Dr. Abel Damina 'NO ORIGINAL SIN' (Pelagianism) debunked!

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 165

  • @kehindegaruba1101
    @kehindegaruba1101 2 месяца назад +7

    In my opinion, Nigerian Christians need to thank God for Pastor Damina for stimulating online bible study and asking critical questions.
    Having said that, Ps Gideon, thanks for your input into this discourse. Please, kindly give me answers to these questions:
    1. Why did God punish Cain for killing his brother? Remember as that time there was no law against doing so.
    2. The laws in old testament were written by God but only delivered through Moses. Why are they called laws of Moses? Being an All knowing Being, why did God give the law first, knowing that it will not accomplish salvation ?
    3. Why is Jesus' salvation not automatic just like Adam sin?
    4. Where will a newborn go, heaven or hell, if he dies?
    Thank you Sir. Good bless you

  • @mosesgithegi1720
    @mosesgithegi1720 2 месяца назад +32

    If before Moses there's was no sin,by what law did God judge people in Genesis chapter 6...and why is it recorded that Noah was just and that he walked with God but other people were wicked and Moses wasn't born?Where did wickedness that God speaks about here came from?

  • @osagierichie4010
    @osagierichie4010 2 месяца назад +12

    Quick question
    If we don't have a choice in accessing the consequence of Adam sin
    Then how come we need to do something to access Jesus' sacrifice
    Meaning the weight of Adam sin is more than that of Christ sacrifice
    If what you say the sin of Adam is passed upon all...then we don't need to believe for the sacrifice of Jesus to be accessed.
    Let's keep all these abel damina's criticism aside and think with our brains...
    Dr damina is actually correct....
    The topic of original sin is not as simplistic as you think...
    Because if we should go with you and ask you questions like
    Where does a 9 month old child go when he dies you will not be able to give a definite answer
    So rather than just come out to do a video in scrutiny of something understand it extensively first

  • @rhemaepignosis8801
    @rhemaepignosis8801 2 месяца назад +20

    Brother, I am so Blessed by your Presentation. You are a Clinical finisher in the Doctrine.
    Your voice should be louder. Your Simplicity and manner of Presentation is mercurial.
    You have more to offer to this Generation. Dr. Abel Damina is in our prayers 🙏.
    God Bless you 🙏.

  • @dennydee8473
    @dennydee8473 2 месяца назад +7

    I think we are all asking the wrong questions. The right question in my own opinion is:
    1. Was it the nature of sin that was passed down from Adam, or the consequences of sin? Give scriptures o.
    2. What does sin as a nature mean?
    3. Did Adam only received the nature of sin after eating the fruit, or was it a tendency already embedded in him? Because if it wasn't an embedded tendency, God wouldn't need to warn him not to eat of it because he would have been INCAPABLE of disobeying God!

  • @ajm_star
    @ajm_star 2 месяца назад +11

    There are a lot of things that makes sense, but if it's not Biblical it should be rejected.

  • @jinduogbugh2887
    @jinduogbugh2887 2 месяца назад +3

    No, we were not born sinners..we were born in sin, we were born with the sin nature. So it was a matter of time, as soon as I am able to know what is good and evil, I will sin.
    Because it is in my nature to sin. It is what is prevalent in me.

  • @originalkwao3365
    @originalkwao3365 2 месяца назад +4

    I think Ps. Gideon is reading his thought into the text.
    Rom 5:12 -14 says and death spread to all men because ALL MEN HAVE SINNED! Not bcos all men i herited Adam's sin! Why cant u catch this?
    Rom5:12 Says by Adam sin entered the world and death came as a results of Adam's sin so death passed upon all men.
    The verse didnt say bcos Adam sinned all men inherited the sin. It says sin entered by Adam and death came as a resultsbof sin and death passed(spread) upon all men.
    Did it say all men were born sinnerz? No! Did it say all men inherited Adam's sin? No!
    Did the verse say death spread upon all people bcos of Adam's sin or bcos of all men's sin?
    It explicitly says death spread upon all men bcos ALL HAVE SINNED not bcos they were born sinners. The reason why all men die is bcos all men sin! This death is seperation from God and not just physical death unless we qant to say the sin of Adam also made Jesus a sin since he also died physically.
    Death passed upon all men FOR/BECAUSE ALL HAVE SINNED not bcos they were born sinners.
    Now what does it mean that death passed upon all men? Is it automatic? No!
    The greek word translated as PASSED is used in Mat 12:43 where Jesus says when an unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walks (passed) through dry places seeking rest. This doesnt mean the unclean spirit rests on everyone but it means where he finds rest.
    Check wvery other place where the same word is used.
    This means that the passing of death upon all men is not automatic but as the verse itself says BECAUSE ALL HAVE SINNED. So when you sin the then death comes upon u since the wages of sin is death. Sin here is unbelief.
    Now lets move to verse 13...

  • @davidadansi9964
    @davidadansi9964 2 месяца назад +34

    This is what happens when you preach to "challenge" and not to edify. He's trying to debunk all theology and establish his as the truth.

  • @nananimako5858
    @nananimako5858 2 месяца назад +6

    Pastor Gideon you are a very good n anointed teacher of the gospel n may God Almighty continue to protect you

  • @solomonoliseh5952
    @solomonoliseh5952 2 месяца назад +20

    1 Corinthians 15:22
    For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.

    • @emmanuelasiedu5590
      @emmanuelasiedu5590 2 месяца назад +6

      The million dollar question is "Are all alive after Christ resurrection"?

  • @titahchumbuin9728
    @titahchumbuin9728 Месяц назад +1

    😂😂 I can see a couple of Damina's members here in the comments section posting questions they were trained to put forth to raise arguments.
    Sorry, but the Christian Faith is not sorted out by COMMON SENSE, that's why you guys can't get.
    Pastor Gideon you are doing a great job, keep it up 👍👏👏👏

  • @originalkwao3365
    @originalkwao3365 2 месяца назад +3

    Adam's sin did not make anyone a sinner but the consequences of his sins affects the earth so whoever lives on earth passes through it. The mere fact that people die, get sick, suffer, etc bcos of Adam's sin doesn't mean that they were born sinners. Jesus died , suffered and experienced everything we do yet he was not a sinner bcos of Adam's sin. Thus the consequences of Adam's sin which corrupted the earth affected everyone including Jesus but the sin itself did not. Jesus died physical death [which was made possible bcos of Adam's sin] but he did not inherit the sin of Adam, he was not born a sinner. In the same way no one is born a sinner yet we go through the consequences of the sin.

  • @IdorenyinEkot
    @IdorenyinEkot 2 месяца назад +7

    Damina never said the sin of Adam did not affect humanity but said the sin of Adam is not automatically the sin of all.
    Please listen carefully.

  • @johnnwabuezep69
    @johnnwabuezep69 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm not a follower of Dr Able but I'm happy he has woken up serious christians to go back and study the scripture... I give him that credit... To the presenter, you're so sound and humble, more Grace, i can't but agree more with you.... Ghana is blessed having you....

  • @recruitmentspecialist509
    @recruitmentspecialist509 2 месяца назад +4

    If Adam sin did not affect everyone then, Jesus did not need to come by a virgin Mary. Thank you Pastor Gideon, This man almost confused me with this teaching.

  • @arthur.prince
    @arthur.prince 2 месяца назад +3

    Dr. Damina is always trying to solve debatable Christian issues with poor hermeneutics. His diagnosis of the problem some have with original sin may not be the best but I disagree with Ps Gideon that it is an established Christian doctrine. It may be the majority position but it is so in the Western Church, not the Eastern Church. The Western Church may be the dominant Church today and have the most influence but it does not mean everything it believed and taught was right.
    I disagree with all five points of calvinism's TULIP even though my favorite preachers are calvinists. I am incredibly grateful for the teachings of Tim Keller and RC Sproul...but I'm still not a calvinist and will probably never be. Total depravity is indeed the belief that man is totally depraved and totally incapable of choosing God for himself unless God sovereignly chooses him for salvation. Most major Christian groups believe in depravity but it is calvinists that believe in 'total' depravity. There's a difference.
    Ps Gideon, in a reply to a comment, said that Augustine's taught total depravity before the calvinists. Well that's true. That's because the calvinists got it from him. It is well documented, very well documented, that before Augustine, which is about 350 years after the early church, not a single church father taught TOTAL depravity or deterministic theology. Augustine is the one that came up with that. You'll find most of this in Ken Wilson's book on Augustinian calvinism. You'll also find some in the writings of Jack Cottrell online. Augustine is a pillar of the Christian faith but he should not be treated as if he did not have faulty teachings which have now been deemed to be dominant today. He's probably the greatest theologian of all time in the Western Church in terms of influence and even doctrine but there are a ton of issues with Augustine but I can't get into all of it here.
    When it comes to Pelagianism, I agree that it is a heresy but the way it was deemed as a heresy was through a flawed process in my opinion. Right conclusion. Flawed process. To summarise, it happened because of what seemed like a smear campaign by Augustine against Pelagius. Pelagius himself does not believe about 7 out of the 9 points of Pelagianism, a heresy that has unfortunately been named after him. You will find this in the scholarly book 'The Myth of Pelagianism'.
    Now back to original sin. No, as a matter of fact it is not an "established Christian doctrine". There are legitimate questions raised by those who do not subscribe to it. Dr Damina is just answering them very very wrongly. Are we born without sin, completely neutral and pure as pelagianism asserts? No. That's the heresy. The questions raised are based on the differences between original sin and original guilt and on the fact that Paul tells us over and over again, especially in Romans 5, that it is death, not guilt, that passed unto all men. The debate is whether or not we inherit Adam's guilt or whether it is just a corrupt nature which makes us depraved and therefore prone to our own sin and thus our own judgements of guilt.
    There are verses that talk about all being condemned through one transgression. It is not necessarily the same as being pronounced guilty. Romans 5:17 says that it is the judgement that led to condemnation. What is the judgement and what is the condemnation. They cannot both be guilt. The judgement is the pronunciation of Adam's guilt. The condemnation is death. Thus if you look at the Old Testament, when a man sinned and was pronounced guilty, he did not suffer his condemnation alone. Sometimes, his family will die alongside with him even though they may be completely guiltless, ie they did not commit the sin with him. For eg, Achan and his household.
    Now I'm not trying to argue for or against. This is something I am still working through myself though my default position is that of Ps Gideon's own. What I am objecting to is the claim that it is established Christian doctrine. It's not. And as much as I love the Reformers, they did not get everything right so we cannot take their positions hook, line and sinker simply because of who they are. Isn't that what this channel is trying to combat in the first place? If it can work for the modern "church fathers", it must work for those in the past as well. If you're reading this and you're being drawn into reformed and calvinistic teaching, whether you eventually agree with them or not, do so because you have examined it well and not based on reputation and assumed established Christian doctrine.

  • @EdWaltenburg
    @EdWaltenburg 2 месяца назад +7

    So is a child born today a sinner? If so, what happens when this child while being a child dies? Will he/she go to heaven or hell because he didn’t repent ?

    • @emmanuelasiedu5590
      @emmanuelasiedu5590 2 месяца назад +1

      Good question. If indeed a loving Father is willing to do a Hitler to his disobedient children. This loving father also sent His only begotten Son to die for all while we were yet sinners

  • @themessagechannel1
    @themessagechannel1 2 месяца назад +1

    Abel Damina never said there is nothing like Original Sin....
    List to the series he did last year on The Concept of SIN....
    STOP MISJUDGING HIS TEACHINGS without listening to the full teachings

  • @AustineBones
    @AustineBones 2 месяца назад +2

    Since I started listening to Damina I have started studying my Bible again. I do not hold forth for him nor agree with some of his submissions but I have started thinking closely about some things while evaluating them in the light of the scripture. We must approach with an open mind not insults. It is Okay to disagree. On this, I agree with Dr Abel Damina.

  • @blessedelano13
    @blessedelano13 2 месяца назад +14

    Many thanks esteemed international Apostle for your importunates desire to give these informations.

  • @AfricAnFelix
    @AfricAnFelix 2 месяца назад +1

    The problem comes in when we view sin as breaking arbitrary rules and laws. Sin is not breaking arbitrary rules and laws, rather, sin is missing a mark, and what is this mark? It is stated in Gen.1:28, especially subdue and rule(over the fishes… Leviathan? Over the beasts… the serpent?), that’s the vocation for every human being born or to be born, and failing to take up this vocation is what mean by sin.
    And also, to see Adam as the single human being created in Gen.1:27 will be misleading. The Mankind there is a collective nouns just as sheep. Moving on to Gen. 2 is where Adam is singled out, to be in the Garden(Sanctuary) to work it and take care of it(a priestly service) so which means Adam is now a mediator, bringing God’s presence to the rest of Mankind and to reflect the praises of God’s creation to God.
    Therefore, when he failed to take up his vocation and was overcome by the beast(the serpent), and eventually ejected from the Garden, God’s presence to the rest of mankind seized, that meant in Adam all died. It’s not Adam breaking a rule or law, failing to take up his vocations. We were not born immortals, it is only one person who is immortal that is God, and so been cut off from the source of life, you are dead.
    Adam sin affected the human race, just as everybody, we don’t sin alone, when we sin(failing to be real human beings) everybody around us suffer. Seeing sin as DNA passing on to a child is awful

  • @originalkwao3365
    @originalkwao3365 2 месяца назад +1

    Rom 5:13 Is simple, people were sinning even before the law but sin was not imputed bcos the law which would measure sin was had not arrived. Until the law came nobody was charges with sin [of ommision and commision]
    Lets quickly fo to verse 14

  • @ATMrants
    @ATMrants 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you Pastor Gideon for defending the truth with firm simplicity and kindness. You nailed it when you mentioned the historicity of our faith and the attacks on fundamentals of the faith that make the gospel the only solution to man’s sin.
    Our prayers are with all who are being led away by such deception against the basis for the gospel and especially for Abel Damina who has a large platform and following.
    Blessings brother!

  • @pastorrichardoritsakpiture6242
    @pastorrichardoritsakpiture6242 2 месяца назад +1

    Even though Abel was called righteous, he was still under condemnation. Thank you Pastor Gideon

  • @fidelsparks-offc7177
    @fidelsparks-offc7177 2 месяца назад +8

    Freestyle preaching is always a problem. Your thoughts fly everywhere and not in a structured way. That’s the problem here
    Mr Damina is not taking his time to expound any scripture critically. He’s just lumping them together to make his claim

  • @sibusisodlamini285
    @sibusisodlamini285 2 месяца назад +4

    In Romans 5 Paul mentions Adam being a type of the one who was to come that will mean we have to see parallels or similarities between the first and last Adam

  • @sen.kodzo3435
    @sen.kodzo3435 2 месяца назад +1

    The major confusion that comes up is if God is just, and a baby born dies, will the baby go to heaven or hell?
    My answer is this:
    Man is a spirit with a soul in a body. So i believe sin of Adam affects the flesh(body) and soul which is our sinful nature but not our spirit because as babes we are not conscious of sin according to Rom 5:13 which says sin is not imputed when there is no law. This can be applied to babes because there is comprehension on their part about sin or righteousness. Now when babes grow and become conscious of right and wrong, the sinful nature takes over and by willfully choosing to do wrong, it affects our spirit and hence we need to believe in Jesus to redeem our Spirit. That is why salvation affects our spirit and doesn't change the flesh.

  • @fm4real2k6
    @fm4real2k6 2 месяца назад +2

    Romans 5:14 KJV
    14Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who did not sin in the way that Adam transgressed. He is a pattern of the One to come.
    Please explain this part of the scripture of me "...even over those who did not sin in the way that Adam transgressed..."
    Who are those that Apostle Paul was talking about?
    I will appreciate it so much.

  • @Praiselyaffairs
    @Praiselyaffairs 2 месяца назад +1

    It's a blessing being on this channel. Pastor Gideon, God be with you

  • @kagohimichaelgnahore7395
    @kagohimichaelgnahore7395 2 месяца назад +4

    Doctor Damina affirms that he read Andrew wommack Books. AT first he was teaching good. Then everything changed. He got into extrems teachings. And that's sad😢

  • @MumbaLombe
    @MumbaLombe 2 месяца назад +1

    Thankyou so much for your discussion.
    Everybody needs Jesus 100% and no one disputes that point.
    The automaticity of the sin of Adam is not in the actual deed, but his fallen state ushered sin into the world which was not there.
    And by that, man is liable to sin because Adam brought it in.
    Because if a 2 year old is born with the sin of Adam, why should we wait for that child to reach a point of being able to make a choice for us to dertermine were the child will go.? At what point does the sin of Adam follow a man.?

  • @Aupininteya2009
    @Aupininteya2009 2 месяца назад

    Thanks Pastor Gideon, clearly explained, we need a Man of God of your calibre in this evil days who don't put their own interpretation in the holy scriptures

  • @CediBill1
    @CediBill1 2 месяца назад +2

    Gentiles didn't sinned because of Adam sin, you only sinned when you reject the Gospel. Go ye the world to preach hence the word of God will surely go the whole word by any means for every man who has direction/ conscience to either accept or reject the Gospel. So the sin of Adam doesn't automatically affect all.

  • @sibusisodlamini285
    @sibusisodlamini285 2 месяца назад +8

    As much as we need to protect biblical truths as Christ followers, we shouldn't shy away from the reality that since the Inception of the church it has been constantly undergoing reformation. There are many truths that we have missed in the scriptures because we went along with what creeds, councils and institutions have said rather than what the scriptures say. For example the church has believed that tithing is a new testament practice we were wrong.

    • @mduduzigumede655
      @mduduzigumede655 2 месяца назад +2

      You nailed it

    • @godwinmasley5626
      @godwinmasley5626 2 месяца назад

      ​@@mduduzigumede655we did not miss any truths from scriptures because of creeds and councils. Those creeds and ecumenical councils came about as a result of heretics rising up in the church and teaching things that Jesus and the Apostles never taught. The creeds are scriptural and only affirm what Jesus taught the Apostles and they in turn passed down to the early church fathers. One serious attack on the church is the attempt to bastardise the early ecumenical councils and to rubbish their works. Let's not fall for that. The councils did not give us the doctrine we affirm today. Jesus and the Apostles did, which the councils only affirmed when heretics like Arius arose.

  • @TamunutonyeHart
    @TamunutonyeHart 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for the clarity...the scripture of study to show yourself approved is a serious call to all believers, so we're not toss here and there by crafty or false teachings

  • @lifeadvocate-latv9278
    @lifeadvocate-latv9278 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm blessed my brother.
    Thank you for this clarity, I am always blessed by your videos.
    Pls are you on other social media platforms?

  • @originalkwao3365
    @originalkwao3365 2 месяца назад +1

    Rom 5:14 Says eventhough sin were not imputed to men but death reign

  • @kwameokanta9356
    @kwameokanta9356 2 месяца назад +2

    This is very clear from Pastor Gideon, really liked how he tackled it. And he dealt with Dr.Damina's point the right way,devoid of insults. This Video must reach Dr.Damina's camp so he wld calm down and learn this biblical truth. To say the truth i like Damina's teachings,but with dis biblical expansion and quoting from the views of theologians,Damina is wrong. May God richly bless Pastor Gideon, More Grace Sir.

  • @Sika457
    @Sika457 2 месяца назад

    Pastor you are making so much sense. It sounds crazy saying we are sinners because of Adam yet the greatest who is Jesus, after his death, I did not become automatically righteous. Is Adam’s sin greater than Jesus’s sacrifice?

  • @chigozieenyoghasi4523
    @chigozieenyoghasi4523 2 месяца назад +6

    Dr Damina through this preaching insinuates that Moses gave the 10 commandments, not God. This is preposterous 😢.

  • @akintayoadedeji4916
    @akintayoadedeji4916 2 месяца назад +1

    Dr. Damina should explain these scriptures to me. Romans 3:23-24 BSB
    for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, [24] and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
    Romans 5:12-14 BSB
    Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death was passed on to all men, because all sinned. [13] For sin was in the world before the law was given; but sin is not taken into account when there is no law. [14] Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who did not sin in the way that Adam transgressed. He is a pattern of the One to come.
    If there is no original sin, then no one have sinned. Then why the need for a saviour and salvation?

  • @rhinokhoza5853
    @rhinokhoza5853 2 месяца назад +19

    This man must be avoided at all costs

  • @samuelowusu6004
    @samuelowusu6004 2 месяца назад +2

    No man was born a sinner!

  • @alexk.kwarteng203
    @alexk.kwarteng203 2 месяца назад

    Excellent exegesis, God bless you Apostle Gideon for such balance.

  • @EveGreya
    @EveGreya 2 месяца назад

    Heaven is in Christ and Christ is our destination.Dr Damuna didn't deny the existence of heaven but he said heaven is not a planet or a location.being in Christ you are in heaven.all things shall pass away but those is Christ shall live forever.

  • @blessingboateng356
    @blessingboateng356 2 месяца назад

    I love Dr. Damina. He is an opener. You can not fault his teachings if you humble yourself to learn from him

    @JANETENNING Месяц назад

    I would be happy if you could use the Greek to explain Roman 5:12-15.
    Meaning of sin, enter and other key words

  • @luthandofatyi4934
    @luthandofatyi4934 2 месяца назад

    Been following your channel for a while now. Thank you for always take time to educate us Ps Gideon, i used to follow Dr Abel but been noticing how he move away from truth and twisting to suit his own interpretation.

  • @ApostleGodline
    @ApostleGodline 2 месяца назад

    Thanks very much pastor for your submission. It adds value to Dr Daminas submission. Everyone born in the world is legally corrupted by Adams sin but not vitally because they're not the ones who actually sined. In like manner, Jésus death is for the entire world and all are legally justified according to that Romans 5:17-18 but not vitally justified. To entire into thr vital reality of the justification, one needs to accept and believe in Jésus Christ

  • @jferanmioluwadamilare2583
    @jferanmioluwadamilare2583 2 месяца назад +3

    What is the sin of Adam?
    Do we inherit sin of Adam or the sin nature from Adam?

    • @godwinmasley5626
      @godwinmasley5626 2 месяца назад +9

      That's where theirconfusion comes from. We did not inherit Adam's deeds. We inherited the sinful nature which ensured that even with our good intentions, we were inherently sinful, hence we now committed our own sinful deeds. The issue is the sinful nature. Sin is first a nature before it becomes a deed.

  • @Abronoma2024
    @Abronoma2024 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for this submission. Powerful

  • @nnaamkotoka596
    @nnaamkotoka596 2 месяца назад

    Pastor, please kindly share with me here the scriptures you used in this video.
    God bless you for the good work.

  • @irenekwartemaatwumasi6060
    @irenekwartemaatwumasi6060 2 месяца назад +1

    God bless you pastor Gideon for this insight

  • @avofmimusic765
    @avofmimusic765 2 месяца назад

    Great submission but Ps. Gideon i would like you to please explain Romans 5:13-14 emphasis on ....even over those who did not sin in the same way that Adam transgressed.

    @JANETENNING Месяц назад

    If Adam sin made the rest of man sin, then what caused Adam to also sin.
    We know that sin of Adam affected humanity but how did it make it

  • @yahayaduale258
    @yahayaduale258 2 месяца назад

    Very rich with the word of God.
    Thanks a lot and God bless.

  • @apostlethomasojo
    @apostlethomasojo 2 месяца назад

    Beloved! I charge you again today - BEWARE OF THIEVES IN THE HOUSE OF GOD - for the LORD JESUS Himself said to them, “It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of thieves.’ ”

  • @Daysman868
    @Daysman868 2 месяца назад

    Rom.2.14 - For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
    DR Abel neeeds schooling.. No man has never been without a law. Nature in itself is a law.

  • @olaoluwabamigbaye6146
    @olaoluwabamigbaye6146 2 месяца назад

    Who gave the law??? Was it Moses???
    We keep hearing Moses gave the law, it wasn’t Moses, Moses brought the law that was given to him to deliver to the people.
    Christ himself said he did not come to abolish the law, he didn’t push the law aside, he fulfilled it. And we are that are in Christ, through Christ, we fulfilled the law. In Christ, all that was written in the law, I can also fulfil it.

  • @ezekielamoani
    @ezekielamoani 27 дней назад

    You didn’t understand what Dr Damina said….So then why don’t you ask a baby to accept Christ right from birth?

  • @richmondaddai3274
    @richmondaddai3274 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you pastor Gideon, for clarifying contradicting teachings of Pastor Damian. His teachings are controversial. He’s misleading people. That’s sad.

  • @aminyuurebenjamin9285
    @aminyuurebenjamin9285 2 месяца назад +1

    God bless you. Dr Abel Damina must be avoided at all cost

  • @kofiansah7151
    @kofiansah7151 Месяц назад

    we bear the consequences(birth pangs,toiling to make a living & physical death) of Adam's sin and not
    his sin per say.Eze 18:20
    (20) The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

  • @nanab.4506
    @nanab.4506 2 месяца назад +3

    Osofo can I ask a question? Is a child of born again parents also born into sin?

    • @PastorGideonBoateng
      @PastorGideonBoateng  2 месяца назад +3

      all are tainted by sin...John 3:5-6
      "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
      but children are treated as being innocent by the grace of God because they have no power to reject God yet, same for all who have mental issues so are not aware of themselves...Mark 10:14
      ..."Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these
      2 Samuel 12:22-23 (NIV):
      He answered, "While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, 'Who knows? The Lord may be gracious to me and let the child live.' But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me...this is my persuasion, although that is quite a grey area i scriptures

    • @maurisioviemmo118
      @maurisioviemmo118 2 месяца назад

      So please Ps. Gideon what's your point in the reply?

    • @maurisioviemmo118
      @maurisioviemmo118 2 месяца назад

      So, @nanab. To answer your question. No, the child of a believing parents cannot be born under sin or is not born under a sin. Sin is the nature of the devil which aren't in those who believe in Christ, foe they have been crossed from death to live Col 1:13. However at Maturity the child must now express his/her own will to recieve Christ's life.

  • @eastwoodaddai3343
    @eastwoodaddai3343 2 месяца назад

    Good day man of God please how are you doing.. Please can you explain Genesis 49:14-15.... Thank you

  • @pastorsabramustaphariad5146
    @pastorsabramustaphariad5146 2 месяца назад

    Thanks, Pastor Gideon, for the good works.

  • @jonathanClauceministries
    @jonathanClauceministries 2 месяца назад

    Wow but a question just came in mind. I believe that man is born by and with the human life but when we receive Christ, our human life is replaced by the Life of God so my question is What happens to the child born by the born again. Do they transfer the life of God to their children through birth or they still carry the human life and also need to receive Jesus Christ to be saved? If so where do they get their human life from since their parents don’t have the human life anymore but eternal life?

  • @manugruni5074
    @manugruni5074 2 месяца назад

    Damina has erred on this but then to critically analyse this, death came through sin bcs God took away the tree of life. "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
    Romans 5:14 KJV
    So there were men who didnt sin according to Adam's Sin, so even though these ones were righteous they still had to die bcs when Adam sinned God took away the tree of life and that resulted to death. So indeed not all born are sinners in terms of righteousness but all born are sinners in terms of death.

  • @kofiansah7151
    @kofiansah7151 Месяц назад

    some people will never die physically and i am referring to people who will be alive at the second coming of Jesus.1Co 15:51
    (51) I will explain a mystery to you. Not every one of us will die, but we will all be changed.

  • @lawrencedjaka5719
    @lawrencedjaka5719 2 месяца назад +7

    This man must be avoided

  • @naturalhairaby
    @naturalhairaby 2 месяца назад +4

    Ahhh! Is this guy serious koraaa? He’s now teaching like a baby Cristian who just started studying the Bible

  • @timothymarcus4090
    @timothymarcus4090 2 месяца назад +1

    My concern is many people are blindly following him

  • @AgbasonyeFrancis
    @AgbasonyeFrancis 2 месяца назад

    God bless you sir in Jesus Name Amen

  • @thesearch5693
    @thesearch5693 2 месяца назад +1

    It is so clear from here that he is twisting the scriptures to be in tune with his doctrine.

  • @brodaaka
    @brodaaka 2 месяца назад

    😂the death of Adam is not a physical death....so note.... Abel damina is well advance teacher of the gospel....he has past this elementary analysis

  • @raymondahorlu8540
    @raymondahorlu8540 2 месяца назад

    Pastor Gideon is well read.

  • @dezhskisalamovich
    @dezhskisalamovich 2 месяца назад

    One thing people failed to understand is that the Adam and Eve story was not real. It's a myth. No man is really born a sinner.
    How would you explain that God, who is supposed to be a caring father, put Adam and Eve who were naïve and had no knowledge of good and evil in a garden and asked them not to eat fruits from a particular tree when He knew quite well that they lacked the ability to decipher what is good and evil? Did He intentionally set them up?
    It's funny that the forbidden fruit they ate eventually made them know the difference between good and bad (for which God was angry about😂 and they got cursed by God for what they had no control over). They were even said to have become wise after eating the fruit.
    Adam and Eve were not created wise to know that not obeying God was a bad idea (they had no knowledge of good and evil - they were like innocent babies who do not know that walking carelessly to an edge of an unprotected balcony can lead them to fall to their death).
    This Myth is theologically problematic😂 because it doesn't depict God as a caring father. Even as a human being, i can't put my innocent child who is a year old in a room where i have put a plate of food mixed with rat poison and i tell him not to eat the food knowing fully well that he is not wise (cant differentiate good from evil) to follow any instructions i give him. If i do that, i will be seen as a wicked father. How much more our God who is a loving and caring father?

    • @healthychild-m9c
      @healthychild-m9c 2 месяца назад

      I have not heard something more wrong than this in a long long time

  • @EmmanuelAkoto-Sarpong
    @EmmanuelAkoto-Sarpong 2 месяца назад

    Truly everyone is responsible for his sins, the truth however is, there's a nature for sinning and that nature qualifies one as a sinner until one believes in Jesus and becomes a child of God delivered from the nature for sinning. Until one is saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ one is a sinner carrying the wrath of God (John 3:36). Salvation is a free gift of God. Why because no one can save himself, because no one can relieve himself of the sinful nature he inherited from Adam.

  • @IdorenyinEkot
    @IdorenyinEkot 2 месяца назад

    The Gentiles never believed the gospel.
    Typical example is Pharoah.
    The law was given because of unbelief. It came because the children of Israel hardened their heart towards the gospel.

  • @voiceofreason9307
    @voiceofreason9307 2 месяца назад

    We are not sinners because we sin in conduct. We sin because we are sinners by default...born in sin. David said, in sin did my mother conceive me. The flesh is the nature of sin and so by default we are sinners because of the nature we are born in.

  • @philipdaniel9837
    @philipdaniel9837 2 месяца назад

    Everybody should PLEEEEAAASE read ROMANS 3 from NEW LIVING TRANSLATION version of the Bible and you will understand better what GOD is saying in the Bible, its COMPLETELY different from what Abel Damina is saying here. Not enough space here to explain it. Infact you can read the whole Book of Romans in NEW LIVING TRANSLATION from chapter 1 to 12, it will give you've clearer picture of what God is saying COMPLETELY different from Abel Damina's teaching. Thanks and God bless you all.

  • @victorolajide595
    @victorolajide595 2 месяца назад +1

    All I can say is that, it is well.

  • @EmmanuelAkoto-Sarpong
    @EmmanuelAkoto-Sarpong 2 месяца назад

    God has no grandchildren. The children of born again believers are not born again. They have to grow and come to personally make Jesus their own Lord.

  • @Esbamken
    @Esbamken 2 месяца назад

    So going by what Dr said We can not be made righteous either by Christ Righteousness because it not us that fulfilled the demand of the law of righteousness, Christ did so therefore his righteousness cannot be transferred to us ,same way Adam’s sin cannot be transferred to us.
    Dr message is off if you apply his logic . Rom 3:23, Rom 5 made clear we are sinners by Adam’s and Righteous by Christ's

    • @seuna.8438
      @seuna.8438 2 месяца назад

      No. That's not what he's implying. He's saying we are not born sinners. We didn't inherit Adam sin. We have sin nature due to Adam's sin, but not born sinners. If we are actually born sinners, it means all children who die before reaching ages to understand salvation and give their lives to Christ are going to hell.

  • @olamiloke
    @olamiloke 2 месяца назад

    He said the fire Elijah commanded was not from the Lord

  • @olaoluwabamigbaye6146
    @olaoluwabamigbaye6146 2 месяца назад

    Let’s visit Genesis 2 again, it wasn’t only human race that was affected, even plants forms were cursed

  • @bamidele4871
    @bamidele4871 2 месяца назад

    What you cannot define you cannot understand. Damina has no clue about what sin is.

  • @ebottakor637
    @ebottakor637 4 часа назад

    Dr Abel needs the prayers of the saints.
    He perfectly off track.

  • @rev.meshachf.mintah1992
    @rev.meshachf.mintah1992 2 месяца назад

    I like you paa Pastor Gideon

  • @oseidanso3892
    @oseidanso3892 2 месяца назад

    Pls can you do a video about Adeboye drinking tea with God. Pls do it for sake polemics

  • @giddy5210
    @giddy5210 2 месяца назад +2

    What Bible is this man studying. Where did he get his Doctorate from. It gets worst everyday I listened to him.

  • @IdorenyinEkot
    @IdorenyinEkot 2 месяца назад

    You should have checked for all the messages of Damina concerning this matter.
    Why did these people die? It's because they didn't believe the gospel.

  • @abayomiagunbiade3711
    @abayomiagunbiade3711 2 месяца назад

    Abel damina needs thorough intercession. God gave the law, when He was unhappy with the children of Israel, to enable them know, they were wrong. ( Ezek 20 : 24 - 25) The reason, He said, He found fault, in the law. ( Heb 8:7-8) Now, if its only faith, that saves a man, what then were we saved for or to do? Faith alone can not save anyone ( James 2 : 22- 25) we were saved, to continue what adam & eve failed to do. If we dont need works, why are we going to be Judged based, on our works? ( 2 cor 5:10, Rom 14:12, Heb 9:27-28, col 3:25, Rev 20:12-13) There is no need for all this argument, if we can all read the bible, allowing the Holy spirit teach us. Its not our faith, that will change the world, not even our prayers but, our works, different from that of ordinary/mere people. God help your church.

  • @randomadvice4105
    @randomadvice4105 2 месяца назад +2

    Calvinism is not the ultimate truth, good people. I would rather let the Bible speak rather than align myself to a specific creed. I agree with Dr. Demima that the concept of original sin is wrong. There are ample Bible verses pointing to the fact that man is responsible for his sins: Ezekiel 18, Matthew 18. I categorically refuse to be called a pelegian because I have absolutely nothing to do with him.

    • @PastorGideonBoateng
      @PastorGideonBoateng  2 месяца назад +2

      but Total Depravity is not just a belief of CALVINISM, do your search, Augustine of Hippo was not a Calvinist...this is a foundational Christian truth

    • @godwinmasley5626
      @godwinmasley5626 2 месяца назад +2

      You are a pelagian if you believe and teach what he stood for. We know from scriptures that through one man, sin entered into the world. The effects of Adam's sin is that sin became man's nature. What we inherited wasn't Adam's deeds. What we inherited was the sinful nature he came into as a result of his sin, and that nature passed down to all men since we all came from Adam. You can argue all you want. Ignore the fact that you're sinful by nature until you're saved by Jesus. When you meet Jesus face to face at judgement, you can explain yourself. Let's see how far your explanation gets you.

    • @randomadvice4105
      @randomadvice4105 2 месяца назад +4

      @@godwinmasley5626 that is the problem with some truth seekers. I state my position and tell you I came to my conclusion from scripture. The next thing you do is to say, I am a pelegian although I say to you I have nothing to do with him. Argue your case with scripture and stop looking for tags. As I said before I have come to the conclusion that original sin is simply not Bible based based on verses like Ezekiel 18, and Matthew 18. If you claim a dog was the first person to say Christ is king and I tell you I read in the Bible Christ is King, therefore Christ is King, does that give you the right to tag me as the follower of the dog?

    • @randomadvice4105
      @randomadvice4105 2 месяца назад +1

      @@PastorGideonBoateng you know very well that Calvin was very much influenced by Augustine of Hippo. Forgetting about the tags and addressing the issue at hand I don’t believe the scripture confirms all the statements by Dr Abel but my studies have shown that original sin and how it is preached in „reformed theology“ is not biblical.

  • @Peterpatrick-q8m
    @Peterpatrick-q8m 2 месяца назад

    There's one character that I've found in all Abel Damina's fanatics; they posses this character together with Catholicians. When Abel Damina's die hard followers discover that the truth they thought they knew have been made a lie by the revelation of the actual truth of the scriptures from the Holy Spirit, they begin to insult and lay curses. It makes me to wanna ask you brother, that before you subscribed to follow Abel Damina, were you seeking to know the truth or you were seeking to only know Abel Damina? If you subscribed to know the truth, you shouldn't be offended from whose ever's mouth you hear it from.
    I tell you quickly brethren: flesh is the punishment that comes upon all men born of a woman after they've sinned the sin of Adam.
    Also, the physical birth of a man on earth is the evidence that he has sinned the sin of Adam and have died the spiritual death--that's why spiritual birth in Christ is required to conquer the death sting of the flesh.
    Thirdly, man's presence on earth by virtue of his earthly birth is the proof that he has completely lost contact with God after he has withdrawn his Adam sin by his physical birth--total separation.
    Therefore, if any man finds himself on earth, that man must first realized three things.
    1)That the flesh he possess is the property of sin that must be rid off.
    2) The fact that he is physically born is the confirmation that he has spiritually died in Eden because of sin.
    3)That a man is on earth is the proof that something had separated him from his formal spiritual estate from God's presence. For the birth of man on earth came as a result of his death in Eden.
    Therefore, if you're a wise man born on earth today & are growing to know somethings, you should grow to know that you're in a sorry state on earth because of the sin that evicted you from Eden. You being in a somber reflection and living the life of God in Christ until He returns is the necessity.
    But if you're an unwise man born on earth who cast doubt on the Adam's sin that brought you here, let me teach you how to cast a perfect doubt concerning this brother. A perfect doubt to begin with will not be how y'all & Abel Damina are casting doubt "no man on earth is born with Adam's sin if God is just", No!
    Rather, if you're unwise but believe in the scriptures, a perfect doubt will be "Why did I come to earth when I didn't sin the sin of Adam and earth is not the original gaden that God placed me?" After you've answered this questions and have proven to yourself the reason you came to out and found out that Adam's was not part of why, then you can begin to cast doubt whether you were born with his sin or not.
    If a man doesn't have the sin of the first Adam, that man will not have the righteousness of the second Adam Jesus Christ.
    I tell you brethren that one thing you don't know that Abel Damina will not teach you is that Jesus Christ came to earth to take away majorly the sin that Adam placed on man. This is the original sin and it's a spiritual sin that cut short the eternal life of man and kills his soul. This is the major sin that brought Jesus to earth which He came to take away from man that's why Jesus emphasized strongly on spiritual birth.
    Jesus Christ wouldn't have come to earth to take away all your sins because if you didn't sin the sin of Adam, you wouldn't have left the spiritual realm of God's presence to this physical realm because you wouldn't have been here for Him to come & meet. The sins you sin today mainly affect your flesh and can hinder the progress of your spiritual growth. These sins can be controlled by you, but if you allow them to control you, they can even make you reject God and withdraw from Him.
    As a matter of fact, if the purpose of Jesus coming to earth is to take away the sins you sin today, then you would've stopped sinning the very day you received Him.
    How contradictory then is your Abel Damina, he has said to you already that the sins you sin now cannot take you to hell. He's is saying to you again that all earthly men are not born with Adam's sin. Then which of man's sin did Jesus take away? If Abel says to you that the sin you sin now cannot take you to hell & you believe him, again, he is saying that a man doesn't have the sin of Adam, then which sin of man did the Son of God come to earth to die for? Does it mean that Jesus came to die for the sin that cannot take a man to hell after all??? Does it mean that Jesus came to waste His time on y'all's lives?
    You see how y'all are blindly following all the teachings of a mortal man who is subject to errors?
    All teachers in the flesh are subject to error, but the Holy Spirit who is in you is the perfect Teacher. If a preacher in the flesh can be perfect in teaching at any time, even the apostle Paul whose teachings you hold firmly will not write, saying: "Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge." 1 Corinthians 14:29. And Paul confirmed that the Berea brethren were more noble simply because after receiving the word, they didn't swallow it until they search the scriptures daily to confirm by the very written word whether what they preach was true or false. Acts 17:11.
    I ask you one question all you credulous followers of all Abel Damina's teachings who by their trust in man are unknowing rejecting the Holy Spirit the greatest Teacher of all that live inside you, which sin of man did Jesus come to die for? Ask your Abel Damina. After you have answered me this question then you will see how foolish you sound.
    If the sin of Adam doesn't affect all men like your semi-god whom you claim has repented above all errors, that means Jesus didn't die for man because of the sin of Adam. Also, if the sins that all me sin now will not take any man to hell like your semi-god claimed, that means Jesus did die for the sin that all me sin now. So, which sin of man exactly did Jesus come earth to die for? Y'all answer me.
    If when God created you, you have been perfect without sin until you where born and grow to know how to accept Him to be saved, at what point in time before did you reject Him that made Him to come for you to reaccept Him to be saved?
    You think you're learning somethings, but you're learning some confused heresies that can kill you again if you exalt an outside mortal man above the Holy Spirit of God that lives inside you, and if you regard a man's teachings above that of the greatest Teacher who inspired the very scriptures y'all read to teach and learn.

  • @princebullions
    @princebullions Месяц назад

    You are doing well, but this teaching is not Pelagianism. This is far different from Pelagianism. I think you should listen to the message again. I know and have read a lot about Pelagianism, and this preaching is nothing near that.

  • @Abronoma2024
    @Abronoma2024 Месяц назад

    Damina is really confusing people. But Jesus Christ will build His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

  • @EmmanuelAkoto-Sarpong
    @EmmanuelAkoto-Sarpong 2 месяца назад

    Why does this man always want to contradict scripture. Why does the Bible say 'all have sinned'? What is the gospel? The Bible says the gospel reveals the righteousness of God (1Cor.1:16-17).Righteousness here means the fairness of God. How? Because in the gospel God puts Christ in the place, of all mankind as innocent sinners. We became sinners because of the sin of Adam the federal head of all the human race did. Look at what the Bible says concerning Levi, a grandson of Abraham. The Bible says Levi was in the loins of Abraham, therefore when Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedec, Levi also paid tithe to Melchizedec (Heathrow 7:4-5). All the human race were in the loins of Adam. So to the mind of God when Adam sinned we all sinned by Adam. That's why the judgement of death from God against Adam spread to all the human race. Apart from that the nature for sinning also came to all mankind because we all came from the loins of one man, Adam. We have to believe in the gospel to believe in the name of Jesus become. This how we become sons of God and delivered from the nature of sinning given to us by our father Adam and also receive forgiveness from God The Bible says by the disobedience of one man, ie Adam all became sinners, the same way the obedience o of one other man ie Jesus shall make many righteous (Rom. 5:19).

  • @glorious_light_int_tiko
    @glorious_light_int_tiko 2 месяца назад

    Change is possible through correct interpretation of the Bible