Terimakasih kontenya nambah wawasan. Saya jadi inget...ini masukan..jalan cimaragas sampai tasikmalaya..jalannya cepet rusak...mungkin ya yg saya lihat ...itu akibat banya truk tronton yang bermuatan berat (melebihi kapasitas) lewat pake jalan tsb. Kalo bisa truk berat mah ...jalan ciamis saja yg kelas jalannya sudah memadai. Tks.
Sorry for the delayed reply! THANK YOU FOR WATCH! That's swat Pakistan in the background you're seeing. And yes, we agree, there is an added type of happiness that comes with sharing a life with another person. And at the same time, there is often added pressure to ensure the other person is getting what they need from you in the relationship. That's something we think about often. We like to think of happiness as a by-product of doing good things, healthy things, and taking action toward commitments.
Terimakasih kontenya nambah wawasan. Saya jadi inget...ini masukan..jalan cimaragas sampai tasikmalaya..jalannya cepet rusak...mungkin ya yg saya lihat ...itu akibat banya truk tronton yang bermuatan berat (melebihi kapasitas) lewat pake jalan tsb. Kalo bisa truk berat mah ...jalan ciamis saja yg kelas jalannya sudah memadai. Tks.
Terima kasih konten "nya,jadi menambah wawasan di daerah Priangan timur.( Banyak jalan alternatif ).
WA tambah rame
Selamat pagi kaka ikut nyimak perjalanan nya
Nuhun teh
wow very lovely
Sorry for the delayed reply! THANK YOU FOR WATCH! That's swat Pakistan in the background you're seeing. And yes, we agree, there is an added type of happiness that comes with sharing a life with another person. And at the same time, there is often added pressure to ensure the other person is getting what they need from you in the relationship. That's something we think about often. We like to think of happiness as a by-product of doing good things, healthy things, and taking action toward commitments.
pas lewat tepung kanyut mencium aroma2 aneh teu?😅
He iya
@@SundaKatresna trnyata msh survive aroma itu😅😅
Masih sempet heran sumber na timana aroma na🧐
@@SundaKatresna pguh oge,asa piraku tmpat pembuangan c***k mh da aya pemukiman🤔
@@apilnurdiaman4303 entah lah😁 tp bau tdk menyebar hanya di titik itu
Rosa timana teh
Ts ti Pangandaran Cigugur