Bill Evansのベーシストごとの評価については、私も以前から気になっていました。私自身はベースを演奏しているわけではないので、特に実際のベーシストにとっての、この4人の評価が知りたいです。当然好き嫌いもあるでしょうから、あくまで個人的な感想程度で良いのですが、たといば「テクニック」「アイデア(独創性)」「Bill Evansとの相性」などいくつかの指標から点数づけするとどうなるのか?興味があります。
@user-dh I've been an Evans devotee for many years, here's my input. Scott LaFaro, along with Bill and Paul Motian, created a groundbreaking new approach to the piano trio, in which the bass player wasn't just a metronome, keeping a 4/4 pulse going, but rather, interweaving and having a "dialogue" with the piano. After LaFaro's tragic death, all the bassists who followed, (Chuck Israel, Eddie Gomez, and Marc Johnson), basically continued what he and Bill had started. They were all great, I won't say that any one of the three was better in terms of technique, ideas, or compatibility with Bill. If they weren't "compatible" they wouldn't have had the job. LaFaro wrote the book, the others all did a great job in picking up where he left off.
Bill Evansのベーシストごとの評価については、私も以前から気になっていました。私自身はベースを演奏しているわけではないので、特に実際のベーシストにとっての、この4人の評価が知りたいです。当然好き嫌いもあるでしょうから、あくまで個人的な感想程度で良いのですが、たといば「テクニック」「アイデア(独創性)」「Bill Evansとの相性」などいくつかの指標から点数づけするとどうなるのか?興味があります。
@user-dh I've been an Evans devotee for many years, here's my input. Scott LaFaro, along with Bill and Paul Motian, created a groundbreaking new approach to the piano trio, in which the bass player wasn't just a metronome, keeping a 4/4 pulse going, but rather, interweaving and having a "dialogue" with the piano. After LaFaro's tragic death, all the bassists who followed, (Chuck Israel, Eddie Gomez, and Marc Johnson), basically continued what he and Bill had started. They were all great, I won't say that any one of the three was better in terms of technique, ideas, or compatibility with Bill. If they weren't "compatible" they wouldn't have had the job. LaFaro wrote the book, the others all did a great job in picking up where he left off.
東京公演はEddie Gomezだった。後ろの席で輪ゴムが跳ねるようなBassの音を聴いた。今でもScoot Lafaroはレコードを探してしまう。
I once met a unicorn.