I forgot mention, another advantage of this machine. Maybe when you tried polishing DVDs, Blu Ray or Mini DVDs, (CDs and Dreamcast disc, not affected) some cream came into the middle of the disc, between the two layer of plastic, this was just aesthetical because data no stored in the centre of the disc, but nasty bad looking. Thanks to the wash with rubber, cream not coming into, doing a clean polishing job to your disc!
I forgot mention, another advantage of this machine. Maybe when you tried polishing DVDs, Blu Ray or Mini DVDs, (CDs and Dreamcast disc, not affected) some cream came into the middle of the disc, between the two layer of plastic, this was just aesthetical because data no stored in the centre of the disc, but nasty bad looking. Thanks to the wash with rubber, cream not coming into, doing a clean polishing job to your disc!
Bro is in the trenches 😭😭😭