When I was saved April 7th 2010 I was on a worship team. I was the electric guitar player and this is Is my jam. I love this song, I love God. If no one's ever told you Jesus loves you, it's true. I'm delivered from drugs and alcohol. Clean and sober 10 years and counting\o/.
i'been set free by the blood of the lamb,and he gave me the power to be called a son of the living GOD,NO ONE,NOTHING CAN SEPARATE ME from the love of GOD,TO WHOEVER THE SON OF GOD SET FREE,INDEE IS TRULY FREE,everything that has breath,praise the LORD
This song means so much to me. As being a catholic for many years truly now I Feel Free! No more kneeling and standing and sitting on command I worship Jesus my way giving all praise to him. Yes I am truly FREE indeed.
We just WORSHIPPED with them a few nights ago!!!! LOTS of people WORSHIPPING!!! The Tickets were more than worth the price to Worship with them. They also did a LOT of Worshipping on the Stage!!! Yashu'a Bless and Keep them ALL. Amen.
My first son was still born. I carried him full term. I know the pain of losing a child first hand. I do not let it harden my heart. Jesus got me through it. Had it not been for my relationship with him and the omfort of the Holy spirit I would have gone crazy. We were never promised a life that is pain free.
God gave me a wonderful friend and support through a horse I got when I was 14. Twenty five years later I had to put him down. He loved to run and wasn't able to for several years. I went into the house to mourn his loss and this song was on the radio. I heard it at the part that said "I am free to run...." I bawled my eyes out. I am free from the wages of sin, as my horse is free from suffering. Thank you for this song and ministry. God is good...all the time!
As a new born again Christian I am taken back by the way God is working to give my life some meaning. I can only see it getting better. In addition, Christian rock is much better than I ever expected :)
It has been a long, difficult, sometimes very dark journey through the BLACKEST night to get to where I am in Christ today, but believe me when I say "I AM FREE!!!"
It was their time to be with Him. We wont know the reason He didnt stop this, but we know that those children are free, are in a better place, are with Him. Praise God
I am having struggles with god and I'm trying to stick with him but it hard. I recently moved for the 4th time, this time leaving the best friends other than Jesus I could humanly possibly have. They helped me through my struggles with God and I helped them. Now I am in a town where most of the population is on drugs and one person causes me such stress yesterday I just cried when I saw her. I don't know why god put me and my family here.
when I listen to this song I don't know why but its like I can feel God and the Holy Spirit here with me, I've never felt something like that before, this is such a beautiful song
My testimony is proof that Jesus is still at work in the world. Faith does not come from proof, but for those that knew me b4 they would tell you that GOD saved this man. God Bless you glad to see you are getting the Word either way.
To dig down deep is sometimes a painful process. But when all is said and done it feels so good. With a sincere heart to our savior to say thank you for not giving up on me.
I used to bear fruit of jealousy, sexual immorality, fornification,doubt, fear, n prob so much more, but thankfully I turned back to God to abide in Him. I AM FREE
This song encompasses so much of what Christianity should be. It's about joy and rejoicing in freedom. It's not about convicting people about what they've done. It's not about accusing them of being sinners. We are all sinners and all sin is sin. Our job is to love people and show them that we ARE free and that we're not chained to a religion.
I understand the pain you are going through, but keep in mind that we all must go through the fire. God has seen me and my family through it all and has greatly blessed me in the end. I went through hunger to almost becoming homeless with a mentally handicap sister at a young age with no friends being bullied by both my peers and teachers hold on to your faith the blessing are around the corner, Jesus said He would never leave us alone. God Bless you! :)
i always wondered what i was put on this earth for i kept searching for my purpose what god wanted me to do but i stopped looking straight ahead and just looked up and i found out what the path he set out for me to follow just have faith in him and god will lead you to where you need to be in life
I went through several health issues in 2022, including a seizure in May that year, but nofw I feel like I have a new life in Christ! I'm in prayer ministry at my church, healed from seizures for almost two years now, and I'm just so thankful to God!
If you are a Christian, you are free from all the sin and pain and worry in life. You don't want to do what you're not supposed to when you love Jesus. Freedom in Jesus is AMAZING!!!
Jesus in my weakness you are made strong!! Thank you for the power of the holy spirit within me and all of us Christians to be FREE, FREE from the death of sin, darkness, bondage, addictions! Amen!!
Yes! We are all free because of the blood of Jezus! He died for us. The only thing we have to do is turn to him and believe he exist. I exist in Jezus! We live forever in heaven! I am free!
This is a powerful testimony. Praise God for his mercy and grace! His power never ceases to amaze. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Has the Heaven on Earth movement started yet, a lot in Pain are waiting for us to start creating Heaven upon this eart[Heart]h that has been given to all of us and the life forms that give to us endlessly without asking for anything or telling you are meaningless or bad in some way! Pure Love is here we have just lost it on this eart[heart]h find the heart in earth and i did, thank you LORD!
I saw them once in concert and I was totally deaf for about 3 minutes after I left the concert they were so loud. And this is the Truth. Never again. will I go see them want my hearing.
Jesus because of you I am free to live for you. My life is yours and not my own. How would you use me today. I pray that this would be mindset everyday.
The Lord works in mysterious ways only he knows why he brought all those children home to his paradise...for people who dont believe he exsists I pray for u that one day u may see again becuz truely u are blind and dont know what u speak!
This song too brought a beautiful time of worship for me, I had finally let go of some sinful habits I had been holding on to from God, when I finally let these things go I felt this amazing freedom and weight lifted from me, and then I heard this song again, and just couldn't help but cry tears of joy, God has broken my chains of bondage free and allowed me to live life in his sons name instead of in the slavery of my desires! I cannot get over Gods mercy and love! God is an amazing God! :)
Vaughan, Some times I feel like mister Nzoko, about sad situation, we seen in the life, the news papers but you gave me an answer wich I was looking for thank you, and God keep giving wisdom to give the right answer, to those for some reason they get cold, or became I don't how to say tibios in matter of faith, thank you so much.
I feel safe because I am in Your Arm's Your with me even through the darkest and scariest time's, You watch me because you are my Father and I am one of Your Many Children, You Hung on a Cross for me, You died for my sin's, And even when you were on the Cross being tortured and mocked You said, Father forgive them they not know what they do. You took a punishment you didn't deserve so I wont to say Thank You Jesus Dieing For Our Sin's And Being Our Forever Father We Love You♥
God gave us free will. The atrocities that happen today are of our own doing. We have turned our back on God. Pushed him out of our lives, therfore we reap what we sow. He never promised us that this life on earth was going to be a painfree joyride. He did however promise to never leave us nor forsake us. That doesn't mean he keeps all bad things from happening to good people. We live in a world of sin.
Praise the lord Jesus Christ who died for all sins past prsent and future! Anyone who thinks they are unloved by God, think again! It says: for God so lobed THE WORLD... Not just Christians, so what are you waiting for? Praise his holy name!
Dear Jesus, please help these people find you,and may all they're hardships come to an end,so they may find happiness. Let them be Free! in your name i pray Amen. like if you want this prayer to be for you as well
When I was saved April 7th 2010 I was on a worship team. I was the electric guitar player and this is Is my jam. I love this song, I love God. If no one's ever told you Jesus loves you, it's true. I'm delivered from drugs and alcohol. Clean and sober 10 years and counting\o/.
Amen thanks you Jesus
That was on my 14th birthday
Right on!
i'been set free by the blood of the lamb,and he gave me the power to be called a son of the living GOD,NO ONE,NOTHING CAN SEPARATE ME from the love of GOD,TO WHOEVER THE SON OF GOD SET FREE,INDEE IS TRULY FREE,everything that has breath,praise the LORD
This song means so much to me. As being a catholic for many years truly now I Feel Free! No more kneeling and standing and sitting on command I worship Jesus my way giving all praise to him. Yes I am truly FREE indeed.
We just WORSHIPPED with them a few nights ago!!!! LOTS of people WORSHIPPING!!! The Tickets were more than worth the price to Worship with them. They also did a LOT of Worshipping on the Stage!!! Yashu'a Bless and Keep them ALL. Amen.
My first son was still born. I carried him full term. I know the pain of losing a child first hand. I do not let it harden my heart. Jesus got me through it. Had it not been for my relationship with him and the omfort of the Holy spirit I would have gone crazy. We were never promised a life that is pain free.
God gave me a wonderful friend and support through a horse I got when I was 14. Twenty five years later I had to put him down. He loved to run and wasn't able to for several years. I went into the house to mourn his loss and this song was on the radio. I heard it at the part that said "I am free to run...." I bawled my eyes out. I am free from the wages of sin, as my horse is free from suffering. Thank you for this song and ministry. God is good...all the time!
As a new born again Christian I am taken back by the way God is working to give my life some meaning. I can only see it getting better. In addition, Christian rock is much better than I ever expected :)
It has been a long, difficult, sometimes very dark journey through the BLACKEST night to get to where I am in Christ today, but believe me when I say "I AM FREE!!!"
I got baptized this morning through my church and we sand this song afterwards and it was the most touching thing I have ever experienced
We are free cause he loves us, and died for us! so we can return with him to our new home, thank you JESUS
the newsboys are the best. my favorite.... God has laid his hands upon them. xox God Bless
It was their time to be with Him. We wont know the reason He didnt stop this, but we know that those children are free, are in a better place, are with Him. Praise God
I am having struggles with god and I'm trying to stick with him but it hard. I recently moved for the 4th time, this time leaving the best friends other than Jesus I could humanly possibly have. They helped me through my struggles with God and I helped them. Now I am in a town where most of the population is on drugs and one person causes me such stress yesterday I just cried when I saw her. I don't know why god put me and my family here.
That the Lord that we were born in a country that allows us to worship and praise our Lord FREELY!!! Blessings be to ALL
when I listen to this song I don't know why but its like I can feel God and the Holy Spirit here with me, I've never felt something like that before, this is such a beautiful song
My testimony is proof that Jesus is still at work in the world. Faith does not come from proof, but for those that knew me b4 they would tell you that GOD saved this man. God Bless you glad to see you are getting the Word either way.
I love this worship song and Glory to God it is available to us who worship him :)
If u love god like this commment that was posted
To dig down deep is sometimes a painful process. But when all is said and done it feels so good. With a sincere heart to our savior to say thank you for not giving up on me.
I used to bear fruit of jealousy, sexual immorality, fornification,doubt, fear, n prob so much more, but thankfully I turned back to God to abide in Him. I AM FREE
This song encompasses so much of what Christianity should be. It's about joy and rejoicing in freedom. It's not about convicting people about what they've done. It's not about accusing them of being sinners. We are all sinners and all sin is sin. Our job is to love people and show them that we ARE free and that we're not chained to a religion.
I'm free because of you Jesus.
I understand the pain you are going through, but keep in mind that we all must go through the fire. God has seen me and my family through it all and has greatly blessed me in the end. I went through hunger to almost becoming homeless with a mentally handicap sister at a young age with no friends being bullied by both my peers and teachers hold on to your faith the blessing are around the corner, Jesus said He would never leave us alone. God Bless you! :)
i always wondered what i was put on this earth for i kept searching for my purpose what god wanted me to do but i stopped looking straight ahead and just looked up and i found out what the path he set out for me to follow just have faith in him and god will lead you to where you need to be in life
Free Jesus, so free! "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed" John 8:36 Thank you Jesus
I went through several health issues in 2022, including a seizure in May that year, but nofw I feel like I have a new life in Christ! I'm in prayer ministry at my church, healed from seizures for almost two years now, and I'm just so thankful to God!
I love the live version of this song! We are free through Christ!
If you are a Christian, you are free from all the sin and pain and worry in life. You don't want to do what you're not supposed to when you love Jesus. Freedom in Jesus is AMAZING!!!
i just got saved yesterday hallelujah! thank you lord:) !!!!
we sing this song in church quite abit. I'm sooo glad to be FREE!!!! GOD RULES!!
God bless these guys, Christians are spiritually FREE!
One of the greatest of all time......... Go JESUS!
I love the meaning of this song! Thank you Newsboys!!!
I choose my freedom to be , I love with righteous concern and happy obedience with my Lord, GOD Yaweh Jehovah.
God is sooo Amazing I am free Thank's To Jesus
I am free to run... dance...live to live to live for you. I AM FREE. You can be free too, just let Jesus Christ be your LORD and SAVIOR. AMEN!!!
One of my favorite songs! I heard this version come on the Radio where he speaks in the middle how free we are in Christ! it is truly amazing! Amen
Jesus in my weakness you are made strong!! Thank you for the power of the holy spirit within me and all of us Christians to be FREE, FREE from the death of sin, darkness, bondage, addictions! Amen!!
Free indeed! No one comes to the Father except through his son Jesus.
He has come to release the captive and i thank God that one was me now I'm FREE!!!! Praise be to God..
I am so Free!!!!!! Praise the lord.... Thank you Jesus:0)
Thank you FATHER for giving us Your freedom!! We need to remember that every morning!!!!!!
Now THAT is the version I was hunting!!! Jesus is awesome.
Who the Son sets free is free INDEED . Love that version of the verse.
Thank you so much for uploading this song dont delete it ever !!
We just sang this in youth group man it was awesome we just jumped and shouted and praised it was the best
We are all free because of the blood of Jezus!
He died for us.
The only thing we have to do is turn to him and believe he exist.
I exist in Jezus!
We live forever in heaven!
I am free!
i cannot help myself from dancing around when I listen to this song.... I AM FREE!
Glory only God, Jesus, Saint Spirit, and Mary mother of Jesus. 🙂
Good day ( or night ) for all.
Jesus paid the price so we could be free. Tks JESUS!!
This song reminds me of so much! We sang it at camp last weekend! Rock on God!! -3
It is. However, it doesn't mean we need to accept everyone. We all screw up. Jesus made a way us to be save and be free of the pain.
This is a powerful testimony.
Praise God for his mercy and grace!
His power never ceases to amaze.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
We live by every word out of his mouth and praise with the energy he has given us.
Has the Heaven on Earth movement started yet, a lot in Pain are waiting for us to start creating Heaven upon this eart[Heart]h that has been given to all of us and the life forms that give to us endlessly without asking for anything or telling you are meaningless or bad in some way! Pure Love is here we have just lost it on this eart[heart]h find the heart in earth and i did, thank you LORD!
Thank you Jesus for your unspeakable gift!
I saw them once in concert and I was totally deaf for about 3 minutes after I left the concert they were so loud. And this is the Truth. Never again. will I go see them want my hearing.
I am Free, but only by the Grace of God. Jesus died for you and me, let Him into your heart today and He will save you too.
OMG...Awesome Thank You Jesus!
how many old newsboys songs must I turn on full blast 17 years later
WOOP WOOP I think I'm just going to go run around outside because I'm free to do that. THANK YOU LORD!!
i love this song! i am free to dance,sing praise God!!!!
Amen!! Just the thought of one day being in paradise is forever amazing our God is good! Praise the Lord most high!! I am FREE!!
This Video was the Greatest Start
to my day. I was just reasured that
I am Free in Christ.
Great Job with the video.
All the Glory to Jesus
GREAT SONG!! it's one of my favourite newsboys songs
Jesus because of you I am free to live for you. My life is yours and not my own. How would you use me today. I pray that this would be mindset everyday.
Been one of my favorites since it first came out .... will be played at my memorial... number 2 out of 3
This is an awesome song our God is almighty.
The drummer is all over the place ,HOLD THE POCKET BUDDY. Great song guys .
Good for you. God has made changes in my life for the good. May god bless you as a new brother/sister in Christ. Amen!!
That is awesome!! Praise God!!
this is a beautiful song! i love it and you people should know you are free!
The Lord works in mysterious ways only he knows why he brought all those children home to his paradise...for people who dont believe he exsists I pray for u that one day u may see again becuz truely u are blind and dont know what u speak!
God is amazing. He sets me free and I am free to praise, dance, live and sing to the Lord
This evoked such a visceral response from me, I am so thankful for the Blood of Christ, The remission of sin, The Spirit of God. I AM FREE!
This song too brought a beautiful time of worship for me, I had finally let go of some sinful habits I had been holding on to from God, when I finally let these things go I felt this amazing freedom and weight lifted from me, and then I heard this song again, and just couldn't help but cry tears of joy, God has broken my chains of bondage free and allowed me to live life in his sons name instead of in the slavery of my desires! I cannot get over Gods mercy and love! God is an amazing God! :)
I am free because of Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I'm free indeed. Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for my sin...
I am free!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!
This helped me feel the blood of Jesus running over me.
this describes my life god has healed me from every part of my life every chain and peace of bondage has been broken because we are free
I am free through Jesus Christ..Thats why i serve him...
Vaughan, Some times I feel like mister Nzoko, about sad situation, we seen in the life, the news papers but you gave me an answer wich I was looking for thank you, and God keep giving wisdom to give the right answer, to those for some reason they get cold, or became I don't how to say tibios in matter of faith, thank you so much.
Cause we were made to worship the almighty God who loves us as he loved his one and only son! That is why he cares
thank you God for our freedom to praise your name
Love the dancing baby. Nice touch. XD
I am free to live for you nothing matters in life but God!
I feel safe because I am in Your Arm's Your with me even through the darkest and scariest time's, You watch me because you are my Father and I am one of Your Many Children, You Hung on a Cross for me, You died for my sin's, And even when you were on the Cross being tortured and mocked You said, Father forgive them they not know what they do. You took a punishment you didn't deserve so I wont to say Thank You Jesus Dieing For Our Sin's And Being Our Forever Father We Love You♥
God gave us free will. The atrocities that happen today are of our own doing. We have turned our back on God. Pushed him out of our lives, therfore we reap what we sow. He never promised us that this life on earth was going to be a painfree joyride. He did however promise to never leave us nor forsake us. That doesn't mean he keeps all bad things from happening to good people. We live in a world of sin.
God is great!!! So happy for you!!
Praise the Lord, I am free! Glory!
Praise the lord Jesus Christ who died for all sins past prsent and future! Anyone who thinks they are unloved by God, think again! It says: for God so lobed THE WORLD... Not just Christians, so what are you waiting for? Praise his holy name!
God Bless You For Your Victory!!:D I Hope To Rejoice Along Side With You We All Arrive In Our Lords BEAUTIFUL PRESENCE!!
Dear Jesus, please help these people find you,and may all they're hardships come to an end,so they may find happiness. Let them be Free! in your name i pray Amen.
like if you want this prayer to be for you as well
i agree i beleive everything you said and i think that (jus in appinion) that this one of th best christian songs ever.
Wow, this song surely has generated some very interesting discussion...I can feel the energy here and this song is just fueling it...pretty neat... :)
Im older and told my sons to play I can only imagine and I am free as the spread my ashes in the ocean..What a way to go
Jesus Chris is my lord and savior and I'm PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!