minasan, konnichiwa! NIhon daisuki STasha desu! Thanks for your support always! This time, I will introduce you "Sen no kaze ni natte" from the concert this year. I already sang this song in my channel before, but concert video is something different. I hope you will enjoy concert video, too! And one more! After the song, I show you an annual picture taking with audiences! I hope you will enjoy my comedy there! That's why, please watch the video till the end! "Channel tooroku" and "like" wo onegaishimasu! I also wait for a lot of comments from you! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! みなさん、こんにちわ!にほんだいすきスターシャです!いつも応援ありがとうございます!今回は今年のコンサートから「千の風になって」を紹介します。この曲は以前にも自分のチャンネルで歌ったことがありますが、コンサートのビデオは別物です。コンサート映像もお楽しみください!そしてもう1つ!歌の後は恒例のお客さんとの記念撮影!そこで私のコメディを楽しんでいただければ幸いです!🤣というわけで、動画を最後まで見てください! 「チャンネルとうろく」と「いいね」をお願いします!また、たくさんのコメントお待ちしております!よろしくお願いします!🙏
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy that you like our performance! This is a video from last year concert tour in Japan! I felt on the stage that audiences really love this song! I have a plan to sing again in the next concert tour! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!私たちのパフォーマンスを気に入っていただけて嬉しいです!昨年の日本コンサートツアーの動画です!お客さんは本当にこの曲が大好きなんだなというのをステージ上で感じました!次のコンサートツアーでもまた歌う予定です!よろしくお願いします!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm sure your important person returned to the nature, fly around freely and pretect you! Thank you, too! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!温かいお言葉をありがとうございます!きっとあなたの大切な人達は自然に還って自由に飛び回り、あなたを守ってくれているでしょう!こちらこそありがとう!よろしくお願いします!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm pleased to hear that you came to the concert in Sapporo! And I'm happy that you were impressed by my song! Please watch the video with memories of that day! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! See you! どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!温かいお言葉ありがとうございます!札幌のコンサートに来てくれて嬉しいです!そして私の歌に感動していただけて嬉しいです!あの日の思い出とともに動画をご覧ください!😊よろしくお願いします!またね!
Thanks for your warm comment always! I sing a song from my heart. And the audience applause cheers me up! Everybody smile and sometimes cry. I feel very happy when I'm singing for people! I will continue singing! Thanks for your concern. Yes, the winter has come! You, too, please always take very good care of yourself! いつも温かいコメントありがとうございます!心から歌を歌います。そして観客の拍手が私を元気づけてくれます!みんな笑って😁、時には泣いて😭。人のために歌っているときはとても幸せです!これからも歌います!ご心配をありがとう。はい、冬が来ました!あなたも、いつもお体に気をつけてくださいね!😊
I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy to hear that many Japanese like Russian folk songs and musicians! I have no idea about Dima and Anna! Are they musicians? yoroshikuonegaishimasu! コメント嬉しいです!ロシア民謡や音楽家が好きな日本人が多いと聞いて嬉しいです!ディマとアンナについてはわかりません!彼らはミュージシャンですか?よろしくお願いします!
Both are opera legends in the world. Dima is Dmitri Hvorostovsky, while Anna Netrebko was a main singer for Olympic in Moscow. Please enjoy their remarkable voice in opera.
@@keijinakamura8058 Thanks for the reply! Ah, you talked about them? I thought you mentioned a folk singer group! Of course they are the legend opera singers! 返信いただきありがとうございます!ああ、彼らのことですか?😅フォークシンガーグループのことを言っていたのかと思いました!もちろん彼らは伝説のオペラ歌手です!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for coming to the concert in Sapporo and subscribe my channel! It is always sad if somebody died. But their memories will live forever in us. These several years, all the world are having hard times because of corona virus and strifes and so on. I guess a lot of people in Japan also have tough moments. That's the reason why I decided to sing "Sennokazeninatte" in addition to "Kawanonagare"! "Sennnokaze" means people will be a thousands of wind after death and stay with us. "Kawanonagare" means life is sometimes tough but anyway it goes on. And it will be alright someday. I really appriciate for your warm words. I'm happy to hear that you really enjoyed the concert! And thanks for participating in the "ichi ni san" ceremonmy, hehehe! I really love to see audiences are laughing! I bought that t-shirt at the Sapporo beer museum! I learned a history of Sapporo beer and after that drank it! tottemo oishii! I'm looking forward to going to Sapporo again! See you! どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!札幌公演、チャンネル登録ありがとうございました!誰かが亡くなったら、それはいつも悲しいことです。しかし、彼らの思い出は私たちの中で永遠に生き続けます。ここ数年、コロナや紛争などで世界中が大変な日々を送っています。日本でも大変な時期を過ごしている人は多いと思います。だから「川の流れ」に加えて「千の風になって」も歌わせていただきました! 「千の風」とは、人が死後も千の風となって共にいるという意味。 「かわのながれ」とは、人生は辛いこともあるが、それでも続くという意味です。そして、いつかはうまくいく。温かいお言葉、本当に嬉しく思います。コンサートを楽しんでいただけたようで、とても嬉しく思います!そして、「いちにさん」セレモニーに参加してくれてありがとう、へへへ!観客が笑っているのを見るのが本当に大好きです!そのTシャツはサッポロビール博物館で買いました!サッポロビールの歴史を学んでから飲みました!とってもおいしい!また札幌に行くのを楽しみにしています!またね!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for coming to the concert in Sapporo! Kitara is very beautiful hall! And thanks for watching my video! When I watch concert video, I remenber wonderful days in Japan! I hope I will go to Sapporo again! Crabs are very delicious there, hehehe! See you! どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!札幌コンサートご来場ありがとうございました! Kitaraはとても美しいホールです!そして、私のビデオを見てくれてありがとう!コンサートのビデオを見ると、日本での素晴らしい日々を思い出します!また札幌に行きたいです!カニはとても美味しいです、へへへ!またね!
I'm happy about a lot of comments from you! I have been thinking about the meaning of the begeinning of your comment! You said Dog instead of Monkey by joke, right? But I don't get you! hehehe! Anyway, you like my joke, right? It's nice! Ah, do you live in Kyoto? I participated in a concert in Sptember and had a ricital in October in Kyoto! Sorry I couldn't inform you because I was very busy in Japan! Please come to my concert next time! I have a concert in kyoto every year! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! The concert and the recital was introduced in the Kyoto newspaper! Did you read it? See you! たくさんのコメントも頂けてとても嬉しいです!あなたのコメントの冒頭の意味を考えてみました!冗談で猿じゃなくて犬って言ったよね?でも、わかりません!ふふふ!とにかく、あなたは私の冗談が好きですよね?いいね!ああ、京都に住んでるんですか? 9月にはコンサートに参加し、10月には京都でリサイタルを行いました!日本でとても忙しかったのでお知らせできなくてごめんなさい!次回は私のコンサートに来てください!毎年京都でコンサートを行っています!よろしくお願いします!コンサートとリサイタルが京都新聞に紹介されました!あなたはそれを読みました?またね!
Thanks for a lot of comments always! It's an honor for me to be said that I'm a bridge between Russia and Japan! Your words are warm! I'm happy to hear that my idea is good! When I see audiences laughing, I feel happy and be fullfilled! In my concert, audiences are very busy in laughing and crying! hehehe! いつもたくさんのコメントありがとうございます!ロシアと日本の架け橋と言って頂けて光栄です!あなたの言葉は暖かいです!私のアイデアが良いと聞いてうれしいです!お客さんが笑っているのを見ると、私は幸せで満たされた気持ちになります!私のコンサートでは、観客は笑ったり泣いたりで大忙しです!へへへ!🤣🤣🤣
domoarigatogozaimasu! Thanks for the first comment to this song! I'm happy that you like my "Senno kaze ni natte" from concert! I always enjoy picture taking with audiences at the end of concert! They laugh a lot at my joke! どうもありがとうございます!この曲に初コメントありがとうございます!コンサートの「千の風になって」を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです!コンサートの最後にお客様と写真を撮るのがいつも楽しみです!彼らは私の冗談で大笑いします!
Thanks for watching my Senno kaze ni natte concert virsion! I'm happy that you like my voice! I sang this song at an encore in concert last year! I felt a lot of Japanese love this song! 私の千の風になってコンサートバージョンを見てくれてありがとう!あなたが私の声を気に入ってくれて嬉しいです!去年のコンサートのアンコールで歌いました!多くの日本人がこの曲を愛していると感じました!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm pleased for it! yoroshkuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!温かいお言葉をありがとうございます!嬉しいです!よろしくお願いします!
It is a very beautiful, high and clear voice. This song also brings tears to my eyes. Both my father and mother have passed away, but I remember them. I envy Ms. Stasha because of her high voice. Please sing forever.
Thanks for your warm comment always! I'm happy to hear that you were much impressed by my song! Though your parents already passed away, I think they are not alone. Because you remenber of them! Their spirits stay with you!
I'm happy to hear that you have an interest in my duet song! And I'm happy that you like how I sing in Japanese! I will continue to do my best from now on! Thanks for cheering me up always! 私のデュエット曲に興味を持っていただけて嬉しいです!そして、あなたが私の日本語での歌い方を気に入ってくれて嬉しいです!これからも頑張っていきます!いつも元気をくれてありがとう!
I'm happy that you like my concert video! I'm happy about your warm support always! It cheers me up and I feel much rewarding! I will try to do my best more! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! あなたが私のコンサートビデオを気に入ってくれてうれしいです!いつも温かい応援、嬉しいです!それは私を元気づけ、とてもやりがいを感じます!もっと頑張ります!よろしくお願いします!
I'm happy about your comment always! I'm happy that you like my Sennokazeninatte in concert version! I sang this song at an encore in this year. I saw a lot of audiences crying when I sing this song! To see them, I was impressed! いつもコメント嬉しいです!私の千の風になってコンサートバージョンを気に入ってくれて嬉しいです!今年のアンコールで歌いました。この曲を歌った時、たくさんの観客が泣いているのを見ました!それらを見て、感動しました!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm happy to be said that my voice is like a thousand wind! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!温かいお言葉をありがとうございます!私の声が千の風のようだと言われて嬉しいです!よろしくお願いします!
Thanks for your comment always! I'm happy to hear that you this video reminded you of the concert! I'm imagining which one is you! hehehe! I'm happy that you like my voice in a concert! Yes, he is a very good singer! I'm looking forward to seeing you in a concert again! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! いつもコメントありがとうございます!このビデオでコンサートを思い出したと聞いてうれしいです!私はあなたがどちらか想像しています !へへへ!😆コンサートで私の声を気に入ってくれて嬉しいです!はい、彼はとても良い歌手です!またコンサートでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!よろしくお願いします!😊
スターシャさん とても素敵な歌声をありがとうございます❤ あなたのソプラノはとても美しいです🥰 また日本に来て美味しい料理を食べてくださいね😉✨ Thank you for covering this song with your beautiful voice. I truly enjoyed your video 😉 I hope you’ll visit Japan again and enjoy various Japanese cuisine.
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Yes, this is a very beautiful song! I see a lot of audiences crying when i sing this song on the stage! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!はい、とても美しい曲です!ステージでこの曲を歌った時、たくさんの観客が泣いているのを見ました!よろしくお願いします!
It's been a long! How have you been? I heard that you have very cold winter with much snow in Japan this year! Please always take good care of yourself! Concert part is from Mitsuke city, Niigata and picture taking ceremony from Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto! I'm comedian who also sing! Nandeyanen! Thanks for your warm support always! STasha is being cheered up! お久しぶりです!元気でしたか?今年の日本は雪が多く、とても寒い冬だと聞きました!いつもお体に気をつけてお過ごしください!コンサートパートは新潟県見附市、撮影会は熊本県人吉市から!歌も歌うお笑い芸人です!なんでやねん!いつも温かい応援ありがとうございます!スターシャ元気出してます!
@@yukion. Thanks for your reply! You're funny person, hehehe! I have heard that Kansai dialect is funny and feel friendly! Nandeyanen is my favorite phrase! If I say this, everybody are surprised and laugh! Yes, because you always cheer me up, so that I will be able to do my best! お返事をありがとうございます!面白い人ですね、へへへ!🤣🤣🤣関西弁は面白くて親しみやすいと聞いたことがあります!なんでやねんは私の好きな言葉です!私がこれを言うと、みんなビックリして笑うよ!そう、いつも応援してくれるから頑張れる!
Thanks for a lot of warm comments! Yes, I sang a lot of requested songs here in my channel! I still don't know if I can sing your request song, but please request me first! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! たくさんの温かいコメントをありがとうございました!はい、リクエストされた曲を私のチャンネルでたくさん歌いました!リクエスト曲を歌えるかまだ分かりませんが、まずはリクエストください!よろしくお願いします!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! It was a classical concert. That's why Denis didn't participate in! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!クラシックコンサートでした。だからデニスは参加しませんでした!よろしくお願いします!
@@kanagawa-pt4kr Thanks for your reply! I'm sure Denis will be very pleased with your words! I will tell him! お返事をありがとうございます!デニスはあなたの言葉にとても喜んでくれると確信しています!彼に伝える!😄
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy that you like my song! I sang this song at an encore of concerts last year! I felt all audiences love this song! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!私の歌を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです!この曲は去年のコンサートのアンコールで歌いました!観客全員がこの曲を愛していると感じました!よろしくお願いします!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I checked that hall on the internet! Wow, it's a very beautiful hall! I hope I could have a concert in this hall someday! どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!そのホールをネットで調べてみました!うわー、とてもきれいなホールです!いつかこのホールでコンサートができたらいいな!
@@日阪連夜 Yes, the audience seats are very beautiful and gorgeous! The artist lounge and the dressing rooms are also very beautiful! There is also a big rehearsal room! You know much about this hall! You had a concert in this hall before? I searched about Sakata city on the internet. It faces to the Japan sea! Guess there are nice seafoods, hehehe! And of course nice Japanese sake because it's in Yamagata! Every Japanese local cities are charming! I hope I could go to Sakata city someday! そう、客席がとても綺麗でゴージャス!アーティストラウンジや楽屋もとっても綺麗!大きな稽古場もあります!あなたはこのホールについてよく知っています!以前、このホールでコンサートをしたことがありますか?酒田市についてネットで調べてみました。日本海に面しています!素敵なシーフードがあると思います、へへへ!😆もちろん山形だから美味しい日本酒も!🤣日本の地方都市はどれも魅力的!いつか酒田市に行けたらいいな!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy that you like my song! Ah, he is a Vietnamese! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! どもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!私の歌を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです!ああ、彼はベトナム人です!よろしくお願いします!
minasan, konnichiwa! NIhon daisuki STasha desu! Thanks for your support always! This time, I will introduce you "Sen no kaze ni natte" from the concert this year. I already sang this song in my channel before, but concert video is something different. I hope you will enjoy concert video, too! And one more! After the song, I show you an annual picture taking with audiences! I hope you will enjoy my comedy there! That's why, please watch the video till the end!
"Channel tooroku" and "like" wo onegaishimasu! I also wait for a lot of comments from you! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
65歳 爺
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy that you like our performance! This is a video from last year concert tour in Japan! I felt on the stage that audiences really love this song! I have a plan to sing again in the next concert tour! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm sure your important person returned to the nature, fly around freely and pretect you! Thank you, too! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm pleased to hear that you came to the concert in Sapporo! And I'm happy that you were impressed by my song! Please watch the video with memories of that day! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! See you!
幸せな ひとときを、ありがとう‼️
ロシア 🇷🇺においては、なおのことでしょう。
Thanks for your warm comment always! I sing a song from my heart. And the audience applause cheers me up! Everybody smile and sometimes cry. I feel very happy when I'm singing for people! I will continue singing! Thanks for your concern. Yes, the winter has come! You, too, please always take very good care of yourself!
We, Japanese, love Russian folk songs and Russian musicians, especially Dima and Anna.
I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy to hear that many Japanese like Russian folk songs and musicians! I have no idea about Dima and Anna! Are they musicians? yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
Both are opera legends in the world. Dima is Dmitri Hvorostovsky, while Anna Netrebko was a main singer for Olympic in Moscow. Please enjoy their remarkable voice in opera.
@@keijinakamura8058 Thanks for the reply! Ah, you talked about them? I thought you mentioned a folk singer group! Of course they are the legend opera singers!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for coming to the concert in Sapporo and subscribe my channel! It is always sad if somebody died. But their memories will live forever in us. These several years, all the world are having hard times because of corona virus and strifes and so on. I guess a lot of people in Japan also have tough moments. That's the reason why I decided to sing "Sennokazeninatte" in addition to "Kawanonagare"! "Sennnokaze" means people will be a thousands of wind after death and stay with us. "Kawanonagare" means life is sometimes tough but anyway it goes on. And it will be alright someday. I really appriciate for your warm words. I'm happy to hear that you really enjoyed the concert! And thanks for participating in the "ichi ni san" ceremonmy, hehehe! I really love to see audiences are laughing! I bought that t-shirt at the Sapporo beer museum! I learned a history of Sapporo beer and after that drank it! tottemo oishii! I'm looking forward to going to Sapporo again! See you!
どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!札幌公演、チャンネル登録ありがとうございました!誰かが亡くなったら、それはいつも悲しいことです。しかし、彼らの思い出は私たちの中で永遠に生き続けます。ここ数年、コロナや紛争などで世界中が大変な日々を送っています。日本でも大変な時期を過ごしている人は多いと思います。だから「川の流れ」に加えて「千の風になって」も歌わせていただきました! 「千の風」とは、人が死後も千の風となって共にいるという意味。 「かわのながれ」とは、人生は辛いこともあるが、それでも続くという意味です。そして、いつかはうまくいく。温かいお言葉、本当に嬉しく思います。コンサートを楽しんでいただけたようで、とても嬉しく思います!そして、「いちにさん」セレモニーに参加してくれてありがとう、へへへ!観客が笑っているのを見るのが本当に大好きです!そのTシャツはサッポロビール博物館で買いました!サッポロビールの歴史を学んでから飲みました!とってもおいしい!また札幌に行くのを楽しみにしています!またね!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for coming to the concert in Sapporo! Kitara is very beautiful hall! And thanks for watching my video! When I watch concert video, I remenber wonderful days in Japan! I hope I will go to Sapporo again! Crabs are very delicious there, hehehe! See you!
どうもありがとうございます!コメント嬉しいです!札幌コンサートご来場ありがとうございました! Kitaraはとても美しいホールです!そして、私のビデオを見てくれてありがとう!コンサートのビデオを見ると、日本での素晴らしい日々を思い出します!また札幌に行きたいです!カニはとても美味しいです、へへへ!またね!
I'm happy about a lot of comments from you! I have been thinking about the meaning of the begeinning of your comment! You said Dog instead of Monkey by joke, right? But I don't get you! hehehe! Anyway, you like my joke, right? It's nice! Ah, do you live in Kyoto? I participated in a concert in Sptember and had a ricital in October in Kyoto! Sorry I couldn't inform you because I was very busy in Japan! Please come to my concert next time! I have a concert in kyoto every year! yoroshikuonegaishimasu! The concert and the recital was introduced in the Kyoto newspaper! Did you read it? See you!
たくさんのコメントも頂けてとても嬉しいです!あなたのコメントの冒頭の意味を考えてみました!冗談で猿じゃなくて犬って言ったよね?でも、わかりません!ふふふ!とにかく、あなたは私の冗談が好きですよね?いいね!ああ、京都に住んでるんですか? 9月にはコンサートに参加し、10月には京都でリサイタルを行いました!日本でとても忙しかったのでお知らせできなくてごめんなさい!次回は私のコンサートに来てください!毎年京都でコンサートを行っています!よろしくお願いします!コンサートとリサイタルが京都新聞に紹介されました!あなたはそれを読みました?またね!
Thanks for a lot of comments always! It's an honor for me to be said that I'm a bridge between Russia and Japan! Your words are warm! I'm happy to hear that my idea is good! When I see audiences laughing, I feel happy and be fullfilled! In my concert, audiences are very busy in laughing and crying! hehehe!
いい!!! ただただいい!!
domoarigatogozaimasu! Thanks for the first comment to this song! I'm happy that you like my "Senno kaze ni natte" from concert! I always enjoy picture taking with audiences at the end of concert! They laugh a lot at my joke!
Thanks for your warm words! I'm happy that you like my concert video!
Thanks for watching my Senno kaze ni natte concert virsion! I'm happy that you like my voice! I sang this song at an encore in concert last year! I felt a lot of Japanese love this song!
素敵な歌声ですね。 とても心に響くものを感じます。 これからも頑張って下さいね。
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about a lot of comments from you! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm pleased for it! yoroshkuonegaishimasu!
It is a very beautiful, high and clear voice. This song also brings tears to my eyes. Both my father and mother have passed away, but I remember them.
I envy Ms. Stasha because of her high voice. Please sing forever.
Thanks for your warm comment always! I'm happy to hear that you were much impressed by my song! Though your parents already passed away, I think they are not alone. Because you remenber of them! Their spirits stay with you!
I'm happy to hear that you have an interest in my duet song! And I'm happy that you like how I sing in Japanese! I will continue to do my best from now on! Thanks for cheering me up always!
Oh my God~~~!!! What a wonderful duet and beautiful harmony , voice~~~!!! I love , love, love this song~~~~!!!
Thanks for the review! I'm happy that you like our duet!
I'm happy that you like my concert video! I'm happy about your warm support always! It cheers me up and I feel much rewarding! I will try to do my best more! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
I'm happy about your comment always! I'm happy that you like my Sennokazeninatte in concert version! I sang this song at an encore in this year. I saw a lot of audiences crying when I sing this song! To see them, I was impressed!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Thanks for your warm words! I'm happy to be said that my voice is like a thousand wind! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
Thanks for your comment always! I'm happy to hear that you this video reminded you of the concert! I'm imagining which one is you! hehehe! I'm happy that you like my voice in a concert! Yes, he is a very good singer! I'm looking forward to seeing you in a concert again! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
いつもコメントありがとうございます!このビデオでコンサートを思い出したと聞いてうれしいです!私はあなたがどちらか想像しています !へへへ!😆コンサートで私の声を気に入ってくれて嬉しいです!はい、彼はとても良い歌手です!またコンサートでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!よろしくお願いします!😊
Thank you for covering this song with your beautiful voice.
I truly enjoyed your video 😉
I hope you’ll visit Japan again and enjoy various Japanese cuisine.
Thanks for your comment! I'm happy that you like my singing!😊 Yes, I'm looking forward to going to Japan again!😁
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! Yes, this is a very beautiful song! I see a lot of audiences crying when i sing this song on the stage! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
Thank you for the concert video. where is this video from? I remember the concert at "Mie". I love your humorous side.
It's been a long! How have you been? I heard that you have very cold winter with much snow in Japan this year! Please always take good care of yourself! Concert part is from Mitsuke city, Niigata and picture taking ceremony from Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto! I'm comedian who also sing! Nandeyanen! Thanks for your warm support always! STasha is being cheered up!
@@stasha1 「なんで大阪弁なんや!」なんちゃって!。大阪弁を使うSTashaさんを身近にかんじます。私も今は大阪弁になっています。ちなみに、わては元気でっせ。stashaさん頑張ってや!応援しとるで❣
@@yukion. Thanks for your reply! You're funny person, hehehe! I have heard that Kansai dialect is funny and feel friendly! Nandeyanen is my favorite phrase! If I say this, everybody are surprised and laugh! Yes, because you always cheer me up, so that I will be able to do my best!
素晴らしい、あまりのスターシャさんの歌声に息をのんでしまい、そして涙が… スターシャさんに歌ってほしい歌があるんですがリクエストは可能ですか?😆
Thanks for a lot of warm comments! Yes, I sang a lot of requested songs here in my channel! I still don't know if I can sing your request song, but please request me first! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
Very good. Sugoi. Maravilha. Sensacional.
Thanks for your warm words!
Разве гитарист не приехал в Японию? ☺(ギターの方は来日しなかったのですか?)
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! It was a classical concert. That's why Denis didn't participate in! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
@@stasha1 Please tell Denis that I am looking forward to your next visit to Japan.🥰ありがとうございます😊
@@kanagawa-pt4kr Thanks for your reply! I'm sure Denis will be very pleased with your words! I will tell him!
This is so beautiful, I absolutely love this. Thank you for sharing your gift. Keep creating - new sub from me :)
Thanks for the review and the sub! I will continue singing. I will be happy if I could make people smile with my singing!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy that you like my song! I sang this song at an encore of concerts last year! I felt all audiences love this song! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I checked that hall on the internet! Wow, it's a very beautiful hall! I hope I could have a concert in this hall someday!
@@日阪連夜 I think the acoustic of the hall is great! I can feel it from the photo!
@@日阪連夜 Yes, the audience seats are very beautiful and gorgeous! The artist lounge and the dressing rooms are also very beautiful! There is also a big rehearsal room! You know much about this hall! You had a concert in this hall before? I searched about Sakata city on the internet. It faces to the Japan sea! Guess there are nice seafoods, hehehe! And of course nice Japanese sake because it's in Yamagata! Every Japanese local cities are charming! I hope I could go to Sakata city someday!
domoarigatogozaimasu! I'm happy about your comment! I'm happy that you like my song! Ah, he is a Vietnamese! yoroshikuonegaishimasu!