The English text in the video is accidently the lyrics of the English version of this song. Look here:видео.html ♬ ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒♬ A big thank you to everyone who voluntarily financially supports my work and thus makes it possible: ⚫Paypal: ⚫Membership: ⚫Patreon: ♬‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒♬
@@Ckern182 imagine being a traitor to the working class and supporting the government war machine. Unite the people's under the banner of labor and you will have your prussia. It'll be our prussia.
@@Ckern182 What is radical politics? LGBT rights? Personal freedoms? To be against that is to be against liberty. You're begging for a dictator and yet you think you're not a fascist loving traitor to mankind?
@Wiktor Antonovs Yep. Although, I might say that what have mostly ended real wars, are the nuclear weapons and ”Mutually-Assured Destruction”. Though, I guess WWII kind of played a part in the development of atomic weapons. 🤔
@@wiktorantonovs1766 the reason why real wars have appeared to stop is because of the work required to declare war on another country. For example, the Falklands. Britain and Argentina didn’t declare war because it would be too much of a hassle for other countries because of procedures for war. A channel called ‘History Matters’ has a really good video on it that goes into more detail.
Yes, the ignorant Liberal will reach so far as to call this some sort of Nazi Propaganda, never understanding WTF is really being sung here? This is about the horror of battle and war, and being compelled to defend your Mother/Fatherland, all the time facing death straight in the face.
This is beautiful, sad and disturbing. German soldier songs are full of little bees, flowers and nature, but this one represents in a straightforward crude way the horrors those poor soldiers went through - unnecessarily.
@@jolioding_2253 the one those morons in a helicopter shoot at the journalists on the ground and then shoot the people sent to help them? Man that was hard to see. In the past at least you knew whom you were shooting at, but that warfare was way more horrible. They hadn't trucks to pull the wounded out of the battlefield, they had to expose themselves to horrible infections and constant shelling while not being able to advance or retreat, they had to lie in muddy holes stinking of urine, blood and faeces or die blown to pieces by some lucky shell, and in the meanwhile they suffered from cold and eventually trench foot if they were careless and/or unlucky enough. And the worst of all? Those charges just to take the next trench that costed several of those poor soldiers their life, and if they got to the other side, it was a two-sided bloody massacre.
"Verlorene Generation" is more suitable for people born from 1985 an on though. Or maybe even the degenerate 1968 generation. Drugabuse, Sexual perversion, materialism.
@@LockenJohny101 They were humiliated in every single possible way. First they were abandoned by their leaders in WW1, then they lost their lands, after this they lost their identities to a fascist party. Later on, they even lost their country, subdued by the USRR and the Western Nations. I guess "verloren" is a damn fine name to describe these guys.
The european Nations are really experienced with that shit. We shall understand that european brotherhood is our change to stand strong in this weird world. Hopefully we all will .....
Mein Ur-Opa blieb im zweiten Weltkrieg in Russland verschollen als Soldat. Mein Opa (vor kurzem mit 87 verstorben) zeigte mir ein Foto von seinem Papa auf einem Motorrad mit Beiwagen von der wehrmacht. Ein absolut gutaussehender Mann und dazu die Uniform einfach nur krass. Hätte ihn sogern kennengelernt. Oma lebt noch zum glück...aber ich möchte mal nichts weiter erben als dieses foto. Ruhet alle in Frieden, egal welcher Nation die Soldaten angehört haben.
Mein Opa, Jahrgang `16, hatte 1943 eine Splittergranatenwunde erlitten, weswegen er in ein Lazarett weit hinter seiner Einheit kam. Diese Einheit war Teil der 6. Armee in Stalingrad. Seine fast tödliche Wunde hat ihn wahrscheinlich vor einem schlimmeren Schicksal bewahrt. Allerdings kam er dennoch später in fast zehnjährige Kriegsgefangenschaft/Sklaverei
I am amazed by how the translation, even though quite a bit different from the actual lyrics, has been changed up to a more poetic version (matching syllables, etc.) without actually disrupting the message at all. This way, it rhymes but is still conveying the correct image. If that's been done by you, hats off!
Just finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front and had to come back and listen to this again. Such a simple and powerful book. This song fits well.
That man in the picture looks like he has seen some awful things, I wonder if he survived. Edit: got It confirmed he did survive. He is named Erich Maria Remarque. Edit 2: Yes I know he wrote _all quiet on the western front_ people have been telling me this over and over there is no need to I know.
@@jacksoyson4713 excuse my answer was too abrupt. From the photo alone i cannot confirm that with certainty. But the chance looks very small that he did. Misplaced or not my condolences go out to him
So the Americans along with the other allies didnt see the Germans as humans because of the inhumane things they did because of thier massive racism P.S. The Germans are not the same way i meant the nazis and i shouldve said nazis but still you get the idea
My gramps is too young to have witnessed WW1, but was caught up in the tail end of WW2 (born in 1930). He's told me some very haunting stories, but also many that were rather heartwarming. When he and his friends were told that they had to help defend against the Allied invasion at age 15, they met some frontline survivors who had survived the eastern front, who simply told them "War's over lads, just head home" and luckily, they did. War is terrible, no matter how you look at it. For 2023 and onwards, all I want is a more peaceful world.
Not only to the man Who lost their live on the battelfield... Too all People Who died in that horrible war and to all soldairs wich never were normal after the War and what they have Seen their... Rest in Peace heros of a wie or a pro mother Who sonetimes never saw her son back...
@@Ryderfrfr Warst du Soldat?wenn du eh dem Tode geweiht bist,finde ich es ,schön,(ironisch gemeint)umsungen.Weil dieses Lied,(glaube ich) die Armen Schweine,in einem unnützigem und aussichtslosen Kampf(eigendlich Krieg allgemein)noch zusammenhielt.(im Bewusstsein ihrerseits, das sie eh sterben würden)Ja Krieg ist Scheisse...nur liegt es an der Politik....
To be fair his version is the official version which only contains one verse whereas the other verses were penned for this; as good as it is, it's not authentic which is more of what Dr. Ludwig attempts to show.
Mein Uropa und Opa haben mir immer vom 1. Und 2. Weltkrieg erzählt als ich klein waren die besten Geschichten die ich je gehört habe....nun sind die einzigen Dinge mir von ihnen geblieben sind 2 Dolche und Erinnerungen an ihre Geschichten...Ruht in Frieden🕊
@@lamax6511 zwei dolche sind auch das einzige was ich hab von meinen großväterm. es waren zwei faschisten ... trotzdem komisch nur ihre geschichten gehört zu haben(damals als i ch klein war).... bis neulich war ich froh nur im fieden groß geworden zu sein....
Bitte schreib es auf. Meine Großeltern und Eltern weigerten sich ihre Geschichten niederzuschreiben. Hätten mein Onkel und ich nicht gehandelt wäre so vieles mehr vergessen worden. Nicht alles ist schlecht. Zukünftige Generationen werden es danken. Ich weiß, das ich dankbar bin.
.... 😥mein Uropa hat sich selbst,, Gerichtet,,......nachdem er mir seine,, Offenbarung,, erzählt hatte und ich ihn Geschworen habe , alles mir Mögliche gegen Faschismus, Rassismus und Fremden feindlichkeit zu unternehmen ...als ich 1989 zur Bundeswehr einberufen wurde 😥R I P.... ich werde dich und meinen Schwur niemals vergessen ❗❗❗
Wenn man diese Musik hört dann bekommt man „Gänzehaut“Sehr interessant und man kann sich richtig in diese Zeit versetzen wie schrecklich diese Kriegszeit war.Diese Jungs haben es gesungen mit dem Gedanken zu spielen das sie nicht wieder nach Hause kommen werden
@Carbyne Es ist besser so. Ich bin froh, dass ich keinen Wehrdienst machen muss. Die Bundeswehr hat erstens nichts mit Ehre zu tun. Ich bin ein pazifistischer Patriot, der sein Land liebt. Andere Kulturen achte ich genau so, möchte sie aber nicht so zahlreich in Deutschland vertreten wissen. Krieg hat nichts Ehrenhaftes, es zerstört Länder und Familien und dient dem Teufel zur seiner Bereicherung.
Das ist leider so in der heutigen Zeit.Viele die den Krieg immer beschönigen die sollten mal nach Syrien fahren und mal am eigenen Leib erfahren was es heist Tage der Bombardierung ausgesetzt zu sein und Familienmitglieder zu verlieren oder selbst verletzt zu sein und kein Arzt weit und breit.Das ist wirklich grauenvoll
@@tommaso8517 English has its advantages, but I'd agree that German in its basic structure is the better language. In my opinion all existing natural languages kind of suck. I hope a superior planned language will someday be the international standard.
The marching sound. The repeating of "wir sind verloren"... Men completely devoid of any hope and life, yet still walking and fighting. Wars are hell, but the 1st World War... is to me the very symbol of it.
@@sigridqwq5198 bei den Veteranen die überall gekämpft haben wahrscheinlich schon, ja. Ende des ersten waren die meisten in ihren 20ern anfang des zweiten wären die Meisten um die 40 gewesen..
Heftiges Lied. Die Intensität ist Gänsehaut erregend. Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Eindrücke unserer Großväter in uns wohl wiederhallen. Das würde jedenfalls erklären, weshalb mich das so auflädt. Dann und wann weine ich auch, wie ein Kind. Meistens erfüllt es meine Brust aber mit Inbrunst, dann will ich wieder durchhalten. Das ist Aufbaumusik. So erlich, so nah, so wahr.
Jein. Manche mögen die Erfahrung in vorherigen Inkarnationwn tatsächlich gemacht haben, andere wiederum nicht. Und dann gibt es noch die Epigenetik, das vererben von Erfahrungen, zu denen auch Kriegstraumata (die nicht nur Soldaten, sondern ganz massiv auch Zivilisten betreffen) gehören. Wenn deine Seele ein Kriegstrauma hat, deine Vorfahren aber auch, biste dann sozusagen doppelt belastet.
Die Beobachtung machen viele. Man nennt das "transgenerationales Trauma" und das ist inzwischen auch ein wenig erforscht und es gibt viele Fallberichte. Nie wieder Krieg!
@TheOneThatFlies Filler Indeed. They deserve so much more respect and gratitude than our generation tends to show them. For example, here in Finland, many young people openly despise the ”Reds”, hypocritically forgetting that most of the soldiers at the front in both Winter War and Continuation War (and Lapland’s War) were, indeed, ”Red”. My heart goes for all, who fought for their country’s freedom and future, on all sides, who gave their lives for that, or watched their friends die, day in and day out; as well as for their children, many of whom were orphaned much too young, and for their parents, many of whom lost their children to war, and just, in general, their families, friends, and those close to them. Thank you, great-grandparents.
@@theonethatfliesfiller4098 That's a fucking lie. We do not enjoy our peace and freedom because people fought for it. People fought for it and we realized it's pointless and we sat together, formed alliances with the goal in mind to stop fighting. Saying it's the war that made the peace is like saying it's the slavery that gave black people rights. It's complete and utter bullshit and I cannot fathom how anybody could every romanticize war in that way. You know what really stopped war in central europe? Mothers and Fathers realizing that there is no "Vaterland", that the only quality that makes a land great is that it is safe enough, that your children do not have to go to war to fight for some rich men and women, all related to each other and playing a game of monopoly in which not they, but the small guy looses. That is what stopped war. Democracy and the associated right to elect people who do not want massive armadas and fleets and colonies to boost their ego. That's what stopped war. Being able to meet our neighboor and actually notice that the frenchman is less french and more man, like ourselves. That's what stopped war. @Simo Heinonen I think it's great that you can enjoy the little things in life. I hope both of you get the chance to enjoy your life to the fullest. I apologize in advance if I was too harsh, BUT we NEED to stop romaniticizing war. There is nothing great about it, literally.
@PandaTrip Thank you, and all the same to you. Separately, I think TheOneThatFlies Filler meant that it’s because of the sacrifices our forefathers made in all those wars that we in the free world can live in relative peace and safety, not because of war itself. If there never was a war, they never would have had to make those sacrifices, and we still would be able to live in peace and safety. Perhaps even more so, because there would be no vicious cycle of revenge. But yeah, I agree about the need to stop romanticizing war. Being a Finn, ”Tuntematon sotilas” (”The Unknown Soldier”), being shown every year on Dec 6th, is among the first war movies I saw, and it’s a great movie to make you stop romanticizing war. ”Johnny Got His Gun” is also a great novel-made-into-a-movie for that purpose.
@TheOneThatFlies Filler That is very true, actually; and one of the better examples of a ”good democracy” is, in my opinion, Switzerland, because of their direct democracy. All these problems tend to be extra prevalent in representative democracy. That being said, I totally understand that a direct democracy wouldn’t work in most countries, which are not as picky about their citizens as Switzerland is. 👌🏻
Ziemlich heftiges und eines der für mich besten Lieder, die ich bisher auf diesem Kanal gehört habe. Hört sich meiner Meinung nach gemäß dem Text so an, als wenn es zur Zeit des I. Weltkrieges entstanden ist.
You wrote the other 4 stanzas yourself ? Congrats on the songwriting man the lyricis are fire, you really captured the horror of WW1, hats off to you !
@Isaac Himmelrot RUclips doesn’t like ‘Nazi’ themed videos and German war songs are their definition of that very thing. And Nazi themed videos shouldn’t be removed or demonetised because it is a political belief, unless of course the video is absolute Nazi aids. They don’t mind Soviet videos but they HATE Nazi vids. And to answer to you’re context question, this video was most likely age restricted, demonetised or just removed and has since been re uploaded and RUclips has realised their mistake.
This is a sad and beautiful song at the same time. I literally shed a tear and had goosebumps listening to this while reading the lyrics and staring to the picture in the video. The German were always great warrios, since the days they faced the Romans they showed that. And it was not different in WWI. Powerful video. Thank you!
@@redux5270 the melody was written in the 50s/60s by a german, who had been a veteran in the french foreign legion of the first indochina war, the lyrics relating to ww1 were simply added by this youtuber, read the description
Das ist Remarque. Der hat danach noch ein halbes Jahrhundert gelebt. Ich habe während meines Wehrdienstes sein "Im Westen nichts Neues gelesen", und ironischerweise hat sich in puncto Grundausbildung nicht viel geändert. Was er da beschreibt, war 2001/02 nicht viel anders.
@@happyspaceplumber840 nein das stimmt nicht! 1. er heißt eigentlich "Erich Paul Remark" und 2. Das Foto ist ein junger Soldat und nicht "Remarque". Der Junge auf dem Foto hat den Krieg nicht überlebt!
A song for all soldiers of all nations. As I was told a long time ago when I joined the British army, 'never wish for war because your the one who is going to have to fight it.' I have seen what those words meant.
If this boy have seen this photograph and still is alive and have seen this song to the picture.. I am speechless.. there are no words for it.. too mixed emotions
Since many people here don't seem to realise - This song is not from ww2, there are multiple sentences directly indicating ww1, so those who connect it to the nazis are even wronger than you may think
@@qopiqq3629 Your german isnt that bad but the full correct sentence would be : Check Out Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten. My English also isnt the best i guess.
@Souta Furumura I'm what you would consider an SJW and I wouldn't consider this hate speech. Edit. Because they are literally not doing any hate speech.
I haven't been all through the comments so apologies if this has been mentioned already. About Erich Maria Remarque - he died in 1970. He was a writer and is famous for a book set during World War I "All Quiet on the Western Front". (That's the English title anyway). I don't know whether it is read much these days. I read it many, many years ago when I was young (I'm in my early 70s now).
Wenn du dir den Text richtig angehört hättest hättest du bemerkt das sie sangen ,,so geben wir in Treue für den Kaiser unser Blut‘‘ und wo wird etwas über stalingrad gesungen?
Imagine sitting in your trench, eating your meal, listening to artillery shells striking far away, and then hearing this song from the German trench through no man's land
The two biggest parts of the song for me are "Some roots that smell like corpses are all we have to eat" and "I'll only know that I'm deceased when Mother cries for me" are some of the most powerful sentences I've ever heard. Genuinely shows the disparity these men, not just the Germans, but all men on the Eastern and Western front felt. This was WW1, they were no "good guys and bad guys" like WW2, even that is subjective.
Sadly, some verses aren't translated accurately (supposedly to make the translation more melodic), for instance "Die Augen flackern angefüllt vom grauenvollen Krieg", a literal translation would be: "The eyes flicker infused with horrifying war". They depict the eyes of shellshock.
Ist das jetzt ein Problem? Also ich finde es gut das Amis oder wer auch immer mal die deutsche Seite sieht und nicht nur diese "germany bad" Geschichte
Nein hier von einem Serben ein Kommentar, das ist ein Wahnsinns Marsch oder Kriegslied! Was für eine Melodie die Flöten usw der Gesang, Text einfach Perfekt! Deutsche Wertarbeit 😉🇷🇸🇩🇪
Bezeichnend für mich ist doch das unser eigenes "Volk" seine Geschichte verleugnet ! Somit stirbt auch seine Sprache,seine Kultur,letztendlich seine Seele,wollen wir das wirklich? Daher sollte man nicht Verurteilen was uns gut gesonnene Nordeuropäer an Lob und Verehrung in ihren jeweiligen Sprachen uns hier zollen!
Evtl sollte man es auch positiv sehn, die Bevölkerung der ehemalige Entente besinnt sich darauf das die Mittelmächte doch nicht der „böse“ Feinde war ...
RUclips ist internationell. Ich screibe auf English auch unter Russische Marschen. Ich bin Swedisch, nirgendwo kan Ich auf Swedisch schreiben, ob Ich en Antwort haben wollen... Ich spreche en bißchen Deutch aber nicht genug um mich verstehen zu geben.
Hier möchten wir uns an all diese mutigen Männer erinnern, die ihr Leben für das geopfert haben, woran sie geglaubt haben. Sie empfinden keinen Stolz mehr
I watched this like 3 times, I sang along with it amazing song. I feel bad for all those soldiers, my dad was a soldier in the Airforce, tho this this war didn't end anything ( I don't think I'm still doing research. ) The song is amazing just like you Karl Sternau.
White people are not enemies. It's time that we realize it and solidarise together, before we are wiped out by the hordes of invaders and the rootless minority that steers the financial world
Ja das finde ich auch. Dieses lied beschönigt den Krieg nicht oder dergleichen. Ich bin selber eher links aber ich meine, wären wir in dieser Zeit geboren, man hatte ja gar keinr andere wahl als in den Krieg zu ziehen. So viele leben sinnlos vergeudet für irgendeinen kaiser der niemals an der stelle der Soldaten Stand...
Mich macht es immer traurig zu sehen wie diese Kaiser und Herrscher Millionen in den Tod geschickt haben! Für NICHTS! Leider ist es auch heutzutage nicht besser! Da sind es eben die sogenannten "gewählten" Regierenden.
As a relatively poor American conservative living in a backwater, I have taken to this song and can nearly sing it in English. It is hopeless and fits the mood quite well.
Mein Opa stand für Kaiser und Reich 14 bis 18 an der Westfront. Bein zerschossen, EK vom Kaiser, treu gekämpft! Vater danach 42-45 an der Ostfront. Ich in der 3./PzFlaKLehrBtl 6 zur Verteidigung des Vaterlandes im Frieden. Immer treu!
Damals hatten die echt guten musik geschmeckt. Heute kannst du neue Musik kaum noch hören weil sich fast alles gleich anhört aber hier. Respekt and den der so singen kann.
@@obiwanfisher537 Can you explain who Germania is then? It seems I was wrong, so I want to know the truth. In my knowledge Germania is the personification of germany.
When the glory of warfare dies, and the jubalation of conquest and battle fades; All thats left is love for oneself, ones brothers and your shared home.
as so many have pointed out: the german lyrics hold so much more pain and emotion, this isn't because the translation is bad, no no, by all means the translation is really damn good but german, especially with this cadence just has the ability to evoke such a strong gut wrenching feeling. it's poetry, incredible writing that moves people to tears and for good reason, never shall we have such wars again, it's the least we can do for the fallen, be they former adversaries or comrades, today we all stand together so that none shall have to go through such wretched times once more
i have been creating my t 95 when this song playing and that song fell me to sleep and its does so peaceful. the message of the song that telling what kind of life a German soldier have at that time. they're still a human they're a victims of a man who want to seize the world.
While this was written a few decades after the First World War, I feel it still works really well for the soldiers plight and struggles during the war. May I remind you that nobody was really the "bad guy" during WW1.
The English text in the video is accidently the lyrics of the English version of this song. Look here:видео.html
♬ ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒♬
A big thank you to everyone who voluntarily financially supports my work and thus makes it possible:
Cursed Franceman
@@Ckern182 imagine being a traitor to the working class and supporting the government war machine. Unite the people's under the banner of labor and you will have your prussia. It'll be our prussia.
so are you actually a nazi? or just pandering to them for profit?
@@Ckern182 What is radical politics? LGBT rights? Personal freedoms? To be against that is to be against liberty. You're begging for a dictator and yet you think you're not a fascist loving traitor to mankind?
@@trikkinikki970 hes a profit nazi...... i saw
Ziemlich passend morgens aufm weg zur arbeit
oder zur schlule
Arbeitest du zufälligerweise in Frankreich?
@@trick.1797 😂😂😂😂
di to..wird zeit👍🏼
"More than 60 million soldiers fought in 'The War to End All Wars.' It ended nothing."
Yep. Except the lives of many of those soldiers and civilians alike.
@President John Snyder Indeed, and for what? 😔
Well... Both WW have ended real wars for about 100 years!
Now world population is bigger than ever so something have changed
@Wiktor Antonovs Yep. Although, I might say that what have mostly ended real wars, are the nuclear weapons and ”Mutually-Assured Destruction”. Though, I guess WWII kind of played a part in the development of atomic weapons. 🤔
@@wiktorantonovs1766 the reason why real wars have appeared to stop is because of the work required to declare war on another country. For example, the Falklands. Britain and Argentina didn’t declare war because it would be too much of a hassle for other countries because of procedures for war. A channel called ‘History Matters’ has a really good video on it that goes into more detail.
German soldiers: **expressing their pain and war fatigue with a song**
RUclips: "I diagnose you with nazi"
Yes, the ignorant Liberal will reach so far as to call this some sort of Nazi Propaganda, never understanding WTF is really being sung here? This is about the horror of battle and war, and being compelled to defend your Mother/Fatherland, all the time facing death straight in the face.
You have 69 likes for me
RUclips is against nationalism, no need to be nazi
isnt this from ww1? sry if i am wrong i have no idea if this is correct
@@dr.brigh0275 it is. You're right
"Ich weiß nur wenn ich sterb', um mich die brave Mutter weint."
Bringt mich immer fast zum weinen.
Geht mir ganz genau so..
fast? :) Viele liebe Grüße aus Franken
lmao he is just stating the obvious, hes gibt nix zu hweinen ueber.
A haunting song….politicians begin the wars and the “common man” fights them
This is beautiful, sad and disturbing. German soldier songs are full of little bees, flowers and nature, but this one represents in a straightforward crude way the horrors those poor soldiers went through - unnecessarily.
War isnt as terrible as it was 100 years ago, things have become more tame. But war is still horrible
@@toyotawitha20mm35 if you think that you clearly didn't see the video in which journalists get schredded with 30mm auto cannons or the other shit
@@jolioding_2253 the one those morons in a helicopter shoot at the journalists on the ground and then shoot the people sent to help them? Man that was hard to see. In the past at least you knew whom you were shooting at, but that warfare was way more horrible. They hadn't trucks to pull the wounded out of the battlefield, they had to expose themselves to horrible infections and constant shelling while not being able to advance or retreat, they had to lie in muddy holes stinking of urine, blood and faeces or die blown to pieces by some lucky shell, and in the meanwhile they suffered from cold and eventually trench foot if they were careless and/or unlucky enough. And the worst of all? Those charges just to take the next trench that costed several of those poor soldiers their life, and if they got to the other side, it was a two-sided bloody massacre.
@@toyotawitha20mm35 Your comment is ridiculous. Not sure which branch of military or which wars you've been in, but you sound ignorant af.
@@Charles-A Yep. An absolute travesty.
The fact even they called themselfes "verloren" (=lost) manifests the name of their Generation :(
@Allô français canadien a lesson we will never learn unfortunatly
"Verlorene Generation" is more suitable for people born from 1985 an on though.
Or maybe even the degenerate 1968 generation. Drugabuse, Sexual perversion, materialism.
@@LockenJohny101 They were humiliated in every single possible way. First they were abandoned by their leaders in WW1, then they lost their lands, after this they lost their identities to a fascist party. Later on, they even lost their country, subdued by the USRR and the Western Nations. I guess "verloren" is a damn fine name to describe these guys.
@@oengenheirodecustos478 but they still fought for their roots!!
@Allô français canadien its human nature to destroy eachother XD
A french Guy here , this song is amazing, long live to my german bro , never again
Long live the revolution. There is a financial revolution called DRS GME Google it
Only love for my french brothers❤🇩🇪🤝🏼🇨🇵
The european Nations are really experienced with that shit. We shall understand that european brotherhood is our change to stand strong in this weird world. Hopefully we all will .....
Sorry not with french. Your Schandfrieden of WW1 led to WW2.
@@felixg.6493 and 1870 ?
Mein Ur-Opa blieb im zweiten Weltkrieg in Russland verschollen als Soldat. Mein Opa (vor kurzem mit 87 verstorben) zeigte mir ein Foto von seinem Papa auf einem Motorrad mit Beiwagen von der wehrmacht. Ein absolut gutaussehender Mann und dazu die Uniform einfach nur krass. Hätte ihn sogern kennengelernt. Oma lebt noch zum glück...aber ich möchte mal nichts weiter erben als dieses foto. Ruhet alle in Frieden, egal welcher Nation die Soldaten angehört haben.
Your grand-grandfather was a hero, be proud of that
Mein Opa, Jahrgang `16, hatte 1943 eine Splittergranatenwunde erlitten, weswegen er in ein Lazarett weit hinter seiner Einheit kam. Diese Einheit war Teil der 6. Armee in Stalingrad. Seine fast tödliche Wunde hat ihn wahrscheinlich vor einem schlimmeren Schicksal bewahrt. Allerdings kam er dennoch später in fast zehnjährige Kriegsgefangenschaft/Sklaverei
@@earlsinclair8988mein Opa hat sich absichtlich in den Fuß geschossen. Kam aber auch in Kriegsgefangenschaft
@@Bear.and.treats☹️ schreib bei denn Linken
Причем тут вторая мировая война если песня поется про первую мировую войну
I swear I sing that song on my head and then I saw this update it just blew my mind
Me too
It's a really catchy tune.
Me Too from México
From which country are you?
@@annamuller6082 mexiko ⚡⚡
I am amazed by how the translation, even though quite a bit different from the actual lyrics, has been changed up to a more poetic version (matching syllables, etc.) without actually disrupting the message at all. This way, it rhymes but is still conveying the correct image. If that's been done by you, hats off!
It's probably a dialect.
@@belattai9435 What does dialect have to do with this
@@belattai9435 its not
The German one is still sadder when you understand them. In the English versions, some things are beautified.
@@c0mpli453 Good example would be leichenmief. In english it's just the smell of corpses. Leichenmief on the other side has a way stronger meaning.
Just finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front and had to come back and listen to this again. Such a simple and powerful book. This song fits well.
Maybe now you should read 'In Stahlgewittern' from Ernst Jüngers
And the photo in this vid is the author. Really sad stuff
Wunderchoenes Lied. Jeder Soldat isr einfach ein Mensch, der jemaden liebt und der von jemandem geliebt ist.
Солдат простой человек,и он смертен,иногда внезапно,смертен.
That man in the picture looks like he has seen some awful things, I wonder if he survived.
Edit: got It confirmed he did survive. He is named Erich Maria Remarque.
Edit 2: Yes I know he wrote _all quiet on the western front_ people have been telling me this over and over there is no need to I know.
I hope he did he looks very young
He did not.
@@Atomic_Shock How did you find that out, how do you know?
@@jacksoyson4713 excuse my answer was too abrupt.
From the photo alone i cannot confirm that with certainty. But the chance looks very small that he did.
Misplaced or not my condolences go out to him
@@Atomic_Shock ok
Even if a soldier is the enemy, they're still human.
People forget that when they talk about the Germans.
Yup people that havent experienced the battlefield forget ....lots if things ...humanitarianism stands out the most ....
But you also have to think the Germans did not see the Jews as humans
So the Americans along with the other allies didnt see the Germans as humans because of the inhumane things they did because of thier massive racism P.S. The Germans are not the same way i meant the nazis and i shouldve said nazis but still you get the idea
@@batmanslap2085 Only hardline nazis are to blame not the soldiers.... so are the politicians that start wars too....
You aren't a soldier, you are an american kid wannabe communists
Ich weine sehr selten, aber hier muss ich es immer wieder!
@@thesnakeandthewillow5702 Was eine Lüge.
Athelred Unready 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Lüge
@@thesnakeandthewillow5702 du hast ein gefährliches Unwissen
@@thesnakeandthewillow5702 Nein die Österreicher oder wenn man es so sehnen will die Franzosen weil sie schlechte Verlierer sind
Macht nichts! Manchmal muessen die Maenner weinen!
My gramps is too young to have witnessed WW1, but was caught up in the tail end of WW2 (born in 1930). He's told me some very haunting stories, but also many that were rather heartwarming. When he and his friends were told that they had to help defend against the Allied invasion at age 15, they met some frontline survivors who had survived the eastern front, who simply told them "War's over lads, just head home" and luckily, they did.
War is terrible, no matter how you look at it. For 2023 and onwards, all I want is a more peaceful world.
great tune. sad for the man in the picture and every warrior that died on the battlefield ..
May they rest in peace
He looks shell shocked
Not only to the man Who lost their live on the battelfield... Too all People Who died in that horrible war and to all soldairs wich never were normal after the War and what they have Seen their... Rest in Peace heros of a wie or a pro mother Who sonetimes never saw her son back...
Pretty sure he survived, Im unsure of hes name though
So was episches hab ich Im leben NOCH nie erlebt. Das treibt Mir tränen in die augen.
Das ist doch nur schön umsungen....
@@martinjordan1717 was ist hier schön umsungen? es geht um leid und ich persönlich kann keine euphemismen vorfinden
@@martinjordan1717 was ist hier schön umsungen? hör mal auf den text
@@Ryderfrfr Jo...und du hasts nicht verstanden wie ich es gemeint habe...
@@Ryderfrfr Warst du Soldat?wenn du eh dem Tode geweiht bist,finde ich es ,schön,(ironisch gemeint)umsungen.Weil dieses Lied,(glaube ich) die Armen Schweine,in einem unnützigem und aussichtslosen Kampf(eigendlich Krieg allgemein)noch zusammenhielt.(im Bewusstsein ihrerseits, das sie eh sterben würden)Ja Krieg ist Scheisse...nur liegt es an der Politik....
This is the perfect Wo Alle Staßen enden. Im sorry but Dr Ludwig’s version is just humming 90% of the way. Love your channel, aus Minnesota.
To be fair his version is the official version which only contains one verse whereas the other verses were penned for this; as good as it is, it's not authentic which is more of what Dr. Ludwig attempts to show.
Enjoying this from Minnesota as well!
Dima shtref Nice, I live in the suburbs and it is pretty chill listening to Karl’s music in a pandemic.
Yeah but Dr. Ludwig's chorus sounds better.
Don’t disrespect Dr Ludwig. He is persistent in representing his culture. I love what he does.
Mein Uropa und Opa haben mir immer vom 1. Und 2. Weltkrieg erzählt als ich klein waren die besten Geschichten die ich je gehört habe....nun sind die einzigen Dinge mir von ihnen geblieben sind 2 Dolche und Erinnerungen an ihre Geschichten...Ruht in Frieden🕊
R.i.p an die beiden
@@lamax6511 zwei dolche sind auch das einzige was ich hab von meinen großväterm. es waren zwei faschisten ... trotzdem komisch nur ihre geschichten gehört zu haben(damals als i ch klein war).... bis neulich war ich froh nur im fieden groß geworden zu sein....
Bitte schreib es auf. Meine Großeltern und Eltern weigerten sich ihre Geschichten niederzuschreiben. Hätten mein Onkel und ich nicht gehandelt wäre so vieles mehr vergessen worden. Nicht alles ist schlecht. Zukünftige Generationen werden es danken. Ich weiß, das ich dankbar bin.
.... 😥mein Uropa hat sich selbst,, Gerichtet,,......nachdem er mir seine,, Offenbarung,, erzählt hatte und ich ihn Geschworen habe , alles mir Mögliche gegen Faschismus, Rassismus und Fremden feindlichkeit zu unternehmen ...als ich 1989 zur Bundeswehr einberufen wurde 😥R I P.... ich werde dich und meinen Schwur niemals vergessen ❗❗❗
wie alt bist du wenn ich fragen darf
Wenn man diese Musik hört dann bekommt man „Gänzehaut“Sehr interessant und man kann sich richtig in diese Zeit versetzen wie schrecklich diese Kriegszeit war.Diese Jungs haben es gesungen mit dem Gedanken zu spielen das sie nicht wieder nach Hause kommen werden
@Carbyne Es ist besser so. Ich bin froh, dass ich keinen Wehrdienst machen muss. Die Bundeswehr hat erstens nichts mit Ehre zu tun. Ich bin ein pazifistischer Patriot, der sein Land liebt. Andere Kulturen achte ich genau so, möchte sie aber nicht so zahlreich in Deutschland vertreten wissen.
Krieg hat nichts Ehrenhaftes, es zerstört Länder und Familien und dient dem Teufel zur seiner Bereicherung.
Das ist leider so in der heutigen Zeit.Viele die den Krieg immer beschönigen die sollten mal nach Syrien fahren und mal am eigenen Leib erfahren was es heist Tage der Bombardierung ausgesetzt zu sein und Familienmitglieder zu verlieren oder selbst verletzt zu sein und kein Arzt weit und breit.Das ist wirklich grauenvoll
the german lyrics are even more depressing then the english - by far.
Wie Recht du doch hast! Danke!
German is a better language than English. It's more difficult, but it's satisfying learning it. It's a fantastic language!
@@tommaso8517 English has its advantages, but I'd agree that German in its basic structure is the better language.
In my opinion all existing natural languages kind of suck. I hope a superior planned language will someday be the international standard.
@@uzefulvideos3440 YES
The marching sound. The repeating of "wir sind verloren"...
Men completely devoid of any hope and life, yet still walking and fighting.
Wars are hell, but the 1st World War... is to me the very symbol of it.
Gut geschrieben französischer Tiger und Kamerad, lebe in Frieden und rüste euch für den Streit
War is worse than hell because in hell there are no innocents
Ein wunderschönes Marschlied , welches die Gesamtstimmung der damaligen deutschen Soldaten zum Ausdruck bringt.
Hut ab !!
hat man wahrscheinlich in Stalingrad wusste, dass es nach Sibirien geht, in den Winterurlaub..
@@sigridqwq5198 bei den Veteranen die überall gekämpft haben wahrscheinlich schon, ja. Ende des ersten waren die meisten in ihren 20ern anfang des zweiten wären die Meisten um die 40 gewesen..
Heftiges Lied. Die Intensität ist Gänsehaut erregend. Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Eindrücke unserer Großväter in uns wohl wiederhallen. Das würde jedenfalls erklären, weshalb mich das so auflädt. Dann und wann weine ich auch, wie ein Kind. Meistens erfüllt es meine Brust aber mit Inbrunst, dann will ich wieder durchhalten.
Das ist Aufbaumusik. So erlich, so nah, so wahr.
Danke Kamerad
Erkundige dich mal über "Reinkarnation". Das waren keine anderen Menschen damals, das waren wir.
Jein. Manche mögen die Erfahrung in vorherigen Inkarnationwn tatsächlich gemacht haben, andere wiederum nicht. Und dann gibt es noch die Epigenetik, das vererben von Erfahrungen, zu denen auch Kriegstraumata (die nicht nur Soldaten, sondern ganz massiv auch Zivilisten betreffen) gehören. Wenn deine Seele ein Kriegstrauma hat, deine Vorfahren aber auch, biste dann sozusagen doppelt belastet.
Die Beobachtung machen viele. Man nennt das "transgenerationales Trauma" und das ist inzwischen auch ein wenig erforscht und es gibt viele Fallberichte.
Nie wieder Krieg!
I must say, this song really makes me appreciate being safely home and drinking my hot-ass coffee and dark beer. Just the simple pleasures of life.
@TheOneThatFlies Filler Indeed. They deserve so much more respect and gratitude than our generation tends to show them. For example, here in Finland, many young people openly despise the ”Reds”, hypocritically forgetting that most of the soldiers at the front in both Winter War and Continuation War (and Lapland’s War) were, indeed, ”Red”. My heart goes for all, who fought for their country’s freedom and future, on all sides, who gave their lives for that, or watched their friends die, day in and day out; as well as for their children, many of whom were orphaned much too young, and for their parents, many of whom lost their children to war, and just, in general, their families, friends, and those close to them. Thank you, great-grandparents.
@@theonethatfliesfiller4098 That's a fucking lie. We do not enjoy our peace and freedom because people fought for it. People fought for it and we realized it's pointless and we sat together, formed alliances with the goal in mind to stop fighting.
Saying it's the war that made the peace is like saying it's the slavery that gave black people rights. It's complete and utter bullshit and I cannot fathom how anybody could every romanticize war in that way.
You know what really stopped war in central europe?
Mothers and Fathers realizing that there is no "Vaterland", that the only quality that makes a land great is that it is safe enough, that your children do not have to go to war to fight for some rich men and women, all related to each other and playing a game of monopoly in which not they, but the small guy looses. That is what stopped war. Democracy and the associated right to elect people who do not want massive armadas and fleets and colonies to boost their ego. That's what stopped war. Being able to meet our neighboor and actually notice that the frenchman is less french and more man, like ourselves. That's what stopped war.
@Simo Heinonen I think it's great that you can enjoy the little things in life. I hope both of you get the chance to enjoy your life to the fullest. I apologize in advance if I was too harsh, BUT we NEED to stop romaniticizing war. There is nothing great about it, literally.
@PandaTrip Thank you, and all the same to you. Separately, I think TheOneThatFlies Filler meant that it’s because of the sacrifices our forefathers made in all those wars that we in the free world can live in relative peace and safety, not because of war itself. If there never was a war, they never would have had to make those sacrifices, and we still would be able to live in peace and safety. Perhaps even more so, because there would be no vicious cycle of revenge. But yeah, I agree about the need to stop romanticizing war. Being a Finn, ”Tuntematon sotilas” (”The Unknown Soldier”), being shown every year on Dec 6th, is among the first war movies I saw, and it’s a great movie to make you stop romanticizing war. ”Johnny Got His Gun” is also a great novel-made-into-a-movie for that purpose.
@TheOneThatFlies Filler That is very true, actually; and one of the better examples of a ”good democracy” is, in my opinion, Switzerland, because of their direct democracy. All these problems tend to be extra prevalent in representative democracy. That being said, I totally understand that a direct democracy wouldn’t work in most countries, which are not as picky about their citizens as Switzerland is. 👌🏻
Why do you drink beer and coffee at the sam etime?
Ziemlich heftiges und eines der für mich besten Lieder, die ich bisher auf diesem Kanal gehört habe.
Hört sich meiner Meinung nach gemäß dem Text so an, als wenn es zur Zeit des I. Weltkrieges entstanden ist.
Obviously 🙄😂👍
Ja, das stimmt: der Text stammt vom 1 Weltkrieg
i listened to the other version of this on repeat for quite some time, thank you for this one
i'm French but your war song of the 1WW it's so beautiful ! No more Brothers wars
Your language is french but what dialect of french is your language
@@billyadams2651 saintongeais
War: ❌
@@comicomrade5347 1870-1871 1914-1918 1940-1945
No 😔
@HistorysHits it's a joke ?
Ich bin in Indien geboren und aufgewachsen Und ich war noch nie in Deutschland, aber ich bekomme immer Gänsehaut, wenn ich dieses Volkslied höre
Respekt, dafür beherscht du die Sprache sehr gut!
bleib in Indien, Nebenbei: es ist kein Volkslied.
The Aryan genes are manifesting
You wrote the other 4 stanzas yourself ? Congrats on the songwriting man the lyricis are fire, you really captured the horror of WW1, hats off to you !
"So geben wir in treue für den kaiser unsere blut" ich hab da gänzehaut bekommen
Junge, bei deiner Rechtschreibung hab ich Gänsehaut bekommen!
MP Es heißt gans klar Gänzehaut xD
Kannst ja als buttler oder putze bei kaisers enkel anfangen.
@Bekhan Und hier der 50IQ Afd Wähler
@Bekhan linke Maden
German Song: **exist**
RUclips: "Hmmmmm... Tastes like Nazi"
Exactly! It's not even nazi, it's from WW1.
@Isaac Himmelrot RUclips doesn’t like ‘Nazi’ themed videos and German war songs are their definition of that very thing. And Nazi themed videos shouldn’t be removed or demonetised because it is a political belief, unless of course the video is absolute Nazi aids. They don’t mind Soviet videos but they HATE Nazi vids. And to answer to you’re context question, this video was most likely age restricted, demonetised or just removed and has since been re uploaded and RUclips has realised their mistake.
they even added a +18 warning on a soviet song saying it was fascist :/
Even DDR songs have been diagnosed with Nazi by youtube
@@M-J-Santos wtf
This is a sad and beautiful song at the same time. I literally shed a tear and had goosebumps listening to this while reading the lyrics and staring to the picture in the video.
The German were always great warrios, since the days they faced the Romans they showed that. And it was not different in WWI.
Powerful video. Thank you!
Slight Correction so people won't attack you. The Song was made during WWI.
@@EeniThesian66 This is not a ww1 song dude, it was made maaaany years after
@@freedomordeath89 Uhhhm No. They say Kaiser. The German Kaiser Wilhelm was in ww1
the romans still beat them several times lol but it was not worth to conquer all germania
@@redux5270 the melody was written in the 50s/60s by a german, who had been a veteran in the french foreign legion of the first indochina war, the lyrics relating to ww1 were simply added by this youtuber, read the description
Vielen Dank für den Upload
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass du da was flalch verstanden hast... Habe selten einen weniger nationalitisches Lied gehört.
@@Nachtmahr79 Dumm?
@@finnoskop6632 Ja, scheinst du zu sein, warum fragst du?
@@Nachtmahr79 Du falscher Schwager! Du verstehts den Text nicht und hast kein Tropfen Blut an deine Heimat verloren.
karls entire channel is where i go when i want to vibe to german music. i have been listening for the past 3 months straight
From one archivist (of sorts) to another, let me just say that I truly respect your work. May all of your endeavors be successful.
Dies ist ein gutes und sehr tolles Lied! Danke, Karl!
Sein Blick macht mich traurig... Wieviele grausame Dinge muss er gesehn haben? Soll seine Seele in Frieden ruhn,er hat genug getan.
Das ist Remarque. Der hat danach noch ein halbes Jahrhundert gelebt.
Ich habe während meines Wehrdienstes sein "Im Westen nichts Neues gelesen", und ironischerweise hat sich in puncto Grundausbildung nicht viel geändert. Was er da beschreibt, war 2001/02 nicht viel anders.
@@happyspaceplumber840 nein das stimmt nicht! 1. er heißt eigentlich "Erich Paul Remark" und 2. Das Foto ist ein junger Soldat und nicht "Remarque".
Der Junge auf dem Foto hat den Krieg nicht überlebt!
@@andiboy8024 .
Thank you guys for supporting the culture of my country.
hey bro are u deutsch?
@@thecakeislie6396 I'm am german
Germany from France
@@thecakeislie6396 cake farts xD
@@thecakeislie6396 ne
A song for all soldiers of all nations. As I was told a long time ago when I joined the British army, 'never wish for war because your the one who is going to have to fight it.' I have seen what those words meant.
If this boy have seen this photograph and still is alive and have seen this song to the picture.. I am speechless.. there are no words for it.. too mixed emotions
He likely never lived past 19
He did survive through the war, his name is Erich Maria Remarque
@@thewhale1326 how do you know? when you search erich maria this picture doesnt show up and i dont thik they look alike
German soldier: *Sings about the horrors of war, and just wanting to go home*
RUclips: N A Z I !!!!!!
This is ww1 bro, there were no nazis but, i guess RUclips does that too
isn't he a ww1 soldier ?
@@Sina.575 no its about how youtube thinks about german soldiers with stalhelms they just judge by their looks
RUclips: UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!
if wanted to go home, he would stay home
Well, it's kinda ironic, but thanks RUclips for recomedding me this masterpiece and I hope you won't delete this magnificent storic song.
Sehr gut! I will be humming and singing this all day now -auf Deutsch aber naturlich . Danke Karl. Mein guter kamerad.
Oh, germans knew how to make good songs back in the days!
Где нацистская партия?)
@@РостиславПухляков PREUßENS GLORIA
They still do
Eeehm yes, but no. Schläger is really generic and lazy in the past decade and our pop and rock is often just a rip off from over seas
Yeah, but the only good music from Germany is "Rammstein" now...
Danke für die schönen Lieder :)
Ich finds klasse dass du von Braun bis Rot, von Revolution bis Kaisertreu alles hast :)
Thanks for sharing Karl.
Danke schön aus Mexiko.
hallo karl☺ ein sehr schones lied mit fantastischer musik🎼 ich mag😊🇩🇪💗
Danke mein Deutscher Kamerade
Being a history major, I always chuckle when I think I have things hard then study things like this. Makes my struggles seem trivial in comparison.
Since many people here don't seem to realise - This song is not from ww2, there are multiple sentences directly indicating ww1, so those who connect it to the nazis are even wronger than you may think
Actually it was edited to make it seem from ww1. It's not even from a world war it's from the 1950s
@@UlulvarCape your wrong it’s Actully from the German fighters legion from the 60s
@@Feeeeeeeeeeeesh_10 I checked it out and it's actually likely from the 50s or 60s.
Also how am I wrong? I never denied it came from there
@@UlulvarCape it was written in 1964
Sounds good! Greatings from finland
This is easily the saddest song I've ever heard.
Check out Der Grenswacht hilt im Osten
Die Grenzwacht* sorry, im still learning German
@@qopiqq3629 Your german isnt that bad but the full correct sentence would be :
Check Out Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten.
My English also isnt the best i guess.
Hmm is this chair masculine or feminine
@@Taha-wb9bu ?
Poeple still say bellie eilish is sad when this is around
@Souta Furumura i dont think they do but ok
@Souta Furumura mocking?
@Souta Furumura i get it
@Souta Furumura love your exchange.. it cracks me up
@Souta Furumura I'm what you would consider an SJW and I wouldn't consider this hate speech.
Edit. Because they are literally not doing any hate speech.
Ich hoffe, dass der junge Mann auf dem Foto einen glücklichen Ruhestand erlebt hat
Great work Herr Karl!
I haven't been all through the comments so apologies if this has been mentioned already. About Erich Maria Remarque - he died in 1970. He was a writer and is famous for a book set during World War I "All Quiet on the Western Front". (That's the English title anyway). I don't know whether it is read much these days. I read it many, many years ago when I was young (I'm in my early 70s now).
@Shwei Well done.
That has to be the most depressing song about soldiering I have ever heard. Why would anyone sing it unless they were about to commit suicide ?
In germany over 6 thousand people commited suicide after they lost war
Every time they ran across no man's land they were involuntarily attempting suicide.
@@joevidya sad but true
Listen "swallowing dust", it is equally sad.
To show the horror war brings.
Counter question: Why would anyone sing a song glorifying war?
Einfach klasse gesungen... Ich liebe es!! Bin stolz auf mein Opa!!
Das ist aus dem ersten Weltkrieg… hast wohl nen ziemlich alten Opa
@@erort1 Ich frage mich manchmal was für Experten hier schreiben? Du hast mal Null Ahnung!
Aha und wo habe ich keine Ahnung?
Wenn du dir den Text richtig angehört hättest hättest du bemerkt das sie sangen ,,so geben wir in Treue für den Kaiser unser Blut‘‘ und wo wird etwas über stalingrad gesungen?
Dürfte ich das laut auf der Straße hören oder ist das verboten :D finde das lied voll geil
Tolles Lied, es wirkt total dramatisch.
nun der 1. Weltkrieg war RELATIV dramatisch
CentralSpice 88 stimmt auch wieder
Did Tolles really lied?
@@vonkarma3028 ?
@@jeskou3776, it was a pun, if you understand English.
Imagine sitting in your trench, eating your meal, listening to artillery shells striking far away, and then hearing this song from the German trench through no man's land
🙏🏼 sehr schönes Lied! Macht immer wieder ein Ohrwurm.
The two biggest parts of the song for me are "Some roots that smell like corpses are all we have to eat" and "I'll only know that I'm deceased when Mother cries for me" are some of the most powerful sentences I've ever heard. Genuinely shows the disparity these men, not just the Germans, but all men on the Eastern and Western front felt. This was WW1, they were no "good guys and bad guys" like WW2, even that is subjective.
Sadly, some verses aren't translated accurately (supposedly to make the translation more melodic), for instance "Die Augen flackern angefüllt vom grauenvollen Krieg", a literal translation would be: "The eyes flicker infused with horrifying war". They depict the eyes of shellshock.
In ww2 no bad and good guys, like in films
Unter einem deutschen Marschlied nur Englische Kommentare :) So weit ist Onkel Sam also schon ^^
Ist das jetzt ein Problem? Also ich finde es gut das Amis oder wer auch immer mal die deutsche Seite sieht und nicht nur diese "germany bad" Geschichte
Nein hier von einem Serben ein Kommentar, das ist ein Wahnsinns Marsch oder Kriegslied! Was für eine Melodie die Flöten usw der Gesang, Text einfach Perfekt! Deutsche Wertarbeit 😉🇷🇸🇩🇪
Bezeichnend für mich ist doch das unser eigenes "Volk" seine Geschichte verleugnet ! Somit stirbt auch seine Sprache,seine Kultur,letztendlich seine Seele,wollen wir das wirklich? Daher sollte man nicht Verurteilen was uns gut gesonnene Nordeuropäer an Lob und Verehrung in ihren jeweiligen Sprachen uns hier zollen!
Evtl sollte man es auch positiv sehn, die Bevölkerung der ehemalige Entente besinnt sich darauf das die Mittelmächte doch nicht der „böse“ Feinde war ...
RUclips ist internationell. Ich screibe auf English auch unter Russische Marschen. Ich bin Swedisch, nirgendwo kan Ich auf Swedisch schreiben, ob Ich en Antwort haben wollen... Ich spreche en bißchen Deutch aber nicht genug um mich verstehen zu geben.
Das Herz verbrannt ....! This is Glorius 0:47
I just learned from Ingen that verses 2-5, inclusive, were written by Karl Sternau, himself. Amazing job, Karl! 😮👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Wir sind verloren, wir sind verloren...
Огромное СПАСИБО .. Из С-Питербурга . Замечательная композиция.
Definitely my favorite German March.
Good job Karl.
One of the thausends unknow Soldiers...
Plach Christian: Sad isn't it, so much death.
Hier möchten wir uns an all diese mutigen Männer erinnern, die ihr Leben für das geopfert haben, woran sie geglaubt haben.
Sie empfinden keinen Stolz mehr
This is dark, very dark and sad... Yet it is soothing, accepting the pain and pitiful fate...
I watched this like 3 times, I sang along with it amazing song. I feel bad for all those soldiers, my dad was a soldier in the Airforce, tho this this war didn't end anything ( I don't think I'm still doing research. ) The song is amazing just like you Karl Sternau.
Still watching every day!
Hope you are alright mate. Let's not grieve too much about the past we can not change but live on for the brighter present we might bring.
Dude, that english translation is awesome! Propz to whoever did this!
But it's pretty wrong
@@Schnebalius Yeah right it's not really a transliteration, but still well done.
i've been listening to the spotify version for so long i forgot how good the youtube one is
I'm french. Historically we were enemies, but your songs are amazing. 🇫🇷🤝🇩🇪
Your French your Historically enemies with the world at this point.
@@FrenchKissr not wrong. that's why I like the history of my homeland
This song may have been used mainly by French Foreign Legionnaires so it could be French
Now we are Homies
White people are not enemies. It's time that we realize it and solidarise together, before we are wiped out by the hordes of invaders and the rootless minority that steers the financial world
I'm so glad that i found this masterpiece.
Wir heute können uns garnicht die schreken des 1sten Weltkrieges vorstellen dieses Lied gibt mir einen Einblick in diese Zeiten
Ja das finde ich auch. Dieses lied beschönigt den Krieg nicht oder dergleichen. Ich bin selber eher links aber ich meine, wären wir in dieser Zeit geboren, man hatte ja gar keinr andere wahl als in den Krieg zu ziehen. So viele leben sinnlos vergeudet für irgendeinen kaiser der niemals an der stelle der Soldaten Stand...
Es ist schon ein bisschen wie schlecht der Text übersetzt wurde
Mich macht es immer traurig zu sehen wie diese Kaiser und Herrscher Millionen in den Tod geschickt haben! Für NICHTS! Leider ist es auch heutzutage nicht besser! Da sind es eben die sogenannten "gewählten" Regierenden.
this version is so awesome , thank you❤
This song is soo good :D I love to sing it every day since I also know how to speak almost every word in German. What a GEAT song Karl :D
Best song forever.. Love from Bangladesh 😭😭❤️🇧🇩😭
Greeting from Germany :)
Greetings from a full ethnic woman of whom was forced to live in the US after that horrific war that the English, French, and poles started!
I meant German woman - I am an Ausslander.
As a relatively poor American conservative living in a backwater, I have taken to this song and can nearly sing it in English. It is hopeless and fits the mood quite well.
This is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard
Glad you upload again.
I mirrored it when it was taken down last time
This song makes you understand the desperation of soldiers in war.
Mein Opa stand für Kaiser und Reich 14 bis 18 an der Westfront. Bein zerschossen, EK vom Kaiser, treu gekämpft! Vater danach 42-45 an der Ostfront. Ich in der 3./PzFlaKLehrBtl 6 zur Verteidigung des Vaterlandes im Frieden. Immer treu!
@Recht oh!!!
Vocês tinham um dos exércitos mais geniais so mundo!! Como o seu governo deixou suas forças armadas caírem tanto de produção.
Damals hatten die echt guten musik geschmeckt. Heute kannst du neue Musik kaum noch hören weil sich fast alles gleich anhört aber hier. Respekt and den der so singen kann.
Nur Gänsehaut !!!
der Junge konnte es selber nicht erahnen wie ihm noch geschieht.
why are so many people saying 'wow guys stop saying this song is hatespeech' when literally no one is hating this, this song slaps ass
They feeling weak
The Great War destroyed the pride of Germany; the Paris Peace Conference destroyed her soul.
France: Germany was a mistake
Germany is a "she"? Like a boat?
@@obiwanfisher537 Germania is portrayed as a female
@@blackdeath2862 Germania =/= Germany
But okay, fair enough. I get the confusion.
@@obiwanfisher537 Can you explain who Germania is then? It seems I was wrong, so I want to know the truth. In my knowledge Germania is the personification of germany.
Dude, I'm so glad that we found the origin of the song.
When the glory of warfare dies, and the jubalation of conquest and battle fades;
All thats left is love for oneself, ones brothers and your shared home.
Leer la letra de la canción me hace ponerme en los zapatos de esos soldados y en la poca esperanza que podían tener.
For those wondering: The haunted German soldier in the pic is the author of "All quiet on the western front" Well worth reading it.
No, he isn't, that's just a random soldier.
@@thatrabidpotato8800 research does suggest he is
as so many have pointed out: the german lyrics hold so much more pain and emotion, this isn't because the translation is bad, no no, by all means the translation is really damn good but german, especially with this cadence just has the ability to evoke such a strong gut wrenching feeling. it's poetry, incredible writing that moves people to tears and for good reason, never shall we have such wars again, it's the least we can do for the fallen, be they former adversaries or comrades, today we all stand together so that none shall have to go through such wretched times once more
Schön anzuhören 👍
I would love to buy a CD with this song on it. I'm looking all around.
i have been creating my t 95 when this song playing and that song fell me to sleep and its does so peaceful. the message of the song that telling what kind of life a German soldier have at that time. they're still a human they're a victims of a man who want to seize the world.
Very moving, well done.
While this was written a few decades after the First World War, I feel it still works really well for the soldiers plight and struggles during the war. May I remind you that nobody was really the "bad guy" during WW1.