阿波踊りの「娯茶平」 踊り子と鳴り物が入れ替わって流し踊り Gojahei’s Very Final Dance: Let the Instrument Players Dance!

  • Опубликовано: 14 авг 2017
  • 毎年阿波踊り最終日の8月15日、紺屋町演舞場のフィナーレを飾った娯茶平のメンバーは、再び隊列を組んで近くの籠屋町商店街を踊り抜けます。心地よく浮かれさせてくれる鳴り物奏者に感謝しよう。そんな思いから、演舞場や街角とは逆に、踊り子が太鼓や笛を演奏し、鳴り物奏者が笑顔で踊ります。Every year, on August 15th, the final day of Tokushima Awaodori Festival, team members of Gojahei show the final performance at Konyamachi Enbujo(street amphitheater). They continue to dance through Kagoyamachi Shopping Mall. We have to notice that this is a very special occasion because they switch the roles of dancers and instrument players. Dancers show their thankfulness for the instrument players, and play the gong, flute, shamisen and drum for them to dance.

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