@@khalidatel if that's the case then shouldn't the expression "mind blowing" be "my mind is blowing"? Stfu, you ain't the grammar police. You don't look smart when you correct other people, you look stupid. Besides, "mind blown" is a common expression so he said it right.
This channel is calling out every main, like men, In my mind my Qiyana, Kaisa and Irelia were good but now I feel like a fake main. This is so cool I'm just wanna practice this thinks all the day.
im quit new at the game and im trying to practice irelia and after seeing that it really feels like wanting to practice these things but in my opnion its kinda hard and difficult, bc i also dont really know how to practice properly tbh
@@LeMuNZ_2023 I don't really know if this tricks are going to work now 'cause Irelia was reworked so she can be more easy to play(yes, she was more mechanically demanding) and I don't main her anymore just cause is too easy for me and I don't like it. But maybe the tricks still work, it's just not going to be as fast as before. Irelia is a really great champion, keep practicing, you will get there soon enough. Just go to the practice tool and try the things in the video.
I just found your channel few weeks ago and your content is so good. The way you showcase tutorials, cinematic transition & different and fitting theme music choice for your hero tips is immaculate. Keep it up man!
Holy coconuts as an Irelia main I learned a lot from this video. All of them were amazing but the r interraction was crazy. Ive always r immediate flashed but flashing in the end is briliant and pretty usefull. Thank you! BEST LOL CONTENT CREATOR!
No matter how good one thinks he masters a champ, it will always be a videos from this legend that's gonna makes you look like a newbie. Amazing content especially the video on akali, keep on.
some more tips from a masters irelia main: cast e1 before malz r and u can cast e2 when he ults u to cancel it. e1 w e2 in a quick succession makes e also hard to see u can use ur ult to lower caster minions into q range, use it as a double purpose for q resets and a mark on the enemy! great video tho, i'm suprised u covered the beginning q trick!
People need to acknowledge this work . People but huge amount of work in these but they get less views than the other silly videos . Any video about a dog or a cat get millions of views without it needing any kind of effort.
@@adrichetmax878 it takes maybe 30 seconds of practice tool to find these "easter eggs". You enter the game and think: " maybe r has an interaction with flash" and thats how he discovers them. He researches on google too
You're growing, keep it up! I think a well-requested one would be riven or Zed. Anyways if you can also draw the hitboxes of the abilities, it can really help people in mastering it!
There is a trick with samira called blade cannon where if you use your Q melee on and the dash forward with your E u can get up to 3 style stacks: if you hit a champion with your melee Q you'll 1 stack, the dash gives you another one, and if at the end of the dash there is an other enemy champion you'll get a third one because the Q animation is really slow an allows you to hit an other enemy after using the dash, so you can get 2 stacks from your Q because between the 2 Q stacks there is an E stack.
@@kikikillian1208 You can insta stack passive with Q E W with that same principle, Q E W, your first W while in he will proc and give you 3 stacks then if another champ at the end of the Q E your W will hit a second time (it hits twice) along with your Q and insta stack passive
The first trick was probably the best one. Definitely gonna hop into practice tool in a little bit and try it out. I knew most of the other stuff from all the guides out there. Also the part about E2 being used during CC and Zhonya’s is gone, as well as the travel time mechanic.
The E2 during CC part didnt look so gamebreaking but it actually is, e. g. if you throw E1 and a WW ults on you you can E2 and interupt the rest of the CC, so actually something you can apply really often and get a big advantage
@@TheGingusa i am otp shaco, i think i also know all of his tricks, but anyways the hoompty videos are amazing, maybe he will found something interesting
This video is so aesthetically pleasing, it suits Irelia lmao. Also, as someone else stated, 20 seconds in & my mind is blown. I'm gonna panic, forget these & start spamming abilities with my Terrible aim🤪🤧
you can use the w when you are pushing the enemy tower and your 5 stacks are about to fade away so you just wait in w for the upcoming minion wave to stay fullstacked
You forgot to mention that r and q travel at almost the same speed so if you r and q right after pressing r your q will reset. I see a lot of people always waiting for r to execute for no reason
I just started playing Irelia and searched for "Irelia tips", but I think i'll check this video again after i've played like... 500 games as Irelia lol
6:53 it also works without flash from normal ult range. You can get triple Q combo but it's insanely hard timing. I can get maybe 1 success out of 10 attempts.
Your videos are crazy good but i don't envy you when i think about the time you have to spent in the practice tool to find those tricks. To bad i suck at complex inputs. Never got into fighting games and now i find myself lacking in league as well xD. Well Garen is my friend ^^.
Best Irelia guide I've ever seen so far. The only thing actually missing from this video is gameplay to put techniques into an actual scenario, and item builds for certain matchups. This was incredible.
Only 20 seconds into the video and I'm already mind blown
@@khalidatel he said it right..
@@khalidatel if that's the case then shouldn't the expression "mind blowing" be "my mind is blowing"? Stfu, you ain't the grammar police. You don't look smart when you correct other people, you look stupid. Besides, "mind blown" is a common expression so he said it right.
@@khalidatel found the grammar nazi
Meanwhile, Proguides tips be like: "dIDyUo knOw hEr Q dEaLS dMG?"
"Did you know Qiyanas q aims at the person she's e ing???" Like yes I read her abilities dumbass
nOt oNly doEs it dEaL dMG, bUt iT's aLsO aN aUTo rEsET, wEaVe aUToS to mAxImIZe yOuR dMG
Every guide is like that, not just proguide.
This guy is just a specially professional unique coach.
Wait you’re saying it does damage?!?!?!?!?
Commenting for the algorithm cause this person really deserves it
Me watching the video even though I have never played irelia in my life
try her out.. she is fun to play and even more fun if mastered.
? yeah players that want to use her would watch this
I've only played mages for 5 years but I decided why not
It only takes 25 games to understand Irelia I would say
"To make those tricks better, use skins with a lot of VFX" and they said skins dont have any impact on the game
Yeah there's a reason some skins are disabled in competitive
RATE 🆚 ireali ruclips.net/video/4oya7HAEsB4/видео.html
@@Turan_Motovlog this video is steal
It does have impact but it never makes anyone good
Skins with VFX are actually double-edged blade though.
You can do it better, and the opponent can also notice it better.
Time to play Irelia jungle and smite cannons every time you gank. "It's not taxing, just mechanics" :D
Hahahha genius
This guy is in a whole another Dimension
This channel is calling out every main, like men, In my mind my Qiyana, Kaisa and Irelia were good but now I feel like a fake main. This is so cool I'm just wanna practice this thinks all the day.
im quit new at the game and im trying to practice irelia and after seeing that it really feels like wanting to practice these things but in my opnion its kinda hard and difficult, bc i also dont really know how to practice properly tbh
@@LeMuNZ_2023 I don't really know if this tricks are going to work now 'cause Irelia was reworked so she can be more easy to play(yes, she was more mechanically demanding) and I don't main her anymore just cause is too easy for me and I don't like it. But maybe the tricks still work, it's just not going to be as fast as before.
Irelia is a really great champion, keep practicing, you will get there soon enough. Just go to the practice tool and try the things in the video.
me watching this video knowing dang well I can't do these combos:
HAHHAHAHAH I was thinkig this while watching
Exactly. My silver ass watching all these mechanical tips and tricks as if I'm ever gonna even pull a flash q off correctly
Try to recreate in practice tool while watching the video, it's just an habit :)
This feels like watching paid content, with how much effort is put into these videos.
I mean how are you so good?
Direct to the point, great explanation, slow mo to see what's happening, great content, sick combos... Man, you are rocking your videos! Thanks 🏅
I just found your channel few weeks ago and your content is so good. The way you showcase tutorials, cinematic transition & different and fitting theme music choice for your hero tips is immaculate. Keep it up man!
Amazing tips! Rly like the video
Holy coconuts as an Irelia main I learned a lot from this video. All of them were amazing but the r interraction was crazy. Ive always r immediate flashed but flashing in the end is briliant and pretty usefull. Thank you! BEST LOL CONTENT CREATOR!
There's so much things irelia can do. The reason why I love her character.
and her personality?1 xd
and her visual?
@@niinbo9620 That counts as well xd HAHAHAH
Irelia Theme is so damn good
No matter how good one thinks he masters a champ, it will always be a videos from this legend that's gonna makes you look like a newbie. Amazing content especially the video on akali, keep on.
When all these combo’s start looking more like a movelist from Tekken or Mortal Kombat xd
some more tips from a masters irelia main:
cast e1 before malz r and u can cast e2 when he ults u to cancel it.
e1 w e2 in a quick succession makes e also hard to see
u can use ur ult to lower caster minions into q range, use it as a double purpose for q resets and a mark on the enemy!
great video tho, i'm suprised u covered the beginning q trick!
People need to acknowledge this work . People but huge amount of work in these but they get less views than the other silly videos . Any video about a dog or a cat get millions of views without it needing any kind of effort.
How does this guy play so much champs with talent like he has 1M points on them
These mechanics are not hard to find if you can research and understand mechanics. It also requires a brain
@@wat4504 Of course, but some things need to be experienced or we can't discover it like easter eggs of the champ
@@adrichetmax878 wat
@@adrichetmax878 it takes maybe 30 seconds of practice tool to find these "easter eggs". You enter the game and think: " maybe r has an interaction with flash" and thats how he discovers them. He researches on google too
*"This is how you use practice tools, Not just doing barrel dcks"* -MagicKarpUsedFly
Leaving a like for the algorithm! Really great content dude. I hope you get more attention in the future!
You're growing, keep it up!
I think a well-requested one would be riven or Zed.
Anyways if you can also draw the hitboxes of the abilities, it can really help people in mastering it!
Finally, a video where i knew all the trick, but i didn't know hot to utilize them until now, thanks :D
wake up new hoompty vid just dropped
Can you do Samira next? I wanna surprise myself
Yes please do Samira
There is a trick with samira called blade cannon where if you use your Q melee on and the dash forward with your E u can get up to 3 style stacks: if you hit a champion with your melee Q you'll 1 stack, the dash gives you another one, and if at the end of the dash there is an other enemy champion you'll get a third one because the Q animation is really slow an allows you to hit an other enemy after using the dash, so you can get 2 stacks from your Q because between the 2 Q stacks there is an E stack.
@@mehdifares7601 that's unexpected for sure, what a spaghetti code
@@kikikillian1208 You can insta stack passive with Q E W with that same principle, Q E W, your first W while in he will proc and give you 3 stacks then if another champ at the end of the Q E your W will hit a second time (it hits twice) along with your Q and insta stack passive
You can get full stacks. Range auto Q E Melee auto W
these videos are so clean i can't believe they aren't blowing up
wtf amazing vid man! great camera play and soundtrack! simple and efficient, but still lots of info and zero redundancy
The first trick was probably the best one. Definitely gonna hop into practice tool in a little bit and try it out. I knew most of the other stuff from all the guides out there. Also the part about E2 being used during CC and Zhonya’s is gone, as well as the travel time mechanic.
Now I can main irelia , thank you so much , I really wish you grow more and more. ❤❤❤
@@barny541 or melt them with your sharp blades XD
love your cinematic style in these videos
This vid is amazing, thank you for taking into account my request for an irelia vid! Kata next? I hope so :)
The E2 during CC part didnt look so gamebreaking but it actually is, e. g. if you throw E1 and a WW ults on you you can E2 and interupt the rest of the CC, so actually something you can apply really often and get a big advantage
Holly molly sick Guide. Respect! I learn something more about Irelia.
I'd love to see a shaco video, you're content is so great!
lol i could tell you anything he could
@@TheGingusa i am otp shaco, i think i also know all of his tricks, but anyways the hoompty videos are amazing, maybe he will found something interesting
This video is so aesthetically pleasing, it suits Irelia lmao. Also, as someone else stated, 20 seconds in & my mind is blown. I'm gonna panic, forget these & start spamming abilities with my Terrible aim🤪🤧
I'll keep checking on your videos even if I don't play the champ you're showing, because they're interesting and satisfying to watch :)
Wow ur channel is growing GJ!
love the channel literally found out i have fun playing her yesterday, then seeing this vid today lol
I really like your videos, it's really interesting to watch it even when I don't play that champ. Keep on it! :)
Very informative. I probably never be able to use most of the tricks but still cool.
Seriously, thank you for this. Subbed.
you can use the w when you are pushing the enemy tower and your 5 stacks are about to fade away so you just wait in w for the upcoming minion wave to stay fullstacked
you don't say.
The vids are so amazing (all champs) that i am surprised by the fact that im being surprised by it at this point
Blade dancer Irelia meets animation dancer, Hoompty.
I was searching for a video like that yesterday
im 2:36 into that vid an I already like this masterpiece . good editing
Yours videos are so good for mains thenks :)
*i don't really use Irelia a lot, but if I were to use and main Irelia, this video would be a lot of help in improving. thanks hoompty!*
I love your channel, Thx for teaching us all this tricks. Much love :)
hoompty the only channel i will watch a champ mechanics video from even if i one trick the champ🙏
your doing rly good videos man
Damnnn nice video man!
I am waring for this one so longggggg , love your vids always
Hope you don't disappear like lolanalyst. You do a great job, keep it up.
Can you make a video of this type, but about Thresh
Another great video dude!
As an Irelia main, I didn't the first thing with the Q, awesome ! 😯
By the time you perfectly executed this you are Irelia God.
You forgot to mention that r and q travel at almost the same speed so if you r and q right after pressing r your q will reset. I see a lot of people always waiting for r to execute for no reason
This is like watching water burn, pure magic.
thought this was gonna be mostly troll with like 10 seconds of something good but this was actually interesting and I didn't know most of these.
I just started playing Irelia and searched for "Irelia tips", but I think i'll check this video again after i've played like... 500 games as Irelia lol
No cap,will be a giant some day,keep it going
6:53 it also works without flash from normal ult range. You can get triple Q combo but it's insanely hard timing. I can get maybe 1 success out of 10 attempts.
main Irelia here, knows all the combos even advanced ones, ways to use E, R flash... but I still consider myself a dumbass after the video
This channel is underrated
Your videos are crazy good but i don't envy you when i think about the time you have to spent in the practice tool to find those tricks.
To bad i suck at complex inputs. Never got into fighting games and now i find myself lacking in league as well xD. Well Garen is my friend ^^.
Thank you for doing Irelia!
Yet again very good video.. keep it up
I love your videos, they are insane!!!!!!!
hoomptu underrated, gonna blow up soon
Really cool vid, I am interested how many time it gets to find this features
Your videos never stop to amaze me ._.
Seriously underrated videos
Really high quality guide pog
Thank you for this amazing videos!
And here i planned to start maining her yesterday
that first tip already was BEAST!
maybe viego/yone next? this is amazing channel
Best Irelia guide I've ever seen so far. The only thing actually missing from this video is gameplay to put techniques into an actual scenario, and item builds for certain matchups. This was incredible.
istg, i love this but it makes me question my years of experience in league
Ty i didnt knew i needed this
Can you do Lee Sin tricks at the next video?🙏respect 31
I waitet soo long for irelia
pls do an Aphelios one, I'd love to see it
I love that ending
"Oh btw that looks weird."
Zed, Shaco, Katarina or Leblanc pls
Could u make video about samira? Loves ur video and found all the time some new thing
please do this for every Ionian champ, like Kennen, make Kennen!
Deserve so much more ❤
as always i thought i know every champ mechanic, but here we go
now i can detect a difference in a good and great irelia player
As an Irelia main, I found some of these tips impractical. Some of them are essential to know how to play Irelia tho
Great video! i was looking to be a irelia main, thanks!
btw 4:44 "look mom, no hands" XDDD
I mean, i can't even do a basic combo with irelia but i still like to watch this xD
Wow.. I didn't expect this much detail here....
I think your video got cut early and the outro mentioned in the desc is gone. Still, very informative video and thank you!
My GAWD D: This is really helpful, thx man
every time you do super good montage. u soo cool
This was... god tier. Thank you. Can you, instead of flash, use the dash from galeforce item effect?