Ephesians (2): "Our Blessings in Christ: Chosen" (Ephesians 1:3-6) | Costi Hinn

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

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  • @gemdamico7053
    @gemdamico7053 Год назад

    Enjoying the sermons and looking forward to listening through Ephesians. From Cameron MO

  • @shakazulu365
    @shakazulu365 2 года назад +1

    “Before the foundation” is when God put the plan in place, not when a sinner is saved as calvinism falsely teaches. Notice the key word from the psagge read is “IN HIM.” The plan God made was before the world but we become “chosen” when we are “in Him” by faith. You KNOW that you were not “in Him“ when you were unbelieving - you was an enemy under God’s wrath. So we are in Him when we repent and believe and are saved. God predestines BELIEVERS, not unbelievers.

    • @angelaaltland4739
      @angelaaltland4739 2 года назад

      Yes but in multiple passages including Romans 5, it talks about God choosing us from the beginning. And how even while we were still sinners and still enemies of God, He carries out His will through His love for us in order that we believe and be saved. That's BEFORE salvation. God calls us. God chooses us. Scripture says so. Scripture says we are called to Him. And then justified and sanctified

    • @davidgoodrich1258
      @davidgoodrich1258 2 года назад

      When we repent and believe that is choice. So if we are predestined why do we have to do anything? And even if we do repent and believe, what if we aren’t one of Gods elected and we still go to hell? The doctrine of predestination makes zero sense.

  • @davidgoodrich1258
    @davidgoodrich1258 2 года назад +2

    I have issue with predestination. How can you say “he’s no respecter of persons” then say some are elected while others are not? That makes zero sense. A loving merciful God would not predestine someone to hell. My understanding of salvation is it is a gift from Christ death and resurrection that we may choose to have eternal life in him. I’ve spent 30+ years in the WOF movement, and praise God I’m out if that nonsense. I just can’t comprehend predestination.

    • @angelaaltland4739
      @angelaaltland4739 2 года назад

      I myself cannot put into words an explanation on predestination. I just know that the facts are in God's word and the Bible specifically says Romans 8:29-30 states, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” Ephesians 1:5 declares, “He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will” in Ephesians, Paul wrote, "He has let us know the my stery of His purpose, the hidden plan He so kindly made Christ from the beginning... We were claimed as God's own, chosen from the beginning under the predetermined plan of the One who guides all things as He decides by His own will." There are many passages on predestination and election. I just cannot put into words an explanation so hopefully one of the pastors can get back to us om that to help clarify for you. But the Bible does say it

    • @davidgoodrich1258
      @davidgoodrich1258 2 года назад +1

      @@angelaaltland4739 doubtful. I’ve messaged JP and Costi directly and asked them and they have yet to respond. It’s fine though busy guys I know. But his sermon here is contradictory in my opinion. That statement he made “God is no respecter of persons” then says God elects some for heaven while leaving others to Hell makes zero sense. If God chooses some over others then he 100% is a respecter of persons. And if he knows someone is not one of the “elected” then why create that person to begin with? Predestination is ludicrous, and is not the definition of love or mercy or grace. Why would Christ crucified only be for some and not all?

  • @Alberto.R.Broglio
    @Alberto.R.Broglio 2 года назад +2

    So, you are preaching about a schizophrenic God who decrees against His own will.....who wants every humans to be saved and yet predestined only a fraction of them for salvation...it is a doctrine that does not glorify God,rather pleases man.

    @SELAHPAUSE Год назад

    🤔Prevenient grace …..why you little Arminian……😊