I've been listening to a multitude of bushcrafts "experts" for many many years and a lot of them make it seem like you're lucky to even be able to listen to them I just started watching your videos just wanted to say I like your easier going way of presenting things ...good job
Yes, This is My favorite channel! What makes it so nice is he is very down to earth and isn’t trying to sell you some junk you don’t need. I also like the fact that he is willing to share his knowledge and does it in a way that doesn’t belittle his viewers, I love the simplicity of his channel and as I watch more and more I really want to meet this guy! Seems like a cool guy to listen to with “Real Talk” there are way too many RUclipsrs who think their limited military experience makes them an expert, I served 23 Years and I feel as if I don’t know much about actual bug out situations, sure I can do some basic stuff but this man gives Real information I will 100% use.
6666 I 6 70's 7 u u767i⁶606.00 ⁶6566 606.00 606.00 I 80's it 5767778 u 7777777777 606.00 606.00⁷777777777777877777 80's 777777777777kk777 I 6 80's 777777777kk7 606.00 6 606.00 6 606.00 76766⁶6666666⁷66 u 66 u 6606.00 u know 887😮ii6 K n kmomkikb mkkkkkkkolkkook ki lllllolkkk988⁹9999999999999999⁹8⁹⁸⁸⁸⁸⁸899⁹899⁹8999⁹⁸8⁹8⁹⁸⁸⁸899999⁹⁸899⁹8999⁹89⁹8999989⁹89⁹8999⁹⁸8⁹⁸889999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹899999999999999999999999999999999⁹989999⁹89999999999⁹8999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹98999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹9899999999999999999999⁹8999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹98⁹9⁸989⁹⁹⁹9899⁹98888⁸⁸9 I 9[⁹that 999999999⁹90's and then you are going good with you you are you ⁸98899😢7😊😊😊😊😊😊😊@@Reallybigmonkey1
You apply so much common sense and logic to your videos - it must be why I watch your channel. So many people make 30lb bug out bags meant to survive an apocalypse. Water & easy food is all you need. New water filter, poncho, safety items, dew rag - all simple, and genious. Another great video Dave.
You know for someone who works his ass off and as tired as you are you look happy to share this with us, and man, Thank you, truly I do appreciate it. ..
@@Reallybigmonkey1 : My pleasure. Thank you for making these wonderful, informative, and lighthearted videos. They are incredibly uplifting, especially in these pandemic lockdown days. 👏🏻
In my opinion this is the most useful video you have made in a long time. I have been a minimalist hiker/camper all of my life. The information you have shared here is spot on and everybody who plans to prepare for unknown circumstances should view and follow what you have laid out here. Carrying excessive comfort features can wind up ruining your experience instead of making it more enjoyable. The extra weight may not seem too much until you have carried it a while. Very well done Dave. Keep up the good work.
Yeah, a lot of overweight preppers with tons of unused Gucci gear and no training think once the shit hits the fan they're going to be the king of both survival and war.
Hey Dave, I just want to say that YOU are simply the best! Your videos are filled with sage advice & it's clear that you truly know what you're talking about - delivered with your friendly style & personable nature. I appreciate the tremendous effort & time you put into doing your RUclips channel; I've learned so much from you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
I love it. If you are going to be out there more than 3 days you shouldn't have brought a kit like this. I laughed so hard at that. That's a good one Dave. Enjoy your videos. Thanks.
Being wife and mother to three welder/ journeymen at paper mills, I definitely sympathize with the spring shutdown mode you will coming down from. Thanks for pushing past the fog of zombie re-adjustment in order to bring us this information.
Winner of a video, I been tryin to find out about "how to make a bug out shelter" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried - Janameron Tenylan System - (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got excellent results with it.
Good to have you back Dave. Once again, some good points. Now I need a long pair of socks that compress, unlike the long pair I bought in Norway, that are warm, wool, and do not compress at all. And those clips!!! Thanks to you and your viewer, already have several uses around the house for them too. Recently purchased an Aeropress coffee maker for my most necessary requirement, Bug Out, Bug In or just Bugged. Combined with the JavaMill from GSI and some hot water and Magic Beans this thing is fantastic. You owe it to your subscribers to to review this combo, and to you and your son to enjoy truly awesome coffee in the outdoors.
Those are sensible items. From an emergency management perspective, the more prepared people are to be self-sufficient during an incident, the less of a drain they are on our resources and the more focus we can put into legit rescue and recovery. Thanks for the video as always.
Hi, I have started working on my BOB recently, and because of your videos, I have added a compass and a few other of your suggestions. I liked this video too!! You always make me think and smile. Glad your work schedule is calming down some. Thanks for all of your efforts!!!
Thank you for sharing so much of your experience and knowledge. I am going to go through my 72 hour kit and make sure I have what will really be needed. Sure enjoy your videos. Hope you know you are helping a lot of folks with your down to earth experience and knowledge.
Respect Dave, knocking a video out in that shift pattern. Always learn stuff or get ideas from you. Stay safe driving about after that shift ends buddy. ATB Cheers Sel UK
@@Aaa-to5wm sort all that gear in three piles. 1.needs 2.wants 3. Comfort items. Pack the needs first, add the wants then see how much it weighs then go from there rating the importance of the items in the third pile
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Curt. Well this also includes bugging out in your car. Kinda like being stuck somewhere due to weather.
4 года назад+1
This guy is great......honestly, you would think he was a actor. Superb delivery and timing. Back to the main point of the video - very very well explained. I learnt a lot. I'm trying to improve my life and survival skills for the coming decade, which if you're reading this comment on April 2020, the world just got very bad, very weird and very serious in the last couple of months.
As always Dave, Great video! You touched on many things I rarely see on other people's videos! The whole "not dying in 72 hours" is my favorite. Socks, no one ever touches on socks, or taking your clothes off before sleeping. Both things the Boy Scouts and the Army are very big on! We always had one pair of socks around our neck drying, and one pair in our ruck, and the pair on our feet, and rotated them! Keep up the good work my friend, and I feel ya about the shutdown. Those were always the roughest times, for me also!
Another great video, thank you so much for taking the time to make it & share with us! I like the sewing clips idea! For sewing too! I like using the tape, but I will have to get some of those clips. As tired as you looked, thanks again for taking time for us!
Hi Dave as always you talk a great deal of sense I found this video very informative and fun as always look after yourself and God bless and thanks for taking the time to make this video
Outstanding Dave! To each his own bug out bag! Yes! “If you fail to plan, then you plan to Fail!” Folks listen here! There is no absolutes in a bug out bag just your individual needs! Good advice Dave and thank you always! Ross
Awesome with all the stuff I’ve seen for the bugout bag I could survive for months & learning day by day to survive these videos tell me a lot thank you
Another awesome video! I love that you keep it simple. Some great tips! I just went through and reorganized my bug out bag the other day and had enough left over to start another bag, lol. A lot of stuff I don't even see me needing. Hopefully, a lot of the newbies will be able to avoid that due to this video right here; wish I would've seen it when I first started out. Keep up the good work!
@@ChrisGilliamOffGrid Yep. He was my first exposure to bushcraft videos. Now I will have to go check out your video on bugout stuff, lol. Of course, you got me curious 😊.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Very cool you went through your bag. Often times folks will go camp with their bag and realize they can leave about half their stuff at home. Thanks for watching
Brother any time you do anything labeled "Bug Out" you get all kinds of opinions, hate and trolls for some reason. Same stuff with knots. Folks go insane. LOL.
Dear Dave, bless you. I've only been watching your videos for a few months. I was curious about 'survival' and got caught up in your bush crafting and camping. I don't do any of it but I love watching and learning from you. You make it clear and understandable. You make me think I could almost do it probably cause I'm a country girl. My condolences on the shut down work. I understand that. I'm a guard at a plant in Western NY and see all that. Take care of yourself. Care in the woods is excellent but at home just as vital. Again God bless you. I love your southern charm and video tech is excellent! Peace!
I just want to say, you have such a positive attitude and persona, that it really makes your videos enjoyable to watch! So many other people are so serious and dry. But you are just like a fun uncle who is teaches us kids how to survive! Just Subscribed!
Thanks Dave for your dedication even when your tired. Here in the Philippines its a must to keep a large dry bag ready. Monsoons, typhoons those rains permeate everything.
Dave glad to see you again, very good advice . I know what a shut down is , I work in a steel mill . My dad was a machinist for 46 Years and I was too for 8 years . Well , your videos are always appreciated and I take notes also, you have help me and taught me a lot . Thanks Dave , always waiting on the next video. Get some sleep , you look like you need some. Have a good day Sir.
Uncle Dave this is Uncle Mike you can make the Sawyer water purifier smaller by removing from the package and sealing up with a vacuum sealer if you have one. Just my 3 cents for helpful hint. Just the other day I was speaking with a neighbor about getting prepared for this spring as they are predicting lots of bad storms here in south central Kansas. We were talking about short term and long term for multiple families in our small community and helping others.
Good idea for most but in my case with multiple filters stored in bags I fear I might mix up my new one with a used one. These bags are excellent for when storms hit.
Excellent video. Great view on a 72 hr bag...keeping it simple. Too many people put togethrer a bag thinking they have to pack the kitchen sink, lol. Mine is very simple..a tarp for a shelter, about 125ft of paracord, a fire kit, knife and multitool, lightweight sleeping bag (with a blanket in colder months), small first aid and hygine kit, change of cloths, xtra socks, water purifier, canteen, hat, gloves, 3 MREs, $100 in cash, pic of family (for 'psychological support'), and a few other items, a good l.e.d. headlight and tack light w/xtra batteries and a few other items. Oh, i also carry a small ham tranciever. Great video. See you in the next one.
@@Reallybigmonkey1 Dave, since You tube doesn"t have the private message function anymore, this is only way I figured on doing it. Is there there any way I can either message you or e-mail you in private? I 'developed' a very simple piece of gear I think you may like and I want to send one to you. Is there a way we can make arrangements in private?
The common sense of your listeners and their numbers speak volumes about your incredible common sense which seems to be uncommon in our day and age ! Keep um coming !
Dave,a great video man, people get worried coss they just dont know whats out there. Dave, the other week the Mrs was in the shower and I was downistairs messing around with my spoon knife. I slipped and put it through my thumb to the bone, I called her and she wouldnt come. Blood squirting everywere I reached for my bag and got my cloth and super glue. By the time the lazy woman got her butt downstairs I was fixed and happy. Having your gear easy to access is key. lol later Davo
HalfQ holy Hannah! I was putting away my axe 2 weeks ago and as I extended to hang it and put it in its sheath, the blade slipped out and nicked my nerve on my left thumb! Same deal with blood everywhere, but I was an idiot and drank some to keep it from getting over everything! I went in to have it checked after I started feeling weak and didn’t get better after half an hour.
Good chat Uncle Dave lol. Thanks for taking the time out to make this man. I know from experience those shutdowns are no joke. I used to do concrete and carpentry for our local Timber Products during them. I carry a lot of rope to, gotta have rope.
@@MikiDoodleMom I have no idea what the brand name was because I bought them off Amazon a few years ago. There were multiple listings and all the clips looked the same
Well thought-out as always, Dave! I recently received two military backpacks w/frames. Not ALICE packs, but foreign military. Harness gear Military web belt with gear along with a bunch of extras. What makes these items special to me is they're from a very good friend, a retired SEAL. (yeah, I know! Everybody claims to be or has a friend who is/was s SEAL, but I've know this guy since 1978, he was a civilian, one year out of the Navy as a SEAL and was his roommate when he re-enlisted as an original member of SEAL Team 6) Anyway, all this gear is stuff he actually used in various parts of the world, like Rhodesia and Granada, etc. I feel like I've been handed pieces of history! But I AM expected to use this stuff - and I WILL!
I've been a truck driver for 24 years now and I'm in all sorts of climates. I have a basic set up. But I carry a 4 season bag. I live by something you taught me. I have gear that has multiple uses for multiple seasons..I feel that I'm good for at least 10 days.my pack can carry 180pnds but for what I have it's at 80 pounds. Your the best buddy .enjoy your time off.
I can see that for sure. When traveling like that you have to be prepared for all climates and potential weather. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
Excellent video! I totally get your quest for the one-handed first aid kit too. I volunteer with my local Sheriff’s Office and added a small kit to my duty belt. Essentially an elastic tourniquet, a good quick-clot gauze pad, and a chest seal all packed in a tourniquet pouch. The whole thing is maybe 2x2x6 inches do it’s easy to carry. Obviously it’s specialized to deal with a puncture or bullet wound but I think it could be modified to deal with more general injuries we see in the woods, especially if you keep it clear of the hygiene products like you say. I’d like to say the kit was my original idea but I saw a kit like it from Chinook Medical and decided I could assemble a less expensive version.
Awesome! Thanks David. Still more items to add to my kit. I've been going on a hike every week (from four to ten miles) added new items to my pack. My friends laugh at some of the stuff I have, but then see the practical use -like your bungee cords with carabiners idea to keep my pack on a tree and off the wet ground! Been raining so much here. In an actual bug out situation only other things worth mentioning - extra chocolate ! - and having important hard to replace papers or documents in some sort of protective container, in an easy to grab location to toss in before leaving home. May we all never need that one! Thank you for mentioning the chargers. Been looking for reliable one for overnight camping, good to know what's working for folks. See ya in the next one, glad the shut down is done! Yes to kayak videos and more cooking... Yummy! ;) Bet there's a surge of sales on those cool sewing clips!
Very good video. Very instructional and informational. Well thought out. I like your comments about not trying to be a hero but practical. Thank you so much for sharing this video. God bless you.
Hi Dave , that was probably the most Dow to earth,and like you say “realistic” and entertaining description of a 3 day bug out kit Not like some who tell you that a crammed altoids tin will save you, all the best, and rest up soon 🏴
Thank you so much. I enjoy your videos a lot and i apprecjate all your camping tricks and techniques that you share. Today I made a knife sheatb to wear on my belt from the collar of an old leather coat, because i was inspired by the way you reuse materials to make useful things for the outdoor life. ☺
I have been struggling a lot again lately Dave so I came back to this video for some wisdom and comfort..... I hope you are finally recovered from shutdown month. Have a good week Uncle Dave. (: Saving some of your recent uploads for some rough days ahead.
Totally exhausted, and you still make more sense then most people, even though you are not a really survival guy. Appreciate your efforts mate, hope to see chef Dave make a return soon lol 😃 take care, hope you get some rest, once your shutdown is done. 👍
Hello. I live in Sweden, and here most preppers are really down to earth when it comes to storing water and food, and when packing an emergency bag. I think your bug out bag is very sensible: there is no fancy sh*t in it. :)
Looking back in your videos it's amazing to see your knowledge I've incorporated and utilize. The First Aid advice is the best thing 1# most overlooked item IMO..
One of your best. Just so straightforward and useful for someone starting out or someone who's got all bolluxed up with the details and promos and has enough gear for a winter survival show on their back. It's just three days. Thank you!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it that much MacKenzie! Often times folks are mislead by videomakers that have watched too much Discovery Channel. LOL. Thanks for watching
Dear Dave. I hope you find time to relax as soon as possible. I cant wait you see again in the woods. You are still incredibly charming, thanks for the fact that you are as you are - remain as well as you are, you are exactly right - I admire you«. Best regards from Germany.
ya know you really should put out a bushcraft book of your own .something, i don't know..... no frills just the nuts and bolts of camping and bush craft for the back pack.check off lists ...would make a good read ..yeah yeah i know there are a bunch out there but you have the combined knowledge of many mentors.and tried them all besides what you have came up with ok i've rambled enough .good thought provoking vid thank you dave
Great video, I live an hour away from work so I keep a 72hr kit in my car, just the basics and a little more, but I keep 3 Mt House meals in 1-gallon zip bags and a 1 Quart bag with coffee, water tabs, sugar, cliff, and granola bars, etc. just like regular MRE brew pack and snacks. Like everyone says we all put different stuff in our 72hr bags, I just pack what I eat and what I like. Stinks to have to work the OT during shut down, but it always makes for a good paycheck, so stay strong, you gave me a couple good ideas, thanks.
Another great video !! Thank you for your time and ideas !! 72 hr bags are very personal but the basics are the same for all !! Glad your long work hours are coming to an end soon so you can do more videos !
Glad to hear Shutdown is coming to an end. Hope you can get some good sleep when it's over. Appreciate that you put out a video during the shutdown, I know that is tough. Enjoyed it as usual.
Finally someone addressed toilet paper, thanks Dave. It's one of the first things I make sure I'm packing. Even a few baby wipes come in pretty handy, even for your hands, just throw them in a plastic bag(zip lok).
We have had very large forest fires in California, I mean thousands of homes burned to the ground, people barely getting out alive, this is a very reasonable idea for all of us! My new neighbors bought the house next door, after loosing everything, I mean everything except the cloths on their backs. Pets, home, horses. This is very scary realizing any city could burn today, anywhere.
Very scary and valid point you brought up! Almost makes me want to say in drought stricken areas like that you'll want to add important papers or documents to your bug out bags to keep them safe
Good vid, i appreciate ur perspective and ur humor. Good tips on the basic 3 day servivor kit. Good explanation on the differentent bag levels of comfortability along the lines of servival. Thx for sharing👍
Great video. The idea of a one hand first aid kid is something I would have needed a few times. That is worth working further with. Thanks for sharing all those good tips altho you were so tired. Take care my good friend.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Ulrica! Not many think about once they are injured, will they have use of both hands? Always great to hear from you and Thanks for watching
That was a nice run thru and you gave us some things to think about. Most bug out bag videos tend to show most things on most of the typical lists. And I like those camouflaged pouches with the straps on the back. I'm kind of excited that I have a Maxpedition Thermite coming and I got a 5.11 PUSH Pack for my brother (for his birthday on Sunday) to carry his medical stuff and create an EDC kit to provide for his needs in a potential crisis. Hurricane season is coming back to Florida in May.Keep it up, I'll keep watching. Have a good week.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I guess a lot of others copy each other and just make kits. I carry what I actually use! Sounds like some good gear you have! Thanks for watching
I've been listening to a multitude of bushcrafts "experts" for many many years and a lot of them make it seem like you're lucky to even be able to listen to them I just started watching your videos just wanted to say I like your easier going way of presenting things ...good job
Thank you Glenn! That's fantastic to hear that!
Yes, This is My favorite channel! What makes it so nice is he is very down to earth and isn’t trying to sell you some junk you don’t need. I also like the fact that he is willing to share his knowledge and does it in a way that doesn’t belittle his viewers, I love the simplicity of his channel and as I watch more and more I really want to meet this guy! Seems like a cool guy to listen to with “Real Talk” there are way too many RUclipsrs who think their limited military experience makes them an expert, I served 23 Years and I feel as if I don’t know much about actual bug out situations, sure I can do some basic stuff but this man gives Real information I will 100% use.
6666 I 6 70's 7 u u767i⁶606.00 ⁶6566 606.00 606.00 I 80's it 5767778 u 7777777777 606.00 606.00⁷777777777777877777 80's 777777777777kk777 I 6 80's 777777777kk7 606.00 6 606.00 6 606.00 76766⁶6666666⁷66 u 66 u 6606.00 u know 887😮ii6
K n kmomkikb mkkkkkkkolkkook ki lllllolkkk988⁹9999999999999999⁹8⁹⁸⁸⁸⁸⁸899⁹899⁹8999⁹⁸8⁹8⁹⁸⁸⁸899999⁹⁸899⁹8999⁹89⁹8999989⁹89⁹8999⁹⁸8⁹⁸889999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹899999999999999999999999999999999⁹989999⁹89999999999⁹8999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹98999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹9899999999999999999999⁹8999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹98⁹9⁸989⁹⁹⁹9899⁹98888⁸⁸9 I 9[⁹that 999999999⁹90's and then you are going good with you you are you ⁸98899😢7😊😊😊😊😊😊😊@@Reallybigmonkey1
You apply so much common sense and logic to your videos - it must be why I watch your channel. So many people make 30lb bug out bags meant to survive an apocalypse. Water & easy food is all you need. New water filter, poncho, safety items, dew rag - all simple, and genious. Another great video Dave.
Thank you Theo! Sometimes common sense is tool number one!
The "thumbs down" folks don't like being told they are not Rambo. Lol
Nice kit. Thanks
Lol! Thanks!
But what they forget or don't recognize was that Sylvester after playing Rambo went home to a luxury bed in-between shoots 😁😁😁
“Murdock ..... I’m coming for YOU !!!”
You know for someone who works his ass off and as tired as you are you look happy to share this with us, and man, Thank you, truly I do appreciate it. ..
Lol, yes I am very tired but always happy to help!
I have watched your clips for years. I'm very impressed with the content and thought you put in them for us. Thank you
Thanks Pop, I'm glad you like the videos so much. Thanks for watching
I glad you came back !!!
I’m here for the epic accent and the overall entertainment value.
Them passin’ sneaky EsPaCee remarks are incredibly funny.
Lol, thanks for stopping by!
@@Reallybigmonkey1 : My pleasure. Thank you for making these wonderful, informative, and lighthearted videos. They are incredibly uplifting, especially in these pandemic lockdown days. 👏🏻
In my opinion this is the most useful video you have made in a long time. I have been a minimalist hiker/camper all of my life. The information you have shared here is spot on and everybody who plans to prepare for unknown circumstances should view and follow what you have laid out here. Carrying excessive comfort features can wind up ruining your experience instead of making it more enjoyable. The extra weight may not seem too much until you have carried it a while. Very well done Dave. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it that much Kevin! Thanks for watching
Lots of good ideas! I really like the sewing clips. Thanks.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it
“You aren’t Rambo”
Best survivalist /prepping advice ever
Get the gear you can manage and suits you/your environment
Well said
Great work as always
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it and how I think!
Yeah, a lot of overweight preppers with tons of unused Gucci gear and no training think once the shit hits the fan they're going to be the king of both survival and war.
Well, IF I was Rambo, I wouldn't need a survival kit at all!
Agreed. I always teach ppl to accept their knowledge first then pack and go out and use it
Sounds good. Thanks for watching
This is the single best video tailored to bug out bag i've ever seen. He doesn't have all the "gucci" gear, and stupid excessive stuff!
Thank you Caleb!
Hey Dave, I just want to say that YOU are simply the best! Your videos are filled with sage advice & it's clear that you truly know what you're talking about - delivered with your friendly style & personable nature. I appreciate the tremendous effort & time you put into doing your RUclips channel; I've learned so much from you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
Thank you Kathleen! I'm happy you like the videos so much!
I love it. If you are going to be out there more than 3 days you shouldn't have brought a kit like this. I laughed so hard at that. That's a good one Dave. Enjoy your videos. Thanks.
LOL, its true! Thanks for watching
Being wife and mother to three welder/ journeymen at paper mills, I definitely sympathize with the spring shutdown mode you will coming down from. Thanks for pushing past the fog of zombie re-adjustment in order to bring us this information.
Thanks Patricia! You know just how tiring it can be!
"If you're out there for more than three days, you shouldn't have brought a kit like this!" HAHAHAHA
Tell it like it is brother!
So true
Yeah I died right there lol...
Winner of a video, I been tryin to find out about "how to make a bug out shelter" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried - Janameron Tenylan System - (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got excellent results with it.
Love it
Good to have you back Dave. Once again, some good points. Now I need a long pair of socks that compress, unlike the long pair I bought in Norway, that are warm, wool, and do not compress at all.
And those clips!!! Thanks to you and your viewer, already have several uses around the house for them too.
Recently purchased an Aeropress coffee maker for my most necessary requirement, Bug Out, Bug In or just Bugged. Combined with the JavaMill from GSI and some hot water and Magic Beans this thing is fantastic. You owe it to your subscribers to to review this combo, and to you and your son to enjoy truly awesome coffee in the outdoors.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Ive never heard of the Areopress or the java mill. I'll look em up. Thanks for watching
Those are sensible items. From an emergency management perspective, the more prepared people are to be self-sufficient during an incident, the less of a drain they are on our resources and the more focus we can put into legit rescue and recovery. Thanks for the video as always.
I never thought about that but that's a great point!
Hi, I have started working on my BOB recently, and because of your videos, I have added a compass and a few other of your suggestions. I liked this video too!! You always make me think and smile. Glad your work schedule is calming down some. Thanks for all of your efforts!!!
Great to hear that Sarah! And I'm glad I could help.
Thank you for sharing so much of your experience and knowledge. I am going to go through my 72 hour kit and make sure I have what will really be needed. Sure enjoy your videos. Hope you know you are helping a lot of folks with your down to earth experience and knowledge.
Great to hear that and I'm happy it helped. I love helping others with this stuff
Exceedingly informative, and useful. It is clear that advice is from actual experience.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I try to make the videos as helpful as possible
Never new about the hidden pockets on the inside of zipper. Thanks. I've had mine for more than 15 years and never new about them.
I'm glad I could help out William!
@@Reallybigmonkey1 oh my yes, i too was totally unaware, those are huge pockets, thanks man!!!
Your videos are always so informative and fun. Great job man
Always great to hear that!
Respect Dave, knocking a video out in that shift pattern. Always learn stuff or get ideas from you. Stay safe driving about after that shift ends buddy. ATB Cheers Sel UK
Thanks Sel and that's great to hear! Thanks for watching
Really enjoyed this video. Down to earth advice with lots of ideas to incorporate into my system.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it
It's always great to see a video from you. I learn something new every time.
I agree
Great to hear that Kelly!
I need to take some notes. Mine has to much weight to it. I just have too many items in it lol. Good video!
@@Aaa-to5wm sort all that gear in three piles. 1.needs 2.wants 3. Comfort items. Pack the needs first, add the wants then see how much it weighs then go from there rating the importance of the items in the third pile
Glad I'm not the only one who considers some sort of sandals as essential. It's better to get wet with little and keep the rest dry.
Absolutely, your feet can't stay wet all the time. Thanks for watching Chris
a lot of good ideas here. I'm too old, an wore out, to bug out, but need all the ideas i can get. thanks, keep them coming.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Curt. Well this also includes bugging out in your car. Kinda like being stuck somewhere due to weather.
This guy is great......honestly, you would think he was a actor. Superb delivery and timing. Back to the main point of the video - very very well explained. I learnt a lot. I'm trying to improve my life and survival skills for the coming decade, which if you're reading this comment on April 2020, the world just got very bad, very weird and very serious in the last couple of months.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it and how I do things! Yes, things have gotten really bad worldwide. Stay safe and thanks for watching
As always Dave, Great video! You touched on many things I rarely see on other people's videos! The whole "not dying in 72 hours" is my favorite. Socks, no one ever touches on socks, or taking your clothes off before sleeping. Both things the Boy Scouts and the Army are very big on! We always had one pair of socks around our neck drying, and one pair in our ruck, and the pair on our feet, and rotated them! Keep up the good work my friend, and I feel ya about the shutdown. Those were always the roughest times, for me also!
Thank you Jon!
Another great video, thank you so much for taking the time to make it & share with us! I like the sewing clips idea! For sewing too! I like using the tape, but I will have to get some of those clips. As tired as you looked, thanks again for taking time for us!
Thanks Earl, I'm happy you liked it. I've always liked tape but man them clips are incredible!Thanks for watching brother
This is just free wisdom, love these videos so valuable.
Hi Dave as always you talk a great deal of sense I found this video very informative and fun as always look after yourself and God bless and thanks for taking the time to make this video
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching and may God bless you too!
Outstanding Dave! To each his own bug out bag! Yes! “If you fail to plan, then you plan to Fail!” Folks listen here! There is no absolutes in a bug out bag just your individual needs! Good advice Dave and thank you always! Ross
Thanks Ross! And well said brother. Thanks for watching
I enjoy watching your videos. You seem to enjoy what you are doing and you are in a field of you tubers that are so serious.
Fantastic to hear that Nicholas! Man I absolutely love doing this stuff
Sewing clips! Thank you. So much better than straight pins. Nice video!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Michelle!
Awesome with all the stuff I’ve seen for the bugout bag I could survive for months & learning day by day to survive these videos tell me a lot thank you
Thank you Jason! I'm glad you liked it and have learned from the videos.
Another awesome video! I love that you keep it simple. Some great tips! I just went through and reorganized my bug out bag the other day and had enough left over to start another bag, lol. A lot of stuff I don't even see me needing. Hopefully, a lot of the newbies will be able to avoid that due to this video right here; wish I would've seen it when I first started out. Keep up the good work!
@@ChrisGilliamOffGrid Yep. He was my first exposure to bushcraft videos.
Now I will have to go check out your video on bugout stuff, lol. Of course, you got me curious 😊.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Very cool you went through your bag. Often times folks will go camp with their bag and realize they can leave about half their stuff at home. Thanks for watching
Brother any time you do anything labeled "Bug Out" you get all kinds of opinions, hate and trolls for some reason. Same stuff with knots. Folks go insane. LOL.
@@Reallybigmonkey1 You're welcome! I want to be ready when camping season finally gets here. I'm chompin' at the bits!!
Dear Dave, bless you. I've only been watching your videos for a few months. I was curious about 'survival' and got caught up in your bush crafting and camping. I don't do any of it but I love watching and learning from you. You make it clear and understandable. You make me think I could almost do it probably cause I'm a country girl. My condolences on the shut down work. I understand that. I'm a guard at a plant in Western NY and see all that. Take care of yourself. Care in the woods is excellent but at home just as vital. Again God bless you. I love your southern charm and video tech is excellent! Peace!
Thanks Terri! Just think of survival as bushcraft camping when you have no choice. LOL. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
I just want to say, you have such a positive attitude and persona, that it really makes your videos enjoyable to watch! So many other people are so serious and dry. But you are just like a fun uncle who is teaches us kids how to survive! Just Subscribed!
Thank you for the sub Trey and I'm glad you like my channel so much!
I wish I could thumb this up 100x. Very thoughtful and valuable advice Dave, (As always,) You're one of the best. Take good care.
Thank you so much my friend!
Thanks Dave for your dedication even when your tired. Here in the Philippines its a must to keep a large dry bag ready. Monsoons, typhoons those rains permeate everything.
Im always happy to share Louis! Man, constant rain always causes issues. Thanks for watching
Dave glad to see you again, very good advice . I know what a shut down is , I work in a steel mill . My dad was a machinist for 46
Years and I was too for 8 years . Well , your videos are always appreciated and I take notes also, you have help me and taught me a lot . Thanks Dave , always waiting on the next video. Get some sleep , you look like you need some. Have a good day Sir.
Oh man, with steel mill experience you absolutely know what its like! I'm glad you like what all I do Johnny. Thanks for watching
You showed some good stuff...My cat is sitting with me watching your video ..She really watches when you are doing an outside video
I use to have a cat that loved to watch football. Love cats, you just never know about them
LOL! Man I love cats.
I like the simplicity of the gear you suggested. Thanks for another great video.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
Uncle Dave this is Uncle Mike you can make the Sawyer water purifier smaller by removing from the package and sealing up with a vacuum sealer if you have one. Just my 3 cents for helpful hint. Just the other day I was speaking with a neighbor about getting prepared for this spring as they are predicting lots of bad storms here in south central Kansas. We were talking about short term and long term for multiple families in our small community and helping others.
Thanks for some more of your vast knowledge
Good idea for most but in my case with multiple filters stored in bags I fear I might mix up my new one with a used one. These bags are excellent for when storms hit.
Excellent video. Great view on a 72 hr bag...keeping it simple. Too many people put togethrer a bag thinking they have to pack the kitchen sink, lol. Mine is very simple..a tarp for a shelter, about 125ft of paracord, a fire kit, knife and multitool, lightweight sleeping bag (with a blanket in colder months), small first aid and hygine kit, change of cloths, xtra socks, water purifier, canteen, hat, gloves, 3 MREs, $100 in cash, pic of family (for 'psychological support'), and a few other items, a good l.e.d. headlight and tack light w/xtra batteries and a few other items. Oh, i also carry a small ham tranciever. Great video. See you in the next one.
Thanks Vin, I'm glad you liked it. Yep, most bug outs are short term. Why be overloaded? Sounds like you have a good kit. Thanks for watching
@@Reallybigmonkey1 Dave, since You tube doesn"t have the private message function anymore, this is only way I figured on doing it. Is there there any way I can either message you or e-mail you in private? I 'developed' a very simple piece of gear I think you may like and I want to send one to you. Is there a way we can make arrangements in private?
Just saw this. Love this area to learn but your laugh and smile are genuine and you seem nice so I subbed. Haha
Thank you my friend!
Having access to some of your videos has really helped me. Thanks alot.
Fantastic to hear that Kelly!
As always informative and entertaining.
Thank you and get some rest after all those long days at work.
Thanks Ken, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
The common sense of your listeners and their numbers speak volumes about your incredible common sense which seems to be uncommon in our day and age ! Keep um coming !
I've been reading a lot of your audience views and they do agree with me .
Thank you Gary!
Dave,a great video man, people get worried coss they just dont know whats out there. Dave, the other week the Mrs was in the shower and I was downistairs messing around with my spoon knife. I slipped and put it through my thumb to the bone, I called her and she wouldnt come. Blood squirting everywere I reached for my bag and got my cloth and super glue. By the time the lazy woman got her butt downstairs I was fixed and happy. Having your gear easy to access is key. lol later Davo
HalfQ holy Hannah! I was putting away my axe 2 weeks ago and as I extended to hang it and put it in its sheath, the blade slipped out and nicked my nerve on my left thumb! Same deal with blood everywhere, but I was an idiot and drank some to keep it from getting over everything! I went in to have it checked after I started feeling weak and didn’t get better after half an hour.
@@supersymun superglue is awesome ;)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Ah man, That was a bad situation! Thanks for watching
That's bad! Funny how most of my cuts come from sheathing and resheathing and not from actual chopping
Thank you one more time for your usefull information and more important for your possitive energy my friend!
You are very welcome and thanks for watching my friend!
Great no frills bugout pack...great job Dave
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Dan!
@@Reallybigmonkey1 always enjoy your content
Good chat Uncle Dave lol. Thanks for taking the time out to make this man. I know from experience those shutdowns are no joke. I used to do concrete and carpentry for our local Timber Products during them. I carry a lot of rope to, gotta have rope.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Shutdowns are murderous! Thanks for watching
I like the sewing clips ... good tip I have been using 1/2 " metal binder clips for a - while but I'll give the sewing clips a try
Excellent idea!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked them. Youll be shocked at how strong them little clips are!
@@Reallybigmonkey1 I'm taking your word. Just going to wait for your reply regarding brand.
@@MikiDoodleMom I have no idea what the brand name was because I bought them off Amazon a few years ago. There were multiple listings and all the clips looked the same
Another well presented video. Again thanks Dave for your time
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Mike. Thanks for watching
As always Dave, another AWESOME video, I will definitely be buying those sewing clips...
Great to hear that Stephen and I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
Another valuable lesson. I’m glad you will be off that crazy schedule soon! And very good to see you smiling again!
Thanks Terry! I'm glad you liked and and I'm back to normal hours!
Yaaaaaaaa. Whooooooo!!!!!!
Enjoyed the video Dave. Looking forward to warmer weather and more of Dave's outings. Stay safe.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it and I'll see yall in the next one!
I love your channel, so much useful info but always delivered in a warm friendly fun manner.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
Good Ole Boy, that Dave fellow. If you appreciate Southern Gentlemen, raise your glass, if Not, raise your standards
Thank you Fred!
Very muuch apprecitae your dedication and character Dave....Thanks...
Thank you Julius!
Well thought-out as always, Dave!
I recently received two military backpacks w/frames. Not ALICE packs, but foreign military.
Harness gear
Military web belt with gear along with a bunch of extras.
What makes these items special to me is they're from a very good friend, a retired SEAL. (yeah, I know! Everybody claims to be or has a friend who is/was s SEAL, but I've know this guy since 1978, he was a civilian, one year out of the Navy as a SEAL and was his roommate when he re-enlisted as an original member of SEAL Team 6)
Anyway, all this gear is stuff he actually used in various parts of the world, like Rhodesia and Granada, etc.
I feel like I've been handed pieces of history! But I AM expected to use this stuff - and I WILL!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Man theres nothing like having gear that has some history behind it!
I've been a truck driver for 24 years now and I'm in all sorts of climates. I have a basic set up. But I carry a 4 season bag. I live by something you taught me. I have gear that has multiple uses for multiple seasons..I feel that I'm good for at least 10 days.my pack can carry 180pnds but for what I have it's at 80 pounds. Your the best buddy .enjoy your time off.
I can see that for sure. When traveling like that you have to be prepared for all climates and potential weather. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
Hey David! I haven't talked with you in such a long time. I'm glad to see that you are still hard at it producing high quality material!
Great hearing from you Ted! I remember your screen name from years ago!
@@Reallybigmonkey1 Not that many years, maybe 2 !/2? But I still watch sometimes. Do you remember the "Catsquatch" video? lol!
My favorite part of all of your videos is after you have explained the lesson then you smile and say; "ain't that neat"? Always the best moment.
Lol! That is neat!
Love the video, I appreciate your dedication to your art. Small suggestion for your kit, zip ties.
reusable ones!!
Even better 👍
Thanks and that's a good idea!
Also could add 1/2 dozen or so 8 and/or 16 penny nails.they are handy o have.
Excellent video! I totally get your quest for the one-handed first aid kit too. I volunteer with my local Sheriff’s Office and added a small kit to my duty belt. Essentially an elastic tourniquet, a good quick-clot gauze pad, and a chest seal all packed in a tourniquet pouch. The whole thing is maybe 2x2x6 inches do it’s easy to carry. Obviously it’s specialized to deal with a puncture or bullet wound but I think it could be modified to deal with more general injuries we see in the woods, especially if you keep it clear of the hygiene products like you say.
I’d like to say the kit was my original idea but I saw a kit like it from Chinook Medical and decided I could assemble a less expensive version.
Thanks Ralph! I'm glad you liked it. You have a good idea going there brother!
Awesome! Thanks David. Still more items to add to my kit. I've been going on a hike every week (from four to ten miles) added new items to my pack. My friends laugh at some of the stuff I have, but then see the practical use -like your bungee cords with carabiners idea to keep my pack on a tree and off the wet ground! Been raining so much here.
In an actual bug out situation only other things worth mentioning - extra chocolate ! - and having important hard to replace papers or documents in some sort of protective container, in an easy to grab location to toss in before leaving home.
May we all never need that one!
Thank you for mentioning the chargers. Been looking for reliable one for overnight camping, good to know what's working for folks.
See ya in the next one, glad the shut down is done! Yes to kayak videos and more cooking... Yummy!
;) Bet there's a surge of sales on those cool sewing clips!
Thanks Laura, I'm glad you liked it. Great to hear youre hiking a lot and adding to your kit. LOL, stock went up on sewing clips! Thanks for watching
Very good video. Very instructional and informational. Well thought out. I like your comments about not trying to be a hero but practical. Thank you so much for sharing this video. God bless you.
Thanks! I'm happy you liked it and may God bless you too
Thank you for the information makes sense. You make me laugh you have a great personality.
You are very welcome Robert and I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
Another comprehensive, fun look at an important subject....good stuff....
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Julius!
Hi Dave , that was probably the most Dow to earth,and like you say “realistic” and entertaining description of a 3 day bug out kit
Not like some who tell you that a crammed altoids tin will save you, all the best, and rest up soon 🏴
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it that much!
Thank you so much. I enjoy your videos a lot and i apprecjate all your camping tricks and techniques that you share. Today I made a knife sheatb to wear on my belt from the collar of an old leather coat, because i was inspired by the way you reuse materials to make useful things for the outdoor life. ☺
That's awesome! I love hearing when someone puts used materials to good use.
Sewing Clips FTW! The things we learn on your channel Uncle Dave.
Lol! Thanks Barry!
Hi Dave, I got the same Military Jacket. I learned to size up in order to wear sweat shirts/ heavy shirts under it. Thank for all the tips.
Good thinking and thanks for watching D!
You crack me up. Buy sewing clips for your bag...I'm using them for sewing. Always love your videos!!!
LOL, Well they are cheap and super strong! Im sure Ill use mine for sewing too. Thanks for watching Amy!
I have been struggling a lot again lately Dave so I came back to this video for some wisdom and comfort..... I hope you are finally recovered from shutdown month. Have a good week Uncle Dave. (: Saving some of your recent uploads for some rough days ahead.
Always good hearing from you Barry. I hope brighter times are ahead. Take care and thanks for watching brother
Totally exhausted, and you still make more sense then most people, even though you are not a really survival guy. Appreciate your efforts mate, hope to see chef Dave make a return soon lol 😃 take care, hope you get some rest, once your shutdown is done. 👍
Yep, not really a survival guy but Ive camped more than once. LOL. Thanks for watching Brother Mike
This is the best site on RUclips, in my opinion, for outdoor purposes.
Thank you so much John!
Hello. I live in Sweden, and here most preppers are really down to earth when it comes to storing water and food, and when packing an emergency bag. I think your bug out bag is very sensible: there is no fancy sh*t in it. :)
Thank you Hanna!
Looking back in your videos it's amazing to see your knowledge I've incorporated and utilize. The First Aid advice is the best thing 1# most overlooked item IMO..
Thank you my friend!
One of your best. Just so straightforward and useful for someone starting out or someone who's got all bolluxed up with the details and promos and has enough gear for a winter survival show on their back. It's just three days. Thank you!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it that much MacKenzie! Often times folks are mislead by videomakers that have watched too much Discovery Channel. LOL. Thanks for watching
Dear Dave. I hope you find time to relax as soon as possible. I cant wait you see again in the woods. You are
still incredibly charming, thanks for the fact that you are as you are - remain as well as you are, you are exactly right - I admire you«.
Best regards from Germany.
Thanks Fritz! Oh believe me, I'm so ready to hit the woods! Thanks for watching
Hi Uncle Dave. Great video. When you make out your will, please leave me your gear room. LOL Frank
LOL! Ill add you to the list Frank
@@Reallybigmonkey1 I imagine its a long list....but as long as my name is on there somewhere!
The only rule of survival is
"just don't die".
David will never die, he will merely invent something to live forever lol!!
ya know you really should put out a bushcraft book of your own .something, i don't know..... no frills just the nuts and bolts of camping and bush craft for the back pack.check off lists ...would make a good read ..yeah yeah i know there are a bunch out there but you have the combined knowledge of many mentors.and tried them all besides what you have came up with ok i've rambled enough .good thought provoking vid thank you dave
Great video, I live an hour away from work so I keep a 72hr kit in my car, just the basics and a little more, but I keep 3 Mt House meals in 1-gallon zip bags and a 1 Quart bag with coffee, water tabs, sugar, cliff, and granola bars, etc. just like regular MRE brew pack and snacks. Like everyone says we all put different stuff in our 72hr bags, I just pack what I eat and what I like. Stinks to have to work the OT during shut down, but it always makes for a good paycheck, so stay strong, you gave me a couple good ideas, thanks.
Thanks Mike! Very good thinking. If I lived Ann hour away from work I would be well prepared too
Hi David another great video showing reality not Rambo
Stay safe
Thanks! I'm happy you liked it
Another great video !! Thank you for your time and ideas !! 72 hr bags are very personal but the basics are the same for all !! Glad your long work hours are coming to an end soon so you can do more videos !
Thanks Pam! I'm happy you liked it. Shutdown is over!
When he was showing the saw, I though he was going to say, "If you injure one arm, you can saw it off no problem."
Lol, sadly enough. You can if caught in a situation!
Glad to hear Shutdown is coming to an end. Hope you can get some good sleep when it's over. Appreciate that you put out a video during the shutdown, I know that is tough. Enjoyed it as usual.
Thanks Scott, I'm glad you liked it. Shutdown is finally over!
I fast three days a month. That's three days with no calories at all. I can function just fine all three days. Six food bars is a total luxury. ;-)
It's no fun but yes, one can live off that short term
Do you hike and carry any sort or weight?
Finally someone addressed toilet paper, thanks Dave. It's one of the first things I make sure I'm packing. Even a few baby wipes come in pretty handy, even for your hands, just throw them in a plastic bag(zip lok).
It's a must have! Thanks for watching
Personally i prefer paper towels
We have had very large forest fires in California, I mean thousands of homes burned to the ground, people barely getting out alive, this is a very reasonable idea for all of us! My new neighbors bought the house next door, after loosing everything, I mean everything except the cloths on their backs. Pets, home, horses. This is very scary realizing any city could burn today, anywhere.
Very scary and valid point you brought up! Almost makes me want to say in drought stricken areas like that you'll want to add important papers or documents to your bug out bags to keep them safe
Good vid, i appreciate ur perspective and ur humor. Good tips on the basic 3 day servivor kit. Good explanation on the differentent bag levels of comfortability along the lines of servival. Thx for sharing👍
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for watching
@@Reallybigmonkey1 Np thank you for putting ur info out there....goung back to subscribe 👍
Thanks for the sub!
Great video. The idea of a one hand first aid kid is something I would have needed a few times. That is worth working further with. Thanks for sharing all those good tips altho you were so tired. Take care my good friend.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it Ulrica! Not many think about once they are injured, will they have use of both hands? Always great to hear from you and Thanks for watching
That was a nice run thru and you gave us some things to think about. Most bug out bag videos tend to show most things on most of the typical lists. And I like those camouflaged pouches with the straps on the back. I'm kind of excited that I have a Maxpedition Thermite coming and I got a 5.11 PUSH Pack for my brother (for his birthday on Sunday) to carry his medical stuff and create an EDC kit to provide for his needs in a potential crisis. Hurricane season is coming back to Florida in May.Keep it up, I'll keep watching. Have a good week.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I guess a lot of others copy each other and just make kits. I carry what I actually use! Sounds like some good gear you have! Thanks for watching
Lol are you saying you wear some socks with your sandals 😁😁😂😂🤣
LOL, no carry both.
dude you are so REAL; love your videos and straight talk
Thank you my friend!
17:10 "...and you wanna want....some MREs. Preferably MREs with dessert"
this man has his priorities right :D
Hard candy! It stays good forever in a backpack. Unless you eat it all.
@@cynthiarothrock4255 So it doesn't stay forever in a backpack, you say?
I think that your videos are awesome I just wanna let you know keep going it’s very helpful
Fantastic to hear that David! And thanks for watching brother