Shows that a sense of style doesn't just come from brands, it comes from personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting luxrul bags in different designs. The replicas give me more options. Do what you love with your money.
Thats a beautiful pink bag i just ordered mine on marshalls website it was a the store but when i went back it was gone glad it showed up on the website ❤ its so pretty where did you get those halographic pouches? Link? ❤love your videos
so much package for the ring... is it really necessary? I think the brand should think a little bit more on that side. your camera is not fast enough to focus, maybe you should not approach the lenses so much in-depth, or maybe just show the product with a little bit more time for the camera to have time to focus on it. love the pouches T_T it's an obsession!
Great video. I'm new to your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the luxrul replica bag here and it's close enough to the Amazon bag and it's cute, so that's good enough for me.
Adorable iconic and classic beautiful tote and iridescent combo I love it
Shows that a sense of style doesn't just come from brands, it comes from personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting luxrul bags in different designs. The replicas give me more options. Do what you love with your money.
The hello kitty bow mirror is so cuteeeee! 🩷
Okay, I've always been scratching my head about *jklux* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations
Everything is so cute! That hello kitty mirror is my fave 🥰
Summer handbag collection please ❤
😍😍😍😍 I’m on the hunt for this one.
Where did you purchase the nail filer
I love your nails 💅 where did you get them from?
Thats a beautiful pink bag i just ordered mine on marshalls website it was a the store but when i went back it was gone glad it showed up on the website ❤ its so pretty where did you get those halographic pouches? Link? ❤love your videos
Love it 😍
Lovely bag. They don't sell it in the uk. Absolutely gutted ❤
Cute bag
Love 💕
so much package for the ring... is it really necessary? I think the brand should think a little bit more on that side.
your camera is not fast enough to focus, maybe you should not approach the lenses so much in-depth, or maybe just show the product with a little bit more time for the camera to have time to focus on it.
love the pouches T_T it's an obsession!
Great video. I'm new to your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the luxrul replica bag here and it's close enough to the Amazon bag and it's cute, so that's good enough for me.