I've had this carbon tripod for a couple of years now and it's the best tripod I've ever used. It's light, rock solid and puts many big name, big money tripods to shame. I'm over 6 feet tall and this tripod extends to higher than my eye level. I use it with a Nikon D810 WITH 300mm lens attached and it doesn't move. A highly recommended tripod at a great price.
Excellent review!! Super clear and informative. Very tempted to get that tripod after watching this. I also liked the skit you did in the beginning! That was fun to see. Looking forward to your next videos!
I just got the upgraded version of this, and the 90C. Once I did some price comparisons I was like why not. Two awesome tripods for less than 1/2 of one high end one. I have yet to use them in the field; whereas, I don’t currently own a head that fits. Anyways, fit and finish is very good on these. Sure, they might lack some of the features of the finest of tripods, but for the $’s they’re very nice.
I bought the Innorel U44 ball head which is perfect on the RT80C. They also do a U54, (and other models) which would be perfect on the RT90 tripod. Brilliant ball head that is well engineered.
From another Grampa: You are a truly good grandson! I am sure that he would be very proud of you. All the best.
I've had this carbon tripod for a couple of years now and it's the best tripod I've ever used. It's light, rock solid and puts many big name, big money tripods to shame. I'm over 6 feet tall and this tripod extends to higher than my eye level. I use it with a Nikon D810 WITH 300mm lens attached and it doesn't move. A highly recommended tripod at a great price.
Excellent review!! Super clear and informative. Very tempted to get that tripod after watching this. I also liked the skit you did in the beginning! That was fun to see. Looking forward to your next videos!
Thank you. I have plenty more on the way.
The Brooke Stickleback Awesome! Excited to hear that!
The Brooke Stickleback Awesome! Excited to hear that!
What size thread are the feet/spikes? 3/8-16 by chance?
I just got the upgraded version of this, and the 90C. Once I did some price comparisons I was like why not. Two awesome tripods for less than 1/2 of one high end one. I have yet to use them in the field; whereas, I don’t currently own a head that fits. Anyways, fit and finish is very good on these. Sure, they might lack some of the features of the finest of tripods, but for the $’s they’re very nice.
tmbacz I also have the 90C. Great tripod.
I bought the Innorel U44 ball head which is perfect on the RT80C. They also do a U54, (and other models) which would be perfect on the RT90 tripod. Brilliant ball head that is well engineered.
@@ronshephard9429, I have a hybrid system. Manfroto video fluid head with a custom plate that fits the L bracket on my camera. I dislike ball heads.
Good review. You used your brain, boy. :)
🤣 Thanks!
Been looking for the gimbal review video.
Thank you. It will be one of my next videos.
@@BrooksWildlife hi still waiting for the gimbal video :)
Sorry for the delay. I have not forgotten or given up on making it. Should be within the next few videos I upload.
Would be nice if it had a bubble level to help with panoramas.
I just bought this tripod and can't figure out how to put it together. Please do a video on how to use the bowl. Much Thanks.
Hello. If you skip to about 3:12, I explain how to use the bowl. Hope this helps.
That is the worst tripod I’ve ever seen! That first one. The replacement looks WOW!
Ooops see the level in the gimble video.