HOLSTEIN -MOTIVE- 【Official Video】
- Опубликовано: 19 янв 2025
※2004.11.25"Delivered FromThe Past"より
HOLSTEINの最初で最後のFULL ALBUM。数々のフォロアーを生み出したHOLSTEINを語るに欠かせない1枚。
HOLSTEIN "Delivered FromThe Past"
2004.11.25 IN STORE
01.If the story's over...
02.Vapor Trails & Powder Snow
03.Distant Vistas
04.Gaze at the sky
06.Turning off the light,Brightness shines
07.One shape of love
08.the urban air
09.the end of the universe
10.Gently,the rain sings for me
12.Letter(in the buried capsule)
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