Degree 1st year second semester A Walk by Moonlight summary తెలుగులోA WALK BY MOONLIGHT HenryDerozio

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
    In the poem, ‘A Walk by Moonlight,’ Henry Derozio not only recounts an experience but also
    vividly describes the effect of such an experience on his mind and heart. The effect is profound
    and mind-blowing, and the experience radically changes his perception. He relates his walk
    home on a moonlit night with his friends whom he ‘loved’ and esteemed and who were like-
    The poet returned home one night with three of his friends after visiting another friend. The
    night was a ‘lovely night’ for the ‘moon stood silent in the sky’ and the ‘clouds divided’ ‘in
    homage to her worth.’ She robed the dancing leaves with ‘silver weaves.’ The poet feels that
    such a night was one of those ‘happy spots’ of memory of his past, which never burns or fades
    away but shines on gently. The poet gradually moves from the physical description of the night
    to what the scene does to him. The song among the winds has made the poet focus his thoughts.
    The night created magic around them. They not only ‘saw’ with their eyes but ‘felt’ with all their
    senses the beautiful moonlit night. In this mood, the mystery of life was heightened, and it
    evoked awe and ‘holy mirth.’ The scene brought about a mood that made the poet’s mind alert
    and awake. Such a mind, the poet thinks, is a ‘light’ to itself. It perceives better, and everything
    looks lovely. One apprehends the ‘spiritualness’ or the permanence of ‘all that cannot die.’
    The poet then views nature - night wind, stars, and the moon - not as inanimate but as full of
    life. Such a state has his ‘inward eye’ open to glories that appear only in dreams. The bliss of
    heaven is experienced here on earth by the poet. The peak of perception that the poet arrives at is
    when he feels his human heart ‘gently bound’ to everything and forming ‘of all a part,’ which is
    communion and interconnectedness with the whole of nature. The flowers, the stars, and the sky
    are then not ‘cold and lifeless as they seem.’ The poet says to thank god and nature for receiving
    this illumination. His heart fills with happiness and is ‘bettered’ when he feels that when he is a
    part of nature and nature is a part of him. They are ‘gently bound.’ However lifeless and
    separated the flowers and stars and the sky seem, which ordinary minds may not understand,
    they too have their objects.
    The poet reaches a climax in his experience, expressed in the last stanza. In that moment of deep
    spiritual insight and heightened sensitivity, the poet feels that he cannot ‘crush’ the grass beneath
    his feet. He can ‘hear’ its heart ‘beat.’ The rhyme and the meter make the poem flow smoothly,
    enhancing the theme of the physical beauty of a moonlit night and its soothing and spiritual and
    psychological effect on the poet’s soul.

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