Daily Wire Hosts Dismantle Modern Feminism One By One

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 631

  • @allnaturalbrown
    @allnaturalbrown 4 года назад +85

    I am a female and I approve this message. And I'd like to add that in my industry, which is technology, I make more money than a lot of my male colleagues. Are they any less than me? No. Am I any better than them? No. It was all about market timing.

    • @colemin2
      @colemin2 4 года назад +2

      And maybe a bit of effort I imagine.

    • @Melissa_Badhorse
      @Melissa_Badhorse 4 года назад +3

      Negotiation and knowing your worth also helps 😊

    • @BERSERK263
      @BERSERK263 4 года назад +5

      Hard work, determination, dedication, and educating yourself, what a concept right? I also have Women above me, and we work together just fine, funny though lately things have gotten more uncomfortable lately, it's weird.

  • @llppics4976
    @llppics4976 4 года назад +89

    Choosing to be a mother is such a noble choice.

  • @lemankurtz8950
    @lemankurtz8950 4 года назад +96

    They point out one thing I was always BAFFLED by, which is how Hillary gained her status following Bill around in the 80s & 90s......Then somehow becomes a hero to all these feminists.

    • @voodoomoss
      @voodoomoss 4 года назад +1

      Can't find logic in irrational thought. Voting Hillary 'cause feminism was always an emotional claim, not a rational one.

    • @FuqUYouTube
      @FuqUYouTube 4 года назад +1

      @Rich S I think that was their point..
      That they're* basing they're opinions of feelings, and not rationale.. (*Fems, not all women)

    • @bettyboop7298
      @bettyboop7298 4 года назад +1

      Being a woman a real woman! I can't stand the Clinton's! I do not understand any woman supporting Hillary! I don't believe that a person who voted for her did it based on emotion I believe it was based on doing what they were being told to do. No thinking no emotion just totally brainwashing.

    • @MrCurbinator
      @MrCurbinator 4 года назад


    • @lynnd1874
      @lynnd1874 4 года назад

      And throwing tremendous shade over the poor females her husband helped himself to... Then expects women to vote for her..

  • @qimatswift4829
    @qimatswift4829 4 года назад +142

    Feminism almost ruined my life. Now I have a husband and a baby and I thank God every day!

    • @dwightsmith4641
      @dwightsmith4641 4 года назад +11

      Feminism may still ruin your life. You might wake up one day 20 years from now and decide to divorce rape your husband. Then he kills himself and your child and other family members blame you for the rest of your life. Or your child happens to be a boy and the fema-Nazi educators fill him full of Ritalin because he can’t sit still in class like the little girls. He is told he is a rapist by his gender studies professor in college and given an F when he disagrees. He quits college and goes to work where some me-too feminist wants a promotion so she make false allegations for micro-aggressions which were implied when your son said hi to this deplorable woman. So he is fired and now he is in your basement playing Xbox until he is 40 when you try to shame him into marriage. When he refuses you kick him out and now he gets to crap on the sidewalk like all the other homeless drugged out alcoholics on the street. Maybe he commits suicide like the 38,000 other men did last year. All of this because of feminism and the destruction of the family. Birth rates are at 1.6 and you need 2.1 to maintain western cultures infrastructure. Mrs Swift, I know you would like to think you escaped feminism, but the family courts of law have determined that boys are third class slaves to be used and abused. This is why so many women say they can’t find a good man. From kindergarten until death boys are being attacked by feminism cancer. Wake up and realize that you have not escaped the clutches this insidious cancer.

    • @onalos1271
      @onalos1271 4 года назад +3

      Haha you'll be dumped and eating cat food out of an alley in 20 years.

    • @monamuller8969
      @monamuller8969 4 года назад +5

      @Jacob Howell The 3rd wave feminism has nothing to do with this.

    • @republican4u2nv78
      @republican4u2nv78 4 года назад +7

      @Jacob Howell You appear to be looking for drama in every thread I have read so far. You ask people questions and when they explain you reply with insults like, "clearly English isn't your first language." Wanting to have a real discussion is one thing but going out of your way trying to start drama/insult others under every comment only makes you look childish. It is basic knowledge that 3rd wave feminism has nothing to do with voting rights... We women have been able to vote since Republicans passed it a century ago. Maybe you should start your research with understanding 3rd wave feminism and why 80% of the country wants absolutely nothing to do with it (other countries like England the percentage is even higher.)

    • @L_87
      @L_87 4 года назад +4

      @Jacob Howell 100% men fought for this and a lot of women back then didnt want it because it also came with the obligation of signing up for the draft. Thank men for it

  • @turtlenecks616
    @turtlenecks616 4 года назад +182

    Normal guy: “oh ok, I don’t really wanna be with someone who sleeps around.”
    Feminist: “Why nobody wanna marry me? :(“

    • @philingrouille7198
      @philingrouille7198 4 года назад +22

      Then the feminist would blame all men for slut shaming her.

    • @juniorgod321
      @juniorgod321 4 года назад +6

      @@philingrouille7198 but they are sluts!

    • @Mangalover345
      @Mangalover345 4 года назад +17

      ok then, "my wallet my choice", no tax payer cash goes to abortion, or single mothers, fair? If they don't want old white men deciding what they do with their body, then they don't need tax payer money from "old white men"

    • @kiradelarochefoucauld7499
      @kiradelarochefoucauld7499 4 года назад

      @Rich S Not to sound like a feminist, because i am NOT, but a Realist...Males "in general" have an "unstoppable" sex drive due to their unrelenting testosterone levels which manifests in extreme interest in sex, which has kept humanity going. Females have a fraction of this "horny" compound and have been tasked with the very difficult challenge of regulating males by way of social virtues and ethical constructs. BUT females DO have a sex drive, and a much MUCH stronger desire to BOND, AKA "spiritual sexuality" needed for making a family unit, bringing God into sexuality, not simple animal lust etc. And in addition to female personality type, (created by astrological programming, hormone levels, their own culture) that will manifest as "good girl/bad girl, prude/slut" etc, but is, again, fractional in comparison to males (XY). Subconsciously, humans know that sex leads to babies and babies = bloodlines, family tree Ancestral Dynasty, so females are tasked with maintaining control of the Genealogy. If/ when they don't, "shame" is focused on them for not upholding that unconscious societal agreement.

    • @1COMODIN9
      @1COMODIN9 4 года назад +1

      @@Mangalover345 THIS.

  • @bobjones4571
    @bobjones4571 4 года назад +257

    Guys, keep this on the down low, but I think Ben’s wife is a doctor

    • @shaquessejones9947
      @shaquessejones9947 4 года назад +41

      I’m racist because a liberal told me I was love your name dude

    • @bobjones4571
      @bobjones4571 4 года назад +17

      Shawn Ruscitti Thank you very much kind sir

    • @FuqUYouTube
      @FuqUYouTube 4 года назад +4

      If you put a red circle with a strike across it, you can be a Clan Buster!.. Who you gonna call?
      -I ain't afraid of no gho...-rasist..

    • @gold4963
      @gold4963 4 года назад +5

      Your name is absolutely hilarious.
      According to one of my professors, because I’m Asian, I CAN’T be racist. XD

    • @jackminehard
      @jackminehard 4 года назад

      Leave me alone

  • @theslicefactor5326
    @theslicefactor5326 4 года назад +256

    Feminism disappears when a washing machine needs to go up three flights of stairs.

    • @lianacordova8094
      @lianacordova8094 4 года назад +32

      Or when we need our car fixed or need rescuing from a burning building or when the water heater goes out or when the garbage disposal breaks, etc...the list can go on and on

    • @TheSuburban15
      @TheSuburban15 4 года назад +20

      Or when a septic tank needs to be replaced.

    • @jplopez76
      @jplopez76 4 года назад +29

      Or when there’s gonna a draft.

    • @Melissa_Badhorse
      @Melissa_Badhorse 4 года назад +4


    • @L_87
      @L_87 4 года назад +9

      Or when it snows 2 feet up here in our glorious blue states and we need to shovel

  • @dkerkowoutdoors4623
    @dkerkowoutdoors4623 4 года назад +306


    • @katzhunter4473
      @katzhunter4473 4 года назад

      Dalton kerkow sounds like you feel very strongly about it.

    • @ismaelbarba2593
      @ismaelbarba2593 4 года назад +2

      @Rocket League only Muslims feel that way or anti Americans

    • @ryandejong1669
      @ryandejong1669 4 года назад

      @Rocket League Good and evil is the slave morality of the weak. Israel is an ally of America because they have the strength to reshape the Middle East to their will. The strong inherent the Earth, it's just that simple.

    • @nathansmith484
      @nathansmith484 4 года назад

      @@ryandejong1669 that inheritance is lost without morals. History proves this over and over. Remove common, founding morals, and it starts to fall apart. We are watching it in the US. The lefts war on wholesome family values and our founding morals has driven the immorality into the mainstream, brought mental disorders into a light where they are justified instead of being told to get help. And fatherless households have grown to epidemic proportions. So, yes the strong will inherit, and morals are subjective. But without them, no society will last, no matter how strong you are

    • @nathansmith484
      @nathansmith484 4 года назад +1

      @Rocket League yes, if we were being facetious, and intentionally denying facts and reality

  • @tanis1111
    @tanis1111 4 года назад +78

    I'm an older woman who lived thru many challenges due to this nonsense. I 100% agree with EVERYTHING said on this video. Nothing wrong with men being gentlemen and woman being ladies. Perhaps manners would come back as well. ✌️😀🙋🌎

    • @HRHtheDude
      @HRHtheDude 4 года назад +4

      They never truly left, as always it is a minority that tries to ruin it for others. I have faith in the majority.

  • @yourfreedomisinyourfeet7731
    @yourfreedomisinyourfeet7731 4 года назад +42

    I love men! I'm a woman and these psychos dont speak for me...

    • @Melissa_Badhorse
      @Melissa_Badhorse 4 года назад +1


    • @prithvibumia2941
      @prithvibumia2941 4 года назад +1

      You sound like a woman I'd respect

    • @L_87
      @L_87 4 года назад +3

      We know most of you dont agree with this bullshit

    • @yourfreedomisinyourfeet7731
      @yourfreedomisinyourfeet7731 4 года назад

      @Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus I dont know if they are miserable or not, dont really care. I do care that they are oblivious to how their movement has been "hijacked" to serve a more nefarious purpose...

  • @mz.6109
    @mz.6109 4 года назад +68

    Might I say as a Woman, Wife and Mother, I agree that this entire topic has become taboo in itself

    • @jonbell910
      @jonbell910 4 года назад

      Thank you.
      If I as a male expressed what you just said, I'd be attacked as some sort of misogynist pig.

    • @Warchief1521
      @Warchief1521 4 года назад

      Are you a doctor?

    • @jonbell910
      @jonbell910 4 года назад

      @@Warchief1521 Not officially.

    • @DrummerJacob
      @DrummerJacob 4 года назад +1

      Thanks for giving all the prerequisite identity political information about you since no one other than a woman and mother could realize when a topic has become taboo.

    • @jonbell910
      @jonbell910 4 года назад +1

      @@DrummerJacob No disrespect intended but your comment comes off a little muttle headed. Not sure as to the point you're trying to make if there is in fact a point. Your insult surly comes through loudly tho.
      Forgive me for not understanding modern day American dialogue or the rules y'all abide by today.

  • @AdmiralRamirez7
    @AdmiralRamirez7 4 года назад +146

    "Chivalry is dead and women killed it."

    • @leviwarren6222
      @leviwarren6222 4 года назад +6

      Would you consider that it's still men's fault? That women have often chosen not to reward masculinity but that doesn't give us an excuse not to be truly masculine? Just a touch of nuance.

    • @retrorenaissance9497
      @retrorenaissance9497 4 года назад +3

      @@leviwarren6222 I do ultimately blame men for letting women kill it in the first place

    • @terrial8143
      @terrial8143 4 года назад +5

      @@leviwarren6222 Then it's shared responsibility. Men for letting women destroy those virtues, and degenerating to the point we're at, and women for tossing their own values away then complaining when men don't hold the door for them. Or leave them hanging high and dry when the woman becomes pregnant or face relationship tension. That's my opinion, though.

    • @peekaboots01
      @peekaboots01 4 года назад +5

      Women definitely killed it. They ruined things for women like me.

    • @leviwarren6222
      @leviwarren6222 4 года назад +1

      Hey, a bunch of regular, rational people who don't yell about their opinions. What alternate reality have I stumbled into?!
      So I'm not saying that western women shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, I'm saying that Western men should take responsibility for their own. Sure, Western women becoming more masculine makes it more difficult for Western men to find good Western women, but a lot of men see little that they want in women right now and use that as an excuse to have little to offer. In case it hasn't become clear yet, a lot of Western men have become more feminine as well. I'm not saying that one gender or the other started it, I'm saying that I don't believe that it's woman's fault did men tend away from chivalry now. Men have complete responsibility for their choice not to be chivalrous.

  • @Shadobanned4life
    @Shadobanned4life 4 года назад +68

    The hunter-gatherer model was logical and it worked.
    There is nothing wrong with being a good housewife and Mom and it should be respected as much as a man going to a job.

    • @josephbeckett2330
      @josephbeckett2330 4 года назад +1

      I always found this funny. All these people talking about living wages and restricting work hours for equality, there was a system that did that.
      Must Hunter/Gather societies worked about 4 hours a day, men and women, and you got what you worked with your hands to make.

    • @lianacordova8094
      @lianacordova8094 4 года назад +3

      Nobody had a problem with it, until the feminists started bitching about it.

    • @lianacordova8094
      @lianacordova8094 4 года назад +1

      @Lorianne Reyes what does that have to do with choice? I have known plenty of women including myself that have done both at the same time

    • @lianacordova8094
      @lianacordova8094 4 года назад +3

      @Lorianne Reyes yup, I have been there. Much rather prefer to stay home but we needed the money

    • @BERSERK263
      @BERSERK263 4 года назад +3

      Agreed, always thought a good homemaker was equal to the breadwinner, man or woman, bit I believe that a child needs both, a strong Male and Female role model

  • @pamfuller7130
    @pamfuller7130 4 года назад +8

    I was a housewife & mother of three boys. While they were young, I stayed home with them. As they got old enough to go to school, I worked @ McD's up the street. I left for work after they left for school & was home b4 they were. It worked out well for us. We never had to use a babysitter. I realize that, not everyone has the option of staying home or of having to have child care. My husband had a good job & always steady work. Our boys are all married now & have families of their own. God was always a big part of our lives. Still is.

  • @jacksonwingdom8683
    @jacksonwingdom8683 4 года назад +34

    Dailywire, please do more of these with more subjects!

  • @littlebirdy5962
    @littlebirdy5962 Год назад +6

    Klavan’s segment really hits home. I’ve felt defensive and ashamed my whole life whenever I felt any typically feminine thing. All of that absolutely is looked down on and seen as lesser. It’s kind of amazing to see how quickly certain things started kicking in naturally around the time I was 17, even if I didn’t want them to…nurturing tendencies, maternal instincts, the desire to have a family, wanting to learn traditional skills for home making…but so many think you’re weak for that, men and women both.

    • @JohnnyBGoode-jm4qp
      @JohnnyBGoode-jm4qp Год назад +2

      Precisely. That’s just so sad. I know a female who called her sister “stupid” and shamed her for “dreaming about Prince Charming” or “gushing about her crushes”. She thinks she’s better off than her sister and those who are romantic because she’s “independent”, “strong”, “does not have crushes or does not fall in love” and whatnot. Once or twice, her sister entertained and played with children at a gathering and she claimed females who do this are “only doing so for show, to make themselves look more maternal and thus more marketable to males”.
      LOL. Either she hates her sister’s guts or simply hates herself. Or both.

    • @daredevilsdaughter3889
      @daredevilsdaughter3889 Год назад +2

      Totally agree! This started happening to me a few months ago (I'm 18) and my mother has always preached independence and disregarded anything remotely feminist. She says that women have to be independent and life is horrible and trapping if you rely on anyone other than yourself. My sister is a homemaker who does little jobs on the side. My mom says how she "failed" my sister because she relies on her husband, but I don't think that's true at all. The beauty of marriage and relationships is you don't HAVE to be independent. My sister CAN be independent, everyone can, but she doesn't HAVE to be. People need to stop romantizing living alone and being completely independent. Despite what my mom likes to say, it's very lonely and miserable.

  • @gjs512
    @gjs512 4 года назад +63

    God bless you Ben Shapiro

    • @pierrotlavoie
      @pierrotlavoie 4 года назад

      god... fuck god.

    • @colemin2
      @colemin2 4 года назад +3

      @@pierrotlavoie There's always that guy.

    • @anthonyrazzano787
      @anthonyrazzano787 4 года назад +2

      Pierrot Lavoie Found that one guy.

    • @gjs512
      @gjs512 4 года назад +3

      Pierrot Lavoie God bless you too

    • @pierrotlavoie
      @pierrotlavoie 4 года назад

      Americans should stop talking about god. They should start by stopping bombing the whole world.

  • @tonychen5517
    @tonychen5517 4 года назад +73

    emma watson: "Im dating myself" lol

    • @erdnussbier4260
      @erdnussbier4260 4 года назад +1

      > I'm not a femcel

    • @Warren_Peace
      @Warren_Peace 4 года назад +2

      Aren't we all? If you know what I mean.. 😈

    • @L_87
      @L_87 4 года назад

      That shits funny😄

    • @johannmckraken9399
      @johannmckraken9399 4 года назад +8

      I tried dating myself but it just didn’t work out, so I broke up. Now I keep stalking myself because I just felt so betrayed and it’s really getting creepy. At some point I’m going to have to consider a restraining order but I’m afraid that will just set me off and then who knows what might happen. Weird huh?

    • @roryodonnell4119
      @roryodonnell4119 4 года назад +1

      @@johannmckraken9399 relatable

  • @chuck-jy7mz
    @chuck-jy7mz 4 года назад +66

    Jennifer Lawrence is one of the bad guys

    • @rayconteras3361
      @rayconteras3361 4 года назад +8

      And a bad actress

    • @backgroundnoiselistener3599
      @backgroundnoiselistener3599 4 года назад +13

      And Brie larson is her mentor

    • @chuck-jy7mz
      @chuck-jy7mz 4 года назад

      @sleevey 😆

    • @dwightsmith4641
      @dwightsmith4641 4 года назад +15

      Why would you listen to any actress or actor about anything political? Their job is to play dress up and pretend to be somebody else and be convincing. How does this job make you an expert in political science, or any subject. They memorize lines that other people write, and spit them out. Then they have award ceremonies giving pats on each other’s back about how great a puppet they were in their last movie.

    • @jaywilley955
      @jaywilley955 4 года назад

      chuck 1957 She’s cooler than Natalie Portman.

  • @LaineBurglass23
    @LaineBurglass23 2 года назад +3

    As a 25 year old conservative woman, I LOVED this video. I’m so sick of being told I’m oppressed when in reality I’m living in the best and freest country in the world

    • @mimarhamis7797
      @mimarhamis7797 Год назад +1

      If it hasn't happened to you then thank God and STFU. Just because you've had it easy it doesn't mean every woman out there is living 'your' life. 🤦🏾‍♀️

  • @dovakeen1179
    @dovakeen1179 4 года назад +8

    Alcoholism has risen 83.7 percent among women. They sure are happy.

    • @colemin2
      @colemin2 4 года назад

      In the US? What ages?

    • @dovakeen1179
      @dovakeen1179 4 года назад

      @@colemin2 www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/08/10/542409957/drinking-on-the-rise-in-u-s-especially-for-women-minorities-older-adults

    • @dovakeen1179
      @dovakeen1179 4 года назад

      @@colemin2 can't find ages but it has drastically risen pretty sure i misread the 83.7 percent cause all the sourses i look up are 48 to 58 percent for females specifically

    • @colemin2
      @colemin2 4 года назад

      @@dovakeen1179 sounds good

    • @BERSERK263
      @BERSERK263 4 года назад

      Makes my job easier 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @discodynamitetnt2938
    @discodynamitetnt2938 4 года назад +26

    If I dont get up in the morning my wife keeps a spray bottle

    • @mightyshanolgorhythm6524
      @mightyshanolgorhythm6524 4 года назад +1

      DiscoDynamiteTNT is that a viagra spray you speak of. Never let morning torque go to waste.

    • @1COMODIN9
      @1COMODIN9 4 года назад

      Next to your chained leather collar?

    • @ąყŋ-o8q
      @ąყŋ-o8q 4 года назад +1

      DiscoDynamiteTNT what do you keep if she don’t wake up?

    • @DrummerJacob
      @DrummerJacob 4 года назад

      @@ąყŋ-o8q A sexier younger woman in the basement...

  • @FonzChannel
    @FonzChannel 4 года назад +7

    My sister was offended at the notion that I wouldn’t care if my hypothetical wife wanted to be a “stay at home mom”. I don’t have a preference, but I wouldn’t judge my wife (hypothetical wife) if she wanted to be a homemaker (hypothetically).

    • @JohnnyBGoode-jm4qp
      @JohnnyBGoode-jm4qp Год назад

      It’s sad, isn’t it? This is the problem with some “feminists”. They want to be understood, but succumb to manhating and tear down other females for desiring to be homemakers, mothers, nurturers, wives, etc., falling in love or even something as natural and simple as having crushes.

  • @balabay77
    @balabay77 4 года назад +48

    Today’s feminists are tomorrow’s crazy cat ladies.

    • @deborahprice473
      @deborahprice473 2 года назад

      I sure hope not. I would feel sorry for those poor cats. 🙀😿

  • @mrgauges9065
    @mrgauges9065 4 года назад +6

    My Great Grandfather was electrocuted to death working in a factory, and my Grandfathers WWII hero’s. And now I’m a man raising kids alone thanks to 3rd wave Feminism. Things like bringing home a paycheck, health benefits, and home ownership were rejected by the mother as some kind of patriarchal oppression. We will make it, but this country is in big trouble.

    • @HRHtheDude
      @HRHtheDude 4 года назад +1

      Good luck dude.

    • @mrgauges9065
      @mrgauges9065 4 года назад

      Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus No I was duped

  • @dposeroff
    @dposeroff 4 года назад +5

    I read on facebook that no means no and men are bad... then I went to class at my university and a bunch of girls were complaining about how they said no to a guy and then he didnt keep pursuing her.. feminism in 2020 is the manifestation of feelings over logic

  • @johndonne8657
    @johndonne8657 4 года назад +14

    That there are major differences between men and women is one of the most intuitive and universal principles in all cultures. Those who reject that rebel against reality.

  • @vollyballgirl257
    @vollyballgirl257 4 года назад +2

    My dad and mom got pregnant and he went on to marry her, join the police academy, gave my mom three more kids, and keep his career for a total of 27 years. They have beautiful cars, the biggest house in the neighborhood, and four healthy adult children who can do nothing but sing their praises. All because my father MANNED UP. I wish there were more men like my father.

    • @trentjacobs3957
      @trentjacobs3957 Год назад

      Your mom AND dad got pregnant? One of those new fangled pregnant men? I know what u mean but, sorry, I just couldn't pass on the opportunity u made a perfect set-up for.

  • @Mr1deepNtx
    @Mr1deepNtx 4 года назад +26

    I want a new vid of Ben debating high profile liberals....

    • @Mangalover345
      @Mangalover345 4 года назад +6

      Well, Ben is willing problem is, every "high profile" liberal he challenges runs away.

    • @chrismathgenius
      @chrismathgenius 4 года назад

      I would love to see him destroy Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, LeBron James, Jameela Jamil, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Stacey Abrams, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Clay Aiken, Rachel Maddow, and Anderson Cooper in a debate.

    • @robertstimmel1100
      @robertstimmel1100 4 года назад

      I subscribe to gavin mcinnes. He started his newest website with the plan of having a more civil version of "crossfire" as his linchpin show. He wanted to have real, honest conversation between high profile left and right figures. He's pretty much abandoned the idea now because the left demand absurdity high payments just to talk to anyone on the right. The left isn't interested in bridging the divide because that vocal minority of radical leftists demonize them any time they try.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 4 года назад

      All at the same time. LOL!

    • @colemin2
      @colemin2 4 года назад +1

      @@chrismathgenius Let's get AOC first as a warmup session.

  • @yooperlooper
    @yooperlooper 4 года назад +3

    I am also an anti-feminist because the feminist movement of today is totally different than when I was in college. Now the main chant is HATE MEN. We never hated men back then - in fact we loved them (sometimes too much), we just wanted some equal opportunities -the ones that were appropriate for females. Nothing was wrong with wanting to be a home maker (and we didn't criticize women who wanted that) and there's nothing wrong with being an executive who makes the same amount of money as a male counter-part IF they are qualified to make that amount. That's feminism

  • @berniekatzroy
    @berniekatzroy 4 года назад +33

    He speaks truth!

  • @USMC-lr8th
    @USMC-lr8th 4 года назад +17

    They need a shirt with "My wife's a doctor" on it!

  • @LaineBurglass23
    @LaineBurglass23 2 года назад +1

    As a woman who likes sports, I hate how feminists say it’s sexist to talk sports. I LOVE sports

  • @FuqUYouTube
    @FuqUYouTube 4 года назад +11

    Its seems that a lot of these feminist problems arise from their own personal problems, and self induced paranoia.. (Of sorts)

  • @ruteisabelmendes6706
    @ruteisabelmendes6706 4 года назад +5

    "The fact that she is *whispers* a doctor " ahahahah Ben Shapiro is a meme.

  • @joshuameier4062
    @joshuameier4062 4 года назад +5

    Im having this issue with my daughter. Her mom plays along and insists she is a he. If i dont go along im an abusive parent...

    • @007kingifrit
      @007kingifrit 4 года назад +3

      you need to stand up to your wife. here is some data to help you disprove this nonsense
      here are 12 scientific studies that show over 90% of children that say they are trans do indeed grow out of it- it is just a phase www.sexologytoday.org/2016/01/do-trans-kids-stay-trans-when-they-grow_99.html

    • @nono7105
      @nono7105 4 года назад +1

      You mean if you don't go along you'll be labelled as an abusive parent. If you do go along you'll actually be an abusive parent. Pick your poison.

    • @joshuameier4062
      @joshuameier4062 4 года назад +3

      Problem lies in the fact i live in Canada. I could be arrested if i dont go along with it and its not just me... My other 3 sons are forced to go along with it as well.

    • @BERSERK263
      @BERSERK263 4 года назад +2

      Just stay strong bro and don't over react, as long as you stay in the situation (you sound like a good Dad) stall as long as you can, cuz an overwhelming majority of the time it's a phase that will pass will strong, positive parenting, not trying to give you advice, more like support, these situations are so important to the well being of the child, just keep a cool head, stay strong bro

    • @007kingifrit
      @007kingifrit 4 года назад +1

      @@joshuameier4062 show your wife the data i just showed you. if she is still causing problems after that you may want to take them into america somehow

  • @jazzimilz
    @jazzimilz 4 года назад +3

    I am a strong, capable woman. I am also very glad to have a husband that is a MANLY MAN! My husband's "traditional" manliness, does not take away from me or make me less powerful. I don't understand what these man-hating feminists are so mad about.

    • @idalily3810
      @idalily3810 2 года назад +1

      This woman agrees 100%!

  • @sadscientist9995
    @sadscientist9995 4 года назад +4

    Not a right winger but this is something I can agree on. Modern Feminism has been bad for society

    • @BERSERK263
      @BERSERK263 4 года назад

      Cancerous, it's like God added a new plague

  • @crcb4
    @crcb4 4 года назад +3

    I love being a homemaker. I just hate being put down for it. Because we don't have alot of money. My husband didn't force me to do this. It was my choice because I didn't want to miss out on my children's life. I didn't want to leave them with others .

    • @JohnnyBGoode-jm4qp
      @JohnnyBGoode-jm4qp Год назад

      Yes! This is what I’m pertaining to! This has become an alarming phenomenon, that some “feminists” have this distorted mindset that being or desiring to be homemakers, mothers, nurturers, wives, etc., falling in love and even something as natural and simple as having crushes are “disgraces to the female population” or “weaknesses”. They’re not! Whatever happened to choice?

  • @kayceequesadilla
    @kayceequesadilla 4 года назад +3

    I so appreciate that you make your wedding ring so prominent in the foreground, Ben. I think it's very manly of you to show off that you are happily married!

  • @letsgobrandontrump2024
    @letsgobrandontrump2024 4 года назад +51

    is there any woman looking for a real relationship anymore I feel like a piece of meat left to the dogs rn lol

    • @liebe3108
      @liebe3108 4 года назад +15

      Nick Stevenson I’m looking for real relationships. Not easy to get a guy who has the same values as me though

    • @IamHeathertheGreat
      @IamHeathertheGreat 4 года назад +9

      My single friends have given up. Male and female. What happened!! 😞

    • @hitthefries
      @hitthefries 4 года назад +17

      Sigh, both women and men say this. The truth is, everyone is jaded because everyone is too disappointing. Either too left or too right, or too porn addicted.

    • @ataiskandar
      @ataiskandar 4 года назад +1

      I feel the same way bro

    • @margolane3361
      @margolane3361 4 года назад +8

      Go to church and stop wackin' it to porn. The lovely ladies can smell a porn addled brain.

  • @maryannanderson2213
    @maryannanderson2213 Год назад +1

    I totally agree with the "stated" goal of feminism, which is that women should have the same rights as men. I totally DISAGREE with the ACTUAL goal of feminism, which is to prove that women are better than men. I think that women ARE better than men in certain areas and I think men are better than women in certain areas. Why is that such a problem for feminists to accept? I saw a young woman (a budding young feminist, evidently) break down into tears when she was forced to accept that MOST men are physically stronger than MOST women. That concept totally broke her heart and she walked away sobbing. AMAZING!
    Feminists also seem to be pushing the "toxic masculinity" agenda with the goal being that women must hate men. I cannot do that because I will NOT start hating my father and my brothers and my husband and the men I worked with and all the other men in my life. BTW, I have seen more examples of "toxic femininity" than "toxic masculinity". Feminists also push the "choice" narrative but that is ONLY if your choice is to agree with them. They seem to think that a woman should be allowed to choose what she wants to do UNLESS what she chooses to do is stay home and take care of her babies. The occupation of wife or mother or homemaker is taught as being "less than" the women who put on their power suits and go spend their day in some huge corporate office. So, I do not think I am better than men in everything I do. I do not think a woman who works outside the home is better than a woman who works inside the home. I do not hate men universally. These are the reasons that even though I am a female, I will NEVER be a feminist.

  • @jasonchui111
    @jasonchui111 4 года назад +3

    Love how Ben downplayed the my wife is a doctor part lol😂👌.

  • @ianelley
    @ianelley 4 года назад +2

    Is a woman more or less likely to complain about a comment if they find they are attracted to the man or not ? In other words if they think the man is ugly, its sexist, but if they find the man attractive its just flirting ? I'm not sure I am articulate enough to make the point I'm trying to make but its saying it is completely at the womans discretion regardless of rules or laws ?

    • @ianelley
      @ianelley 4 года назад

      @Despiser Despised Thank you

  • @hyperbolicraider4848
    @hyperbolicraider4848 4 года назад +1

    Women do know it’s gunna take a long ass time to hope everyone forgets 3rd Wave Feminists

  • @anngold1412
    @anngold1412 4 года назад +1

    Spot on!!! We need more men like you!!!💕GoD blesS you Radically!!!😃🙏

  • @Milestonemonger
    @Milestonemonger 4 года назад +27

    Men kill the lion. Women bear the children. End of story.

    • @katzhunter4473
      @katzhunter4473 4 года назад +2

      SJA I think you missed the point of this vid.

    • @RansomMemoryAccess
      @RansomMemoryAccess 4 года назад +5

      No. People should be free to choose their own story without authoritarian ideologues believing they are entitled to make decisions for you.

    • @DaneelOlivaw47
      @DaneelOlivaw47 4 года назад +3

      actually this is one of the main reasons why conservatives fail to appeal to younger voters even having such good economy and more or less sane policies. Becouse some of them assume that conservatism stands for misogyny. Mostly it's probably not true, but people like you keep prooving their assumptions

    • @supremecaffeine2633
      @supremecaffeine2633 4 года назад

      @@DaneelOlivaw47 But is he wrong?

    • @DaneelOlivaw47
      @DaneelOlivaw47 4 года назад

      @@supremecaffeine2633 I dont know, depends of what is he trying to say with this take. Even if it's true (which I doubt, but ok), what exactly does it mean to our society? Like thousand years ago people used to kill or enslave each other, didn't have proper medicine or fair trial. Should we ebrace it all or what?

  • @FuqUYouTube
    @FuqUYouTube 4 года назад +3

    In conclusion, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't, when it comes to feminist..

  • @luisgaravito2640
    @luisgaravito2640 4 года назад +12

    “The fact that she’s *whispers* - a doctor” you can see that he respects his wife so much

    • @josephbeckett2330
      @josephbeckett2330 4 года назад +1

      It's a joke. He is well known for bragging his wife is a doctor. In a good way.

    • @josephbeckett2330
      @josephbeckett2330 4 года назад

      @Jacob Howell Or just a new fan?

    • @luisgaravito2640
      @luisgaravito2640 4 года назад

      Jacob Howell guy ive been watching Shapiro for 5 years now. I know it’s I joke but I still wanted to point it out 😂

  • @NoGoodVeryBadAmerican
    @NoGoodVeryBadAmerican 4 года назад +3

    Hahaha back door consent

  • @Gnolomweb
    @Gnolomweb 4 года назад +18

    BUT women have more responsibility.
    "Happiness" isnt the key to living a purposeful life.

    • @bobubank6712
      @bobubank6712 4 года назад

      What is the key to a purposeful life? Fear?

    • @jonbell910
      @jonbell910 4 года назад +3

      Y'know, I am so glad you said that.
      I've kept my mouth shut on the subject mainly because the conclusion you reached I also reached years ago, but it took a certain number of years on the planet in order arrive at that conclusion. Make sense?
      I can't exchange ideas or talk with the youth of today. I suppose that when I was 22yrs old I knew everything there was to know about life and our interdependence as a culture and society, but you know what? I was a full of shit selfish child still.
      I had to raise a family and shoulder financial and employment responsibilities for a few decades in order to grasp the notion that happiness is not a guaranteed pay-off for any of our efforts. Happiness is an internal choice, period.
      I've seen some of the most miserable and unhappy people wandering around Disneyland of all places juxtapose to the content folks I run across at the grocery store.
      Gonna expose myself and leave myself open to attack from the trolls and creeps that shadow these comment forums...
      The greatest lesson I learned in life regarding perceived, guaranteed expectations came from my late wife.
      One morning, I admit, I was being snarky.
      Over a cup of coffee she told me straight up: "Right now Jonathan, I don't love you so much..."
      Her comment rang my bell so-to-speak, and it opened my mind to a larger notion.
      Our feelings come and go depending upon circumstance. Happiness or otherwise are truly choices. Our feelings toward one another whether confined in a marriage or broadly expressed throughout our communities ain't the glue that affords us success and peace.
      It's our commitment to certain vows to be custodians of each other's well being that furthers us along... whethere happy or sad, we live the human experience. Both are precious, both are valuable.

    • @deathbymazda
      @deathbymazda 4 года назад

      Bob Ubank He just said it. Responsibility

    • @jonbell910
      @jonbell910 4 года назад

      @@deathbymazda had the opportunity to meet Bob Ubanks. My sister in 1969 was dating him.
      As a kid, I thought he was rather creepy. But I assume he's a decent enough of a fellow today.
      ... is he still alive?

    • @leviwarren6222
      @leviwarren6222 4 года назад

      Heck yeah. Take a look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs for instance. Yeah, you've got all of these base needs that have to be fulfilled but that's not the drive. We need to have our base needs fulfilled in order to move on to the top of the pyramid. And what's the top of the pyramid? Self-actualization. Meaning that our needs have been fulfilled and we are able to love, Meaning to put others first. And I hate to even bring it up as it turns people off, but I can tell you that a simple choice can take care of every need you'll ever have. You can probably guess what that is.
      If you're not a Christian, probably ignore this as Maslow came at this from a (culturally) Christian point of view, but a God-fearing person ought to be able to get something out of it.

  • @CH-hk1xp
    @CH-hk1xp 4 года назад +1

    Castrated OR killed?? How about castrated THEN killed...publicly. See how quickly the rape culture would change if we as a society actually held people accountable for their actions.

  • @chrisgunderson7959
    @chrisgunderson7959 4 года назад +2

    Facts over feelings

  • @Polgar1701
    @Polgar1701 4 года назад +2

    As a genuine woman, I keep the crazies at arm's length for my own sanity.
    They should all be rounded up for re-education, for their sanity.

    • @HRHtheDude
      @HRHtheDude 4 года назад

      A bit Stalinesque, but I agree that the crazy must be stopped.

    • @BERSERK263
      @BERSERK263 4 года назад

      You can't just separate yourself from Feminists, we have to change the ideology, it's a good start though 😁

  • @stevenmoseng5906
    @stevenmoseng5906 4 года назад +6

    I thought Milo ended this argument years ago...

  • @michaeltorres3624
    @michaeltorres3624 4 года назад +2

    I’ve been watching “Married...with children” and I was surprised to see there was a lot of the same issues we talk about today....oh and Gavin McInnes is Al Bundy. 😃

  • @kevina5337
    @kevina5337 4 года назад +5

    Ben Shapiro's wife = Doctor CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @rfitzsimmons
    @rfitzsimmons 4 года назад +4

    Right and left, please stop overuse of the word "dismantle."

  • @mateoguillen6918
    @mateoguillen6918 4 года назад +1

    Klavan never gets enough love from the editing team :(

    • @logan4215
      @logan4215 4 года назад +1

      You spelled Klevan wrong.

    • @mateoguillen6918
      @mateoguillen6918 4 года назад +1

      Logan paul did I get the song wrong? Maybe its “there are no As in Kleven”, I always forget.

  • @TheHouseOfWaffles
    @TheHouseOfWaffles 4 года назад +1

    If I worked in an office, I would wear a body cam *for my own protection.*

  • @alphamoonman
    @alphamoonman 4 года назад

    Killed for sexual assault? And yet a murder is between a few months to a couple decades?

  • @totorishop
    @totorishop 4 года назад

    I’m a single 40 year old woman in investment finance. The message in the first clip with Ben resonated with me in that, I find a lot of traditional values have been lost. Many men have lost the value of protecting and caring for women (anywhere from opening the door to intervening when they see a woman/girlfriend/wife in imminent danger). Our (women) stubborn and arrogant statements of “I can do it myself, don’t help me bc you’re a man” and mirroring/condoning bad male behavior has made things worse. It’s a crisis really because we aren’t teaching our men what being a man means anymore. This has affected dating in a tremendously negative way. A just society should be valuing our “feminine” qualities and contributions equally to that of men and promoting based on qualification and character, not on sex.
    About myself: I’m in a male dominated industry. Only female in a finance team of 13; one of five women in a class of 55 in graduate school; in my career I’ve been sexually harassed; had paper shoved in my face and pens yanked out of my hand; career stalled bc of sexism (relegated to 100% admin work for over a year when the admin asst left). I didn’t speak up because I was understandably very scared and I idolized the hope for a better career over justice. Interestingly, it didn’t occur to me or any of the women (outside of the company) I confided in, to report them. I will never make that same mistake again.
    Both my career and my personal life have been so greatly affected by disrespect and tension between the sexes. I’m just sick of this.
    Maybe, I’ll go date a naturalized American man instead of an American born and raised man lol.
    Also, watch Ali Wong’s anti-feminism segment in Cobra. Right on!

  • @geoffrobinson
    @geoffrobinson 4 года назад +2

    For feminism to work men need to allow it to be tried. Think about that for a second.

  • @uscg1381
    @uscg1381 4 года назад

    Whoa Ben! I wasn’t taught to care after women and I don’t victimize women. In the other hand, I did marry the women I impregnated and “did the right thing”. Because I was absolutely miserable and didn’t want my daughters believing they had to be in a miserable relationship, I divorced my western wife. Now I say western wife because it’s imperative that men today understand they take ALL the risk. My ex wife is a “pastors daughter” and my children have since been kidnapped and my money has been stolen so much that I have no remedy. This society in NO WAY is men’s fault!

  • @medicceja7366
    @medicceja7366 4 года назад +1

    Verry well said 👏👏👏

  • @gold4963
    @gold4963 4 года назад

    Love these compilation videos! You should do more on different topics!

  • @Perktube1
    @Perktube1 4 года назад +2

    Ahhh, Daily Wire. For a sec I thought that center figure in the thumbnail was Steven Crowder. 😉

  • @lastarbiter6822
    @lastarbiter6822 4 года назад +2

    Okay. This is E P I C.

  • @jeremytheimer7443
    @jeremytheimer7443 4 года назад

    My parents (one is a boomer) both grew up with parents that both worked. Feminist contradict themselves when they talk about the 1960's making things better, when they also forget about the 1960's equal pay act.

  • @hortondlfn1994
    @hortondlfn1994 4 года назад +1

    I TOTALLY disagree regarding women destroying cultural sexual mores - I think you should thank the 1960s and the "Free Love" movement. The Beat Generation laid the foundation for most of the foolishness you see going on these days. Moreover, they still celebrate it like they really "broke the shackles of repression" by promoting sexual intercourse as a merely recreational activity with no consequences. Feminism was simply the next logical step.

    • @rebeccashields9626
      @rebeccashields9626 4 года назад +3

      I agree. I hate the whole 60s hippie movement so much. Screwed everything up.

  • @Mangosjoraa
    @Mangosjoraa 4 года назад +1

    Great summary video

  • @Milestonemonger
    @Milestonemonger 4 года назад +20

    Predictably, liberals clicked Dislike before listening.

    • @katzhunter4473
      @katzhunter4473 4 года назад +2

      SJA a lot of conservatives do the same. Predictably of course.

  • @design7054
    @design7054 4 года назад +1

    Shapiro's virtue-signalling 'men are pigs' overreach gets tiresome. Men are generally great, Ben.

  • @hyperbolicraider4848
    @hyperbolicraider4848 4 года назад

    4:27 The real reason a lot of Women became less happy is that they realized they fucked up and that men’s life is fucked up.

  • @horsesense6173
    @horsesense6173 4 года назад +3

    In the beginning, two heterosexual sexes, male and female, were created. Wives were created to bear and raise children, and husbands were created to provide for and protect his family.
    When this happens, there is order and prosperity in the land.

  • @sparkyboi7352
    @sparkyboi7352 4 года назад +2

    Did you guys know that Ben's wife is a doctor?

  • @shanewoolsey940
    @shanewoolsey940 4 года назад

    My mother was a "burn her bra" in the street 70's feminist, but she raised me to be a man, and nothing less.

  • @KimChi-wz7mk
    @KimChi-wz7mk 4 года назад +1

    This is what prompts feminists: devoted housewife cooks, cleans, and raises kids for 9 years while husband works. Suddenly husband finds younger more attractive model at work and leaves wife and kids. Yes, wife can get alimony, child support, and most of the marital belongings but enduring and proving infidelity is messy business. Getting justice in court is precarious. Depending on alimony and child support holds a stigma. In a perfect world, yes, there should be confidence and security to be the home maker but we don't live in that world. The pool of bachelors are addicted to porn and a growing number of women too. Women have very little choice today. We need to be independent because unless you settle it's extremely difficult to find the man who will be committed and faithful for 40 to 60 years of marriage. Same could be said of women but women statistically speaking are less likely to cheat and usually take on the custodial parent responsibilities. Feminism isn't the problem, it's a symptom of the problem.

  • @bigbearfuzzums7027
    @bigbearfuzzums7027 4 года назад +2

    100% true!

  • @biker1373
    @biker1373 4 года назад

    the first child can come anytime , the second always takes 9 months .

  • @tomhogan3843
    @tomhogan3843 4 года назад +1

    Yes, Matt, the rules change from moment to moment because that's what too many women do.

  • @pffear
    @pffear 4 года назад

    Kind of kills the mood on both sides if you have to play red light, green light the whole night.....
    It makes more sense to let people say "NO" and the other person must respect that....
    Period ❗‼❗

  • @SunMetal666
    @SunMetal666 4 года назад +2

    When are the feminists going to stop the misogynistic Spanish language with all their femanin “a’s” and masculine “o’s” at the ends of half their words?

  • @peteranon8455
    @peteranon8455 4 года назад

    I disagree with that last message. I think if you go to a high crime area, waving hundred dollar bills, I think you weren't robbed at all. You were there to donate money. Feel free to extend the metaphor.

  • @tolpacourt
    @tolpacourt 4 года назад +2

    Ben pronounces "mores" incorrectly. More pronounced like 'moray' as in moray eel. Mores = morays.

  • @L_87
    @L_87 4 года назад

    A wise man once said, "their are no feminist in a house fire" BB

    • @L_87
      @L_87 4 года назад

      @Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus yeah I know. My favorite comedian but he is all about that global warming shit lately too

  • @sweddybob8864
    @sweddybob8864 Год назад

    If a doctor performed an unwanted abortion whilst his patient was not conscious. According to feminism what should he be charged with? Only performing an illegal abortion?

  • @popstarprincess123
    @popstarprincess123 4 года назад +1

    Women choose bad men is men’s fault because other men didn’t stop her even though “her body her choice”
    :( when can we blame the women

  • @sanniepstein4835
    @sanniepstein4835 4 года назад

    4:00 Those feminists never talked to older women. Most of them saw men's work as unspeakably boring, whether it was in a garage or a bank.

  • @deantait8326
    @deantait8326 4 года назад +2

    At the LEAST, today's feminism is misguided. I am women, "hear me roar"! Oh my, not for me!

  • @touchedouche8806
    @touchedouche8806 4 года назад +1

    Dont forget about mattress girl. She was propped up and made a symbol on a lie!

  • @Loadedgoods
    @Loadedgoods 4 года назад +1

    at 2:40 why is he explaining to a Muslim about feminism? Muslims think of women as 3rd grade citizens

  • @irithyll_of_the_boreal_valley
    @irithyll_of_the_boreal_valley 4 года назад

    Gosh, why couldn't people agree that a person could be whatever they want and be respected if they could be considered a good person? Not a good man or a good woman. Just a personality. Like get rid of the idea of promoting your lifestyle to a broad audience as the best way to live your life, feminist or anti? Everything has it pros and cons. Why not to promote the possibility to pursue any role in life a person wants, regardless of their gender?

  • @truthyahweh9877
    @truthyahweh9877 4 года назад +1

    Dude holy fuck ya this is a great video!!

  • @nokturnalmortum4763
    @nokturnalmortum4763 4 года назад

    Feminists will be like- "bUt ThEy ArE WhItE MeN"😂😂😂

  • @lawrencesullivan6950
    @lawrencesullivan6950 4 года назад +2

    Ben Shapiro's most cringe worthy moment so far has got to be when he was talking about his wife's privates.

    • @colemin2
      @colemin2 4 года назад +1

      Wait, get me a timestamp. I'm lazy

  • @hitthefries
    @hitthefries 4 года назад +7

    I get shapiro's take, but klavan's take always sounds like one of guys on reddit that always says stuff that infantilizes women

    • @DaneelOlivaw47
      @DaneelOlivaw47 4 года назад +1

      His take about that women became less happier since recieving more rights is really stupid and misleading. According to this logic Trump should've never become president, couse instead he could just sit at home or play golf, basically doing nothing and be much more happy then he is right now working pretty hard every day

    • @Pyryp2
      @Pyryp2 4 года назад +3

      Klavan and Knowles have weak takes fairly often. Knowles even has retarded stuff (rap is ungodly and soccer is a sign of socialism).

    • @hitthefries
      @hitthefries 4 года назад +2

      @@DaneelOlivaw47 that argument has always been reduced to women=sad bc feminism and it's disappointing because it's an interesting finding and it's obviously more complex than that, and Klavan even did a good speech about how freedom is important even if it causes struggle. So I don't get their takes at times, especially about women. He recently complained about women being competent in sword fights in the witcher, for crying out loud, lol.

    • @hitthefries
      @hitthefries 4 года назад +3

      @@Pyryp2 I think everyone besides shapiro tend to use strawman arguments often by using the most extreme feminist take available and pretending that it's the mainstream view. Totally fine to refute these crazies, but it's lazy to act like it's a popular take

  • @jaywilley955
    @jaywilley955 4 года назад

    The facts discussed are nearly infallible if not infallible.

  • @geoffsimpkins7650
    @geoffsimpkins7650 4 года назад

    Thanks for the reality check

  • @JT-wk2zp
    @JT-wk2zp 4 года назад

    Women are more miserable, while Men are more happier and the only time men are unhappy is when women stop men from seeing their child/s. Women needs men and men does not need women. Men are becoming more wise when it comes to relationships with women, when the Courts does not support a fair outcome if the relationship fails.