Staying Even Keeled with Five of a Kind WEREWOLF (New Weekly Pack) - Super Auto Pets

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @WoolTries
    @WoolTries 8 дней назад +9

    I had no idea there was a way to tell the randomized weekly and the hand picked weekly apart. Also that was a great werewolf build, super fun to watch

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  8 дней назад +3

      Thanks for reminding me! So I combed through and found it but it's since changed. It used to be that randomly generated packs had only 9 pets per tier and non-random (user or dev generated) had 10 per tier.
      Looks like everything is 10 per tier now regardless so we're back to guessing.
      edit: Shoutout Grounded SAP for the original info!

  • @gmoney50
    @gmoney50 8 дней назад +3

    proud bonus clip viewer 💪

  • @TheNerdbirdo
    @TheNerdbirdo 8 дней назад +3

    I love the bonus clips keep it up brusk

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  8 дней назад +1

      Thanks! I'm able to hide my toxic builds in bonus clips this week haha.

  • @DustyDayzs
    @DustyDayzs 8 дней назад +3

    What!?.... who has been commenting about axe-handle hound.... thats wild 😅

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  8 дней назад +1

      I should have looked up the comments again to do a proper shoutout! We got 1 good battle so far... progress.

  • @Emu_Playz
    @Emu_Playz 8 дней назад +2

    This team bauta appear only every even turn 🗣️🗣️🗣️

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  8 дней назад

      It's odd that the team seems to disappear every other round.

  • @Icrriplikegolfdragon
    @Icrriplikegolfdragon 8 дней назад +1


    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  8 дней назад +1

      The Nightman Cometh

    • @peter5702
      @peter5702 8 дней назад +1

      @@Metabrusk you gotta pay the troll toll!

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  8 дней назад


  • @placeholderblankspace
    @placeholderblankspace 8 дней назад +1

    oops hi i guess this is unsolicited feedback but as someone who used to watch the bonus clips all the time I find that I’m less likely to sit thru them without the commentary, esp for longer ones (since smtms ur bonus clips can be half the video!) idk if it’s an attention span thing or what but I just don’t feel as interested/invested - not like I’m expecting you to change or anything esp if the commentary takes up too much of ur time or effort and it’s been draining u!! just letting you know so you might have a clearer view on who likes and doesn’t like this change ig
    (side note: the only non-commentary SAP channel I watch is Infected Player, I guess maybe bc I know what to expect and all the clips are thematic to a certain build?? I know it’s obv not how you play the game but yeah idk it might be telling of why I’m not a fan of the music-only video clips and that it might be a me problem haha)

    • @Metabrusk
      @Metabrusk  7 дней назад +1

      Thank you for such a thoughtful response! I completely understand where you're coming from with commentary on bonus clips. The good news is that you're getting more commentary with this new format but it's mainly because the main runs are about twice as long now. Any bonus clip that is insane or relevant to the story of the main run I'll definitely put first and add some commentary to but this weekly for example with the Jevil bonus runs I feel I don't have much more to add so just putting the clip for anyone interested in seeing dominance haha. Usually there's a story behind my bonus clips but I'm not sure I do a good job at presenting them.
      I'll keep working to improve but definitely not going to be doing more than 15 or so minutes of commentary per video while I keep up daily uploads. Thank you for taking the time to say all this, it really helps.