SELL ALL YOUR GOLD IMMEDIATELY! BUY THIS INSTEAD! Housing Market Crash 2024 -Tall Mike Talks

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 53

  • @jorgecasamiquela1186
    @jorgecasamiquela1186 27 дней назад +10

    Tall Mike I don't know how you do it but your videos keep getting better and better 😊 Thanks Tall Mike and have a great weekend 👍

  • @danielvillareal2569
    @danielvillareal2569 27 дней назад +7

    The moon boys may not like the segment, but from here down on earth makes perfect cents…

  • @elizabethblane201
    @elizabethblane201 24 дня назад +1

    They all think that BT is a store of wealth. NO. As a 15-year-old, (back in the 60s) I did one of those Irish chain letters sending a USPS money order ; my mother tried to explain it to me that it was just a scam, but I had stars in my eyes. Of course, I never got anything back. We all have to learn in some way. Don't sell your gold, people.

  • @wakethebarbarian4577
    @wakethebarbarian4577 26 дней назад +4

    Tall Mike, this was one of your best episodes of all time. As a retired postal inspector it was especially entertaining. I sold short some MSTR a couple of days ago for a quick profit.

    • @stockmarketgambler3335
      @stockmarketgambler3335  26 дней назад +2

      Thanks for the comment. Yes, it was fun yesterday shorting MSTR at 500 for a quick profit. Have a great weekend.

  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 23 дня назад +1

    We are hyperinflation but there nothing to back up with also.

  • @marcus_fields
    @marcus_fields 26 дней назад +2

    & after Bitcoin 🚀 📈 Ethereum Classic … have a good weekend 😎

  • @melindastewart6253
    @melindastewart6253 27 дней назад +5

    Hey Mike
    Where is Buffet keeping all his cash now that he has gone cash? Under the mattress?
    Seriously, where can one put a large amt of cash?
    Thanks for your podcast. Much appreciated!

  • @atarilegend1907
    @atarilegend1907 27 дней назад +7

    I like Bitcoin. It's the reason gold's still obtainable.

  • @paulinlasvegas
    @paulinlasvegas 27 дней назад +3

    I think BTC should be included with gold, silver and other commodities in a basket to stabilize and strengthen the dollar. It should only make up a small percentage because it's extremely cyclical and volatile. Out of all these investments silver is the most undervalued with the greatest upside. Just my opinion. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Mike.

  • @tobyk5149
    @tobyk5149 27 дней назад +4

    there is always a greater fool … until there is not

  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 27 дней назад +4

    America needs to solve it debt on the clock. There going to be a debt spiral that going to send out nation into a Great Depression.

  • @Triumph60Gem
    @Triumph60Gem 26 дней назад +4

    If we have 8000 tons of gold, just sell half and debt gone!

    • @stockmarketgambler3335
      @stockmarketgambler3335  26 дней назад +3

      If we sold all it would cover our expenses for about 3 months. The debt will never go away. Thanks for watching.

    • @HisCoconutGun
      @HisCoconutGun 26 дней назад +3

      Math doesn't add up bud. 8000 tons = 25 million ounces. 25 million ounces x $2700 per ounce = $690 billion. That would pay about 2% of our $36 trillion in debt.

    • @marcus_fields
      @marcus_fields 26 дней назад

      @@HisCoconutGun das w/ bitcoin @ 100k … our debt will be set wen bitcoin 🚀 2 a mil

  • @jayneweaver8695
    @jayneweaver8695 26 дней назад +3

    You're so polite, Bitcoin is a sophisticated Ponzi scheme, a LOT like what the U.S. gov. is doing to all of us b/c we've been so dumbed down, they not only get away with it, but the American citizens also don't even question it, i.e.; we have $37 TRILLION in debt and like you so correctly stated that does NOT include unfunded liabilities, Defense, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security to name a few. THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO!

  • @gabrielw7773
    @gabrielw7773 27 дней назад +4

    MSTR will go bankrupt if Bitcoin has any serious hiccups. Huge debt in something that doesn't have any fundamentals just speculation.

  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 27 дней назад +2

    We been in a bubble to much money injected in the economy . Us government can’t pay debt back. But the United States government can pay it debt back if they stop worrying about other countries 1st then take care of it people also.

  • @Thomas_Paine1286
    @Thomas_Paine1286 27 дней назад +3

    Bitcoin should hopefully fund my pet ant farm 🎉🎉🎉

  • @henrikissagoolian4934
    @henrikissagoolian4934 27 дней назад +3

    Gambling is rising a big time on line. Vegas on cell phone. Lots of people will get crashed.

  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 25 дней назад

    The things is that we are in a big bubble because we inject to much money in the system .

  • @atarilegend1907
    @atarilegend1907 27 дней назад +5


  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 27 дней назад +2

    But we are still in a recession unemployment is 4.1 percent.

  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 27 дней назад +3

    How long will this bull market last also.

  • @ownsilver
    @ownsilver 27 дней назад +3

    We produce very little, we have very few jobs that will sustain a family most jobs pay minimum or a little better wage, most folks are desperate for more income to pay the inflated bills so they turn to gambling or debt to fill the gap unfortunately there a lot more losers than winners people like Michael Saylor are the winners and many retail folks are the losers, we need better paying jobs to come back, we now have high interest and over priced items formula a for failure

  • @xavierrodriguez1455
    @xavierrodriguez1455 25 дней назад

    America is broke there big money shortage also with this country and there a big problem that nation can not solve.

  • @tonyhurst6544
    @tonyhurst6544 26 дней назад +2

    This sounds like the biggest ponzi scheme in history . It probably would make Bernie Madoff proud . Lol