Emma Watson is a real INFP and you're not

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 235

  • @StanTheWoz
    @StanTheWoz 2 года назад +151

    As much as people may say Feeler-type jobs like creative stuff, caretaking, etc. are "bullshit", I think a lot of thinkers find the idea of doing jobs like that totally exhausting - I know I do. It takes all kinds, haha

    • @anonymouslearner2454
      @anonymouslearner2454 2 года назад +21

      So great of you to point this out and acknowledge it 💛

    • @jerlinej3516
      @jerlinej3516 2 года назад +15

      Yeah, I get the whole tongue-in-cheek-double-decider-don’t-be-in-your-feelings thing but sometimes it makes me think that I have no right to express myself when I’m invalidated.
      It’s probably in their delivery which is also thinker dominant, thus disrespecting the feeler stuff. But anyway…thanks for the acknowledgement 😂.

    • @n_INTJ_a
      @n_INTJ_a 2 года назад +3

      True... but are those jobs as important?

    • @jerlinej3516
      @jerlinej3516 2 года назад +15

      @@n_INTJ_a I would say so yeah because they add abstract value (NF), like relief from a stressful day in the form of a movie of your choice, or tenderness from being taken care of. If you want an ST translation of NF stuff then these things lower stress hormones thus leading to a concrete result 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @grazynawolska8160
      @grazynawolska8160 2 года назад +13

      My isfp friend is an early childhood educator...I.e. she works in daycare. The way she describes it its like going through a war zone everyday of kids biting and kicking eachother, crying over wanting to pee but also not wanting to physically go pee lol... I really don't know how she does it and stays sane. -intj

  • @mokari9268
    @mokari9268 2 года назад +24

    The fact that the videos on Emma were sped up made her sound more manic.

  • @StephanieJeanne
    @StephanieJeanne 2 года назад +182

    Man, Dave, you're so brutal. `Feelers want jobs where they can be creative, artistic...where they can BS their way through it.'😂 That hurt. 🤣

    • @NadaAlawadhi
      @NadaAlawadhi 2 года назад +15

      OMG yes this is so true no one ever called us out like that! 🤣🤣🤣

    • @StephanieJeanne
      @StephanieJeanne 2 года назад +16

      @@NadaAlawadhi 🙌😂 But we don't do it on purpose. We're just drawn to those things...and then we have to bs our way.

    • @NadaAlawadhi
      @NadaAlawadhi 2 года назад +13

      @@StephanieJeanne yes 🤣 I don’t do that irl but I hate my job and always dream about having an artistic career and imagine a stress-free dream life by just making everyone happy.

    • @StephanieJeanne
      @StephanieJeanne 2 года назад +1

      @Caiden No, sorry. I'm not familiar with him. Maybe Frank James?😄

    • @StephanieJeanne
      @StephanieJeanne 2 года назад +6

      @Justice Kaiser You're right to some extent, because it does take a lot of work, and success may depend on training, but art and music is largely subjective with respect to the creating part. Then it's up to society whether or not it's "good." It definitely has to be appreciated by many to make a living at it.

  • @griffmccoy5607
    @griffmccoy5607 Год назад +7

    I was an engineer and data scientist who thought I was INTP. Not until binging your videos did I realize I was INFP (based on the recurring tidal waves in my life). What's more, now I teach and all my research is on how values affect what/how technology gets built.

  • @CaveyMoth
    @CaveyMoth 2 года назад +32

    Wanna be honest to the tribe as an IxxP? Easy. Pretend to be sarcastic all the time! They'll never know your true values! And if you mess up and expose too much truth, it's just a joke!
    I'm getting strong Fe vibes from her. She wants to be validated by the tribe, and hopes that the movie will have a positive effect on the human children creatures. She even has that Fe "SUPER BLAST EMOTIONS" thing going on. I would probably say she's an Ne user as well, because she's opening possibilities up rather than narrowing them down. She didn't go to that school for some Ni future plan, but because it would help her vibe better for the tribe, and thus open up more possibilities for her. ESFJ energy!

    • @KikiV123
      @KikiV123 2 года назад +1

      She’s an isfj. I also get strong Fe from her

    • @mrx4814
      @mrx4814 2 года назад +2

      Interestingly, you indirectly touched a point of confusion of mine, so yeah about that, not sure if I fully understand the functions in relation to the environment; after all functions don't exist in a vacuum what happens if an Fi ,for example, were to gain fame and lots of people are looking at you and commenting about aka judging you can that make an Fi dom self conscious enough to try to conform to seek validation or at least acceptance or will the Fi dom stick to its values and not care?

  • @abbyanderbard
    @abbyanderbard 2 года назад +58

    Lol, making art is easy. Selling art and being a professional artist? That's a big fun, horrible, giant, almost impossible entrepreneurial puzzle.

    • @panijazz
      @panijazz 2 года назад +6

      It's the reverse in my experience :D. Glad to see the other side, makes me hope that one day making art will be easier for me as well.

  • @Universal_Cymbol
    @Universal_Cymbol 2 года назад +49

    Taking care of people, easy. Yikes. Hope you guys get caring people when you get old, lol. I do get it is overly dramatic, but you might need some of that when your life gets hard. I find it amusing how easily annoyed thinkers get of feelers, and vice versa. It gets maddening sometimes how dismissive and loathsome people are of their opposites.

    • @IAmThanSolo
      @IAmThanSolo 2 месяца назад

      I feel like feelers are a lot more gentle about their differences, and think that thinkers tend to be on the harsher side of things when they critique feelers.

  • @bennaustin6632
    @bennaustin6632 2 года назад +2

    Carer work is not easy. I don’t want to do that, let them do it.

  • @FloridaMarlinWrangler
    @FloridaMarlinWrangler 6 месяцев назад +2

    Not INFP. She is too structured. She is ISFJ. Similar, but definitely not INFP

    • @neuAsa-c1t
      @neuAsa-c1t 2 месяца назад

      I understand why you think she is isfj because of si function. But no. She is estj. I see many estj actually similar with infp. She is a healthy estj.

  • @Imfromfrankston
    @Imfromfrankston 2 года назад +20

    Pure ESTJ. I know an adult male ESTJ like this and he has great values like an INFP but it’s definitely tribe over self…where as i am an INFP self over tribe…the lead Fi is for self.

  • @findingninno2
    @findingninno2 2 года назад +27

    Before this video, I never knew or gave much thought to what her type might be (I just knew for sure that she wasn't an ESTJ like the internet says just because she played Hermione). But I'm starting to see her type now in this video.

    • @Hyperdriveuk
      @Hyperdriveuk 2 года назад +5

      Most people, including the internet type backwards. Mainly due to them been unable to type effectively.

    • @fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied
      @fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied 2 года назад

      Same here, I just plopped her in the category of “moron” after she blew off JK Rowling. What an insecure, weak-minded individual.

    • @NoOne-wt6om
      @NoOne-wt6om Год назад

      ​@@Hyperdriveuk Internet is mess, they type ENTJs as ESTPs, ESTPs as ISFPs, Feelers as ESTJs...

  • @jeanette2475
    @jeanette2475 2 года назад +47

    I think she seems more like an ESFJ. She is very animated for an INFP, and most Fi would not think drinking is showing weakness to the tribe if it was a personal decision. It would only be shameful if you personally thought drinking was wrong and did it in a moment of weakness. This seems more like an Fe-conscious person worried about how she comes off.

    • @LemonMeIon
      @LemonMeIon 2 года назад +19

      Nailed it. Her strong gesturing eye contact are Fe cues. Fi relies less on eye contact and socially conditioning speech.

    • @antipunt1
      @antipunt1 2 года назад

      whenever I think true infp, Joaquin Phoenix comes to mind immediately. just look at how awkward his speech comes across to the tribe.

    • @FionaA17
      @FionaA17 2 года назад +16

      Unless her Fi values maintaining social harmony? Because surely that too can be a value, it just depends on the intention of the value

    • @sash8099
      @sash8099 2 года назад +15

      Infps can be animated too due to Ne. So many misconceptions about Infps.

    • @jeanette2475
      @jeanette2475 2 года назад +14

      @@sash8099 I agree, but it's a different kind of animation. Being animated about ideas looks like a person going on tangents, maybe even rambling. I didn't get that vibe from her. This seemed more like Fe expressiveness to me.

  • @carnationsensation
    @carnationsensation 2 года назад +33

    That's so rude and IGNORANT to say that arts or helping professions are something you can "bullshit your way through." That is a very ignorant and arrogant statement. I bet you've never worked in those professions. Particularly the film industry and acting is by NO MEANS an easy career. They work 12 hour shifts most days, sometimes 12 hour shifts over night. They have to work in extreme weather conditions sometimes like 100 degrees while wearing a costume that only makes them hotter, or working in very cold weather. The modeling industry is another industry that's INCREDIBLY difficult. Have you ever bothered to watch just ONE season of America's next top model?? NURSING is a "helping profession" and they are risking their own lives every day because of the COVID pandemic. Or have you ever worked in customer service??? or the restaurant industry??? PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE MAKING SUCH IGNORANT STATEMENTS.

    • @joyandpeacefullaughter5307
      @joyandpeacefullaughter5307 2 года назад +16

      Lol, you must be new here. 😂 Dave is NF so he is roasting himself.

    • @carnationsensation
      @carnationsensation 2 года назад +1

      @@joyandpeacefullaughter5307 Yes I am new here. Wow, I didn't know he was NF.

    • @basic-decaf
      @basic-decaf 2 года назад +8

      @@carnationsensation Yes, they are really trashy people, but so is everyone. Dave is an INTJ. You can see his trashiness unapologetically. People are just things to him. Yet, that's what all personality systems are about: classifications and trends. The system doesn't care about your feelings.

    • @dawnriddler
      @dawnriddler 2 года назад

      No one is attacking you, no need to take it personally. Watch a few other videos, and you'll see that this is just a way that they present information.

  • @JoaoJGabriel
    @JoaoJGabriel 2 года назад +28

    if there's one thing INFPs can reliably do is make INTJs cringe. Dave's like "please, make it stop!" in this one.

    • @nada3963
      @nada3963 2 года назад +4


    • @HexagonSun990
      @HexagonSun990 2 года назад +4

      Is he? His face is always cringing

    • @eletem1nd624
      @eletem1nd624 2 года назад

      Sei q o comentário é antigo, mas é interessante encontrar outro brasileiro interessado em OPS, olá amigo conterrâneo

  • @jaredvaughan1665
    @jaredvaughan1665 2 года назад +3

    Do you guys have Playlists that explain objective personality? And that are dedicated to each type? If not you would benefit greatly creating them.

  • @MrAnymotion
    @MrAnymotion 2 года назад +4

    Oh I gotcha the lack of design through your business now.. indeed too much engineering involved for that little Fi hahahha

  • @talonthorn
    @talonthorn 4 месяца назад

    INFJ - able to feel and still get things done by thinking!

  • @CamzCritiques
    @CamzCritiques 2 года назад +21

    never imagined she'd be so relatable,, we're both so weird in conversation

  • @SabrinaXe
    @SabrinaXe 2 года назад +20

    She's PLEASING others (Fe? Probably Fe decider.)
    I don't see Te demons acting this way in situations like this, they'll instead approach it in a more technical way(like what they can do to "fix" it etc). She sounds like she was scared that she couldn't please everyone. Maybe Fe saviour fear? Wanting to cater to others rather than thinking about it from HER PERSPECTIVE.
    You guys found it unsettling because she's SHARING her feelings,and Fi users find it uncomfortable to share feeling but since she's Fe,it doesn't bother her. Hint hint saviour Fe.
    Hope this will help you in your future typing videos.

    • @kindleow
      @kindleow 2 года назад +16

      I can see how you interpreted it that way, but in OPS, demon Te, especially inferior/4th slot Te, is a fear of lack of utility to others, a fear of not having the skill/skills to be useful, or a fear that no one can work with you.
      See ruclips.net/video/_stX2JUIosQ/видео.html as an example of that.

    • @regertone9002
      @regertone9002 2 года назад +5

      @sabrina x omg that's so true! I see this pattern of behaviour in my Fe saviour friends!!

    • @Darren_S
      @Darren_S 2 года назад +5

      I see more Fe in her.

    • @basic-decaf
      @basic-decaf 2 года назад +10

      @@Darren_S Ask an Fe what they like about their favorite thing and they will struggle. There's no depth at all. Being able to respond with immersion and depth and exude joy in why she chose Brown didn't seem like Fe at all.

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад +5

      Oh Sabrina - it looks that way - but you just need to think about the IxxP human need and fear
      They need significance and they fear tribe rejection because tribe rejection trashes the sense of significance
      So you will see other IxxPs (Billie Elish) also use apologies because they are a tool to mitigate the chance of tribe rejection

  • @checkersssss9
    @checkersssss9 2 года назад +11

    I always see her typed as ESFJ...

    • @lavlmoon
      @lavlmoon 2 года назад +5

      She IS an ESFJ... This typing is 👎

  • @jebajaj3704
    @jebajaj3704 Год назад +21

    I'm pretty sure she is not INFP.

    • @OnlyPureSounds
      @OnlyPureSounds 3 месяца назад +2

      She is

    • @jebajaj3704
      @jebajaj3704 3 месяца назад

      @@OnlyPureSounds I'm almost sudden she is not

    • @OnlyPureSounds
      @OnlyPureSounds 3 месяца назад

      @@jebajaj3704 even when using linda berens interaction styles she is infp

    • @jebajaj3704
      @jebajaj3704 3 месяца назад

      @@OnlyPureSounds I just watched some interviews with her, now i'm 100% sure she is not INFP

    • @OnlyPureSounds
      @OnlyPureSounds 3 месяца назад

      @@jebajaj3704 oke so you probably vote isfj and on top of that don’t even use any temperament matrix lets be honest

  • @wendymurray8756
    @wendymurray8756 2 года назад +7

    I think Fi-Ne or jumper Fi-Ni is not immediately translatable in conversation. Hence the stops and starts.

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад +1

      It is possibly the Consume animal that may contribute to this speech pattern (need to cross-check), because Consume is seeing every mid-point or every-end point of a sentence as a possible pivot-towards-the-new

    • @talorix
      @talorix 2 года назад

      @@6Churches yeah, classic blast last

  • @RosePierce.
    @RosePierce. 2 года назад

    I always knew I wasn’t INFP so no harm no foul.

  • @d.k.s.5919
    @d.k.s.5919 13 дней назад

    This is why you don't see a lot of Te doms working with small kids. I talked about an especially gruelling day with the 3 year olds in my class and she got frustrated that she couldn't find a one-and-done solution for me. She looked me dead in the eye and said, "can't you just ask them 'what do you want?'"

  • @Mayakran
    @Mayakran 2 года назад +7

    But what if you enjoy organizing and solving problems in a creative field? 🤔

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад +2

      Then there's likely a split between your saviours and your double masculine animal, or double-activated animal

    • @Mayakran
      @Mayakran 2 года назад +2

      @@6Churches that’s very interesting and I’m curious to know more. Unfortunately I’m not really clear on the animals. Is that something you learned from their program? Thanks for your input!

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад +3

      @@Mayakran In OPS you don't really have a function ... or the function only is a cross check with their human need
      Instead each person has an animal stack, and each animal is two-functions working in tandem
      Let's look at my Consume last (same last animal as Dave, and also an IxxJ). But my Consume has both my mascuilne aspects to it: M Se (for Oe gather) and M Ti (for Di Identity)
      So. While I neglect Consume (drawing in for the self, to update the self) it is pushy, controlled and demonstrable whenever I seek to use it
      My Consume is ST - so it has that temperament ... balancing out my NF first animal (Ni/Fe)

    • @Mayakran
      @Mayakran 2 года назад +1

      @@6Churches did you type yourself? Is this something you learned in their videos?

    • @MidnightAssass1n
      @MidnightAssass1n 2 года назад +2

      @@Mayakran they do offer typings but you have to join the class for at least 3 months. But before you do that I’d say watch more of their videos and you’ll pick it up as you go. That way you actually understand your type

  • @martingifford5415
    @martingifford5415 Год назад

    I like these extremely clear examples.

  • @lonelyheart949
    @lonelyheart949 2 года назад +11

    That's kind of how I picked which college to go to. I was really into dancing at the time I was looking for college. So of my top 2 picks, I was interested in looking at the dance programs/clubs they had there. The second visit of the one, the one gal was kind of stuck up/had a weird face/off putting vibe when I asked about popping and locking or hip-hop dancing. While the other top pick school, during the tour had mentioned that there was a hip hop dance team on campus. That excited me. That was one of the distinct differences between my two top picks. One felt welcoming; the other turned me away/made me not feel welcomed in one of my most recent interest areas. I think size of the school and distance from home were the main other deciding factors, but the dance thing was huge factor in my decision.

  • @cmf5006
    @cmf5006 2 года назад +7

    For all you people questioning the process here... These guys spend ages typing people to the same objective standards. This clip of Emma comes from an hour of (edited) footage from the typing class. You can't type someone off vibes, anecdotes or your own opinions because it doesn't hold up consistently in reality, there are many layers to behaviours. But you can work out temperaments (IP, EP, IJ, EJ) based on recurring life patterns.

  • @andrejszasz2816
    @andrejszasz2816 2 года назад +8

    What about the EFJ typing that some other members of the community did (based on body language)? So far only F saviour and N with ? Is visible on their chart... Not the full typing.
    Dave wrote D, and was quick to conclude IP, while it could also be EJ 🤔

    • @tigress1girl
      @tigress1girl 2 года назад +2

      She talks about her values and likes with no-effort. If it was down in her function stack she wouldn't have spoken about it with such ease and spiritual vibe... It comes naturally to her. Yet when she talks about people opinions of her (Te) she gets too weird about it and says she thought she was a 'loser'. She have no control over other options of her and is fearful of the tribes image of her. Yet she doesn't erase her values trying to solve the Te issues.
      Also, if she would've been 'i should solve my emotional shit on my own' all 'i'm strong and don't talk about my feelings', then I would've think otherwise (as- she prop Fi demon).

  • @faytwind3913
    @faytwind3913 2 года назад

    I always assumed she's INFJ, but that was based on a quick glance of her.

  • @MrLuigiFercotti
    @MrLuigiFercotti 2 года назад +2

    So other than INFP, we also have from the peanut gallery,

  • @talorix
    @talorix 2 года назад +12

    On the Ne-Te spectrum THIS is exactly why my Fi doesn't like OPS anymore. In the 21st century there are much more profound NT explanation of these behaviours and it's not enough to label people and laugh at them. Not all people get it... Humour is the last resort, why is it a default in OPS? Why sink that low? I guess having Ni-Fi must be disappointed all the time with the mundane reality it faces, but that's Ni-Fi persons fault. I see that all of you are rolling on a belief that laughing at oneself is self-acceptance, but that's just so little.
    I really am not a hater of OPS I'm writing this because our cultural customs now have changed and they are important, you cannot compare someone's fears with the "acceptable" fears like those felt in combat. Americans are facing despair and anxiety, as well as people in other countries, so it's not safe to assume that jokes are going to be taken well. Especially if the jokes are based on bias and prejudice... The coins, the animals, the functions, you got all the best little MBTI tokens, but Fe needs to blossom even for the people who are not in classes and are not aware that you are, in fact, joking.

    • @squeezie49
      @squeezie49 2 года назад +1

      As a major fan of OPS, you’ve articulated the reason for some of the recent distance I’ve had with their content perfectly.

    • @talorix
      @talorix 2 года назад +1

      @@squeezie49 Well, I kind of sidetracked into real psychology again and it is much more beneficial for me... Especially people like Adam Grant and his podcast WorkLife since I can learn some data and solutions that are more universal... Even though I would probably agree that type has something to do with everything, I don't wanna be thorn down by wallowing :') Shan always says that she's only interested in what you can get out of typology. I guess this is a channel for people with that same motiviation. I like learning it and it's useful, it changed my worldview a bit, but I don't and can't objectively know if it is that valuable if it continuosly makes me feel bad. It's a bit of a toxic relationship haha
      I'm glad you commented, since we're both essentially fans 😂

  • @dorivimi
    @dorivimi 2 года назад +8

    My best friend is an INFP. She can't find a partner. She stopped even going on dates because she is so over it. Is this a common INFP problem?

    • @mennims
      @mennims 2 года назад +4

      Yep noticed this with IxFPs. Way too idealistic and fill of themselves, think they're above anyone and that's why they can't find a partner

    • @jeanette2475
      @jeanette2475 2 года назад +2

      For me and the other IXFPs I know, yes. We are fairly comfortable on our own. And we have a stubborn streak of idealistic expectations.

    • @Hyperdriveuk
      @Hyperdriveuk 2 года назад +3

      My brother is one- took him till he was in his 50s but he finally started to adapted to tribe reasoning... and found someone. The tribe aren't dumb, and everyone has reasons. Once an INFP figures that out. Then they'll start having a better time dating.

    • @z9elka
      @z9elka 2 года назад


    • @amalksuresh2538
      @amalksuresh2538 Год назад


  • @jefflaurence9957
    @jefflaurence9957 2 года назад +9

    Did you just say that changing a bed pan was "easy work"?
    You... you... I hope you have to take care of your parents when the time comes.
    Actually, I don't. For their sake.

    • @talorix
      @talorix 2 года назад +2

      Classic INTJ humour, just forget you ever heard that

    • @jefflaurence9957
      @jefflaurence9957 2 года назад +1

      Oh. INTJ humor? Well yay! I learned a something new today. Thank you for that. Well there's a thing.
      INTJ's might like to develop some kind of cue so other people know they're being funny. It'd help folks keep up. Maybe a T-shirt that says "I'm just trying to be funny, you dumb*ss". It could have a cartoon of a scary clown on it, or something.
      But I'm sticking to the idea that Dave would be an utter disaster as a caregiver. He has the look and feel of people I know who got completely beflummoxed when faced with such a situation. As for me, well, the evening CG just handed me the monitor, so I got the overnight tonight. Mom got awfully cranky when they tried to wheelchair her to their bedroom, but my dad (who also has dementia) came down and found me, and I (eventually) talked her around. Just another day.

    • @talorix
      @talorix 2 года назад

      @@jefflaurence9957 I am so sorry you are going through that. I often think that the words I give cannot help, but I see they can hurt. I wish you the best and hope these are toughest moments you're going to face... I hope you find different content during these times!

    • @jefflaurence9957
      @jefflaurence9957 2 года назад +3

      @@talorix Oh don't worry yourself. Life is not all that bad, and I am emotionally well suited for this type of task. I made peace with this part of life long ago.
      I still do find it irksome when thinking types act like creativity, self expression, caregiving, etc are somehow easy. They're not, and ironically, thinkers tend to be bad at them. So they put themselves in the position of devaluing people who excel at tasks that they themselves suck at. It's not a good look, and their lives would be easier if they stopped.
      But seriously. You are forgiven, FWIW. We're all just trying to get better.

    • @sapphireshore
      @sapphireshore 2 года назад

      They're not "easy" per se but have a low barrier to entry, unlike highly specialized fields.

  • @chronomirageYT
    @chronomirageYT 2 года назад +6

    But what if this is totally me?
    I have a "defult wiring of Lying", even tho it doesn't benefit me at all, like zero benefit, and that's why I don't usually get caught lying because nobody expect people to lie without any reasons.
    When I was like 5, people ask me what's my favorite color, which is red at that time, but I just tell them it's green without any hesitation.

    • @sarahberkner
      @sarahberkner 11 месяцев назад +1

      So, you are a pathological liar? I'm not judging I'm just saying I think that's the name for what you're talking about.

  • @pinchofsalt4566
    @pinchofsalt4566 2 года назад +12

    Nah, she's too articulate and outspoken to be an infp.
    - an infp

    • @sumaiyazaman8126
      @sumaiyazaman8126 3 месяца назад

      By your description I am not an INFP either. What's up with that self depreciation

    • @pinchofsalt4566
      @pinchofsalt4566 3 месяца назад

      @@sumaiyazaman8126let me rephrase. She's too 'matter of fact' and confident in speaking her mind.
      It's not self-depreciating, it's just factual. Infp's can still be articulate and outspoken around the right people. Usually a small group of people though.

  • @maggie1321972
    @maggie1321972 7 месяцев назад +1

    I can barely watch her 😬

  • @hoshi411
    @hoshi411 2 года назад +7

    Dave, i love your work and i think sticking with the imdb labels is holding you back.
    If you completely abandoned that and started using your own labels for typed, your work would take off!!!!
    I love that you have done that for the most part with the lingo judge vs decide perceive vs observe etc .
    Just take it to the next level.

    • @Darren_S
      @Darren_S 2 года назад

      They poop on your suggestions.

    • @Hyperdriveuk
      @Hyperdriveuk 2 года назад +2

      IMDB, did you mean MBTI? Most of these concepts are technically not theirs. A lot of this is from Carl Jung's work. Also I don't think it's holding them back at all- it's developing at a steady and stable rate. Abandoning them would be a terrible idea, the foundations make sense, we just need to build on them.

  • @georgexm2032
    @georgexm2032 2 года назад

    You only drink once that young. INTP

  • @someonerandom713
    @someonerandom713 2 года назад +8

    Best video title ever 🤣

  • @hungvu-gv4sr
    @hungvu-gv4sr 2 года назад +1

    maybe i'm not infp, but you probaly don't know everything about infp =)

  • @hoshi411
    @hoshi411 2 года назад +6

    I'm sorry but she is not tied to her opinions enough to be an introverted feeling type. She is not critical enough of the objective opinions. She seems extremely passive which leads me to beleive her motivation is perception and not rational judgement.

  • @loisrabies8713
    @loisrabies8713 2 года назад +10

    I’m like 95% sure this is all sarcasm but if not, wtf is wrong with you guys?

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад +4

      Yes, their pedagogy is sarcasm
      OPS is a tool that puts you in contact with your own self-disgust, so Dave and Shan sometimes model and play-out forms of disgust as both a learning and coping tool

    • @loisrabies8713
      @loisrabies8713 2 года назад

      @@6Churches thank you. I don’t watch them enough to be able to determine anything and yeah it did seem pretty obvious just not 100% sure 😉

    • @talorix
      @talorix 2 года назад +4

      @@6Churches tough love is not a pedagogy. It's bs. Read about it in pedagogical papers, they can't be doing good while just running their own saviour, but the person must decide that themselves, they must not be torn down for who they are. The hero's journey is unbelievably hard and makes the desperate people even more desperate. They need to become more conscious of Fe ASAP

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад

      @@talorix Um, okay.
      OPS exists not because of Dave's saviours, but because of his demon ... consume last. Because the unique way Dave is blinkered and shuts out the world, letting people trickle in to his awareness via something we now call the nine coins.

    • @somexp12
      @somexp12 2 года назад

      @@talorix "tough love is not a pedagogy"
      Jesus Christ! We're not dealing with preschoolers here. Adults who can't make constructive use of being insulted are seriously limited no matter how much you protect their feelings.

  • @elmehdisaniss2731
    @elmehdisaniss2731 2 года назад

    You are so funny guys hahaha, you are being so honest and clear and still be adorable haha, my Fe is fine haha

    • @fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied
      @fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied 2 года назад

      INTJs and Entjs are a lot of things, but rarely adorable.

    • @elmehdisaniss2731
      @elmehdisaniss2731 2 года назад

      @@fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied Yes, I know that, but for the first time I felt a good feeling toward these two.

  • @aqueousone
    @aqueousone 2 года назад +12

    Based on that frantic Letterman appearance, I’m curious about her caffeine consumption.

    • @greenlimabean
      @greenlimabean 2 года назад +3

      It was sped up, too

    • @notjohn2672
      @notjohn2672 2 года назад +11

      its the IxxP freakout, she's trying to find a way out of a rabbit hole only she's seeing

    • @5idi
      @5idi 2 года назад +1

      @@notjohn2672 Man, that comment hit so much harder than the video...

    • @notjohn2672
      @notjohn2672 2 года назад +1

      @@5idi to be fair, all types freakouts are problems that only they can see.
      thanks though
      alice in wonderland and its rabbit holes are great tools for understanding INFPs

  • @raygunbobcat
    @raygunbobcat 2 года назад +2

    The title made me chuckle 😂🙌🏻

  • @brianfoss571
    @brianfoss571 2 года назад +4

    I don't read the Little Women interview clip as completely unfiltered, touchy-feely Fi. First off, Emma doesn't lead off with how she felt reading the book and watching the movie. She spends a whole paragraph talking about what she thinks *the audience* will get out of it first. Even if she's answering the question as it was phrased, a strong Fi user would have started with their personal feelings about their work, but wouldn't be as concerned if the audience felt differently. A strong Fi user would NOT stop and say, *"I know this sounds cheesy"* before telling us how they want their work to be seen.
    Second, while the first part of her answer is mainly Fe (the "christmassy" feeling is about the coziness of being inside with family and loved ones, enjoying that group dynamic, not spending the day alone doing your own thing), there are a couple Ni or Si moments ("made with so much care" / "warm hug of childhood") where you see Emma reflecting back on memories of making the movie and how it made her feel nostalgic about growing up. The reference to the depth of the characters adds a bit of Ti, and the fact Emma finds hope in knowing relatively progressive people like the March's existed 150 years ago ("those values were important") shows some of her Si.
    This clip on its own reads more like an INFJ personality than an INFP, and when you see interviews Emma's done for her book club and activism, her ISFJ side shines through much more clearly.

  • @kyleyu9543
    @kyleyu9543 2 года назад

    Hi Dave and Shan, is it possible to make a video of tips to easily spot a certain type? Would love to know their differences!

  • @bexsolo369
    @bexsolo369 2 года назад +1

    Do you think it would be fair to say that "why" is the favorite question/word/motivation of ENTP's?

  • @ElephantPatronus
    @ElephantPatronus 7 месяцев назад

    Wow. This guy is kind of a jerk.

  • @officialhoughtmin
    @officialhoughtmin 2 года назад +2

    She is Intp.
    Aubrey plaza is infp. Or isfp.

  • @maryam1952
    @maryam1952 2 года назад +5

    Isnt she an istj she’s at least an IXXJ

    • @kindleow
      @kindleow 2 года назад +16

      What is IxxJ about her? I haven’t seen any double-deciding from her before.

    • @ketchup1185
      @ketchup1185 2 года назад

      She is 100% ISTJ.

    • @6Churches
      @6Churches 2 года назад +5

      @@ketchup1185 Reasons? Please use the excerpts in this video to construct a new argument

  • @dianadias3
    @dianadias3 2 года назад +3

    I agree with this one...
    I'm not sure if I'm INFP or ISFP but at least my Fi makes me look like I'm very "correct".. to the point people think I'm fake..
    I understand that, I can let my insecurities out when I'm super confortablr with someone..
    I see the cheesiness I am like that yes 😊 I might actually be INFP..

  • @lavlmoon
    @lavlmoon 2 года назад +7

    You guys type a lot of Fe-doms Fi.

    • @Hyperdriveuk
      @Hyperdriveuk 2 года назад

      You got that backwards. They type a lot of Fi doms as Fi. Like in this video- text book Fi demon Te. Which you're confusing with Fe somehow.

    • @feedyourhead731
      @feedyourhead731 2 года назад +2

      @@Hyperdriveuk I'm an infp and she really doesn't seem infp at all. I don't see an infp saying they made a movie that was 'Christmassy and warm, like a hug'. This creams Fe to me, as does her general demeanor.

  • @esjel9804
    @esjel9804 Год назад

    Not all artists are "feelers" or sea; of your pants types. Many a great scientists, engineers and artists and musicians have been incredible technicians and craftsman, not merely throwing paint at a wall like Jackson Pollock, but having a clear creative vision in mind and going after it 10000%.

  • @sash8099
    @sash8099 2 года назад +3

    Isn't she xSTJ?

  • @perzeon
    @perzeon Год назад +1

    She is EXTJ, weird you don't recognise obvious Te energy. Any Fi comes from the 4th :)

  • @christianmagnuslarsenflade4425
    @christianmagnuslarsenflade4425 2 года назад

    Guys if you want a good example of Ne in action (or Te/Ni trying to process Ne) analyse Michael Voris' interview with Jesse Peterson

    • @kindleow
      @kindleow 2 года назад

      Sounds like cringe bro.

  • @slapthekillswitch
    @slapthekillswitch 2 года назад +2

    She is just another awful person in Hollyfake.

  • @AB-ps4ob
    @AB-ps4ob 2 года назад +11

    She's not an INFP, no.

    • @lavlmoon
      @lavlmoon 2 года назад +6

      Right? I don't think they've correctly typed a celebrity INFP since they started. They just do not find the IP types they think they do. They type a lot of Fe-doms Fi. Wim Hof is another example, also an ESFJ, and they have him as ISFP.

    • @AB-ps4ob
      @AB-ps4ob 2 года назад +1

      @@lavlmoon Also Aubrey Plaza, I think she's ENTP, but whatever type she is, she's not an INFP.

    • @kindleow
      @kindleow 2 года назад +3

      What system do you guys use to type people?

    • @AB-ps4ob
      @AB-ps4ob 2 года назад +3

      @@kindleow Different systems are supposed to get to the same conclusions, their system just don't seem to comprehend introverted feeling therefore mistake other types for INFPs.

    • @kindleow
      @kindleow 2 года назад +3

      @@AB-ps4ob Why would different systems get to the same conclusion when they have different definitions? They use the same terms or same words for different things. Therefor an IxFP in OPS would be a different thing than an IxFP in say CSJ’s system, Socionics, Rational Typology, or Eric Strauss’s system. In fact, all of those systems have quite differing definitions of the same words.
      Your idea of what introverted feeling is likely not the same as how OPS defines it. Some people have the same or similar types across systems, other people don’t due to the way each system functions differently. For e.g. in some systems, any type that has Fi, Ni, Si, or Ti as their first function should present more introverted than types that have Fe, Ne, Se or Te as their first function. In OPS, you can have an introverted function first and be defined as an extrovert by having Play and Blast as your top 2 animals.
      In some systems, they have the idea of a PoLR function/trickster function, but OPS uses a 4 function model instead of an 8 function model, so the idea of a PoLR/trickster function doesn’t exist in OPS and isn’t used to type people.

  • @4Distractiononly
    @4Distractiononly 2 года назад +5

    Go change your oil 😆

  • @creative8inc.117
    @creative8inc.117 2 года назад +5

    She’s very ESTJ, Fi grip maybe..
    Not an IxxP, just an ESTJ with INFP values.

    • @fawziamuhtashima2337
      @fawziamuhtashima2337 2 года назад +3

      Yes as an infp i feel that too. Partly because there's no hesitation in her (fi+ne thing).She's just very good at using her shadow functions.

    • @creative8inc.117
      @creative8inc.117 2 года назад +1

      @@fawziamuhtashima2337 My brother is similar..

  • @LilyIglesias
    @LilyIglesias Год назад

    She's an INFP???? Omg, I'm too, welcome to the club Emma ❤️

  • @underwaterpanther
    @underwaterpanther 2 года назад

    🤮 lolol

  • @faaf4950
    @faaf4950 2 года назад

    Maybe we are just seing parts of her that are fi ne. Everyone does everything right?
    She can be an istp and sometimes talk about nf stuff

  • @AliAlexRG
    @AliAlexRG 2 года назад +3

    I hate her so fucking much but I don't think I usually hate INFPs.

    • @joshuaarnold1895
      @joshuaarnold1895 2 года назад +11

      What makes you hate her so much? Just curious

    • @brickwall9706
      @brickwall9706 2 года назад +12

      You can tell they don’t know much about typology if they have -A or -T behind their type

    • @joshuaarnold1895
      @joshuaarnold1895 2 года назад

      @@brickwall9706 there is variance even among those of the same mbti type so I can’t fault them for that. It seems like a decent enough factor to consider even if it is used mainly by 16personalities

    • @joshuaarnold1895
      @joshuaarnold1895 2 года назад +6

      @A R emotions may be cringe sometimes until you realize how bland life would be without them.

    • @yamamma9224
      @yamamma9224 2 года назад

      @A R lol in an infp but I still find her very annoying, I can’t even place what it is, I just don’t like her

  • @greenlimabean
    @greenlimabean 2 года назад

    You can see Emma's Adam's apple in some of the clips.