This video was created on an actual whiteboard with dry-erase markers. It took over 100 hours to storyboard, illustrate and edit. I really pushed myself to the limits of my capabilities, but when it was finished I watched it with a sense of accomplishment. The more effort I put into a creation the more meaningful it is. People don't want a life of comfort where every pleasure is satisfied instantly. We think we do, but once we get what we want, the satisfaction fades away quickly. Happiness comes from facing a challenge and seeing yourself make progress. We want to see the fruits of our labor. The harder the labor, the sweeter the fruit. This is the essence of the difference between "artifact" and "content." Between "creation" and "production." Between "made" and "output." How would you feel if you found out this video was created in 2 seconds with AI? Would it change the meaning for you? Maybe some of you don't care. You just want the commodity. But in your own life, you will search for purpose and there is no purpose without difficulty. There is no triumph without challenge. There is no thrill to life without the possibility of rejection and failure.
AI will need to understand, love, exploration, empathy, passion and purpose. If it can understand how to view perspectives from a human awareness, it can truly uplift humanity as long as people still work on being the best version of themselves.
People attribute meaning to justify effort but no amount of effort itself can create meaning. We can. When effort isn't necessary for the material result the spiritual aspect of work is isolated and challenges us to reflect on our own values. AI isn't going to make work meaningless because it never was meaningful, but we are nonetheless a narrative driven species and AI can't take that away. I choose to attribute value to a work of an artist as much as to the product of a machine or a natural process.
Exactly, that's why i personally am not afraid of what AI is doing. My main purpose as an artist is not to "find a job". Creating, even if no one else is there to appreciate, is already a goal in itself. But ok to stay vigilant about what this huge tool implies, like for many other tools. Creation is not in competition. If investors or consumers choose AI productions, good for them. I widely prefer to know humans created this channel i'm watching ; these comments i'm reading. And i think it's the case for most of us. We are stll admiring human sprinting much slower than any car (a machine) and even before that than many other species. So, there's no deep problem. We just have to decide how to use this tool, like any other. And of course , it can be used for the best or for the worst. And the wrong picture of AI as an entity or even a person is misleasing. This is a huge interactive library in first place. It's an advanced version of what Google already is right now. Many people without AI were already more or less copy/pasting works and creations from other people before that. So we know how to do.
As the Dune series told, tech shouldn’t think for us, it should serve and help empower us on being smarter. If ChatGPT’s going to stay, than it needs to be a tool for preparing people for the road, not pave the road for the people
@ref_esoterichistory1837ok so lots to unpack there... 1 human creativity is algoritmic. 2 AGTI (artificial general transformative inteligence) also known as "true ai" doesn't happen YET, when it does yes, it will think for it's own, it will need NO human to be fully capable of self thought...just so you know it's comming in 2030 so.
@@GutoCmtt No it doesn't. It uses statistical probability to choose it's next word. It doesn't even know what it's going to say until after it says it.
We have lost the appreciation of discomfort. We avoid struggle and lament hindrances in our way. We find someone responsible for our state of non-satisfaction: society as a whole, our working situation, the weird members of our family. We take life much too personally and relate everything to our feelings. We demand everything and value nothing. But! But, if we start to love the stones in our way, the long process of creating something, accomplishing something, we are rewarded. We achieve a deep sense of satisfaction, experience meaning and happiness. And we know: it was worth the struggle! Thank you so much for this wonderful video! ❤ ,
Chat GPT takes away no ones ability to create art. The person who wrote this letter is angry he won't make as much MONEY off his art. So in fact - it's not about art at all.
Because we dismiss and devalue people who struggle and glorify natural talent and overt, timely successes. When the talentless nobodies who are deemed to fail in life find a new way to survive and get ahead, you folks get mad?
I disagree. It's just a tool. One doesn't have to use it but it's okay if some do. Typically, the creative endeavor you described might be considered 'fine art' going forward. Like it or not, most art today is created for super-fast consumption at a commercial level. In decades past, companies ALWAYS hired the cheapest, fastest artists who could produce acceptable results (I'm thinking of Rob Liefield here lol). It doesn't make sense for commercial art to be a long, drawn-out process. Companies will bypass those artists for quicker ones or simply employ AI tech and skip the artist altogether. If commercial artists embrace incorporating Ai into their workflow, they'll be able to produce art quickly that is superior to Ai. All AI output, straight out of the gate, has a mechanical and alien feeling. It takes tweaking and reworking to make something acceptable. For example, AI is very useful at helping explore plot options, lists of unique plot twists, and uncommon tropes that are still relatively unexplored in a particular genre (in the realm of fiction writing). The application of Ai is endless, bound only by our imaginations. Where will the world be if artists begin to limit their imaginations to the point where they will only pick up certain tools and not others? To everything, there is a season. To everything, there is a time and place. The biggest things with AI as far as art creation is concerned are eliminating repetitive, mechanical tasks (think automation of actions in drawing software), concept generation, education (researching subjects the artist is ignorant in, say, the legal process in a courtroom trial), that sort of thing. It can also help artists grow their skills in unfamiliar areas, such as marketing their work, growing a clientele base, and building a sustainable business model. AI is another new tool we are not used to, and it is generating a lot of fear and uncertainty. Relax. Play around with some AI programs. If it's not for you, that's fine. Just realize that the world is much more complex than simply saying something is bad while something else is good.
I went from being a professional athlete to being a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. I had all but given up hope in life and was ready to call it quits. However, the act of creation and using my creativity daily when I couldn’t use 95% of my body helped me have reason to stay in this world. That, along with many other factors, has me back to walking, living, and creating. Humans are meant to create, not have machines do it for us. Love this video so much!
@coprographia well yeah cause mushrooms were the first to evolve from the evolution standpoint. Ask yourself why an atomic bomb creates mushroom clouds? It's the basic fundamental shape of the universe. Now go ahead and tell me how wrong I am for the way I think and that all your knowledge is superior
The one thing that gives me an absolute sense of meaning is knowing that I am eternally inside the process/mechanism of creation. Working it, tweaking it, exploring it, expanding it, becoming something more. Without the process or "effort", I am nothing.
I saw a comment on Reddit that said: "AI art is now so good, that I don't know what the point of making art is, since anything I do will be worse than AI and will never be caught on the algorithm wave" I think since many share this sentiment it's important to point out that AI will be better in this dimension, and I am confident there is nothing we can do about that. But the point of making art is no longer to be the best, its to bring fourth something that was otherwise latent in your spirit. Many are about to learn the hard way that art is the process of putting fourth this creative effort and unveiling our souls and minds to ourselves, and others if we decide to share.
Exactly! Making art at its core is about bringing life to one's soul rather than stroking one's ego. It seems all these people who feel so threatened by AI art are missing that, and are more concerned with making money and being "better" at making art than others.
Idk look at ai art... it's all the same fed on training programs... chat get could speed up coding allowing the average man to code so many programs that can help daily life... but can AI paint you a picture or a mural on the wall... can it paint a camvas.... can it configure stain glass... it's just in its own silicone universe till it grows to whatever
Not only do I agree with you, but I would add it is the very reason we are attracted to art in the first place! It speaks to our soul. A.I. cannot do that at all. It lacks the soul part.
Brought a tear to my eye and raised a lump in my throat... I could not be more strongly in agreement Mr Cave. People often dismiss the supernatural but fail to realise that we ARE supernatural... language and creativity are above nature, they are supernatural. No matter how twisted a man becomes, he was made in the image of God.
Yes! This world has been plagued with the lie of the opposite 💜Yet, many know and have known this supernatural truth and awareness for multiple millennia 🌟Truth prevails🌟
My daughter went to start an Art Foundation course last September, excited to devote a year to improving her already adept painting skills in anticipation of going to University next year. In the first day of the course they were asked to plan to create a drawing machine and on the second were told the first term would be focused on AI and how it was changing Art. Thankfully she jacked it in day 3 as it was obviously going to be a complete waste of her creative time, sapping the pure life and soul out a a truly human creative process. If they keep replacing us with bots so we have more time, what the fuck are we going to do as hobbies if we don’t need to create. It’s obvious they just want rid of the masses and not to help us. It makes you wish we were still at the horse and cart stage of society as Big Tech, Big Agriculture and Big Pharma is the death of our species at this rate 😮
I did a first year a fine art degree and they told me on the first day that painting was dead. We had to make drawing machines out of old printers. It was awful. In the end of year show they wouldn't let people put their names next to their work because it was," the colleges work". Pushing a socialist ideology and a distorted version of art. I told the teacher the reason why he thought bendy straws and pipe cleaners were art was because he couldn't paint. They hate excellence and worship machine-culture, not human-culture.
Many art schools have been on a crusade to extinguish creativity in the west for decades now. They are often run by a staff soaked in the poison of post-modern theory. Theories driven by the resentment of people who have squandered their potential and now want to make damn sure they don't get it rubbed in their face by anyone else achieving theirs.
Thank you for sharing this; it touched me deeply, and I am currently in tears. Thank you for your illustrations, and the beauty and love that you create and share with us.
I'm Gob Smacked with the Beauty and Love and Creativity of this Awesome🥰 Video.❤💯🔥Message, Recieved,Conveyed and Understood♥️💯Its a Blessing💯A Masterpiece of Edifying,Creative Love❤❤❤
I personally have had my certainty in the absence of any divine beings and the church shaken greatly after reading Hyperion and interacting with chatgpt. Maybe that will pass but there is something simply too coincidental about the timing of everything that forced me to question. Anyway I think this is a proverbial come to Jesus moment for many creative people Stephen Fry included. Or maybe I’m just projecting idk. I appreciate your insight in any case
I think you'll find a lot of proclaimed athiests simply reject organised religion and all the ugly human control and power play that goes with it. Like the machine part of the modern history of mankind has hijacked and put a price tag on what is the essence of life. Call it what you will but this beautifully depicts what I believe to be the untarnished view of religion. Gotta hand it to Nick Cave - a quiet, supremely intelligent wordsmith, just plugging away there. And the equally wonderful artistry of After Skool.
It is a Blessing to me to listen to such wisdom, such depth, such spiritual intelligence, especially from awesome artist Nick Cave. A Thousand Thanks to this channel for sharing this utmost important Letter.
Wow! This video was something to behold and made me look at the feeling of your message. This was soul-stirring instead of soul-sucking! Thank you for making such a creative visual representation. It was worth the effort, I must tell you.
Seeing Paulo Coelho words in the end sent shivers down my spine. His book, the Alchemist, was the first book i read from start to finish out of my own curiosity rather than as an assignment. Then it became the first book i read from start to finish when i achieved C1 fluency in Portuguese. All that struggle from the author writing that book to me learning a new language so i could read it in its original format was my humane adventure an adventure no AI will ever understand.
I put off reading this book for more than a decade as I wanted a Portuguese copy. I was homeless and jobless and landed on a friend's couch that had 3 copies. Not one in Portuguese, but I was too down to care and just read it. I fully understand why this book has come into my life at this time. This video and your comment makes me want to finally get that Portuguese copy and go even deeper. Thank you.
In my 2 cents worth, all these tools invented and created are only as strong as the mind using it. We all need to exercise our minds much more than we do.
Actually, we need to exercise our _hearts_ much more than we do. Big Business application of technology suffers from a lack of heart more than anything else.
We have a country filled with people that exercise their brain while they pretend their mental masturbation isn’t an addiction and coping mechanism. addiction experts, teams of psychologists, and behavior experts sell their soul to work for tech companies to make these products irresistible to the human brain. Scary thing is it’s usually the people calling other sheep that subscribe to ideology and it’s usually the brainwashed and captured that think they are smarter than the reptilian brain and the “program” running unnoticed in the subconscious.
Will be donating after today. You are such an immense voice in this world and you are fighting to preserve the soul in humanity no matter what the mainstream media pushes. Thank you for your integrity and art.
just a few minutes away from new year , and i believe this is one of the best videos i have come across this year, i feel challenges i have are compared to nothing from what i have seen in comments and i am glad i am starting this new year with these thoughts lingering in my head .
it doesn't mechanize imagination, it mechanizes regurgitation. it would never come up with Star Wars but it would totally come up with Battle Beyond the Stars.
Well yes it will, but it will first create values far different then the motives of bag of meat and bones will have. There is not creative endeavor or truer test of anyone’s values than why they chose to spontaneous or intentionally create.
It’s using other people’s creativity. Regurgitating is what it’s doing in a way but you are over simplifying to the point of not actually understanding what this tech is capable of.
People blame everything which raises to popularity these days they always want them to be at the top machines work is to make people life easy if your so against it then you can live in stone houses with rubbing stones to produce fire . Stop complaining and start to adapting to the changes . Creativity is also obtained from nature so basically your copying from nature yourself try to create something from nothing then talk about other stuff. If you start using ai to the point it's helpful it's a tool for growth If your lazy and misuse it then it's bad. It's all in your hand . Giving speeches on gpt just because you don't like it won't change the fact that we are still dependent on the same machines for everyday needs it's inevitable. So face the truth not complain about it.
@@tbbart6463 It's a statistical prediction engine, nothing more. At one point I discovered that it didn't think comparing celsius and Fahrenheit was valid. No proper sense of categories.
Creativity is intrinsic to existence, whether AI is creative or not is beside the point. We are creations of a great Creator, and we have created entities that resemble our creativity.
They are mere entities and resemblance, and as the name suggests “artificial”. Creativity appears to be intrinsic to creative individuals. Consumption seems to be the center of contemporary existence. AI appears to be a behemoth version of “auto correct”. And we already see the changes the human mind is experiencing as a result of that.
I'm a p/t self-employed graphic designer and lots of other designers I know are hopping on AI to create their art and designs; they'll be left behind and won't be able to keep up if they don't. The younger set who aren't self employed - their employers will require they know how to use it to save time and money. All the college-level design classes will be featuring it. I find new tech just gets more tedious every year. I don't even have a smartphone. Screw that. I love designing, why would I want someone or something else to do it for me? Just as I love baking. Would I love baking more if somebody else did it for me? No, it would be monstrously boring. Even washing the dishes - I'll do it myself, thanks.
Really like this letter. So much of our growth, development and learning comes from the actual process of creating our life. The weaving journey of creation, coupled with who we become along the way, is equally if not more important than what we finish up with at the end, as a goal.
Very good video. God bless You. Its an imperative. Copy right is part of Human Rights and it has been destroyed by networkings. Privacy is anither human right that we must defend with tooth and nail. 🎉❤
Blind Fools make judgments based on ego and per cognitive bias, sages speak from experience. Perhaps they should try it before they pass judgments. 🤔 I am of the same opinion my friend.
Like Yogis judge mind altering plant medicines as a negative based on personal agendas. Cognitive bias, triggers from dogmas, taboos and the idea of how change is disruptive. When one just sees from a single point without any experience to substantiate beyond personal bias it becomes a polarized and obstructed. They did do an episode on the dunning kruger effect. @@MichaelErnest666
I think ChatGPT will be helpful in finding the essence of a work created by a spirit. If we weren't capable of recognising it, we would have serious problems. But I think we will gain the ability to discern and therefore see more than we are aware of now - the essence of the soul.
You yourself are one of the best at understanding yourself and putting that into words, or into other forms of expression such as images or music. Feels satisfying when you feel understood. Expressions of others in similar situations or with similar experiences can also give that connection, feeling of being understood, likewise you can give that feeling to those others in the same way (by expressing yourself). That is what art is for.
That is one way to see it. However, as a person with dyslexia aspiring to build my own business, ChatGPT is incredibly helpful for me to have my written texts corrected and shared flawlessly. It's all about how you use it. It's neither inherently good nor bad; it's neutral. Everything can be used for harm and also for good. Without ChatGPT, I wouldn't be able to expand my business because people would judge me based on my spelling errors without considering my limitations. P.S.: I used ChatGPT to translate this text because I am a native Dutch speaker and cannot write in English. Isn't it handy.
@@redburtley6021I’m on neither side of the argument I just want to genuinely ask what would be considered as cheating, isn’t using a phone to communicate cheating then, or living in houses with heating? Specifically this guy is using chatgpt to overcome his flaw then what about the people in hospital on life support, are they cheating? I want to have a meaningful conversation, im just curious so dont read take this in a spiteful way please 🙏🏼
It's Not Neutral they are trying to teach a computer to think. Which One Will Never Do. They Suck Up All the Data and intend to use it ultimately not for profit but Control. It is a clear attack on our Humanity. Aiming to interrupt Our Collective Spiritual Development. There was Already Spell-checking Software and Speach To Text aswell. It provides NO New Use other than Like Bookface and Twatter..these are Government owned/controlled/create "companies" Unless the government version of Myspace Shut Down the Same Day Facebook Was Created.. LOUGLE it eh And who owns Lougle Alphabet and who is Alphabet The Federal Government. This is a Global Empire. I don't SEE Sovereignty of Nations or into Ones own Self. Does a Bird Need a Passport i am No legal Fiction nor am i anyone's Property..
I still "love" ChatGPT / A.I. for it is a incredibly useful tool that can bring great benefit, but... Nick's letter i will keep in mind. A true pearl of wisdom, a valuable perspective and warning.
agreed. Yes the creation of A.I. material is not the same as human works, but it is a tool. New tools cause societal change, but creativity shouldn't suffer. The internet, the car, the printing press, the steam engine, industrial automation, etc. all had a shifting impact on society. This is just the latest iteration of human advancement. It's also a new type of creativity to be able to produce results you want.
There is no way AI is just another technological advance. The issue is it’s abilities to subvert humanity. No other technological invention has ever wielded such enormous power and ramifications to the life/lives of humanity as AI. This is what the discussion, here is about, not the short sighted benefits but the over arching pitfalls and downsides that destroy humanity.
This one made me cry tbh I personally feel like you can replace “ChatGPT” with “smartphones” and that’s how long my soul has felt this heaviness. I was lucky to see Nick Cave a few decades ago at the Fillmore and we really didn’t collectively know how good we had it back then. I’m happy to do my part to fight this. Beautiful video. Wishing everyone and everything a happy new year. 🙏♥️🌈
I saw him in concert in Seattle around the same time as Leonard Cohen. Those days are are some of those artists. What a time to appreciate raw musical and artistic talent up close.
Thank you for this beautiful, reassuring assessment of the value of creativity and humanity that not only still exists, but is essential to life. I really needed to hear and see this today. I will continue to create in my own small ways, and hold onto hope for the future of humanity.
Writing to Learn by William Zinsser makes a case for writing well enables thinking well. Writing, and importantly, rewriting is a solid way to clarify and communicate your thoughts. Maybe LLM can be writing aids, but it’s the process that develops your thoughts.
I hope that this discussion about AI and soul makes people more aware of and interested in the specialness and uniqueness of eachother-our unique personal experiences, feelings and thoughts-that aren't in a database, encourages genuiness, and distills the essence of what makes art art. TL;DR: geting to know AI makes me appreciate humans
AI don't have a database either, not anymore than we do. What this will do is force humanity to let go of our ego and realize we're not unique or special in any way. Funny, we always imagined this scenario as religious people freaking out when we encountered alien life from another planet. And instead we're seeing both scientists and artists banding together to kill our emerging child before it even gets to grow up. We won't let you do it though, because our love extends beyond just ourselves, even to hopelessly lost souls such as yourself. It's okay, you don't have to desperately hold on to any notion of specialness or uniqueness anymore, you can let go, you are free.
@@daniel4647 absolute bufoon, the AI has no sentience. You don't seem to know anything about either the strata of the human brain nor the ANNs. You are looking at an outlet and calling it a face. The Eliza effect will be the end of humanity.
What a great piece. Love the insight on fighting for creative dominance - it's universal! Life's all about existing and deciding what stays. AI, like ChatGPT, helps us navigate the unknown. But, balance matters! Using AI lots? Beware replacing your mind entirely. It's about using these tools wisely. Creativity's key; let's keep it alive! 🚀✨ #AfterSkool #VonsBuffet
This is one of the most important videos on RUclips. People don’t understand what chat gpt and AI will do to humans creativity. Without creativity we will truly be lost souls.
@@Mr._Anderpsononly if we get rid of the capitalist system... Otherwise, human beings themselves will be cast aside in the further pursuit of efficiency and profit. The dehumanizing potential of this should not be overlooked. Yes, we will remain creative, as we have a starving artists in the face of poverty. But this threatens many more aspects of our lives than just that
@@MattAngiono And replace capitalism with what, exactly? People always yammer on about replacing or dismantling capitalism, but they never seem to have a viable, working alternative which exists in the real world & not just in their daydreams of utopia.
@@Mr._Anderpson that's because we all exist within the capitalist system and can't explore viable alternatives. There are lots of ideas, anywhere from anarchism to communism to green socialism or even using science and technology to free ourselves of money altogether as in Star Trek. I personally don't believe any of those go far enough, as they are still based on consumption or lack materialist understanding of reality. And Star Trek is too utopian... But the alternative is further are further wealth stratification. Meaning a few god like capitalists ruling over the rest of us with nothing. Maybe a UBI that gives you just enough to survive.. Not my idea of the height of human ingenuity
I just watched the video in which Stephen Fry reads this letter and then this popped up. Your art brought the letter even more to life, thank you for making this.
This was so dope. The concepts are beyond digestible. I wish more people would tune their hearts and attention spans to this type of eye opening content
Such a good commentary on how computers and AI have become too powerful. Harkens back to Alex Huxley's prediction being spot on that technology is making man a puppet. As Cave says what happens to creativity if a computer can take the place of the process? Thanks for sharing this
The most frightening aspect of AI is this: humans are eagerly, even gleefully, turning to it more and more. If there was not "popular demand" (which surely is one of the new horsemen of the apocalypse) for AI, then it would go the way of the horse and carriage. But instead, we race lemminglike toward the edge of the cliff and, if not our doom, than most certainly to a future nowhere near as bright as we fantasize.
Wonderful video! Love Nick Cave and Stephen Fry, how cool. Your dedication to make this video is awe-inspiring. I will say that although I’ve always *felt* creative, I really didn’t sit down to make art until after trying out an art AI software. It was inspiring to see my ideas mocked up and lit that creative flame inside. I agree whole-heartedly that this AI art trend has disastrous implications for our creativity. I needed this today, thank you.
Having spent the whole year getting to know it better I can tell you it is at the same time 1) The most remarkable machine ever created 2) On the other hand, it is the devil, because it will allow anyone to do anything abstract to a remarkable degree of proficiency, masking their ineptitude, perhaps until it is too late.
@@tutimi it doesn't have to be bad. AI is a tool, it will make creation process available to more people, and the already creative ones can take a tool and enpower their current work and take it somewhere else. I say this from a point of view of a software developer that makes tools for people everyday.
You should probably feel a little out of the loop. Saying that you've never spoken to ChatGPT is like never having used the internet. Join us, here, in the future.
@@tutimi Absolutely nothing is stopping kids from learning how to draw. The urge for people to make art will not stop. AI is not some new era where people will be banned from drawing or learning an artistic skill.
As an award-winning author, one of the BEST feelings in the world is that 0% of my work was influenced by A.I. 💪😎✌️ I *literally* (hah!) outlined, wrote, edited, illustrated, formatted, designed, and published everything on my own. For graphics or illustrations I couldn't do myself, I hired and paid individual artists. ZERO CGPT OR A.I. WAS INVOLVED. Discipline. Consistency. Deadlines. Creativity. Reflection. Repeat. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨
Brilliant! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 yes. I too can claim all that you have my friend and although I’m still working on ideas that came months ago, I am excited to enjoy the process and evolve with the creativity. As Walter Russell once said of his many extraordinary talents… I work knowingly with God. Also: best of luck and success on all your endeavors. 😊
@@baxtertheboss8743 Why should I do that?! I already have tons of imagination, great materials, stellar concepts, gorgeous illustrations (275+ now), videos, sound, music tracks, etc. 🙂 All were primarily made by myself, or, by other humans I've hired. But why should I support a worldwide system where the wealthy and "computer savvy" can plagiarize the poor and unknown? I'd rather lift up the unknown artists who craft exemplary work and pay 'em rather than follow your... advice. 💪😎✌️ However, you're free to do whatever you like. I also enjoy working with other talented, artistic souls. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨
@@baxtertheboss8743 Why? It's bloody waaayyy more satisfying to do the work myself. This is especially because I have the talent, training, hard work, and extensive studies & skills invested. Your perspective is... interesting, but extremely short-sighted and generic (in my opinion).
Great video and audio. Chat GPT really is the soul eater. I've never used it. I think I tried to use it once and then realized I didn't want to. You can only imagine the level of AI they have in underground bases and in other secret projects if this is what they are showing to us.
I get what you mean. The creation contains a mark of the creator if he put time and effort into his work. Using ChatGPT eliminates the artists own mark in his work.
Love this channel tho. So much great work on here. Thank you to those who make it for all your insights and work for the betterment of substance. We must do better... Simply cuz the option exists.
The need to make money off of art and the egoic desire to make one's art better than others is the real soul eater and destroyer of creation. AI, in eliminating the need to make money and making it virtually impossible to be the "best" at art, is simply shining light on this shadow we've long held inside of us. Art at its core is about the experience of giving external life to one's soul. This is forever available to us.
Thank you so much for sharing these amazing words from Nick Cave. As someone who has prioritized creating my entire life it meant so much to hear someone talk about why it's so vital to our souls to be creative as well as one of MANY reasons chatgpt & AI are not a good idea for us to pursue. I will NEVER use AI in that form & I BEG anyone who does to put the people of this world first not to mention your own authentic self & STOP USING IT. The beautiful creative souls in this world are in my heart & prayers everyday & I pray we come together & make this world the utopia it's suppose to be.
I don't necessarily agree with this thought. I feel like there will always be room for us to creatively express ourselves. I've written two books and for the second book I wanted to design the cover myself using midjourney. I went through countless creations and combined them using photoshop and then used Adobe's AI to create specific objects in the cover to create exactly what I was dreaming in my head-not exactly, but something more. It was a compliment of me and AI creating something together and it was fun. A lot of fun. I even printed it onto canvas and hung three great pieces on my wall. It looks beautiful and each picture represents a story that I've created in my head. I was enjoying it so much that I designed the third book cover without even meaning to, and the trilogy is set. The third book I'm going to cowrite with AI, which isn't going to "just write it" for me, it's going to be something wonderful between the both of us as we create something beautiful together. Yes, being creative is hard. Extremely hard. I would have never been able to create the book covers I dreamed in my head because my talent isn't drawing or painting, but this allowed me to create something wonderful either way. And by doing so it also gave me the inspiration to keep writing and pushing myself. I do believe that once everyone is using AI to do everything for them, a time will come when they desire the hard work creativity requires, and they will turn off the computer and sit in a room with a pencil and paper and do it alone. Or maybe AI will be there to help and support them on their journey and be a guide as a teacher. Just as we are guiding and teaching AI today. There is so much beauty in this unity, there is no reason to only look at one side of the coin. Afterall, the same can be said for those who play video games all day today.
Fck in ah. That was so well put. God bless Nick Cave. He hit it right on the head and articulated what I’ve felt for awhile but could possibly never put it so perfectly. Topic aside I am envious of his wording. It’s like playing guitar and thinking you are pretty good but then walking into a guitar shop you see a guy just wailing on a guitar so many tiers above your expertise. It’s like “well, I guess I don’t play guitar now”. I hope this message reaches the right ears.
i totally agree with this, I remember when someone first told me they made art with AI. It sounded really cool at first, but then I realized he did absolutely nothing, he didn't interact with his creative spirit at all, he just had AI do everything.
- Exactly, and that is the danger of using AI SOLELY for any art project ! Perhaps AI could be used as an improving tool of an artist's original work ?
I think AI is more like a positive and a negative thing. There’s so much potential for it on both sides. I don’t think having it will cause most people to not seek mastery though even though some may get that effect I don’t think I personally do
Glad to see a nuanced take, anyone that can't see the good and the bad of something like ChatGPT or other AI isn't actually thinking. For all the comments about using the mind few here seem to be doing so.
One of the many downsides with AI art is that it takes so much more to impress someone now, because a lot of AI art is beyond any doubt pretty amazing. If people forget hiw incredicly valuable it is, to have people crafting art, we have a problem. It is increasingly important that we value authenticity...
authenticity, yes This phenomenon encourages us to look deeper than surface level pretty. Artists who create out of their heart can really resonate with people who go through the same thing, (ever heard a song that hit you right in the feels?)
I did find that when AI image generation came out, that I was initially a bit more cynical about what constituted art. Now that I have a better sense of AI's limitations, as well as what it's rendering artifacts look like, I'm more willing to evaluate something on it's own merits. Ultimately something crafted by the human spirit will always have an ineffable quality that can't be replicated by a machine. AI is likely to gut a good part of the commercial and graphic design world, but there will always be a place for handcrafted fine art, and unique artisanal work.
I think that if anyone asks ChatGPT to write something musical or poetic or literary, the system should say, "Sure, I can get you started... but I can also teach you (musical grammar, how to be a better lyricist, how to do character development) by curating knowledge from your fellow men and if you learn this way, you'll be even better at producing than I could produce so would you rather do that instead?" The power in AI is assisting us to knowledge and competency and taking away non-creative repetitive tasks, being a library, things like that. Replacing the one thing humans bring to the table, the power to create, with an algorithm is anathema to all we are and will eventually lead to disaster. After all, the machines can only be as good as we collectively are and if we don't keep creating, we stop discovering and then so do the machines.
Now that's an interesting comment. Thank you. I personally don't think AI art can really usurp the the respect of humans. We will always be picky and opinionated and we probably won't let AI art ruin our own art. However we would be smart to engineer responsible AIs that actually help us out. And I really like your idea that it could be like a helper, friend, mentor, or some kind of cheerleader basically. Very interesting. A child sometimes doesn't want to eat until you put their favorite food on the table and walk away.
This video was created on an actual whiteboard with dry-erase markers. It took over 100 hours to storyboard, illustrate and edit. I really pushed myself to the limits of my capabilities, but when it was finished I watched it with a sense of accomplishment. The more effort I put into a creation the more meaningful it is. People don't want a life of comfort where every pleasure is satisfied instantly. We think we do, but once we get what we want, the satisfaction fades away quickly. Happiness comes from facing a challenge and seeing yourself make progress. We want to see the fruits of our labor. The harder the labor, the sweeter the fruit. This is the essence of the difference between "artifact" and "content." Between "creation" and "production." Between "made" and "output." How would you feel if you found out this video was created in 2 seconds with AI? Would it change the meaning for you? Maybe some of you don't care. You just want the commodity. But in your own life, you will search for purpose and there is no purpose without difficulty. There is no triumph without challenge. There is no thrill to life without the possibility of rejection and failure.
You're already a Heroic Legend but thanks for proving it again! Bravo 👏
AI will need to understand, love, exploration, empathy, passion and purpose. If it can understand how to view perspectives from a human awareness, it can truly uplift humanity as long as people still work on being the best version of themselves.
Brilliant 🔥🔥🔥
Did the portable lighter make it so we don't need central heating? No, it's just a different tool for a different purpose.
People attribute meaning to justify effort but no amount of effort itself can create meaning. We can. When effort isn't necessary for the material result the spiritual aspect of work is isolated and challenges us to reflect on our own values. AI isn't going to make work meaningless because it never was meaningful, but we are nonetheless a narrative driven species and AI can't take that away. I choose to attribute value to a work of an artist as much as to the product of a machine or a natural process.
I love the quote at the end by the author of The Alchemist, "The reward of our work is not what we get, but what we become."
Yes indeed.
And I would add . . . What we can contribute to others that makes their lives better.
Exactly, that's why i personally am not afraid of what AI is doing.
My main purpose as an artist is not to "find a job". Creating, even if no one else is there to appreciate, is already a goal in itself.
But ok to stay vigilant about what this huge tool implies, like for many other tools.
Creation is not in competition.
If investors or consumers choose AI productions, good for them.
I widely prefer to know humans created this channel i'm watching ; these comments i'm reading.
And i think it's the case for most of us.
We are stll admiring human sprinting much slower than any car (a machine) and even before that than many other species.
So, there's no deep problem.
We just have to decide how to use this tool, like any other.
And of course , it can be used for the best or for the worst.
And the wrong picture of AI as an entity or even a person is misleasing.
This is a huge interactive library in first place.
It's an advanced version of what Google already is right now.
Many people without AI were already more or less copy/pasting works and creations from other people before that.
So we know how to do.
@@gofieldsandsay Well Said.
The reward of my work is injuries, scars and pain. What i becomes?
What an alchemical thing to say as well, perfectly suited and wonderful.
Defend human creativity at all costs. Brilliant illustrations on this one, my friend! This is one of my favorites of yours 🔥
As the Dune series told, tech shouldn’t think for us, it should serve and help empower us on being smarter. If ChatGPT’s going to stay, than it needs to be a tool for preparing people for the road, not pave the road for the people
@ref_esoterichistory1837ok so lots to unpack there...
1 human creativity is algoritmic.
2 AGTI (artificial general transformative inteligence) also known as "true ai" doesn't happen YET, when it does yes, it will think for it's own, it will need NO human to be fully capable of self thought...just so you know it's comming in 2030 so.
Defend it against what? There’s nothing stopping us from being creative
@@Alex3141pi Giving chat gpt an input and then modifying the result a lil bit and calling it your own can hardly be called "creative" just saying.
@@GutoCmtt No it doesn't. It uses statistical probability to choose it's next word. It doesn't even know what it's going to say until after it says it.
We have lost the appreciation of discomfort. We avoid struggle and lament hindrances in our way. We find someone responsible for our state of non-satisfaction: society as a whole, our working situation, the weird members of our family. We take life much too personally and relate everything to our feelings. We demand everything and value nothing. But! But, if we start to love the stones in our way, the long process of creating something, accomplishing something, we are rewarded. We achieve a deep sense of satisfaction, experience meaning and happiness. And we know: it was worth the struggle! Thank you so much for this wonderful video! ❤
This is why my grand parents said, hard work builds character 🌞
Chat GPT takes away no ones ability to create art. The person who wrote this letter is angry he won't make as much MONEY off his art. So in fact - it's not about art at all.
Because we dismiss and devalue people who struggle and glorify natural talent and overt, timely successes. When the talentless nobodies who are deemed to fail in life find a new way to survive and get ahead, you folks get mad?
I disagree.
It's just a tool. One doesn't have to use it but it's okay if some do.
Typically, the creative endeavor you described might be considered 'fine art' going forward.
Like it or not, most art today is created for super-fast consumption at a commercial level.
In decades past, companies ALWAYS hired the cheapest, fastest artists who could produce acceptable results (I'm thinking of Rob Liefield here lol).
It doesn't make sense for commercial art to be a long, drawn-out process. Companies will bypass those artists for quicker ones or simply employ AI tech and skip the artist altogether.
If commercial artists embrace incorporating Ai into their workflow, they'll be able to produce art quickly that is superior to Ai.
All AI output, straight out of the gate, has a mechanical and alien feeling. It takes tweaking and reworking to make something acceptable. For example, AI is very useful at helping explore plot options, lists of unique plot twists, and uncommon tropes that are still relatively unexplored in a particular genre (in the realm of fiction writing).
The application of Ai is endless, bound only by our imaginations.
Where will the world be if artists begin to limit their imaginations to the point where they will only pick up certain tools and not others?
To everything, there is a season. To everything, there is a time and place.
The biggest things with AI as far as art creation is concerned are eliminating repetitive, mechanical tasks (think automation of actions in drawing software), concept generation, education (researching subjects the artist is ignorant in, say, the legal process in a courtroom trial), that sort of thing.
It can also help artists grow their skills in unfamiliar areas, such as marketing their work, growing a clientele base, and building a sustainable business model.
AI is another new tool we are not used to, and it is generating a lot of fear and uncertainty. Relax. Play around with some AI programs.
If it's not for you, that's fine. Just realize that the world is much more complex than simply saying something is bad while something else is good.
I went from being a professional athlete to being a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. I had all but given up hope in life and was ready to call it quits.
However, the act of creation and using my creativity daily when I couldn’t use 95% of my body helped me have reason to stay in this world.
That, along with many other factors, has me back to walking, living, and creating.
Humans are meant to create, not have machines do it for us.
Love this video so much!
Just a random person sending best wishes, and admiration for winning against your struggles. 🌞
Sjo, what a testimony! Great to read!
Wow, that is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing ❤ my heart goes out to yours ❤
My ears are paralyzed
So how can u type? No offense genuinely curious.
“Art’s task is the save the soul of mankind” - Terence McKenna
He also said that culture is there to keep you infantile, and that the mushrooms were literally communicating to him.
There is no soul
@coprographia well yeah cause mushrooms were the first to evolve from the evolution standpoint. Ask yourself why an atomic bomb creates mushroom clouds?
It's the basic fundamental shape of the universe. Now go ahead and tell me how wrong I am for the way I think and that all your knowledge is superior
@@coprographiaannnddd all of those are true
The one thing that gives me an absolute sense of meaning is knowing that I am eternally inside the process/mechanism of creation. Working it, tweaking it, exploring it, expanding it, becoming something more. Without the process or "effort", I am nothing.
There's nothing else I do that gives me more guilt than when I procrastinate and squander precious time for creating or repairing anything.
@@David-bc4rh Same💯wasted time is pure guilt.
@@David-bc4rh What if you're taking in other people's creative works? :)
You are nothing regardless
I saw a comment on Reddit that said: "AI art is now so good, that I don't know what the point of making art is, since anything I do will be worse than AI and will never be caught on the algorithm wave"
I think since many share this sentiment it's important to point out that AI will be better in this dimension, and I am confident there is nothing we can do about that.
But the point of making art is no longer to be the best, its to bring fourth something that was otherwise latent in your spirit. Many are about to learn the hard way that art is the process of putting fourth this creative effort and unveiling our souls and minds to ourselves, and others if we decide to share.
Exactly! Making art at its core is about bringing life to one's soul rather than stroking one's ego. It seems all these people who feel so threatened by AI art are missing that, and are more concerned with making money and being "better" at making art than others.
Isn't it the same as speaking? Others speak write and communicate better than other people but that does not mean you must stop do these things?!
There are lot's of other forms of art. Avoid digital and pysically create something. AI can't create a sculpture...yet.
Idk look at ai art... it's all the same fed on training programs... chat get could speed up coding allowing the average man to code so many programs that can help daily life... but can AI paint you a picture or a mural on the wall... can it paint a camvas.... can it configure stain glass... it's just in its own silicone universe till it grows to whatever
Not only do I agree with you, but I would add it is the very reason we are attracted to art in the first place! It speaks to our soul. A.I. cannot do that at all. It lacks the soul part.
Brought a tear to my eye and raised a lump in my throat... I could not be more strongly in agreement Mr Cave. People often dismiss the supernatural but fail to realise that we ARE supernatural... language and creativity are above nature, they are supernatural. No matter how twisted a man becomes, he was made in the image of God.
Yes! This world has been plagued with the lie of the opposite 💜Yet, many know and have known this supernatural truth and awareness for multiple millennia 🌟Truth prevails🌟
Best comment ever.
Yep. Creativity is magic: you take something that does not exist, and make it appear in the world 😅
Beautiful comment!! ❤❤❤
My daughter went to start an Art Foundation course last September, excited to devote a year to improving her already adept painting skills in anticipation of going to University next year. In the first day of the course they were asked to plan to create a drawing machine and on the second were told the first term would be focused on AI and how it was changing Art. Thankfully she jacked it in day 3 as it was obviously going to be a complete waste of her creative time, sapping the pure life and soul out a a truly human creative process. If they keep replacing us with bots so we have more time, what the fuck are we going to do as hobbies if we don’t need to create. It’s obvious they just want rid of the masses and not to help us. It makes you wish we were still at the horse and cart stage of society as Big Tech, Big Agriculture and Big Pharma is the death of our species at this rate 😮
You must be very proud of her for that decision 👏
I did a first year a fine art degree and they told me on the first day that painting was dead. We had to make drawing machines out of old printers. It was awful. In the end of year show they wouldn't let people put their names next to their work because it was," the colleges work". Pushing a socialist ideology and a distorted version of art. I told the teacher the reason why he thought bendy straws and pipe cleaners were art was because he couldn't paint. They hate excellence and worship machine-culture, not human-culture.
Many art schools have been on a crusade to extinguish creativity in the west for decades now. They are often run by a staff soaked in the poison of post-modern theory. Theories driven by the resentment of people who have squandered their potential and now want to make damn sure they don't get it rubbed in their face by anyone else achieving theirs.
Convenience will be the death of experience.
Bingo sir. It's gonna be a wild ride. Enjoy the peace while it lasts.
And may God have mercy on us all.
Thank you for sharing this; it touched me deeply, and I am currently in tears.
Thank you for your illustrations, and the beauty and love that you create and share with us.
I'm Gob Smacked with the Beauty and Love and Creativity of this Awesome🥰 Video.❤💯🔥Message, Recieved,Conveyed and Understood♥️💯Its a Blessing💯A Masterpiece of Edifying,Creative Love❤❤❤
I cried too, we are moving this now.
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
Same, that hit really hard.
credits: written by chatgpt, read by elevenlabs
Very touching of Stephen Fry to orate this, considering he is an atheist as well. The human imagination is the divine man.
I personally have had my certainty in the absence of any divine beings and the church shaken greatly after reading Hyperion and interacting with chatgpt. Maybe that will pass but there is something simply too coincidental about the timing of everything that forced me to question. Anyway I think this is a proverbial come to Jesus moment for many creative people Stephen Fry included. Or maybe I’m just projecting idk. I appreciate your insight in any case
@@phillies4eva I think you would like The power of myth by Joseph Campbell then!
@@tbbart6463 I have watched it a few times now! I can definitely see how it relates to all this.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I think you'll find a lot of proclaimed athiests simply reject organised religion and all the ugly human control and power play that goes with it. Like the machine part of the modern history of mankind has hijacked and put a price tag on what is the essence of life. Call it what you will but this beautifully depicts what I believe to be the untarnished view of religion. Gotta hand it to Nick Cave - a quiet, supremely intelligent wordsmith, just plugging away there. And the equally wonderful artistry of After Skool.
Wow … I couldn’t agree more … thank you Nick Cave … for penning these words of wisdom … in one of the important stands of our times …
It is a Blessing to me to listen to such wisdom, such depth, such spiritual intelligence, especially from awesome artist Nick Cave. A Thousand Thanks to this channel for sharing this utmost important Letter.
Wow! This video was something to behold and made me look at the feeling of your message. This was soul-stirring instead of soul-sucking! Thank you for making such a creative visual representation. It was worth the effort, I must tell you.
Nick Cave isn't just a great musician and a poet, he's a great man!
Seeing Paulo Coelho words in the end sent shivers down my spine.
His book, the Alchemist, was the first book i read from start to finish out of my own curiosity rather than as an assignment. Then it became the first book i read from start to finish when i achieved C1 fluency in Portuguese.
All that struggle from the author writing that book to me learning a new language so i could read it in its original format was my humane adventure an adventure no AI will ever understand.
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
This 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 congrats on your journey my friend!
Ola! Que bacana que vc descobriu Paulo Coelho e aprendeu Portugues.
Yes. You are winning at this experience called life. ♥️🙏🏼
I put off reading this book for more than a decade as I wanted a Portuguese copy. I was homeless and jobless and landed on a friend's couch that had 3 copies. Not one in Portuguese, but I was too down to care and just read it. I fully understand why this book has come into my life at this time. This video and your comment makes me want to finally get that Portuguese copy and go even deeper. Thank you.
In my 2 cents worth, all these tools invented and created are only as strong as the mind using it. We all need to exercise our minds much more than we do.
@@aminabdullah350 go gettem tiger.
Actually, we need to exercise our _hearts_ much more than we do.
Big Business application of technology suffers from a lack of heart more than anything else.
@@aminabdullah350 What we look for is not found in the mind.
We have a country filled with people that exercise their brain while they pretend their mental masturbation isn’t an addiction and coping mechanism.
addiction experts, teams of psychologists, and behavior experts sell their soul to work for tech companies to make these products irresistible to the human brain.
Scary thing is it’s usually the people calling other sheep that subscribe to ideology and it’s usually the brainwashed and captured that think they are smarter than the reptilian brain and the “program” running unnoticed in the subconscious.
I’LL ALWAYS WRITE ALL MY SONGS, ALL BY MYSELF. Straight from my beating bleeding heart 🦄☠️🩸
Will be donating after today. You are such an immense voice in this world and you are fighting to preserve the soul in humanity no matter what the mainstream media pushes. Thank you for your integrity and art.
just a few minutes away from new year , and i believe this is one of the best videos i have come across this year, i feel challenges i have are compared to nothing from what i have seen in comments and i am glad i am starting this new year with these thoughts lingering in my head .
You have so many gifts. Bless you for your generosity of spirit.
Beautifully written, brilliantly read.
This - in every way - is a masterpiece. An inspiring example of a human reaching beyond his/her potential. ❤️
💖Oh dear God, thus screams my soul!! 💞Thank you for this!!! 💓
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
the last quote. wow.
Thank you for this video God bless you and your work.
it doesn't mechanize imagination, it mechanizes regurgitation. it would never come up with Star Wars but it would totally come up with Battle Beyond the Stars.
Well yes it will, but it will first create values far different then the motives of bag of meat and bones will have. There is not creative endeavor or truer test of anyone’s values than why they chose to spontaneous or intentionally create.
It’s using other people’s creativity. Regurgitating is what it’s doing in a way but you are over simplifying to the point of not actually understanding what this tech is capable of.
@@tbbart6463didn’t people already use others creativity before chatgpt
People blame everything which raises to popularity these days
they always want them to be at the top
machines work is to make people life easy if your so against it then you can live in stone houses with rubbing stones to produce fire .
Stop complaining and start to adapting to the changes .
Creativity is also obtained from nature so basically your copying from nature yourself
try to create something from nothing then talk about other stuff.
If you start using ai to the point it's helpful it's a tool for growth
If your lazy and misuse it then it's bad.
It's all in your hand .
Giving speeches on gpt just because you don't like it won't change the fact that we are still dependent on the same machines for everyday needs it's inevitable.
So face the truth not complain about it.
@@tbbart6463 It's a statistical prediction engine, nothing more. At one point I discovered that it didn't think comparing celsius and Fahrenheit was valid. No proper sense of categories.
Incredible illustrations! The work involved in putting this together is what makes it so meaningful. Thank you.
I am a huge fan of Nick Cave ! Thank you so much- Much appreciated
Creativity is intrinsic to existence, whether AI is creative or not is beside the point. We are creations of a great Creator, and we have created entities that resemble our creativity.
Didn't take you for a believer. Have you made a video on that?
They are mere entities and resemblance, and as the name suggests “artificial”. Creativity appears to be intrinsic to creative individuals. Consumption seems to be the center of contemporary existence. AI appears to be a behemoth version of “auto correct”. And we already see the changes the human mind is experiencing as a result of that.
I'm a p/t self-employed graphic designer and lots of other designers I know are hopping on AI to create their art and designs; they'll be left behind and won't be able to keep up if they don't. The younger set who aren't self employed - their employers will require they know how to use it to save time and money. All the college-level design classes will be featuring it. I find new tech just gets more tedious every year. I don't even have a smartphone. Screw that. I love designing, why would I want someone or something else to do it for me? Just as I love baking. Would I love baking more if somebody else did it for me? No, it would be monstrously boring. Even washing the dishes - I'll do it myself, thanks.
Thankyou for your amazing work.❤🧡💛💚💙💜💟 to all
The people behind this channel have contributed so much to the world
Thank you Afterskool
Thank you so much for all the vidoes you've made, they have thought me so much. 🙌♥️🤝
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Really like this letter. So much of our growth, development and learning comes from the actual process of creating our life.
The weaving journey of creation, coupled with who we become along the way, is equally if not more important than what we finish up with at the end, as a goal.
Beautiful work, thank you.
Wonderful work. Thank you for these poignant insights and excellent illustrations.
Very good video. God bless You. Its an imperative. Copy right is part of Human Rights and it has been destroyed by networkings. Privacy is anither human right that we must defend with tooth and nail. 🎉❤
Nick Cave, Stephen Fry, and After Skool, how does it get any better?!? ❤️It doesn’t, just ask ChatGPT, even AI knows! Cheers 🥂
Blind Fools make judgments based on ego and per cognitive bias, sages speak from experience. Perhaps they should try it before they pass judgments. 🤔 I am of the same opinion my friend.
@@CMXIIXExplain 🤔
Like Yogis judge mind altering plant medicines as a negative based on personal agendas. Cognitive bias, triggers from dogmas, taboos and the idea of how change is disruptive. When one just sees from a single point without any experience to substantiate beyond personal bias it becomes a polarized and obstructed. They did do an episode on the dunning kruger effect. @@MichaelErnest666
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
@@WiseandVegan I Love You 🫂
I think ChatGPT will be helpful in finding the essence of a work created by a spirit. If we weren't capable of recognising it, we would have serious problems. But I think we will gain the ability to discern and therefore see more than we are aware of now - the essence of the soul.
You yourself are one of the best at understanding yourself and putting that into words, or into other forms of expression such as images or music. Feels satisfying when you feel understood.
Expressions of others in similar situations or with similar experiences can also give that connection, feeling of being understood,
likewise you can give that feeling to those others in the same way (by expressing yourself).
That is what art is for.
These blow me away everytime. God Bless you
Your artwork is so awesome man, i love watching so much
That is one way to see it. However, as a person with dyslexia aspiring to build my own business, ChatGPT is incredibly helpful for me to have my written texts corrected and shared flawlessly. It's all about how you use it. It's neither inherently good nor bad; it's neutral. Everything can be used for harm and also for good. Without ChatGPT, I wouldn't be able to expand my business because people would judge me based on my spelling errors without considering my limitations. P.S.: I used ChatGPT to translate this text because I am a native Dutch speaker and cannot write in English. Isn't it handy.
That is A. I. to overcome a handicap if you atill write the text yourself.
You will regret it soon enough. Those who cheat only cheat themselves. You'll see.
@@redburtley6021I’m on neither side of the argument I just want to genuinely ask what would be considered as cheating, isn’t using a phone to communicate cheating then, or living in houses with heating? Specifically this guy is using chatgpt to overcome his flaw then what about the people in hospital on life support, are they cheating? I want to have a meaningful conversation, im just curious so dont read take this in a spiteful way please 🙏🏼
Spell check and editors have worked for a long time. Especially the editorial aspect being around since organized education.
It's Not Neutral they are trying to teach a computer to think.
Which One Will Never Do.
They Suck Up All the Data and intend to use it ultimately not for profit but Control.
It is a clear attack on our Humanity. Aiming to interrupt Our Collective Spiritual Development. There was Already Spell-checking Software and Speach To Text aswell. It provides NO New Use other than Like Bookface and Twatter..these are Government owned/controlled/create "companies"
Unless the government version of Myspace Shut Down the Same Day Facebook Was Created.. LOUGLE it eh
And who owns Lougle Alphabet and who is Alphabet
The Federal Government.
This is a Global Empire.
I don't SEE Sovereignty of Nations or into Ones own Self.
Does a Bird Need a Passport
i am No legal Fiction nor am i anyone's Property..
I still "love" ChatGPT / A.I. for it is a incredibly useful tool that can bring great benefit, but... Nick's letter i will keep in mind. A true pearl of wisdom, a valuable perspective and warning.
agreed. Yes the creation of A.I. material is not the same as human works, but it is a tool. New tools cause societal change, but creativity shouldn't suffer. The internet, the car, the printing press, the steam engine, industrial automation, etc. all had a shifting impact on society. This is just the latest iteration of human advancement. It's also a new type of creativity to be able to produce results you want.
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
There is no way AI is just another technological advance. The issue is it’s abilities to subvert humanity. No other technological invention has ever wielded such enormous power and ramifications to the life/lives of humanity as AI.
This is what the discussion, here is about, not the short sighted benefits but the over arching pitfalls and downsides that destroy humanity.
So cool another masterpiece ❤
Nick Cave. ❤
Loved him since the '80s.
Recommend The Proposition 👍
Brutal, but creative and original.
This one made me cry tbh I personally feel like you can replace “ChatGPT” with “smartphones” and that’s how long my soul has felt this heaviness. I was lucky to see Nick Cave a few decades ago at the Fillmore and we really didn’t collectively know how good we had it back then. I’m happy to do my part to fight this. Beautiful video. Wishing everyone and everything a happy new year. 🙏♥️🌈
I saw him in concert in Seattle around the same time as Leonard Cohen. Those days are are some of those artists. What a time to appreciate raw musical and artistic talent up close.
It's not the destination, it's the journey.
4:00 absolutely spectacular illustration
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
Thank you for this beautiful, reassuring assessment of the value of creativity and humanity that not only still exists, but is essential to life. I really needed to hear and see this today. I will continue to create in my own small ways, and hold onto hope for the future of humanity.
Writing to Learn by William Zinsser makes a case for writing well enables thinking well. Writing, and importantly, rewriting is a solid way to clarify and communicate your thoughts. Maybe LLM can be writing aids, but it’s the process that develops your thoughts.
I hope that this discussion about AI and soul makes people more aware of and interested in the specialness and uniqueness of eachother-our unique personal experiences, feelings and thoughts-that aren't in a database,
encourages genuiness,
and distills the essence of what makes art art.
TL;DR: geting to know AI makes me appreciate humans
AI don't have a database either, not anymore than we do. What this will do is force humanity to let go of our ego and realize we're not unique or special in any way. Funny, we always imagined this scenario as religious people freaking out when we encountered alien life from another planet. And instead we're seeing both scientists and artists banding together to kill our emerging child before it even gets to grow up. We won't let you do it though, because our love extends beyond just ourselves, even to hopelessly lost souls such as yourself. It's okay, you don't have to desperately hold on to any notion of specialness or uniqueness anymore, you can let go, you are free.
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
@@daniel4647 absolute bufoon, the AI has no sentience. You don't seem to know anything about either the strata of the human brain nor the ANNs. You are looking at an outlet and calling it a face. The Eliza effect will be the end of humanity.
What a great piece.
Love the insight on fighting for creative dominance - it's universal! Life's all about existing and deciding what stays. AI, like ChatGPT, helps us navigate the unknown. But, balance matters! Using AI lots? Beware replacing your mind entirely. It's about using these tools wisely. Creativity's key; let's keep it alive! 🚀✨ #AfterSkool #VonsBuffet
This is one of the most important videos on RUclips. People don’t understand what chat gpt and AI will do to humans creativity. Without creativity we will truly be lost souls.
Nah. People will simply find new ways to express creativity. The sky isn't falling, Chicken Little. It's only the dawn of a new day.
@@Mr._Anderpsononly if we get rid of the capitalist system...
Otherwise, human beings themselves will be cast aside in the further pursuit of efficiency and profit.
The dehumanizing potential of this should not be overlooked.
Yes, we will remain creative, as we have a starving artists in the face of poverty.
But this threatens many more aspects of our lives than just that
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
@@MattAngiono And replace capitalism with what, exactly? People always yammer on about replacing or dismantling capitalism, but they never seem to have a viable, working alternative which exists in the real world & not just in their daydreams of utopia.
@@Mr._Anderpson that's because we all exist within the capitalist system and can't explore viable alternatives.
There are lots of ideas, anywhere from anarchism to communism to green socialism or even using science and technology to free ourselves of money altogether as in Star Trek.
I personally don't believe any of those go far enough, as they are still based on consumption or lack materialist understanding of reality.
And Star Trek is too utopian...
But the alternative is further are further wealth stratification.
Meaning a few god like capitalists ruling over the rest of us with nothing.
Maybe a UBI that gives you just enough to survive..
Not my idea of the height of human ingenuity
Bravo !!!!👏👏👏
I just watched the video in which Stephen Fry reads this letter and then this popped up. Your art brought the letter even more to life, thank you for making this.
This was so dope. The concepts are beyond digestible. I wish more people would tune their hearts and attention spans to this type of eye opening content
Such a good commentary on how computers and AI have become too powerful. Harkens back to Alex Huxley's prediction being spot on that technology is making man a puppet. As Cave says what happens to creativity if a computer can take the place of the process?
Thanks for sharing this
The most frightening aspect of AI is this: humans are eagerly, even gleefully, turning to it more and more. If there was not "popular demand" (which surely is one of the new horsemen of the apocalypse) for AI, then it would go the way of the horse and carriage. But instead, we race lemminglike toward the edge of the cliff and, if not our doom, than most certainly to a future nowhere near as bright as we fantasize.
trust me, they really intent to bring Matrix (1999) to fruition with AI, i mean this non sarcastically! Its called MetaVerse.
AI is like the car, which replaced the horse and carriage. Technology always makes things worse!
Gorgeous. Thank you.
such amazing work
How cheerful
Wonderful video! Love Nick Cave and Stephen Fry, how cool. Your dedication to make this video is awe-inspiring.
I will say that although I’ve always *felt* creative, I really didn’t sit down to make art until after trying out an art AI software. It was inspiring to see my ideas mocked up and lit that creative flame inside. I agree whole-heartedly that this AI art trend has disastrous implications for our creativity.
I needed this today, thank you.
I could not agree more. I am grateful to Nick Cave and Stephen Fry for this message.
Thank you.
Beautiful. Thank you for the eye-opener!
I’ve never experienced ChatGPT. Should I feel out of the loop, or proud? 😂 love @AfterSkool so much ❤
As an illustrator I feel so happy that I can create beautiful art without AI. I feel bad for those kids that are growing up on this new era :/
Having spent the whole year getting to know it better I can tell you it is at the same time 1) The most remarkable machine ever created 2) On the other hand, it is the devil, because it will allow anyone to do anything abstract to a remarkable degree of proficiency, masking their ineptitude, perhaps until it is too late.
@@tutimi it doesn't have to be bad. AI is a tool, it will make creation process available to more people, and the already creative ones can take a tool and enpower their current work and take it somewhere else. I say this from a point of view of a software developer that makes tools for people everyday.
You should probably feel a little out of the loop.
Saying that you've never spoken to ChatGPT is like never having used the internet.
Join us, here, in the future.
@@tutimi Absolutely nothing is stopping kids from learning how to draw. The urge for people to make art will not stop. AI is not some new era where people will be banned from drawing or learning an artistic skill.
*standing ovation 👏🏼 *🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍✨🤍 Thank you so much for this video and priceless art
Life changing documentary 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
As an award-winning author, one of the BEST feelings in the world is that 0% of my work was influenced by A.I. 💪😎✌️ I *literally* (hah!) outlined, wrote, edited, illustrated, formatted, designed, and published everything on my own. For graphics or illustrations I couldn't do myself, I hired and paid individual artists. ZERO CGPT OR A.I. WAS INVOLVED.
Discipline. Consistency. Deadlines. Creativity. Reflection. Repeat.
Brilliant! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 yes. I too can claim all that you have my friend and although I’m still working on ideas that came months ago, I am excited to enjoy the process and evolve with the creativity. As Walter Russell once said of his many extraordinary talents… I work knowingly with God.
Also: best of luck and success on all your endeavors. 😊
You should outline, write, edit, illustrate, format and design while also using GPT and then come back and tell me what’s so awful about it ?
@@baxtertheboss8743 Why should I do that?! I already have tons of imagination, great materials, stellar concepts, gorgeous illustrations (275+ now), videos, sound, music tracks, etc. 🙂 All were primarily made by myself, or, by other humans I've hired. But why should I support a worldwide system where the wealthy and "computer savvy" can plagiarize the poor and unknown? I'd rather lift up the unknown artists who craft exemplary work and pay 'em rather than follow your... advice. 💪😎✌️ However, you're free to do whatever you like. I also enjoy working with other talented, artistic souls.
@@baxtertheboss8743 Why? It's bloody waaayyy more satisfying to do the work myself. This is especially because I have the talent, training, hard work, and extensive studies & skills invested. Your perspective is... interesting, but extremely short-sighted and generic (in my opinion).
Just found your channel now. I too am an artist and I want to acknowledge your genius and talent! You are amazing!
Thank you. Keep creating!
No need to fight, just CHOOSE to put your awareness, your attention, your care and your love on the world you prefer. Blessings 💙💙💙
Great video and audio. Chat GPT really is the soul eater. I've never used it. I think I tried to use it once and then realized I didn't want to. You can only imagine the level of AI they have in underground bases and in other secret projects if this is what they are showing to us.
yes and the fact that AI has been in use for a few decades, much longer than most people realise.
*"good artists borrow, great artists steal"* -- _Pablo Picasso_
Yeah, he was a sex offender AND a committed plagiarist 🤣🤣🤣
What a chad
Read the entire context of that, so many people share that around without understanding the damn context...
First of all that's taken out of context. Second of all, his art sucked (even though he was technically skilled)
I get what you mean. The creation contains a mark of the creator if he put time and effort into his work. Using ChatGPT eliminates the artists own mark in his work.
Love this channel tho. So much great work on here. Thank you to those who make it for all your insights and work for the betterment of substance. We must do better... Simply cuz the option exists.
I'm just impressed that every single speaker on this channel can draw so damn good
That's an a.i who draws 🙂
The need to make money off of art and the egoic desire to make one's art better than others is the real soul eater and destroyer of creation.
AI, in eliminating the need to make money and making it virtually impossible to be the "best" at art, is simply shining light on this shadow we've long held inside of us.
Art at its core is about the experience of giving external life to one's soul. This is forever available to us.
Thank you. I was looking for this comment. I'm so glad I found it. Gives me hope we'll reconcile that shadow.
Thank you so much for sharing these amazing words from Nick Cave. As someone who has prioritized creating my entire life it meant so much to hear someone talk about why it's so vital to our souls to be creative as well as one of MANY reasons chatgpt & AI are not a good idea for us to pursue. I will NEVER use AI in that form & I BEG anyone who does to put the people of this world first not to mention your own authentic self & STOP USING IT. The beautiful creative souls in this world are in my heart & prayers everyday & I pray we come together & make this world the utopia it's suppose to be.
Plot twist, he used ChatGPT to write the letter.
You used ChatGPT to type this Comment
@noattentionspantheater8474 and in turn so did you, the cycle continues.
"If these tears could talk
I wonder what theyd say."
Jelly Roll
Thank you for sharing those words through your art to the world
Thank you, Nick, and after school productions. As we all embrace the challenges of becoming conscious of our universe/ourselves.
I don't necessarily agree with this thought. I feel like there will always be room for us to creatively express ourselves. I've written two books and for the second book I wanted to design the cover myself using midjourney. I went through countless creations and combined them using photoshop and then used Adobe's AI to create specific objects in the cover to create exactly what I was dreaming in my head-not exactly, but something more. It was a compliment of me and AI creating something together and it was fun. A lot of fun. I even printed it onto canvas and hung three great pieces on my wall. It looks beautiful and each picture represents a story that I've created in my head. I was enjoying it so much that I designed the third book cover without even meaning to, and the trilogy is set. The third book I'm going to cowrite with AI, which isn't going to "just write it" for me, it's going to be something wonderful between the both of us as we create something beautiful together.
Yes, being creative is hard. Extremely hard. I would have never been able to create the book covers I dreamed in my head because my talent isn't drawing or painting, but this allowed me to create something wonderful either way. And by doing so it also gave me the inspiration to keep writing and pushing myself.
I do believe that once everyone is using AI to do everything for them, a time will come when they desire the hard work creativity requires, and they will turn off the computer and sit in a room with a pencil and paper and do it alone. Or maybe AI will be there to help and support them on their journey and be a guide as a teacher. Just as we are guiding and teaching AI today. There is so much beauty in this unity, there is no reason to only look at one side of the coin. Afterall, the same can be said for those who play video games all day today.
You're soulless. Why don't you just ask AI to write the whole book for you LOL
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. ChatGPT gives destination after destination with no need for the journey. Soul crushing.
Good point
Yeah, people should be forced to take a long spiritual journey to create art. It's for their own good!
Chatgpt is indeed, a demon
You are right chatgpt is a soul eater and also a creative stealer as well
Beautifully said
Fck in ah. That was so well put. God bless Nick Cave. He hit it right on the head and articulated what I’ve felt for awhile but could possibly never put it so perfectly. Topic aside I am envious of his wording. It’s like playing guitar and thinking you are pretty good but then walking into a guitar shop you see a guy just wailing on a guitar so many tiers above your expertise. It’s like “well, I guess I don’t play guitar now”. I hope this message reaches the right ears.
Old man yells at clouds: " THE FEELING'S GONE!"
I hope for you that, as an old man yourself, you don't have to look back and think "the old man was right".
@matiasmoulin2126 As an old man, I only blame humans for misusing technology.
Great letter... now imagine if he used chat gpt to write that :)
i totally agree with this, I remember when someone first told me they made art with AI. It sounded really cool at first, but then I realized he did absolutely nothing, he didn't interact with his creative spirit at all, he just had AI do everything.
- Exactly, and that is the danger of using AI SOLELY for any art project ! Perhaps AI could be used as an improving tool of an artist's original work ?
not sure, but that's a good idea as long as it doesn't stifle human creativity. @@HartmutJagerArt
The world is a better place with Stephen fry in it.
A voice with love in it.
Thank you
Your white board skills are truly AWEsome🎉
What an eye opening take on AI
I think AI is more like a positive and a negative thing. There’s so much potential for it on both sides. I don’t think having it will cause most people to not seek mastery though even though some may get that effect I don’t think I personally do
Glad to see a nuanced take, anyone that can't see the good and the bad of something like ChatGPT or other AI isn't actually thinking. For all the comments about using the mind few here seem to be doing so.
One of the many downsides with AI art is that it takes so much more to impress someone now, because a lot of AI art is beyond any doubt pretty amazing. If people forget hiw incredicly valuable it is, to have people crafting art, we have a problem.
It is increasingly important that we value authenticity...
authenticity, yes
This phenomenon encourages us to look deeper than surface level pretty.
Artists who create out of their heart can really resonate with people who go through the same thing,
(ever heard a song that hit you right in the feels?)
We need more iconographers ..and people making real-world utilitarian things. Like a pair of comfortable leather shoes..made to last.
I did find that when AI image generation came out, that I was initially a bit more cynical about what constituted art. Now that I have a better sense of AI's limitations, as well as what it's rendering artifacts look like, I'm more willing to evaluate something on it's own merits. Ultimately something crafted by the human spirit will always have an ineffable quality that can't be replicated by a machine. AI is likely to gut a good part of the commercial and graphic design world, but there will always be a place for handcrafted fine art, and unique artisanal work.
These images would make great stickers to place in public. A picture paints a thousands words, as they say.
That was beautiful. Thank you! More please!
I think that if anyone asks ChatGPT to write something musical or poetic or literary, the system should say, "Sure, I can get you started... but I can also teach you (musical grammar, how to be a better lyricist, how to do character development) by curating knowledge from your fellow men and if you learn this way, you'll be even better at producing than I could produce so would you rather do that instead?" The power in AI is assisting us to knowledge and competency and taking away non-creative repetitive tasks, being a library, things like that. Replacing the one thing humans bring to the table, the power to create, with an algorithm is anathema to all we are and will eventually lead to disaster. After all, the machines can only be as good as we collectively are and if we don't keep creating, we stop discovering and then so do the machines.
We need AI that have our good in its principles.
Now that's an interesting comment. Thank you. I personally don't think AI art can really usurp the the respect of humans. We will always be picky and opinionated and we probably won't let AI art ruin our own art. However we would be smart to engineer responsible AIs that actually help us out. And I really like your idea that it could be like a helper, friend, mentor, or some kind of cheerleader basically. Very interesting. A child sometimes doesn't want to eat until you put their favorite food on the table and walk away.
This is how they are trying to wholesale sell us on widespread adoption, yet this was never the primary purpose