Lenovo Tab M11 with Tab Pen (just to doodle on for fun!)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @The_Magic_of_Zelda
    @The_Magic_of_Zelda 8 дней назад +1

    I'm glad you're happy with your Lenovo tablet. I used to have the Lenovo Tab M9 and it was an okay budget tablet but the screen quality was a disappointment and I just couldn't justify keeping it. I ended up returning it and got a Samsung Galaxy which was on sale at the time and was only $10 more.

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  8 дней назад

      @@The_Magic_of_Zelda heh yeah my coworker has the M9 and also complained about the screen!

  • @oliCara
    @oliCara 7 дней назад +2

    Juust turn off animations on Developer Settings. Also turn off 'Allow window-level blur'

    • @severepayne72
      @severepayne72 7 дней назад

      interesting, i hope he tried this if possible, be interesting to see how much a difference it would make

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  5 дней назад

      Can't say that helped anything as far as motion clarity while watching RUclips. But not bad advice in general. I did change the color option in display settings from vibrant (default) to standard and that might have helped with the purple highlights. So it's a little better now.

    • @oliCara
      @oliCara 5 дней назад +1

      @ this setting is mostly to remove the stutter when navigating the UI.

  • @sweop208
    @sweop208 2 дня назад +1

    Do you recommend it for playing games via cloud play and some emulators, and are there better options at a similar price?

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  2 дня назад

      No idea to be honest this is the only tablet I've bought and used in like 8 years lol so I would say check out some of the videos from ETAPrime he often looks at budget tablets and tests their emulation performance.

  • @sandeep_kmr
    @sandeep_kmr 7 дней назад

    Can u make a note taking video with in built nebo app

  • @MaximumRD
    @MaximumRD 8 дней назад +1

    Seems ok for the price and hey a headphone jack!

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  8 дней назад

      @@MaximumRD honestly it would be nice if the screen looked a little better for video BUT overall yeah it's pretty amazing considering the price. I didn't realize how low the loonie was right now seeing this was only like $141 USD. Crazy what you get considering.

  • @Ankita__sona574
    @Ankita__sona574 7 дней назад +1

    If we buy without pencil and can we use with pen

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  7 дней назад

      I believe so it looks like Lenovo sells the pen on its own for $40-50.

  • @alperkaya8919
    @alperkaya8919 7 дней назад +1

    try clip studio paint

  • @U227-x8d
    @U227-x8d 5 дней назад +1

    Why don't u just buy a pen?

  • @jiepli
    @jiepli 11 часов назад

    Hi,Does your channel accept sponsorship? I have a product and I wonder if you are interested.

  • @CabLefree-dw7ek
    @CabLefree-dw7ek 6 дней назад

    The specs are always on settings ... this competes with a $379 Samsung tab ... spec for spec

  • @Jamesalec63
    @Jamesalec63 7 дней назад

    It is what it is onboar. There are options with more pricier versions or perhaps something like a Samsung tablet, a Samsung A9+ or something completely different, a Blackview tablet? If you're using it for drawing, note-taking, or multiple tasking, these are both good for all needs, and they all probably last till 2033 ish. Till everyone will need an upgrade to something new! Worthwhile looking at the at the small print on the end of use of any design of tablet from 2024 to 2030 before considering when to buy. Similarly, in years on tablets or laptops, brands worth remembering to. It is not always the gemics of the device itself but the end of use. Tablet or iPhone or ipad or pc and laptop all have a time limitation so long as we all remember the small print or look online before buying remember. Price isn't the thing it's how long it lasts?

  • @jefreyjefrey6349
    @jefreyjefrey6349 7 дней назад +1

    still better than apple.

    • @blackiesun
      @blackiesun 6 дней назад

      This is a nice budget tablet and I am watching the video because my sister just bought herself one as a Christmas gift (she got the model with more RAM and storage space), but I have an iPad Pro and you wouldn’t say no to one if they offered it for free to you, come on 😊… iPad pisses all over these cheap Android tabs. It is still the best tablet on the market.

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  5 дней назад

      ​@@blackiesunyep the dual layer stacked OLED panel on the iPad pro is probably the best display ever put into ANY portable device. Not to mention the M4 is probably the most powerful mobile SoC in any tablet period. I've heard the Apple Pencil is also very good. No doubt it's a level above this. Anyone who thinks a cheap tablet like this is better than an iPad pro is delusional.

  • @shanewilliams9573
    @shanewilliams9573 7 дней назад +2

    You don't know what Ram and Storage. I would of thought you would have checked this before you bought it. Why do people seem not to know anything on what they are buying. Then moan about it. Your stupid fault i am afraid.

    • @MN12BIRD
      @MN12BIRD  7 дней назад +4

      @@shanewilliams9573 Ya know, I probably did but I guess you missed the point. If the average consumer sees this in IDK, a Walmart glass cabinet for example; and assuming they can even see the back of the box behind the glass they not only wouldn't be able to read the specs, they wouldn't even be able to read the full model number! How can they look up the specs if they can't even see the full model number? Lenovo in many cases sells different specs on the same sub model so an M11 for example could have 64 or 128GB of storage depending on the full model number. I was only making a very small point about how it's too small to read and I'm not even sure why you fixated on that so much. It's kinda weird to be honest. I'd think you'd be more vocal about IDK, how good the pen works or if the quality of the screen is acceptable at the price. But okay 👍

    • @nab-v1w
      @nab-v1w 7 дней назад +1

      Ram is not important for media tablets.
      Its even enough to open 3 apps in multi at the same time.
      The cpu is important tough

    • @Classroom-F22
      @Classroom-F22 3 дня назад

      What is the default available RAM and Storage?