Should Christians Judge? - Tim Conway

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • MP3:
    One of the most misused verses in all of the bible is Matthew 7:1, about judging not, lest you be judged. - So many people will quote it and say it to confront people about their salvation and sin in their life. Is it biblical for Christians to pronounce judgment? Is our cultures present understanding of Matthew 7 truly biblical? Tim Conway answers an Ask Pastor Tim question and responds with the scriptures.
    I'll Be Honest

Комментарии • 38

  • @shawn76o
    @shawn76o 14 лет назад

    You sir, have spoken here the truth of the matter that churches today need to acknowledge and address. A great hinderance that God's people face today is the reputation of the hypocrisy of judgemental persons who believe themselves to be saved but follow the broad way. Plank in eye, they condemn the very ones they follow on that broad path, because of their insecurity they try to redeem themselves with vain words and deeds. Great is the need for true followers of Christ to rise up and represent.

  • @prettyinpink9893
    @prettyinpink9893 14 лет назад

    Praise God for this! Praise God!

  • @flamesword4
    @flamesword4 14 лет назад

    You have no idea how much this has opened my eyes. I thank you so much for this and I will pray for you Tim and please pray for me. My name is Lorbing Cano. For my sin is great and i feel horiible for the sin. I am a Christian and need to be renewed, but don't know how. Help please and thank you. God bless you and your church.

  • @hottamale02
    @hottamale02 14 лет назад

    @bejjinks~ I'm so sorry to hear that. Follow your heart. If you feel someone is wicked run, that's my modo. The kind of judgment God is against takes form in gossip, back-biting, discord, dissension, factions, divisions, hypocrisy, arrogance, pride, etc... in the body of those who have faith. It is all about love and discernment. God Bless You

  • @700bees
    @700bees 14 лет назад

    @Gilla1ness Right, by no means can we pronounce the fate of person. However, the word says to examine yourself. It is within our capacity to judge to say "by the you are living, it looks like you may not be on the narrow path" and encourage them to examine themselves.
    James says "My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins"

  • @hottamale02
    @hottamale02 14 лет назад

    Matthew 7 describes to kinds of judging. 1st We are not to be judgmental or hypocrites (Mat 7:1-5). 2nd We are to use discernment, however (Mat 7:6). The problem is the world is true, that most people who proclaim to be Christians need to clean out the inside of their cups and treat others with meekness, not boastful arrogance, with kindness and gentleness, with love, and selflessness, etc... To truly follow Christ we must take upon His Spirit, something which Christians must strive for daily.

  • @fireproofed
    @fireproofed 14 лет назад +1

    32:15 I want to come back to this video, and this point.

  • @wilsonteh910916
    @wilsonteh910916 14 лет назад

    you've got no idea how long I've been waiting for this... I haven't finish watching it though..

  • @flamesword4
    @flamesword4 14 лет назад

    I really think God wanted me to see this. Because I usually don't look at these things, since I am usually thinking materialistic things and don't want to change. May this thing keep growing, sorry for making this my third time to post a comment. I really feel happy to have heard this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @bejjinks
    @bejjinks 14 лет назад

    This is how I know that I am saved.
    "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:37
    I know that I am saved because I know that the sin I struggle with, I will conquer with the help of Jesus. I will not attempt to conquer my sin without the help of Jesus because I know that, in my own strength, I cannot conquer. But I will not wallow in self pity, whining about how I cannot conquer my sin or whining that God hasn't given me repentance. I WILL CONQUER.

  • @danwithjesus
    @danwithjesus 14 лет назад

    Thank you for your really helpes me..since i talk to just about anybody....there are things i haven't been thinking about, like LOVE or KINDNESS...( i mean from your point of view)
    I quote: """anybody that in the name of KINDNESS,would have us depart from TRUTH,...that's not KINDNESS...anbody for the sake of LOVE,who would have us depart from truth...that's not LOVE.""" You are so right about that. God bless you and may HE use you more.:) Thank you again.:d

  • @Gilla1ness
    @Gilla1ness 14 лет назад

    @700bees We're talking about a couple of different types of judgement here! It's one thing to use sound judgement to discern between false doctrine, and Gods word. However it's another thing to try, and act as though we know where our fellow man will sit on the day of Gods judgement, right? If I'm busily living a good life, then I don't even have time to judge others deeds, and I have prayer/scripture to help me understand if their words are true. It does not require me to judge their soul.

  • @flamesword4
    @flamesword4 14 лет назад

    This has helped me, thank you!!!! God bless you!

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  14 лет назад

    @Gilla1ness If you see a man who is denying the Word of God and living a life deceived, then the greatest way to serve that fellow man is to proclaim to him the truths of the bible. Yes people will get offended, and it is by the truth of God's Word. Please do watch the whole entire study, it is well worth it and has much truth.

  • @700bees
    @700bees 14 лет назад

    It doesn't take time to judge. If you discern wrong doctrine you are commanded to correct it if you have sound doctrine. For unbelievers clearly Word tells us their judgement, that's not us being judgmental to warn them, it's being responsible.

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  14 лет назад

    @Joeuraverage The scriptures should cause many people to not feel sure about their salvation. The scripture say few there be that find it and to strive to enter through the narrow door. the scriptures show that many say 'Lord, Lord' but do not truly know Christ, but just know religion... yes there is much reason to be concerned and God Almighty is the one who is causing that. There is also much reason to rest in assurance in the work of Christ for those who are saved! So I rejoice in that!

  • @theshakter
    @theshakter 13 лет назад

    Can we make judgments? Yes we can. I judge lying to be wrong. I judge murder to be wrong along with stealing, adultery, and abortion. The context of Matthew 7:1 is dealing with rash and superficial judgments filled with hypocrisy. It does not mean that we cannot make spiritual judgments.

  • @Gilla1ness
    @Gilla1ness 14 лет назад

    If we're humble, and willing to serve our fellow man............ Then we don't have time to judge anyone els, right?

  • @WorthDieing4
    @WorthDieing4 14 лет назад

    Great job, and so so true.

  • @MistajinxXx
    @MistajinxXx 14 лет назад

    Don't forget the judgement that fell on Ananias and Saphira after Christ in the book of acts. Both of them dropped dead at the judgment of Peter over lying to the Holy Spirit. Peter rebuked them for withholding the truth and tempting the Spirit and look how the Spirit dealt with them. And it brought fear upon those in the surrounding area.

  • @brandondeveault
    @brandondeveault 13 лет назад

    Excelent bible study!

  • @Automatic25
    @Automatic25 14 лет назад

    @Joeuraverage Well I don't see how hes doing that. Hes just speaking the truth. If your a Christian your life will not be like those who are of the world. Not that you'll be perfect and sinless now but your lifestyle will be radically different from unbelievers.

  • @hottamale02
    @hottamale02 14 лет назад

    @hottamale02 *Two* kinds of judging...
    Excuse typo, I am swell with those! :)

  • @ghanzie71
    @ghanzie71 14 лет назад

    question: Is it right to curse people that bring bad doctrine? (in reference to Paul in Galations, hear at time in this film 41:51

  • @bejjinks
    @bejjinks 14 лет назад

    @hottamale02 I really appreciate your point on two kinds of judgment. I've heard many pagans tell me that we're never supposed to judge. One of them who was a friend of mine made friends with an obviously violent criminal because my friend refused to judge. That violent criminal murdered my friend. I try not to judge but I do use discernment so as not to give a violent criminal the opportunity to murder me or someone I love.

  • @Saunders7
    @Saunders7 14 лет назад

    A really good vid!

  • @Automatic25
    @Automatic25 14 лет назад

    @illbehonest One thing I must ask though what then did Paul mean in his letter to the Corinthians about not judging outsiders and such?

  • @Gilla1ness
    @Gilla1ness 14 лет назад

    @illbehonest Does proclaiming the truth of the bible require me to judge? I hope I can share the love of the savior with others! Also, I promise to watch this video again. Thanks!

  • @gracecowboy
    @gracecowboy 14 лет назад

    there are many church people who will say that Christians shouldnt "judge"

  • @bejjinks
    @bejjinks 14 лет назад

    @candiceevans1 The enemy has attempted to change the definition of love and people think that to love means to accept and tolerate. So according to the world, a man loves by getting drunk and destroying property but accepting and tolerating his own destructive behavior.

  • @Benzkopf
    @Benzkopf 14 лет назад

    he is just saying the same the apostle paul said when he came back to the church in corinth and he saw them living like the world: "Test yourself in the light of the scripture wether you are truly in the faith.

  • @betharmsheimer
    @betharmsheimer 14 лет назад

    very good :)

  • @mannyflo777
    @mannyflo777 14 лет назад

    JESUS LOVED everyone no matter what the POWER is in the LOVE this is what GOD commanded us to do the GREAT COMMISSION LOVE GOD above all things
    secondly LOVE your neighbor as yourself , if u simply love those that are lovable what credit have u with GGD ? even the lost do this HE first loved us while we were yet sinners ? HE died for the unlovable the sinners ....not the righteous.
    no Holy Spirit here no love , legalism, religion, sad very sad...

  • @bejjinks
    @bejjinks 14 лет назад

    @starrynight163 Where can you find a True Christian? Pray to God. The true Christian is the one who is humble in light of the fact that he is a sinner saved by grace. Salvation comes from Jesus and there is no other source. So if you question your salvation, there is no one who can answer your question except Jesus. But Jesus is faithful to give assurance to those who truly turn to him.

  • @starrynight163
    @starrynight163 14 лет назад

    @flamesword4 same here I'm so confused and I have no I dea whether or not I'm saved. I need to be evaluated but by a true christian =[

  • @Eagle027
    @Eagle027 13 лет назад

    @PeaceInChristAlone If this guy is saying most people go to hell, he is judging.

  • @bejjinks
    @bejjinks 14 лет назад

    @ageofpoo So you worship Justin Bieber? He's your idol? Idolatry is a sin. I know who Justin Bieber is but who is Justin Bieber that you should worship him? God does not show partiality toward anyone. No one will be shown extra favor just because he is rich and popular. The rich and popular will face the same judgment that everyone else does.

  • @Eagle027
    @Eagle027 13 лет назад

    This guy is the biggest crock of fecal matter to come down the pike. Judge not least Ye be judged. Christians should concern themselves with their own behavior. Last, we don't know who goes to hell, and he's a charlatan to say he does. Only God knows who goes to hell.