Will Jesus Return in 2027? | Pastor Octavian Poenaru

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 43

  • @slawomirgromadzki8669
    @slawomirgromadzki8669 Год назад +3

    The estimated time of the end can be established on the basis of different sources: Daniel 12:11-12, the cosmic week idea, the final jubilee year and the final sabbatical year, as well as the Spirit of Prophecy. All these sources seem to agree and lead to the same year 2027.
    1. DANIEL 12
    The typical dates assigned by Adventist interpreters to the two long prophetic time periods (1290 and 1335 years) found in Daniel 12:11-12, are 508-1798 for the 1290 days/years and 508-1843 for the 1335-day/year period.
    However, these dates don’t seem to be very convincing because Daniel 12 is an epilogue for the entire book of Daniel and clearly refers to the end time, resurrection, and second advent. Therefore these two last prophetic periods should be linked with the final events. We can see this idea in Daniel 12 in the specific words used there. Expressions such as “time of trouble” (the final persecution of God’s people), “your people shall be delivered”, “those who sleep shall awake”, and "seal the book until the time of the end" clearly tell us that this chapter goes beyond the year 1843 reaching the very end-time events and the second advent. According to Strong's concordance, the word "end" used here refers to extremity, border, final, and edge. Therefore, the time periods found in Daniel 12:11-12 should refer to the end of the world's history and not merely the year 1843. In addition, Daniel was already given the explanation related to the years 1798 and 1844 in the previous chapters. He didn’t need merely a repetition of basically the same prophecy. Obviously, he wanted to know more about the end of the last horrible persecution of God’s people and about the time of Christ’s return.
    ‌Adventist interpreters suggest 508 AD as the starting date for both prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12. At that time the question of supremacy between the Catholic and Arian branches of Christianity was settled in favour of Catholicism by the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks. Using the day-for-a-year rule (Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6), this makes the 1290 days (years) end in 1798 (at the same time as the 1260 years). If we start the 1335 days (years) at the same time (508 AD), it brings us to 1843, very near the year 1844 which is the end of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14.
    The truth, however, is that the event claimed to be the beginning of those prophetic periods doesn't seem to match the description of the starting point because at that time the “daily sacrifice” was supposed to be “taken away”. The subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy doesn’t sound like a very convincing match for “abolishing the daily sacrifice”.
    A much more meaningful and significant date than 508 AD for the time of abolishing the daily sacrifices is the year 597 BC. According to the SDA Bible Commentary and numerous other sources, in 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar's invaded Jerusalem and plundered the temple (2 Kings 24). Shortly before the arrival of the Babylonian army, prophet Jeremiah removed the ark from the temple and hid it in one of the caves (2 Maccabees 2:4-8). In addition, we also read that Nebuchadnezzar "carried all Jerusalem into exile”, which must have included all priests, because “only the poorest people of the land were left” (2 Kings 24:14).
    Since, because of Israel's continual sin, the temple was plundered and deprived of the ark, God's presence and priests it practically seized to exist. For this reason, the daily sacrifices came to an end.
    ‌Now, having established 597 BC as the start date for the first long prophetic period of 1290 years (Daniel 12:11), we must now add to it 1290 years to set the end date of the same period. As a result, we have the year 692 AD. Can this date provide an important event that could be described as the “abomination of desolation” and fit the definition given in Daniel 12:11?
    Well, when we accept the year 597 BC as the starting date of 1290 years, then the closing date of 692 AD also matches the description of Daniel 12:11. Various reliable historical sources confirm that the year 692 AD is associated with the completion of constructing the Dome of the Rock (>, >, >). This fact perfectly fits the description provided by Daniel who defines that event as another "abomination of desolation" (Daniel 12:11) because a pagan temple was built on the holy site of God’s temple.
    Now, since we have dates for the first prophetic period established, let us move to Daniel 12:12 and deal with the second period.
    Immediately after Daniel was told about 1290 days/years (Daniel 12:11), another long prophetic period of 1335 days/years was added to the previous one: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Daniel 12:12).
    Daniel was told that “blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1,335 days (years)” as if to suggest that we are to wait for another 1335 years to reach the blessed time of Christ’s return.
    What date do we get when we “wait” another 1335 years from the end of the 1290-year period?
    When we add 1335 years to 692 AD, it leads us to the year 2027 AD!
    ‌This interpretation is more convincing because it fits the end-time context and the scenario of Daniel 12 much better:
    1) The daily sacrifice is abolished (597 BC - the Temple was plundered after the Ark of Covenant was removed from it).
    2) The abomination of desolation follows 1,290 years later (the Dome of Rock build on the temple ground in 692 AD).
    3) After the Abomination (692 AD) we must wait 1,335 more years for the “blessing” leading to the year 2027 and the deliverance of the persecuted Christians, the return of Christ, and the resurrection of all true believers, including Daniel).
    The fact that the same year 2027 can be established on the basis of not one but three separate sources (the jubilee and sabbatical years, Daniel 12:11-12, and the Spirit of Prophecy), should finally wake us up and make us very happy as it increases the probability that this time the return of the Lord is very close indeed! If the year 2027 is correct and if it refers to the second advent then we can expect that the final events should start taking place very soon.

    • @broadbandtogod
      @broadbandtogod 11 месяцев назад

      There is even a 4th, but you need hebrew to understand it
      It's a little difficult to explain in pure text but I've made a powerpoint on the subject
      Thx for your thoughts, I will save them ❤

  • @slawomirgromadzki8669
    @slawomirgromadzki8669 Год назад +3

    In her writings, Ellen White repeatedly stated that this world was to exist for 6000 years. For instance, in the book Patriarchs and Prophets (Chapter 29-Satan’s Enmity against the Law), she wrote: “For six thousand years Satan has struggled to maintain possession of the earth. Now God’s original purpose in its creation is accomplished. The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom.”
    Since the Spirit of Prophecy tells us that this world, in its sinful state and under the rulership of Satan (from the fall of Adam till the second coming of Christ), was to last 6000 years, we need to find the beginning of this period of time. The next statement (found in the book Confrontation, p. 32.1) seems to be the most helpful in providing the required time setting:
    “Christ, in the wilderness of temptation (it took place immediately after His baptism, in 27 AD), stood in Adam's place to bear the test he failed to endure. Here Christ overcame on the sinner's behalf, four thousand years after Adam turned his back upon the light of his home.”
    We are told here that from the fall of Adam till the temptation of Christ (in 27 AD) in the wilderness (immediately after Christ’s baptism) there were four thousand years. At that time Christ was 27 years old. Therefore, in order to figure out the end of the six-thousand-year period we must simply add two thousand to the twenty-seven years (the age of Christ at that time). As a result, we have the year 2027 which is the sum of 4000 years from the fall of Adam till Christ’s temptation in the wilderness, plus 2000 years to make the 6000-year period of world history between the fall of Adam till Christ’s return!
    That, however, doesn’t necessarily mean we can set the exact year of Christ’s return. We still are not able to do this because we can’t be sure whether by “four thousand years” Sister White meant a precise or an approximate time. For this reason, we can’t set a definitive or exact time of the end. Nevertheless, based on the above statement we can draw a reasonable conclusion that Christ's return in 2027 is possible, or that we may at least expect the end-time events around the year 2027, meaning that the end-time events can still take place earlier or later.

  • @slawomirgromadzki8669
    @slawomirgromadzki8669 Год назад +2

    The idea known as the “cosmic week” refers to the belief that the end of the world should take place after six thousand years of the world’s history. According to this theory, each day of creation week represents a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8). Since God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, similarly, this world is to exist for six thousand years, followed by one thousand years of the earth’s rest and the simultaneous heavenly rest of those who are going to be saved. In the Bible, it is known as the Millennium (Revelation 20:5) and it refers to the final Jubilee and the Sabbatical year of Leviticus 25:2-4 during which the earth will rest uncultivated.
    J. N. Andrews and other Seventh-Day Adventist pioneers, including Ellen White, believed in the cosmic week idea. They also linked the cosmic week idea with the sabbatical and jubilee years. Also Ellen White repeatedly stated that this world is to exist for six thousand years followed by the Millenium.
    ‌The Cosmic Week idea is closely related to the final sabbatical year and the final jubilee year that are to take place at the end of 6000 years of world history. Leviticus 25 ordains a Sabbath year (one in every seventh year) (Lev. 25:1-7), and a jubilee year, (one in every fiftieth year) (Lev. 25:8-17). ‌In the Sabbath year, each field was to rest uncultivated every seventh year. In a jubilee year, all leased or mortgaged lands were to be returned to their original owners, and all slaves and bonded labourers were to be set free (Lev. 25:10).
    ‌In the period of the world history of 6000 years (from the fall of Adam till the return of Christ) there are 120 jubilees (120 x 50-year periods = 6000). There were 80 jubilees in the 4000 years of the Old Testament and there are 40 jubilees in the 2000-year period of the New Testament. The last of the 80 jubilees of the Old Testament period was announced by Christ at the beginning of His ministry in 27 AD (Luke 4:18-19):
    “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
    According to The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, “the 'acceptable year of the Lord' is reminiscent of the year of jubilee, when slaves were freed, debts were cancelled, and entailed land was turned back to its original owner (Leviticus 25:10; 15,24).”
    Jesus started His ministry at about 30 years of age (according to the Jewish calendar) and was crucified at about 33 1/2. This corresponds to our calendar date of 27 AD. Because in 27 AD, Christ entered the last Jubilee overlapping from the Old Testament period of 4000 years (it was the 80th Jubilee of the OT and 27 AD was the 4000-year mark in time), we need to add 40 Jubilees (40 x 50-year periods = 2000 years). Therefore, the final jubilee year (at the end of 6000 years of the world’s history) should take place in the year 2027 (27 + 2000 = 2027)!
    Ellen White stated that after Christ’s return, which will take place at the end of six thousand years, the next stage will be “the jubilee, when the land should rest” (Early Writings, 35). It means that the earth will rest uncultivated for thousand years while all the saved will spend the same period of time in heaven.
    If the above calculation is correct, then the last sabbatical period of 7 years has already started in 2020, and if this world is going to last 6000 years, the last Sabbatical year of world history should be the year 2027. The same year is the last year of the Jubilee. It is significant that the virus responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and that the World Health Organization declared that outbreak a pandemic on 11 March 2020, thus introducing the unprecedented time of the first stage in the plan of globalization of the world.

  • @peteroliver7943
    @peteroliver7943 5 месяцев назад

    The Lord said in Matthew chapter 24 you don't know the time or date of my return.

  • @edwardsturges5519
    @edwardsturges5519 3 года назад +5

    Ellen White said that the end of 4000 years would end when Jesus was baptized - which is 27AD. Plus 2000 year would bring the 6000 years at 2027.

    • @BrightBeamsMission
      @BrightBeamsMission 2 года назад

      Nowhere in SOP is there a 7,000-year theory. Even if there was, her 4000-year statements are rounded; proof for this is she had them ending at different times.

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 года назад


    • @Ann1234
      @Ann1234 Год назад

      Is he talking about Walter Veith??

    • @Ann1234
      @Ann1234 Год назад

      Walter Veith did not set a day or hour.

  • @georgeschlaline6057
    @georgeschlaline6057 2 года назад +2

    So the earliest he'll come is 2028

    • @ihateyoujodyyvlogs3875
      @ihateyoujodyyvlogs3875 Год назад +1

      Correct the year ends in February so its possible 2028 could be the year but it would still be considered 2027 before the end of Feb end of winter!

  • @ladygraywolf7218
    @ladygraywolf7218 4 года назад

    Thank you! Spot on!

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 года назад

      Sharing is caring

  • @johnklauss4009
    @johnklauss4009 3 года назад +1

    There is a book in spanish GOG from JJ Benítez. You will be sorprised what gonna happen in 29/08/2027

  • @janyakov7655
    @janyakov7655 3 года назад +2

    70. Daniel,s week started 7.12.2017. next day after second whetnes (Trump usa) of Jerusalem the capital of Izrael.

    • @roramorpheus8312
      @roramorpheus8312 3 года назад

      Yes, he is on a bus to his school, forgetting his roots.

    • @janyakov7655
      @janyakov7655 3 года назад

      @@roramorpheus8312 2021 in the summer. I hope.

    • @roramorpheus8312
      @roramorpheus8312 3 года назад

      @@janyakov7655 Yeah, same.

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 года назад


  • @TheLionFarm
    @TheLionFarm 2 года назад

    We talk of these things as well on my page

  • @r.o.7784
    @r.o.7784 2 года назад

    Don't waste your time doing any math about Jesus Return. Just God knows, that's enough and it' s realy not your business. Live today like Jesus is coming tomorrow and do your business. Be a witness for Christ and tell people what he's done in your life.

  • @georgeschlaline6057
    @georgeschlaline6057 2 года назад

    Christ will return in 2050 Psalms 150 says so

    • @yhwhreigns
      @yhwhreigns 2 года назад

      Psalm 150
      1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
      2 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
      3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
      4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
      5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
      6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
      King James Version (KJV)
      It is about praising YHWH (the Father) not when his son will return.

  • @bangaluru1
    @bangaluru1 3 года назад +3

    Pastor, when you do not have a message, why do you preach? EGW said when Christ returns, it is a jubilee and 6000 years end. From Adam to Christ's baptism and wilderness, 4000 years complete. 27+2000=2027. EGW said that many who rejected Miller's calculation did not want Christ to come. They wanted to linger longer on this earth. Jesus saw their hearts and probation closed for them. You will find complete history in the sanctuary. The feast days are about His death, resurrection, pentecost, Second coming, judgement and marriage supper represented by Feast of Tabernacles. The feast days predict everything about Christ and He said to keep Abib strictly so that one will not miss out on these feast days. Today the Hindus in India are celebrating new year. They are one day off because their feast begins in the morning of next day. Since it fell on Sunday, they are off by another day. The Bible new year for 2021 is April 11. count 14 days from then and you will come to Passover. God will not do anything without telling us. You mean, Christ does not know when he is coming? When it was not the time, He did not tell it. I am very sorry for you that you are misleading your members and others throughout the world.

    • @BrightBeamsMission
      @BrightBeamsMission 2 года назад

      "EGW said when Christ returns, it is a jubilee and 6000 years end." Why are you coming up with things she never said?

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 года назад


  • @Ghostxp20420
    @Ghostxp20420 4 года назад +1

    That means there won’t be 2050 then I’m I right

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 года назад


  • @Ghostxp20420
    @Ghostxp20420 4 года назад


    • @roramorpheus8312
      @roramorpheus8312 3 года назад

      Might, change to 2021 and 2012 as a occurance within a 10 year cycle, where a sinner is slaid and a angel is only of help.

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 года назад


  • @thefeastpresents4774
    @thefeastpresents4774 4 года назад

    This is a bit of a mess. Way back in the early 2000's I knew that as we approached the time of Christ's return more and more people would get the year correct, but way back then there was nobody suggesting the year 2027. So let me take a jab at cleaning this up a bit. First we have to get rid of a major assumption among the futurist community that has taken root in a lot of peoples eschatology - this one hurts a little - there is no rapture associated with a 7 year great tribulation period supported by the bible (ouch) - well unless of course you miss that the "he" in verse 27 is referring to the Messiah and not the prince in Daniel 9:26. Jesus is the one that confirmed the New Covenant with many for one week (7 years) - with his many disciples and 12 appointed apostles for 3.5 years and also with over 500 after the resurrection for 50 days - but then with Paul for 3 years beginning about 6 months after the resurrection. Another thing to keep in mind is that each prophecy of Daniel stands on its own - many like to mix Daniel 8 and Daniel 12 together for example - many times including the 70th week of Daniel 9 as well. They should be seen as overlays of the course of history but they do not line up with each other as some seem to think. For example the 2300 years of Daniel 8 span from 333 BC to 1967 AD and does not link to any timelines of Daniel 12. While Mt 24 does suggest that Jesus will return prior to 2029 (using loosely the Ps 90:10 defined generation period that began in 1948 as you suggest) it is Daniel 12 that definitively defines for us Christ's return in 2027 in the fitting together of the 3 timelines.
    1st timeline - time, times, half time points to a 1260 years period which at this point is irrelevant to the conversation since there is only an ending clue given - the spreading/scattering of the power of the holy people shall be accomplished. The glaring question is when hasn't the power of the holy people been scattered? But consider then that if I suggest about a woman that her days were accomplished and she brought forth a son - we know the pregnancy period is ending - thus we could also come to understand that the scattering of the power of the holy people was also coming to a close - when did this happen? it happened in 1952 with the signing of the citizenship law. After Israel became a nation, the next 4 years saw over 650,000 Jews return to the promised land - the citizenship law of 1952 made them citizens (and wait for it ) gave them the power to vote - HELLO! The power of the holy people had been consolidated - it was no longer scattered.
    2nd timeline - after the first Daniel had no clue what it meant and the angel said it was for those in the end of the age but goes on to offer 2 more timelines. Interestingly Daniel could understand this second timeline - at least when it started - the 1290 years would be from the taking away of the sacrifice to the putting in place the abomination that maketh desolate set up. Keep in mind the abomination of desolation spoken of by Christ in Mt 24 is the one mentioned also in Daniel 11 and not here in Daniel 12. The Mt 24 and Daniel 11 one happened around 70 AD - the one here in Daniel 12 occurred centuries later. in 598 BC the Babylonians surrounded Jerusalem and conquered it - dragging all the important folks back to Babylon with many temple artifacts - Daniel was already in captivity by this time. 1290 years later in 692 AD the Dome of the Rock was dedicated.
    3rd timeline: now in terms of the 1335 years we only have an ending clue as well, like the first timeline - blessed are those that come to it - the chapter has a Thessalonians feel to it as vs 2 suggests " And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake." But how do we place a clue before it occurs when no beginning clue is given - is there anything in the text that would indicate how to place it - I believe there is - remember the first timeline did not have a beginning clue - but what if we take the year the clue was fulfilled (1952) and subtract the 1260 years - where do we land? Yup, that's right - we land on 692 AD - the year the dome of the rock was dedicated - the first timeline is now anchored in the second timeline - this gives us permission to anchor the third timeline in the same manner - thus from 692 moving forward 1335 years we land on 2027. The passage tells us the wise will figure this out - I believe some of us have.
    Now if Jesus continues the pattern he began in the cross event he will return Wednesday at 10:36 pm Sept 29, 2027 EDT (transposed from Jerusalem time) - but that is a conversation for another time. It is not the day or hour of Jesus return that is important - it is was comes ahead of his return - the time Jesus told us to prepare for in a similar way those in the days of Noah were also to prepare - something more was required for human flourishing - more than eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage - they needed to build boats - apparently few did and got ginoskoed when the flood came. Jesus tells us to have meat in due season for us and our household - in other words when the time presents itself have on hand what you need to get through it - the time presented itself in 1948 according to Mt 24 and in 1952 according to Daniel 12 - and the final countdown began in 2017:
    And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: (fulfilled in 2017)
    and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, (you are here)
    and then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (will be fulfilled 2027)
    Just maybe we should prepare as we are already in the time we were to prepare for - think about it - by February almost every long term food storage distributor was out of almost everything - since 2020 preparing has become near impossible in many regards - right now you can hardly find ammo or even primers if you want to reload so hunting is now highly limited as well, not to mention the ability for many to protect themselves.

    • @willow9530
      @willow9530 4 года назад

      you post this on lots of videos......

    • @willow9530
      @willow9530 4 года назад +1

      this is a adventist church so telling them of ammo and hunting is not of any use......