WKRP in Cincinnati it is an American sitcom series television series about the misadventures of the staff of a struggling fictional AM radio station in Cincinnati, Ohio. The show was created by Hugh Wilson and was based upon his experiences working in advertising sales all throughout the entire seasons of WKRP in Cincinnati it was remarkable series and these characters were brilliant
I loved WKRP, I never missed a show. I bought the series on DVD.
The humor was on point.
It’s both inspiring and entertaining.
It’s impossible not to smile watching this.
Johnny Fever’s ability to show up to work on time is the stuff of legends
I’ve watched it multiple times already!
This gave me all the feels!
I want Herb Tarlek’s leisure suits - they’re the perfect blend of tacky and fabulous
You’ve created something truly special.
The pacing is perfect.
This video is pure gold!
I can’t wait to see what you do next!
This is top-tier content.
Bailey Quarters is the most patient person on the planet for putting up with the antics of her WKRP co-workers
Venus Flytrap is the smoothest DJ this side of the Mississippi - and probably the other side too
WKRP in Cincinnati it is an American sitcom series television series about the misadventures of the staff of a struggling fictional AM radio station in Cincinnati, Ohio. The show was created by Hugh Wilson and was based upon his experiences working in advertising sales all throughout the entire seasons of WKRP in Cincinnati it was remarkable series and these characters were brilliant
If I had to choose between dealing with Mr. Carlson or a herd of angry turkeys, I might just go with the turkeys
In the whole Jennifer vs Bailey debate, I was always a Bailey guy. No question who the knock out beauty was on WKRP!
I bet Les Nessman’s idea of a wild Friday night is alphabetizing his sock drawer
I’m pretty sure Johnny Fever’s on-air persona is just his actual personality cranked up to 11
If Bailey Quarters ever decides to quit WKRP, she could probably start her own therapy practice
Les Nessman is the ultimate newscaster - if you’re looking for drama, just wait for him to report on a turkey drop
Herb Tarlek’s sales pitches are almost as cringeworthy as his wardrobe choices
This was the first time. Jennifer Marlowe felt really uncomfortable with Bailey and
😂😂😂I know someone who is identical to less
Jan Smithers is amazing
Bailey is a total beauty