Had a terrible day, not related to my training at all. Even so, I came here looking for the feelings you give me with these videos. And it’s exactly what I needed, once again. Thanks and please don’t ever stop making these
I love all your videos man. Huge motivation. The every morning I listen to this, so I can get up with a pump and hit cardio in the a.m. Then I listen to your videos when I weight lift at night. Honestly one of my goals is to one day to be on your videos. And I promise you I'll make it. 💯
Been watching makaveli since the last 2 fucking years everyday in my gym. Went from being a 100 kg nobody to a 75 kg lean mucle guy who everybody looks at. You helped me get a few chicks and a perfect midset @makavelimotivation. Keep posting brother
You are so right my brother! Watching your videos inspire and motivates me more to keep going to the gym, three years strong consecutive! Keep up your beautiful works😊😊😊😊
Sick as always. Loving the frequent uploads.You should have used the instagram video with Luimarco in the background though, that was perfect in my opinion. Keep the videos coming!
Grats on 50k subs brother!
Right-on-Dat, brother/let's get more subscribers?
Send this out to more people, & the weaklings too.
Get your family into this
You already know I like it before I watch haha
Same here ;)
when it comes from makaveli ... lol
+Sean Sharaf Thanks bro! I appreciate it!
+trinitydu39 Thanks man!
+Oussama Kherbouche Thanks for support!
Thanks to Makaveli, I can walk on treadmile and half an hour ends immediately🙏🏽
Keep it up, brother
I love the guy who is talking he's badass
+DODGE 70CHARGER SRT Les Brown booom!!
These videos mean more than most think they do.
Jay cutler back is probably the best relaxed back ever,that Dam width
+Poland syndrome bodybuilding He is one of my favourite !!!
Poland syndrome bodybuilding imaginary relaxed lat syndrome
Truly explosive 🧨🧨🧨
Had a terrible day, not related to my training at all. Even so, I came here looking for the feelings you give me with these videos. And it’s exactly what I needed, once again. Thanks and please don’t ever stop making these
I love all your videos man. Huge motivation. The every morning I listen to this, so I can get up with a pump and hit cardio in the a.m. Then I listen to your videos when I weight lift at night.
Honestly one of my goals is to one day to be on your videos. And I promise you I'll make it. 💯
+Vincent Franklin Wow...thanks man! This is my motivation..it really means a lot to me!! Keep pushing bro!
The hardest video of ALL TIME !
Awesome vid, like always, thanks mack!. lee priest one off my fav, and one of the all time greats.
+Nabeel Ahmed Watching him train...it´s crazy...awesome physique!
the video keep getting better
+Michael Kyle Thank you! I´m glad you like it!
+Michael Kyle
Damn you're right.
Damn his right.
still the best video on this page
good job, man. as usual
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Speechless 😍😍😍😍😍
Undoubtedly one of the finest motivational channels on youtube . Thanks for the motivation ✌🏻️
+Suksham Khazanchi Thanks bro! I really appreciate it!
this vid just made my favs....great work!
+Omar Walker Thanks man! I appreciate it!
beast mode always on thx tho
+Moktar Nabrhouh Thanks for watching bro!
Been watching makaveli since the last 2 fucking years everyday in my gym. Went from being a 100 kg nobody to a 75 kg lean mucle guy who everybody looks at. You helped me get a few chicks and a perfect midset @makavelimotivation. Keep posting brother
You deserve everything you got and more 🔥
+Anıl Uygur Thank youuu!
You are the Beast! Awesome :) Thank you.
+Антон Коханевич Thank you! I appreciate it!
Yo brother great video showed my nephew man he wants to get in the gym already keep the videos coming brother
+Erick Rodriguez Thanks for support bro!
That's a mind-pumping video. Loved it. 😊
Thanks brother I´m glad you like it!
Jay cutler lee priest=like button
+Dr Roidhammer Thanks man!
can u introduce urself pls? we want to know u
+Oussama Kherbouche i agree with you want to put a face to this name!
+Oussama Kherbouche :))) Not yet bro...
What about now Makaveli?:D
I never believed in myself soooo fkn much...like i do now....i aint ganna back off...im not giving up...lyft that shyt....✌
Excellent!! Hopefully one day when I'm at least half the size of these guys you can do a video on my journey😊😊
+Louis Ortega It´s not about the size bro. It´s about inspire others to do great things!
You are so right my brother! Watching your videos inspire and motivates me more to keep going to the gym, three years strong consecutive! Keep up your beautiful works😊😊😊😊
+Louis Ortega Thanks bro! I really appreciate it!
That was fucking powerful!!!!!
Thanks Makaveli!
Sick as always. Loving the frequent uploads.You should have used the instagram video with Luimarco in the background though, that was perfect in my opinion. Keep the videos coming!
+MrStei9 I would like to collaborate with Luimarco...I have an idea in my head so...wait for it!!
I know you do bro 😄
Yeah buddddddddddyyyyy
Got to do this right cause its heavy ass weight yup yup lol
love it!
+Lsey81 Thank youuu!
I work like 11 hours and I sleep 5 hours, when I need motivation I see this video
How you not on a million subscribers
+Hamaad Bashir I wish :))) Thanks for support!
Great video
+Brandon Leonard Thank you! I´m glad you like it!
who is the speaker?
+szunpl Les Brown
who is the speaker at the start of the video??
+jkww21 Les Brown!
Wow man.. WOW
+Khalil Ebrahim Thanks bro!
you the man! love your stuff especially this one ;) thanks for the work bro you inspire a lot of people
who is the speaker in this one?
+Thomas Bidzinski Thanks bro! I really appreciate it...it´s Les Brown!
Right after my fucking hard back workout :( :D btw good job bro :)
+Just Berty Thanks man!
Mentula :D
This is theBeta Alanine of my Pre-Workout lol
:))) #KeepPushing bro!!
Yes Sirrrr my man
Beta Alanine is shit but the video is good
:))) Thanks bro !!!
@@MAKAVELIMOTIVATION God knows how many times I have watched this masterpiece 👑👑👑we are still grinding toward our dreams🔥🔥🔥🫡
which editor u use plz tell me brother
i think u are a big fan of lee priest..
+jaskaran singh dhaliwal Yes I am :)))
is this song from pandora journey?!
+Oussama Kherbouche Franck Barre - Legend Of Drakolians
the Song name pls ???
+Robert Pal-Balaz Franck Barre - Legend Of Drakolians
+pedro rafael galvez sollano Franck Barre - Legend Of Drakolians
wats this song called
WOw ..very nice
+Robertino Vanin Thank you! I appreciate it!
Who is the speaker?:)
+Dimitrij Mravljak
Les Brown
Click the video, hit like button,watch the video while drinking PWO, then go to the gym and smash those 5kgs!!! Boom!
+GoonT520 :))) Perfect! It means a lot bro..thanks!
Song name ?
+Ivan Jankovic Franck Barre - Legend Of Drakolians
plaece music 😘
+Лёха Букин I´m glad you like it bro!
+مهدي كاتلر Thanks for watching!
steroids motivation
but respect for the hard ork and dedication etc...
+mauro1066 Thanks!
the video keep getting better
+Michael Kyle Thanks man!
Song please?