Food Games (PART 1) - JonTron

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 26 тыс.

  • @lawrencebrooks420
    @lawrencebrooks420 4 года назад +4418

    “Grimbo lives another day” is something I’ve been saying in my daily life for years now.

    • @brucemichaelwentworth3857
      @brucemichaelwentworth3857 3 года назад +28


    • @mevicky100
      @mevicky100 3 года назад +64

      My SO and I do this too! “Bring me a snack! Vicky is HONGRY!”

    • @liquidmustard9925
      @liquidmustard9925 3 года назад +9


    • @dimbusjenkins
      @dimbusjenkins 3 года назад +18

      I know right because I've been saying it for YEEEEEARS now and nobody listens to me

    • @DangerDan64
      @DangerDan64 3 года назад +17

      That's what most oldest siblings say to their younger ones when they are obedient.

  • @dystopyxrose
    @dystopyxrose 4 года назад +10669

    JonTron: I don’t trust him, he looks like he owns slaves
    JonTron: *owns a goblin slave*

    • @King_Stranger
      @King_Stranger 4 года назад +826

      goblins aren't people so therefore it's cool

    • @mason11198
      @mason11198 4 года назад +126

      @@King_Stranger lmaooooo

    • @thecheezyweebboy8835
      @thecheezyweebboy8835 4 года назад +235

      King Stranger well that’s what slave owners said

    • @familyemail5854
      @familyemail5854 4 года назад +163

      @@thecheezyweebboy8835 thats what they said to us black people but goblins literally arent people so they dont have rights in our world

    • @Senordisastermaster
      @Senordisastermaster 4 года назад +84

      @@familyemail5854 I guess, but there the moral question is raised if the race is both sentient and intelligent comparable to a human. Thinking past laws because laws change (such as certain laws from the past that allowed these situations to happen to other, real, people). It’s a common fantasy trope to tackle questions like these, because you can add more than just humans in a fictional setting.

  • @Jvwoomy
    @Jvwoomy 4 года назад +5302

    I remember a year ago my mom asked me why there was an Amish man on my lock screen..... It was jontron

    • @2017xbattlecats
      @2017xbattlecats 4 года назад +38


    • @ChanceKearns
      @ChanceKearns 4 года назад +186

      She called a GAME REVIEWER AMISH

    • @andromeda_va39
      @andromeda_va39 4 года назад +58

      *w h e e z e*

    • @AP-iz8du
      @AP-iz8du 4 года назад +15

      @Star Arcade q u a d r u p l e w h e e z e

    • @mememan2404
      @mememan2404 4 года назад +15

      @@AP-iz8du q u i n t u p l e w h e e z e

  • @The_Hofol
    @The_Hofol 3 года назад +282

    "Dine with me, newfound horse friend"
    10 seconds later

  • @Nugnugnug
    @Nugnugnug 6 лет назад +7472

    "He looks like he owns slaves."
    Said the man who chained Grimbo and forced him to fetch food under threat of death.

    • @Dokataa
      @Dokataa 5 лет назад +546

      Yeah but that's normal, it's called a sibling

    • @theodorepruitt5431
      @theodorepruitt5431 5 лет назад +110

      I'm the youngest and I don't obey my older brothers

    • @radicalravioli316
      @radicalravioli316 5 лет назад +51

      One Star i can i agree cause when I was the younger sibling I had to go get the snacks

    • @frontfacingjoe9235
      @frontfacingjoe9235 5 лет назад +14

      @@usedsoup9269 mood

    • @PennyDreadful1
      @PennyDreadful1 5 лет назад +17

      @@radicalravioli316 That's why you should be much younger! Then you're the family baby and everyone pampers you.

  • @heavierthanairfilms
    @heavierthanairfilms 3 года назад +3607

    "It's SEAN Le FUCK" has always cracked me up far more than it has any right to.

  • @seamushehe
    @seamushehe 5 лет назад +1295

    “It’s a disguise!”
    “It’s Shaun Le F**k!”
    I laughed and everybody in the room stared at me.

  • @daniellclary
    @daniellclary 2 года назад +559

    Grimbo needs to make another appearance. That costume is just too good to use only once.

    • @davp4435
      @davp4435 2 года назад +26

      Grimbo opperates the hot dog hole

    • @itisyebadger
      @itisyebadger Год назад +11

      He has been cursed by Jon so that every night that Grimbo prays to The God Zach for the sweet relief of death, he is reminded that he is immortal by Jon telling him he lives another day in his hellish little life.

    • @galladegamerletsplays
      @galladegamerletsplays 11 месяцев назад +3

      to be fair...that's what jontron does these days

    • @tinkornhardfist7574
      @tinkornhardfist7574 10 месяцев назад +9

      What costume

    • @monsieurlemon
      @monsieurlemon 6 месяцев назад +3

      Zach couldn’t do it because he grew a beard

  • @ThePlotInMatt
    @ThePlotInMatt 5 лет назад +2625

    *mash square to pay off your student loans!*
    I wish it were that easy. :(

    • @finn596
      @finn596 5 лет назад +22

      Go in debt and try to pay off your student loans

    • @firespreader2629
      @firespreader2629 5 лет назад +2

      Ayyyy 100th like :)

    • @AniGaAG
      @AniGaAG 5 лет назад +22

      Not living in a country that robs the shit out of its own citizens over things like health and education would be a start... but, sadly, one can't really choose where to be born.

    • @ThePlotInMatt
      @ThePlotInMatt 5 лет назад +5

      AniGa you right

    • @jamesprice2163
      @jamesprice2163 5 лет назад +7

      It is that easy it's just the square button broke ... Damn you sony

  • @onkelpappkov2666
    @onkelpappkov2666 5 лет назад +4079

    *"What is this? Food?"*
    _Takes a bite out of burger._
    _Chews some more._
    *"Eh, could be."*
    This is darn accurate.

    • @thematiasmadness7010
      @thematiasmadness7010 5 лет назад +12

      Mikyle yakub fuck you

    • @sgoodso1
      @sgoodso1 5 лет назад +43

      It's Fillet O' Fisk. Making it even more debatable if it's "food"

    • @melvdoukas1191
      @melvdoukas1191 5 лет назад +12

      @@MikyleY dayum, if the pattie is like 85% of the burgers value, then I Wonder how much crap is in the rest of the ingredients.

    • @gabrielbennett9053
      @gabrielbennett9053 5 лет назад +42

      @@MikyleY You can eat it. People eat it. Its edible. Unhealthy, but edible.

    • @AlwaysANemesis
      @AlwaysANemesis 5 лет назад +42

      @@MikyleY Almost anything can be edible, the problem is if it's _digestible._

  • @jajataroy4636
    @jajataroy4636 4 года назад +4375

    It took me four whole years to realize Zach is the one voicing Grimbo

    • @TheMitman10
      @TheMitman10 4 года назад +186

      Jaja Taroy Just figured that out as I was watching it! I wanted to see if they credited the horse and lo and behold, Zach Hadel as the voice of Grimbo lmao

    • @goose7529
      @goose7529 4 года назад +107

      Wait psychic pebbles?!?!

    • @irondude220
      @irondude220 4 года назад +20

      Spleeple Deeps yes

    • @callmetony4399
      @callmetony4399 4 года назад +46

      He also wrote for the episode

    • @irondude220
      @irondude220 4 года назад +11

      callmetony they were talking about it in sleeping cabin, don’t remember the episode tho

  • @GareBearGamingGround
    @GareBearGamingGround 3 года назад +1119

    I'm sitting here like.... man... Jon went through all the trouble of getting a mini horse, which cost god knows how much and was probably a pain to get.... for a 30 second bit. Bravo, Jon. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed by me 👏👏👏

  • @AOTheKidd
    @AOTheKidd 3 года назад +2237

    So no one’s gonna talk about how duck life and the Cap’n Crunch game are essentially the same?

    • @freddyfazdude9432
      @freddyfazdude9432 3 года назад +190

      At least you actually get somewhere in duck life

    • @Centristlol
      @Centristlol 3 года назад +26

      Oh my God...

    • @mightymadness3776
      @mightymadness3776 3 года назад +41

      And the mcdonalds game that looked like sonic.

      @MASQUALER0 3 года назад +7

      Burger kibg looks shockingly similar to rad gravity

    • @NinjaSquid0208
      @NinjaSquid0208 3 года назад +46

      Yeah but duck life is actually good

    @HEXDRIX 9 лет назад +2514

    JonTron quote of 2015

    • @bikesformice
      @bikesformice 9 лет назад +8

      Let's not get hasty... There's still a month left ;)

    • @HEXDRIX
      @HEXDRIX 9 лет назад +1

      xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxMLG420 Month? HEHE No.

    • @tessajalloh3914
      @tessajalloh3914 9 лет назад +2

      +Lord Hexdrix and his wicked world of insanity HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORSE!! OH NOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (Jon, why did you horse!?)

    • @junietwoknees
      @junietwoknees 9 лет назад +17

      I much prefer "IM SCARED OF THISE ORPHANS!"

    • @KnightedSilverWolf
      @KnightedSilverWolf 9 лет назад

      Wait da fuq that came in way to late

  • @coolbrotherf127
    @coolbrotherf127 6 лет назад +1321

    The reason there is a Gatorade ad in the Captain Crunch game is because at the time Quaker Oats owned the Gatorade brand before Pepsi eventually bought it from them.

    • @nullprop
      @nullprop 5 лет назад +21

      The moar you know

    • @judsongaiden9878
      @judsongaiden9878 5 лет назад +30

      People always playin'
      Corporation games
      Who cares? They're always changin'
      Corporation names

    • @spencerdhillon-yankus9858
      @spencerdhillon-yankus9858 5 лет назад +2

      @@judsongaiden9878 haha

    • @seamussmyth1928
      @seamussmyth1928 5 лет назад +1


    • @RedBoi88
      @RedBoi88 5 лет назад +5

      Bepis owns Gatrad? Why not Bepis flavored Gatrad?!

  • @barrettkennedy8614
    @barrettkennedy8614 Год назад +94

    I was genuinely jealous of Jon when he panned out to the fifteen burgers, now I’m hungry

    • @izzyj.1079
      @izzyj.1079 Год назад +9

      This video is ironically a better mcdonalds ad than the games in it.

    • @BigYosh
      @BigYosh 11 месяцев назад +4

      I watch this video when I occasionally eat McDonald’s

    • @favoritemustard3542
      @favoritemustard3542 4 месяца назад +1

      Same, I need some groceries 🍔👄🍔

  • @samkrac
    @samkrac 4 года назад +530

    2:57 “Spain only”.. makes a weird bit of sense; Burger King is way more popular in Spain than in the US

    • @svovy5358
      @svovy5358 3 года назад +8

      is it because of the king?

    • @buckygree3619
      @buckygree3619 3 года назад

      @Clu Rosencrans have you seen him the king is most definitely inbred

  • @YMS
    @YMS 9 лет назад +9279

    Dude, I played the shit out of Cap'n Crunch's Crunchling Adventure back in the day.

    • @nickbrowning3270
      @nickbrowning3270 9 лет назад +155

      I still have a copy

    • @beanstalkstudio
      @beanstalkstudio 9 лет назад +68

      +Mees Banning Me too! That and PuttPutt

    • @proppergentleman8690
      @proppergentleman8690 9 лет назад +71

      +YourMovieSucksDOTorg lol, I basically spent my child life playing chex quest

    • @jorgeinojosa4455
      @jorgeinojosa4455 9 лет назад +63

      +YourMovieSucksDOTorg Hey, hey, go review a movie, you don't belong here... JK, I love your work man, also, thanks for introducing me to Synecdoche, awesome movie.

    • @n1ckjitsu
      @n1ckjitsu 9 лет назад +26

      Yes! That was a pretty fun game. It was basically doom, I loved how they refer to the enemies in the intro as "cereal killers"

  • @dootdootington386
    @dootdootington386 8 лет назад +1306

    I was not ready for Grimbo, holy shit.

    • @Marco-wp9kw
      @Marco-wp9kw 8 лет назад +50

      no one was... completely lost it.

    • @beautifulmistake6249
      @beautifulmistake6249 8 лет назад +6


    • @IAmStatzy
      @IAmStatzy 8 лет назад +28

      I don't think anyone was ready for grimbo...

    • @tigerwarrior1787
      @tigerwarrior1787 8 лет назад +22

      No one was ready for Grimbo, and they never will be... *Devours a delicious Reuben Grimbo fetched for me*

    • @macrussell78
      @macrussell78 8 лет назад +43

      Are you all telling me that you DON'T have a Grimbo? ...How do you guys eat?

  • @thedangboi7198
    @thedangboi7198 2 года назад +66

    Grimbo being voiced by Zach Hadel is fucking amazing, its so good coming back to these earlier high production videos

  • @zaxer1waxer1
    @zaxer1waxer1 5 лет назад +736

    1987: Whopper chase! Play as a burger and try to win!
    2019: I love you Colonel Sanders. Try and get down and dirty with the colonel himself.

    • @drakenforge4276
      @drakenforge4276 5 лет назад +33

      That's the wonderful world we live in bro

    • @matthewbartlett3442
      @matthewbartlett3442 2 года назад +2

      2021: secret’s out, chicken man

    • @violet_saint
      @violet_saint Год назад +2

      And then watch the movie starring Mario Lopez. Not kidding. It's a like, 20 minute movie.

  • @BeefBronson
    @BeefBronson 6 лет назад +1821


    • @littleven915
      @littleven915 5 лет назад +49

      Good grimbo, you get to live another day

    • @mreverything7056
      @mreverything7056 5 лет назад +5

      Oh it was all for nothing...

    • @rafaelcerdeira5883
      @rafaelcerdeira5883 5 лет назад +14

      was that psichicpebbles voicing him?

    • @giantam3029
      @giantam3029 5 лет назад +3

      Poor Grimbo, having to serve Jon is a fate worse than any death

    • @unlawfulspinach5435
      @unlawfulspinach5435 5 лет назад +13

      *Bad grimbo! Bad grimbo! Go get filet of fish!*

  • @BoydWillemsen
    @BoydWillemsen 9 лет назад +1016

    I just love it that so many people don't spot the satirical nature of this episode, but rather think he's actually advertising McDonalds.

    • @BoydWillemsen
      @BoydWillemsen 9 лет назад +4

      ***** Jep, that's the whole point he's trying to make.

    • @AimlessWandererSano
      @AimlessWandererSano 9 лет назад +11

      +TerrionGaming I blame the Battlefront ad video. People seem to freak the fuck out once they see someone do a video thats advertising something

    • @RockZombieIAm
      @RockZombieIAm 9 лет назад +1

      This is how he usually makes videos, not necessarily satirical. Just because he mentions a few brands doesn't mean he's trying to advertise or make fun of those brands.

    • @BoydWillemsen
      @BoydWillemsen 9 лет назад +5

      Advertisements keeps capitalism running. I don't mind it at all.

    • @AimlessWandererSano
      @AimlessWandererSano 9 лет назад +1

      TerrionGaming I don't either. It's a necessary part of marketing and I have seen examples of good products failing because they didn't advertise or another product just flooded constant advertisement.

  • @koolguy5526
    @koolguy5526 3 года назад +69

    11:41 jeez they literally say “ouch!” What a cruel clown

  • @squibblesquabble1394
    @squibblesquabble1394 7 лет назад +680

    "What a blessed Thanksgivi- *_OH MY GOD THERE'S A HORSE IN MY HOUSE_* "
    -JonTron 2015

    • @tgbplays658
      @tgbplays658 4 года назад +1

      I like to think that him saying “Oh my god, there’s a horse in my house” was unscripted.

  • @elfmonster1476
    @elfmonster1476 4 года назад +1544

    Jon: "What's your rank!?"
    Me: "Uhh... Captain?"

    • @mikeymikesh
      @mikeymikesh 4 года назад +58

      Elf Monster Nope, Commander.

    • @Cassiclus
      @Cassiclus 4 года назад +54

      @@mikeymikesh well even if his rank is technically commander, he will always be addressed as a captain because he is in charge of the ship

    • @ramonrangel5372
      @ramonrangel5372 4 года назад +9

      He's a general

    • @mithmoonwalker
      @mithmoonwalker 4 года назад +3

      profesional jerk

    • @THawkMedia
      @THawkMedia 4 года назад +14

      "since when did Ronald have magic"
      transported kids into a comic book world

  • @ricojones856
    @ricojones856 3 года назад +244

    “That time you fucked up and your cereal was all berries ?!”
    That had me cracking up.

  • @devinsimmering1468
    @devinsimmering1468 2 года назад +41

    The amount of nostalgia I have for old JonTron is unmatched

  • @thesecondcomingofbred6771
    @thesecondcomingofbred6771 5 лет назад +1482

    " dine with me found horse friend."
    I say this every time I eat next to an animal

    • @missundies
      @missundies 5 лет назад +20

      NEW found*

    • @missundies
      @missundies 5 лет назад +8

      Newfound * my og comment won't show up for me so I can't edit it

    • @reservoirfrogs2177
      @reservoirfrogs2177 5 лет назад +9

      @@missundies you fucked up

    • @chriscross2605
      @chriscross2605 5 лет назад +12

      @@missundies You had one job

    • @missundies
      @missundies 5 лет назад +11

      @@reservoirfrogs2177 I'd rather fuck up than down, I guess.

  • @CreepsMcPasta
    @CreepsMcPasta 9 лет назад +7712


    • @XxXPlushyXxX
      @XxXPlushyXxX 9 лет назад +96

      +CreepsMcPasta Hey Creeps :3, nice to see you're a Jontron fan

    • @duckieindeed9147
      @duckieindeed9147 9 лет назад +130

      Creeps what are you doing out of the darkness?! Get back in there don't make me get the hose. >.>

    • @xarchangeles
      @xarchangeles 9 лет назад +22

      more creepypasta Grimbo!

    • @wu8183
      @wu8183 9 лет назад +13

      Edgar's probably dead, so I can hop on this bandwagon.

    • @lodestarrobot
      @lodestarrobot 9 лет назад +19

      It feels good to see psychichpebbles in another jontron video

  • @cherryisaloser8940
    @cherryisaloser8940 5 лет назад +583

    "What's your rank?!"
    It turns out the so-called Cap'n is not actually a captain at all. By the looks of his uniform, he may only be a commander.
    *We have all been cheated and lied to*

  • @Lrr_Of_Omikron
    @Lrr_Of_Omikron 3 года назад +58

    I've watched these episodes so many times and yet I'm still here watching it again.

  • @possumpaws894
    @possumpaws894 5 лет назад +2988

    KFC now has a dating sim
    *KFC HAS A D A T I N G S I M U L A T O R*

  • @SuperSlightlyOff
    @SuperSlightlyOff 9 лет назад +3713

    I'm really getting annoyed by all the hate he's getting just because he upped the production quality. I love the unique camera movements and use of more props, which helps give the show a bit more style than just Jon sitting around and cracking jokes at the game.
    It's just something extra that I love seeing him put in the show that no other show on RUclips would do, like have pixelated animations for each episode's title card or changing the intro to fit the holiday theme. He didn't have to go out of his way to do that and could have just stuck to a formula, but he didn't. And people in the comments are so entitled to shit on minor production qualities. Keep doing what you're doing, Jon.

    • @JonTronShow
      @JonTronShow  9 лет назад +627

      +Slightly Off I appreciate you saying so! I try to make each episode as unique as it can be. I definitely only want to make the show more entertaining every time but I guess sometimes my choices seem to put people off D: !

    • @freezeframegr6662
      @freezeframegr6662 9 лет назад +64

      +JonTronShow don't worry man, that's always how the shitty being called human reacts. Just keep on uploading your videos, and then everyone will be like "OMG I LUV DEEZ VIDEOS, BEST EVUR!"

    • @Hayseed1976
      @Hayseed1976 9 лет назад +33

      +JonTronShow fuck people, keep doing it for the rest of us...

    • @Mirt_Raena
      @Mirt_Raena 9 лет назад +26

      +JonTronShow I also love all the new things. Eg. Props and camera movements. I wouldn't listen to those people. ^~^

    • @phoenixsplash135
      @phoenixsplash135 9 лет назад +13

      +Slightly Off I think part of the problem, is that now there are alot of skit related jokes, and the higher production values result in the whole video taking a lot longer to make. I understand why Jon does it, he wants to make the best product possible, but i also understand why some people prefer the older, lower budget stuff

  • @camdengrohs4661
    @camdengrohs4661 5 лет назад +1858

    Well John, it’s been almost 4 years. Where is Grimbo now? Edit: I know its spelt Jon. I have a pretty hardcore autocorrect on my phone

  • @mohamedabdulla6303
    @mohamedabdulla6303 2 года назад +47

    Jontrons sense of humor is amazing
    I'd even say legendary

  • @theone8873
    @theone8873 5 лет назад +201

    So this man can beat Takeshi’s challenge but can’t win a race against a turtle

    • @trevorsgamingroom5284
      @trevorsgamingroom5284 4 года назад +6

      “The person who does an impossible challenge, doesn’t mean he/she can do everything and/or anything”

    • @alybot2.059
      @alybot2.059 4 года назад

      Trevor's Gaming Room it’s a joke

    • @alybot2.059
      @alybot2.059 4 года назад

      Trevor's Gaming Room it’s a joke

    • @trevorsgamingroom5284
      @trevorsgamingroom5284 4 года назад +1

      AlyBot2.0 sorry for not understanding the joke

    • @emiliew5553
      @emiliew5553 4 года назад +3

      i mean, it took him a few years to beat takeshis challenge. he probably played the turtle one for like two hours.

  • @takahata101
    @takahata101 9 лет назад +5150


    • @Shattered_Universe
      @Shattered_Universe 9 лет назад +60

      +takahata101 Holy crap! It's taka!

    • @Redlin5
      @Redlin5 9 лет назад +141

      +takahata101 Grimbo rights activists! Go back to your cave you hippy! Can't you see this is the natural state of society?

    • @Fire-jk8ye
      @Fire-jk8ye 9 лет назад +21

      +takahata101 WHENS HELLSING YOU FUCK

    • @Darksuperchaossonic
      @Darksuperchaossonic 9 лет назад +4

      +Tall Guy NEVER

    • @justjames8600
      @justjames8600 9 лет назад +1

      wtf taka

  • @neoliten
    @neoliten 5 лет назад +696

    God, I love watching old JonTrons. They're all just so rewatchable and bring back great memories :)

    • @ReaperSound
      @ReaperSound 4 года назад +11

      I died all over again when he did that slo motion Captain crunch toss LMAO.

    • @arcfoundationarchives6445
      @arcfoundationarchives6445 4 года назад +6

      See you in another 2 years.

    • @jeremyc311709
      @jeremyc311709 4 года назад +2

      I rewatch these all the time

    • @arcfoundationarchives6445
      @arcfoundationarchives6445 4 года назад +1

      @MAUL3R-Eggie Yes, but actualy no.

    • @realjraydel1409
      @realjraydel1409 4 года назад +8

      Exactly. People complain about wait times, but so much care and effort goes into each video that they stand up forever

  • @TrishaMitchell101
    @TrishaMitchell101 2 года назад +12

    That scene with grimbo was amazing. The character actually creeped me out. You did a really great job Jon. It's fantastically made and edited.

  • @wretneck
    @wretneck 6 лет назад +723

    It dawned on me how many weird people Jon keeps in his 3-walled apartment. He has a parrot, Grimbo and the new character- Thanksgiving Horse who I would like to call "Turkey"... Can't wait to see future shenanigans

  • @TheBrianJ
    @TheBrianJ 9 лет назад +1089

    Jon got a mother fucking horse for his review.

    • @CamTroid
      @CamTroid 9 лет назад +51

      +TheBrianJ LOOK AT HIS HORSE

    • @oliverandm
      @oliverandm 9 лет назад +28

      +TheBrianJ It's a pony though.

    • @MavicAVF
      @MavicAVF 9 лет назад +6


    • @pimposki6232
      @pimposki6232 9 лет назад +11

      Mmm, it tastes just like raisins!

    • @supersmashbro596
      @supersmashbro596 9 лет назад +8


  • @relaxedmisnomer1838
    @relaxedmisnomer1838 5 лет назад +222

    The Kool-Aid man: *Sweats Violently*

  • @The_PixelDoctor
    @The_PixelDoctor 3 года назад +243

    I miss this JonTron content but I hope he's happy with what he's doing now.

    • @Quetzen
      @Quetzen 3 года назад +48

      Reviewing advertisements and other videos while at the mercy of his own sponsors? Seems every youtuber I'm watching is stuck in that depressing loop.

    • @sonic2003albe
      @sonic2003albe 3 года назад +21

      Scott the Woz fills the JonTron shaped void in my heart

    • @thehorrorhound6575
      @thehorrorhound6575 3 года назад +1

      @@sonic2003albe scot is fuckin hilarious

    • @tidepodpadthai2633
      @tidepodpadthai2633 3 года назад +5

      @@sonic2003albe PBG too

    • @wareforcoin5780
      @wareforcoin5780 3 года назад +28

      Jon's new content is also gold, barely anything has changed except the crap he talks about isn't video games now.

  • @StilvurBee
    @StilvurBee 7 лет назад +754

    me: "wow, can't wait to rewatch one of the more recent JT videos...again.."
    *PUBLISHED ON NOV 26, 2015*

  • @mrglibb
    @mrglibb 5 лет назад +143

    I love that Zach was Grimbo's voice actor, perfect person to play a complete goblin.

  • @BrodyWoelke
    @BrodyWoelke 5 лет назад +307

    Yo I just realized Grimbo is Pychicpebbles (Zack) the voice finally clicked in my head.

    • @Daretobestupider
      @Daretobestupider 5 лет назад +9

      That only makes it better!

    • @JustKrin
      @JustKrin 5 лет назад +5

      He's also the writer, and Hila is a producer!

    • @peckyd6958
      @peckyd6958 5 лет назад +2

      no he was just the voice check the description

    • @MommyJenlmao
      @MommyJenlmao 5 лет назад

      Someone tell me who Grimbo is.

    • @soup6874
      @soup6874 5 лет назад +2

      @@MommyJenlmao Try watching the whole video

  • @narfeyfjola
    @narfeyfjola 3 года назад +16

    "Doing its business like it's got a report to file on Monday" is such a fucking good line

  • @kingofthelandbaby
    @kingofthelandbaby 8 лет назад +520

    "Clowns, clowns everywhere... makes me want to call the police" Jon predicted the creepy clown thing

    • @RuiRuichi
      @RuiRuichi 8 лет назад +23

      The clown craze is going global. Pranksters in my country are doing it now, one of them got mobbed by some kids that are high and their camera and belongings were stolen. Served him right.

    • @benkeates5396
      @benkeates5396 8 лет назад

      king of the land baby ikr jon da prophet

    • @rosecatuwu
      @rosecatuwu 8 лет назад +1

      My one friend won't shut up about that. I personally don't find clowns scary, but even if you say clown (or clone for some reason) she flips out. I dunno, shes weird.

    • @infochan6819
      @infochan6819 8 лет назад +1

      king of the land baby Oh shit

    • @therainbowloomking9556
      @therainbowloomking9556 8 лет назад +2

      Evil clowns aren't real. Copy and paste this to spread the word.

  • @ForeverMe543
    @ForeverMe543 6 лет назад +428


  • @laggory
    @laggory 8 лет назад +1252

    _"What a blessed Thanksgiving- OH MY GOD THERE'S A HORSE IN MY HOUSE"_
    -Jontron, 2015

    @MARSHALL_SLAYER 2 года назад +113

    God that classic intro hits hard

    • @jimbobbigknob2718
      @jimbobbigknob2718 Год назад +5

      I too miss when he did pixel art openings for his vids

  • @Requiexat
    @Requiexat 9 лет назад +766

    1. Where'd JonTron get a pony?
    2. Why is his window a green screen?
    3. Where's he get all these props?
    4. Is he okay?

  • @THE_DOC210
    @THE_DOC210 6 лет назад +595

    Why does the hambugler steal chicken nuggets when he should be stealing burgers

    • @ja.bballman6857
      @ja.bballman6857 6 лет назад +20

      Krazykdl ! It's one of life's greatest mysteries waiting to be solved!

    • @SuperPeterok
      @SuperPeterok 6 лет назад +68

      Because the nugget fondler doesn't have the same ring to it.

    • @katcano4474
      @katcano4474 6 лет назад +5

      pete thats the best joke i've heard in the last 15 years.
      And im only 15! at least that's what the crack in my brain might my brain say to me

    • @emileecash9406
      @emileecash9406 6 лет назад

      Going on a diet 🥁🥁🥁

    • @mordock2416
      @mordock2416 6 лет назад +5

      He should be stealing hams...
      O I guess your right

  • @at5air655
    @at5air655 7 лет назад +221

    Can we just appreciate how many different directions that intro went?

  • @BillyOnYouTube
    @BillyOnYouTube 3 года назад +25

    6:44 One of my favorite underrated Jon Tron bits

  • @cameronminor8690
    @cameronminor8690 4 года назад +93

    Fun fact: *McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure* was the first game developed by Treasure Co., Ltd, the same people who would later go on to develop such cult classics as *Gunstar Heroes* , *Dynamite Headdy* , *Mischief Makers* , and *Ikaruga* . Yes, really.

    • @hydroknight3463
      @hydroknight3463 Год назад +7

      I remember Dynamite Headdy! So were's gonna say Treasure Land Adventure was basically a cursed time for the company they want to forget?

    • @cameronminor8690
      @cameronminor8690 Год назад +7

      @@hydroknight3463 No, actually, I've heard that it actually is a hidden Genesis gem.

  • @armouredskeptic
    @armouredskeptic 9 лет назад +1276

    Chex Quest was one of the first PC games I ever played. I loved it so much I missed a party my family was holding for me.

    • @JordabHawkeye
      @JordabHawkeye 9 лет назад +40

      What are YOU doing here? Oh well, love your work, even if you can't leave me alone.

    • @Salnax
      @Salnax 9 лет назад +27

      +JordabHawkeye JonTron, like Thanksgiving itself, brings everyone together.

    • @christophergrovender3593
      @christophergrovender3593 9 лет назад +38

      +Armoured Skeptic This is more unexpected than the game grumps barbie porn apocalypse.

    • @ZDAWG39
      @ZDAWG39 9 лет назад +6

      +Armoured Skeptic I couldn't help but subscribe because i love your helmet also your channel is nice lol

      @GRAAAAAAAAAA 9 лет назад +12

      Fuck of skeptic, go fuck shoe or something lol

  • @NeoN-PeoN
    @NeoN-PeoN 6 лет назад +354

    "You really want this guy comin' up with your ideas? He looks like he owned slaves." LMAO

    • @readjackson2813
      @readjackson2813 6 лет назад +8

      Neon Peon I mean, doesn’t jontron own a Slave aswell, that weird Gollum thing

    • @postalknight69
      @postalknight69 6 лет назад +5

      Read Jackson his name is grimbo

    • @readjackson2813
      @readjackson2813 6 лет назад +11

      MailIsLucktastic grimbo doesn’t deserve a name, he needs to go back to his corner

    • @pizzweak580
      @pizzweak580 6 лет назад +6

      @@readjackson2813 I think the term you're looking for is "unpaid servant"

    • @thecrusader5489
      @thecrusader5489 6 лет назад

      Neon Peon I thought he said joe slaves

  • @ThompsonExpress
    @ThompsonExpress 3 года назад +12

    Coming back to old episodes remind me of how much I fucking love his old intros...

  • @TheRoboBeepBoop
    @TheRoboBeepBoop 8 лет назад +4632

    Jesus, Grimbo is mentally scarring

    • @princesoulger999
      @princesoulger999 8 лет назад +255

      You should see the Bootleg disney episode. it's haunting!

    • @HyperShadows1
      @HyperShadows1 8 лет назад +173

      +Princesoulger I love Bootleg Mufasa, and definitely don't have nightmares because of them.

    • @HeavyTF2real
      @HeavyTF2real 8 лет назад +122


    • @caramelvictim193
      @caramelvictim193 8 лет назад +77


    • @ZorotheGallade
      @ZorotheGallade 8 лет назад +57

      Choke choke hack hack cough die die.
      And then the game's box magically appeared.

  • @chaosinc.382
    @chaosinc.382 8 лет назад +917

    That... I dunno why but I can't stop thinking about 'how much money did this episode cost' due to all the food...

    • @blu3_korn465
      @blu3_korn465 8 лет назад +3

      it was mostly mc d's so probably not a lot like

    • @silverwar360
      @silverwar360 8 лет назад +67

      11 cheese burgers is about... 13 dollars or sth? add the cornflakes stuff thats 18 tops? the rck cace (i presume that its a cace) a couple o' dollars, anything else? was prolly way more costly to get the horse up there... OR the makeup on grimbo :P

    • @blu3_korn465
      @blu3_korn465 8 лет назад +77

      i was more concerned about jon eating all those mc's

    • @NeoDungeonCrawler
      @NeoDungeonCrawler 8 лет назад +78

      What about the slave and the horse?

    • @NeoDungeonCrawler
      @NeoDungeonCrawler 8 лет назад +10

      +Chaos inc. makes sense.

  • @cjcrabapple1834
    @cjcrabapple1834 7 лет назад +413

    I can watch the same episode 100 times and never get tired of it

    • @baileethompson7230
      @baileethompson7230 7 лет назад +23

      +Cj The Mtg Man When he only makes a new video once every few months you have to go back and rewatch EVERYTHING now and again.

    • @thenuggetguerrero8963
      @thenuggetguerrero8963 7 лет назад +1

      Cj The Mtg Man me to

    • @WhateverWhenever888
      @WhateverWhenever888 7 лет назад +7

      Cj The Mtg Man Same, that's how talented Jon is

    • @evrymanta
      @evrymanta 7 лет назад +3

      Cj The Mtg Man Same! He's just that talented. ;)

  • @hoogachakahoogahooga
    @hoogachakahoogahooga 3 года назад +11

    The Cap N’ Crunch lever scene was amazing. I must see the behind the scenes!

  • @legendaryredcow5828
    @legendaryredcow5828 4 года назад +389

    Kid: Man I would really like to be this guy in this book!
    Ronald: You look cute when you read that book. Now go ahead, get a taste of that Big Mac!

    • @lilusagi4992
      @lilusagi4992 4 года назад +19

      I’d taste Ronald’s Big Mac

    • @KingCasual1986
      @KingCasual1986 4 года назад +7

      Not gonna lie, I read Ronald as Roland!

    • @karanaki_3256
      @karanaki_3256 3 года назад +14

      I read this in meat canyons voice oh god help me

    • @MinscFromBaldursGate92
      @MinscFromBaldursGate92 3 года назад +3

      I don't get the reference.

    • @ComicWriter-ml3qt
      @ComicWriter-ml3qt 2 года назад +5

      @@MinscFromBaldursGate92 meat canyon did a. McDonald’s video a while ago

  • @ChristianFrates1997
    @ChristianFrates1997 5 лет назад +78

    11:16 I loved how he said "WHAT!?"

  • @ShanePatSmith
    @ShanePatSmith 9 лет назад +211

    At last Psychicpebbles reveals himself

    • @masterxl97
      @masterxl97 9 лет назад +1

      +Shane Smith
      Ha! I knew that was him!

    • @Gamerboy_Joy
      @Gamerboy_Joy 9 лет назад

      +Shane Smith
      he looks like trouble
      or even he looks awful
      he looks like the devil
      he looks fuckin evil

    • @ShamliseG
      @ShamliseG 9 лет назад +5

      +Shane Smith Thats not him, just his voice. If you want to see zach hadel, just watch Ninja sex partys ;Best Friends Forever; Hes the guy in a green jacket with glasses.

    • @nickdimos1
      @nickdimos1 9 лет назад

      +HeyGuiseItsSean i thought he looked cute

    • @Sleiphros
      @Sleiphros 9 лет назад

      +HeyGuiseItsSean Are things twirling around your bed?

  • @thechaun6631
    @thechaun6631 Год назад +3

    8 years later. I come back to this video every year to watch it as a Thanksgiving tradition. While I cherish this holiday as an American, this kind of comedy that pokes fun at my country’s obvious flaws makes me laugh my ass off every time, and that’s why I love this video so much! 😂😂 Keep poking fun of each other, and keep spreading love. Happy Thanksgiving everyone ❤️

  • @DoctorLazers
    @DoctorLazers 9 лет назад +257

    Grimbo needs to be a recurring character, that was the hardest I have laughed at a Jontron video in like a year.

    • @howdoiputthecheeseintheove8437
      @howdoiputthecheeseintheove8437 9 лет назад +20

      YES, and the pony....maybe grimbo can ride the pony

    • @Planetrefactor
      @Planetrefactor 9 лет назад +11

      +DoctorLazers Probably because the last video came out a year ago. BBBBB))))

    • @DoctorLazers
      @DoctorLazers 9 лет назад +9

      ***** I suppose we may need to disagree on that one. Grimbo was hilarious.

    • @TheShadowOfHumanity
      @TheShadowOfHumanity 9 лет назад +4

      +Huge “JoJ” Ackman I'm gonna learn you how to play buttball.

    • @SlizzyDizz
      @SlizzyDizz 9 лет назад


  • @marinejcksn1
    @marinejcksn1 6 лет назад +532

    Mash square to pay off your student loans!
    I had no idea it was that easy.

    • @TheZephyrsWind
      @TheZephyrsWind 6 лет назад +7

      Student loans... *scream*

    • @lionturbulence
      @lionturbulence 6 лет назад +1

      marinejcksn1 ha

    • @Danny-yo8kp
      @Danny-yo8kp 6 лет назад +4

      No but see every time you press square, your loans get bigger, like in real life

    • @Foxy02016
      @Foxy02016 6 лет назад +7

      marinejcksn1 doesn’t Animal Crossing sound like a drug trip when simplified
      Shake trees to get money and stuff to sell to a llama in order to get bells to pay you debt to a Racoon

    • @locks4043
      @locks4043 6 лет назад +1

      Good thing student loans arnt something i have to worry about yet.

  • @maashido8185
    @maashido8185 5 лет назад +489

    Turtles IRL: **SlOw Af**
    Turtles on captain crunch:
    *G O T T A*
    *G O*
    *F E S T*

    • @sashimi0003
      @sashimi0003 5 лет назад +5

      TheGirlInTheLilyPads 661 gotta go Breakfast

    • @funnyepicgamer5058
      @funnyepicgamer5058 5 лет назад +9

      Turtles irl can actually run up to 20mph. Tortises are the really slow ones

    • @megaball-ps8tq
      @megaball-ps8tq 5 лет назад +2

      Gotta go fast

    • @srah9112
      @srah9112 5 лет назад +3

      Ill be putting this on my tombstone as its somehow deeply important to me

    • @justarandomknight3263
      @justarandomknight3263 5 лет назад +2

      I AM SPEED

  • @levferno483
    @levferno483 22 дня назад +3

    Starting my Jontron binge around the Thanksgiving season with this banger.

  • @bigyeet8856
    @bigyeet8856 7 лет назад +503

    "What have you done Ronald *_they were but children_*!"

    • @Yippieyiyo
      @Yippieyiyo 7 лет назад +20

      I happened to read your comment at the exactly the moment he said that

  • @kraakenhex8459
    @kraakenhex8459 9 лет назад +2075

    Wtf, That ending though.

  • @damotoneko1500
    @damotoneko1500 3 года назад +1066

    After this video. Crunchyroll sounds like an asian-american fastfood business that combines asian cuisine with LOTS of butter and lets it fry.

  • @researcherchameleon4602
    @researcherchameleon4602 2 года назад +15

    13:48 “McDonalds: whether you want a burger, or to be Isekaied, we’ve got you covered”

  • @TriCop
    @TriCop 6 лет назад +243

    14:34 - 15:07 is just pure art

  • @FrostyBooyyy
    @FrostyBooyyy 4 года назад +744

    Jon: **busy talking about himself**
    Also Jon: “Oh my god there’s a horse in my house!”

    • @forsaknmindz9367
      @forsaknmindz9367 3 года назад +16

      Why are you the only one who drew attention to that piece of gold!

    • @thegrandxbunny2073
      @thegrandxbunny2073 3 года назад +2


    • @ximenagonzales9171
      @ximenagonzales9171 3 года назад +10

      Well at least the horse isn’t in the hospital

    • @pixelartkid7965
      @pixelartkid7965 3 года назад +10

      @@ximenagonzales9171 the horsepital

    • @vindictivegrind9370
      @vindictivegrind9370 2 года назад +1

      Just like the sheriff in Family Guy who said "wait a minute, I don't have a wife!"

  • @justsometrashyopinion4409
    @justsometrashyopinion4409 5 лет назад +306

    "[Video Game marketing] soon fell out of style because it's... idk... too heavy handed?"
    Ah, yes, but so many years later here we are; with I love you, Colonel Sanders: A finger lickin' Good Dating Simulator.
    History is, in fact, doomed to repeat.

  • @sweetmemories2515
    @sweetmemories2515 2 года назад +6

    i didnt even realize how much zach did for the show.. love u and him so much (:

  • @lilbluridinghood6296
    @lilbluridinghood6296 5 лет назад +289

    Jon: *_WHAT'S YOUR RANK?!?!_*
    Cap'n Crunch: Uuuuuh... Captain?

    • @marblefan500
      @marblefan500 5 лет назад +4


    • @annacline6349
      @annacline6349 5 лет назад +21

      He is commander actually

    • @bcorsi8
      @bcorsi8 5 лет назад +5

      Admiral Crunch

    • @maashido8185
      @maashido8185 5 лет назад +8

      *C O M M A N D E R*
      *C R U N C H*

    • @MommyJenlmao
      @MommyJenlmao 5 лет назад +9

      Actually, Captain Crunch is actually a Commander. Something about his sleeves. So Crunch is as much a good Captain, as Dr.Mario is a confirmed PhD wielding Doctor. The joke is that Dr.Mario/Mario Mario's alter ego twin is a bad doctor with a bad Mobile app, cuz that game is a bootleg candy crush abomination.

  • @CipherKirby
    @CipherKirby 7 лет назад +323

    *Unwrap McDonalds hamburgers*. I totally agree with you JonTron. *Sips large Cola.* On hundred percent.

    • @HeilRay
      @HeilRay 7 лет назад +16

      The sound of a unwrapping burger.

    • @definitelykirby8643
      @definitelykirby8643 7 лет назад +4

      I agree with you both (gets out large fries) totally

  • @nate5292
    @nate5292 9 лет назад +1213

    >Doing homework while browsing youtube
    >New Jontron Video
    >Stop doing homework
    >Watch Jontron Video
    >Keep watching Jontron Vids
    >Hours pass
    >Day ends, homework half finished
    >Fail homework
    >Fail test
    >Fail lesson
    >Fail unit test
    >Fail entire semester
    >Fail school
    >Drop out
    >Work at McDonalds till age 47
    >Live in 1 star hotel room
    >Die of heart failure while watching TV
    >Last words: "Worth It"

    • @insederec
      @insederec 9 лет назад +40

      well that escalated slowly

    • @nate5292
      @nate5292 9 лет назад +31

      ***** Just like Jontron's hair.

    • @34_Conflict
      @34_Conflict 9 лет назад

      Well damn 😐

    • @ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo
      @ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 9 лет назад +10

      +Dunkle Sans FUCKING FUCK! They aren't "meme arrows"! What the fuck... they are quotes. Its how HTML email quotes the previous emails. What the fuck.

    • @somebvnny
      @somebvnny 9 лет назад +5

      +Dunkle Sans meme arrows
      you mean greentexting?

  • @pattymelt5825
    @pattymelt5825 Год назад +17

    I'm here for my yearly JonTron binge

  • @donutlettuce4633
    @donutlettuce4633 4 года назад +1305

    "Ronald Mcdonald does not make me want to eat a hamburger... He makes me want to call the police."
    *Cries in Meatcanyon*

    • @tamiromero6987
      @tamiromero6987 3 года назад +31

      Dont remind me please

    • @OryxTheMadGod3
      @OryxTheMadGod3 3 года назад +58

      @@tamiromero6987 you look cute when you eat those fries. Now go ahead get a taste of that BigMac, it's really good.

    • @TheAveragePalico
      @TheAveragePalico 3 года назад +38

      _Good day to everyone but the comment above me_

    • @Katie-ws7xp
      @Katie-ws7xp 3 года назад +18

      I was so close to erasing that from my memory

    • @saamjaza1742
      @saamjaza1742 3 года назад +17

      I have no idea what this is...but I'm starting to think I don't want to know.

  • @lorengarms9836
    @lorengarms9836 7 лет назад +1194


  • @Gorrila73
    @Gorrila73 7 лет назад +253

    Seriously, you make me laugh more than any other youtuber. Your humor is both witty and nonsensical and I love that. Keep on it Jon.

    • @rickyray2794
      @rickyray2794 6 лет назад +2

      right? i can't believe i just discovered him recently but its been awesome binge watching his show. his delivery and timing is so spot on.

  • @BethWillRise
    @BethWillRise 3 года назад +22

    I’ve watched every one of Jon’s videos so much that I can quote them line for line

    • @42Mrgreenman
      @42Mrgreenman 3 года назад +1

      Yeah? It's 8 months later but I want to pick your brain...I'm pretty sure it was JonTron, but in what episode did he mention Chex Quest (IIRC) being good and then say, "Of course it is, it's DOOM. It's f-f-f-f-f*cking DOOM, it revolutionized the gaming industry when it came out..." I can't remember where I heard that bit, but I definitely heard it somewhere...
      Edit: Oh shit, nevermind, now I remember...It was the Bootleg Pokemon episode and the game was Pac-man...damn you faulty memory...thanks for somehow facilitating my remembering that...Jon's work is comedy gold, the only one besides Yahtzee and MST3K style gaming comedians like the Game Grumps to actually make me laugh at "Gamer comedy"

  • @swirlcenter3783
    @swirlcenter3783 5 лет назад +542

    Fun fact: captain crunch is not a captain he's a commander
    do to his sleeve

    • @robbiewalker2831
      @robbiewalker2831 4 года назад +31

      Swirl Center Cap’n Crunch made a response video long ago, saying the despite his rank, he’ll always be a captain to us.

    • @abawaaga
      @abawaaga 4 года назад +13


    • @yaonahr752
      @yaonahr752 4 года назад +22

      just gonna copy paste a reply from Johnnie Walker since there's similiar comment to yours,
      "A person in charge of a ship is always called Captain regardless of rank, lieutenants, masters, commanders and captains are all referred to as captains if they are captaining a ship. He also isn't a member of the USN or they would be calling him CO Crunch."

    • @angrytigermpc
      @angrytigermpc 4 года назад +14

      Uh, no on that last part. I'm in the USN, and never would a CO be addressed, personally or in written form, as "CO [name]". It would be "[Rank] [Name], CO of [ship]", and the lattermost part only if it's like a descriptive article. And if I were talking about the CO, it would be "did you hear what the CO put out?", not "did you hear what CO [name] put out?"
      The part about all COs of a ship being captain of their ship, even if they're not a Captain, is true though.

    • @mareeeedensos6348
      @mareeeedensos6348 4 года назад +1

      So it's actually Commander Crunch, right?

  • @ethenaheart5873
    @ethenaheart5873 5 лет назад +372

    9:26 I would like to point out that one of the games producers is called "virgin gamers production" this is the best thing ever

    • @caelgumz5603
      @caelgumz5603 5 лет назад +25

      Ethena Heart aka the Fortnite branch at epic games

    • @realcrabmane
      @realcrabmane 5 лет назад +15

      Rise up virgin gamers

    • @SolidShepard
      @SolidShepard 5 лет назад +7

      its the same company as virgin mobile. they usually only made games for the cell phones, but probably got hired to make that game.

    • @southpaw117
      @southpaw117 5 лет назад +2

      I'd prefer Turkish Airlines.

    • @APootisBirb
      @APootisBirb 5 лет назад +2

      I didn't know I owned a game company.

  • @ChanceKearns
    @ChanceKearns 4 года назад +606

    “Typin away in his Nazareth mud hut”
    *Christian game programmers have joined the chat*

    • @micheal5117
      @micheal5117 4 года назад +2

      cia agents

    • @ellnats
      @ellnats 3 года назад +5

      i didnt think christans did anything with games aside from Hate them and call them spawns of satan

    • @a1saucin221
      @a1saucin221 3 года назад +31

      @@ellnats Scott Cathwon would like to have word with you

    • @snartshack
      @snartshack 3 года назад +27

      @@ellnats that's a really narrow view of christians lol

    • @cartermccauley7352
      @cartermccauley7352 3 года назад +18

      @@ellnats dude Christians aren’t like that you stereotypical prick

  • @matthewsherman2085
    @matthewsherman2085 3 года назад +7

    10:22 I was on another tab but hadn't moved the mouse or hit any keys for a bit so my computer went into screensaver mode. When the screen went black Jon immediately said "huh, what's going on?"

  • @thicchamster7878
    @thicchamster7878 5 лет назад +133

    “Yeah of course I got the brick,What are you talking about?”

    • @monokumaprincipalofhopespe8295
      @monokumaprincipalofhopespe8295 5 лет назад +6

      Jesus Christ yeah it’s a brick treat used to lure the horse out of your house

    • @Novaliod
      @Novaliod 4 года назад +4

      yeah its totally not to pound its head in with...

    • @FreggFaerie
      @FreggFaerie 4 года назад

      @@Joshingsoybeansneed a bucket and a mop for this moist moist meow meow

  • @evelinemidkiff1690
    @evelinemidkiff1690 7 лет назад +741

    JonTron's expense list:
    15 burgers
    Chex Mix
    Cap'n Crunch
    A lot of food based games
    At least he got 50 free hours on AOL

    • @billcipher3180
      @billcipher3180 7 лет назад +23

      its 50 burgah's i counted the wrappers

    • @lightfurredbadger8536
      @lightfurredbadger8536 7 лет назад +16

      Tyler Satterfield two ways that happened. 1: he went to a McDonald's and asked for some wrappers for a skit probably paying the manager 20$... Or 2: he spent a good 50$ for the actual meals...

    • @peteallyn412
      @peteallyn412 7 лет назад +17

      Lightfurred Badger well I'm sure he has a production crew that helps him, they gotta eat too.

    • @icarusdegrey
      @icarusdegrey 7 лет назад +1

      xXCheESeXx Pokémon plus a ronald mcdonald plush toy

    • @clashbloxblitz789
      @clashbloxblitz789 7 лет назад +6

      Lightfurred Badger The burgers he bought look like dollar cheeseburgers. So uh max 15 bucks haha.
      Source: I like eating garbage

  • @micahphilson
    @micahphilson 7 лет назад +813

    My cousins had that Cap'n Crunch game, and whenever I was there, I played it all the time. I LOVE THAT CAP'N CRUNCH GAME!!!
    It gets easier as it goes on. Your stats go up, making the games easier, making them go up faster.

    • @xavlegm
      @xavlegm 7 лет назад +21

      Micah Philson captain crunch is actually a kernel he only has three stripes on his sleeve

    • @xavlegm
      @xavlegm 7 лет назад +12


    • @kibibyte5688
      @kibibyte5688 7 лет назад +17

      thatanimeguy with no last name
      Learn English, lad.

    • @kibibyte5688
      @kibibyte5688 7 лет назад +8

      thatanimeguy with no last name
      ...Which is grammatically incorrect. Image matters, ya know. You wouldn't want a future employer to think you are illiterate, would you?

    • @JacaboBlanco
      @JacaboBlanco 7 лет назад +7

      Micah Philson dude me too i fucking LOVED that game

  • @Fleshi_Guy615
    @Fleshi_Guy615 3 года назад +5

    My god, the amount of practical effects and props in jons videos make them so much funnier, you don't see this too often on youtube,

  • @Lorgar64
    @Lorgar64 4 года назад +62

    Best joke: "What is this, food? Eh, maybe."

  • @degenerate3288
    @degenerate3288 6 лет назад +353

    It's captain crunch
    JonTron: *WHAT'S YOUR RANK*
    Also how dare you disrespect him he is captain of the first captain of the Grommet Navy

    • @barrybend7189
      @barrybend7189 6 лет назад +5

      He's actually a rank below captain.

    • @sleepingdragons57
      @sleepingdragons57 6 лет назад +3

      Joseph Krakowski actually his suit doesn't have the right stuff to be a captain forgot what he is but the amount of stripes on his sleeves make him a different rank

    • @jenniferphipps2012
      @jenniferphipps2012 6 лет назад +2


    • @Drago0900
      @Drago0900 6 лет назад +1

      Joseph Krakowski no he is commander he has only three stripes not four like a captain so he is commander of what ever the fuck you said

    • @looniegaming9419
      @looniegaming9419 6 лет назад +1

      Joseph Krakowski but captain crunch is a corporal

  • @Pioxys
    @Pioxys 9 лет назад +358

    Not even half way through the video, and I already lost my shit when he said that Colonel Sanders look like he own slaves.
    This is why I love you Jon.

    • @pokeplayer771
      @pokeplayer771 9 лет назад +45

      And then the ending happened....

    • @Pleasestoptalkingthanks
      @Pleasestoptalkingthanks 9 лет назад +41


    • @ktvdesign1389
      @ktvdesign1389 9 лет назад +3

      +Pioxys And then half way through the vid, I got a KFC ad

    • @Exigentable
      @Exigentable 9 лет назад

      +Pioxys nice of the product to post a comment here, eh Jon?

  • @AdahnFlorence
    @AdahnFlorence 2 года назад +11

    Man all this time I never knew Grimblo was voiced by Zach, going back through these is a massive trip.

    • @L.Pondera
      @L.Pondera 2 года назад +1

      Zach isn't just dubbed over Grimbo, he is Grimbo. Take away the make up and that is Zach.

    • @TheBfutgreg
      @TheBfutgreg Год назад +1

      @@L.Pondera It's literally not (Credit says it's "Shamil"), but he is very gremlin like

    • @L.Pondera
      @L.Pondera Год назад

      @@TheBfutgreg There goes my gaslight

    • @TheBfutgreg
      @TheBfutgreg Год назад

      @@L.Pondera Ooops sorry bout that one...snuffed out

    • @robertmartin6800
      @robertmartin6800 Год назад +1

      ​@@TheBfutgreg"Shamil" is one of Zach's old stage names, he explained that it's the name of one of his uncles in a video he made with OneyPlays a while ago. That's literally Zach.