Taylor did this mess in the beginning when Bridge were engaged and she was trying to talk Ridge into not going along with the wedding and she talked Eric into causing problems and refusing the divorce so Bridge could marry. Brooke was thanking her for her help with her kids and Ridge and Eric not being aware she was counseling and manipulating both men, Ridge to call off the wedding and Eric to refuse the divorce. She did this talking in his ear the same as Steffy with Hope’s fiancée in the beginning. So she could talk Ridge into marrying her and then playing mind games as though she doesn’t want him leading him to chase after her when he discovered Eric refused to issue the divorce he had agreed to until Taylor got involved. The witch was always plotting and planning just like her evil brats.
Brooke is so beautiful in that outfit!
Taylor did this mess in the beginning when Bridge were engaged and she was trying to talk Ridge into not going along with the wedding and she talked Eric into causing problems and refusing the divorce so Bridge could marry. Brooke was thanking her for her help with her kids and Ridge and Eric not being aware she was counseling and manipulating both men, Ridge to call off the wedding and Eric to refuse the divorce. She did this talking in his ear the same as Steffy with Hope’s fiancée in the beginning. So she could talk Ridge into marrying her and then playing mind games as though she doesn’t want him leading him to chase after her when he discovered Eric refused to issue the divorce he had agreed to until Taylor got involved. The witch was always plotting and planning just like her evil brats.
You go Brooke! Love her :)
But this whole Jack thing was really messed up, I understand Taylor a bit, too. But hooking up with Rick? Urgh.
And it's 2021 and Brooke is doing it to Quinn. And interfering in Quinn marriage
Brook jest super ona i Ridge to idelana para a Taylor cały czas sie wtrąca
Brooke. Ridge and Taylor had a family too. But you didn't care one bit
He loves Brooke and not Taylor
Brooke your relationship ain’t better than others you always keep sticking your nose in other ppl business an wonder why yours is not right