Ion Pump | Vacuum Pumps

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 16

  • @novtek
    @novtek 2 месяца назад

    It does a good job of explaining how the ions are created and what wears out. However, i don't see much about creating any flow beyond the flow of titaniun cathodes from used to new.

  • @Fatemehsoltani16
    @Fatemehsoltani16 6 месяцев назад

    Perfect and easy to understand

  • @TheCerberusInferno
    @TheCerberusInferno 7 лет назад +1

    is that titanium the only metal who can be used ?

    • @CaptainCorrosion
      @CaptainCorrosion  7 лет назад +1

      Hello and thank you for the excellent question! It is possible that titanium is the best. It is a vacuum friendly material and it is highly reactive, which allows it to bind gas. Also, titanium is rather cheap to be used in an industrial scale.

    • @TheCerberusInferno
      @TheCerberusInferno 7 лет назад

      Thank you for your reply , titanium is the better choice .

    • @mahrabkhan2627
      @mahrabkhan2627 2 года назад

      @@CaptainCorrosionpagl ho

  • @user-adl_z99
    @user-adl_z99 3 года назад

    Question How to explain the increase in the number of cells in the Ionian pump leads to increasing discharge speed and increasing the range of pump?

    • @CaptainCorrosion
      @CaptainCorrosion  3 года назад

      If I understand you correctly, then the ion pump can be made more effective by using a higher total surface area of the electrodes (both anode and cathodes). Essentially it would make the ion pump capable of trapping more gas overall as well as over a specific shorter timeframe.

    • @user-adl_z99
      @user-adl_z99 3 года назад

      @@CaptainCorrosion Thank you question ... How to get rid or remove of noble gases

    • @CaptainCorrosion
      @CaptainCorrosion  3 года назад

      If the rate of ionization is low for a type of gas, then you can try other types of vacuum pumps@@user-adl_z99

    • @CaptainCorrosion
      @CaptainCorrosion  3 года назад

      I'd look into the turbomolecular pump, cryopump and titanium sublimation pump.

  • @theeyeofgod8316
    @theeyeofgod8316 9 лет назад

    Is there a vacuum that exists which could remove water particles from an open space?

    • @theeyeofgod8316
      @theeyeofgod8316 9 лет назад

      ***** For example..... If it were raining outside, and the exterior windows of my home were getting wet and full of water droplets blocking my vision, what kind of a vacuum device would suffice whereas the water droplets would be immediately removed from the glass on a constant basis, so that no moisture could be seen on the glass and visibility through the glass pain was 100%? Thank you so much for your responses.

    • @theeyeofgod8316
      @theeyeofgod8316 9 лет назад

      ***** Wow! You're a genius, thanks for your input....
      Will this prevent water from forming on the surface of the glass and disperse it accordingly if a continuous patterned rainfall persists?

    • @danparker5427
      @danparker5427 6 лет назад

      be critical and thorough when contemplating elements youd like to introduce to your environment. bio available heavy metals (titanium ) will cross your blood brain barrier causing your family to cognitively deteriorate at an accelerated rate.(id hate to see the few life forms displaying intelligence be smitten of the only valuable human component besides love wich is meaningless/ futile without intellect)
      why not just sputter coat glass surfaces with the very same element( titanium ) creating a safe stable pore free virtually scratch free( unless it starts raining diamonds) surface. better yet, charge your new dielectric surfactant positive and ground your already dielectric window screen creating an electrostatic ionizer circuit and rebuild the supposedly depleting ozone that were supposedly responsible for

  • @omsingharjit
    @omsingharjit 5 лет назад

    Wow , before knowing this system , i was wondering such system should be or exist that can make High vacuum into uhigh vacuum by using high voltage plasma filtering ! But now i kno it exist already 😊😊