How I spend a day in Koenji | My fave suburb in Tokyo | Vintage shopping

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @-Cesh-
    @-Cesh- 9 месяцев назад +2

    Dude love the video. Whistlers looks amazing. Ill be there in a couple weeks and really looking forward to getting some boots. Thanks for sharing

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  9 месяцев назад

      thanks for tuning in bro, yeah it’s honestly the best! Anytime fella

  • @dkalisd
    @dkalisd Год назад +1

    Thank you for the video! I'll be visiting next month!

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад

      thanks for tuning in! Hope you have a great visit!

  • @yosh.0
    @yosh.0 Год назад +1

    Got an oversized black leather Sega varsity jacket from fifty-fifty I'll be holding on to a while. Nice rec :)

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад +1

      nice one mate! Sounds like a great pick up. Thanks for watching bro :)

  • @Toogoodxoxo
    @Toogoodxoxo Год назад +2

    Spent some time here around a week and a half ago and I agree it’s one of the best spots, though with prices in Japanese thrift stores I think they can be all over the place, you can find really great pieces for such good prices you wouldn’t find anywhere else if you hunt. Equally you can find Gildan/ fruit of the loom t’s for 5,000-10,000 yen 😮‍💨

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад

      such a true observation bro! It’s definitely part of the thrill, not settling for jacked up prices and hunting for some reasonable priced items. I would say pricing has changed heaps in the past few years in Tokyo cause of the proliferation of “vintage” across high end and fast fashion and even heaps of independent businesses setting up on IG or Depop etc! We definitely shouldn’t be paying that much for Gildan or Fotl!!

  • @ShadowPuppet3001
    @ShadowPuppet3001 7 месяцев назад +2

    Great video, I will be moving to Osaka, Japan in the near future, sending hugs from green bay, Wisconsin, u.s.a

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  7 месяцев назад

      thanks for tuning in! That’s exciting man, all the best with your move

  • @kanakuya
    @kanakuya Год назад +1

    Hahaha its a fine vlog! Keep it up miguelito 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • @Ray_Lin_
    @Ray_Lin_ Год назад +1

    Anotha banger bro! Definitely gonna look into a pair of paraboots from whistler when I go

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад

      thank you my brother! Yes bro, it’s a must do

  • @yuwijeremy
    @yuwijeremy Год назад +2

    Great vlog! What is the song in the beginning?

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад +1

      thanks for tuning in bro!
      This is the tune bro!видео.htmlsi=WLeD46eF3QD9fqY_
      Starts at like 15 seconds haha

    • @yuwijeremy
      @yuwijeremy Год назад

      @@miguel_valero thanks!

  • @andrexbraga
    @andrexbraga Год назад +1

    those kapital shorts are clean asl- what's the sizing like?

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад

      So good eh bro. They fit a bit big, but have some velcro tightening which works well. Think they’re size 3 and I’m usually a 32 waist

  • @abelardjamandre6116
    @abelardjamandre6116 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hi Miguel. I am highly influenced! What’s your favourite coffee shop and Japanese restaurant in Koenji? x

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  5 месяцев назад

      @@abelardjamandre6116 hey there! They’re actually shown in the video :)

  • @noahdunlap5994
    @noahdunlap5994 Год назад +1

    dig it! you travel alot do you have things you always have to take with you for a successful trip?!

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад +1

      great question Noah! Might sound generic, but for me fits are important haha so I always bring at least 3/4 of each clothing item, shoes, pants, shirts etc to have versatility. Non-clothing wise the main thing has been bringing the right power outlet adapter to whatever country I go. But I would say the main thing is actually to do with making sure I stay in a comfortable BnB with a kitchen, close to public transport, cafes, gym etc so that I can establish a daily routine!

  • @indigo_died6910
    @indigo_died6910 Год назад +1

    Are you working freelance at the moment? Always enjoy watching your vids

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад

      hey mate yes I am! It’s a part time role but is enough to sustain a bit of travel/accommodation! Really appreciate that, thank you 🤝

  • @jayzee2564
    @jayzee2564 7 месяцев назад +1

    So nice supa Kool da 🤗

  • @chriswakefield6440
    @chriswakefield6440 Год назад +1

    Biggest skux in Koenji x

  • @joe651dzd
    @joe651dzd 7 месяцев назад

    I am so confused bro. 12,100 for a shitty used stussy shirt and you gave it a 👍👌
    Maybe in Hawaii we dress way different but I truly don’t understand the draw

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  7 месяцев назад

      taste is definitely subjective brother, you might think it’s shitty or overpriced but others (including myself/the store owner) value items like that.
      have no idea how you dress or how people in hawaii dress tbh, but personally it wouldn’t confuse or bother me cause that’s your style so who am i to judge

    • @joe651dzd
      @joe651dzd 7 месяцев назад

      @@miguel_valero I just don’t understand bro that’s like 90 aud. Sorry I came off as rude btw. I’m in Tokyo right now, and the thrift shops are wild. Stussy has new shirts on there website for like 60 aud. Def lucrative business the thrift shops here 🤙 keep up the quality videos

    • @joe651dzd
      @joe651dzd 7 месяцев назад

      @@miguel_valero we dress like raglan surfers ha

  • @ask38retailer15
    @ask38retailer15 Год назад +1

    camera shake is terrible

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад

      have any recommendations to fix it?

    • @R3STRIKT3D
      @R3STRIKT3D Год назад +1

      @@miguel_valero get a gimbal uce! Also should think about getting a wireless mic like a rode go/go 2. Your content will be nek level. lesssssssshgoooooooo

    • @ask38retailer15
      @ask38retailer15 Год назад

      gopro11 or action4 is dirt cheap@@miguel_valero

    • @miguel_valero
      @miguel_valero  Год назад +1

      @@R3STRIKT3D shooot g. Defs need a better mic set up!