don’t think that he wanted any of this drama and he got stuck in between it without his control or consent
That’s what I saw as well like: “why are you saying my name, be careful, why are you dragging me into this.”
It was so disgusting and pathetic of Will Smith to invoke Denzel like that in his speech. His reaction to Will’s “devil” statement said it all, like “Man, why are you putting *my* name in your mouth right now?”
@@tajcee yh only for Denzel to reiterate what he said to will, today in an interview with Td jakes. So if he was embarrassed by will saying it, then he wouldn’t have repeated it yesterday in an interview
Denzel's a known legend.
@@chi8772 it’s the elephant in the room.”
She didn't react cause she didn't care about her husband's emotions. She didn't even feel like she transgressed him when she cheated! Go watch the video of when she tried to justify her behavior and bring him along with her! It's all unjust
true i just watched it and was shocked
They were separated. He was dating around too.
They have a very unhealthy alliance.
She didn't cheat, they were separated when she had her 'entanglement' with August
She doesn’t care about Wills feeling. I could understand her behavior if he had been mean to her during that period if he had abused her physically or mentally but she was just unhappy and want another man. He was hurt and he wouldn’t been that hurt if he had done things to her if he’s not a narcissist too and never take responsibility for his abuse.
The thing was that she want to smear it into his face about August and that was hurtful.
you are amazing how you break this down, and tell the truth about what's happening. very genuine and honest.
Jada was 100% smiling in comfort when Will shouted at Chris. She enjoyed it.
She sure did.
She is so toxic, her body language probably instigated the whole thing
I keep saying it, she is indeed a sneaky wicked covert narcissistic personality type, and it amazes me how some of these folks are taking up for her. She succeeded in making him look like a complete fool, when in his mind he was finally showing his manhood and taking up for his wife. What Will did was wrong, because he used emotion over wisdom, but Jada knew that it was the biggest night of his life, but she had to find a way to shift the focus on little ole her. She's extremely crafty and cunning. It seems as if those of us with enough sense, or experience dealing with her type, can actually see through the subtle motive of these types of individuals.
@@k.s.alexander9427 I like your words here! Very interesting and agreeable for sure.
"It seems as if those of us with enough sense, or experience dealing with her type, can actually see through the subtle motive of these types of individuals."
- yes, totally!! reminds me of the Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp -case. Where she, on recorded audio, says stuff like:
Amber: "You have to fight for me! Like, if I punch you in the face with a closed fist, you should too!"
Johnny: "So, what you're saying is that I have to fight you to make you love me?"
Amber: "No, I just want you to fight for me... With me!"
Everyone Else: "??!??!!"
(Obviously, I'm not quoting the recordings word for word, but you get my point)
Denzel was pissed and disappointed. It wasn’t sadness alone, it was pity as well.
Also when Will went up to accept his Oscar, people stood up and clapped in “pity” they felt sorry for him.
You know what I never thought about it that way pity because he's been dragged like a dog and he's such a good person or as good as hellywood will allow
Pity for the aggressor? Wow!
@@PapaEli-pz8ff While I don't necessarily agree with the OP pity can be in multiple contexts. "(noun) 1. the feeling of sorrow or compassion caused by the suffering of others. 2. a cause for regret or disappointment. (verb) to feel sorrow for the misfortunes of." I personally believe that the reason for the standing ovation is that they are entertainers and the one thing all entertainers know: the show must go on. Exactly like Chris Rock. I'm not sure I'd go so far as a standing ovation but crowds are like sheep, where the flock goes so do the rest.
Yes, I can see that. I think they felt pity for him for the future that he is experiencing now. So, might as well give him his applause now.
@@sugahoney89 the standing ovation was a farewell applause. Jmo
The lack of reaction to Will from Jada really caught me. If my spouse had just done something like that, I'd be locked on them, especially if it was totally out of character for them.
Exactly. She didn't try to calm him down or anything.
you are able to connect and form a relationship with your viewers like _NO OTHER_ RUclipsr I've come across ♥️
All I can say with Jada laughing her backside off while poor Will is flushing his career down the pan - is that I hope she's happy with herself. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but this video has really just shown how toxic she is
I'm not sure she is. Will Smith doesn't look like a man who has endured 25 years of a toxic person. Fact is that two decent people can create a toxic relationship. She doesn't need to be a demon to hurt him, just normal resentment does that.
How toxic she is? I am not a Jada fan at all but this is just grasping at straws. No court will admit this as evidence of how toxic she is.
toxic femininity
@@Uouttooo She let’s other men inside of her and thinks it’s ok and shouldn’t affect Will. If that’s not toxic idk what is.
Will has enough money to end his career so he doesn’t care at this point.
I too thought it may be a stunt, at first. But once Will started yelling, swearing, I knew it was real. There is no way Will Smith would agree to such a set up. It's the Academy Awards. The most prestigious award movie actors can receive. Then his representation of the black community, in which the Academy had been criticized for lacking over the last few years. Will apparently lost his mind and threw it all away, he will never live this down.
I think Will reacted too quickly....a primal instinct took over he was protecting his wife. No matter what anyone thinks of his relationship with his wife I believe he felt he was protecting her . I know both men are good men but, maybe Chris will rethink his remarks and I'm sure Will feels badly as referred to by good friend Denzel. We all make mistakes we are all human and ther is always room for forgiveness and redemption.
Most people are forgiving especially if they have knowledge of how narcissistic and controlling Jada is. Will has a way to go before he sees how Jada has controlled him and led him to this moment. If he leaves her he will be redeemed in every ones eyes including himself.
@@lynnerohodes7884 Chris Rock's profession is comedy at the expense of whoever is present. It's impromptu. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Javier Bardem took it like a champ.
@@lynnerohodes7884 he physically attacked someone. No excuses.
Love your analyses! I believe, from her front position, Jada KNEW it wasn’t a stunt smack & she actually laughs that Will assaulted Chris.
As always, you were informative and classy. Love your analysis. ❤️
Thanks 😊
This is so refreshing. Analysing human beings based on their emotions and body language instead of antagonizing and protagonising and looking at everything in 1's and 0's
Smart 👌🏽👍🏽
I as a standup comedian have seen this happen in real life. The whole audience is of the thought that, "If you can't take a joke then don't come to a comedy show." As a standup you know that the stage is your domain. Standups don't share the stage with anyone unless you are a duo. In most cases a standup will defend himself when an unknown audience member comes up on our stage. I've seen a standup take up the mic stand to block or swing the mic stand to defend himself from this unknown audience member. Chris should've taken one of his legs back & raised the left hand to block the slap. The reason why he stood there is because he had a level of trust & a familiar attitude towards Will Smith.
Also notice when Will Smith yelled from his seat to "leave my wife's name out of your f@#$%^&*K mouth" Chris wanted to diffuse the situation to assure that he will comply to calm Will Smith down. Chris is on stage trying to regain composure & hold on until the commercial break. He was SHOCKED when he said, "WOW" His mind is trying to improv & trying not to have any silence lapse so he blurted out, "Greatest moment in..."
This is what happens when we comedians improv & "play" with the audience. We take chances & risks in order to elicit laughter. Usually audiences "go with the flow". When audience members are made fun of by the standup & everyone keeps laughing at each other, the audience is there to have a "good time" Then when the only person who is offended 'charges" the comedian, then there is something wrong with that individual. Usually the fight is broken up & the cops are called & the cops usually ask the comedian if he wants to file any charges. At the end of the night the aggressor is subdued & taken out in handcuffs. That didn't happen since Will Smith is a celebrity. Just a few thoughts as a standup comedian.
Awesome analogy
The thing is, the Oscar's isn't a comedy club and Chris Rock was presenting for the best documentary of the year.
You’re a stand up comedian? Can you write? Write me a script.
@@Omni1G Exactly
Thanks for the perspective, I’ve been curious how other comedians would react to this.
What I cannot understand is why we see the Hollywood celebrities trying to comfort and console Will Smith, but NO ONE of the celebrities seemed to even check and see if Chris Rock needed medical help, emotional support or any other indication of kindness or sympathy towards the guy that was the victim of violence. Why didn't anyone care enough to approach Chris Rock?? My heart broke for him because in the years of seeing Chris, he always seemed like a very intelligent and kind person who would not intentionally hurt anyone. Just as I knew nothing about Jada's balding issues, I am sure he knew nothing about it. She is not the center of my universe and I don't follow her show or whatever. Will's speech was terrible, trying to blame anyone or anything thing but himself for his behavior. It was just sick and the audience and the Academy's failure to help Chris Rock just floored me.
Exactly! they all ran to the aggressor instead of the victim, very disappointed in Denzel & the others
FACTS. Everyone's giving Denzel all this love. I think he's great just like the next guy, but who went back to check on Rock?🤷🏾♂️
Same! So sad! Poor Chris!
I had never thought of it that way, but you are absolutely right!
It was obvious Chris didn't need medical attention or saving. He took it like a man and acted like a true professional.
I need to express that this video is as enlightening as the first one. Excellent neutral / professional analysis! I wish to make a global observation regarding the analyst's mode of exposure and not directed precisely to these two videos.
It is extremely rare to encounter neutral / composed analysis regarding critical events in our society nowadays. I would say it is almost impossible to experience one as most of us in our society direct our opinions and live our lives driven by our own individual biases. This been said, congratulations on two illustrative unbiased dissertations! I mean it.
Please, continue educating people based on your vast knowledge of your field and please, continue doing it in the same manner.
It is this type of demeanor which truly defines which educators solidity and genuineness.
PS; I do not go around gifting (everyone) with complements as this one. I rarely find the reasons to elevate anyone's desires to illuminate others due to their honest display. Do not ever modify this quality, please. Bravo for you!
Thanks so much 😊 glad you enjoyed It
It's been almost a week since this happened. Will has apologized & resigned from AMPAS. If someone still believes this was faked, they are incredibly misinformed or intellectually impaired in some other way.
Definitely impaired. It's the conspiracy theorist mindset. People who feel superior by being mindlessly contrarian.
Right its no joke. Because Will had a lot to lose. Why fake it and Chris wins out of it....but Will loses?
Agreed. And for people to think that it was faked, meaning both parties agreed to it ahead of time, but that Chris would now just sit back and let Will take the fall, is crazy to me. If it was faked, both of them, especially Chris, would have come forward and said so by now.
Best April fools joke ever...
Not really. As you say, it's obvious he has taken a multi million dollar hit to his income Smith's mask as confident , funny, cool guy is shattered.
And neither Chris nor Smith have said it was a joke.
And this is how we are duped. How could any observant person think it was fake.
To me Denzel was looking at him like… I tried to warn you and YOU FAILED. You didn’t take heed. You listened but you didn’t hear me. Don’t thank me now. Jadas reaction leaning forward laughing like that was “ha haaaaaa that’s what you get”. She didn’t even look at or acknowledge Will as he sat down because she cared more about Chris being embarrassed/humiliated and her amusement by it. She’s never been “concerned” about Will lol
Win win for her could even say divorce then look video he has uncontroled outbursts but this is first time in public..the pull.the pity pot of its been years for me ...then she gets more thsn hall of his stuff$
KontryBoy706 I think you're right mostly. I saw something in Denzel's eyes, like some sadness. OR concern if Will took any of his words out context...who knows... I never really saw Jada after the slap until this video, But she did look like she laughted and then was just straight-edged/straight-laced like she she separated herself from Will after the incident. Like that's ON HIM, not me.
Now this is true!!
Jada is a bully and Will is spineless. She has beaten him into submission with her domineering personality and eccentricities. Anyone who has followed their relationship and its impact on Will over the last 25 years can attest to this.
I feel like Jada likes to humiliate will. Look at the interview where she talks about cheating on him
@@laraserendipity1424 She wants to know how much she can get away with because she knows he’s afraid of her
exactly...what WS did to CR was totally wrong but no one asks WHY he is behaving the way he is...
Didn’t Chris bully Jada by pointing out her medical condition in front of the world for a laugh?
@@MelMonroeShow Did he point out "her medical condition" or "her bald head"? Saying the former implies malicious intent while the latter is stating an observable fact. Since Chris is a comedian, makes sense that his jokes would be based on observable facts.
DAMN there is not one video of yours which does not impress me, you are made for this job ! Even me who knows nothing learns so much here I really hate subscribing channels but yours is a must.
Keep up this great work pls!
Chris Rock will be forever be respected for keeping his cool.
it was fake
I never liked his jokes.
I love Rock. He is one of my favorite actors in his old movies.
Love how thorough and factual you are. No clickbait just interesting human analysis xxx love it
When people state fact (professional or otherwise) and then use other bits of information to weaken that fact, are people who follow social norms regardless if those social norms are moral or not.
if He is thorough then why did he leave out the fact that Pfizer was the sponsor of the Academy's?
They are about to release a hair drug treatment for alopecia....
BOTH Smith and Chris Rock are friends and both sell out for money and fame
Wait what ?
@@werightnow He's a body language expert. That's what he's commenting on. I'm unsure if any of her body language states what you just wrote about?
@@ctrldelete1763 who are you commenting on?
Denzel told that to him as a genuine advice to a person. Will made it into a "me" thing where he is fighting the "devil" in a journey. Will talking about him being a work in progress and him slapping chris doesnt reflect the man he wants to become, talking like hes some college graduate, hes 50+ years old, did it before, still doing it now. I hope people see through his BS.
His also advertising - oh look, I have support, I have friends, his on *my* side of this
Did what before?? Smack down?
@@riccardocarbo2479 smith already slapped somebody in late 80s
@@imaginehydreigons5377 …looks like he’s a slapper. I totally agree. Everything he did was self-serving. He needs psychological support beyond friends. Such a shame a guy who has so much talent money and freedom and even freedom to be more violent than the average American, that he has to be so upset over something he could have just laughed off. He’s acting like a teenager who can’t control himself even at a formal gathering.
@@riccardocarbo2479 if you truly want to know a man, give him power
I have a huge amount of respect for keeping things going after that horrific event.
I hope things settle down for him as far as this. I'm sure he's tired of it.
Great explanation but it’s really important to not conflate a “slap” with a “punch.”
• Denzel, the proof is in his eyes. Tears were pooled in his eyes and he was crying.
• Aunjanue Ellis furrowed brows shows extreme anxiety and nervousness. The heavy, fast breathing looks like she’s hyperventilating. On the red carpet, her eyebrows furrow as she’s bracing herself to hear the interviewer’s comment...which tends to happen when someone is nervous in anticipation of the words that follows. Aunjanue Ellis, while not new to Hollywood, is new to receiving all of these accolades. I think she’s always a bit on edge when someone compliments her because she’s not use to it. It’s basically, a sign of low self esteem.
• Chris Rock...I think the main takeaway from him leaning forward is, that his body is receptive to Will. Which is a key sign he was not prepared or expecting to be slapped. Typically, if someone is prepared to be hit, they go into a defensive body stance. He did not do that, which leads me to realize he wasn’t prepared for what happened.
If it wasn't for the slap I wouldn't have known the Oscar's was on that night.
Lol right
🤣🤣🤣🤣 RIGHT!!! If it wasn't for WIll we all would've forgotten chris' ok/mild joke right after he said it.
Same. Or that they had 3 hostess. Or that Guy had an after party… or that there is a guy named Guy who throws Oscar after parties….
They finally got their "act together" and made a new pseudo science of body language as improve
It seemed Denzel was annoyed that their private conversation was broadcasted in his speech.
My thoughts about Jada is that she’s a Narcissist, hence no empathy to the man she’s supposed to love, just concerned about her image and enjoying the bad guy was being punished for making her look bad. Will has been manipulated for so long from her that he had to defend her or else suffer the consequence (she cheating on him again or hurting him again). Will’s behavior was just not natural on him, to me that’s a big red flag of him being emotionally abused /manipulated.
In this world, we have a face for the world and a face in private. I hope Will Smith can overcome all of this, all problems is mounting on him. Good thing he wins an Oscar. Hope it wont come to mental breakdown. Their child should in console and supportfor their father.
100% right on all counts
Spot on
Her lack of empathy is especially evident in their red table talk clips. She looks like she relishes where she has put will and he looks like he's holding back tears
👍👌She is the snake
Jadas laugh was exactly like that of a person who has let her dog loose on another person and the dog has done its job of mauling that person. It's a "How do you like that now ?" laugh.
Her son said this is how we do it. Disgusting!
When I saw her laugh as opposed to show concern, it was then I realized that she is a cold, cold woman. I know people have been saying it for years but wow... Ice queen.
@@karenkollects9277 He only said that to deceive himself, he knows what his Dad did was unacceptable. I doubt Jaden would act like Will did if it was him.
@@sanmio6886 Jaden is even lower IQ than his dad, he barely has self awareness.
Exactly ! 100%😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓👌
Jada has several narcissistic traits. Her body language is consistent with those traits. As the room is appalled she seems very satisfying and even comfortable in the chaos.
agreed. facts no kizzy
Everyone laughed at first because no one knew what was going on. You wish you could be Jada!
@@AleySoundz i like my hair. no thank you
They're both toxic
you said it perfectly!
Jada’s response reminds me of a line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. “The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.” She appears to be the person who controls their marriage.
Nobody controls a marriage unless one person have authority due to financial control, social control, or psychological control. There is no reason for Will to give up power for any of the 3.
There are 2 adults going along together in that marriage. It's like 2 hands and 2 arms. They agreed to it.
You're ridiculous. Talking as if she held his hand to the moment he slapped Chris
Oh wow,! That exact comment came out of the mouth of a Jezebel pastor's wife.
I ❤the body language on Trump's shooting & the lady who was acting off in her behavior. I hope they interview that lady.
Holy ! Spidey is having the best time of his life! First your magic trick A.b.see being a huge success(I love that trick) and now your other channel blowing up! You deserve this man, a huge fan since day 1!
As for Chris leaning forward to Will as he approached...it wasn't about the lights...this is the posture of someone welcoming another to his space. Imagine the heartache Chris felt after the hit rather than sharing in a, what he certainly assumed was a spontaneous "bit" together, by someone he had respect for. And left up there to handle it alone. Hard stuff.
*By far a better explanation than the lights (when Chris reacts to Jada's reaction) and infinitely better the "he thought he was going to whisper something to him"*
The fact that Jada didn't look over at Will when he came back to his seat was the most chilling.
I didn't even think about that. Totally agree
because Jada was smirking at Chris because she'd just sent her personal bitch boy to shut his ass up
She set her dog on chris and still showed him no good boy vibes
Like you were there lol 😂😂
I'm very proud of how Chris kept his composer and at the same time I felt the pain of his embarrassment when I look at his eyes. 🥺
But he has become a hero, and IMO rightfully so.
Proud? What do you have to do with his reaction at all? And how can you validate being composed after uttering an abusive joke? He was at the wrong too here.
Just recently was shown a video from a few yrs ago with this EXACT senerio...right down to the words " keep my wife's name out of your mouth said .... EXACTLY THE SAME . Look it up... rehearsed and staged...
@@janetbusch6517 Can you remember who it was? When and where it happened? Do you have a link? Because without any specific info, how could someone search for it?
I like John Williams. He’s a good composer.
If anything can come from this situation, I hope the outpouring support for Chris Rock continues.
Chris didn't deserve this, especially from that extremely mild joke. Chris could have said a way more offensive joke, and could have made another joke after the fact..all he showed, was pure class.
Go purchase some Chris Rock stand up shows, buy tickets to one of his shows if you can.
I hope Will can sit down with Chris one day and have a real apology moment with him and they can both resolve this and move forward.
Will tried to bring Denzel into this mess & that’s not cool ! I find that a little manipulative too he’s trying to put people on his side
He blamed God, love, responsibility and Chris. He blamed everyone everything but himself.
It’s what narcissists do.
The fact that she didn’t say anything to the man that just “defended”, she just laughed…..
She's be confirmed a narcissist and a bully. Also she lied about her alopecia. Look carefully at her hair. She's got it all, no patches. It's been shaved. She controls him. But I'm not condoning his behaviour.
Utterly cold. Poor Will.
Toxic femininity. Will is shamefully PW'd.
@@stephenhosking7384 poor Will ... Lol ????
Shoutout Rock for really holdin it down... Imagine all the decisions he had to make in 2.5 seconds...
I can't tell you enough how helpful this has been to me. When I am in psychotherapy, I often look away from my therapist. Later, I second guessed myself, even asking if my not making eye contact was evidence of a ruse. I've been assured that it is not. It is searching memory. So thank you Spidey. Thank you.
My first impression of Denzel's demeanor was a sense of profound sadness and an extreme intensity of emotion. It seemed he was summoning everything he had to maintain a 'poker face' in an attempt at privacy (which he didn't have) in a situation of high scrutiny. It also seemed to me he was putting himself in a kind of preservation mode by keeping very, very still -- trying not to show anything to the prying eyes and cameras on him. The gum chewing further backs up my impression of this: it was giving his face something to keep it busy, to divert attention so the vulnerability from his profound emotions weren't so noticeable.
My heart broke for him. Especially since Will seems to have taken the wrong meaning from his words of wisdom: beware your inner demons.
Thank you for all these amazing, informative clips! I just discovered them this week and have been binging them. And yes, *of course* I subscribed!
WOW people are clueless about so many things. THE SLAP WAS STAGED AND FAKE.
@@raymilland3413 which part was staged and why?
@Crystal Stanley - you have absolutely no idea what Denzel meant by ''demons" as you (nor I) was privy to the conversation. I thought Denzel meant at your highest moment that is when contrary spirits (demons) try to sabotage your efforts. That's my 'opinion' on that.
How do you know that he wasn’t just sad because he lost?🤷🏻♀️
I hope Will isn’t left alone for any amount of time for the next couple of weeks while his world is crumbling around him. Dude needs some serious help. He’s got some ish going on in his head/heart that has nothing to do with CR.
Will is a naracist. They don't usually hurt themselves but they do hurt others plenty.
Really? Do you know him in person? It's always funny seeing people judging over others.
Don't be mad, just look on each side of the coin before making an opinion on someone or something.
Have a nice day :)
@@hippydippychick752 I don't think Will Smith is a narcissist, then he wouldn't have apologized on his own or resigned from the Oscars membership. Of course, in the latter case it is also possible that he was asked to leave.
@@hippydippychick752 Will is not a narcissist. Alot of people are just totally shocked because Will Smith is known to be a nice guy, humbled at best always looked out for his family and friends. No matter what country he was in, he always gave praises to his fans for giving him so much love and support. Was that the real Will Smith or his clone?
From your analysis the most concerning response is Jada’s. To not check in with her husband after him standing for her is absurd and very telling.
It's very telling indeed... Will breaks down and nobody but her and her children know how he is when he is this agitated. It could be the best thing she did in that moment to NOT provoke him any further.
She doesn't care for him. Not a pat on the knee not a rub of his back nothing. Just cold. He stay getting embarrassed behind her. Just leave Will. Your kids are grown now. What's the point now. She doesn't love him. She's just not into him
I know this was for educational purposes, but when he started going over Wanda Sykes's body language, I laughed out loud. Wanda ALWAYS speaks truth.
Heya Spidey. Looking at Jada's reactions, it occurs to me that she's running a game here. She manipulated Will into a situation to see what happened, and she got a reaction greater than she thought. And from what we've seen just in the public eye, i would say she's a manipulator. This isn't uncommon for her. A wife who cares about her husband would put a hand on him, try to calm him. Maybe even before he went up there so he didn't jeopardize his career. And the laugh....and I think it was a laugh, might've been covering, but I get the feeling it was pretty genuine. Hard to tell from the back, but I think she was delighted at the response, then quickly went into the scripted mode you discussed to cover for that. The behviors change really quickly there. Makes me suspicious. And Will.....it really looks like he's in emoional turmoil. He looks like a man that needs an honest friend. He looks fragile to me. And I think Denzel sees that, too. It's horrible to see a man broken down that far. Just my random thoughts, upon some reflection.
Right let's find a way to blame the woman , nothing new here.
Don't pity any of them. They don't deserve pity.
In two years from now we will have another depp heard thing. Will jada
@@qtpwqt I agree completely she is a manipulator. Not even one hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Zero acknowledgement of her husband. He also does not look to her. Nothing indicating a loving couple.
But Will Smith is 100% responsible for his own actions. He chose to commit an assault to defend the honor of a person without honor. His choice entirely.
The Truth about Jada Pinkett Smith hair loss | Alopecia Areata Explained👇
I can say that Will was aware about his winning as best actor, that's why Denzel said what he said to him.
Regarding the sadness in the face of Will's friends, simply because they are observing the end of their friend's career.
@@The_Muffin_Man this is time, the insult to the academy.... They will never forget that.
I have to wonder if Denzel genuinely meant Jada when he said “…the devil comes for you.”
Good one!!
He's talking about a spiritual dark force NOT a person.
@@jeaninecochran3150 The poster is making a joke.
I have read that Jada had had a fling with Chris too.
That would give another explanation for the slap and JPS reaction.
Great admirer of your work Spidey.
Keeping your composure after being humiliated on live for the world to see…like that
Chris Rock’s mental strength is solid.
Same comment above - exactly the same
No this is an original comment
Ironic, the treatment Chris received as a child; he’s now giving out in his comedy. Reaping and sowing!
did u… just copy someone else’s comment lol
@@cellotron4758 no this is an original comment