Apr. 25,1999 - David Wilkerson - Walking in the Power of the New Covenant

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @echofoxtrot2.051
    @echofoxtrot2.051 Год назад +4

    I was 5 when this was filmed. I was recently saved by Jesus. He took me from the brink of death and cast out the paralyzing fear that had practically rendered me mad. That's how powerful Jesus is. In an instant, He took my pain and I was healed. My desires changed and I desire nothing more than to praise God with every cell of my being and every breath in my body from now until eternity. Nothing but Jesus. I gave up cannabis and homosexuality. Jesus said "no more" and I was so broken, but He forgave me and He changed my heart and mind. By the grace of God, I am healed and by His mercies I am saved and am changing each and everyday through prayer and reading my Bible like it's my lifeline (it is, because the Word of God is like the sweetest honey and the purest milk to my soul, and I had been seeking for help my whole life but found nothing in this world. Nothing that even came close to what I've found in Jesus). I weep for the souls of the friends I lost because of Jesus transforming my life, but they chose their graves and sinful pleasures. I chose to serve my Jesus and walk the straight and narrow path because God gave me everything and I can't bear to sin before the One who gave me life eternal!

  • @ghp1138
    @ghp1138 Год назад +2

    The most important series of sermons the church needs..but sadly not many have seen ..

  • @PeteBalaschjr
    @PeteBalaschjr Год назад +2

    I cast my life on you sweet Jesus

  • @leeannballard6996
    @leeannballard6996 Год назад +4

    ~!• Chills & Tears 😭
    I love you ~ Jesus ♥️
    Get right with Jesus Christ ~ repent, accept him as your Lord & Saviour & keep your Temple pure
    The King is coming back soon
    Hallelujah 🌺🍃

  • @tommysanointing
    @tommysanointing 10 лет назад +6

    God knows I needed this message. Thank God, and thank you David Wilkerson.

  • @conniepastel8706
    @conniepastel8706 10 лет назад +9

    Awesome Word..Amazing..What a Special Man..There will never B another DW..He knows the Bible like no one IVE ever listened to..

  • @Angelinamarie1121
    @Angelinamarie1121 4 года назад +5

    David Wilkerson was and is and will always be my favorite pastor. God rest his beautiful soul.

  • @serenitylost1
    @serenitylost1 10 лет назад +4

    Excellent message. So glad I found this and listened to it today.

  • @danielfiedler812
    @danielfiedler812 8 лет назад +6

    Brother David was a great light for Gods people in a dark time and brother Carter is following right along in the same direction guiding Gods flock. Bless you both for encouraging us to know Jesus better and to lay a hold of the promises of covenant! powerful powerful sermon.

  • @marshaldavis6566
    @marshaldavis6566 9 месяцев назад +1

    Amen thank you Lord Jesus

  • @childoftheking707
    @childoftheking707 9 лет назад +5


  • @jestemeria579
    @jestemeria579 6 месяцев назад

    I don't have much O GOD but what I have I give to you even on to my life but only if you'll carry me through even on to drinking the cup. O GOD my life has nothing worth living if your will is not accomplished through it for the treasure if the world does not lie in material things. O GOD let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray in Jesus name. AMEN

  • @ionesnow5992
    @ionesnow5992 9 лет назад +4

    Thank you TSC for sharing this video.Praise God.

  • @jilltilghman3027
    @jilltilghman3027 2 года назад +1

    Great sermon as always.

  • @markedwards7637
    @markedwards7637 9 лет назад +3


  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 12 лет назад +3

    He now dwells with the immortals, and will find for a certainty if what he preached was true or not. Free download "Life in the World Unseen"

  • @karenturner7390
    @karenturner7390 2 года назад +1


  • @Maryana1964
    @Maryana1964 Год назад +1


  • @jvdheijden
    @jvdheijden 6 месяцев назад


  • @space2079
    @space2079 7 месяцев назад

    Jesus is the LORD!!!!

  • @SpotterVideo
    @SpotterVideo 2 года назад +1

    New Covenant Whole Gospel:
    Let us now share the Old Testament Gospel found below with the whole world. On the road to Emmaus He said the Old Testament is about Him.
    He is the very Word of God in John 1:1, 14.
    Awaken Church to this truth.
    Jer 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
    Jer 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
    Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
    Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
    Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1 (Gal. 3:16)? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel (John 1:49)? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
    Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.
    Let us now learn to preach the whole Gospel until He comes back. The King of Israel is risen from the dead! (Acts 2:36)