The Mandalorian Helmet (EFX vs Anovos)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 116

  • @Gd33zy84
    @Gd33zy84 4 года назад +44

    Looks like ANOVOS is the way

  • @AM-xf8mu
    @AM-xf8mu 4 года назад +35

    Efx helmet looks like a kid has done the weathering

    • @MrMadmanUSA
      @MrMadmanUSA 4 года назад +5

      Abeed Miah as I scale modeler I completely agree.

  • @drastrock
    @drastrock 4 года назад +4

    Good review and comparison. Helped me decide. My Anovos came in a couple weeks ago.

  • @DConstructiveCritic
    @DConstructiveCritic 2 года назад +3

    Great video, thank you for the detailed comparison. Would love to see the difference between the EFX Season 1 and EFX Season 2 Mandalorian helmets too.

    @KIDFL1CKS 4 года назад +12

    5:55 why are those lines so crooked?

    • @awilliamwright
      @awilliamwright 3 года назад

      Since the EFX one is a casting off one they got from production, I'd assume they cast from a very hand-wrought model, where the lines were cut free-hand with a hobby knife or a panel line tool.
      Since, the Anovos looks more screen accurate, EFX may have gotten a stunt variation but then were stuck with its shape, since it was a cast. Whereas Anovos could tweak it because they started from a digital scan. They could also "push" certain details, like perhaps the ears, to make them feel more accurate, even if they're technically wrong (I don't know if they are, I'm just making example).

  • @benlara4900
    @benlara4900 4 года назад +11

    Are they in the same price range? I like the Anovos though.

  • @danb3859
    @danb3859 4 года назад +5

    Thanks for the great video. I just got in my EFX Mandalorian helmet in, and I love it. I think it looks a lot better than the Anovos one. In natural lighting, the weathering on this looks great, and it has a great metallic finish, and even feels like metal, not like plastic. I'm defiantly glad I went with EFX on this one.

    • @spicyramen534
      @spicyramen534 4 года назад +2

      Also just got mine in. I also own both the Anovos and EFX model and I would have to agree with you on which brand helmet takes the throne, it’s clearly EFX.

    • @StarWarsReplicas
      @StarWarsReplicas  4 года назад +2

      Dan B I agree with both of you. The paint job is much better on the EFX. I’ll probably hang on to both for a bit in case Anovos goes out of business and the demand gets crazy when season 2 comes out!

    • @DConstructiveCritic
      @DConstructiveCritic 2 года назад

      Would love to see a comparison between the Mando Season 1 EFX helmet vs the season 2 variant

    • @Synthwave89
      @Synthwave89 Год назад

      ​@@StarWarsReplicasThat's crazy that you were right, Anovos did end up going out of business. but it got bought and revived so that is good

  • @AdamSmith-fe9jf
    @AdamSmith-fe9jf 11 месяцев назад

    Hey, great video! I’m now a fan of you and your collection. Could you please provide the external dimensions for the helmets?

  • @PadeJuan
    @PadeJuan 3 года назад +3

    It almost feels like EFX was given Boba’s helmet thinking it was Mando’s and just went with it

  • @Themiddleagedkid
    @Themiddleagedkid 2 года назад +2

    So I am lucky that I have hi res pics of the helmet shot by the studio. Both helmets are very close to being correct. The EFX's rear grill and ears are not the correct color. Period. The lower ears are also softer than they should be. If they molded a real one like they say then that part should look exactly like my images. The Anovos (Denuo) ears and grill are much more accurate. Color wise and in overall sharpness. Now the area the Anovos falls short is the mohawk. The lines were not that defined nor painted. Also the ear half circles were not glossy but more matte and kept within the half circle itself. Weathering is a toss up. The EFX is a little overdone. Again who knows which helmet each company had. If it was to buy one I would buy the Anovos and simply repaint it in the proper paint because the overall accuracy is there just a touch more. Both helmets are great helmets and you really can't go wrong with either one. Try to not overpay online.

  • @WitchKing73
    @WitchKing73 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the review! They look great, don't think you could go wrong either way!

  • @jb0078887
    @jb0078887 4 года назад +2

    The helmet looks different in every episode of the show. I wonder which episodes the paint schemes are based on for each helmet. I got mine today and the paint is slightly different than yours. Looks a lot closer to the anovos paint scheme but not overly done with clear coat

    • @alltwistedup2713
      @alltwistedup2713 4 года назад

      is your EFX paint color really dark?? Mine is really dark and only seems to lighten considerably in bright outdoor light.

  • @GeekCinema
    @GeekCinema 4 года назад +1

    What about the inside of them??

  • @StarWarsAddict88
    @StarWarsAddict88 3 года назад

    Hey man, Just letting you know your channel with Mike, the latest video is set to private. Im not sure if you knew or not. Awesome video with this mando helmet!

  • @DymoPolska
    @DymoPolska 4 года назад +2

    The one on the right looks like it's the way.

  • @ItsUxorious
    @ItsUxorious 4 года назад +1

    Could you post measurements of the opening - side to side on the widest part and front to back from key slot to visor?

  • @kylerrrr
    @kylerrrr 4 года назад +2

    Which website/company would you recommend for helmets, also are websites for example Korbarnth well made and movie screen accurate? Thanks.

    • @StarWarsReplicas
      @StarWarsReplicas  4 года назад +1

      I guess it depends on which helmets. I would recommend going through a 3rd party like Big Bad Toy Store just because their customer service is better and you can be safe that your money will be refunded if necessary. Korbarnth makes great screen accurate hilts, but it also depends if you want a Lucasfilm licensed product or just a good accurate prop.

  • @iceman4817
    @iceman4817 3 года назад

    what do you use as stands for those? I like the silver color but I can't find anything close to that.

  • @WillMaigur
    @WillMaigur 4 года назад +2

    Both great pieces. I tend to like the look of the anovos better but the efx seems a little more accurate

  • @ray24051
    @ray24051 4 года назад

    Just from the side shot comparison you can see the EFX helmet looks bigger than the Anovos the proportions are different.

  • @sun332s7
    @sun332s7 4 года назад +1

    Your room is something I aspire to have

  • @johnstanowski9489
    @johnstanowski9489 4 года назад +2

    I have the EFX helmet getting delivered tomorrow. I was cringing at the beginning of this video thinking I should have gotten the Anovos one instead. But I quickly changed my mind as soon as you took them by the window. as for the overly well defined grooves on the top, I just took a quick peak at an episode and looks like EFX is more accurate. Who knows though, they probably have multiple helmets they used. I'll be rewatching the series with the helmet in front of me tomorrow.

    • @robertmelina9795
      @robertmelina9795 4 года назад +2

      Hi John, I just received my MandoEFX helmet and wanted your impression of the paint job on yours. On mine I felt it was too dark, like a blackish dark grey. I really just wanted to make sure that I didn't get a dud.

  • @happydrumming
    @happydrumming Год назад


  • @robertmelina9795
    @robertmelina9795 4 года назад

    Just making sure I didn't get a EFX dud but I find the paint job to be very dark. Like a charcoal grey black. Is this a general consensus on the product everyone has been delivered? Thanks👍

    • @StarWarsReplicas
      @StarWarsReplicas  4 года назад +2

      ROBERT MELINA yeah it’s really dark. Out of the box it almost looks charcoal grey black. Best way to look at the colors is to put it in light and record it with your phone. You’ll see how the silver comes out like that.

    • @robertmelina9795
      @robertmelina9795 4 года назад

      @@StarWarsReplicas Thank you man👍 You put my mind at ease😎 Cool channel, will follow ya. Cheers

    • @johnrobertson9333
      @johnrobertson9333 Год назад

      @@StarWarsReplicas is the Anovos much lighter then the EFX helmet?

  • @williamharo5226
    @williamharo5226 3 года назад

    Great video! What helmet stands are you using?

  • @michaelkreiss1986
    @michaelkreiss1986 4 года назад +1

    Which one did you end up keeping? I’m trying to decide which one to keep as well. Love your videos by the way! Such an inspirational collection!

  • @thedude2897
    @thedude2897 4 года назад +4

    Both are neither perfectly accurate or in accurate. The show uses several helmets with variations. Stunt, show, etc.
    So it comes down to personal preference. I went Anovos myself.

  • @techbrojoe
    @techbrojoe 4 года назад +1

    The ears look way more accurate in terms of shape for the EFX. I'm indifferent to both paint jobs since neither uses Alumaluster. The Anovos does have a better T visor shape, but there are multiple helmets and some don't taper as narrow as the helmet on the mag cover or D23 so it's more of a preference about the T visor shape.

    • @chuckthetrooper
      @chuckthetrooper 4 года назад

      Joe Wilson the early run Anovos visor gap was horrible lol they updated it with later runs

    • @techbrojoe
      @techbrojoe 4 года назад +1

      @@chuckthetrooper oh I didn't know that. Good to know!

  • @aarons8532
    @aarons8532 3 года назад

    In person there both nice and accurate in there own ways there both nice just a preference at this point or price , one thing i did notice is the lines on the mohawk part on the helmet arent as deep the efx one did get that right

  • @ANTPIC1214
    @ANTPIC1214 4 года назад

    Where are the stands from? They're really nice looking!

    • @toffee20
      @toffee20 4 года назад

      They look like Ikea lamp stands.

  • @fredstarNZ
    @fredstarNZ 3 года назад

    Hey Gabe. Which helmet did you end up keeping and are you going to pre-order the efx season 2 Mando helmet?

    • @StarWarsReplicas
      @StarWarsReplicas  3 года назад +3

      I ended up keeping the EFX just because of its limited edition. I won’t be picking up the clean version just because it’s essentially the same as the weathered one

  • @bonobabie
    @bonobabie 4 года назад

    I ordered mine from Anovos in March and I’m still waiting. At the time they stated they were NOW SHIPPING. Looking forward to receiving it but I’m never buying from Anovos again!

    • @JZL15017
      @JZL15017 4 года назад

      The only thing I give Anovos with their shipping(just for this past few months) is the covid crap, so I do understand somewhat of delays but man I honestly don’t think I’ll see mine before Christmas time. Sadly what I’m sure they do is say they have x item in stock shipping and have less than can actually be ordered and instead choose to try and make more volume to match the orders after the fact and all this just completely jumbled everything up. After I ordered I looked into them more and more and it’s not pretty.....I love that Anovos’ products have the licensing but man I kinda don’t want to mess with them again.

    • @Bfiggy0527
      @Bfiggy0527 3 года назад

      Hi guys there is a new class action lawsuit starting up on Anovos. Let me know if you are interested and I will share the information

    • @bonobabie
      @bonobabie 3 года назад +1

      @@Bfiggy0527 Hi fella, yes I’m definitely interested. Still no sign of my helmet which I ordered March 2020. Absolute joke company!

  • @alltwistedup2713
    @alltwistedup2713 4 года назад

    How dark is your EFX helmet? Just got mine a few days ago and the paint seems really dark and only seems lighten up in stark, bright daylight.

  • @colinmayneart
    @colinmayneart 4 года назад +2

    Not impressed with the efx lid limited or not. Anovos got closer.

  • @MrMadmanUSA
    @MrMadmanUSA 4 года назад

    Does the stand come with it? If not where did you get
    The stand?

    • @RD-kb9xx
      @RD-kb9xx 4 года назад

      Probably a kitchen roll stand. Doubles as a helmet stand

  • @MrChris1533
    @MrChris1533 4 года назад

    what are the dimensions of the helmets ?

  • @codingchannel6576
    @codingchannel6576 4 года назад

    Does someone knows the dimensions of the Helmets?

    @GM_LEONG 4 года назад

    shame you cant buy the EFX one anymore. Also where did you buy your helmet stand from? Love your videos mate.

    • @gabrielquev2757
      @gabrielquev2757 4 года назад

      Looks like your Average paper towel stand you could get at target

  • @ToyCGBox
    @ToyCGBox 4 года назад

    How much is this

  • @seawolfbear6898
    @seawolfbear6898 4 года назад

    If you were to buy the anovos mando helmet in March, does anyone know an estimate on when it should be shipped out?

    • @nickallen4622
      @nickallen4622 4 года назад

      Mine took 4 months after purchase (which I was lucky) my Kylo ren took 2 years

  • @harrystamas8728
    @harrystamas8728 4 года назад

    Someone on the RPF forums was able to remove some of the weathering from the Anovos version with rubbing alcohol without damaging the finish underneath. Fingers crossed that can be done here as the cheek weathering looks god awful.

  • @davidevans6040
    @davidevans6040 4 года назад +2

    As always, a great video!! I think between the two helmets it comes down to personal preference. I think EFX did a better job at weathering the helmet but I think Anovos did a better job with accuracy but I’d have to do more research!! Love the landspeeder in the background!!!

    • @chuckthetrooper
      @chuckthetrooper 4 года назад

      David Evans both companies received different screen used props for their helmet replicas, upon closer inspection we can use screen grabs from the show in different episodes and tell that there are at least 2 hemet styles used. Much like how there is a hero and a stunt version. The efx version was recast from an original mold. The efx helmet can has more direct lineage, Anovos early run of helmets was horribly inaccurate until they corrected it in later runs. So much for 3D scans lol

  • @hioda5563
    @hioda5563 4 года назад

    Anovos is the most correct replica. Even the Anovos have some incorrect coloring. The back main processor ventilation dampers frame should be in a color between the helmet and the ventilation dampers, not the same as the ventilation dampers. The motion sound sensors are the same color as the helmet.

  • @1990hondacivic
    @1990hondacivic 4 года назад

    I’ll get whichever one is cheaper, either thay or I’ll just like buy a 3D printed one and wing the paint job myself

    • @1990hondacivic
      @1990hondacivic 4 года назад

      On second thought I’d rather not drop 700 dollars on a mando helmet, if I’m paying that price I’d rather have the og one or Atleast one made by the original helmet designers

    • @Nittigrader
      @Nittigrader 2 года назад

      @@1990hondacivic where can i find a OG one or made by the original helmet designers?

  • @ajc4477
    @ajc4477 4 года назад +2

    They both look kind of crude, weathering is really whacked on in a " I have to weather hundreds of these in 5 days" sort of way. Wouldn't be happy with either of these considering the amount of money they went for.

  • @toffee20
    @toffee20 4 года назад +1

    Anovos is clearly the more screen accurate helmet.

  • @dulla93
    @dulla93 4 года назад

    My EFX should arrive in a week

  • @user-uy6cp3vk8h
    @user-uy6cp3vk8h 4 года назад

    Yooooooooo so dope!!!

  • @onewaywolf3530
    @onewaywolf3530 4 года назад

    Anovos for the win!

  • @mitasmight3121
    @mitasmight3121 4 года назад +1

    Yikes. Those jagged edges on the top of the EFX helmet.

  • @dragonball3166
    @dragonball3166 4 года назад

    I preorder black series Hasbro helmet I can’t see myself spending 800. On helmet when I can buy full costume for that price

  • @readyceo
    @readyceo 4 года назад

    The best anovos

  • @eliabrahamson7255
    @eliabrahamson7255 3 года назад

    I like the anovos one waaay more

  • @kobiancello6742
    @kobiancello6742 4 года назад +2

    Can I possibly live in your house, just forever

  • 3 года назад

    Both are nice but the efx is better in my opinion and I think the black series helmets metal paint looks better than both, the anovos has cheap visor or visors i should say because it has two visors to make it darker.

  • @DanakarEndeel
    @DanakarEndeel 3 года назад

    My opinion? Anovos is the better more screen-accurate option and cheaper too while EFX is overpriced as they want to scam people out of more money.
    For people on a budget, the Black Series is an excellent piece too with an actual interior with light effects at only a $100-$120.
    So if you're a collector get the Anovos. If you just want a cool helmet for display/cosplay get the Black Series. If you have more money than sense get the EFX. 😉

  • @laurentb4539
    @laurentb4539 4 года назад +12

    EFX is more accurate. 👏🏻

    • @lanisterpimp
      @lanisterpimp 4 года назад

      not with that gold back plate

    • @mrorangepeel659
      @mrorangepeel659 4 года назад +2

      lanisterpimp I have both versions... my back plate isn’t gold and in hand - EFX is better.

    • @lanisterpimp
      @lanisterpimp 4 года назад

      @@mrorangepeel659 pics or it didn't happen

    • @mrorangepeel659
      @mrorangepeel659 4 года назад

      @@lanisterpimp I’m currently selling my Anovos one if you’re interested. It’s on eBay. I’ve also pre-ordered the EFX Series 2 version which is more shiny and has less weathering etc.

    • @DConstructiveCritic
      @DConstructiveCritic 2 года назад

      I just got my EFX Mando S2 Limited helmet directly from EFX today and Im super disappointed. Its painted black, more gunmetal grey than silver. Wish I hadnt bought it now...the 15% restocking fee is like $120, plus shipping so I lost almost $200 on this gamble....

  • @davisrunner8881
    @davisrunner8881 4 года назад

    Excellent comparison. Super helpful! Thank you! (Sub’d).

  • @brutalityarts7679
    @brutalityarts7679 4 года назад

    The EFX in terms of shape looks better. But with detail terms annovos takes it

  • @FishingWithMatt_
    @FishingWithMatt_ 4 года назад


  • @mrbig3565
    @mrbig3565 4 года назад +1

    Anovus helmet is a 3D scan the EFX is an actual cast from an original helmet used in the film there is no comparison the EFX is the most accurate you can buy

  • @ThatIckyGuy
    @ThatIckyGuy 3 года назад

    They look good, but I think I'm going to stick with my cheap-o Black Series.

  • @chumpondarkside874
    @chumpondarkside874 2 года назад

    Go for anovos

  • @gk8141
    @gk8141 3 года назад

    I made that! Well... my Chinese friends did.

  • @bruteforsythiv6846
    @bruteforsythiv6846 4 года назад

    Wow dude how many times did you say weathering. The word you really could have used is patina, patina is the oxidation of metals over a period of time. BTW love you collection , its amazing tbf, keep up the good work 👊🏼

  • @GiovanniMari
    @GiovanniMari 4 года назад +1

    Anovos one looks better and more accurate.

  • @ROBERT-ml7ml
    @ROBERT-ml7ml 4 года назад +4

    Efx is limited edition, anovos is not. Nuff said.

  • @sevuvidramus1717
    @sevuvidramus1717 4 года назад

    Ones thinner than the other

  • @langleyfilmltd
    @langleyfilmltd 4 года назад +1

    Anovos is the better one

  • @NeoQuest105
    @NeoQuest105 4 года назад +2

    anovos looks better

  • @chalino19
    @chalino19 4 года назад

    looks so crappy in bright lights.....keep it in low lights! lol

  • @fordharrison2649
    @fordharrison2649 9 месяцев назад

    EFX(ABS) vs Denuo Novo (Fiberglass)

    • @StarWarsReplicas
      @StarWarsReplicas  9 месяцев назад

      No, this is the EFX Limited edition version which is fiberglass

  • @InformantNet
    @InformantNet 4 года назад +2

    You spent almost the whole video obsessing about the "weathering" instead of showing something interesting, like what's inside (padding) and how they fit and how they look as part of a Mando costume.

    • @StarWarsReplicas
      @StarWarsReplicas  4 года назад +2

      Sure, because I’m a collector not a cosplayer. Even if I was a cosplayer, not sure I really want to walk around trooping in a $700-1200 helmet, getting it scratched and sweaty. But I guess to each their own.

  • @thebob01
    @thebob01 3 года назад

    The Anovos one is definitely better. The EFX one looks cheap

  • @ruicarreiro7539
    @ruicarreiro7539 4 года назад

    Anovos is an absolute horrible company. They have screwed over so many customers yours truly . I don’t care if their products are great, just the fact that they screw so many people over makes me never want to buy from them, EFX wins for me, I have EFX’s boba helmet and I received it with no issues.

  • @pete7049
    @pete7049 4 года назад +2

    The EFX one looks like garbage. The best one is actually a custom one.

  • @wordsareteething397
    @wordsareteething397 4 года назад

    Efx look fake as hell